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USERID: S0009422165
PW D : varpcoe@
# To find the Path for a Tcode in SAP Execute Tx:-search_sap_menu and enter the
text entry for the T Code(Ex;-SM02 System Messages)
# SAP Note 556734: Transport: Setup and further information
######### Top 10 SAP Notes##########
# SAP Note 1:Customer reports that problem is resolved
# SAP Note 2:Customer action not performed -> Message closed
# SAP Note 3:Inquiry to be processed under a different number
# SAP Note 4:Note pending by the specialty department
# SAP Note 5:Consulting provided to customer
# SAP Note 6:Customer could not be reached -> See note 16018
# SAP Note 7:Error caused by customer modification/development
# SAP Note 8:Consulting and no error (SAP-internal note)
# SAP Note 9:Error cannot be reproduced -> No solution
# SAP Note 10:Your inquiry has been completed
### Two Support Interface for SAP VAR's (AGS Support Advisor-SAP Active Global S
upport & PSD's-Partner Service Delivery Organization along with PSA-Partner Serv
ices Advisor)
L SUPPORT BY AGS along with CIC Agents and Support Advisor(24*7).
# CIC stands for Customer Interaction Center Agent
# For a Go-Live Check like "Quality Assurance Project Go-live" (One per year per
Prod. System) contact Customer Interaction Center(CIC) Agent as per the SAP Not
e: 560499.
# For Top Issue & Vital Early Watch Alerts contact Support Advisor(24*7) as per
the SAP Note: 1162164
# For service request & additional Information can be routed via the SAP SMP/SDN
/MMP(Manage MY Partnership) area of the SAP PArtnerEdge Portal.
# Second Support for SAP VAR's is PROACTIVE & REACTIVE ENABLEMENT of the Partner
BY PSD's-Partner Service Delivery Organization along with PSA-Partner Services
# Technical Enablement & Operational Support via Phone or Email to PSA(8*5).
# Areas of Enablement:Enterprise Support Concept,People Support, Partner Sup
port Infrastructure, Enterprise Support Processes
# For a "Go-Live-Check" you should contact the CIC Agent,please see here the SAP
Note:560499.Top issues and Early Watch Alerts should be requested via the Suppo
rt Advisor,please see SAP Note:1162164.A service request and additional informat
ion can be routed support Advisor via the SMP(Service Market Place), the SDN(SAP
Developer Network), the MMP(Manage MY Partner) area of the SAP PartnerEdge Port
# "Incident" shall mean the support event starting with a malfunction or functio
nal impairment of the software which- with reasonable probability - is based on
a defect or error of the software.As soon as SAP's or PARTNER's support organiza
tion is informed, the support event becomes an incident.
# The following types of priority 1("Very High") messages are excluded from the
SLA for Initial Reaction Time(IRT) and the SLA for the Corrective Action in case
of Priority 1("Very High").
>Message regards a Release, version and/or functionalities of software d
eveloped specifically for End User.
>Messages regarding country versions that are not part of the SAP Standa
rd Software and instead are realized as partner Add-on's, Enhancements, or Modif
ications are expressly excluded.
>The root-cause behind the message is not a malfunction, but a missing f
unctionality("development request") or the message is ascribed to a consulting r
equest(as per SAP Note 83020)
>The release has entered the phase of "Customer-specific" maintenance.
### EWA is an important technical data or service data are extracted from the En
d User's data for which SAP EWA is processed.Data are transmitted through a Reom
te connection to our Solution Manager where the data is been processed.The trans
ferred data include technical data with non-sensitive content which is transpare
nt and manageable in Transaction in SDCCN.The processing system analyzes this da
ta and provides a clear overview of the result in a report.
# SAP Enterprise Support for indirect channel Procative and Reactive Remote Serv
ice Portfolio
PROACTIVE Delivery to PARTNER is Onging Quality Measures (OQM)
The related Innovation that covers under (OQM) are Accelerated I
nnovation Enablement and SAP Supplement Service for Partner Template
REACTIVE Delivery to Customer is Technical Quality Checks (TQC).
TQC covers SAP Going Live Check per Production System per Year,
SAP Early Watch Alert Check (Follow-up to critical **EWA**).
Related to Mission Critical Support
SAP Business Process Performance Optimization**
SAP Data Volume Management**
SAP OS/DB Migration**
SAP Security Optimization**
SAP Technical Performance Optimization Database**
SAP Upgrade Assessment**
SAP Going Live Functional Upgrade Check**
# SAP offers two support Models
1.VAR-delivered Support:- Partner sells license and maintenance
Partner holds license contract and maintenance contrac
t with the customer.
Partner delivers first and second level support, SAP d
elivers development(third level) of support.
Partner COE certification is mandatory
2. SAP-delivered Support:-Partners sells license and markets maintenance
Partner holds license contract and SAP holds maintenan
ce contract with the customer
SAP delivers full support (including first & second le
vel support)
Partner COE certification is not required.
# SAP Note for GSCI: 560499(If cusomers are not satisfied with the progress of C
ustomer message,they may call GSCI ans per the note and request to speed up the
processing of the message),but a business impact is needed like PRD down,users A
ffected,business loss,Upgrade or go-live is hampered,financial loss,is there any
workaround place etc...
# If a VAR does not have implemented SAP Solman yet, the SAP Support Portal can
be used to open problem messages for its VAR Customer's or it's own installation
VARs create probelm messages for a VAR customer specific
# If the issue reported in a cusomter message is classified as consulting issue,
customer will be offered a Remote Consulting service for an additional charge.
# SAP Note 83020 : What is consulting? What is Support?
# ASAP Methodology in Implementation of SAP Solutions
Project Preparation
Business Bluprint
Final Preparation
Go Live & Support
# Change Request Management(Change Management) Planning of Maintenance
Change Request Management
Support Packages and stacks
Maintenance Optimizer
Hot News, Notes, Top News
# There are 3 options of creating message in VAR by Customers SAP Users
Via Support message from SAP System(if SAP system is connected by RFC to
SAP Solution Manager)
Via Web-Frontend
Via Phone or Email --VAR Support will enter the message in VAR Solution
# RFC Destinations within SAP Solution Manager
RFC Destination Name System No. Logon Client UserID/Password
Its Use How created
Notes Assistant Maintain technical settings in transaction OSS1
SAP-OSS 01 001 S-User/customer
specific Exchange problem Transaction SM59
messages with SAP
SAP-OSS-LIST-001 01 001 S-User/customer
specific To retrieve information Transaction SM59
about messages which have
been changed at SAP
# Per Customer one RFC Connection is necessary (Copy of SAPOSS)is to forward mes
sages to SAP in the name of the customer.
# Changes in the Repository objects(development Objects like Function Modules,Tr
ansactions,programs,screens,Tables) effects in the whole system.They effect all
the clients.These changes are captured in Workbench Requests(Repository objects
and cross client data).
# Changes to client specific customizing objects are reorded in Customizing Requ
ests.They are specific to client.
# ABAP Editor --SE38
# ABAP Dictionary:To Display,create and change of Tables or views --SE11
# ABAP Dictionary:To Display of Tables or views --SE12
# Menu Painter(like Menu bar,Standard toolbar) --SE41
# Screen Painter --SE51
# Function Builder (to create,display or change Function Modules) --SE37
# Class Builder (to create,display or change classes) --SE24
# Above all the actions can be done through Object Navigator(Provided Repository
Tools to create,change Repository Objects) --SE80
# 3 Step Approach to get VAR PCOE Certification (People, Infrastructure and Cert
ification). for the first time.
# Full certification can be obtained within 9 months(this is an estimation time
for net new partners)
# Recertification is required for every 2 years(i.e. only for step 3,if pre-requ
isites are still met)
# Learning Maps and Enablement Sessions for employees in VAR's support team depe
nding on functional areas:
Incident Management & Mission Critical Support ---(Focus on Message Solv
ing issues)
Global Support Backbone incl. SAP Solution Manager---(sessions for Techn
ical Consultant and Administrators @ the VAR Support Team)
Support Coordinator
Service Delivery
### Things to be defined when reporting an Incident by either a Customer or Part
Technical Information on context and system
Comprehensive description of the Problem
Specific Product Component
Usage of SAP Expert Forums and other sources
Search through own former messages
### Things to be done @ 1st Level Support by VAR PARTNER
Here we need to check for completeness and do a Root cause Analysis as below:
Complete the problem description(include/correct missing/wrong informati
Check the priority based on the given definition (Prio 1)
Translate into ENGLISH if necessary
Assign incident to a Product Component
Ensuring working Remote Connection
Search Support Database (e.g notes and messages)
Ensuring end user's activities
Adding any attacments that could help
### Things to be done @ 2nd Level Support by VAR PARTNER
Here we can search for a solution and provide possible workaround related to gen
eral requests functionality and known bugs:
Searching for errors
Checking the customizing settings
Analyze dumps,write traces,debug
Reproduce the incident
Access the Customer system if necessary
Test the Solution
Provide workaround
Usage of SAP expert forums and other sources
If Partner cannot fulfill their Support obligation of message solving,su
mmarize the status before forwarding to SAP Support
# Benefits of the SAP Service Market Place
****** One Source For All Your Business Needs*****
Full Access any time, anywhere
Up-to-date Information
Information Personalization
Pro-active notification services
Single Sign-On Access
User-friendly / Intutive navigation
# Several Types of Connecting to SAP VAR Customers
Service Connection Type Description
SAP Note
Business Suite Support(SAP GUI Enables remote access to an
Based) SAP system via SAPGUI
SAP Soultion Manager(connection to Provides access to the solution
SAP Solman) graphic in SAP Solution Manager
Netviewer(Access on OS-Level) enables collaboration and applic
ation 1124718(for VARs)
sharing access via Netviewer
# SAP solution Manager provides tools,contents and Best Practices for the
complete life cycle, It integrates central Administration of Netweaver to facili
tate administration tasks and as one single source of truth contains about the "
Documentation" of the System Landscape, all Processes and Documentation.
SAP Solution Manager is the central platform for the implementation of
E2E Solution Operations.
# According to ITIL(IT Infrastructure Library) Application Lifecycle consi
sts of 6 phases.
Requirements (Gather requiremnets for new and adopted application based
on the business needs).
Design (Translate the requirements into futures specifications).
Build & Test (Make Application and opearational model ready for deployme
Deploy (Incorporate operational model and existing IT environment
and install the application on top of the operational model)
Operate (Delivery the service required by the business)
Optimize (Analyze the results of the service level performance and a
ct upon it)
SAP Solution Manager can be establish as a single source of truth with all Busin
ess Processes,entire documentation, all test information,all customer developmen
ts and functional enhancements, all incident and problem information, all monito
ring data, all service level information, all change information, all service pl
anning delivery and follow up information, all maintenance activities, all train
ing information and all systems,All information about your solution is at your f
inger tips inside SAP solution Manager
# SAP Solution Manager Work centers are role-based,enable easy navigation for en
d-users, use a common interface for central administration of solutions and supp
ort service level management.
Available Work Centers are
SAP Solution Manager Administration
System Landscape Management
Solution Documentation Assistant
Test Management
Job Management
System Monitoring
System Administration/Technical Administration
Business Process Operations
Incident Management
Root Cause Analysis
SAP Engagement and Service Delivery
Change Management
# "Business Process" information can be found in the Solution Directory of the S
AP Solution Manager.It includes various information like structure,transactions,
configurations,development,test cases,training,the graphic and more.
# The SAP Solution Manager provide scenarios to cover all the phases of Ap
plication Management Lifecycle by delivering helpful tools and services
Implementation:-The Implementation phase is covered through scen
arios for the implementation and Upgrade of SAP Solution with
Implementation of SAP Solutions:-
SAP Methods and tools
Global Rollout
Customizing Sync
E-learning Management
Test Management
Upgrade of SAP Solutions:-
SAP Methods and tools
E-Learning Management
Test Management
Operations:-Operation phase cover with Solution Monitoring, Serv
ice Desk, Root Cause Analysis
Optimization:-This Phase covers the Delivery of SAP Services and
Upgrade tools.
# End-to-End Workload Analysis:-SAP Licensed 2 third Party products to complete
the key capabilities of the Root Cause Analysis.
"CA's WilyIntroscope" for the server's side RCA
"BMC Appsight" for client side RCA
# Also WilyIntroscope EM (Enterprise Maanager) is an expert monitoring tool for
Root Cause Analysis.
# The recommended version to be used in Wily introscope Enterprise Manager 9.10
# The Enterprise Manager acts as the central repository for all the introscope p
erformance data and metrics collected in an application environment. The Enterpr
ise Manager processes performance data and makes it available to users for m
onitoring and diagnosis.
# BMC Appsight enables the analysis of client performance in combination with us
er interaction and on a code level.
# "Solution Monitoring" in the SAP Solution Manager "detects problems" and repor
ts on capacity trends,service level agreements and solution quality
# "Root Cause Analysis" in the SAP Solution Manager "resolves problems"
# The basis for "solution monitoring" is the data collection from the "satellite
systems".There is the real-time monitoring with the "CCMS(COmputer Center Manag
ement System)",monitoring of the infrastructure.And continuous monitoring via th
e Service Data Control Center(transaction code SDCC).
# SAP Solution Manager provides Complete landscape profile, Issue description, C
omponents and business processes,history etc..,
# In the "front Office", the SAP Solution Manager is the enabler for the safegua
rding delivery.
It covers the methodology,best practices,processes,landscapes,issues and
action planning.This all is supported by a safeguarding team which manages the
collaboration with Partners and Customers and provides interface to the SAP Back
-office.It also does executive reporting,review meetings,analyzes,track issues a
nd delivers solutions.
# SAP Expertise On-demand enables you to order expert services to address your n
eeds for short-term remote and on-site consulting services.
# There are three tiers of Change Request Management(CHARM) implemented in the S
AP Solution Manager
Change Admin
Project Management
Change Logistics
# The following 4 points represents the core value proposition of SAP Solution M
# "Upgrade Management" uses the SAP Solution Manager to manage the upgrade proje
ct holistically and effectively end-to-end, and allows SAP Customers to better u
nderstand and manage the major technical risks and challenges within an upgrade
project.Some of the upgrade capabilities include:an upgrade Roadmap,e-learning M
anagement Tools, and Test Management functionality as well as Change Management
# Mission-Critical Support within SAP Enterprise Support
Service Level Agreeements for Mission-Critical Support
Mission Critical Support - Values and Benefits
### Top Rules of Conduct
# List of Questions need to be asked the Customer, when a message is received in
highly incomplete.
Logon data?
Step-by-step example?
Direct Contact Person and phone number?
Analysis from the solution?
Excerpt from short dump/log files?
Note:-Some notes exists with list of questions.The standard notes are 16018 or 4
6962, but they are not feasible in every cause, because they might be too compre
But there are also notes for special areas(e.g.note 324797 for IS-U-TO-MI)
#Starting and Stopping of an SAP Systems and Instances Using Commands (UNIX)
If you want to start an ABAP or dual-stack (ABAP+Java) central instance
DVEBGMS00 that has the virtual host names cic11 and cic12, enter the following c
ommands :
startsap -t r3 -i DVEBGMS00 -v "cic11 cic12"
If you want to start a Java central instance JC00 that has the virtual h
ost names cic11 and cic12, enter the following commands :
startsap -t j2ee -i JC00 -v "cic11 cic12"
Parameter Name Description
-t Specify task
-i Specify SAP system instance
-v Specify Virtual Host names
-c Check satabase and SAP instance status
-h Display help
-v Display startsap script version
-c Check virtual host name
# Five Steps to Perform the System Setup of Solution Manager 7.1
Check Pre-requisites
System Preparation
Basic Configuration
Configuration of Managed Systems
Agents on-the-fly and Additional information
### Check Pre-requisites Roadmap ###
The following things have to be prepared before you can start with the confi
guration of SAP Solution Manager
>Solution Manager S-Users in SAP Service Market Place
>Assure Support Package level of SAP Solution Manager
>Check SLD CR content and model version (to maintain SLD and LMDB-Landsc
ape Management Database is synchronization)
>Check RFC destination SAPOSS
>Assure Solution Manager profile parameters
>Download software for Diagnostics Agents and SAP Hostagents
>Download software for Wily Introscope Enterprise Manager(Solution Monit
oring and Root Cause Analysis)
>Optional:Perform Client Copy
# ***System Preparation Steps****
The following preparation consists of the following steps:
*Create Users
*Check Installation
*Implement SAP Note
*Configure connectivity
*Prepare Landscape Description
# The User "SM_INTERN_WS" is used for the internal web services communication be
tween Solution Manager ABAP stack and Solution Manager JAVA Stack..
# The User "SM_EXTERN_WS" is used for the external web services communication be
tween Solution Manager ABAP-JAVA stack and external Diagnostics Agents.
# If the Solution Manager runs more than one instance you have to install a Web
Dispatcher:Before Solman 7.1 SP03, the message server is used to to load balanci
ng, whereas from Solman 7.1 SP03 it is routing by Web Dispatcher using "http ser
# *****Basic Configurations*****
The scenario Basic Configuration consists of the following steps
*Specify solution
*Specify User and connectivity Data
*Specify Landscape data
*Configure Manually
*Configure automatically
*Configure Engagement Reports
*Create scenario Configuration Users
# For security reasons it is recommended to maintain two S-Users for Solution Ma
*The S-User for Backend should have no authorizations since it could be
misused for direct logon.(this ID is used in RFC Connections SAP-OSS ans SAP-OSS
*The S-User for communication is needed to perform tasks like synchroniz
ation of service messages, system data and to request licenses.This user needs m
ore extensive authorizations.(This User is assigned to the users SOLMAN_ADMIN
and SOLMAN_BTC in tansaction AISUSER).
# "The step will be deactivated" if we want to create the first solution in the
Solution Manager and the solution "SAP Solution" already exists.
# ******Managed Systems Configuration*******
The Managed Systems Configuration consists of the following steps
*Select Product
*Check Prerequisites
*Connect Managed System
*Assign Diagnostics Agent
*Enter System Parameters
*Enter Landscape Parameters
*Create Users
*Configure manually
*Create Logical Components
*Check configuration
############## What is Solution Manager ##############
####### The SAP Solution Manager is the central application management platform
that companies can run in their solution landscape to help them implement, opera
te, monitor, and support their solutions effeciently.SAP solution Manager provid
es tools, content and a gateway to SAP to reduce risk and Total Cost of Ownershi
############## What is SAP Early Watch Alert ##############
####### * Important system data is transmitted from the SAP Customer system to S
AP Solution Manager at regular intervals of time via Remote Connection (RFC Conn
* The transmitted data consists of only technical data with Non-sensisti
ve content, which is transparent and manageable in Transaction SDCCN.
* SAP Soltuion Manager analyzes this data and provides a clear overview
of the results in a report, which can be downloaded from SAP Solution Manager.
* Keeping TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) low and the performance of your
SAP Solution high is a tremendous value to your business---A Value delivered by
SAP Early Watch Alert ##############
####### SAP Early Watch Alert---Content #######
* System Configuration
* Performance Overview
* Workload Distribution
* SAP System Operations
* Hardware Capacity
* Database Performance
* Database Administration
* Trend Analysis
######## Flow of SAP Early Watch Alert as below:
* Satellite System --->(RFC Data Transfer)--->SAP Solution Manager (Cust
omer)--->SAP Service Market Place
### SAP Early Watch Alert Check ###
*SAP Early Watch Alert is performed on a weekly basis at the customer si
te using SAP Solution Manager
*In case of any critical alerts monitored by SAP EarlyWatch Alert, the r
esults will be sent in addition to the periodical reports to SAP.
An SAP EarlyWatch Check will be scheduled by SAP.Each Productive instal
lation is entitled to up to two SAP EarlyWatch Checks per year performed by SAP
within "SAP Standard Support"(only for SAP Standard Support Customers)
*SAP EarlyWatch Check will be delivered remotely by an SAP Service Engin
eer for a duration of one day.A dedicated contact person at customer site is req
*This check analyzes current system status, performance overview,databas
e administration,databaase performance, workload distribution, hardware capacity
,system configuration,operating system, SQL and ABAP ana
*A Final Report generated, describes the implications of the issues disc
overed by the analysis and also provide detailed suggestions to solve the discov
ered issues.
#####Two Types of On-the-Job Sessions #######
Business Enablement Sessions: Targeted at senior executives and business heads,
these sessions provide a high level overview of management-level subject matter.
Partner personnel that are on the delivery and/or technical side are also encou
raged to attend these sessions as they provide insight to the strategy adopted b
etween SAP and the partner firm.
Technical Enablement Sessions: These sessions are specifically targeted at partn
er employees on the delivery side - consultants and / or administrators. Topics
covered in these sessions will help them improve their understanding for custome
r presentation purposes. Topics will include areas such as: installation, config
uration, customization, migration etc
#Three main elements as a PARTNER to work with the SAP Solution Manager Enterpri
se Edition
*Setup SAP Solution Manager Enterprise Edition- Installation & Configura
*GoingLive Check
*Transition existing and Maintaining new customers
#We may speed up the Solution Manager Setup best by attending the appropriate Ex
pert Guided Implementation Sessions.
#The two kind of activities that need to be performed for the support preparatio
n are Partner internal activities and Interactive activites- Partner together wi
th customer.
#*****Some Important Quick links to SAP Portal*****#
Continuous quality checks and improvement services for
SAP Enterprise Support services
Expert Guided Implementation sessions
SAP GoingLive Check service
SAP EarlyWatch Alert service
SAP EarlyWatch Check service
SAP GoingLive Functional Upgrade Check service
SAP OS/DB Migration Check service
To contact your local CIC [Customer Interaction Center]
Maintain Connections to SAP
Maintain system data
Maintain User data (User ADministration)
SAP Online Knowldege Products:SAP Solution Manager(SAP Tutors)
Application Lifecycle Management with SAP Solution Manager www.://service.s
Run SAP Methodology
End-to-End Solution Operations
End-to-End Root Cause Analysis
End-to-End Change Control Management
Business Process Monitoring
SAP Standards for Solution Operations
SOLMAN_SETUP wiki in SDN http://wiki.sdn.
Solution Manager Authorizations Wiki in SDN http://wiki.sdn.
****** Global Support Customer Interaction ---->
~sapidp/011000358700000905192010E.pdf *****
#Structure of "On the Job Enablement for Solution Manager" consists of five area
*Welcome Session
*The Circullum
*General Introduction
*Service desk Essentials
*Service Desk Advanced
#How is the enablement program Unique and Advantageous for Partners?
The adv. of the program is to ensure that the RAMP Up is:
Customize to YOUR Preferences
Coordinated with personalized Attention
Aligned with Business Operations
Cost Effective
Suppported by Experts
#SAP has various types of Partners:
OVM Partners
Service Partners
Channel Partners like VAR
Software Solution and Technology Partners
# Few notes with list of questions need to be sent to customers if we receive a
message which is highly incomplete like
What are your logon data?
Please send step-by-step example?
Can you please send the information about the direct contact person and
his/her phone number?
What is the solution from analysis?
Would you please send an excerpt from short dump/log files?
Standard Notes with list of questions are 16018 or 46962, but they are not feasi
ble in every case,because they might be too comprehensive.
But there are also notes for special areas (e.g.note 324797 for IS-U-TO-MI).
# We are supported to process a customer message.The problem situation is clear
to us.However one particular peice of inforamtion is missing.
So it is always better to call the customer and ask for the particular i
nforamtion if it is really one peice of information than requesting the inforamt
ion via the message
# Diagnostic Agent:- Diagnostic agent is present in solman and can also be manua
lly installed in any satellite system, which collects statistics(technical or se
rvice) data for only SAP.
*Only one Diagnostic Agent needs to be installed on a physical host with
several logical managed hosts.
# SAP Hostagents:- SAP Hostagent is present at enduser satellite systems which
collects statistics for OS, DBA & SAP as well.Some programs of SAP Hostagent ru
n under user root in UNIX or under the Local System Account
in Windows.This is necessary to enable the collection of e.g. operating system
relevant data with SAPOScol.
But default path for SAP Hosagent in Unix is /usr/sap/hostc
trl and in Windows C:\ProgramFiles\SAP\hostctrl.

In summary both are almost equal with a slight c
# Agents-on-the-fly:- With SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP05 a new functionality was
added to Diagnostics agent.Addressing the growing need of more flexible agents
in the growing and more complex and virtualized environments of our customers, t
he agents-on-the-fly concept was introduced.
# Agents On-the-fly concept:-
When for a given Diagnostics Agent (installed for a Physical or Virtual
host) the Agents On-the-fly feature is enabled, this Agent can potentially run
additional Diagnostics Agent processes (Agents On-the-fly), under his SID and In
stance Number. These additional processes are considered as being Diagnostics
Agents On-the-fly or "Nodes".
The rule for having additional or less of these Agents On-the-fly at a g
iven point in time is as follow. Whenever a new (Logical) hostname is visible on
the underlying (Physical or Virtual) host, the Diagnostics Agent (installed
initially), will automatically create one additional Agent On-the-fly. However w
hen this Logical hostname is no longer associated with that underlying (Phys
ical or Virtual) host, the Diagnostics Agent will stop and remove again the asso
ciated Agent On-the-fly.
## System Landscape data in Solman 7.1 flows from SLD to LMDB and then to SMSY.B
ut for the first time after the Upgrade of Solman 7.1 from 7.0, we can migrate t
he system landscape information that was defined in SMSY in solman 7.0 and
that cannot be provided by an SLD.This migration is called "Aspect-Orinted Migra
tion", which is necessary after update or upgrade from Solman below 7.1
SP04 to avoid manual recreation.
# For SAP Hostagents the following activities have to be performed
on each Physical or Virtual Host:-
*Install/Update SAP Hostagent
*Establish Trusted Connection:The information gathered by the SAP Hostag
ent(OS and DB information and inforamtion on hostnames on the physical host) is
provided to the Diagnostics Agent via a Web Service -->To call this Web Service
the OS user of the Diagnostics agent (default daaadm) must be a trusted user to
the SAP Hostagent
# What is Service Level Management (SLM)?
The "disciplined, proactive" methodology and procedures used to ensure t
hat "adequate levels of service" are delivered to all IT users in accordance wit
h "business priorities and at acceptable cost".
# What is Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
Agreement on quality of services between Service Customer and Service Pr
*Business Process Owner(BPO) and IT Organization
*IT Organization and Business Partner (hardware Partner, Software Partne
r, Implementation Partner, Outsourcing Partner).
# What is Service Level Reporting (SLR)?
The IT department measures and periodically communicates the agreed serv
ice goals.
##### Service Level Management means to measure specific system parameters in ac
cordance with Service Level Agreements between two parties, organizational units
or organizations involved in the management and operation of a customer's SAP S
olution. The results should be reported on a regular basis:Service Level Reporti
# The minimum SAP Hostagent version we need for Agents on-the-fly is "Version 10
3" .

# SAP have defined 16 standards which can guide to go through those support proc
esses.SAP Standards for E2E Solution operations available for download at follow
ing path
# The "Run SAP Methodology" is an innovative and proven methodology to optimize
the implementation and ongoing management of End-to-End solution operations.
# Run SAP is "ASAP for operations" by providing Best Practices, Content, Service
s, Training and tools for End-to-End Soultion Operations.
# The Run SAP Roadmap consists of the following five phases:
* Assessment and Scoping
* Design of Operations
* Setup of Operations
* Handover into Production
* Operations and optimization
*************Root Cause Analysis (SAP Fundamentals)******************
# What is R/3 Repository?
* In the R/3 system from SAP, the R/3 Repository is the central place wh
ere development components in the ABAP Workbench are stored. These components in
clude all of the: process models, data models, business object models, business
objects, and all data and their relationships. The R/3 Repository also includes
the ABAP Dictionary

# What are the sub objects or options from SE38 Transaction or ABAP Editor scree
n for a program ?
Source Code:-containing the ABAP statements
Text Elements:-
# ABAP Programs run at the Application level, both the applications provided by
SAP and the ones you develop yourself.ABAP programs work with data called up fro
m the database level and store new data there as well.
# The Repository contains all development objects, for example development objec
ts like programs,funtion modules,database table definitions
and global types.Development objects therfore also known as Repository object
s.Repository objects are not client specific.They can be therefore viewed and us
ed in all the clients.
* All the development objects created with the development tools found in the AB
AP Workbench are classified as Repository objects and are stored centrally in th
e R/3 Repository.
* Changes of Repository objects become effective in all the clients and the whol
e system.
* Along with the Repository,database also contain Application tables and customi
zing tables that are usually client-specific.
* Each Repository object must be assgined to a development class when it is crea
# To view the "Repository structure" in the Application Hierarchy from the initi
al screen using Tools-->ABAP Workbench-->Overview-->Application Hierarchy.
Also we can navigate to all the below screen directly from initial scree
n Tools-->ABAP Workbench-->Overview----->
Application Hierarchy(SE81)
Object Navigator (SE80)
Business Object Browser
Modification Browser
Reuse Library
Information System (SE84)
Data Browser
Transport Organizer (SE09)
BAPI Explorer
# Source Code :- contains ABAP statements
# Screens :- consists of screen layouts and associated flow logic
# Interface :- contains all of the entries in the menus, the standard toolbar
, the application toolbar and the function key settings.It contains titles and
statuses.A status is a collection of key settings and menus.
# Text Elements:- These are language-specific. They can be translated either dir
ectly from the text element maintenance tool, or using a special translation too
# Documentation:- It is also a language-specific.Always write documentation from
the user's point of view.If you want to document the programming techniques you
have used,use comments in the program code instead.
# Variants :- allow you to predefine the values of the input fields on the s
election screen of a program.

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