December 2009 Issue

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Stewardship Church Events
Inspiring Testimonials Lead Up to Invitation Sunday, Unity Brunch
By John Nevin, Vestry Member
 4 - The Men of Orpheus
“Love and a cough cannot be concealed.” With the help of those words from poet  6 - St. Nicholas Day
Anne Sexton, longtime member Chris Couch shared with the congregation what St.
Paul’s means to him. As Chris explained in his testimonial on Invitation Sunday  7 - 4Fs
(November 8), “We believe that the words that we pray and chant and sing shape  8 - B&PW
our lives and shape our hearts.” This experience “lifts our spirits” and brings us to
St. Paul’s each Sunday mindful that all we are and will be is because of Christ’s  13 - Lange Choral Ensemble
love. That’s what stewardship is all about – sharing the gifts that God has given us  20 - Lessons & Carols
to help others.
 24/25 - Collection for the
On the previous Sunday (November 1), we heard testimonials from Matt Nauss Christ Child
and Melanie Walker, who provided the unique perspective of high school students.
Just like Chris, their love for their St. Paul’s family and for Christ could not be con-
cealed, and the impact that this church has had on their young lives was clear, just
as clear as their beautiful voices.
A couple of weeks earlier (October 25), Nancy Sheldon told the story of the hilarious “wrong turns” that led to her first
visit to St. Paul’s with Peter back in 1966. I have no doubt that God led the Sheldons to St. Paul’s, and 43 years later, the
positive results of His inspiration and love are beyond measure. As Nancy explains, “Worshiping at St. Paul’s has taught
me how to reach deeply inside myself to question my thoughts and my actions, how to pray for forgiveness and in thanks-
giving for the unexpected and wondrous gifts we are given, and to quietly take the time and effort to listen to God’s

(Continued on page 12)

Annual Meeting
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
On January 31, St Paul's will hold its Annual Meeting. This is the single most important administrative meeting of the year
and all should make an attempt to attend. Lunch and sitters will be provided. The meeting will begin at approximately
11:30 am and usually last 2 1/2 hours.
This year's meeting is of particular importance because of our 2009 financial shortfall and the process we have at-
tempted to implement to solve our problem. In addition, we will recognize the efforts of all those who worked so hard in
2009 and elect new Vestry members.
St. Nicholas at The 4Fs Group Programs
St. Paul’s By Nancy Sheldon
Usually meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.
By the Rev. Deacon William Fineout (Exceptions noted *due to Town Hall conflict)
An appearance by the “ancient” St. Nicholas will  12 noon Eucharist, 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($4)
occur during worship on Family Sunday, Decem-  1 p.m. Bible Study (Steve Lange) 1:15-2 p.m. Program
ber 6, at St. Paul’s.
Anyone is invited who has time in the middle of the day!
The real Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, “is famed as
the traditional patron of seafarers and sailors, This year, we will continue the study of the psalms for our
and, more especially of children. As a bearer of Bible Study.
gifts to children, his name was brought to Amer-
 *Dec. 7 - We will continue our tradition of an annual Christmas
ica by the Dutch colonists in New York from celebration with a special luncheon before a concert in the
whom he is popularly known as Santa Claus,” church. The Someko singers from Okemos High School will enter-
according to Lesser Feasts and Fasts – 2006. tain us once again, and our own Matt Nauss (a member of this
talented group) will be among them.
December 6 is the feast day for the real Nicho-
las about whom not much is known, “except that  Jan. 11 - Tour of MSU Cyclotron: We’ll meet at the church for
Eucharist & lunch and carpool to the MSU campus for our pro-
he suffered torture and imprisonment during the gram.
persecution under the Emperor Diocletian. It is
possible that he was one of the bishops attend-  Jan. 25 - St Paul’s Birthday –Steve Lange (perhaps in costume?)
will provide us with a fascinating look at our own saint, St Paul.
ing the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in
325. He was honored as a saint in Constantin-  Feb. 8 - Society of Friends/Quaker (Red Cedar Friends, 469 N.
Hagadorn, EL, 371-1047) Emphasis on how they deal with con-
ople in the sixth century by the Emperor Justin- flict and change (Gordon).
ian. His veneration became immensely popular in
 Feb. 17 through April 5 - No 4 F’s. There will be book reviews
the West after the supposed removal of his every Monday during Lent beginning on February 22.
body to Bari, Italy, in the late eleventh century.
In England, almost 400 churches were dedicated  April 19 - Turkish Muslims from the Niagara Foundation, Michi-
gan, will join us today. They are Sunni Muslims who will tell us
to him.” about practicing their faith in Turkey. We’ve also asked them to
Many stories have been passed down for centu- talk about the work of the foundation, promoting dialogue, edu-
cation and friendship between peoples and how it relates to
ries about his saving children from death and their Islamic practice.
poverty, saving the lives of adults, and being
extremely generous to those in need. He will  May 3 - Butterfly House & Children’s Garden at MSU with a box
share one of those during his appearance.
 May 17 - End of the year picnic with our annual book share and
ideas for next year’s programs.

Gifts for the Christ Child

Christmas Eve Collection
By the Rev. Deacon William Fineout
The St. Paul’s community is asked to step up with love and provide layette items for newborns at the Christmas Eve
services. Our collection will go to Christian Services – Small Children’s Closet at Pilgrim UCC. They partner with social
workers at Ingham Regional Medical and Sparrow Hospitals, who give needy moms a voucher for the items.
The Small Children’s Closet provides a LOVE Layette that contains all new clothing and items to bring their babies
home from the hospital. Christian Services follows up with a call to see if they need an appointment for other clothing
and support that can be met through the Christian Services Church network. In our celebration of Christ’s birth, let us
remember those in need with generous gifts of baby bottles, diapers, formula, clothes, etc., filling our crèche with gifts
of love.
Page 2
Business and
Professional Women
By Barbara Richardson
2009 Christmas Services
The December meeting of the B&PW Guild is Tuesday,
December 8. We will meet in the Hill Room at 6 p.m. for Wednesday, December 24, Christmas Eve
a Festive Christmas Dinner and brief business meeting.
Members are to bring three dozen Christmas cookies for 4 p.m. Family/Children’s Service
a cookie exchange. Shortly after 7 p.m., Nan and Steve 10:30 p.m. Special Music
Lange will present a Christmas Program and Carol Sing. 11 p.m. Choral Eucharist
Thursday , December 25 , Christmas Day
Please call Debby Pierce for a reservation. Dinner is $8.
Join us for an evening of delicious food and beautiful 10 a.m. Eucharist

Lessons and Carols -

Cookies & Assistance Needed
"I pray that they may all be one. Father! May they be in us, just as you are in me and I in you. “ John 17:20

By Lyn Zynda, ECW President

Following the Festival of Lessons and Carols on December 20, St. Paul’s presents the annual Christmas Tea. The members
of the Episcopal Church Women’s Steering Committee polish the silver, dust off the “good” china and glass punch cups,
decorate the Merrifield Room and arrange the cookies, breads and dessert bars in anticipation of this time-honored
As in years past we ask the Parishioners to contribute to the festivities by bringing three dozen of your best cookies or a
batch of dessert bars. A coffee cake or sweet breads are also cheerfully accepted. This year, however, we also need
volunteers to help set up for the event and (more importantly) clean up after. The ECW Steering Committee is very small
these days and no longer able to handle this event alone.
It is said that “many hands make light work,” and the Bible is full of beautiful passages about helping one another. One of
the most outstanding is the "Prayer of Jesus" in John's Gospel. It is important is that we all do our part so please consider
pitching in for 20 minutes or so.
To volunteer, if you have questions, or need further information, give me a call at 202-6992.

Page 3
Christmas is a Singing Season at St. Paul’s
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Advent/Christmas Season is always a “Singing Season” at St. Paul’s. On Friday, December 4, The Men of Or-
pheus, an all-male singing group of Lansing, will present its annual Christmas Concert. Directed by former parishioner
Gayle Pohl, the program will consist of lighter Christmas music.
On Sunday, December 13, at 4 p.m., the Lange Choral Ensemble will present its annual Christmas concert. This year’s
concert will feature music for chorus, oboe and piano. The program will include familiar Christmas carols in contempo-
rary arrangements, music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, as well as newly-composed Christmas anthems.
Tickets are $9 for adults and $7 for seniors and children.
On Sunday, December 20, the service of Advent Lessons and Carols will be held during the 10 a.m. service. All of St.
Paul’s choirs, including the Handbell Choir, will join in this annual musical celebration of Jesus’ birth. The lessons and
anthems will recount the biblical foretelling of the coming of the Messiah to the world.
On Thursday, December 24, the 11 p.m. Christmas Eucharist will be preceded by a half hour of Christmas carols, solos
and instrumental offerings, including music by the Handbell Choir and a brass quartet. Throughout the service, the con-
gregation will join on many carols.
Please join us for all these musical and liturgical offerings!

Third Annual Book Read

By Millie Ericson, Vestry Member

Announcing the title for “One Book, Many Journeys:”

How Starbucks Saved My Life by Michael Gates Gill

The author of this New York Times best seller is the son of The New Yorker writer, Brendan Gill, and was a creative di-
rector at J. Walter Thompson Advertising for 25 years. It is a rags-to-riches story of this man who had it all, then lost it
all, and was redeemed by his new job at Starbucks. The Wall Street Journal describes this as “a book in the best tradi-
tion of The New Yorker…one great read.” Library Journal reports that it is an “intensely readable tribute to the power
of redemption through work.” Wayne Dyer is quoted as saying, “A great lesson in finding your highest self in the
unlikeliest of places—proof positive that there is no way to happiness—rather, happiness is the way.”
Discussion groups will convene during the weeks of January 17 and 24 in the homes of parishioners around the Lansing
area. Discussions will help to tie the life lessons in the book to biblical principles and our baptismal covenant. A Discus-
sion Guide and sign-up sheets for the groups will be available soon. How Starbucks Saved My Life is available from
the St. Paul’s Book Cart.

Page 4
Financial Information as of October 31, 2009
By Julie Young

October 31 completes 83 percent of the year. Pledge income in October was $25,912, bringing the year-to-date total
pledge income to $242,423, which is 78% of the budget. It appears that we are slightly behind year-to-date projections
with pledge revenue collection. This is expected to be caught up during the holiday “busy” season.
Operations for October had a net loss of ($14,451), bringing the year to date loss to ($146,012). Much of this can be
attributed to building maintenance and improvement projects such as roof repair, sidewalk repair and the updating of the
speaker system—items that were not anticipated in the 2009 budget. Funds designated for this purpose have been used
to pay for these repairs and improvements.
There were no transfers into the operating account from the investment account in October.

Vestry Highlights
On November 17th your Vestry:  Received the Treasurer's report (synopsis else where in
this issue)
 Enjoyed dinner together
 Began deliberations about the 2010 Budget
 Looked at spiritual reminders that bring life and vital-
 Discussed the 2009 Diocesan Convention
ity to our existence for devotions
 Received a report on the Sandy Sasso visit
 Accepted (with regret) Stephanie VanKoevering resig-
nation from the Vestry  Received the final report on the Memorial Plaque in
the Garden
 Approved the agenda
 Received Committee Reports
 Approved the October Minutes
 Received Clergy reports
 Accepted the First Stewardship report (upgraded re-
sults elsewhere in this issue)  Adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
 Received advice from Kristine Miller our stewardship

Vestry Elections
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
Five new members will be elected to the Vestry at the January 31 Annual Meeting. One will be our youth member. This
position, created in 2006, is for a one-year period and is filled by a young person nominated by a youth caucus which is
held in early January. He or she will then be elected at the Annual Meeting. The other four positions have been admirably
occupied by Sr. Warden, Martie Repaskey, and Vestry members Millie Ericson, Larry Clark and Marylea Benson. We
thank them for their service. These four positions will be filled at the Annual Meeting. To qualify you must be:
 A Baptized member
 At least 16 years of age
 Regular in attendance
 A contributor to the life of the congregation with time, talent and treasure
 Willing to attend a minimum of 10 Vestry meetings a year
 Willing to chair a Vestry committee
 Willing to attend a Vestry retreat at the Weber Center
If you would be willing to serve or would like to nominate someone, please confirm that person’s willingness and submit his
or her name in writing through the parish office. As always, nominations from the floor of the Annual Meeting will be ac-
cepted if the consent of the person nominated has been obtained.
Page 5
Evangelism Requests for Prayer
We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robin-
By Sally Lawrence, Vestry Member son, Richard and Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Ma-
son Hill, Lois Caswell, Erik Lindquist, Chance Collins, Barb
The Evangelism Committee had a busy October. Hacker, Marjorie Belles, Aleda, Dave, Kathryn Senko, Barb
We began with a brunch to raise funds for the Powers, Patricia Reno, Skip and Marsha Macholz, Michael
Heifer project on October 18. Not only did we and Gwen Skinner, Tom Foltz, Vivian Hawkins, Linda,
have great food provided by many members of Kaema Amachree, Bill, Mary Lindquist, Yvette Constan
the church, but we raised over $600 for this and family, Cris Plyler, Brian French, Lynne, Kent Riley,
worthy project. Jan Bigham, Max Sutton, John Hawkins, Joan, Karol
On October 30, we hosted a New Member din- Ryan, Irma Narezo, Mike Wood, Julie, Maggie, Keqin
ner at the home of Max and Debby Pierce. Tang, Amanda, Cheryl, and Laura Miller.
Over 20 people came together for a night of We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dan-
good food and fellowship. We were able to gerous areas: Daniel Reno, Michael Benson, Steven John-
welcome and get to know the following newcom-
son, Tyson Carter, and Matthew Rawlins.
ers a little better: Christi Thrush, Thomas
Sampson, Richard Sauerzopf, Michelle Abner We pray for comfort for the family and friends of Roger S.
and her mother, Marie. Gallup, who recently passed away.
Finally, bookmarks have been created to pro- We pray for all those whose jobs and livelihoods are in
mote Advent activities at St. Paul’s. These were jeopardy.
distributed at the Rabbi Sandy Sasso events and
at Silver Bells. We hope to continue to do these We pray for those expecting: Tonya and Joshua Couts,
in the future so that we will always have some- Mindy and Matt Pauly, Katie Thompson and John Shaw-
thing to give the public when they attend func- Reed, Elana and John Waugh, Stephanie Earley and Anto-
tions such as these at our church. nio Urista, and Jenelle and Paul Rawlins.
We pray for and celebrate the birth of Charles Jeffrey
Smith, son of Carrie (Kressler) and Charlie Smith.

A Living Testimonial
Right in My Own House!
By Sue Millar
Those of you who have read what I wrote in past SPN issues or in the Sunday bulletin know that I encourage you to
“browse the Book Cart inventory” because you might find just the thing for a gift or something that will help you on
your own personal journey. Well, I’m here to tell you that it really does happen.
My husband has always been a reader, but somehow he missed any review of a notable book written by Larry Ras-
mussen, published way back in 1996. It’s the kind of book one has to read slowly, taking time to absorb the message.
Chuck has underlined way more than he usually does, which indicates it’s important stuff. Rarely a day goes by that he
doesn’t share with me a few sentences that have profoundly impacted his perceptions. How did he come across this
book? By browsing the Book Cart! So my advice to you is, follow the admonition to “browse the Book Cart inventory,”
and you, too, may discover a book that will significantly change your understanding of history, faith or current issues
facing us today. See you there!
P.S. We have many enticing new titles. One of my favorites is the Presiding Bishop’s latest book on the MDG’s. Another
is a beautiful children’s book by Bishop Tutu. “Come. . .”

Page 6
Choir News
Special Dates to Note
Wednesday, December 23 ‐ No Choir Rehearsals 

Sunday, December 27 ‐ Choirs Not Vesting for the Service 

Wednesday, December 30, and Thursday, December 31 ‐ No Choir Rehearsals 

Sunday, January 24 (after the Coffee Hour) ‐ England Parents and Choristers Lunch and Meeting (11:45 a.m. to 
1 p.m., approximately) 
“Cabaret” ‐  Saturday, March 27 ‐ Please save this date! 

A couple of reminders:  

 Please sign the “To‐Be‐Gone” book if you know you’ll be absent from a rehearsal or a service. Sometimes I 
can make adjustments to anthems if I know ahead of time that a particularly large number of choristers 
may be missing on a given Sunday;  
 Rehearsal begins at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Please be all set and in the rehearsal room by that 
time. Thank you!! 

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs Date Choirs

December 6 Boys’ and Grace; January 3 Chancel and High School

High School January 10 Chancel and High School
December 13 High School; Chancel January 17 Chancel and High School
December 20 Cherubs, January 24 Chancel and High School
Lessons & Carols Boys’ and Grace;
January 31 Chancel and High School
High School; Chancel
December 24
4 p.m. Family Eucharist Cherubs;
Boys’ and Grace
11 p.m. Choral Eucharist High School; Chancel

December 27 No Choirs will vest

Anthem Donations
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Over the years many parishioners have honored friends, family members or important events in their life by giving funds
for the purchase of a choir anthem. If you would like to honor or remember someone in this way, please see me for help in
choosing the anthem and selecting a Sunday for its presentation. The donation will be noted in the bulletin when the an-
them is sung for the first time, and on any other Sundays when it is sung. Cost is about $50 for a youth-choir anthem and
about $75 for an anthem for the adult choir. To help us be sure that our records are as up-to-date and complete as possi-
(Continued on page 12)
Page 7
Mission and Outreach Activities
Where is Christ calling you to help others?
Sunday, December 6 Ongoing:
 Youth Group Noisy Collection for Outreach  Manna Sunday (first Sunday of the month, loose and dedi-
cated offerings for street ministry, bus tokens and work
 Feast of St. Nicholas boots)
Thursday, December 24 & 25  Outreach Committee meeting (second Tuesday of the month)
 Heifer gift cards
 Layette “Gifts for the Christ Child”/Christian Services  Prayer quilts
January 3  Cars, INC
 Habitat
 Youth Noisy Collection & Manna Sunday  Sudanese K-12 Education Scholarship

Millennium ACTION of Lansing

Development Goals By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
By the Rev. Deacon William Fineout Most of you know about ACTION of Lansing. We have
been involved with this organization for three years.
At the United Nations-sponsored Millennium Summit in During that time ACTION has accomplished several
2000, the nations of the world agreed to banish poverty justice ministry projects that continue to assist those who
and subhuman conditions. The Episcopal Church and the are still suffering from injustice today.
Episcopal Diocese of Michigan also have adopted these
goals. In July, our "organizer," Valerie Hart, went on to an-
other job and we have not had the financial where-
The Millennium Development Goals call for measurable withal to hire another. But, ACTION will go on. We are
progress in eliminating extreme poverty (people living on currently beginning the "Listening Campaign" to see
a dollar a day or less); establishing universal primary where injustice might occur. In the spring we will put
education; advancing gender equality and the empower- our project together, just as before and then have our
ment of women; decreasing child mortality; increasing Nehemiah Action Assembly. Watch this space for more
maternal health; fighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other information and ask or "Justice Team" members for
diseases; securing environmental sustainability and creat- information.
ing a global partnership for development.
In January 2008, at the annual parish meeting, the peo-
ple of St. Paul’s voted to adopt these goals, participating
in one project per year for eight years (based upon the
eight goals). In 2008, the St. Paul’s project was Water for
Life, and in 2009, our project has been Heifer Interna-
Gifts for Life Help
tional. By Sue Millar
At the January, 2010 annual parish meeting, we will vote ERD’s “Gifts for Life” Christmas catalogs are now
to determine our 2010 project. Please join the Outreach available, giving you an opportunity to send friends
team at its December meeting (Tuesday, December 8, and loved ones a life-saving gift, including health care,
5:30 p.m.) for your input into its recommendation to the baby ducks, a smokeless stove, fruit trees, education.
parish. You choose among the many options. You can order
your gift on-line and gain satisfaction in knowing this
action meets needs while demonstrating love for your
family or friends. Catalogs are available outside the

Page 8
Used Book Sale New Assistant
ERD Fundraiser By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

Coming in Early Spring St. Paul's has a new assistant! He is The Rev. Deacon
Richard Sauerzopf. He was ordained a deacon earlier
By Sue Millar in the year and will be ordained priest (God willing)
on January 23, here at St. Paul's. Richard will not re-
Please start collecting and saving books you are place Ron Byrd. He is employed full time by MSU,
ready to pass on for our fifth annual sale that benefits teaching and doing research. Richard will meet with
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). Because of the bishop to see what the Bishop would like him to do.
your contributions, and later your purchases, we have I will meet with him and see what he might do here.
been able to increase our giving to ERD each year. We will look at the time he has available. Then we will
This activity results in many benefits: it encourages put together a letter of agreement. Many of you know
sharing, reading and contributing to an exceptionally Richard because of his previous association with St.
worthwhile organization that carries on its life-saving Paul's and his recent service. Please welcome him and
work throughout the world. Plan on participating. wish him well.
We will begin accepting your used books after the
first of the year. Watch for details.

New Memorial
Plaque Installed
Did You Know? By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
By Jean Shawver
The long awaited "Memorial Plaque" has been in-
During this month when we remember and honor the stalled in the Garden. It looks wonderful! This long an-
Holy Nativity, it seems appropriate to feature the ticipated installation culminates three years of work
Chapel of the Incarnation in our church. The chapel was and marks a change in our ”Memorial Garden" guide-
a gift of Samuel Harris, a lifetime member of St. lines. Until now, the only indication that a person is in-
Paul's, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burgess. It was dedi- terred in the Garden was the name board in the clois-
cated September 28, 1942. ter. The problem was that to view the name and
thereby remember a loved one, you had to come while
There is particular emphasis upon children of the church the building was open. With the new plaque all buried
to whom these themes appeal, including Jesus during in the Garden have their names posted outside and
His youth. The painting over the altar, "The Visitation" visible. Take the opportunity to look it over.
was a gift of Bernice Olds Roe Smith and portrays
the meeting of Mary and her cousin Elizabeth while
each was awaiting new birth, that being Jesus and
John the Baptist.
The stained glass windows on the east wall portray the New Sound System
Holy Nativity, the Visit of the Magi to the newborn
Savior and the Boy Jesus Teaching in the Temple. The By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
carved wooden plaques, done by the Rev. William S.
Hill, carry on this theme which pertains to children. The sound system in the Church has been upgraded. Com-
They are "The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple," pleted in October, we are now trying to adjust the various
"Flight into Egypt" and the Annunciation." components to have our system in its best possible condi-
tion. In addition, the older and less professional system in
This is a special place for children of all ages to visit at the Merrifield room has been completely updated. This
any time. will enable our programs (such as the Annual Meeting) to
be heard by those in attendance. We offer many thanks
to Paul Potts for his expertise and diligence in seeing
these projects through.

Page 9
Two Days with Rabbi Sasso
By Martie Repaskey, Sr. Warden
The people of St. Paul’s were gifted with a visit from a notable woman on November 15 and 16. Rabbi Sandy Sasso,
of Indianapolis visited and spoke to three different gatherings of people. On Sunday evening, November 15, she met
with 25 elementary-aged children from St. Paul’s, Shaarey Zedeck, and Kehillat Israel. After reading her book about
Cain and Abel to them, she led them in a significant discussion about anger; about what causes anger in their lives, and
how they can respond. They talked about finding “the fruits of peace in their lives.” Following this our own Susan
Brewster assisted the children in an art project in which they designed “fruits” which contained their own ideas about
promoting peace. While the children were busy with their artistic project, their parents had some time with Rabbi Sasso
in a discussion about promoting spirituality in their children. The children hung their fruits on a tree for display. They
gathered again with her and talked about their own varied names for God. The children then enjoyed a reception of
ice cream and cookies, provided by the Parish Life Committee. For those who were watching this event from the side-
lines it was very moving to observe children from two different faiths talking about finding peace in their world.
On Monday November 16 Rabbi Sasso met with 30 adults in the 4Fs mid-day program. Her theme for this presenta-
tion was reading scripture with Midrash, an approach to understanding scripture incorporating our knowledge of his-
tory and employing narrative on the topic as we consider the application of stories on our own contemporary experi-
ence. All present were moved and stimulated at this approach to reading the Bible. That evening, Rabbi Sasso spoke
to approximately 70 people on the topic of “Nurturing the Spiritual Imagination in our Children.” We learned about
the reality of learning from and with our children. Parents don’t necessarily have all the answers to children’s questions
about faith, but there can be great richness in the experience of learning together.
On all three occasions a book table was open with Rabbi Sasso’s books for sale. Schuler Books facilitated this opportu-
nity and Rabbi Sasso was available to inscribe purchases. Happily Schuler Books will return to St. Paul’s 20% of total
Those who were engaged with Rabbi Sasso found her to be a prolific writer, a wise and learned woman who exhibits
great passion for humankind, most especially God’s children. She was one of the first women to be ordained as a
Rabbi. She co-leads Beth El Zedek, a congregation of 700 families, with her husband Dennis. We were blessed to
have her in our midst, and we appreciate the lessons we learned from her!
Rabbi Sasso’s visit was made possible by the Shawver Fund for Special Programs.

Rabbi Sasso leads a discussion about anger Susie Brewster, Rabbi Sasso, Jean Shawver
and Martie Repaskey

Page 10
Bishop Gibbs Visit
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
On November 15, our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr. visited St. Paul's for his bi-annual visit. It was an op-
portunity for him to fulfill his pastoral association with the parishioners and to hear what is going on here. In the recep-
tion that followed in the Merrifield Room, he had the opportunity to tell us what's happening in other parts of the Dio-
cese. Thank you Bishop Gibbs.

Our Rector, Gordon Weller, Bishop Gibbs, and our new Bishop Gibbs in the Merrifield Room
assistant, Deacon Richard Sauerzopf

Youth Group Trip to Corn Maze

Page 11
(Continued from, Stewardship, page 1)

On Invitation Sunday, the entire congregation came together and gave thanks for the many blessings God has given
us. Through prayer, song and festive fellowship, our love for St. Paul’s and for Christ was revealed. In addition to our
presence and outward expression of thanks, our gratitude was also expressed in the form of pledges to support the
many St. Paul’s ministries that make a difference in our parish and throughout the community.
After the Invitation Sunday service, the Merrifield Room was packed with families, enjoying fellowship and great food
(special thanks to Max and Debby Pierce) at the Unity Brunch. Together, we sang Doug Austin’s beautiful St. Paul’s
Hymn, full of joy and gladness, knowing that the light of this church will keep shining, thanks to all the members of the
parish who give so generously.
NOTE: Don’t worry if you haven’t turned in your pledge card. Just fill it out and bring it on Sunday or mail it in. If you
don’t have a pledge card, just call the office, and we’ll send you one.

(Continued from, “Anthem Donations” page 7)

ble, a list of previous donors follows. If you gave an anthem and it does not appear below, please let me know. Cho-
ral music given in honor or memory of someone includes:
 Angel’s Carol by John Rutter in memory of their parents by Marian and Robert Fisher
 Angels Did Sing by Rickards in memory of Ted Magoon by Nancy and Steve Lange
 The Best of Rooms by Randall Thompson in memory of Mary Peterson by Richard Peterson
 Blessed Be My Lord by Douglas Wagner in memory of Fenton Self by Edith Self
 Candlelight Carol by John Rutter in loving memory of family members by Robert Fisher
 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People by Bunjes in thanksgiving for their marriage by Ned and Jeanne Ewing
 The Gift Most Treasured by Hal Hopson in memory of Rita Assiff by Susan and Kim Garcia
 Glorificamus te by Eugene Butler in honor of the baptism of Tony Smith by Tom Plasman and family
 God Bless Families by Natalie Sleeth in memory of Rita Assiff by Susan and Kim Garcia
 He Is Born! By Linda Cable Shute in memory of Dennis Harkness by family members
 The Holly and the Ivy by John Rutter in memory of Pat Fisher by Robert Fisher
 A Holy Festival by John Ness Beck in memory of Erna McKenzie, Hazel Magee, Daisy Kimber and Maude Car-
penter by Susy MacArthur
 I Lift Up Mine Eyes by Allen Pote in memory of Jennifer Milne by Tony and Pat Smith, Peter and Nancy Sheldon,
Ben and Nancy Herbert, John and Pam Irwin, and Tom and Sue Plasman
 I Wonder as I Wander by John Rutter in memory of Margaret Clink by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sheldon
 A Jubilant Song by Allen Pote in memory of Ollie Leslie (mother of Pat Smith) by Friends
 Let All the World by Dominick Argento in memory of Erna McKenzie, Hazel Magee, Maude Carpenter, Daisy
Kimber by Susy MacArthur
 The Lord Bless You and Keep You by Lutkin in honor of the Michael Devaney Family by the John Campbell family
 The Lord is My Light and My Salvation by John Rutter in memory of Marian Fisher by Robert Fisher
 The Lord Is My Strength and My Song by Hal Hopson in memory of Fenton Self by Edith Self
 Mass in C Major by W. A. Mozart in memory of Travis Isbell, Martie Repaskey’s father, by the Repaskey family.
 Praise ye the Lord, Ye Children by Richard Proulx in memory of Fenton Self by Edith Self
 Today, Tomorrow, and Every Day by Paul Sjolund in memory of Wilson Samborn by his nephew, Earl Bowland
 Two Carols for Christmas by Jon Paige in gratitude for worship at St. Pauls by the Business and Professional
Women’s Guild
 The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy by Dorothy and Tom Christopherson in memory of Dennis Harkness by family
 What Sweet Music by Michael Fink in memory of Betsy Hoddap by Nancy and Ben Herbert
 What Sweet Music by John Rutter in memory of Marian Fisher by Robert Fisher

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Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff

The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

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