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_______...Doing Your Decades...

In considering each of the decades of your own life...
... 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-100+, etc.... the timeline above, please circle the decade you are responding to beginning with 0-10...
Name: __________________________ Birthdate (day/month/year): ____________
...on the following pages, please respond from each decade to the following questions,
and with all responses, please write down a 2-3 brief thoughts as to why
as you lead with the question...In this decade...
...what were the 3-5 most significant events in your life for the positive?
...what were the 3-5 most significant events in your life for the downside?
...who were the 2-3 most influential people in your life for the good?
...who were the 2-3 most influential people in your life for the not-so-good? what 3-5 ways did you feel really good about your life? what 3-5 ways did you not feel good about your life?
Three3rdsMedia association with Leadership Design Group,
The School of Mentoring, Mentoring w/o Borders & Creatifor
17953 Hastings Avenue, Parker, CO 80134 303-809-6503
...what was your top life experience in this decade?
...what was your worst life experience in this decade?
...what did you fear the most
...what brought you the most joy? what ways do you see our Triune Gods fine thread (rope?) of grace guiding
you from this decade, you are writing about, to this current moment in time?
...what books, films, music influenced you in this decade?
...thinking back to the years that made up this particular decade of your life,
from the beginning to the end of these 10 years, what were 5-7 of your best
hopes and dreams? what ways did you arrive at where you had hoped and dreamed you would
be by the end of this particular decade, no matter your age?
Three3rdsMedia association with Leadership Design Group,
The School of Mentoring, Mentoring w/o Borders & Creatifor
17953 Hastings Avenue, Parker, CO 80134 303-809-6503
...who/what made that happen?
...feel free to use the back of these pages
for your responses from here to the end of this exercise... what ways were some of those hopes and dreams with which you began
this decade not realized?
...who/what slowed or stopped the process?
...who were your 2-3 best mentors in this decade, and why?
.......The following is to be completed
if this is your last decade you are thoughtfully pondering.
Thank you for your good work to this point!.......
...when you finish pondering all your decades, what was your best one to date
and your thoughtful 5-7 reasons as to why?
Three3rdsMedia association with Leadership Design Group,
The School of Mentoring, Mentoring w/o Borders & Creatifor
17953 Hastings Avenue, Parker, CO 80134 303-809-6503
These next questions are written as if you are asking them about yourself.
If needed, fill up the backs of these pages to express all your thoughts.
A large thanks goes to Pam Slim for encouraging the questions that follow
from her contribution on pages 13-16 of the anthology,
End Malaria: Bold Innovation, Limitless Generosity, and the Opportunity to Save A Life,
edited by Michael Bungay Stanier
from the wisdom and experience of 63 fully alive, creative men and women,
leaders who are out to change their world, in part, by eradicating malaria.
In what ways (7-10 as specific as possible) do I want to impact the world?
Why is this important (1) to me, (2) for our world?
Who will I be then to do this work?
What are the conditions that allow me to bring out my strengths, do my best
work, and enjoy what I am doing while I do it?
Who are those people I will allow to bring out my strengths, so that I may be
doing my best work, and enjoy what I am doing while I do it?
Three3rdsMedia association with Leadership Design Group,
The School of Mentoring, Mentoring w/o Borders & Creatifor
17953 Hastings Avenue, Parker, CO 80134 303-809-6503
How would my life look, from here on out, if I designed it to fit me perfectly?
(...dare to dream here...give yourself permission for the creative wild to show up...)
Who do I need around me to strengthen my resolve, call me out when I shrink
back from a challenge, cheer me on where there is a victory, help me better my
game, who will have my back?
Which images, words, songs fire up my passion, encourage me forward?
...if this is your last decade youve written about your life up to now, seriously,
creatively, what are 3-5 ways you hope to begin making a growthful, significant,
wonder-filled difference in our world in the next three to five years of your life?
You will need more room to answer this question...
...therefore, please use the back of this page...give it all youve got...
...for this is one of the keys to igniting the engine to your future.
What are the 7-10 next steps I specifically need to do now to get going?
.......Remember, be brief, yet focused, with this essence view of your life.......
...this intentional, deep-change, whole-life, transformational mentoring tool is to be used well in
the life of any man or woman, of any age, who has a sincere desire to be continually and
creatively growing into all they were designed to be...and our Triune God.
Permission will be granted for the use of this tool by writing to ask for permission, and then receiving it.
17053 Hastings Avenue...Parker, CO 80134 Wes Roberts Cell: 303-809-6503
Email: Twitter: @thewesroberts
Blog: Also on FaceBook
Three3rdsMedia association with Leadership Design Group,
The School of Mentoring, Mentoring w/o Borders & Creatifor

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