Time Clause Practice

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Time Clause Practice

1. She cant remember what I told her. (cant)
2. Tom believes That you are right. (believes)
3. You have said that she knows you. (have said)
4. The children hope that Santa Claus will bring them many toys. (hope)
5. Jane regrets that she can't give us more details about this accident. (regrets)
6. I wonder what she is going to tell us this time. (wonder)
7. Fred thinks that all his friends will come to his birthday party. (thinks)
8. I don't recall what they have said. (dont recall)
9. We cant anticipate what he will do now. (cant)
10. I remember that I saw him somewhere. (remember)

1. Harris thought he (would buy; will buy) a new house soon.
2. Our friends asked us why the train (has not arrived; had not arrived) yet.
3. Fred admits that he still (has; had) little experience in this field now.
4. She had to promise him that she (will help; would help) them.
5. The engineer claimed that he (agrees; agreed) with the others.
6. John didn't remember what he (told; had told) me the day before.
7. I didn't know that she (must; had to) leave at 5 o'clock.
8. We guess father (hasn't heard; hadn't heard) this news yet.
9. Did Jane tell you that she (is going; was going) to move to a new house?
10. We were sure that they (will come; would come) by the evening train.
11. The pupils already knew that the teacher (has corrected; had corrected) their papers.
12. I promised her that I (will lend; would lend) her the book after I (finished; had finished) it.
13. I am sure that Thomas (will come; would come) here when he (feels; will feel) better.
14.I wish I (know; knew) what the boys (are doing; were doing) there at the moment.
15. When I (leave; will leave) school next year, I (will learn; will have learnt) here for seven years.
16. When (did you see; have you seen) him last?
17. This time yesterday you (told; were telling) me how busy you (are; were) and what your plans for the
future (are; were)
18. I explained that she (will be playing/would be playing) the piano at that time.

1. Arnold (to be) born in a village and he (to spend) his childhood there. He (to move) to Leeds when he (to be)
fifteen years old and he (to live) there since his sister (to get) married.
2. At present, he (to work) in an office but he (to use) to work at a bank before. 3. Next year he (to go) to
London to study at the University, but only after he (to finish) writing the novel he (to work) at now.
4. I (to write) to him a long letter several days ago and (to ask) him how many chapters he already (to write).
5. Arnold's daughter hopes that her father (to finish) his book by the end of August.
6. I (to see) her yesterday while she (to cross) the street.
7. When I (to talk) to her, she (to tell) me that she (to be) very tired because she (to type) all the morning.

1. As soon as she (to see) us, he (to stop) singing.
2. The tailor (to promise) me then that my suit (to be) ready in a week's time.
3. Why didn't you explain to them when you (to be) able to give them the money back?
4. I wondered where he (to study) and how many years before he (to take) his degree.
5. Before paper (to be) invented, people (to write) their thoughts upon various other materials. 6. History (to
be) engraved on stone monuments and our knowledge of what ancient people (to do), (to be) chiefly taken
from the stone tables and buildings which they (to erect).

1. The Chinese are said to be so clever that they ... gunpowder long before it... known in Europe.
2. Galileo Galilee was persecuted because he ... that the earth ... around the sun.
3. As soon as she ... the letter, she will read it to us, too.
4. I asked the old man who ... on the bench, if he ... hungry.
5. When Christopher Columbus ... America, he thought that the country which ... discovered ... India, and he
accordingly ... it the name of the West Indies.
6. I will not go to bed until father... home from the factory.
7. Last year you played tennis much better than your brother... now.
8. It's high time you ... these questions.
9. I don't know precisely whether I... on this trip next week.
10. Tom was promised that everything ... ready in due time.
11. When I ... young, I ... fishing every Sunday.
12. I'll let them know that we ... a new car soon.
13. Did you know that Mary... two sons?
14. Your sister spoke English as if she ...in England for several years.
15. This is the dress which Mary ... last week and which she ... still now.
16. I wish my brother... here now to help me.
17. I promised the little child that I ... a new toy the next day.
18. When I ... to the bookshop two days ago, I ... a book which my sister now.
19. I would rather you ... them my secret.
20. When I ... the window, I saw that my daughter... with the doll, while my son ... after a cat.
21. I am sure our friend ... this text after she ... the new words.
22. That morning Jane ... to school only after she ... a big glass of milk.
23. I no sooner... his face than I ... his name, too.
24. We ... anything about her since she ... to London.
25. Only then she ...that I... right!
26. This time tomorrow, we ... TV while you ... for your exam.
27. Last week I... three ice creams, but this week I... only one.
28. When Bob ... little, he ... with his toys for hours.
29. You already ... all the exercises?
30. Nothing annoyed me so much as the discovery that my best friend ... to me.

1. Cnd va nelege c i suntem prieteni, va fi puin cam prea trziu.
2. Dup ce au vizitat muzeul, turitii s-au urcat n autocar i au plecat la hotel.
3. Tocmai i-am spus c l-am vzut ieri pe fostul nostru profesor de istorie.
4. Anul trecut am stat n acest hotel timp de dou sptmni, dar apoi a trebuit s m mut n altul.
5. Ce expoziii ai vizitat pn acum n oraul nostru?
6. Cred c l-am zrit pe John acum cteva minute pe cnd ncerca s traverseze strada.
7. Dup ce a nchis ferestrele i a ncuiat ua, a plecat de acas n mare grab.
8. Cnd am auzit-o cntnd, mi-am dat seama c se simte mult mai bine.
9.Nu i-ai imaginat vreodat c ntr-o zi vei fi profesor n coala n care, cndva, tu nsui ai fost elev?
10. Ne-a asigurat c ne va ajuta de ndat ce i va termina temele.
11. Mama ar fi de prere ca noi s nu mergem la cinema dup amiaz.
12. Astzi diminea mi-a spus c va veni s ia prnzul cu noi i uite, e aproape ora patru i el nu a sosit nc!
13, Mi-a spus c se simte nc tnr, dar eu cred c e timpul s ias la pensie.
14. Dei e aproape miezul nopii, ea exerseaz la pian de mai bine de patru ore. 15. Dup ce vom planta aceti
pomi, grdina va arta ca un adevrat paradis.
16. Nu i-a spus ce-i place cel mai mult?
17. Nu l-am vzut de cnd a plecat din oraul nostru, dar tiu c a stat n Frana din 1980 pn n 1985.
18. Dac anul trecut nu vorbea englezete aproape deloc, el a nvat pn acum o mulime de cuvinte i
expresii precum i multe probleme de gramatic.
19. De abia am ajuns n parc c a i nceput s plou.
20. N-am neles nc de ce ai spus asta atunci.
21. De cnd a nceput coala nu am primit nici o scrisoare de la ea.
22. De cnd nu ai mai fost la plimbare mpreun?
23. Ne cumprm main nou sptmna viitoare fiindc cea veche s-a stricat luna trecut.
24. John mprumut mereu bani de la prieteni, dar, din pcate, uit s-i i restituie.
25. Uite, pleac trenul i ei nu au sosit nc!
26. Cnd am intrat n clas Nick i Tom se uitau unul la altul i rdeau.
27. Dac i tiam adresa, l vizitam sptmna trecut.
28. Nici cnd ne-a vzut venind copilul nu s-a oprit din plns.
29. Ce fel de oameni ai spus c sunt?
30. i voi da articolul despre care i-am vorbit de ndat ce-l voi gsi.
31. El a spus c nu a fost dect o glum i c, totui, i va cere iertare.
32. Mary m-a anunat c e bolnav i c nu va putea s ne viziteze zilele acestea, aa cum ne promisese.
33. Niciodat nu-l vzusem n acel birou i numai
atunci am neles c el este directorul.
34. Nu l-am ntrebat cnd s-a ntors i nici ct timp va sta aici.
35. El mi-a spus c e btrn, dar c nu a auzit niciodat o voce att de frumoas ca a ei.
36. Voi veni cu tine de ndat ce mi voi mbrca rochia cea nou.
37. Cnd te va vedea din nou, va fi impresionat de ct ai crescut n ultima vreme.
38. Ea arta foarte surprins, ca i cum nu mai vzuse aa ceva nainte.
39. Nu credea c va mai tri dup o operaie att de grea.
40. Mi-ai repetat de cteva ori pn acum c tii pe cineva care ne va putea ajuta.

a) Iar atunci cnd vei lsa miaznoaptea, cotind spre apus, ctre inuturile pduroase ce se ridic n zare,
ctre patria de demult a bourilor, atunci, pe msur ce v vei afunda ntr-o lume de legende i de miresme
foarte tari ale trecutului, muntele acela se va ridica tot mai sus, iar numelelui l vei auzi tot mai des, ca pe al
unei realiti primordiale cu care toate celelalte intr n relaie... ,
(Geo Bogza, Rarul)

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