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Interest and personality:

I have keen interest in taking standard and high education

in business and I wish to be PhD holder in this field to serve for
humanity in best way any where in the world in field of global
business, that is why I have taken an admission in such standard
university named Institute of Management Sciences (IMScienses),
where I am utilizing my abilities in best way and learning about my
work, management, disciline and attitude!
If I find any occasion for studying abroad in business
secially in "S# universities, I$ ll never miss this chance and will
haily agree to go there to imrove my erformance and to
receive suortive climate! %his will give me high value relative
my course and increase motivation and learning by understanding
varying literacy strengths and habits!
Academic Objectives
%o make a serious effort to adat to an academic setting
significantly different from My own and successfully comlete
relevant course work
%o identify, articulate, and reflect on my own values and
beliefs, describing these in the conte&t of my own cultural
%o demonstrate the ability to interact constructively with
eole of different cultures
%o gain understanding of some concets for analyzing
cultural atterns and understand that these methods can be
alied in other cultural settings
To make rofessional contacts, %o gain a sense of direction
for future career and to gain a sense of resonsibility in
working on a ro'ect, etc
%o develo confidence, a strengthened sense of ersonal
identity, fle&ibility, creativity etc
%o increase interest in other cultures, become less
ethnocentric as they become aware of cultural difference,
develo language skills within a cultural conte&t, become
more culturally sensitive and acceting, and so on!
Goals relating to my Field and personal development
I want to obtain the following skills and rocess the
following knowledge sets by graduation if I am to satisfy
effectively my Program(s learning ob'ectives)
* +ritical thinking, critical analysis, critical concets and tools that
are relevant to achieve leadershi and organizational ob'ectives
and goals, whether they involve rocesses, ro'ects or eole!
, -ffective roblem solving! %o develo and strengthen various
emotional intelligence skills such as self.awareness, self
management, collaboration and teamwork/ to better
negotiate the otential comle&ities in organizations! %o know
oneself in relation to others is to be emowered
0 -ffective communication . both oral and written communication!
1 %he ability to innovate!
2 Imroving marketing skills, 3eing able to analyze the firm(s
financial statements for making ro'ect aroval and cororate
valuation decisions
The MBA degree at ISM is designed to cultivate the
leadership and the decision making skills necessary to tackle
the challenges of today's global businesses.
To provide students with the reuired tools for decision!making
and data analysis (e.g. regression, probability and variance), and to teach
students how to usestatistical methodology ( forecasting, sampling) in applying
these techniques to actual business situations.
To improve students' marketing skills through the use of case
studies which help students identify and evaluate the diversity of marketing
strategies employed by successful frms.
To teach students the techniues and tools useful for "nancial
analysis and control in today's business climate.
o Skills emphasized include fnancial accounting, managerial
accounting, managerial economics, corporate fnance, and international
fnancial management.
o !uantitative skill development is prominent throughout,
especially in fnancial statement analysis, valuation techniques, accounting for
fnancial transactions, and assessing foreign e"change risk.
To give students the skills and the knowledge set necessary to
ethically manage today's business operations for productivity and
o #raduates must be able to evaluate the structural and cultural
challenges that confront international managers and identify key attributes of
successful professionals. $he signifcance of corporate culture, especially local
labor and management relations, on the design and e%ectiveness of
multinational organizations is increasingly pertinent in sustaining proftability.
To engender a global perspective in all students.
o Students study a range of issues that emerge from the conduct
of multinational business in diverse economies, political systems, and cultures
including the policies of government and international organizations, changing
patterns of international competition, managing in developing countries, and
the role of culture in management decision&making.
To develop each student's strategic thinking.
o 'eginning with an analysis of industry and competition, students
develop the concepts, tools, and techniques that are essential for accurately
diagnosing and enhancing the competitive performances of an
international enterprise. $he program e"amines the processes through
which competitive advantage is created and sustained against erosion by rival
frms. (ntrepreneurship and the unique strategic challenges facing small
businesses are emphasized.
#earning $b%ectives&
)n consideration of the institution*s mission, the +', -rogram at )S+ has the
following learning ob.ectives. /pon successful completion of the )S+ +',
program, graduates will have learned
'ritical concepts and tools that are relevant to achieve
leadership and organi(ational ob%ectives and goals, whether they involve
processes, pro.ects or people.
o $o apply the concepts and tools to various situations0 in e%ect,
each participant will make the intellectual connections between tools and
conte"t that lead to insight, and vision the basis for e%ective decision making.
To develop and strengthen various emotional intelligence
skills such as self&awareness, self management, collaboration, and teamwork0 to
better negotiate the potential comple"ities in organizations. $o know oneself in
relation to others is to be empowered.
To focus on advancing the strategic ob%ectives of the
organi(ation, emphasizing application of theory in practice and identifying
e%ective action.
To synthesi(e) analy(e and integrate their knowledge from across
the organi(ation and use this knowledge to provide innovative and credible
solutions that provide an immediate return on investment.
To lead and make rapid) high!level business decisions, develop
their global perspective, and e"pand their network through working with
innovative faculty and high caliber colleagues.
The uantitative skills necessary to analy(e a "rm's uanti"able
numerical data and make intelligent and e*ective decisions.
o 'eing able to analyze the frm*s fnancial statements to making
pro.ect approval and corporate valuation decisions.
-articipants must acquire the following skills and process the following
knowledge sets by graduation if they are to satisfy e%ectively the )S+ +',
-rogram*s learning ob.ectives
o 1ritical thinking.
o (%ective problem solving.
o (%ective communication & both oral and written communication.
o 2eadership.
o $he ability to innovate.
o 1ritical ,nalysis.
The Reason Why
%he Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) is a master(s
degree in business administration, which attracts eole from a wide range of
academic discilines! %he M3# designation originated in the "nited States,
emerging from the late *4th century as the country industrialized and
comanies sought out scientific aroaches to management! %he core courses
in the M3# rogram are designed to introduce students to the various areas of
business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, oerations
management, etc! Students in M3# rograms have the otion of taking general
business courses throughout the rogram or can select an area of
concentration and focus aro&imately one.fourth of their studies in this
%he first graduate school of business in the "nited States was the %uck School
of 3usiness, art of Dartmouth +ollege
;ounded in *4<<, it was the first
institution conferringadvanced degrees (masters) in the commercial sciences,
secifically, a Master of Science in +ommerce degree, the forebearer of the
modern M3# degree!
In *4<=, the >raduate School of 3usiness #dministration (>S3#) at 5arvard
"niversity was established/ it offered the world(s first M3# rogram,
with a
faculty of *2 lus 00 regular students and 1? secial students!
%he "niversity of +hicago 3ooth School of 3usiness first offered working
rofessionals the -&ecutive M3# (-M3#) rogram in *410,
first available in
ermanent camus in three continents (+hicago, @ondon and Singaore) and
this tye of rogram is offered by most business schools today!
In *41A, %hunderbird School of >lobal Management was the first school to offer
an M3# rogram focused on global management!
In *42<, the first M3# degrees awarded outside the "nited States were by
the 7ichard Ivey School of 3usiness at %he "niversity of Bestern 6ntario in
followed in *42* with the degree awarded by the "niversity of
Pretoria in South #frica!
In *422, the Institute of 3usiness #dministration,
Carachi was established under the "niversity of Carachi inPakistan, in
collaboration with the Bharton School of the "niversity of Pennsylvania and
became the first #sian business school to offer an M3# rogram under the "S
M3# model!
In *42?, IDS-#D became the first -uroean business school to
offer an M3# rogram!
In *4=A, the 7oy -! +rummer >raduate School of
3usiness at 7ollins +ollege(;lorida) was the first M3# rogram to reEuire every
student to have a lato comuter in the classroom! Initially, rofessors
wheeled a cart of latos into the classroom!
%he M3# degree has been adoted by universities worldwide, and has been
adoted and adated by both develoed and develoing countries!
To believe to that my effort will improve my
To receive supportive climate
To see high value relative my course
To increase motivation and learning by understanding
varying literacy strengths and habits
%he 6ffice of Study #broad at MS" has identified four skill
areas that are enhanced through articiating in a study
abroad rogram)
The academic/intellectual
Students develo skills in roblem solving and with foreign languages/
they gain geograhical and historical knowledge/ they(re e&osed to
eole who rocess information differently than they do/ and so on!
The professional
Students can make rofessional contacts, gain a sense of direction for
their future career, gain a sense of resonsibility in working on a ro'ect,
and so on!
The personal
Students may gain an areciation about what we have here in the "!S!/
they often develo confidence, a strengthened sense of ersonal identity,
fle&ibility, creativity, and so on!
The inter-cultural
Students may increase their interest in other cultures, become less
ethnocentric as they become aware of cultural difference, develo
language skills within a cultural conte&t, become more culturally sensitive
and acceting, and so on!

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