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The Lightweaver Emerald Mystery School

The Spinal Awakening playshop/healing session
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 1
Thank you for choosing to purchase my e-book an eck of !pinal "wakening Cars.
#ou have mae a choice that will make positive an long lasting changes in your
life. The information containe within this e-book an the cars will help you better
unerstan the many levels of energy influencing you through past life an
ancestral imprinting$ an offer guiance an a means to assist you in clearing the
energies on levels you are reay to surrener to an let go of.
#ou have chosen to be a part of a wonerful aventure$ one that affors you the
opportunity to set yourself an your ancestors free from the shackles of ol worl
base programming$ not only improving your life an the energy you sen out to
the worl$ but also contributing to activating the new energies being e%tene to
support us as a community of &ightworkers seeking our place within the '(romise
&an$) an accepting the (romise of *ew &ife where all benefit from us choosing the
(athway of the "uthentic +nes.
,ith Much &ove$
Michelle Eloff
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 2
Table of Contents
The Lightweaver Emerald Mystery School......................................................................................1
The Spinal Awakening playshop/healing session....................................................................1
S!I"AL A#A$E"I"% !LA&S'(!..............................................................................................)
Master $uthumi*Agrippa...............................................................................................................+
,hannelling -or Spinal Awakening #orkshop......................................................................+
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff -
The !pinal "wakening (layshop is another one of our Emeral Mystery !chool teachings. #ou
will nee your !pinal "wakening cars ne%t to you for this e%ercise.
Michelle. The !pinal "wakening cars came about a couple of years ago when / was shown
a vision of the spinal column where each vertebra of the spine is a library of information
which is relate to our past lives$ but is also linke to our ancestral line. !o much has
evolve since / create these cars$ an in using them myself an with other people$ /0ve
seen how these cellular memories$ when it is tappe into$ can help you clear personally an
if it is an ancestral imprint$ even clear the ancestral imprint on that level too. !o they are
very powerful an help to give insight to what you know is challenging you in the moment.
They were born many years ago$ rounabout 20021200-$ an they have been an ama2ing
tool since then$ so that0s how they all starte.
The illustrations on the cars have been one by a very goo frien of mine$ 3ath 4orster.
,e were at school together an when / was working with the cars we somehow got talking
an she sai that she love the information so much that she woul like to sit with them.
"n she was inspire to o the rawings that you see on all of the cars. The symbols /
rew myself but she rew in the faces of the associate being an the animal totem that
goes with it$ an many other aspects. !he also put the crystals on the back of the cars. !o
she i all the artwork an / channelle all the information.
Doug: We are here this evening to find out how Michelle uses them and how we can use
them on a professional basis. Can people use these cards professionally in their healing
"bsolutely yes. /f someone is ealing with something they 5ust cannot pinpoint$ you can get
them to shuffle the cars an raw a car$ an in the healing session that you are oing$
you can take them through an e%ercise of visualisation$ you can use the symbol on their
spine$ which is what we will talk about in the (layshop$ an make suggestions to them in
terms of what the information on the car is actually presenting. !o by all means use them
in your practise an see how they she light on issues that your clients are working with in
con5unction with the work that you are oing as well.
Doug: Well thats enough of an introduction. o where do we start! what are we going to do
The first thing that we nee to bear in min is that it is tapping into information store
within this library that we are calling it$ which is in actual fact your spine$ an each vertebra
vibrates to a specific fre6uency of energy$ which enables the person to tap into the cellular
memory hel within the spinal flui$ an that cellular memory coul either then take them
into a past life timeline where they can access the information that will best support them$
or it will tap into the cellular memory of genetic imprinting through their 7*". /t oesn0t
always matter whether you are able to iscern whether it is their own past life$ or if it is an
ancestral imprinting. The bottom line is that we are accessing information that will best
support the person on their present path$ so that they can release that pain$ that fear$ that
illusion$ that limitation$ whatever that issue is creating.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 8
Each vertebra$ or set of vertebrae$ are connecte to various age groups an you will see in
the cars as we go through them$ some of them may even be linke to ages that you have
not reache yet in this lifetime. That woul be referring specifically to a timeline in a past life
or an alternative lifetime which you are tapping into$ which nees some sort of support now.
!o we will go through the ifferent sections of the spine so that you can unerstan what
that library is all about9 what each vertebrae is telling you an what ages they are linke to
an how to actually work with the cars$ the symbols$ the Masters an every other aspect of
what the car0s instructions are.
To begin with$ if you0ve got your eck of cars with you$ you can take them out an shuffle
your cars. ,hile you are shuffling your perhaps if there is a specific issue$ an you want to
know what past life connections you are having to eal with right now$ or what ancestral
imprinting is challenging you at the moment$ concentrate on it an know that once you have
aresse it$ it will then shift the energy for you. / am going to raw one as well for the
group9 for everyone on the (layshop so that it gives us an iea of what the collective threa
is that everyone at the (layshop is actually ealing with. That will give me an opportunity to
really e%plain how the cars work. !o if you will give me a moment /0ll raw a car for the
The one that /0ve rawn for the group is linke to the age of nineteen years ol. /t is the
car which is linke to !t 4rancis$ which accoring to my sources$ !t 4rancis of "ssisi was
one of 3uthumi-"grippa0s reincarnations. This particular car is working with sealing the
oors to the past an courage to face change. !o as a group on this (layshop$ this is the
theme you are all aressing an it is linke to sealing those oors to the past an tapping
into the courage to face change$ to face your future.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff :
,hat /0m first going to o is to escribe how the ifferent vertebrae work an then we0ll go
through the cars an /0ll give some more information on the car / have chosen for the
group. "re you happy with that 7oug; /s there anything else you want to o;
Doug: "o! thats all good. # $ust want to let everyone know that you will get a chance to ask
more specific %uestions down the line. &ets let Michelle go through this whole deck and you
will see obviously when you get to the card that you pulled for yourself! you may be able to
get some relevance out of e'actly what she is talking about. (nd then afterwards! once
Michelles been through the entire deck! then if anythings still unclear! then please at that
point we will open the %uestions and let the fun begin. )ver to you Mich! lets go.
/n your eck of cars$ there is an introuctory car that has an illustration of what the spine
looks like$ where the cervical$ the orsal$ the lumber$ sacrum an the coccy% are actually
locate so that you can have a visual of what /0m actually talking about.
The first seven vertebrae are calle the cervical vertebrae$ an these are the vertebrae in
your neck. They eal with the first twelve years of your life an also hol the coes$ or the
signatures of information relating to your most recent twelve past life times$ an also the
most recent twelve levels of ancestral imprinting own your blooline. <esies working with
the first twelve years$ it is also aressing those very important seven years of life which
they call the formative years where you are actually builing the energy of your chakras. /f
you have information store in your boy which is ysfunctional or to%ic in any way that
impacts on the evelopment of those chakras$ an the key to that lies within the first seven
/f you take the very first car out of the eck$ you0ll see it says one an eight years ol.
,hat this means is that if you raw this car$ the information$ or the energy that you are
ealing with is either a past life issue or ancestral imprinting which ha its greatest impact
on you at the age of one year0s ol an eight year0s ol. This information is store in cervical
one. !o it is that very$ very first spinal vertebrae which is right in the top of your neck. !o if
you rew this car$ the very first thing you woul o with client is e%plain to them$ or even
with yourself$ unerstan that what you are ealing with is linke to the first year of life an
it0s linke to the eighth year of life. The theme of this process is about healing the inner chil
an clearing cellular memories linke to that first an eighth year.
Each of these cars are overseen or over lit by an "scene Master$ by a particular animal$
by a particular crystal$ a star or a planet an a beam of light. 4or e%ample$ with this car
&ay *aa is the "scene Master who is supporting you in accessing that information in the
first vertebrae of your cervicals. The elephant is the totem an so is the whale$ supporting
you in accessing that information. / woul strongly avise everyone to o some research
with regars to the more esoteric or spiritual symbolism of what these animals represent
because their energy signature is proviing you with aitional information.
!o$ let0s say now for argument0s sake you are a therapist an you0ve got a client who has
arrive at your healing practise an they are ealing with a specific issue but they haven0t a
cooking clue what it is$ an you present them with this eck of cars. They shuffle an this
is the car that they pull. /mmeiately you know that they are ealing with specific issues
that were programme with uring the first twelve years of life relate specifically to age
one an to age =. ,hen you turn over the car there0s information there which helps you to
help your client unerstan what e%actly it is that they are ealing with. !o first of all we
nee to unerstan that aressing past lifetimes connecte to !irius specifically. ,e know
that there are ifferent imensions of energies$ there are ifferent systems$ universes$
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff >
gala%ies where life is e%perience$ so this is telling you that they ha a lifetime on !irius
which they are aressing$ an they are either aressing past lifetimes or ancestral
imprinting which is relate to any kin of physical isability$ a mental isease$ a stillborn
e%perience - where they were either stillborn or they gave birth to a stillborn chil$ or they
ie shortly after birth$ or their chil ie shortly after birth. "n in fact it is relate to all
birth e%periences. /t woul also tie in to heart problems$ ysle%ia$ asthma$ violent eaths -
like murer$ accients$ war an being beheae$ which usually leaves scar tissue in the ne%t
lifetime in the nerves which are hel in the cervical one specifically.
+n reaing all this information you may even fin that the person whom you are speaking to
automatically starts to have some flashbacks. /f they on0t have flashbacks while you are
reaing the information$ what /0ve foun usually happens is that when you use the symbol
on the car - you can take the crystal$ in this case tur6uoise$ an raw the symbol in the
nape of their neck. /t oesn0t matter if you can0t fin cervical one irectly. ?ust raw it in the
neck area. #ou know you are working with the first seven cervicals an you are setting the
intention to access that information. !o if you are working with this car on your own$ first
of all call in the presence of &ay *aa$ invoke her presence$ align with the elephant
consciousness$ with the whale consciousness an ask for the energy of !irius to surroun
you. /f you are on your own$ you can 5ust look into the car$ into the front of the car where
this picture is$ where this symbol is$ looking into the symbol$ asking &ay *aa an your
personal guies to unlock that library of information in your first cervical so that you can tap
into the information that0s store there. /t is actually the symbol itself that is the key which
unlocks it. /f you able to$ you can take a piece of tur6uoise yourself an trace that symbol in
the nape of your neck a minimum of four times an while you0re oing it$ concentrate on this
symbol unlocking cervical one an releasing this information.
!o let0s say that you look for physical isabilities an it oesn0t o anything for you$ mental
iseases oes nothing for you$ but you might start feeling$ or your client might start feeling
heart palpitations or has ifficulty breathing or suenly starts having flashbacks or
memories or feelings aroun their life being in anger$ or suenly they0re chocking up an
they can0t breath properly. /t feels like there0s a tightening aroun their neck. *ow these are
the type of things /0ve e%perience when /0ve worke with these cars with people. "n for
instance$ the heart palpitations one - we then knew that was connecte to a previous
lifetime when there were heart problems. The same as battling to breath @ that is connecte
to asthma from a past life. !o when you0ve opene that library of information$ that is when
you then nee to hol that person$ or yourself$ in a cocoon of white light an acknowlege
that this symbol is helping you access the memories connecte to your first an to your
eighth year of previous lifetimes$ incluing this lifetime as well.
The other thing that /0ve foun is that aults who were born without asthma$ an have
either evelope it at the age one or evelope it at the age of eight - we have successfully
manage to iminish their asthma attacks to a large e%tent simply by them becoming aware
of the fact that it is some type of past life imprinting which has come into their space right
now for them to eal with. "n "sthma specifically is linke to holing onto suffocating belief
systems that no longer support your path. This is linke to either one or both parents an
you woul establish this by 6uestioning the person$ or you woul know yourself if you rew
this car for yourself. (erhaps your mother was very smothering or she suffocate you with
her fears an belief systems. (erhaps your father wouln0t give you space to e%press your
own belief systems$ in0t give you room to breathe an contraicte your own belief
These are the kin of things that you nee to become aware of in orer to unerstan how
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff A
this energy is being release into your boy. "n with &ay *aa0s help$ by invoking her
presence specifically$ what happens automatically is the boy knows$ the cells are
responing to an original imprinting which it is familiar with$ a point of reference it has been
ealing with for a very long time$ an it is part of the efault system that we operate off on
a regular basis. <y aressing that particular cervical specifically$ the other thing which
3uthumi-"grippa is suggesting right now that you can o$ is placing your thumb on the first
cervical an holing that pressure point there for appro%imately five to ten secons$ an
when you release it$ the boy begins to release information. That is how you evelop a
system of being able to communicate with your boy to be able to allow the boy to
communicate with you$ using things like the crystal$ the totem animal$ the star being an
the planet which is helping you through that process$ which in this case is !irius.
B/0ve 5ust got a message from 7oug to say that /0m using an ol eck of cars. /0m going to
have to use them as most of my stuff is still in bo%es an when / packe this asie for the
workshop / obviously took my ol eck. / must apologise for that. !o we0re going to have to
work aroun this with you asking 6uestions.
am: #m going through the cards now because #ve got a new deck and an old deck. (ll the
cervicals are e'actly the same so we can keep going with that. &et me sort out the rest and
#ll let you know.*
Doug: Mich! # $ust want to ask you one thing %uickly. When youre working with a client do
they need to shuffle the cards and pull and focus on whatever is troubling them! or can you
shuffle the cards and pull on their behalf?
/f they are not with you$ you can o that$ but if they are with you /0 suggest that they
rather o it themselves because it is a closer connection to their energy.
/s there anyone in the group that has pulle the first car from the eck; /t oesn0t seem
like it. +h$ "gnes i. "gnes$ with this particular car is there anything which you can Ban
this is where / nee to make it interactive$ 3uthumi is suggestingC is there anything in this
car which you can relate to specifically.
(gnes: +es. #m coughing now endlessly for about si' weeks and my darling father died from
a very long time dealing with heart issues and heart problems and he was a heavy smoker
too! which # was really suffering and '''' # was really thinking how it was linking and
having connection with me.
That0s fantastic. +kay "gnes / 5ust want you to stay on line there because 3uthumi-"grippa
wants me to o something specific with you. !o what he0s suggesting now is now that you
know what the connection is$ 5ust close your eyes an take a eep breath in an e%hale
fully an connect with &ay *aa$ call &ay *aa into your energy fiel. "n now / want you
to imagine an elephant an a whale with you an that you are surroune in a beautiful
tur6uoise light. *ow 3uthumi-"grippa wants you to imagine the energy coe store within
the symbol penetrating the first cervical of your spine$ an to imagine it being a key
unlocking that vertebra$ an releasing the information into your boy. *ow imagine the
whale an the elephant releasing healing energy to you as well$ which is e%tening to your
inner chil$ connecting with your inner chil at the age of one$ an to the age of eight$ an
to imagine &ay *aa healing your boy with this tur6uoise light an beginning to clear the
shock store in the cellular imprint in your boy which links you to any kin of fear$ or grief$
or saness linke to your father0s e%perience$ clearing the impact an the cellular memory of
his heart-relate issues$ his breathing problems an everything else which he e%perience
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff =
which impacte on you at the age of one an at the age of eight. ?ust allow that tur6uoise
energy to continue running through your boy$ through your spine as well$ an ask that
&ay *aa continue with this healing until your boy has been cleare of the shock$ an that
you are hel in the powerful cone of protection so that clearing can be one harmoniously$
gracefully an peacefully$ releasing you$ an your father of the ancestral imprinting$ genetic
coing an past lives where you e%perience similar issues. *ow imagine that tur6uoise blue
light concentrating on your throat chakra$ an that0s going to activate an energy clearing for
you$ because the cervicals impact on the throat chakra. !o that will begin to clear all the
blocke energy in your throat chakra9 it will help you tap into all the unsai things that your
father suppresse which impacte on you$ an ask your boy to release that energy an to
bring the healing. Take a eep breath in again$ e%haling fully$ then take the car an look
into the picture$ look into the symbol an imagine that symbol working as a sacre
instrument of healing supporting that first cervical of yours to release the imprints which
playe out most uring your first an eight year of your life. "n then$ "gnes$ what you
nee to o is 5ust be aware over the ne%t couple of hours$ 3uthumi-"grippa is saying even
the ne%t seven ays$ as to what comes to min9 what kin of memories you have of your
father$ the kin of memories you are having about your first an eighth year of life. /f
nothing specific comes up$ but there are other things that are coming up for you$ keep notes
of what you are ealing with an how your throat chakra is reacting to this clearing. That
will show you how your boy is releasing the cellular imprinting an they will also guie you$
especially &ay *aa$ as to any other insights you nee to have$ an anything else that you
nee to o with regars to clearing that energy from your boy. /s that all clear to you;
(gnes: ,hank you Michelle! #t is more than clear. ,hank you very much.
Dreat. #ou are very welcome.
7i everyone unerstan how / worke with it;
Doug: # think that was clear enough Mich. #nterestingly enough the one card that didnt
make it into the final deck of cards was the one that you pulled for the group tonight - that
aged nineteen one. ,here are %uestions about that here. o $ust to clear it up! how many
cards are in the deck in total and how are they divided up?
am: in the new pack! you and .ath rearranged the dorsals completely! so you went dorsal
one! two! three! four! five and si'! which means that t /rancis of (ssisi one is completely
out of the deck! you didnt need it for whatever reason.
Doug: 0ut this group did.
Maybe that0s why it has been chosen for the group.
Doug: o thats a pretty good e'ample of how we can use the card that we pulled to design
a little meditation for ourselves to access these memories.
"bsolutely$ yes. +ne the other things /0ve foun$ which /0ve sai before$ is that a person may
raw the car an they are in fact suffering from heart problems$ or suffering from asthma$
or ysle%ia$ an that gives them a better unerstaning of where the root cause of that
issue is. "n simply working with the symbol an invoking the energy of &ay *aa in this
instance$ helps to transmute that energy.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff E
&ay *aa as an ascene master works through the Fay of Gnconitional &ove$ so it is the
energy of unconitional love which you are tapping into to bring about that healing.
Elephants an whales are consiere to be the recor keepers of our planet. Elephants are a
link to the earth an the whales are a link to the water$ so it is also connecte to your base
chakra$ elephants an earth$ earth is your base chakra an the whales in the water element
is linke to your sacral chakra. !o those are the two chakras that you will e%perience a
clearing through as well$ in con5unction with the throat chakra. The first seven cervicals will
primarily clear through the throat chakra. / will go through each of the cars an the
animals an the masters$ their roles$ so you have a clear unerstaning of what their
representation is.
!o when you are working with the first car$ &ay *aa is bringing that healing energy
through unconitional love. !he0s also bringing it through nature because she is one of the
guarians of Mother Earth$ an the symbol is the key to unlocking that information. The
tur6uoise crystal is the mineral energy which is tapping into the skeletal system of your boy
where the bones of your boy hol memory$ perio$ not 5ust the spine$ an it is helping you
create a whole new structure from which to buil your future$ especially if that issue from
the past life has been impacting on your ability to move past a certain issue9 be it a health
problem$ or an emotional problem. /t coul be fears aroun getting pregnant$ giving birth$
or if a woman is pregnant$ perhaps fears aroun her baby being stillborn$ or perhaps fears
aroun the baby ying shortly after birth.
These are all the kins of things that you can utilise to help them eal with it$ an if you are
ealing with someone who perhaps has a fear of getting pregnant because they are worrie
they will not carry to term$ then you can go to the cars an actually e%tract this car
specifically an take them through a guie visualisation an e%plain to them that there was
a past life e%perience where perhaps they were stillborn$ or they gave birth to a stillborn
baby$ or perhaps someone in their past$ one of their ancestors as such$ may have gone
through a similar e%perience. They coul very well have been the baby who was stillborn or
who ie shortly after birth$ or coul simply be that fear which is imprinte in their ancestor
programming. #ou on0t have to spen too much time igging in to figure out which is
which$ 5ust so long as you are activating the healing process. That is what is important.
3uthumi-"grippa is emphasising that it can take up to seven ays for the complete process
to be release through the boy$ an uring those seven ays to be aware of what your
thoughts are$ what your emotions are$ what your feelings are$ insights that come an how
you are reacting to life an to your environment an to the particular issue that you are
ealing with in relation to this car.
+ne of the things that /0ve one when working with these cars myself - / ask what is the
particular issue relate to$ or if it is in relation to a person$ an there is a bit of a struggle or
/0m feeling emotional$ / will then take the eck of cars an ask what is the unerlying issue
that /0m ealing with$ with this person right now. /0ve 5ust ranomly rawn a car here an
it0s relate to cervical seven an this is speaking of chilhoo fears$ loss or abanonment in
chilhoo$ fear of trusting your intuition$ inability to recall reams. !o /0 say okay$ fine$
perhaps / have an issue with this person because they abanone me as a chil$ or /
abanone them as a chil. +r there are certain links to me an this person with regars to
that information store on the car.
The minute you get that information$ the cells in your boy begin to sen a message to your
7*" which then activates everything insie of your 7*" necessary to release that imprint
from your boy. !o that is how powerful information is9 the minute something becomes
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 10
conscious$ regarless of whether you know where it comes from or not$ the boy respons
to it. This is why we are so influence by subconscious programming$ by ancestral imprinting
an past life memory$ because the cells remember absolutely everything that has happene
to us an our 7*" is encoe with generations of information.
!o this whole eck is esigne to help you tap into that information without having to
necessarily pinpoint the e%act issue in orer to eal with it$ in orer to remember it in orer
to let it go. /n a way it acts like a kin of short-cut$ which is what the symbols represent.
Doug: ,alking about cervical seven and thinking of card number two1 #ve got something
interesting from (my in the message bo' - she says 2#ve had a transplant of human cells in
my spine! my neck. # believe it is the number seven cervical3 it was replaced by a cervical
from a cadaver. # have been having trouble with my memory and this is a problem because
#m in school! going back for my 0( in psychology. What can # do help this and get better
results? #ve had many difficult times since then. #ve pulled number two for a second time in
a row.4
"re we ealing with cervical seven an cervical two here 7oug base on that information;
Doug: "o she pulled card number two in the deck. What shes saying is that she had
transplanted human cells into her actual number seven cervical.
,hat is happening here$ in your situation specifically$ is that you are ealing with cervical
two an cervical seven base on the implant that you receive. <ecause you took cells from
another person0s boy Bthe same happens with bloo transfusions or any kin of organ
onationC you automatically take on that person0s fate. #ou take on their karma9 you take on
their cellular imprinting because now it is a part of your boy. <ut also bear in min that that
is a contract that you have with that person$ whether they are ea or alive$ an they are
more than likely part of your soul group which you0ve agree to help transmute certain areas
of your own fate an karma linke to that person. <ut because you0ve rawn the car for
cervical two$ we alreay know that it0s about recognising karmic cycles$ it0s about reclaiming
your power an letting go. "n the butterfly$ which is connecte to this particular car$
works with the five stages of transformation.
!o 3uthumi-"grippa is saying that this particular process that you unerwent is linke to this
particular person an the karmic e%periences that you0ve ha with that particular person.
This is ebt being pai9 an it is linke into your relationship with society$ incluing this
person0s relationship with society whose cells you now have in your boy. /t is connecte to
epression$ to focus @ by the way o you know how this person ie;
Doug: 5ow do we help (mys memory though?
,e0ll get to that.
Doug: "o! she doesnt know how the person died.
+kay$ so "my oesn0t know how this person ie. 4irst of all "my$ what we0re oing$ we0re
triggering the subconscious to say to it we now unerstan where this information is store$
we know it is linke to cervical two an to cervical seven$ an what 3uthumi-"grippa is
saying here is the person who ie$ whose cells you0ve got$ was ealing with very eep
abanonment issues an neee unerstaning of themselves an forgiveness. #ou have
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 11
taken that on an in a way that energy has overshaowe your own issues. !o it has
become a part of your relationship with yourself. #our relationship with the @ he0s calling it
the inner society of your worl. "n it0s blanke out certain aspects of your memory as a
result of these two energies merging.
!o what he is suggesting is that you o what / i earlier on with "gnes$ an you invoke the
energy of &or Tristan who is in actual fact connecte to a group of beings who work with
the inner chil specifically in transforming wouns which impacte on the consciousness as a
result of unconscious impressions. That0s the information he0s giving me. "n by calling in
the energy of &or Tristan$ by invoking the presence of the butterfly$ which is also linke to
the fairy kingom$ an to also connect to the (hoeni% an the eagle an the being (epi$ who
can help you with this$ an then visualising both of those symbols$ locking into cervical two
an cervical seven simultaneously$ opening those two vertebrae - it will begin to release the
impulses that you nee to start processing what it is that you have taken on$ on an
unconscious level through that cellular implant an then$ iscerning is the wor he0s using$
or being able to create a bounary in terms of what is yours from this incarnation which is
linke to your blooline$ an what is linke to this person0s blooline.
,hat he is also saying is that they will o a specific process on you$ an you are to take
both of these cars an to sleep with them for the ne%t fourteen ays. 3uthumi says that
with these energies that we are working with$ generally it takes twenty-one ays$ but in this
workshop they are accelerating the energy a little bit$ for seven ays9 hol onto your boot
straps. To set the intention "my$ that the abanonment issues$ an the nee for
unerstaning$ to forgive an to be forgiven be given to this person$ so they can be release
from your cellular imprinting an move on with their own healing. "n ask that you be
supporte in recognising the karmic cycles which you have unergone in this lifetime which
go back to the age of two an to the age of nine years ol so that you can let go on that
aspect of you that actually ha to shut own an forget what happene so that you can
regain your power. 7oes that make sense because /0m channelling consciously at the same
time; The information is coming in very 6uickly so / nee you guys to help me here.
Doug: #t makes sense. #m recording this and everyone will get a recording! so dont worry!
let it come fast and everyone can listen to it again. &ets move along! lets go onto the ne't
+kay. 3uthumi-"grippa is 5ust saying that one of the things that &or Tristan works through
is the amber ray$ which is connecte to the amber stone as well. #ou can0t actually call
amber a stone$ it is a resin$ but amber hols an infinite amount of information. <ecause it is
a resin it contains many systems of information relating to all the cycles of time it has been
e%pose to. !o &or Tristan is helping you through the amber ray$ an what 3uthumi-
"grippa is also saying is to o a search on our website an look for a channelling. /t0s an ol
one an / think it0s calle the amber ray @ it might be among the free channellings from
about 2002 or 200: an 200>$ but for you to work specifically with the amber ray an you
can use that channelling in con5unction with this car. That0s for you "my an for everyone
else who works with this.
!o &or Tristan comes through the amber ray$ he is connecte very strongly to the hierarchy
of golen beams of alchemy$ so it helps the inner chil to utilise that golen ray in orer to
go through the five stages of transformation which a butterfly goes through. "n to see that
every stage that the butterfly unergoes is the stage that we all have to go through. /t0s 5ust
a cycle. That is the karmic cycle$ recognising the cycles of eath an birth$ of retreat$ of
being passive$ of being active @ that0s very important for you. Then to also unerstan that
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 12
the symbol is the key$ as / sai$ an if we go to car number five$ /0m going to 5ump to it
because we have looke at it alreay$ what we are oing here is$ &or (epe$ he is one of
what we call the shaow masters$ an what the shaow masters o is lurk within the
shaow of our subconscious helping us to eal at some point with all the issues that are
lurking in the subconscious. The aspects of ourselves which hie from us$ which oge us$
which uck an ive$ which result in enial. ,hen these shaow aspects are oging us$
ucking an iving an remaining within the shaow$ this often leas to things like obesity
an weight problems$ fear of trusting one0s intuition$ or the inability to recall reams. /t
results in insomnia$ in paranoia$ those kins of things because a shaow master is going to
challenge you in every way possible to unerstan that there are many ifferent imensions
of energy which we are having to eal with.
,hen there is$ for instance$ a fear$ first of all we have to accept that there is something out
of sync. /f someone has got a weight problem$ whether it be uner-weight or over-weight$
there are certain issues that have to be aresse. There are something hien which is
impacting on the boy9 the inability to recall reams$ insomnia$ paranoia$ all those things. /f
there is any level of that$ if there0s any time in your life that you have e%perience that$ then
you know that it is linke to cervical seven aroun a particular abanonment issue$ a nee
to be unerstoo or a lack of unerstaning at that moment in time. " nee to be forgiven
or a nee to forgive$ even if it means forgiving the self. That0s very important in that sense.
/t0s also important to unerstan that the eagle represents the air element$ which is linke
to the thir eye an it is linke to the crown chakra as well as the heart chakra because our
lungs are situate there$ an our lungs are connecte to the air element. The eagle helps us
to rise above situations$ to gain a ifferent perspective on certain situations. &et0s say for
instance there is a weight problem$ either obesity or anore%ia$ where in a past life you
starve yourself to eath for whatever reason an in this lifetime you are ealing with
anore%ia9 or there was an abanonment by your mother or a parent an the way you0ve
been trying to fill that hole is through emotional eating which has resulte in obesity or
weight fluctuation problems. ,hat the eagle helps you to o is rise above the situation$ to
emotionally etach from your boy$ from your weight problem an unerstan that there0s
something else behin it which is coming from a past life or some kin of ancestral
imprinting. (erhaps if you revisit the age of five$ or you revisit the age of seven you might
very well remember an incient where you felt abanone$ whether it was physically or
emotionally$ mentally$ spiritually$ or you i something where you got into trouble an it
really ha a eep impact on you$ or you felt misunerstoo. These are all the ifferent
scenarios that one must bear in min.
Even though the cars are giving you surface information$ when you start looking into this$
an you start working with these symbols$ then you start tapping into eeper levels of
these. #ou have to get into that cellular imprinting. #ou start tapping into the subconscious$
an the phoeni% is about rising from the ashes. The eagle takes you to a higher perspective$
helps you see it from a ifferent range an unerstan that there is another source. Then
the phoeni% energy comes along helping to transform that$ to rise from the ashes by moving
through the gateway which the symbol of cervical seven represents. That will also have
helpe you unerstan how your seventh chakra evelope - your crown chakra - whether
that is e%cessive or whether it is eplete in energy. /f we go back to cervical two$ it is
e%actly the same situation. !o you are looking at the sacral chakra as well. #ou are looking
at the age of two an you are looking at the age of nine.
That0s how you0re going to weave the cars together. !o thank you very much "my for your
e%ample because this shows you how you can use to cars at the same time$ looking at two
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 1-
ifferent issues but both of them tie together.
!o "my work with &or Tristan$ work with (epe$ the eagle an the phoeni% an the butterfly.
7o the visualisation as / emonstrate earlier on an set the intention that what you are
recalling through that cellular imprinting$ be it a past life$ or be it ancestral imprinting
oesn0t matter$ be it this other person0s karmic energy$ that you can now release it. #ou are
reay to release it because you0re getting all this information right now. That is your sign$
that is your confirmation that this can be heale. Have patience$ persevere with it an see
how the process unfols for you.
Doug: (my says thanks ever so much! #m very grateful and all # have to say is that #
wouldnt be so paranoid if everyone wasnt out to get me6 7an Millard says theres an audio
from 7une 899:! the (mber ;ay of (kashic Wisdom and Divine .nowledge - is that the one
youre talking about?
?an$ my arling$ you are a super starI ?an has been part of the &ightweaver community for
ever. ?an was aroun when !am an / first starte burning the channellings onto isc an
we ha to ship them off$ so ?an knew e%actly what we0re talking about. !o thank you ?an @ a
big kiss to you. #es$ that is the one.
Doug: +ou have told us how we can shuffle the deck of cards and pull a card. Can that be
used in reverse as well - can you go #ve got a problem with my seventh cervical and pull a
card relating to that cervical and get the information from the card and use it that way?
"bsolutely9 that0s what / was referring to earlier on for that car with fear aroun birth
e%periences. <y all means go an o that. /t will give you insight as to what0s going on in
that area of your boy.
Doug: omeone else is asking can you give more information on receiving blood
transfusions from someone we dont know. 5ow much impact will that have on our cell
memory? <atricia specifically said she received blood during her second C1section and that
was fifty years ago. #s she still affected by this?
,henever we have something like that$ be it bloo transfusion$ bone marrow transplant$ all
those kin of things$ you are taking on someone else0s cellular memory. !o it is going to
impact on you in some way or another. "lso bear in min$ not to freak out because there is a
karmic contract between you an the person0s bloo you are receiving$ regarless of
whether you know them or not. That imprinting that you are taking on is part of your fate
an is there to serve you in some way$ so it might push you to overcome certain issues$ it
will push you to perhaps aress certain issues9 it will always bring you a gift at the en of
the ay$ so try an see the positive sie of it in terms of Bfifty years is a long way backC what
perhaps was playing out shortly after that bloo transfusion. &et0s say within the first five
years$ because that is when it woul have impacte on you most.
#ou probably woul have ealt with a lot of those issues BinauibleC. 4ifty years later you
woul have efinitely processe a lot of these issues about this whole BinauibleC of yourself$
so as /0ve kept saying$ not to worry too much$ you0ve probably processe most of it. <ut also
to have a BinauibleC of what was going on in your life$ besies giving birth uring that time
@ perhaps a visit you ha or issues BinauibleC uring that time that link in to the actual
bloo transfusion BinauibleC.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 18
Doug: Mich! youre coming through warbled there! probably because .uthumi is coming in
very strongly there at the moment. (lright! do you want to carry on with the cards?
#es$ they are coming through very strong.
Doug: 7ust put a field around your computer or move away from your computer a little bit
and carry on.
B&ost Michelle again.C
Dee whi2$ / 5ust wish &or 3uthumi-"grippa an Mary Magalene knew JJ =lost her again6*
/0m hereI
Doug: )kay Michelle! weve talked about the first two cards! lets carry on from there.
/ was busy iscussing cervical three an past lives an ancestral imprinting where you are
e%periencing perhaps a situation where your creativity has completely rie up$ because you
either have given it away or in a past life given it away$ or lost it to a male figure or energy.
(erhaps you are ealing with hectic control issues or those control issues coul be relate to
past life e%periences as a prisoner$ as a slave$ rowning$ physical$ emotional$ an se%ual
abuse an belief systems that contraict your present beliefs$ or problems with relatives or
!o what that0s telling you is that this process of healing that you0re unergoing is about
gaining clarity$ about being fle%ible$ about tapping into your inner courage an asking for
protection so that you can move beyon those issues which you are ealing with. &ay
<rolea works through the ray of creativity an with the crystal known as selenite in orer to
help the inner chil reconnect with these feelings of being numbe off$ which le to the shut
own of creativity$ or the nee to control everything.
This is also connecte to a kin of rebellious nature where the person is overly inepenent$
or will not respon well to authority figures. 4ear of water$ fear of being controlle
emotionally$ mentally$ physically or se%ually$ an having a tug-of-war with your belief
systems in this lifetime$ an of course$ who hasn0t ha problems with family or siblings; <ut
if that is the stuff that is really playing out more than usual in your lifetime$ then you know
cervical three is where the answer is.
<y invoking the presence of &ay <rolea$ an working with the animal totem$ the cow$
which is connecte to the (leiaes$ which are the seven sisters. The cow is a scare creature
because it emboies the seven levels of energy which we integrate into our seven chakras.
!o at the age of three an ten your solar ple%us woul have been impacte upon the most.
/f it was creativity rying up$ it woul have been your sacral chakra$ your solar ple%us$ an
remember we are ealing with the cervical$ so it woul have also been through your voice9
so an inability to perhaps e%press your creativity$ an inability to e%press how you feel$
maybe through actions leaing to control situations etc. <y working with the symbol$
working with &ay <rolea$ working with the cow$ you start tapping into your own resources
of courage. &ay <rolea brings in the selenite ray of protection an that gives you the
fle%ibility to not want to control things so much an gain clarity as to where this stems from.
Doug: #ve got two very interesting comments in the message bo'. &eslie says 2#ve given
blood for some time! intending that the higher vibrations assist someone to heal. #ve
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 1:
stopped doing that now but can .uthumi say if it assisted anyone? Did it set me back?4 ,he
other comment below that from Maria said 2# was diagnosed with a blood disorder eleven
years ago and the problem seems to have ended after receiving a blood transfusion. o for
me there was a positive outcome.4
Thank you Maria an &eslie because Maria has confirme that for you &eslie that yes$ it oes
work an you have most certainly$ with setting that intention$ efinitely helpe people who
have receive your bloo to heal certain issues$ an by no means has this set you back in
any way$ so on0t worry about that.
*ow we0re going to look at cervical four. /f anyone has pulle this car$ know that the main
issue that you are ealing with is compassion$ introspection an acceptance. This is linke
back to (leiaian lifetimes an past lifetimes$ or genetic imprinting where either you ha
"l2heimer0s$ or someone in your family has ha "l2heimer0s as a result of a traumatic
e%perience involving love in a past life$ which results in this isease. This woul have
occurre where the person has not ealt with the pain an anger$ especially grief relate to
a love relationship$ which then coul result as "l2heimer0s in this lifetime.
The other impacts of those past life issues revolve aroun amnesia$ (arkinson0s isease$
broken heart$ eep saness an grief. /ssues aroun eath an loss of a love one$ be it a
chil$ a parent or a partner an especially fears of love$ how to isplay love$ how your
parents isplaye love to you. /f there are unresolve issues of ivorce or separations from
past lives that may have come up into this lifetime for you to eal with9 the abuse of
emotions by a female$ an eep anger towars your mother or to women in general.
&ay Tika comes in through the ray of Mother Moon an she is assiste by the owl. The owl
helps you to tap into your ability to use your intuition$ to use secon sight an to use
clairauient abilities. !ometimes a person is not sufficiently evelope clairauiently to hear
something which the owl represents$ Bbecause owls on0t hunt using their eyes$ they use
their hearingC or to be able to see using your inner eye$ to be able to hear using your inner
ear$ which also sometimes comes up as telepathic communication with thoughts imprinte
on your min.
,orking with the (leiaes as well$ again we have the connection with the seven sisters$
helps you overcome those issues which have blocke you in your ability to e%perience
acceptance an to be accepting. To be compassionate towars yourself an to others an to
have this same behaviour towars yourself$ an to also be able to have that introspective
nature in orer to better unerstan how you perhaps re5ect yourself or others$ how to bring
closure to past life relationships that have manifeste in this lifetime.
Moonstone brings in the rays of Mother Moon which brings forth the cycles of unerstaning
of that what is hien$ what is behin the scenes$ what is in the subconscious oes get
reveale to you at a specific time. /f you chose this car$ this is your confirmation that you
are now being alerte to something revolving aroun these specific issues$ an then to use
the same process that / use right in the beginning as / was escribing to "gnes in orer to
bring about that healing.
"lways remember that the symbol is the key an to set the intention that you tap into
compassion$ into acceptance an that you have the power to feel safe enough to go within
yourself in orer to tap into those energies. That in fact is a very powerful one. /0ve worke
with that one on a number of occasions. &ay Tika is a beautiful energy. !he symbolises a
lot of the energies of Mother Moon$ she0s very gentle$ very compassionate$ very accepting$
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 1>
very kin$ so when she helps you with this healing$ know that those are the 6ualities of
energy that you are going to receive from her.
Doug: =Message from &eslie* ince working with cervical four over the last few days there
have been sharp pains in the right ear and behind the ear! deeper in the back brain.
>vidently some blocks are getting shattered. #m so thrilled Michelle! thanks a million. ,his is
one of the places in my spine that has been in pain regularly for the release.
Dreat9 &eslie$ the other thing to bear in min there if we look at what the owl represents$
the pain in your ear$ especially the right ear is also eveloping your clairauient abilities. !o
whatever past life e%periences you have ha$ or generic imprinting that you0ve got aroun
the trauma an all the issues this car speaks about$ you are now clearing them$ an that0s
actually going to help with your clairauient hearing abilities. "n of course your ability to be
more accepting of yourself$ more compassionate towars yourself. !o you go girlfrien.
?an$ thank you$ you are a arling. / aske ?an 5ust now$ because 3uthumi was hinting about
a tur6uoise ray$ if she coul recall anything. !o for cervical one you can also listen to the >7
an =7 Tur6uoise Fay which was channelle on the 1-
?anuary 200>. 3uthumi-"grippa is
saying that for this particular cervical a goo channelling to work with is one of the more
recent ones$ which is the Cosmic &aw of the Moon$ in orer to unerstan the cycles of the
moon an how sometimes things can be hien an can be reveale to us.
4or those of you who have rawn cervical five$ remember we are still working with the throat
chakra$ but we are also working with the fifth chakra which is the throat chakra. ,e are
ealing with the ages of five an we0re ealing with the ages of twelve. The main issue that
you are ealing with regars to this is public speaking$ speaking your truth an the ability to
make choices. This woul then tap into previous lifetimes$ or imprinting$ where there were
issues aroun you as a leaer$ spiritual or political9 a leaer as a healer$ a public speaker.
3uthumi-"grippa is showing me is this particular energy vibration for those of you who may
have chosen this car are past life issues where your throat was slit or your tongue was cut
out because of what you were verbalising$ because of what you were saying when you were
speaking your truth$ an you e%perience eep trauma as a result of that. /t is also linke to
lifetimes as a monk$ as a nun or a priest where you took the coe of silence. ,hat is
happening now is that your boy an your throat chakra are releasing the imprints aroun
the abuse of power$ being a victim of power as well.
&ay !harron works very closely with &ay 3wan #ing$ &ay (allas "thena$ an &ay (ortia
in bringing 5ustice into this lifetime. !he works on the Fay of ?ustice an is helping you eal
with an heal the fears of speaking your truth$ speaking to crows an to groups$ an being
a leaer in your fiel9 be it a leaer with you friens$ a leaer in your community$ or simply
being able to e%press your truth. /t is also going to help you aress the fears of making
ecisions which are connecte to issues of guilt relate to past life abuse of power.
Citrine is also connecte to the Citrine Tablets which is one of the Dolen &ibraries of
Consciousness connecte to the Dolen Temple teachings$ as well as the Dolen Fay of
"lchemy. ?an if there is anything on the Dolen Fay that you can remember please let us
,ith the assistance of &ay !harron you0re also being supporte by the cat specifically of the
feline family. Cats represent psychic protection. They also have the ability to see into
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 1A
imensions which we as humans cannot see into. They are connecte to !irius. The feline
family are connecte to !irius "$ an what !irius oes is it also e%poses the truth with
regars to power specifically$ be it spiritual or political. The !irians are helping us as a
human race to bring balance into that area of humanity0s consciousness.
"gain the symbol is the key$ citrine is the energy which is helping you$ &ay !harron is over-
lighting this process$ an the cat is supporting you in tapping into that information$ into your
psychic power$ into psychic protection an helping you to speak your truth an to more
easily make choices. There woul be more insight for you if you ha to revisit the age of
five$ revisit the age of twelve an 5ust see if there was anything going on uring that time of
your life where perhaps there were ifficult choices being mae$ or you were criticise for
something that you sai$ or even punishe$ which coul have resulte in fears as an ault in
relation to that.
Doug: # remember the only problems that # had at twelve was with girls. "othings changed.
Those of you who chose cervical si%$ car number si%$ this woul be linke to the age of si%
an three years ol. /t woul be linke to your si%th chakra$ which is your thir eye chakra
an it goes back to your solar ple%us chakra - your thir chakra. The collective process that
you are ealing with here if you rew this car$ or if you are having issues aroun the
inability to release9 or the inability to connect to the 5oy of life9 or problems of gaining clarity
an insight$ know that cervical si% is the key to unleashing that particular issue. The symbol
is the key that you use.
,hat (rince &uka is helping you to o is connect to those past lifetimes where you i
e%perience very 5oyous moments in orer to replace the negative programmes which have
been carrie over into this lifetime which may come from past lives$ or genetic imprinting as
/0ve sai alreay$ an where there have been issues aroun schi2ophrenia$ hea in5uries$
meningitis$ BinauibleC gall blaer$ all those kin of things$ an the fear of success an fear
of failure. "nother big issue which / fin a lot of people eal with is procrastination.
(rince &uka comes through on the Fay of ?oy. He works specifically with chilren an works
in helping people to reconnect with their creative power in orer to use their will to
reconnect with their inner wisom an knowlege gaine in previous lifetimes which bring
the clarity an insight to current challenges. He also helps your inner chil specifically from
the ages of three an si% years ol to eal with any suppresse anger relating to having to
shouler responsibilities at a very young age$ specifically unrealistic responsibilities.
!oalite is a very powerful crystal because it bypasses many of what they call the raio-
active fre6uencies which we have been affecte by through subliminal programming which
bins our consciousness to ol paraigm belief systems. This car is helping you tap into
those numb areas an release the cellular tension. !oalite helps to release the raio-active
imprinting through subliminal programming$ an it brings insight an the clarity that0s
re6uire. /t releases you from the /lluminati matri% where those sources of 5oy$ peace an
serenity$ an all of those kins of positive energies have been eliberately cut off in orer to
estrange people an is-empower them on a creative level$ on a success level$ an on a
level to utilise their power to take action. ,hen one fears success or fears failure then we
ten to procrastinate.
The wolf is connecte to the teacher so it0s helping you connect to the teacher aspects of
yourself$ parts of you where you have mastere various issues. "nromea is a powerful
energy. /t is one of the strongest vibrations of the Doess energy which also penetrates
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 1=
into the solar ple%us chakra an the thir eye chakra$ activating a eeper ability to see the
transmissions which come through the Fay of ?oy an through the constellation of
"nromea. !o that0s what we0re working with$ with that particular cervical. "ny pain in that
area$ you can use that symbol$ use soalite an shift that energy.
Doug: 5ow is the energy passed on in ourselves? 5ow did we get it in the first place?
/ suppose thats a case of asking what came first @ the chicken or the egg. That0s going way
back because that woul take us back to the time of the fall of humanity$ back to the Daren
of Een$ tapping into the Tree of 3nowlege an activating a whole other can of worms over
there$ so /0m not going to go into the history of all that because that will take a really$ really
long time.
?ust to know that cellular imprinting is a consciousness. The energy$ the information insie
of us is consciousness an when you ie$ your energy remains$ that oesn0t ie$ energy
cannot be estroye. There is a pool of consciousness that is constantly flowing an growing
beyon the human paraigm. ,hen your physical boy rops you are still connecte to that
soul group$ to the connections that you have through your genetic lineage$ your spiritual
lineage$ your soul group which in meieval astrology is calle your part of spirit$ your part of
faith$ your !"* - which is your soul group. There is also your part of fortune9 there are
many ifferent spiritual points that we are linke into which then gather together which form
your blueprint for a new lifetime linking you by fate$ by karma$ to specific people within your
soul group which then sparks a whole new flame of consciousness. This becomes the
emboiment of matter within a form. That form is the human consciousness that you are
ealing with at that particular time$ in that lifetime.
The 7*" which you are receiving in your human boy is encoe with information which
links you to all those spiritual points that /0ve 5ust spoken of. This links you with ifferent
souls which form these cellular programmings you are receiving in that particular lifetime.
These are tools helping you to overcome certain issues that you have not complete in
previous lifetimes$ to master certain issues that are incomplete$ an to rise above that fate
an step into your estiny. !o it is a never-ening$ constant process of communication an
transmission taking place through this colossal mainframe of information an energy. <elieve
me$ /0ve ha glimpses of these systems an it is min-blowing. /t is literally humanly
impossible to grasp 5ust how big this is. !o when we speak of cellular imprinting$ when we
speak of our 7*" that is 5ust a rop in all the oceans on all the planets everywhere.
Doug: o where does the real you start and the matri' end?
This is what we are iscovering now. This is what the pathway of the "uthentic +nes is all
about. ,e0ve got a blueprint which is the spirit of the planets animating us$ an the
formation of those planets channel through us in a specific way. This either works for us or
against us. /t works for us in the way it enhances 6ualities that we have alreay mastere
which is our inner essence. They work against us by challenging us in specific areas to rise
above that which has ebilitate us in the past9 that which has enie us our ability to see
our true selves$ where we have given our power away to others. ,here we have given up
too soon$ or where things have become too much an we0ve chosen a ifferent pathway. !o
the more we work with an through these issues$ like using the !pinal "wakening cars for
instance as one of millions of tools$ we start tapping into the essence of our spirit which then
reveals to us more an more of our true nature. !o no longer are we operating by efault
an by programming an by the nature of the spirits animating us an throwing us from
pillar to post because of our fate$ we begin to wake up$ which is why it is so important to
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 1E
know ourselves$ to use prayer$ ritual an meitation$ creativity$ fun$ laughter an play to
really efine who we are. To get to the bottom of what really blows our hair back9 to what
floats our boat$ blows your skirt up an makes you happy at the en of the ay. That is the
bottom line.
!o where you are e%periencing fear$ challenges$ ifficulties$ insecurities @ those are aspects
of your nature communicating to you an saying to you$ let0s get to the bottom of this so
that we can tap into the essence of who you really are. That in a nutshell is what our healing
process is all about. That is how we rise above our fate an step into our estiny an
overcome the sins of our forefathers. "ccoring to what /0ve learnt$ the only sin that we
actually have is fear. !o at the en of the ay what we are oing is healing all our fears an
releasing the sins of our forefathers$ which are their fears which have been passe own
through the generations.
Doug: Weve gone off track a bit3 so where were we - number seven # think.
/0ve spoken about cervical seven with regars to "my0s particular process$ so what we0ve
now one is go through those first seven cervicals. "s / sai in the beginning$ those first
seven cervicals impact on the first seven to twelve years of your life. /t is the formative
years of your life. /t is the information which programmes your chakras$ or has the most
influence on the programming of your chakras uring those informative years$ an it is also
linke to your ability to move into the future by being able to look into your future by being
able to look into your past.
!o the lack of fle%ibility in your neck woul also say$ or alert you to the fact that there are
cervical issues there. ,hen you have neck spasms or you fin it is ifficult to rotate your
neck properly$ know that you are ealing with issues aroun those first seven cervicals.
,hat you can o is raw the cervical cars$ shuffle them an raw one of those specifically
because you know you are ealing with an issue revolving aroun your neck specifically.
,ith those first seven cars$ that is what you are going to o with all the cars that you are
working with throughout the eck. ,hen you get to the ones where we are speaking of the
twenties$ the thirties$ the forties$ the fifties$ etc.$ let0s say that you are twenty years ol an
you raw the car for your seventies$ an you think$ holy cow$ is this what /0m going to go
through in my seventies;$ no that is not what you are going to go through when you are in
your seventies. /t is connecte to the fourth$ fifth an si%th month in utero9 so when we are
ealing with the sacrum for instance$ with this car of the seventies$ you are tapping into
information you were programme with in utero. !o your mother0s fears$ issues$ whatever it
is$ that she was going through uring her fourth$ fifth an si%th month of pregnancy with
you$ an it woul also reflect into past lifetimes where uring your seventies there were
issues that were left unresolve an you are tapping into that in this lifetime$ even if you are
only twenty years ol$ or thirty$ or forty or fifty. #ou woul utilise e%actly the same process
that /0ve taken you through with the first seven cervical cars.
3uthumi-"grippa wants me to work with the car that / pulle for the group. +n this car$
even though it is not in your eck$ we are ealing with orsal seven. This is rounabout the
solar ple%us area. #ou can look at the spine car to get the chakra range it woul fall into.
,hat we are ealing with is past lives where you bore witness to a crime or betrayal$ or
where in this lifetime$ linke to the age of nineteen years ol you were processing guilt$
shame an anger etc.$ with regars to having to keep 6uiet an1or carry a family secret.
(erhaps there is something from this lifetime in your past that you0ve not been able to speak
about9 there coul be family secrets that you0re not even aware of an now what this car is
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 20
helping you o is releasing you of the buren of not being able to let the cat out of the bag
for fear of punishment$ loss or re5ection.
!o the energy that 3uthumi-"grippa is feeing to you as a group now is that of !t 4rancis of
"ssisi which is helping you seal the oors to the past an tap into your ability to access your
inner source of courage in orer to face change.
*ow 3uthumi-"grippa is saying there are people on the webinar who have ha to eal with
certain issues like this9 either a family secret or having to keep a secret$ or not being able to
say what you feel or say what you mean where you were tol to keep 6uiet. *ot to
backchat$ that your opinion meant nothing which impacte immensely on your soul0s
motivation an your soul0s ability to e%press its primary motivation.
!o what he0s going to o is activate a healing process for all of you which is going to seal all
the oors of the past$ an what he0s asking you to o is to spen some time over the ne%t
few ays to reflect on perios in your life where you weren0t allowe to speak your truth.
,here you ha to keep a secret$ everything that /0ve spoken about now$ an there0s a key at
the age of nineteen years ol$ an it0s linke to the planet Chiron$ some people call it !hiron$
which is the planet of the woune healer. !o this is activating the healer insie of you who
is gaining treasures an wisom through the wouns of your past relating specifically to this
issue that we are aressing$ which is the car that /0ve chosen for the group. ,ith orsal
seven$ which /0m estimating is rounabout the solar ple%us area an the heart chakra$ woul
have impacte on your ability to love an be love. /t woul have impacte on your ability to
utilise your power$ to feel safe amongst people$ to feel safe in confiing in others$ or you
confie in iniviuals where you truste them to keep the information to themselves$ to
hol you in integrity an they have betraye you.
3uthumi-"grippa is wanting us to go into this particular issue because it is very important for
this group an he0s asking us to open the floor to anyone who has ha to eal with this
particular issue regarless of how big or small it is$ because they are activating the energies
right now to start clearing this cellular imprinting from all of us. / know that there is$ if not
most of the group$ then at least half of the group who have e%perience that level of
betrayal where we0ve entruste other people with our secrets$ if we can call it that9 or with
something that is very important to us. (erhaps there0s been @ sorry he sometimes uses
ancient wors an /0m trying to put them into more moern wors. He0s showing the whole
repenting$ having to confess to a priest. He0s showing me all these ifferent pictures @
there0s also visions coming of some of you being in a monastery$ being whippe by nuns
because as a young girl$ specifically as a young girl$ being involve with things you weren0t
suppose to be involve in resulting in a feeling of immense shame an guilt an being
orere never to speak of what you i$ what you0ve one. <eing orere to never speak of
what you0ve seen$ an there0s someone on this webinar that is ealing with issues where
they have witnesse some kin of se%ual abuse$ where they were orere never to speak of
/s there anyone who wishes to speak about a specific issue or to share something that they
have e%perience; !peak now or forever hol your peace. The energy is very powerful. This
is an important healing that nees to be one.
Doug: <ut your hand up.
7oug$ /0ve got absolute goose bumps9 /0ve 5ust been shown "my0s 6uestion or "my0s
comments. / on0t know if you want to rea that out;
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 21
Doug: #ve $ust unmuted (my. 5ello (my.
(mys comment: )h my ?od 1 my whole family was se'ually abused by my mothers best
friend. We could not speak of it to anyone. # finally did and was banished from the family for
a very long time.
+kay. "my / want you to now call in your guarian angel$ call your guarian angel to over
light you an 3uthumi-"grippa is asking that everyone on the webinar focus an
unconitional ray of love towars "my$ to her family an to all the trauma that was
e%perience by her family an by "my specifically9 that trauma of being banishe by the
family for such a long time$ the guilt$ the shame an the anger. Kisualise that energy
travelling out to "my$ but as it connects with "my0s boy$ "my / want you to breathe that
energy into your heart chakra an to imagine it flowing into the cells of your boy$ into your
7*" an linking to the rest of your family$ to your ancestral lineage9 an the healing that is
taking place through that unconitional ray is then being e%tene back to everyone on the
webinar who0ve ha to eal with similar issues. ,hether they are conscious of it or not$
because there are some of you on this webinar who cellularly are holing onto that
information$ but it is family secrets that you o not know of that coul be four or five
generations back.
3uthumi is wanting us to concentrate on that energy$ an the league of solar archangels are
now 5oining us an / want all of you to open your hearts to the solar archangels an to
receive the Dolen Fay of "lchemy an Transformation. They are also bringing forth the Fay
of 4orgiveness which they want each of you to absorb an to breathe into your boy an for
the group to e%ten a coning of healing$ protection an safety to "my supporting her inner
chil$ releasing the trauma$ releasing the shock an for that energy to flow through her
blooline initiating the process of forgiveness an of release$ bringing about the change
re6uire$ sealing the oorways to the past an setting all of us free. Feleasing the pattern of
se%ual abuse which we have brought in through our blooline$ an through past lives so that
the healing for "my an her family becomes a collective healing for us as a group.
"my$ 3uthumi-"grippa is wanting you to 5ust know that your family0s reaction was not as a
result of the essence of who you are$ that re5ection$ that punishment has nothing to o with
who you are as a person$ nothing to o with your essence. /t was their inability to eal with
the shame$ with the trauma$ with the shock an with the stigma attache to that kin of
abuse. He wants you to allow your inner chil to release those negative feelings an forgive
yourself for thinking that what you i was wrong9 perhaps there0s a part of you that thinks
you shouln0t have spoken up$ but know that what you i took courage$ it took strength
an an immense amount of inner power. /t was your light$ it was your truth which she the
light on the situation an you nee to give thanks to yourself for that. "n not to let the
fears of your family control you or inhibit your movement forwar. This also applies to the
rest of you in the group.
"ll of us now take a eep breathe in an to allow the solar archangels to continue with the
healing an 3uthumi-"grippa will continue to work through each of us releasing that
imprinting$ releasing those fears an of course the shock an trauma associate to that.
How are you feeling now "my;
="o answer from (my*
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 22
+kay$ we0ll trust that the energy has alreay starte an will bring some healing to "my with
what she0s going through an obviously to the rest of the group. /s there anyone else who
wants to speak;
Doug: )bviously this did hit home for a lot of people and #m going to read through some of
the comments $ust very %uickly for everyone.
2# can relate to this. My whole childhood and teenage years # kept so many family secrets
and even to this day my siblings are not fully aware of what went on in our family behind
the scenes. &ove tar4
2# was in an emotionally controlling relationship at age nineteen where there was a scare of
unintended pregnancy. ,hat wasnt actually the case. # couldnt tell my parents about this
and was made to feel a lot of guilt and shame by the boyfriend for bringing upon this
situation how as if he had nothing to do with it.4
2# had an e'perience of seeing my grand1daughter being se'ually assaulted.4
2# had an e'perience at the age of nineteen that #ve kept silent about all of my life4 and
well talk to Connie about that in a second.
2# drew the card for fifteen years - the dorsal five and si'! which is e'actly the age of se'ual
abuse which shamed my entire family. (lso the card drawn for the group! age nineteen! is
the age # married into a family involved in a lot of illicit activities which # did know of at the
time and when # learned! # was not allowed to speak of or acknowledge.4
,heres a lot. # could probably go on for most of the night@.elly this was needed for the
group. &et me stop there. &et me go to Connie as she wanted to chat to us.
?ood evening Connie how are you? Connie! Connie? #t seems that Connie doesnt want to
talk to me at the moment. he said she wanted to. Connie! you say you have no sound.
What do you mean? Can everyone else hear me? Can you hear me Mich?
#es / can hear you clearly.
Doug: (lright. ,hats weird. 5eres another one.
2When # was si'teen! AB:9! # gave birth to a baby girl and this was kept as a secret from my
family! brothers and sisters! aunts and uncles etc.! for at least eighteen years from my
brothers and sisters until we finally met my daughter who # see regularly now and who is
deaf! but not really accepted by members of my family. ,his is seen as a great shame
brought on to my family by me! and until his death in AB:C # dont think my father ever
forgave me. #ve worked very hard over the years to forgive my father and myself for this
situation. 0oth of my parents are now deceased. My daughter and # now get on very well
and talk to each other regularly.4
There is some very powerful healing going on at the moment. / think we must 5ust allow the
energy to continue flowing an people to share their e%periences is what 3uthumi-"grippa is
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 2-
2#ts funny how these childhood e'periences have a lasting impact on us. (dults do it as a
$oke to kids and kids take it on and keep it for life. My father playfully tried to grab me
between my legs. # learnt to stand arms length away. # still keep men at arms length.4
2# kept my abortion a secret until now. # still havent yet told my parents. )nly one of my
sisters knows this.4
2,hank you (my for your courage and strength. #d forgotten about the se'ual abuse that
went on in my own family. pecifically my father se'ually abusing my sisters and myself.4
#ts a hyper1sensitive issue for such a small group! #ve got to say. (lright! so what #m going
to do is to ask everyone to $ust hold this energy - #m going to call a break for ten minutes -
but ask everyone to hold this energy preferably in silence! if you can stay away from the
people who are around you. Well take a break but $ust keep it in silence and hold the
energy with the group. # think it is important for all of us for some reason.
Doug: # want to start off by echoing Marias sentiment! to say thank you to (my for your
courage and strength. (my did comment here. he said 25e saw into my deepest heart and
fears. # cant tell you how much it feels and so deeply. ,hank you! thank you! thank you!
thank you. Michelle! Doug it is okay with me if you want to reveal any of the info # have
given. # learned a long time ago $ust how healing the truth truly is. ?od 0less you all for the
opportunity that # would have never got in any other way. 0less you so very much.4
#ts our pleasure! not our fault .uthumi $ust hi$acked the session as we all saw. 0ut thats
cool! were used to that. 5es hi$acking the session - he sees a need and goes alright! #ll
$ust sort out %uickly and Dougs sitting there going! how the hell # am going to edit this6 #f
none of us were at odds with the masters then who would keep them in check?
"bsolutely9 an he says there0s nothing that you have to eit because whoever listens to this
workshop in the future will be able to resonate with it.
Doug: # realise! # realise! # realise@and # see from (mys comments as well. #m $ust going
to read out a couple of other comments as well on that and then #ll let you get back to the
2#n ABDD # dealt with the se'ual abuse of my then two1year old son by older children.4
2# have a memory of being molested twice by my father before aged five. #ve never spoken
of this before to anyone. ,hank you for this healing.4 ,hats from ue.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 28
2#d like to heal the pain of a miscarriage suffered in silence and shame at the age of
seventeen. # could not speak of it because of my catholic upbringing. My father had $ust died
around this same time and # could not bring this added pain to my shattered family. # fell
into a deep and silent depression for many years after. <lease bring in the healing ray to
seal the hole in my heart. 0lessings ,eresa4
Teresa / think the whole group 5oins with me in bringing in the healing ray that you esire.
;ight Mich! where were we?
,e were working with this issue @ it came up with the group car. 3uthumi-"grippa is also
saying that even if we ha to 5ust work with the first seven cervical cars$ we woul be able
to shift a lot of energy because many of these issues are linke to those first seven
cervicals$ which is linke irectly to our brain an also has 6uite an important impact on how
we create the neural networks$ the patterns of the neural networks in our brains. !o we 5ust
nee to continue with this flow an allow the healing an energy to continue helping us.
The over-lighting master for this is !t 4rancis$ which as / sai earlier on was one of 3uthumi-
"grippa0s incarnations$ an the animal totems that work with it are the wolf an the lyn%$
an the planet is Chiron an the crystal is Chalcopyrite$ which is fool0s gol$ pyrites$ which is
combine with another mineral which looks very similar to white calcite or white 6uart2. This
is amplifying the energies of the golen ray$ which is why the solar archangels came in.
,hat 3uthumi-"grippa is saying is that this energy is also going to help you say goobye to
that pattern so that it oesn0t continue to flow own through the blooline.
/ 5ust want to ouble-check with !am @ !am$ the symbol that is on the ol car9 on which of
the new cars have we use that symbol; /t0s a spiral triangle.
am: "o! as far as #m aware you guys completely removed it.
+kay$ there was probably a reason. The symbol looks like a three-tiere spiral triangle with a
little circle in the centre9 where the en of the J !orry / can0t even speak properly. !am$
we0ll have to scan in the picture an sen it to everyone.
Doug: (lright! #ll make sure that that happens and it gets sent out with the link for the
recording! #ll make sure that its attached to that email which goes out to everyone and also
included in recording which will go out to people in the future.
Connie did want to speak to us but didnt have a microphone. ,ell me in the comment bo' -
Connie can you tell me what cards you pulled please. Can you type into the %uestions bo'
what cards you pulled for me please.
Connie said: 2# could not communicate to my family the pregnancy # had at the age of
nineteen.4 # $ust want to hear from Connie what cards she pulled and then M#ch you can
discuss this for us.
(h! she hasnt got her cards yet. Mich! will you pull a card for her please?
!ure$ give me a moment. +kay$ /0ve pulle the car for Connie an it is orsal number four.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 2:
*ow / on0t know if this is the same as the new cars$ but on this car that /0ve pulle
specifically for Connie$ it0s relate to the age of si%teen9 it0s connecte to achieving one0s
goals an reams an strengthening one0s energy. /t eals with lifetimes of unresolve
suspicion regaring any e%perience$ unheale epression$ suppression an repression$ fear
of change an the inability to tap into one0s creative powers because of severe past
lifetimes of criticisms an reaffirmation of this in this lifetime. /t0s base on releasing one0s
low self worth issues$ self criticism an self 5ugement$ an also relate to past lives
perhaps as a hobo$ ealing with senility$ eccentricity which le to being institutionalise.
The crystal that we0re working with is carnelian which can help you feel safe to ream an
hope again an inspire you to invest energy in entertaining your reams an achieving the
goals to make it a reality. /t helps heal past issues resulting from shattere reams an
releases cynicism$ rebuiling hope an faith. The being who works with this is &or <enai.
He works with the leopar an is connecte to "ntares. ,hat he0s going to help you o is
reignite the spark of life in orer to feel safe to truly e%perience an e%plore life so as to
benefit from the gifts every moment presents you. He0ll also help you successfully aress
an heal the issues that resulte in infertility be it physically or creatively.
/ hope that makes sense Connie.
Doug: he says shes so emotional - yes! making sense.
,ell$ /0ve gone goose bumps all over.
Doug: # see (lle' is like me. he says 2would it not make sense to work with each of the
cards one at a time?4 "ow thats what # thought (lle' but #m clearly wrong3 so "o is the
answer to your %uestion. Makes sense to you and me but not to those running the show.
,ell$ "lle% an 7oug can go through the cars one at a timeI
Doug: Mich! we will need to complete this session - # think we should do another session!
another full session. 0ut we will discuss that tomorrow.
#es$ there0s 6uite a lot of energy @ it0s still pumping through me. /0m surprise the
connection has laste this long.
Doug: o Doug and (lle' will collectively throw their hands up in the air and give up control
and say alright Michelle. Did you channel something from Master .uthumi1(grippa because #
know he loves the final word? )r whoever wants to come forward. #s that okay with you
That0s fine.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 2>
Master Kuthumi-Agrippa
Channelling for Spinal Awakening Workshop
Channelled through Michelle Eloff
Channelled in Johannesurg! South Africa on "# June "$%$
/ am 3uthumi-"grippa an / come forwar upon the rays of love an wisom to greet each
of you at this time an bring unto you the healing energies which shall help each of you
transform the ark aspects of yourself an help you step into a new way of being.
This (layshop$ which we have elivere has been create for the purpose of empowering you
as iniviuals in orer to better unerstan that which has inspire an motivate many of
your actions an inactions in the past.
The purpose of tonight0s (layshop has been to set the theme for many more such (layshops$
which we wish to bring forwar in orer to work with groups of you$ in orer to trigger the
memories in your boy9 to release the cellular imprinting which will help you get a eeper
insight as to what is plaguing you behin the scenes. This creates an accelerate
subconscious release for each of you an will provie eep insight in the ays an weeks
that follow.
The light of 4ather1Mother Do has presente you with an opportunity to elve into the
epths of your past$ of this incarnation an others$ an that of your ancestors in orer to
gain a better grasp on your life$ so that you can rise above your fate an step into the power
of your estiny an tap into the essence of your true nature. Each an every step that you
have taken up until this point has prepare you for this time where you can take on the
wouns of your past an e%tract the visions an the wisom$ the gifts an the blessings
which come from it.
There are powerful rays of forgiveness which are flowing through this group$ rays of
unconitional love$ an opportunity for you to release through the chakras which have been
most ebilitate as a result of the wouns of your past. Trying to unerstan something
while one is grappling in the ark oes not get one very far$ but when a flame of insight is
presente an it shes light on situations it triggers memories such as many of you have
e%perience this evening.
+ur presence$ our love an our light is with you embracing each of you$ holing you within
the ivine essence of 4ather1Mother Do0s spirit$ therefore$ we ask each of you to open your
heart$ to open your min$ your boy an your soul to receive that which we are bringing
forth$ an to allow the healing rays of !pirit to touch every part of you$ to wash through the
subconscious parts of yourself an to release to you the insights which are now pertinent to
your healing process.
The &ors an &aies of the &ight have gathere aroun you forming a secure cocoon of
healing energy$ helping you unerstan the 5ourney that you have walke which has le to
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 2A
this point which now releases you into a new level of unerstaning your past$
unerstaning your present in orer to create a ifferent future.
Those of you who are participating in this energy fiel$ you are the ones who are opening
the systems of light which we shall utilise with future groups to bring about similar healing.
#our energies are all connecte through a very fine an sacre gri$ which creates a network
of communication an healing to support each of you$ by connecting you through the sacre
spiritual lineage which bins all of you together.
This ynamic conglomeration of energies are empowering the systems of your inner worl in
ways you have not been able to consciously ientify with$ an these new ways of tapping
into the past will bring light to your future$ therefore$ we ask you to trust this process$ to
know that what comes to the fore now is what will release you$ it will free you$ an this is
what is meant by the saying 'the truth shall set you free). <y knowing that there is
something in your past which you now nee to make peace with$ something that you nee
to forgive$ an to be forgiven for$ will help you e%perience the golen rays of the !un$ the
healing rays of Mother Earth$ an the nurturing rays of the 7ivine 4eminine.
The 7ivine Masculine0s energy will support each of you in taking action in relation to that
which must be one at this time in orer to bring about the completion of this healing$
therefore$ we ask each of you now to set your intention with !pirit$ to be supporte on your
5ourney of releasing these wouns$ releasing the grief$ the saness$ the epression an the
anger an to allow a magical ray of unconitional love to flow from your heart0s to one
another$ elevating an intensifying the healing rays which we bring forth asking you to
surrener to the powerful light of truth$ an to revisit the Cosmic &aw of Healing in orer to
gain a eeper unerstaning of how important this process is for each of you.
<reathe in eeply$ e%haling fully as we bring forth the rays of truth$ the rays of wisom$ the
rays of knowlege an power$ of love an courage an for you to own all of those energies.
4eel the presence of 4ather1Mother Do enfoling you$ remining you that you are a ivine
chil of the graceful essence of the love an its spirit$ its essence$ which governs the rays of
healing an which irects them to their estination$ you. ,elcome these healing rays an
make peace with the fact that your past occurre an that now it is time to release yourself
from that past$ the fate which you took on$ the wouns which you are reay to heal$ an the
forgiveness you are reay to e%perience.
4eel the flow of ivine love$ ivine guiance$ ivine nurturance an ivine protection
embracing you$ showing you that there is a ifferent way forwar an that it is safe for you
to take the ne%t step on your 5ourney$ regarless of whether those whom you have ha to
leave behin return or not$ an if those who have cause your wouns have passe on$
e%ten a ray of healing to them so that these issues$ these wouns an all this unfinishe
business may now come to a state of completion$ of wholeness$ where you can make peace
with who you are$ an in this moment now$ we ask each of you to accept that you are
precious$ that you are innocent$ that you are ivine an mostly importantly that you are
"llow the knowing that you are love by !pirit to wash through you$ to bring a vital new
source of life-force to you$ realigning your Cosmic 7*" with your Earth 7*" so that you as a
human being can unergo the cosmic 5ourney of enlightenment by following the pathway of
liberation$ by becoming an "uthentic +ne$ by accepting yourself for who you are an not
forming an basing your ientity on your past.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 2=
,ho you are now is ifferent$ an that which we have brought forth for each of you has
change who you were two hours ago. These energies are weaving ivine magic through
you activating the golen rays of alchemy bringing forth the powerful presence of each of
your Duarian "ngels showing you new pathways$ opening new winows of opportunity an
releasing you from the prison of your past$ releasing you from the chains which have boun
you to that woun$ to all the suppresse emotions an feelings$ blessing you an
empowering you with a newfoun sense of inner strength$ inner courage an the inner
knowing that you are more than what you ever knew you were$ that you are a catalyst of
change$ catalyst angel$ one who has come to walk the Earth$ an through your story help
others heal$ help others unerstan better the nature of the fate flesh$ an that in rising
above the wouns one gains wisom$ one is able to tap into the treasures which have been
release$ hien beneath the shaows$ hien beneath the ebris of your traumatic event$
all those memories$ conscious an unconscious$ which le you own pathways of no return.
"n now it is that we call to those parts of you that have walke the pathway of no return
believing that there is no coming back from the shock$ no coming back from the trauma or
from the betrayal$ an we call to those parts of you to return to the light of 4ather1Mother
Do0s love$ to open completely an surrener to this healing presence an to give yourself
permission to be set free$ an to set every aspect of every link which has create this chain
of your life free.
"sk your Duarian "ngel to bring all the healing you nee$ the insight$ the unerstaning$
the clarity$ the ability to forgive an$ therefore$ embracing peace so that you may see life
from a ifferent perspective$ from the view point of your higher self an to step into the
essence of those spirits which govern you$ to surrener to their nature$ to own every
magnificent part of yourself regarless of your past. !pirit hols no 5ugement$ there is no
punishment$ the only things which 5uge an punish you are your own negative beliefs$ the
negative feelings as a result of that trauma$ an we ask you now to let that go$ to set
yourself free$ to release yourself from the prison of your past an accept the promise of new
life is in your mist$ it is before you$ an the awning of the new ay is within your grasp.
!o now surrener$ let your emotions flow$ let your feelings travel along the current of the
memories which are coming to the fore$ an if there are no irect memories an only
feelings an emotions let these flow$ allow them to be release. &iberate yourself by
liberating your feelings$ allowing everything that has been internalise to come out now.
"llow your inner chil to have a voice an you to be the ear that listens$ the heart that
loves$ the mouth that speaks the soothing wors an the eyes that see the truth. !et your
inner chil free$ an in so oing you set yourself free.
Dive up all of that which has hurt you$ han it over in e%change for healing$ in e%change for
freeom$ in e%change for the knowing that you are not your past an that you have the
power to create a ifferent future$ an through what you have chosen this time has brought
about an opportunity to heal many imensions of your essence$ many imensions of your
ancestry$ an future generations to come from you either genetically or through your soul
"ccept the peace an freeom which is being elivere to you now. "llow the healing to
take place an release your grip on your guilt an your shame an your anger for these
emotions an feelings have governe your actions for long enough$ now there is a ifferent
ynamic coming to greet you$ waiting to be welcome into your life so that you may truly be
set free.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff 2E
/ wish to thank each of you for your courage to 5oin together at this time an to e%perience
this profoun healing. ,e thank you for setting the energy in place for the groups who shall
come in the future to receive similar healing to yours an through these mechanisms$
through these processes freeing more mins$ liberating more hearts$ clearing the pathway
an showing each one Bincluing youC that the 5ourney as an "uthentic +ne along the
pathway of liberation is worth every rop of bloo$ every rop of sweat an every tear you
have she$ for the knowing you have now will bring many ynamic levels of new light$ new
life an eeper love for self an life to you.
"llow us to support you. "llow us to be there for you. Dive yourself permission to get out of
your own way so that now a new way can be presente to you$ one which reveals to you the
truth of your estiny by remining you that what you have e%perience is a healing energy
for others who seek healing$ who seek answers$ who seek liberation an who esperately
want to be set free of the shackles which bin them to the memories of their trauma$ be it
conscious or unconscious. #our 5ourney of healing will heal others an we ask you to accept
that now$ to honour that your 5ourney has le you to this point which is aing to the
intensity of the levels of energy we can bring forth for all of you to be heale by.
"n so trust in the many invisible arms that are holing you right now$ the many invisible
hearts that are loving you right now an know that you have never been alone$ that your
5ourney in the past has create an opportunity for you now to change your future$ an that
is the great gift which Mother14ather Do bestow upon you now. ,elcome the rays of light
an love into your life$ the golen rays of alchemy$ the healing energies from 4ather1Mother
Do. 3now that you have opene an important oorway by sealing the oors to your past
an by allowing yourself to now move forwar$ more empowere$ more enlightene$ more at
peace an free to feel your feelings$ speak your truth an efine a new way of life for
yourself$ reinventing who you are. This is your time of ropping the ol ientities an
allowing your true nature to be the governing force from which you source your inspiration
an motivation.
<e blesse knowing that light guies you$ that love frees you$ an that you are the ivine
catalysts of our time an of your future an celebrate this ivine healing with us. 4or the
ne%t twelve hours we will continue performing the intensity of this healing upon you. 4or the
ne%t seven ays your boy will realign with the new energies$ an in twenty-one ays time
you will have much greater clarity regaring what you have e%perience in this time
together$ this time of 5oining like hearts an like mins$ spreaing the love$ e%tening peace$
forgiveness an truth.
,e trust that each of you have a better unerstaning of the ynamic of your life an that
which is motivating you an that the insight an clarity will come to you inspiring you to
make the ne%t move in the irection of your true estiny. <e at peace precious ones an
allow our love to be with you$ allow yourself to move in a new irection. Dive up that which
oes not support you an trust in the 7ivine$ trust in the higher plan$ an know there is
much more to life than what you have e%perience an this is your oorway to the other
sie of life.
Thank you again to each of you for your presence an for you love$ for your contribution an
for your sharing. May you continue to be blesse with the healing you re6uire.
/ am 3uthumi-"grippa$ Chohan of the Dolen Fay of &ove an ,isom an / greet an bless
each of you in love. "onai.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff -0
Doug: ,hank you very much Mich.
Michelle. Thank you 7oug.
Doug: # have to chuckle that everything that happened this evening is perfectly in order!
there are probably going to be a few people who buy this recording and will be saying but #
thought this was about a deck of cards! what $ust happened? ,he usual..
# $ust want to echo what Master .uthumi said in the channelling! and that is to say thank
you to everyone who participated this evening. ,he energy this evening has been awesome!
amaEing! inspiring! forgiving.
Michelle. 3uthumi is saying that this is how the future workshops are going to be$ an this
is going to be the ne%t level of the group work that we are going to be oing for healing
people in this manner. !o he says surprise$ surprise an welcome to his worlI
Doug: # may kick and scream sometimes but # have learnt that the only thing to do is go
with the flow.
#s there anything you want to add in closing Michelle?
Michelle. ?ust to say thank you for such a profoun session. ,hen / was sitting this
afternoon to prepare for the playshop there were a hunre an one istractions an / was
getting so frustrate by all the istractions. / ha even put my phone on silent to try an
focus an the oorbell woul go an someone was knocking on my oor because they want
to ask me something. Eventually / sai ok$ well$ whatever is going to be is going to be an /
have to trust this process. / am so gla that / i surrener to it because it has been an
absolutely phenomenal evening an the energy that / have been feeling coming through my
boy with the presence of the Masters here$ bringing healing to the group$ has been
absolutely profoun$ so another goo lesson$ which is not to try an control it$ an plan it$
an prepare for it$ an 5ust allow it to happen as it nees to be.
!o thank you to all of you for being so fle%ible an for going with the flow$ sharing your
e%periences an benefiting from the healing. This is one of the ways that the cars work so
it has reveale to you its magic an its power.
Doug: ,hank you Michelle and thank you everyone. ?oodnight.
Michelle. Doonight everyone.
Copyright 2010 Michelle Eloff -1

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