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Collected, Edited & Typed by: B.

Induja Reddy
The CDS 2 unit:
1) What do you mean by functions? Give the
structure of the functions and explain about the
arguments and their return values.
(Aug/Sep-07, Set 1,Set 2
April/May-07, Set 3
Nov/Dec-04, Set 4)
2) What is meant by function prototype? Give an
example of function prototype?
(Aug/Sep-07, Set 3
April/May-07, Set 3
Aug/Sep-06, Set 2)
3) Distinguish between function prototype and
function definition.
(Aug/Sep-07, Set 3
May/June-06, Set 2, Set3)
4) Explain in detail about pass by value and pas by
reference. Explain with a simple program.
(April/May-07, Set 4
April/May-03, Set 1
Nov/Dec-04, Set 4)
Illustrate the difference between call-by-value and
call-by-reference with suitable examples.
(Aug/Sep-06, Set 3)
Distinguish between call-by-value and call-by-
(May/June-06, Set 1)
Explain the parameter passing mechanism in C
5) What is the scope of variables of type: Auto,
Register and static?
(Aug/Sep-07, Set-1
April/May-07, Set-4)
Nov/Dec-2000, supp)
6) Why is it possible to use the same variable names
for actual and formal arguments?
(Aug/Sep-07, Set 3
May/June-06, Set 2, Set 3)
7) Distinguish between user defined and built in
(Aug/Sep-07, Set-3
Aug/Sep-06, Set-2)
8) What is recursion? What is its advantage?
(Aug/Sep, Set 3
May/June-06, Set 2, Set 3)
9) What is the significance of conditional
(April/May-07, Set 1
June-02, Set 3)
What is meant by conditional compilation? What are its
(May/June-06, Set-4)
10)Write a recursive function power (Base, Exponent)
that when invoked returns base exponent.
(April/May-07, Set 2, Set 3
Aug/Sep-06, Set 1
May/June-06, Set 3)
11) Write a C program that uses a function to sort an
array of integers.
(Aug/Sep-07, Set 1, Set2, Set3
Nov/Dec-04, Set-4
April/May-03, Set 2)
12) How does the un- Defining of a pre- Defined macro
(April/May-07, Set 1)
13) Distinguish between function and preprocessor
(April/May-07, Set 1)
14) What is a preprocessor directive?
(April/May-07, Set 1)
15) Explain the accessing of memory locations in call-
by-value and call-by-reference mechanism with a
suitable illustration.
(Aug/Sep-06, Set 3)
16) What are storage class in C ? Explain with
examples. Mention few string handling functions.
(Dec-01, Supp
June-02, Set 1
Nov/Dec-03, Set 4
Nov/Dec-04, Set 3)
17) Explain the control statements in C language
(June-02, Set 2)
18) Dynamic memory location? Explain how this can be
implemented in C.

19) Distinguish between the following

(1) Actual and formal arguments
(2) Global and local variables
(3) Automatic and static variables
(April/May-07, Set 4
May/Dec-06, Set 1
April/May-03, Set 1
Nov/Dec-04, Set 4, Set 2)
20) Distinguish between getchar and scanf functions
for reading strings.
(April-03, Set 3
May/June-04, Set 4)
21) What do you mean by functions. Give the structure
of the functions and explain about the arguments and
their return values?
(April/May-03, Set 2)

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