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Adamson University

College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department
Experiment 3
Measurement of Density
Group # 1
1. Coloma, Gillyn M 2012118!
2. Dela Cru", #o$ert C. 20121122
%. &ascual, #onal' &atric( D. 2012102)0
Date of E*periment+ ,uly 2!, 201
Date of -u$mission+ .ugust 1, 201
/nstructor+ Engr. .na$ella C. 0ilan'o
/n general, 'ensity is 'e1ne' as the 'egree of compactness.
.lso, it is the amount of matter containe' in a particular 2olume of
su$stance. 3his intensi2e property is measure' using any container of
(no4n mass an' 2olume.
Densities are use' in 'etermining the mass of a su$stance
occupying a speci1c 2olume or 2ice 2ersa. 5o4e2er, it 2aries 4ith
temperature an' pressure. 3hus, changes in con'itions of temperature
an' pressure 4ill result to a change in 'ensity. 3hese changes 4ere
2ery small in soli' an' li6ui' state that it is negligi$le.
7urthermore, the ratio $et4een the 'ensities of su$stances 4ith
respect to a reference 'ensity is calle' the speci1c gra2ity. 3he
reference 'ensity is usually the 'ensity of 4ater at 8C 4hich is
e6ui2alent to one gram per milliliter. . 'e2ice that measures the
speci1c gra2ity is a Mohr9:estphal $alance. 3he principle $ehin' this
'e2ice is .rchime'es; principle of $uoyancy at 4hich the $uoyant force
of a li6ui' sample an' 4ater is $alance' through the use of a''e'
Density is the mass per unit 2olume of a su$stance. 3he
'ensities of samples 4ere 'etermine' using a container of (no4n mass
an' 2olume. 3he 2olume of the sample 4as measure' an' the mass
4as 'etermine'.
. 2ery precise metho' in the 'etermination of 'ensity is $y the
use of pycnometer. &ycnometer is a glass <as( 4ith a close91tting
groun' glass stopper 4ith a capillary hole through it. 3his 1ne hole
releases spare li6ui' after closing a top91lle' pycnometer that
constitutes to a high accuracy 2olumetric measurement of the 4or(ing
li6ui'. . 4or(ing li6ui' is a li6ui' 4ith 4ell9(no4n 'ensity, such as
3he 2olume is 'etermine' using a pycnometer 1lle' 4ith 'istille'
4ater. .ccor'ing to e6uation =2>, the 2olume of 4ater that is 1lling the
pycnometer an' the stopper is+
4here the mass of 5
? is 'etermine' $y e6uation =1>.
3he 2olume of a li6ui' sample is the same as that of the 4or(ing
li6ui', the 2olume of 4ater 'etermine' from e6uation =%>. 3hus, the
'ensity of other samples is gi2en $y+
Com$ination of e6uation =%> an' => 4ill result to an e6uation for
'ensity of li6ui' sample as a function of li6ui' sample mass, 4ater
mass an' 4ater 'ensity.
3o o$ser2e the e@ect of solute concentration to the 'ensity of
solutions, the principle of 'ilution 4as use'. /t is gi2en $y+
3he speci1c gra2ity of a su$stance is the ratio $et4een its
'ensity an' a reference 'ensity 4hich is usually 4ater at 8C. /t is a
pure num$er ha2ing no 'imensions. 3emperature a@ects the 2olume of
a su$stance. 7or 4ater, $oth temperatures higher an' lo4er than 8C
4ill increase the 2olume an' more li(ely 'ecrease the 'ensity an' can
cause signi1cant change in speci1c gra2ity of su$stances $eing
3he Mohr9:estphal $alance is a 'e2ice that measures the
speci1c gra2ity of a li6ui'. 3his metho' in2ol2es the principle of
$uoyancy $y .rchime'es that states that a $o'y immerse' in a <ui'
4ill e*perience a 2ertical up4ar' force e6ual to the 4eight of the
'isplace' <ui'.
3he speci1c gra2ity is o$taine' $y 'etermination of the 4eight of
the sin(er in 2arious li6ui's. 3he apparent 4eight measure' in a li6ui'
of 'ensity

C is relate' to the apparent 4eight measure' in a li6ui'
of 'i@erent 'ensity Brho
C. 7rom e6uation =2> an' =)>,
.s state' a$o2e, speci1c gra2ity is the ratio $et4een t4o
'ensities, an' then from e6uation =8>, the speci1c gra2ity of a
su$stance is gi2en $y+
Dse of &ycnometer
3he e*perimenters prepare' a pycnometer an' four 'i@erent
li6ui's+ 'istille' 4ater, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol an' ethyl acetate.
7or the 1rst li6ui', the mass of the pycnometer 4as measure' an'
recor'e'. Ne*t, the pycnometer 4as full 1lle' 4ith 'istille' 4ater an'
co2ere' it 4ith a $uilt in thermometer allo4ing e*cess 2olume of the
4ater to lea( through a small hole. 3he mass of the pycnometer 4ith
4ater 4as then measure' using analytical $alance an' the
temperature 4as recor'e'. .fter the temperature 4as 'etermine', the
e*perimenters referre' to a ta$le to 'etermine the 'ensity of 4ater at
the measure' temperature. Eastly, the 2olume of the 4ater containe'
in the pycnometer 4as 'etermine' using the measure' mass an' the
gi2en 'ensity. 3his proce'ure 4as repeate' for other li6ui' samples
assuming that the 2olume occupie' $y the 'istille' 4ater is the same
for all the li6ui' samples. .lso, the same proce'ure 4as implie' to
these li6ui' samples 4ith 2arie' concentrations.
Dse of :estphal Falance
3he $alance $eam 4as $alance' 4ith the plummet in air using the
a'Gusta$le scre4s on the leg support. 3hen, the scre4s 4ere a'Guste'
so that the in'e* pointer is line' up 4ith the pointer on the frame. /n
1lling the cylin'er 4ith li6ui', the li6ui' 4as allo4e' to <o4 on its si'e
to a2oi' formation of $u$$les. .fter recor'ing the temperature, the
plummet 4as then completely immerse' in the li6ui'. 3he system 4as
re$alance' using series of ri'ers on the nine e6ually space' notches
on the $eam 4hich speci1e' the 2alue of the a''e' mass for each
'ecimal place. 3hese yiel'e' the $uoyant force of the li6ui' relati2e to
4ater, an' hence the speci1c gra2ity.
Table I. Measurement of Mass and Volume
Mass of empty container
%%.0% )1.H)
3emperature of li6ui' sample
%H %H
0olume of Ei6ui' -ample BmEC 10 10 10 10
Mass of empty container I
li6ui' BgramsC
%).1H )J.1!
Mass of li6ui' sample BgramsC J.8! ).8J 8.%2 ).%J
Density of li6ui' sample BgKmEC 0.J8! 0.)8J 0.8%2 0.)%J
3heoretical Density of li6ui'
sample BgKmEC at %H 8C
0.8!)00 0.)8200
3heoretical Density of li6ui'
sample BgKmEC at 8C
0.8J)00 0.)J180
&ercent De2iation at %H 8C 0.81 1.H8 .0 H.H0
&ercent De2iation at 8C 1.0 1.)% ).2H !.!)
Table ". Measurement of Specifc Gravity using Westphal
3emperature B8CC %%.H %1 %2 %1
-peci1c Gra2ity 0.J8 0.82J 0.8J) 0.)82
Table 3. Measurement of Density using Pycnometer
Mass of empty pycnometer %%.H0 Grams
Mass of pycnometer I 4ater H8.0H grams
3emperature of 4ater %1.80 8C
Mass of 4ater 2.HH Grams
Density of 4ater 0.JH2%80JH2 gKmE
0olume of 4ater A 2olume of
2H.)))H mE
Mass of pycnometer I li6ui' BgramsC H%.!H HH.2 H2.)0
3emperature of li6ui' sample B8CC %1.8 %1.8 %1.8
0olume of li6ui' sample BmEC 2H.)))H 2H.)H% 2H.)))H
Mass of li6ui' sample BgramsC 20.1H 21.J 1J.20
Density of li6ui' sample BgKmEC 0.)81!8JH
0.88HHJ22 0.)8%H!1
3heoretical Density of li6ui' sample BgKmEC
at %H 8C
0.))!)1 0.8!)00 0.)8200
&ercent De2iation
0.! 2.1 .)H
Table #. !ect of Solute "oncentration to Density of Solutions
Ethyl .lcohol Ethyl .cetate Methyl .lcohol
0.J%H!JJ)%81 0.J82222 0.J)H)H)H)H8
0.J000J!J8 0.JH8)8)8)88 0.J!!!!!!!)
0.882HH2!1%) 0.J%%)%)%)%) 0.J1!%!%!%!
0.8H1H1))J!H 0.J08282828% 0.8!H8H8H8HJ
J0L 0.8088J22J 0.8H)%%!828 0.81H%H%H%H

$i%ure &. Concentration '( !ensity
!iscussion o) Results
.s sho4n in 3a$le 1, the compute' 2alues of the 'ensities
'e2iate' from the theoretical 'ensities at 8C. 3his is $ecause 2olume
2aries 4ith temperature. .s the temperature rises, the molecules of
the li6ui's ten' to mo2e further apart resulting to higher 2olume.
/ncrease in 2olume results to 'ecrease in 'ensity. .lso, there is a
minimal 'e2iation of compute' 'ensities from the theoretical 'ensities
at %H 8C.
/nsert :estphal here
7rom ta$le %, the use of pycnometer yiel'e' a more accurate
measurement of 'ensity for all the li6ui' samples compare' to the
'ensities o$taine' in 3a$le 1. 3his is accounte' from the accuracy of
pycnometer in 2olumetric measurement.
3a$le /0 presents the 'ensities of pure li6ui' su$stances 'ilute'
to 'i@erent concentrations. .s sho4n, the 2alue of compute' 'ensities
increases as the li6ui's 4ere 'ilute' to lo4er concentration. 3his
increase is cause' $y the 'ecrease in the mass of solute an' increase
in 2olume of the sol2ent.
7igure 1 is the plot of concentration 2ersus 'ensity of the 'ata
sho4n in 3a$le . 3he graph 2eri1e' the e@ect of 2arying solute
concentration to the 'ensity of solution.
Conclusions and Recommendations
1. -ources of errors 4ere allege' to $e cause' $y the personal
limitations of the e*perimenters in measuring the 2olume. .lso,
'e2iations of compute' 'ensities from the theoretical 'ensities
4ere cause' $y temperature 'i@erences an' present con'ition of
pressure insi'e the la$oratory.
7or the :estphal metho', errors 4ere cause' $y 4ater 'roplets
on the plummet. 3hese 4ater 'roplets may a'' up to the total
mass of the plummet resulting to an un$alance' $eam. .lso,
personal error is a factor $ecause the alignment of the pointers
of the :estphal $alance is $ase' upon the eyesight of the
2. Glasses un'ergo thermal e*pansion. Ei6ui's that e*cee' the
temperature range allo4e' insi'e a pycnometer may cause
$rea(age. .lso, alternate usage of pycnometer on li6ui's 4ith
high an' lo4 temperatures may lea' to further 'amage to the
glass4are $ecause of fre6uent contraction an' e*pansion.
%. /N-E#3 #EC?MMEND.3/?N 5E#E
*iterature Cited
1. Eange, Nor$ert .'olph, an' ,ohn .. Dean. Lange's Handbook of
chemistry. 10th e'. Ne4 Mor(+ McGra495ill, 1J)%.
2. 7el'er, #ichar' M., an' #onal' :. #ousseau. NMass an'
0olume.NElementary principles of chemical processes. 2n' e'.
Ne4 Mor(+ :iley, 1J8!. %9!.
%. 5immel$lau, Da2i' Mautner, an' ,ames F. #iggs. NDensity an'
-peci1c Gra2ity.NBasic principles and calculations in chemical
engineering. 8' e'. Engle4oo' Cli@s, N.,.+ &aul Foger, 201%. J9
. Gallo2a, ,.. NDensity Determination $y &ycnometer.N Fpharm. N.
OuPer(a, &hD. , n.'. :e$. 28 ,uly 201.
i A su$scripts
gA gra2itational acceleration, J.81 mKs
2 speci1c gra2ity
0A 2olume
:A 4eight, =BmassC * Bgra2itational accelerationC>
C A concentration or percent concentration

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