LR Meo 2014-2

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Running Head Literature Review 1

Mental Health and Public Education: A Literature Review

Marina Oaxaca
University of Texas at El Paso
Spring 2014

LR 2

Public education calls for the reform of current models of professional school
psychology, including a paradigm shift toward a public health model of practice. This literature
review explores the role of manic-depressive illness and the integration of school psychologists
in efforts to achieve an integrated public health and public education model for delivering
comprehensive school-based mental health services to the abstract and creative cognitive needs
of students suffering from manic depression. Building on expertise as psychological and
educational consultants, school psychologists can play a unique role in facilitating the necessary
systemic reform and capacity building for comprehensive mental health service delivery. This
revised role requires redefining school-based consultation to include consultation for capacity
building, and rethinking professional preparation to ensure expertise in public health models,
inter-agency and interdisciplinary collaboration, participatory action research, and
comprehensive service delivery.
Running Head Literature Review 1

Mental health with manic depression as appropriate for this review, affects two percent of
Americans today. That sums up to six million Americans suffering with manic depression yearly.
The causes of Bipolar are not known but studies have shown that there exists a genetic link with
parents having the disorder; their children are twice as likely to develop the disease later in life.
There is no disparity between social class and race for diagnoses, only that certain families that
carry the gene are more likely to develop it. The nature of the behavior does not allow
psychiatric diagnoses in children and adolescents since the first episode of mania typically does
not develop until between the ages of fifteen and twenty. Children with early onset bipolar are
known to develop the clinical depression earlier and thus can be incorrectly diagnosed with
unipolar depression, ADHD, anxiety disorders and comorbidity of similar axis I mood and
personality disorders. (Jamison, 1994) (see Figure 1.) Symptoms of a manic episode can include,
but are not limited to, mild, moderate and severe psychotic features with catatonic features and
postpartum onset. If symptoms are severe, there may be a mixed episode of depression and
mania present simultaneously. (Association, The American Psychiatric, 2011) Students, parents,
and friends may suffer for years without being properly diagnosed or treated. The virulent nature
of the disease becomes more severe with age and proves the further disruption of daily life and
activities the longer proper treatment is postponed. (Jamison, 1994)
This literature review is an in depth study of the effects of manic depression on public
education with an interview conducted with Natalia Strobach Ph.D. University of Texas at El
Paso, Department of Cognitive Psychology. With proper funding and implementation the success
manic-depressive students will be on a foundation of sound science and reform. (Oaxaca, 2014)
LR 4

According to the Journal of Education and Psychological Consultation, integrating
public health and public education for mental health promotion- the reforms necessary for
integrating public mental health and public education provide opportunities for school
psychologists to extend the often-cited restricted roles and name them key roles in reform. The
effects this would have on public education would start with school counselors and school
psychiatrists, if available, to fund the training and specializing of these academic figures to
notice the early warning signs of triggers and symptoms and help students, parents and their
teachers/professors transition the difficult episodes they are experiencing. (Natasi, 2011) The
funding of psychological projects allows psychology-based practice a chance to be included in
the planning of reform and curricula with your students. The country is given a given a chance to
be more successful in educational changes and overall widespread reform. (Oaxaca, 2014) There
are many commonly used successful health behavior theories and models used by practicing
psychiatrists and clinical psychologists that are exercised exclusively in practice and not yet
integrated into public education. Programs to influence health behavior, including health
promotion and education programs and interventions, are most likely to benefit participants and
communities when the program or intervention is guided by a theory of health behavior.
Theories of health behavior identify the outcomes to be measured, as well as the timing and
methods of study to be used. Such theory-driven health promotion and education efforts stand in
contrast to programs based primarily on precedent tradition, intuition, or general principles.
Theories also inform the evaluation of change efforts by helping to identify the outcomes to be
measured, as well as the timing and methods of study to be used. (Glanz, Rimer, & Viswanath,
LR 5

According to the Health Behavior and Health Education Theory, Research and Practice
ed.- Since the first edition publication in 1990, health education and behavior, professionals
might have once relied on intuition, experience and evidenced based practice for behavioral
health diagnoses and treatment. Since then, there have been a number of technological advances
and discoveries towards behavioral health in education. With the advancement of behavioral
health in the past two decades, the likelihood of mental health concerns and education being
integrated into public knowledge is still in its early stages of development. (Glanz, Rimer, &
Viswanath, 2008) Scientists rarely are given the chance to deliver public information on mental
illness. The result of any media coverage on the topic would only be deemed news worthy by
the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times and so forth if theres something of interest to talk
about. Anything outside of ground breaking in the field is not likely to reach the public. Though
not always the case, there are some wealthier school districts that are privileged enough to hear
and practice new programs in their schools. On the other hand, you have discoveries made by
scientists and they find their way to major news outlets and media. Its more of a selective pick
and choose process when it comes to mental health discoveries and awareness and its here that
scientists and psychologists may fall short and why the public treats mental health with such
skepticism. (Oaxaca, 2014) Psychology in public education would explore the role of school
psychologists in efforts to achieve an integrated public health and public education model for
delivering comprehensive school-based mental health services. Again, the expansion of the
school psychologists role beyond that of assessment and diagnosis has been a focus of
discussion for more than twenty years. More recently, school psychologists have been challenged
to participate as leaders in comprehensive health and mental health care. (Natasi, 2011)
LR 6

According to the DSM-IV, some of the diagnostic criteria for mood disorders, (including
manic depression type I and II) would include episodes of severe depression, mania and
hypomania lasting longer than a week not do to substance abuse, cerebrovascular disorders, viral
infections, degenerative neurological disorders and prescription medication side effects. Though
it is considered controversial to diagnose children, some of the underlying symptoms of the
disease surface as early as adolescence. (Association, The American Psychiatric, 2011) The sort
of differences produced in adolescents diagnosed with manic depression, as opposed to those not
labeled manic depressive, in academic performance would include these severe symptoms and if
currently undergoing treatment, the severe side effects of antipsychotic medications and mood
stabilizers while not including medications prescribed for the likely comorbidity of other
diagnoses. Antipsychotics are used primarily for the treatment of psychosis and delusional
episodes the patient is suffering from during a manic episode. The side effects include but are not
limited to, retardation of psycho motor skills, slowed cognitive processing and excessive weight
gain. (Jamison, 1994) (see Figure 2.) Although efforts to advance mental health in schools often
are hampered by competing initiatives and agendas, the diversity of the initiatives has laid a
foundation that can be built upon. Growing numbers of children are suffering needlessly
because their emotional, behavioral and developmental needs are not being met by the very
institutions and system that were created to take care of them. (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2001) The answers put forward tend to reflect different agenda. As a result,
efforts to advance the imperative for mental health in schools are confronted with the problem of
coalescing agenda and doing so in ways that are responsive to the often voiced public concern
that schools cannot be concerned with meeting every need of their students. Education is the
missions of schools, and school policy makers are quick to point this out when schools are asked
LR 7

to do more, especially with respect to mental health. They do not disagree with the idea that
healthier students learn and perform better. (Adelman & Taylor, 2010)
According to Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, The dimensions of mental illness allow
patients to excel in non-linear cognition and creative abstract thought processes. A
surprising number of well-known artists, scientists and writers have been diagnosed with
mental disorders. Research has shown that mentally ill patients follow a different cognitive
pattern than that of linear processing. (Jamison, 1994) With this in mind, the application in
a more diverse cognitive learning approach in public education could benefit students with
different approaches to learning and help others develop their own sense of creativity.
Since theres such controversy in diagnosing children, it can be difficult to label children as
bipolar or not without knowing for certain whether or not they even have anything. But
with the integration of behavioral therapies, theres no harm whatsoever. Even a grad
student would be qualified to conduct such therapies and they would be completely safe
and wouldnt hurt anyone. (Oaxaca, 2014) Not only would therapy prove harmless for all
students but would serve those with onset mental disorders and better serve them to
succeed academically. A possible link between madness and genius is one of the oldest and
most persistent of cultural notions; it is also one of the most controversial. An intimate
relationship between the ancient gods, madness and the creators was described in pre-
Grecian myths, most dramatically in the Dionysian struggles between violence and
creation, and madness and reason. (Jamison, 1994)
LR 8

Mental health awareness and implementation in schools stressed that advancing mental
health in schools is about much more than expanding services and creating full-service schools.
The aim is to become part of a comprehensive, multi-faceted, systemic approach that strengthens
students, families, schools, and neighborhoods and does so in ways that maximizes learning,
caring and well-being.
LR 9

Figure 1;

Figure 2;

LR 10


Adelman, H. S., & Taylor, L. (2010). Mental Health in Schools; Engaging Learners, Preventing
Problems and Emproving Schools. Los Angeles: Corwin.
Association, The American Psychiatric. (2011). Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV-TR (17th
ed.). Arlintong, VA: The American Psychiatric Association.
Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Health Behavior and Health Education;
Theory, Research and Practice (4th Edition ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Jamison, K. R. (1994). Touched with Fire, Manic Depressive Illness and the Artistic
Temperament. New York, NY: Free Press Paperbacks Published by Simon and
Natasi, B. K. (2011, June 22). Meeting the Challenges of the Future: Integrating Public Health
and Public Education for Mental health Promotion. Journal of Educational and
Psychological consulatation, pp. 295-312.
Oaxaca, M. (2014, July 2). Mental Health and Public Education. (N. Stroback, Interviewer) El
Paso, TX.

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