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gpis bulletin

Jan. 10, 2011 Volume 5, Issue 15

Important Dates
The Graduate Program in
International Studies
Norfolk, VA, 23529-0086
(757) 683-5700
Regina Karp, Director
Intl Studies Programs
Jef Mistich
Assistant Director, GPIS
Margo Stambleck
Program Coordinator

Inside the bulletin:

GPIS Student Highlight, 2

News and Notes, 4

Important Events, 6

GPIS Survey, 7
GSIS Corner, 8
Call for Papers, 9

Spring 2012 Course
Schedule, 10
Appendix- Dissertation
Funding, 12

The EU- A Military Actor?
Seminar, Friday, October 28, 2011
Please join the AccessEU Project for a seminar on the European Union as
a Military Actor. The seminar will take place at ODUs Batten Arts & Letters
Building, Room 9024, on Friday, Oct. 28, 2011 from 12:30 PM - 17:00 PM.
The registration deadline is Monday, October 24, 2011. For program and
registration information, please see page 6.
8-11: Fall Holiday
14: Dissertations due for Dec Graduation
21: MA theses due for Dec Graduation
14: Spring 2012 pre-registration begins
23-27: Thanksgiving Holiday
30: Deadline to apply for May 2012

gpis bulletin

October 24, 2011 Volume 6, Issue 8

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Many students, especially students of political science and international studies, decide to study
abroad or to conduct research in other countries. Students writing dissertations within the area, cultural,
and comparative tracks are particularly encouraged to learn about the economical, political, or cultural
aspects of regions outside of the United States. Will Patterson, PhD candidate, spent the last nine months
doing just that.
However, he did so wearing a bullet proof vest and
sidearm while embedded as a civilian cultural expert
with an army combat unit in Afghanistan. Will was
hired by the U.S. Army as a research manager in the
Human Terrain System program. From December 2010
until the end of August 2011, Will worked as a cultural
researcher, analyzing diferent villages and politically
infuential people in the Zabul Province of Afghanistan
often spending days away from his main post.
Before Will was allowed to conduct this research, he
had to undergo fve months of training in several dif-
ferent parts of the continental United States that in-
cluded research methods training and Afghan cultural
training. Once in theater, Will worked alongside social
scientists and other researchers. Every time Will and his
team left the base, they were accompanied by a con-
voy that also included members of the Romanian army.
Wills main job was to identify questions about the local
population, interview villagers, analyze the collected
data, and turn them into reports that could be present-
ed to his battalion commanders.
Throughout the research and interviews, the informa-
tion had to be scientifcally valid and within ethical
standards. Wills team mainly interviewed Afghan men
(leaders, mullahs, and commoners) about diverse top-
ics such as economic factors, agriculture, perceptions
about Americans, and the Afghan government. Will
says that in Afghanistan, education is one of the top
three challenges, evident by the literacy rate which is
less than one percent in the Zabul province.
At times his job was rather dangerous, especially when
the convoy would camp out in remote parts of the
province. While discussing safety, Will mentions that
since the Human Terrain System has been in operation,
three people in his position have been killed (This in-
cludes Paula Lloyd, a researcher for the Human Terrain
System who was doused with gasoline and set on fre
in November 2008).
In return for Will serving his country in this hazardous
environment, the Army paid him enough to allow him
to focus entirely on his dissertation this year. Will also
teaches a course on the Politics of East Asia within the
department at ODU. Cont. page 3.
Will in Afghanistan
Congressional Palace in Kabul

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Will explains that the hiring process for his position is done by a government contractor, but the Army
has the right to change specifcs of the contracts. Potential candidates have to be U.S. citizens and be
able to obtain a secret clearance. Researchers within the Human Terrain System have master or doctoral
degrees in the social sciences and experience in conducting research.
Before coming to GPIS, Will was a police ofcer and detective in Virginia Beach with a background in Crim-
inal Justice, Asian Studies, and International Studies. Overall, Will says that he is thankful for the unique
opportunity that working for the Army has provided him. He enjoyed interacting with the Afghan people
and appreciated their hospitality. His worst experience during his stay in Afghanistan was seeing the pov-
erty and the way people live frst hand.
An adobe mud village in
A truck decorated with jingles on
Highway 1
A bazar of Highway 1
Will in the Zabul Province

News and Notes
News and Notes

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Diversity Institute
The Ofce of Intercultural Relations is now ac-
cepting applications for Spring Semester 2012.
The application deadline is Friday, November
4, 2011. Apply online at http://studentafairs.
DI is a free semester-long program that focuses
on social ills known as isms, including: racism,
sexism, classism, heterosexism, creedism, able-
ism, etc. Modules are led by dynamic and en-
gaging faculty leaders from a variety of felds.
How can DI help me?
A great resource for personal and professional
Excellent resume-builder
Create an understanding of your own identity
and how it impacts your interactions with oth-
Minimize the opportunity for trends of preju-
dice, discrimination, exclusion, and bias to con-
Develop empathy and ability to operate and
promote an inclusive climate.
Develop communication skills needed in a plu-
ralistic setting.
Learn professional requirements related to op-
erating in a diverse, multicultural, and/or global
FMI: | | 757-683-4406
The Postcolonial Research Group is pleased
to present the research-in-progress of Manu-
ela Mourao of the Department of English. Her
presentation focuses on letters and journals of
nineteenth-century British women travelers to
Portugal and analyses how the afectionate con-
tempt Dora Wordsworth identifes as the prevail-
ing British attitude towards Portugal complicates
an established set of
representational strate-
gies used by British nine-
teenth-century women
travel writers in their self-
fashioning as the ideal
of the English lady. This
presentation is part of a
broader examination of
colonial discursive forma-
tions in 19th century Anglo-Portuguese relations.
Her presentation will be held in BAL 9002 from
12-1 on Monday, October 24. Light refresh-
ments will be provided. I look forward to seeing
you there.
Ofce of Intercultural Relations presents
Asian Seasons
Monday - October 24th, 2011
Asian Countries Fair and Exhibits
12:00 2:00pm
North Mall, Webb Center
Tuesday - October 25, 2011
Asian Caf
Graduate Society for International Studies (more on p. 8)
12:00 1:00pm
Bangladesh Students Association
1:00 2:00pm
Intercultural Center, 2114 Webb Center
Asian Movie Night: Robin B. Hood
7:00 9:30pm
Learning Commons (Room 1310 1311, Perry
For all PhD students who have Full-
bright funding or any other funding
that does not cover the duration of
your coursework (not dissertation),
it is extremely important that you
schedule an appointment to discuss
this with Dr. Karp immediately so
that this issue can be resolved. It is
critical that you do not wait until next
semester to do this as the process of
attaining funding takes quite some

News and Notes
News and Notes
Fall advising for spring registration
will be October 31 - November 4 and
November 7 - 11. Students must sign
up with their academic advisor to
remove the advising hold on their ac-
count. Advising sheets will be posted
on faculty doors.

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The Pretlow Planetarium is proud to present:
SpacePark 360, a fun roller-coaster ride through
the Solar System. For a trailer, see http://www. Shows are at 5:00 PM on
Tuesdays and Thursdays until Thanksgiving. Ad-
mission is free. To sign-up, go to http://www.pol-
g3Mw]. Enter SPACEPARK360 followed by a
space and then your name.
Pulitzer Prize winner Jose Galvez will display his
compelling exhibit that spans the Latino/Hispan-
ic culture. At 3:00 PM, in the North Mall, Mr. Galvez
will share his journey and story behind the pho-
AM - 5:00 PM PHOTO EXHIBIT 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
For More Information: Ofce of Intercultural Rela-
tions - 683-4406.
The Ofce of International Programs will be
hosting a series of information sessions to pro-
vide more information and answer questions
about the Boren Awards. The session schedule
is as follows: Thursday, Oct. 27 @ 12:30 in Dragas
Hall, Room 2008, Thursday, Nov. 10 @ 12:30 in
Dragas Hall, Room 2008.
We are currently working on updating and revamp-
ing the GPIS website and need YOUR suggestions
as to what will make the site more useful (both for
current and prospective students) as well as more
visually attractive. What would you like to see more
of on the website? Less of? What links and resources
would be helpful to you? What do you think we could
do to the website to make GPIS a more attractive
program to prospective students? If you think you
have good answers to these questions or any other
positive suggestions, please let us know! Also, if you
have any current pictures from GPIS/GSIS events,
we would appreciate permission to use them on the
site. Send your comments, suggestions and/or pic-
tures to Lauren McKee at
The Ofce of the President at Old Domin-
ion University is now accepting applications
for paid internships during the upcoming ses-
sion of the Virginia General Assembly.
The internship provides a stipend and tem-
porary accommodations in Richmond during
the legislative session, which is expected to
run from January 11 March 10, 2012. ODU
interns work a 40-hour week assisting a pair
of Hampton Roads legislators. Typical duties
include attending hearings and meetings,
responding to constituent phone calls, mail
and email correspondence, greeting visitors,
scheduling and additional administrative
duties. It is an excellent opportunity to experi-
ence frsthand the Commonwealths legisla-
tive system in action. Students should check
with their departmental advisor if they seek
to achieve academic credit for the experience.
ODU undergraduate and graduate students
in all majors are eligible to apply. Deadline for
application submission is 5 p.m. Friday, No-
vember 4. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required.
Students must be in good standing with their
department and the university. For more
information or an application, interested stu-
dents should contact the internship coordina-
tor, Nicole Miller, in the Ofce of Governmen-
tal Relations at or 615-1200.

The Spring 2012 PhD Comprehensive writ-
ten exam will be January 6 and 9.
The Fall 2011 MA Comprehensive exam will be
November 11.
All students intending to apply for the exam
must make an appointment with Jef Mistich,
Assistant Director, to certify that they have
met requisite program requirements.
This seminar will be held at ODUs Bat-
ten Arts & Letters Building, Room 9024, on
Friday, Oct. 28, 2011 from 12:30 PM - 17:00
PM and includes a light lunch, followed by
an introduction by Dr. Regina Karp.
Dr. Jolyon Howorth (Yale University) will
discuss Security and Defense Police in
the EU, Dr. Jan Joel Andersson (Swedish
Institute of International Afairs and ODU)
will discuss EU Battlegroups and the Eu-
ropean Rapid Response, Lieutenant Gen-
eral Karlheinz Viereck (German Air Force,
Allied Command Transformation, former
Operation Commander of the EU mission
EUFOR RD CONGO) will discuss Gender
Concerns and Crisis Management, Dr.
Sven Biscop (Egmont Institute, Brussels)
will discuss Europe, Strategy and Armed
Forces-The Making of a Distinctive Pow-
er, and Dr. Simon Serfaty (ODU and Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C.) will
chair a Panel Discussion on Europe as a Military Actor.
Please register for this important and unique seminar! The registration deadline is Oct. 24, 2011. Regis-
tration: Sabine Hirschauer, For more information, visit
Program Schedule:
12.30 Light lunch and Registration
13.30 Introduction - Dr. Regina Karp
13.45 Security and Defense Policy in the EU - Dr. Jolyon Howorth
14.15 EU Battlegroups and European Rapid Response- Dr. Jan Joel Andersson
14.45 Gender Concerns and Crisis Management - Lieutenant General Karlheinz Viereck
15.15 Cofee Break
15.45 Europe, Strategy and Armed Forces The Making of a Distinctive Power -Dr. Sven Biscop
16.15 Europe as a Military Actor? Panel Discussion chaired by Dr. Simon Serfaty
17.00 Reception
Seminar on the Increasing Awareness of EU Crisis Management
Approaches and Europes Common Security and Defense Policy

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Important Event: EU-A Military Actor? Seminar

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GPIS has prepared a brief survey for ALL Current Students. (MA and PhD) This survey will help us in
our eforts to continuously improve the quality of the program and its ability to meet your needs as
students. Please take a few minutes (5-10) to complete this survey. Your feedback is essential to our
continuing success. Please paste this link into your web browser to get to the survey: https://acrobat.
com/?d=O1jWw7bxSDzFVTyMKCPgdg. When you are done, click the submit form at the top of the page to
anonymously submit your responses. The deadline for submission is Nov. 4, 2011. Thank you in advance!
WOMEN, WAR & PEACE is a new fve-part series on the changing roles of women in war and peace.
The series reveals how post-Cold War proliferation of small arms has changed the landscape of war, with
women becoming primary targets and sufering unprecedented casualties. Yet women are simultaneously
emerging as necessary partners in brokering lasting peace and as leaders in forging new international
laws governing confict. Following a preview of the new fve-part PBS series, Women, War & Peace, WHROs
Barbara Hamm Lee, Executive Producer and Host of Another View, will moderate panel discussion and au-
dience participation at both events. The discussions will explore the changing roles of women in war and
peace. The panelists include Dr. Jennifer Fish, Chair of the Womens Studies Department at ODU, Karen
Kurilko, Regional Director of the Hampton Roads ofce of Commonwealth Catholic Charities Refugee and
Immigrant Services, and Christie Warren, Director of the William & Mary Law School Program in Compara-
tive Legal Studies and Post-Confict Peacebuilding. Join the discussion and learn how our community is
responding to these issues both locally and abroad. Both events are free and open to the public.
Monday, October 24, 2011, 6:30 8 pm, Old Dominion University, Batten Arts & Letters Building,
Room 1012.

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The Graduate
Society Corner
Below are pictures from the GSIS event Governments of the World: Republic of Chad given by GPIS
student Didier Sartara Nakoye as well as pictures from a trip to the Chrysler Museum organized by GSIS.
Asian Cafe (GSIS & OIR presents)
Topic: Afghanistan (culture, politics, government)
Speaker: Naqib Ahmad Khpulwak, Fulbright student/ GPIS
Place: Ofce of Intercultural Relations (2114 Webb Center)
Day: Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Call for Papers
Public administrations in the US and Europe
are facing extraordinary domestic problems (e.g.
unemployment, unafordable social security and
public health systems, crumbling infrastructures)
and severe global challenges (e.g. international
terrorism, fnancial crises,
ecological degradation
and climate change).
There are three trends
in the ways that pub-
lic administrations
are trying to cope with
these problems: privatization of public tasks and
services, increasingly detailed government regu-
lation of markets and social activities, and ad-
herence to the status quo. In order to promote
research and discussion regarding these trends
and the future of public administration the GRIP
and SPEA invite proposals for papers falling into
the following general themes: Administrative
Theory and State Paradigms, Multi-level Gover-
nance, Market and the Regulatory State, Society
and the Regulatory State, Non-proft and Civic En-
gagement, Participation, Administrative Modern-
ization and Performance Management, Human
Resource Management and Ethics Management,
New Administrative Tasks. Further information
on each theme may be found on the conference
website. The conference will consist of multiple
concurrently running panels. There will also be
two keynote addresses and an expert roundtable
discussion as well as several social gatherings. It
is planned to publish selected papers from the
conference in a special journal issue or edited
volume. Free accommodation will be provided
for conference participants presenting a paper.
We invite all proposals ftting generally into any
of the above themes.We particularly welcome
comparative approaches including comparisons
of Europe and/or the US with other countries/re-
gions or discussions of European and/or Ameri-
can policy towards other countries/regions. Pro-
posals up to 600 words in length should be sent
by 30 November 2011 to gripspea@foev-speyer.
de. For more info contact Prof. Eberhard Bohne at
All undergraduate and graduate students are
invited to submit papers for the twentieth an-
nual Conference for Students of Political Science
sponsored by the Illinois State University Depart-
ment of Politics and Government. We welcome
papers on any topic re-
lated to government
and/or politics. All
subfelds and politi-
cal perspectives are
welcome. Panelists
at the previous confer-
ences included 750 students attending 100 col-
leges and universities. If you are interested in par-
ticipating in this exciting event, please complete
the online proposal submission form or submit
a cover letter, containing your contact informa-
tion (including email address), your school, and
the name of the faculty member with whom
you are working, and a draft copy of your paper
(or the actual paper) by March 17, 2012. To view
last years conferrence themes and speakers,
please visit:
conferences/2011/2011Conference.shtml. If you
would like to serve as a discussant on a panel,
please send a letter stating your interest and
main areas of scholarly knowledge. E-mail sub-
missions are welcome. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to email: gmklass or call
us at (309) 438-8638. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact the conference
coordinators: Dr. Gary Klass, 4600 Department of
Politics and Government, Illinois State University,
Normal, IL 61790-4600. (309) 438-7852. gmklass@
Deadline for
November 30, 2011
Converging and Conficting Trends in the
Public Administration of the US, Europe,
and Germany
19 -20 July 2012, Speyer, Germany
20th Annual Illinois State University
Conference for Students of Political Science
20 April 2012 , Normal, Illinois,
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Deadline for
March, 17, 2012

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Course Schedule SPRING 2012
GPIS Bulletin Listserv
Unless otherwise noted, all outside announcements, job & internship opportunities, and
scholarships are not endorsed by GPIS.
Dr Regina Karp
Director, International Studies Programs
Jef Mistich
Assistant Director, GPIS
Margo Stamblek
Program Coordinator
Sara Hof
Bulletin Editor
If you are on Facebook or Twitter,
please do not forget to join the
GPIS Bulletin Facebook page and to
follow us on Twitter!
Get even more information -
Become a Facebook friend and a
Twitter Follower!
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Do you have information,
announcements, or resources you
would like to share with others
and see published in this weekly
bulletin? Please email Sara at shof@ with the information. Please
verify that the subject heading of
your message includes the phrase for
bulletin in order to ensure timely pub-
More than 1,600 colleges and uni-
versities have announced job open-
ings at Top in-
stitutions choose it as it provides an
economical way to reach qualifed
applicants. Chronicle Careers is an
online job search resource for Inter-
national Studies and Political Science.
View current open positions as well as
to join the email list in order to be no-
tifed regularly of new opportunities !
Is there something we should be
doing? What would you like to see in
the bulletin? Contact us at shof@
Appendix - Dissertation Funding Opportunities

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There are 2 diferent awards available from this organization. One is a 3-5 year award for incoming PhD
students. The other is a 1 year award to cover the last year of dissertation writing. They are not subject
specifc and the primary requirement is in-state-residence within the state of VA or another afliated
The Womens Studies Fellowships are provided to Ph.D. candidates at institutions in the United States
who will complete their dissertations during the fellowship year. The most competitive applications in-
clude not only a clear, thorough, and compelling description of the candidates work, but also evidence
of an enduring interest in and commitment to womens issues and scholarship on women. The Fellows
received $2,000 to be used for expenses connected with the dissertation. These may include, but are not
limited to, travel, books, microflming, taping, and computer services.
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and
signifcant study of ethical or religious values in all felds of the humanities and social sciences, and par-
ticularly to help Ph.D. candidates in these felds complete their dissertation work in a timely manner. In
addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations appropriate
to the Newcombe Fellowship competition might explore the ethical implications of foreign policy, the
values infuencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues re-
fected in history or literature. The Newcombe Fellowships are provided to Ph.D. candidates at American
institutions located in the United States who will complete their dissertations during the fellowship year.
In the 2012 Newcombe competition, at least 21 non-renewable Fellowships of $25,000 will be awarded
for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing; in addition, Fellows graduate schools will be asked to
waive tuition and/or remit some portion of their fees.
This site lists various Mellon Mays funding opportunities, not only for dissertations, but for conference
participation, research grants, tuition etc.
This site has several links to various funding opportunities.
This program ofers funding for students of minority heritage. They have pre-doctoral, dissertation and
post-doctoral programs available.
This page ofers a brief but informative write up on the grant-writing and funding solicitation process. It
also contains several links to funding opportunities and resources.
This organization has several funding opportunities. All of them are history related. If the candidates
research can be linked to the history of American Foreign Relations, this link should prove useful. There
are full funding fellowships up to $20,000 and there are several smaller research grants available from
$2,000 - $4,000 dollars.
Continued on next page
Appendix - Dissertation Funding Opportunities

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The Peace Institute fellowship is for the last year of dissertation writing resulting in completion. It is
open to citizens of all countries. The program was organized around six themes central to the work of
the incoming class of Senior Fellows and Peace Scholars: Why Do States Behave as They Do?; Under-
standing Local Variations in Violence; Armed Groups, Civilians, and Displaced People: How Relations
Between them Hamper or Further Peace-Building; Political and Economic Arrangements after Wars;
Understanding Radicalization, Insurgency and the Forces that Oppose Them; and Post-Confict Justice,
Memory and Reconciliation, and Pedagogies of Peace-Building.
This site has several links to funding opportunities for research done in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
This link is to the American Anthropological Association. Candidates whose research is focused on cul-
tural studies may fnd some useful funding opportunities here. There are countless links to funding op-
portunities many of which have somewhat narrow research criteria. Depending on the scope of the
geographical location that your research is focused on, this may be benefcial to you and may increase
your chances of securing funding.
This site has research grants and dissertation year funding available. The research grants are specifcally
for travel to and research at the Harry S Truman Library ($2,500-$3,000). The Dissertation year funding is
available to candidates doing research on public and foreign policy issues which were prominent during
the Truman years (1945-1953). ($20,000-$25,000)
The Smith Richardson Foundation hosts an annual grant competition to support Ph.D. dissertation re-
search on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, strategic studies, area
studies, and diplomatic and military history. This foundation will award 20 grants at $7,500 each.
The Miller Center Fellowship program is a competitive program for individuals completing their disserta-
tions on American politics, foreign policy and world politics, or the impact of global afairs on the United
States. The program provides up to eight $20,000 grants to support one year of research and writing.
The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) ofers nine to twelve months of support to
graduate students in the humanities and social sciences who are enrolled in doctoral programs in the
United States and conducting dissertation research outside of the United States. IDRF promotes research
that is situated in a specifc discipline and geographical region but is also informed by interdisciplinary
and cross-regional perspectives. Research topics may address all periods in history, but applicants should
be alert to the broader implications of their research as it relates to contemporary issues and debates.
Seventy-fve fellowships are awarded annually. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research
plan, with a per-fellowship average of $19,000. The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded
interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research.
Continued on next page
Appendix - Dissertation Funding Opportunities

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The program ofers about ffteen competitively awarded fellowships a year. Each provides a stipend of
$2,000 per month for periods ranging from 9-12 months. Each fellow will receive an additional $1,000
upon participating in a symposium on research in original sources and submitting a report acceptable
to CLIR on the research experience. Thus the maximum award will be $25,000. Traditional proposals for
original source research in such felds as history will be welcome. But the committee will give preference
to sound non-traditional projects in all eligible felds.
This program ofers funding to women who are doing research in or pursuing a career in some feld
related to national defense. Focus of the scholarship is on the following preferred felds of study: secu-
rity studies, military history, government relations, engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics,
business (as it relates to national security or defense), law (as it relates to national security or defense),
international relations, political science, and economics.
This program ofers paid internships in DC in a congress persons ofce. WREI fellows receive a stipend of
approximately $1,450 per month for eight months of the academic year (January-August). An additional
sum of $500 is provided for the purchase of health insurance. WREI will also reimburse fellows up to a
maximum of $1,500 ($750 per semester) for the cost of three hours tuition at their home institutions
(books and other non-tuition charges are NOT covered). Fellows are responsible for transportation to and
from Washington and for fnding their own living arrangements.
This site has many links for post-doc research funding. There are also a few links for dissertation funding.
All of the awards are of substantial monetary value so checking them out might be worth your time.
$2,000 - $15,000 awards. Available to all graduate students and can apply for the grant every year you are
in school full time. Research interests are market-based approaches to environmental policy, the legal
development of privacy and property rights in 18th-century England, the role of patient autonomy in
bioethics, impediments to economic growth in developing countries and the relationship between U.S.
presidential politics, fscal policies, and economic performance
Post-doctoral fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars.
The bridge award is available to Boren Fellows only. NBR invites any recipient of the Boren Fellowship,
with interests similar to NBRs program areas, to apply for a one-year award at NBRs headquarters in Se-
attle, Washington, or at NBRs Washington, DC, ofce. This award would be part of the Boren Fellowship
and would be in lieu of domestic support.
Continued on next page
Appendix - Dissertation Funding Opportunities

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This fellowship is for students who have completed their MA degree. The Next Generation Fellowship
Program will grant a one-year award to two to four fellows annually. Next Generation fellows will work on
NBR research projects and participate in the efective delivery of that research to the policy community.
The four major components of the Next Generation Fellowship are, bridging the gap between research
and policy. Fellows will participate in NBRs active outreach toward the policy community in Washington,
D.C., through participation in research projects, independent research, the NextGen Network blog, and
the Leadership Forum. Publication. A signature element of the program is the completion by the fellow
of one journal-quality article that could be published by either NBR or an outside scholarly journal. Gain-
ing in-depth knowledge of U.S. foreign policymaking. Fellows will engage the policymaking community
through association with current and former U.S. government ofcials on the programs advisory board,
the program orientation and project outreach. Guidance and mentoring. The Next Generation fellows
will be incorporated directly into NBRs substantive policy research projects. Responsible to and guided
by the relevant project director and fellowship staf, the fellows will be embedded in the workings of an
organization that expresses in daily practice the high ideals of the fellowships goals.

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