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Text Mining

Definition :Text mining and text analytics are broad

umbrella terms describing a range of technologies for
analyzing and processing semi-structured and
unstructured text data. The need is to turn text into
numbers so powerful algorithms can be applied to
large document databases.
Text Mining areas with related field
We can broadly classify text mining techniques based on the relation
with various field.
TM Classification
Search & IR (Information Retrieval)
Concept Extraction
Information Extraction
Document Clustering
Document Classification
Web mining
NLP ~ Computational linguistic
Inverted Index (IR)
Feature Selection (classification)
Link analytics (web mining)
Sentiment Analysis (classification)
Name Entity Extraction(information extraction)
Part of speech tagging(nlp)
Synonym identification (content extraction)
Topic modeling (content extraction)
Question answering(nlp)
Document clustering & classification(clustering)
Spam filtering (content extraction)
Use of text mining to reveal trends
Sentiment analysis using customer reviews
Defense against spam mails.
Genre detection based on a training set from
music site(uses classification)
Market basket analysis- associating commonly
found terms together
Classical example of watson (NLP)
Use of topic modelling in R to show the
probabilistic modeling of term frequency
occurrences in documents.
Performing ontology on news article (multi-
faceted topic hierarchies for easier searching
and browsing)

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