Csauro hw499 Unit5assignment

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Unit 5 CAM Project

Manipulative and Body-based Methods Examined

Class Syllabus

Course Title: Complementary & Alternative Medicines (Manipulative & Body-Based
Delivery Method: On-ground
Credit hours: N/A
Clock Hours: 4.5

Course Description:
This is an introductory 3-week course on Complementary & Alternative Medicines
(CAM). It will look at specific techniques within CAM classified as Manipulative and
Body-based Methods. These approaches are utilized in various treatment settings. The
specific areas that will be addressed are chiropractic services, therapeutic massage, and
reflexology (OCCAM, 2012). We will consider the impact these approaches have on the
individual (mind/body) as a whole.

Course Format:
This course will be a combination of lecture, demonstration, and student participation.

Course Resources:
There will be visual aids, handouts, and other print and electronic resources.


Course Requirements:
Students are expected to:
1. Be in attendance for the entire 3-week course
2. Actively participate in discussions by contributing ideas, and information
3. Work productively in any group and individual activities

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basics and benefits of Chiropractic services
2. To understand the basics and benefits of Therapeutic Massage
3. To understand the basics and benefits of Reflexology
4. To learn and understand the differences between the three approaches covered

Unit 5 CAM Project
Course Outline

Lesson One:
Chiropractic Basics
o What does Chiropractic services consist of?
o Why should I engage in Chiropractic services?
o What are the benefits vs. risks?
o Debunking The Myth: Specific statistics surrounding Chiropractic
services for all the individuals who believe this approach does not in
fact work

Lesson Two:
Therapeutic Massage
o History of Massage Therapy
o Overview: What is massage therapy? What are the various styles?
o What are the benefits vs. risks?
o Debunking The Myth: Specific statistics surrounding Massage
therapy services for all the individuals who believe this approach does
not in fact work

Lesson Three:
o Theory Behind Reflexology
o History Of Reflexology
o How Can Reflexology Help My Health and Healing? Benefits?

Lesson 1 Lecture

Lesson Summary: This lesson addresses the question, Why should I engage in
Chiropractic services? by going over a basic introduction on what exactly this CAM
approach entails, benefits, and systems being manipulated. Upon completion of the
lecture portion, Dr. Kyle Fitz will come in the last half hour of class to provide free
adjustments to willing participants (completing a signed safety waiver) and will answer
any other questions individuals may have.

Lesson Content:

What does Chiropractic services consist of?
Chiropractic services consist of treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system and
nervous system. Usually Chiropractic care it utilized when treating issues such as back
pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches. What we hear most
often when individuals say Chiropractors crack people is technically referred to as spinal
manipulation or an adjustment. The purpose of this adjustment/manipulation is to
restore mobility in the joints by using a hands-on manual approach with force to areas
that have become hypomobile- restricted due to some type of specific tissue injury. The
tissue injury can of course be caused by one specific injury or repetitive stress to certain
areas. Usually it is in regards to improper body mechanics and awkward movements to
the spinal column. When this happens, tissue/joints become inflamed and thus, pain will
also occur. An adjustment by a Chiropractor focuses on the affected area, which in turn
can lead to, restored mobility, decreasing inflammation/pain, and relief of areas where
muscles have become tight or shortened.

Why should I engage in Chiropractic services?
There are many significant benefits to Chiropractic services. First and foremost, this is a
CAM therapy that is ideal for any acute and chronic conditions. Unlike traditional
Western Medicine, Chiropractic care does not utilize any drugs or surgery. Chiropractors
take a look at an individual utilizing a Holistic approach to treatment, meaning they
analyze the body as a whole, as opposed to a sum of certain parts or areas. They are also
trained in recommending certain rehab exercises, in addition to dietary and nutritional

Video link on why to engage in Chiropractic services:

What are the benefits vs. risks?
Individuals rarely experience any pain from Chiropractic care, however some will
experience a sore or aching effect 12-48 hours after similar to a couple days soreness
after weight training at the local health club. Research has also shown that Chiropractic
acre can diminish neck pain and associated symptoms such as headaches. If any
individuals have osteoporosis, certain cases of arthritis, compression of the spinal
column, or on blood thinning medication should NOT engage in spinal adjustments.
History of Cancer doesnt mean one cannot engage in chiropractic services, however they
must obtain clearance from their medical doctor first. All treatment is based on ones own
correct diagnosis of their back pain. One should never leave out any surgeries,
medications, or areas of past medical history that should be mentioned prior to getting
adjusted by a Chiropractor.

Debunking The Myth: Specific statistics surrounding Chiropractic services for all
the individuals who believe this approach does not in fact work:

"Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors showed greater
improvement and satisfaction at one month than patients treated by family
physicians. A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56 vs. 13 percent) reported
that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one-third of medical
patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse." -Journal of
Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Nyiedo et al. (2000)
In our randomized controlled trial, we compared the effectiveness of manual therapy,
physical therapy, and continued care by a general practitioner in patients with nonspecific
neck pain. The success rate at seven weeks was twice as high for the manual therapy
group (68.3 percent) as for the continued care group (general practitioner). Manual
therapy scored better than physical therapy on all outcome measures. -Annals
of Internal Medicine, Hoving et al. (2002)
In a Randomized controlled trial, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated to
manual therapy (spinal mobilization), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general
practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs) in a 52-week study. The clinical
outcomes measures showed that manual therapy resulted in faster recovery than
physiotherapy and general practitioner care. -British Medical Journal, Korthals-de
Bos et al. (2003)
"Cervical spine manipulation was asssociated with significant improvement in
headache outcomes in trials involving patients with neck pain and/or neck
dysfunction and heahache." -Duke Evidence Report, McCrory. Penzien, Hassellblad,
Gray (2001)
A clinical trial reported that 72% of 123 migraine sufferers experienced improvement
after a period of chiropractic care (the average length of time they had
experienced migraines was 18 years). Around 22% of patients had substantial
reduction; which means that the more symptomatic group had around 60 percent of
their symptoms reduced during the course of the treatment." -Medical News.net,
May 20, 2005
A study of retrospective claims data analysis of 700,000 people with chiropractic
coverage in their plan were compared to another 1 million people who did not have
chiropractic coverage. Comparing the health plans that include chiropractic to the ones
that do not, the study found that: (1) Chiropractic care cut the cost of treating back
pain by 28%. (2) Chiropractic care reduced hospitalizations among back pain
patients by 41%. (3) Chiropractic care reduced back surgeries by 32%. (4)
Chiropractic care reduced the cost of medical imaging, such as X-rays or MRIs, by
37%. -October 11, 2004 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine

A study of 2780 patients with mechanical low-back pain referred themselves to 60
doctors of chiropractic and 111 medical doctors. The study showed that both the acute
and chronic patients showed better outcomes in pain and disability reduction and higher
satisfaction with their care after undergoing chiropractic care, as compared to medical
care. The authors of the study noted that the satisfaction for the chiropractic care
was higher, and the overall total costs were lower. -November 17, 2005 issue of
Medical News Today


Benefits of Chiropractic. (n.d.). Benefits of chiropractic care and why choose
chiropractic. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from

Categories of CAM Therapies. (2012, November 9). Categories of CAM therapies-
Health Information. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from

How Chiropractors Treat Back Pain, Benefits and Risks. (n.d.). WebMD. Retrieved
August 5, 2014, from http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide/chiropractic-pain-

What is Chiropractic?. (n.d.). American Chiropractic Association. Retrieved August 4,
2014, from http://www.acatoday.org/l

Why Choose Chiropractic? Here's The Facts! - Greensboro Chiropractor for 37+ Years!.
(n.d.). Why Choose Chiropractic? Here's The Facts! - Greensboro Chiropractor for 37+
Years!. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from http://www.spellchiropractic.com/why-choose-

Lesson 2 Lecture

Lesson Summary: This lesson addresses the question, Why should I engage in
therapeutic massage? by going over a basic introduction on what exactly this CAM
approach entails, benefits, and systems being manipulated. Upon completion of the
lecture portion, LMT, Sarah Stein will come in the last half hour of class to provide free
chair massages for all class members as well as show general Swedish massage
techniques to take home and utilize for a loved one experiencing general pain.

History of Massage Therapy:
Massage therapy has dated back for thousands of years. It appears in writings from
ancient countries such as China, Japan, India, Arabic nations, Egypt, Rome, and Greece
(Hippocrates defined medicine as the art of rubbing.

It had been widely used throughout the Renaissance in Europe. During the 1850s, two
American physicians introduced massage therapy to the United States after they studied
the art in Sweden.

Overview: What is massage therapy? What are the various styles?
Massage is a generalized term for manipulating, rubbing, pressing ones skin, tendons,
ligaments and muscles. A massage therapist can use a variety of forearms, hands, fingers,
and sometimes feet. Pressure can vary during a massage from light to deep. Massage
therapy can be classified into four distinct styles:

1) Swedish: utilizes long gentle strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, and
vibration/tapping to relax and reenergize one.
2) Sports Massage: quite similar to Swedish massage, but geared towards individuals
competing in sports activities to prevent and limit injuries.
3) Deep Tissue: focus is slower and uses more forceful techniques in order to get
deeper into the muscles and connective tissues.
4) Trigger Point: targets areas of tight muscle fibers that form after injury or overuse.

What are the benefits vs. risks?

The main benefits of massage include relieving muscle tension, pain, and stress. Certain
studies have even suggested that massage can help with:

Digestive Disorders
Temporomandibular joint pain
Soft Tissue Strains
Nerve Pain

Risks/Precautions surrounding massage can include:

Bleeding disorders or taking blood thinning medication
Broken Bones
Severe Osteoporosis
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Open/Healing Wounds

Debunking The Myth: Specific statistics surrounding Massage therapy services for
all the individuals who believe this approach does not in fact work:

A 2008 review of 13 clinical trials found evidence that massage might be useful
for chronic low-back pain. Clinical practice guidelines issued in 2007 by the
American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians recommend that
physicians consider using certain CAM therapies, including massage (as well as
acupuncture, chiropractic, progressive relaxation, and yoga), when patients with
chronic low-back pain do not respond to conventional treatment.
A multisite study of more than 300 hospice patients with advanced cancer
concluded that massage may help to relieve pain and improve mood for these
A study of 64 patients with chronic neck pain found that therapeutic massage was
more beneficial than a self-care book, in terms of improving function and
relieving symptoms.

Massage Therapy: Health and Disease Prevention - What are some other points to
consider about massage therapy as complementary and alternative medicine? -
MedicineNet. (n.d.). MedicineNet. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from
Stress management. (n.d.). Massage: Get in touch with its many benefits. Retrieved
August 5, 2014, from http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/stress-
Massage Therapy Styles and Health Benefits. (n.d.). WebMD. Retrieved August 5,
2014, from http://www.webmd.com/balance/massage-therapy-styles-and-health-
Lesson 3 Lecture

Lesson Summary: This lesson addresses the question, Why should I engage in
reflexology? by going over a basic introduction on what exactly this CAM approach
entails, benefits, and systems being manipulated. Upon completion of the lecture portion,
will come in the last half hour of class to provide free Reflexology treatment for all class

Theory Behind Reflexology:
Reflexology is the use of pressure by a licensed professional to areas such as the feet
(typical), hands, and ears. The chart listed above corresponds with certain areas of the
foot to organs and systems of the body. By applying pressure to these areas, you are
manipulating the organs and benefitting the persons health.

History Of Reflexology:
The history of Reflexology is hard to pinpoint the exact date. However, it was recorded
as a pictograph on the Egyptian tomb of Ankhamor in 2330 BC. In addition, Reflexology
symbols are also thought to be recorded on the feet of states of Buddha in Indian and then
later to be in China as well. The Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine, a
Chinese Classic, written around 1,000 BC, had a chapter in it on Examining Food
Method. Marco Polo translated a Chinese massage book into Italian during the 1300s
that led to the introduction of reflexology to Europe. In the United States, William H.
Fitzgerald, MD, who is commonly known as the father of Reflexology, wrote in 1917
about ten vertical zones that extended through the length of the body. He found that
applying pressure to a zone that corresponded to the location of an injury could serve as
pain relief for many minor surgeries (post op).

How Can Reflexology Help My Health and Healing? Benefits?
Reflexology is beneficial to restore balance and harmony in the body is releasing areas of
tension created from everyday stress.

Relieving headaches
Stimulates nerve function
Increases energy
Promotes relaxation
Eliminates toxins
Reduces depression
Relieving pain
Eliminates insomnia
Improved circulation


Benefits of Reflexology | Organic Facts. (n.d.). Organic Facts. Retrieved August 5,
2014, from http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/benefits-of-

Reflexology | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing. (n.d.). Taking Charge of
Your Health & Wellbeing. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from

Bauer, B. (n.d.). Consumer health. What is reflexology?. Retrieved August 5, 2014,
from http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/consumer-health/expert-


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