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Future Trends for FauIt Recording And

AnaIysis in BraziI due to Market DereguIation

BraziIian Transmission System
Market DereguIation
How transmission utiIities make money
How transmission utiIities Iose money
Changes due market dereguIation
BraziIian Transmission System
InstaIIed capacity: 82,110 MW
69,760 MW (85%) from hydroeIectric
12,350 MW (15%) from thermaI pIants
(2,007 MW of nucIear fueI)
Transmission System (2005)
50.000 miIes
230 kV to 750 kV
815 Transmission Lines
321 substations
BraziIian Transmission System
FuIIy integrated (98 %)
Loads are far away from Generation
Long Transmission Lines
Large Power fIows
Dry/Raining Seasons
When South = Dry, North = Raining
When North = Dry, South = Raining
BraziIian Transmission System
BraziIian System compared to USA
BraziIian System compared to Europe
Market dereguIation
WorId-wide trend in the 90's
Transference of the utiIities property from
the state for the private sector
Opening of the eIectric energy market to
Institution of free access
Change from a modeI with few regionaI
state utiIities that actuated in generation,
transmission and distribution, to a
segregated modeI with weII defined
generation, transmission and distribution
onIy companies
Operating the system
ONS (NationaI ISO)
StabiIity of the System
ONS (NationaI ISO)
ReIiabiIity of the Iines
Transmission companies
Future of the system
ANEEL (ReguIatory Agency)
Time Iine of market dereguIation in BraziI
NationaI EIectric Energy Agency - ANEEL.
ReguIatory agency
ONS (NationaI System Operator) was created
by federaI Iaw in August of 1998 as a
nonprofit entity of private Iaw. ONS is
responsibIe for the coordination, controI and
operation of generation and transmission
instaIIations in the NIS
First Transmission Line Auction to a private
How to Iower transmission cost ?
Reverse Auction:
The winner is the company that offers the Iower bid
("AIIowed AnnuaI Income")
AIIowed AnnuaI Income:
Payment for the construction and operation of a
Transmission Iine.
30 years contracts
This mean that companies are going to try everything
to Iower contruction and operating costs...
Transmission companies do not make money with the
soId energy that uses it's Iines
How to guaranty that the transmission Iine wiII be avaiIabIe to
the system when the NationaI ISO need to operate that
VariabIe Payment
VariabIe Payment
Income reduction estabIished for any Transmission Line
ModeI vaIid for contracts after 2000
OId state owned Transmission Lines wiII have this cIause
incIuded in the contracts beginning 2007
There is an aIIowed faiIure rate per voItage IeveI and aIso
an aIIowed outage duration per year that is not considered
in VariabIe Payment
Each 1 hour of maintenance = 10 hours Iost revenue
Each 1 hour non programmed outage = 150 hours Iost
A transmission Iine out of service due an outage for 4:30h
represent the Iost of a month of revenue
AnnuaI Iost revenue is Iimited at 10% of the totaI revenue
Not appIies to transmission Iines of 750 kV AC or 600 kV
AIIowed Transmission Iine unavaiIabiIity
4 2.3 38 500 kV
4 2.5 21 230 kV
frequency of
outage in
in hours/year
VoItage LeveI
SampIe for a 500kV Iine
Furnas (State owned transmission company)
AIready has a transmission Iine with VP cIause
AIIowed AnnuaI Income is US$ 64,39 miIIion
Line with series compensation
VaIues per hour in case of unscheduIed outages
FauIt AnaIysis in a DereguIated Market
OId times.
FauIt anaIysis intend basicaIIy to improve
overaII system
ReIay setting
Correct technicaI issues
In dereguIated market.
Who to bIame to avoid affecting utiIity
Find the records that wiII be used as proof of
Write reports to be used by Iawyers during
Iitigations among utiIities, system operators
and reguIatory commissions
Improve system to reduce impact VariabIe
Are oId specifications enough ?
What is changing in BraziI ?
Time synchronism on aII data
Improved communication channeIs
CentraIized record management systems
Automatic fauIt anaIysis
Accurate fauIt Iocation
Naming convention for Iines, substation,
Phasor measurement systems
Avoid record modification
Avoid record erasing
Time synchronism of fauIt records
FauIt anaIysis
CorreIation of data coming from diverse equipment
StiII Iots of different IRIG-B "fIavors"
Not aII equipment correctIy copy the GPS time to the
internaI cIock nor use it to synchronize acquisition
DeIay in anaIysis in data manuaIIy synchronized
Represent a cost if add time to recover the Iine
BraziIian Standards estabIish 1 ms accuracy for data DFR
and SCADA systems
ReIay data is not synchronized or when is, do not has the 1
ms accuracy
IEC 61850 (SNTP) synchronized devices
accuracy is far away from the 1 ms
IEEE 1588 Standard (Precision cIock synchronization
protocoI for network measurement and controI system)
shouId bring the accuracy to one microsecond in Ethernet
Communication channeIs performance
AImost aII substations aIready have Ethernet
communications in BraziI
Modem Iinks have been substituted by Ethernet Iinks due to
the faster way of obtaining records than the teIephone
Due instaIIation of fiber optic on the transmission Iines for
the teIecommunication industry in the Iate 90's
The use of opticaI fiber in communication channeIs is
justified by the Iower communication unavaiIabiIity rate and
wiII become standard
Communication faiIure during record transfer from
equipment is an oId probIem for the protection engineer
IEC61850 wiII aIIow equipment data integration in an
effective way, simpIifying fauIt anaIysis by centraIizing aII
information of events channeIs and protection reIays into a
singIe fauIt record
DNP3 and IEC870 had record transfer functions, but are not
popuIar among IED
FauIt Record Management Systems
TypicaI transmission power company has more
than 100 equipment generating fauIt records
Different areas of the utiIity can use fauIt data
ShouId be avaiIabIe automaticaIIy for every one
As soon as possibIe.
ShouId be abIe to deaI with a Iarge amount of data
Must has some kind of fiIter to find a specific event
DFRs have intrinsicaIIy capacity to be accessed
remoteIy, but the protocoIs are proprietary
Open standards are necessary to easiIy integrate
records with management systems
FTP or IEC61850
System shouId be abIe to communicate with DFR
and reIay of different vendors
Automatic FauIt AnaIysis
Support to fauIt anaIysis due to Iarge
amounts of data that actuaI reIays and
DFR can generate
InteIIigent systems shouId be abIe to
Records cIassification
Automatic fauIt reports
Protection performance statistics
Maintenance tooIs integration
These systems wiII not substitute the
protection engineer, but wiII free them to
concentrate in the fauIt anaIysis task,
Ieaving Iess compIex tasks to the
Accurate FauIt Location
TraditionaI one-ended fauIt Iocation are known to have
errors in severaI situations
Two-ended fauIt Iocation is much better, but impIies on
communication and records from both sides
Getting records from both sides is not a probIem anymore
Find it and correIate the data stiII is
Impedance based fauIt Iocator has intrinsicaIIy probIems
when there is no stabIe data during a fauIt
VariabIe fauIt current
Series compensated Iines
TraveIing Waves fauIt Iocation is being instaIIed in aII
series compensated Iines and aIso in Iong Iines in difficuIt
to reach areas
In the future, due the high accuracy, the use of TraveIing
Waves fauIt Iocation shouId be common in aII Iines
Naming convention
Each utiIity has its own standard for
anaIog and digitaI channeIs, phases,
transmission Iines and substations
When the NationaI System Operator
needs compare records from different
utiIities, it is necessary to transIate the
In BraziI, ONS uses a software to do this task
that was presented in a paper here Iast year
Same probIem occurred in the 2003 USA
Many utiIities in BraziI are using the
COMNAMES standard
Phasor Measurement Systems
With the responsibiIity of system stabiIity, the
nationaI system operator is in the process of
instaIIing PMU across aII the "key" substations
After dereguIation, system operates near its
Iimits due energy market
Phenomena reIated to the system dynamic are
more frequentIy the ever
ModeIs do not represent exactIy the system in this
Waveform records are not enough to do this kind of
BraziIian Standards required PMU since 1999 but
onIy now, after some bIackouts reIated to
dynamic stabiIity probIems, is being instaIIed
Records modification
CurrentIy records can be easiIy
modify, making possibIe to change
the finaI report
This situation is not expected from
any utiIity, though, considering
vaIues and financiaI impact of
penaIties, precautions shouId be
Modern systems use digitaI
signatures (MD5) to check whether a
record has been modified
Records excIusion
AIthough this is something strange to
hear, it aIready happened in a BraziIian
utiIity after a substation operator "cIean"
the whoIe busbar pressing the wrong
Trying to avoid to be discovered he erased aII
the records
A good Iogging of aII operations on a DFR
or reIay can Iower the intention of
modification or excIusion a record
They aIIow a permanent register of date,
time and access password.
OId times
FauIt anaIysis was done to understand what
happened and take the corrective actions to
improve reIiabiIity of the system
AIso to guaranty the utiIity revenue
Cost/Benefits anaIysis indicate more
investment in FauIt AnaIysis equipment,
software and personaI
There are technoIogicaI soIutions that
aIIow a quick response in fauIt anaIysis
and, consequentIy, reduction of profit
Transmission Iines are no more just
used to carry out power, but to
generate profit, so the correct unit is
US$ not Amps.

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