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After having reviewed a few bullet-points, the focus again is upon Israel; clues as to what is occurring

among shifting-coalitions are emerging, even as BHO continues his passive/aggressive posturing. Thus,
emphasis must be trained upon the need to confront the Islamic State, as it spreads beyond borders and
extends from Lebanon to Mosul and eyes Saudi Arabia; BHO considers it a serious threat but, as usual,
he remains inert as Islamists massacre Christians and destroy Shiite mosques. If nothing else, these
events should settle the debate that BHO and BB tackled years ago [e.g., when BB lectured him about
the fallacy of focusing upon the settlements Israelis had built in Judea/Samaria], namely, whether the
major destabilizing force in the Middle East was Israel vs. Islamism [manifest via Iran and/or al-Qaeda].
{In my spare time, Im going to contact the offices of the eight House members who voted against the
bill that replenished armaments for the Iron Dome program, including Jason Amash (who was just
renominated); inquiring minds want to know why anyone but radical lefties would oppose this effort.}
Know that, although Dan Rather feels its now Easier for White House to Hide Wrongdoings from Media,
Napolitano thinks BHO is both incompetent and lawless.

The Israeli-American Council (IAC) invites you to join:
Conference Call Briefing
w/ MK Yitzhak "Buji" Herzog
Head of the Labor Party, Opposition Leader
On the subject:
Operation Protective Edge:
Where do we go from here?
Join us for a special conference call briefing with MK Yitzhak "Buji" Herzog, head of the Israeli opposition
in the Knesset, for an insider's look at the situation in Israel and Gaza, where we are today, and the
challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Tomorrow (Wednesday Aug 6)
12:15pm EDT

Mr. Herzog's Biography:
MK Yitzhak "Buji" Herzog, son of the late Israeli President Chaim Herzog, was born in
Israel in 1960. He completed his army service with the rank of major (res.). He holds a
degree in law and is an attorney by profession. Mr. Herzog served as Secretary of the
Economic-Social Council (1988-1990), as Government Secretary (1999-2001), and as
Chairman of the Anti-Drug Authority (2000-2003). Elected to the 16
Knesset in 2003,
he has served as a member of the Knesset Finance, Internal Affairs and Environment,
and Anti-Drug Abuse Committees, as well as Israel Labor Party Parliamentary Group
Whip. He has chaired the Lobby for the War Against Drugs in Israel, the Lobby for
Tourism in Israel, the Lobby for Youth in Israel, and the Municipal Lobby, and is a
member of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and the Environmental Lobby. He is also
Chairman of the Israel-Australia Parliamentary Friendship Union. Mr. Herzog served as
Minister of Housing and Construction from January to November 2005 when Labor
resigned from the government. After serving as Minister of Tourism from May 2006
until March 2007, he was appointed Minister of Welfare and Social Services, Minister of
the Diaspora, Society, and Fight Against Anti-Semitism, serving until March 2009. Mr.
Herzog served as Minister of Welfare and Social Services from March 2009 until his
resignation in January 2011. Mr. Herzog speaks Hebrew, English and Arabic, and has
published articles in Israeli and foreign press. He is married, and has three children.

A view of myriad issues from England:
Metropolitan Control-Freaks Are Putting the Future of the Conservative Party at Risk
Popular Gardening Show is Racist Because It Talks About 'Non-Native' Species, Says Academic

The situation is unnerving and, thus,
watch how A Drone Caught Muslims engaged in bestiality.

Foreign Policy:
AP revealed secret US program in Cuba; Used HIV workshop as front for espionage


Cornel West Called Obama a 'War Criminal' at Pro-Gaza Rally

The BDS Movement's History of Dishonesty

Iran looms
Under Gazas shadow, Islamic State advances
Amid Ethnic Cleansing of Christians, ISIS Now Massacres Iraq's Yezidi Minority
ISIS Seizes Major Dam, Could Now Flood Baghdad
The Islamic State Ends the Centuries-Old Christian Presence in Mosul, Iraq
Islamic State Now Controls Unmatched Resources and Territory - What was recently a ragtag cadre of
former al-Qaeda operatives has now morphed into a transnational, fully-militarized and very rich
operation said to control more than one-third of Syria's territory. The Islamic State controls a volume of
resources and territory unmatched in the history of extremist organizations, and experts estimate the
group is pocketing as much as $3 million per day in oil revenue.
Islamic State Seized Territory in Lebanon - Fighters from the extremist group Islamic State streamed
across the border from Syria into Lebanon on Sunday, taking over the city of Arsal after overrunning
police posts and a military barracks. In a coordinated response in Tripoli, Lebanon's second-largest city,
masked, armed men affiliated with the Islamic State whizzed by on motorbikes, attacking soldiers there.
Boko Haram Emptying Towns in Revenge for Vigilante Efforts against Them
Kurdnas- Eli-Qazi in Brussels Conference -Kurdnas
Kurdish troops declare ISIS counter-offensive

Events in Israel:
A Summary of War-related Events has been provided by the Jewish Policy Center
Suspect Who Reportedly Organized Kidnapping of Three Israeli Teenagers in Custody
Stories From The Battlefield: Hamas Tunnels Used To Target Israels Kindergartens
Indian TV Crew Caught Hamas Firing Rocket from Outside Their Hotel
Hamas assembles and fires a rocket at Israel from densely populated residential area captured by Indian
Hannity Explores Hamas Tunnel Into Israel
How Hamas Wields Gazas Casualties as Propaganda
Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields
Sundays Gaza school attack now appears to be staged
Death toll includes 900 terrorists
Hamas terrorist killed trying to infiltrate Kibbutz Nahal Oz
IPS foiled attempt by Islamic Jihad prisoners to tunnel out of Israeli jail
Palestinian Tractor Driver Killed One in Jerusalem Terror Attack
Israeli Military Withdraws Bulk of Troops from Gaza
Israeli Troops Leave Gaza - A cease-fire between Israel and Hamas meant to last at least three days and
end nearly a month of fighting went into effect in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday morning; the fighting has
killed 1,900 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and some 67 Israelis [Time Mag slips-in attack-phrasing.]
Israel, Hamas agree to 3-day truce
Israel Declared 7-Hour Humanitarian Cease-Fire Monday; Hamas Says It Will Not Hold Its Fire
Hamas Rocket Fire Continued
Hamas rejected receiving 3,000 units of blood for Palestinians in Gaza, donated by
Palestinians in west bank, just because the blood was delivered/transported by the Israelis.
Report is based on information given by official Israeli sources (Israelis don't lie as they know
it will be their last chance for confidence).
It was at the time that many Palestinians were wounded in Gaza.
Finally, yesterday, after 2 weeks, Hamas accept the delivery of the 3000 units of blood
just because it supposed to be delivered by the Israelis.
It showed that Hamas ideology and fundamentalist hatred is stronger than the basic
need of health care for their wounded people.
Hamas Lost Big Provoking Israel resulted in a calamity of unimaginable proportions. The operation has
shrunk Hamas to its proper dimensions. It has now been reduced to a terrorist organization whose
political wing has brought about destruction and ruin for its sympathizers.
Palestinian Official: "Another Month of War Will Put Gaza Back in the Dark Ages"
Senior IDF Official: We Left Hamas in Power - The IDF did not take over Gaza or completely destroy
Hamas in order to leave the organization in power, a senior IDF source said on Sunday. "There's an
Israeli interest to have one address in Gaza, we don't want a Somalization in the Strip, but rather one
group to enforce its control of the Strip. This is why the collapse of Hamas was not defined as one of the
objectives," the senior source said. "We wanted to have an address on the other side on the day after.
This address could be the enforcer against militants and take care of its citizens." He asserted that
Hamas wanted to stop the fighting and said the current operation in Gaza will lead to a "longer window
of security." "The objective is to change th reality from its very core, so we don't have mutual fire in two
months. We need to have a balance of hope in the Strip and a balance of security in Israel." Now that
"deterrence has been achieved," the source said he hopes the cease-fire agreement reached will be
different to ones signed previously.
This is no wholesale retreat; all options remain open after Hamas was dealt grievous blows both to its
rocket arsenals and tunnel projects

Overview of Israels Status:
Palestine and Double Standards - The world is outraged by Israeli self-defense but only 'concerned'
when Muslims kill Muslims
Israel is not violating international law in Gaza part 1 Principle of Distinction
Iran, Al Qaeda took note of curbs on IDF vanquishing Hamas, which now has core of a Palestinian army
Israeli Public Sees Gaza Operation as a "War of No Choice"
Israelis Regard Soldier Deaths in Gaza as a Price that Must Be Paid
The Gaza War Is Not a PR Battle - After more than 2,670 rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza in three
weeks, some of which misfired and killed Palestinians, Israel will exercise its right to defend its
citizens. Strategically and economically, the Palestinian people are far worse off now than they
were two decades ago when then Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation
Organization chairman Yasser Arafat signed the first Oslo accord in Washington in September
1993. The Palestinians acknowledged the State of Israel and pledged to reject violence, while
Israel recognized the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, to be a
partner in further negotiations for at least five years. Unfortunately, Arafat and Abbas passed up
their chances to accept bold compromise deals from subsequent Israeli leaders. Palestinians
must grasp the reality that, how ever many women and children Hamas sacrifices, Israel has the
might to defend itself. It is a proud nation, it is not going anywhere and nor should it. Hamas,
Hizbullah and other terrorists are in fantasy land if they imagine they can wipe it off the map,
which is their driving ambition.

The complex reality Israel faces
As truce holds, Israelis set to negotiate long-term solution
Truce means Hamas must shift from terror to governing
US and Qatar again working on alternative ceasefire
The IDF withdrew from Gaza because Hamas allegedly demanded it
Palestinians: United Against Israel
Demilitarization may depend on capitulation to the PAs demands
Israels Unilateral Move: Preferable to a Bad Agreement with a Terrorist Organization
Israel chose an alternative that, at least in the short term, places Hamas in a
difficult strategic position. Israel regained international legitimacy for its actions; Hamas
was again cast as a terrorist organization lacking all credibility that for the sixth time
violated a cease-fire that Egypt and the international community initiated and Israel
Israel decided to deny Hamas veto power over cease-fires and took the initiative
back into its own hands, clarifying that it was not negotiating with Hamas and not
granting it any achievement, neither in terms of a cease-fire nor in terms of an
By its action, Israel established four premises that present Hamas with a new
strategic situation:
1. The demands for which Hamas went to war are no longer on the table.
Hamas is left without the siege being lifted, without an airport or seaport,
without salaries, without prisoner releases, and without the reconstruction of
2. Hamas is left with a Gaza in ruins, a humanitarian crisis, hundreds of
dead, thousands of wounded, one-quarter of a million refugees - and no way to
deal with it.
3. If Hamas continues to fire at Israel, despite Israel's vastly superior
firepower, Israel will continue to pummel Hamas. Its political and military
leadership will continue to live in underground bunkers.
4. Unlike in previous rounds of fighting, Israel and Egypt will ensure that
Hamas will be unable to rebuild its force - Egypt by continuing to prevent
smuggling and Israel by the freedom of action it has reserved for itself to
prevent Hamas' force build-up.
Should Hamas continue the current level of rocket fire at Israel, this will force
the Israeli government to reconsider the option of expanding the military operation -
one that enjoyed a greater element of surprise, and was free of the need to deal with
the attack tunnels.
Should Hamas choose the "drizzle option," i.e., returning to the situation of limited fire on
the Israeli communities bordering Gaza, Israel will have to make it clear that the policy of
response preceding Operation Protective Edge is no longer valid and that any fire will be met
with an extreme response.
Israel Seeks to Gain Advantage by Reversing Course in Gaza
Israel Is Telling Hamas that They're Not Going to Get Anything
Divides in Gaza Leadership Hamper Lasting Truce
After the Unilateral Withdrawal, What's Next? - Reduction of forces in the field will continue until key
positions not far west of the border fence, within Palestinian territory, have been taken up, to retain an
asset that will exert pressure on Hamas to agree to a proper cease-fire.
Sisi: No Alternative to Egypt's Gaza Cease-Fire Initiative
pro-Hamas people who still believe in their actions and lies
Where is the Hamas Offensive?
Hamas initially rejected receiving 3,000 units of blood for Palestinians in Gaza, donated by Palestinians
in west bank, just because the blood was delivered/transported by the Israelis. Report is based on
information given by official Israeli sources. (Israelis don't lie as they know it will be their last chance for
confidence) It was at the time that many Palestinians were wounded in Gaza. Finally, yesterday, after 2
weeks, Hamas accept the delivery of the 3000 units of blood just because it supposed to be delivered by
the Israelis. It showed that Hamas ideology and fundamentalist hatred is stronger than the basic need of
health care for their wounded people.

International Forces:
Iran Admitted to Arming Hamas with Advanced Warheads
Medical Journal [The Lancet] Resisted Publishing Pro-Israeli Rebuttal Letters to Gaza Piece
Gaza: Hamas Are the Terrorists
A letter by the former presidents of Peru (Alejandro Toledo), Uruguay (Luis Alberto
Lacalle), and former government officials in Europe opposes the actions of Chile,
Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil in recalling their ambassadors to Israel, saying "the
manipulation of information in Latin America regarding the current conflict in
Gaza...intoxicates the citizens" and "inspires wrong and reprehensible policies."
"Israel didn't start this war. The Jewish State is responding to the constant barrage of
rockets and mortars from Gaza falling in Israel." "Hamas is...a terrorist organization
designated as such by the U.S. State Department and the European Union and Hamas'
foundational charter...calls for the annihilation of the State of Israel and the death of al
"Any cease-fire that politically rewards Hamas' armed aggression is a strategic
mistake. If there's a real desire for peace, the terror infrastructure must be dismantled
in Gaza: Tunnels, rockets, weapons factories."
"It's an aberration to establish moral equivalence between the two contending
parties. Because, on the one hand is terror, the fanatical Islamist tyranny, and the cult of
death, while on the other hand is freedom, prosperity, and the defense of life.
Barbarism and civilization cannot be at the same level."

American Perspective and Media:
U.S. Diplomacy on Gaza Has Little Sway on Israel
They Condemn Israel because They Can
MSNBC Anchor [Joy Reid]: Israel Responsible for Deaths Equal to 'One-Hundred 9/11s' In Gaza

Ben Shapiro Blasts CNN Over Its Anti-Israel Coverage
CNN Has Two Israel Critics Debate Israel
CNN Can't Answer Criticism of Its Israel Coverage
CNN Mainstreamed the Terrorist Organization Hamas

Cease-Fire between Israel, Hamas Failed Because U.S. Misread Reality. It is Hamas' military wing - the
Boys in the Gaza Bunkers - not the politicians outside like Khaled Meshaal, who are calling the shots in
this war. These guys think they're winning; aren't ready to deescalate. U.S./UN mediators relied on
assurances from Qatar that Hamas agreed to the cease-fire when common sense and good analysis
argued otherwise. This effort at a cease-fire failed in large part because the U.S. misread reality. The
writer is vice president at the Wilson Center in Washington.

Jimmy Carter pushed US to recognize Hamas and slammed Israel in op-ed
Leftist Oz: 'Lose-lose situation for Israel'
Question 1: What would you do if your neighbor across the street sits down on the
balcony, puts his little boy on his lap and starts shooting machine gun fire into your
Question 2: What would you do if your neighbor across the street digs a tunnel from
his nursery to your nursery in order to blow up your home or in order to kidnap your
I am afraid that there can be no way in the world to avoid civilian casualties among
the Palestinian as long as the neighbor puts his child on the lap while shooting into your
This morning I read very carefully the charter of Hamas. It says that the Prophet
commands every Muslim to kill every Jew everywhere in the world. It quotes the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion [an anti-Semitic diatribe] and says that the Jews
controlled the world....So I hardly see a prospect for a compromise between Israel and
Hamas. I have been a man of compromise all my life. But even a man of compromise
cannot approach Hamas and say: "Maybe we meet halfway and Israel only exists on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays."
Unlike European pacifists I never believed the ultimate evil in the world is war. In my
view the ultimate evil in the world is aggression, and the only way to repel aggression is
unfortunately by force. That is where the difference lies between a European pacifist
and an Israeli peacenik like myself. And if may add a little anecdote: A relative of mine
who survived the Nazi Holocaust in Theresienstadt always reminded her children and
her grandchildren that her life was saved in 1945 not by peace demonstrators with
placards and flowers but by Soviet soldiers and submachine guns.

MK Moshe Feiglin remits weekly newsletters;
he provides a useful [right-wing] perspective.

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