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Michigan Office Of Attorney General Consumer Complaint Form

Web Complaint Number: 2013-cp12071905563-A

Consumer Information
Your Last Name: Evans
Your Street Address: 5440 Gene Sarazen Dr
Your State: MT
Your County: Outside Mchigan
Your Home Phone: 4067029594
Fax Number:
Primary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
Submitted: 12/7/2013 7:05:13 PM
First Name: Lindsay
City: Billings
Zip Code: 59106
Your Work Phone:
E-mail Address: lmevans21
Company or Person? Company
Complainee Last Name: Complainee First Name:
Company Name: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc
Street Address: 220 One Half Bridge Slreet
State: Ml
County: Eaton
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Primary Jurisdiction: None
Secondary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
City: Grand Ledge
Zip Code: 48837
E-mail Address:
Product Offered: trained service assistance dog
Company or Person? Company
Complainee Last Name: Complainee First Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
State: Ml
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Motor Vehicle Warranty Complaint Information
Vehicle Make, M:Jdel, and Year:
Vehicle VIN No.:
Complaint Information
Zip Code:
E-mail Address:
Incident Date\ Time: 2/15/201311:00:00AM
Incident Location: Grand Ledge, Ml contract signing
Approximate M:lnetary Value: 15,000
Did you sign a contract? True
Where did you sign this contract? Billings, MT and then sent lo G.L.AD.
Is a court action pending? False
Do you have an attorney representing you on this matter? False
Are you willing to testify in court regarding this complaint? True
Did you complain directly to the business? True
What was the response from the business? eventually they said to Contact their Lawyer
If no complaint was given to the business directly, why?
Was this complaint filed with any other agencies? False
Complaint Detail/Inquiry Information
From: Lindsay Evans, 5440 Gene Sarazen Drive, Billings, MT 59106, 406-702-9594.1'{jainst: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc., 220
Y, Bridge Street, Grand Ledge, Ml48837 This complaint is against Great Lakes Assistance Dogs , Inc. (G.L.AD.), 220 Y, Bridge Street,
Grand Ledge, M148837 and Dr. Nikki Kersey, Executive Director (and owner?) at 12838 Silver Ridge Dr, Grand Ledge, MI. Nikki Kersey
is also known as Nikki Kersey-Brown, Nicole Brown, Nichole R. Brown. This complaint is being filed not only from my personal
experience but also because we know of at least two others who have had very similar experiences in 2013. We are encouraging
these other people to also file a formal complaint. I believe these multiple experiences in a short period indicate that G.L.AD. should be
closed down, fraud and criminal charges brought, and restitution to many people may be in order. This complaint is also being filed
with the State of Montana Attorney General's Office. Much of the document provided here was found out after the fact and written
documentation listed in parenthesis and will be mailed to you with item number. The complaint has three aspects: I) poor health of the
dog provided II) inadequate training of the assistance dog Ill) apparent miss-representation to include the 501(c)3 non-profit status I
entered in a contract with Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc (G.L.AD.) on February 15, 2013, for an assistance dog for my daughter
Ara Evans, signed February 18, 2013. The contract called for a fee of $12,500.00 largely raised through charitable donations, mainly in
Montana, but also throughout the United States. G.L.AD. was to select, train and provide a healthy dog to meet our needs and
specifically for strong command of on and off leash obedience, public access, and for my daughter: tracking, retrieving, cuddling, and
behavior interruption for self-stimulating behavior. (Contract ~ m 1) All of the $12,500 was paid by Jul15, 2013, money for training and
visit to Montana provided by July 15, 2013. (G.L.AD. accounting Item 2) The dog, named Cooper, was given over to me on September
2, 2013, at the end of a training session at the G.L.AD. facility. (Second Contract Item 3) I. Dog Cooper health record. Note that most
of the information below was obtained from documentation requested and received in mid-September 2013 after we had taken the dog
home to Montana. The dog Cooper was obtained by G.L.AD. from LeaderDogs for the Blind of Mchigan in October 2012. The dog was
provided because he did not meet LeaderDogs for the Blind as an assistance dog because of his medical condition of "Chronic
Dermatitis" (LeaderDog Adoption Item 4). Note: this would disqualify him for any dog assistance training program by a legitimate
organization. G.L.AD. may have felt they could cure the dog but continuing Veterinary records addressed below over the next several
months indicate that this was not the case. On February 5, 2013, while we were in discussions about a assistance dog and just 10
days before I signed the contract for the dog Cooper they had him checked by a veterinarian. He was given a prescription drug which is
used for ear infections and dermatitis. (Miler Animal Clinic ~ m 5) On April26, 2013, veterinarian gave the dog a checkup, results not
provided, except the dog had gone from g1 pounds to 61 pounds in less than 3 months. (Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic Item 6) On
June 20, 2013, the G.L.AD. veterinarian conducted a check up and gave the dog prescription medicine for allergies. And conducted a
Urine Specific Gravity test on June 21. (Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic Item 7 and 8) On June 27, 2013 a vet preformed a full
abdominal ultrasound (probably as a result of his June 20-21 testing. (Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic ~ m 9) Text messages with me
indicate that one reason for the ultrasound was for a possible cyst on the Kidneys. (Text Item 10) Text message of July 1, 2013 said
everything fine on ultrasound. (Text ~ m 11) Text messages of July 7, 2013 said dog itchy and has allergy issues. (Text ~ m 12)
Cooper and G.L.AD. trainer conducted a home visit with us in Montana Aug 1-4, 2013. We text G. LAD. on August 5, 2013, asking if
G.L.AD. was going to have Cooper tested for allergies, he was very itchy while in Montana. (Text Item 13) G.L.AD. answered yes, we
will take care of that' (Text ~ m 14) On Aug 12 did you talk to the vet about allergies. August 12, 2013 G.L.AD. was to meet with them
tomorrow for consult (on allergies). (Text ~ m 14) On August 16 G.L.AD. reported that they were referred to specialist (on allergies)
(Text Item 15) On August 18 G.L.AD. reported that they had an allergy test appointment Tuesday (Aug 20). (Text item 16) On August 20
G.L.AD. reported that Cooper has an ear infection again. Also a bacterial infection on antibiotics. Seasonal allergies make him itchy
and gives him ear infections in the summer. Don't believe it is food allergy. No specific allergy testing was performed based upon the
bills. (Text Item 17). August 20, 2013 veterinary report/bill indicates they gave him four prescription medications for skin allergies, fungal
infestation and ear infection. (Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic Item 18) Note this was given 11 days before we were to get him for final
training at G.L.AD. and to take Cooper home. Appears that the timing is to mask Cooper's health problems during our G.L.AD. training
and pickup. We took Cooper home to Montana on September 2, 2013. (Second contract Item 3) After repeated asking about Coopers
health records some were sent to Montana and arrived September 13, 2013 (the above veterinarian bills). September 14, 2013, we
took the dog to our veterinarian because we noticed Cooper was due vaccines in May 2013 which G.L.AD. failed to give (in the
records they provided) so we had him vaccinated as up to date vaccines are required for a service dog in public. G.L.AD. was
evidentiall doing the public training without the required vaccines which is against the law in most states and it seems to illustrate that
Cooper's health was not important to them? The contract called for G.L.AD. to have Cooper checked by a veterinarian "prior to the
inception of training, and at the end of training" to include x-ray for hip and elbow dysphasia for health and soundness for the purpose of
assessing and predicting the dog's ability to withstand the rigors of training, to perform service/assistance work and to maintain a
health status appropriate to a service career. (Contract Item 1) The veterinarian records provided to date do not include any examine or
the required X-rays. W the examine and X- rays were not preformed this is a major violation of the contract and service dog acquisition
procedures. We have ask for the documentation on the results of the veterinarian check prior to start of training and after completion of
the training but as of this date G.L.AD. has not provided them. (Email Item 19) Since we brought Cooper home we have had many
visits with veterinarians to have him checked out and to try and get his health improved. He has many continuing chronic problems that
existed from before G.L.AD. started training him for us as well as potentially heredity knee problems which we are trying to now
document. G.L.AD. did pay $400.00 in a letter post marked November 12, 2013, for allergy testing on Cooper by our veterinarian in
Montana in November 2013. This same letter stated that they "cannot provide any further assistance related to expenses for Cooper."
(Letter item 20) But they said on November 14, 2013, they wanted our veterinarian to put Cooper's allergy treatment on a payment plan
with G.L.AD. and G.L.AD. would start raising money for his treatment. (Email Item 21) G.L.AD. then followed up asking about the
allergy testing on December 1, 2013. So up to December 1, 2013, they were still showing responsibility in spite of the letter of
November 12, 2013. II. Dog training record. Training can be subjective and is open to much "she said - he said" or "you are not doing it
as instructed." Therefore only the little that can be strongly documented is provided here. G.L.AD. was given the desired tasks for the
service dog on Feb 5 and they are reflected in the contract of February 15, 2013. (Contract Item 1) The trainer and dog Cooper did a
home visit to us here in Montana August 1-4, 2013, near the completion of Cooper's training (as we were scheduled by GLAD. to pick
him up in less than a month). During this training the dog had a spike/pinch collar. (Photo ~ m 22 and Text ~ m 23) A "highly trained
dog" should not need/use a maximum control pinch collar especially when being handle by the professional trainer near the end of his
training. This is a strong indication of inadequate basic training and certainly not service dog quality training. G.L.AD. contracted
training program for us in Mchigan was scheduled for four days August 31 through September 3, 2013. The first afternoon was
cancelled which was to be working the dog with the client on the specific tasks of cuddle, touch, and tracking. These were not
resumed any time during the three days as the last day was also cancelled because we were told we passed and were done. The
refusal to not do the specific task training they scheduled is another strong indication that the dog was not trained properly and this fact
was being hidden from us. (Schedule ffem 24) This is also documented in a text that they "taught" lhe large dog to cuddle in a chair
only (Text Item 25) and provided instruclions on how to change that to real world, which they should have known and would have
known had their specified training of September 1 been preformed. G.L.AD. on November 4, 2013, after we complained again about
some of his training G.L.AD. stated "He knows the task and was reliable and you should have high expectations for that." (Email item
26) Since he can't do the tasks they are perpetuating their fraud? There are many more training issues but there is no written
documentation other than stating concerns and training advice from G.L.AD. on these issues. We can provide many more areas of
inadequate training by deposition and text/email exchanges with G.L.AD. if desired. Ill. Mss-representation to include 501(3)c non-
profit. The contract states that G.L.AD. is a program of the Child Wellness Fund 501(c)3, and the web site says it is registered in
Mchigan. We could not find either of these non-profit organization registered in Mchigan. Is this a non-profit fraud? (ffem 1 and 27)
Child Wellness Fund could be is associated with 501(c)3 Child Wellness Fair (also called Center), Inc Registered in Ohio at PO Box
54478, Cincinnati, Ohio, IRS Number 04-3169279. Note G.L.AD. was once listed at 1049 Stonyridge Ave, Troy, Ohio. So the contract
and web site may just be miss-leading? We know of people who have asked for the Tax non-profit ID but have not received it. G.L.AD.
web pages indicate alerting for seizures is an important training, but without Cooper and the client being together to train during
seizures this training is impossible to be done by G.L.AD .. (Web Page Item 28) Amiss-representation of G.L.AD. training. As of this
date G.L.AD. continues to solicit donations direct to them using my daughter's case and Cooper on their Web Page. (Web page Item
28) This is miss-leading in an effort to get more donations which we cannot track and at this point will not benefit us. An audit of
G.L.AD. receipt of donations may be in order. SUMM'IRY: We have repeatedly been in contact with G.L.AD. to try and understand and
resolve some of the health and training issues. (We have more than 100 pages of Text and Em ails if wanted) Since we did not get a
qualified service dog health-wise and training from G.L.AD. we asked to return the sick and inadequate trained dog (with some heart
ache as we love him) to G.L.AD. for a refund on December 6, 2013. (Email ffem 19) But they said "everything that was done was done
in good faith and in earnest" and for us to contact their attorney in a responding email. (Email Item 19) If we obtain the additional
documentation we will augment this complaint. A copy of this complaint is also being provided to the M:mtana Attorney Generals Office
as much of the funds for the service dog came from people in M:mtana and we live in Montana.
[False] Check if this referral is just to give us information and you do not need us to respond to you directly.
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()1 certify that the information on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
(')I consent to releasing to the Mchigan Attorney General any information or document relative to the investigation of this complaint. By
checking this box, I also certify that I have had the opportunity to review the Mchigan Attorney General Privacy Policy before submitting
this complaint.
Dept. ol Attam..y General
Consumr F'rotllCtion Division
DEC 1 2 2013
Consumer Protection Division
PO Box 30213
Lansing, MI , 48909
REF: Complaint ,). o 13- cp 12 o 7 / "'0 5 5: {; 'J -A
Dec 9, 2013
Attached is the complete complaint in case the on-line fonnatting is con:filsing and the
documentation for the complaint.
Tiumk your for your help in this matter.
Lindsay Evans
5440 Gene Sarazen Drive
P.O. Box 30793
Billings, MT 59107
From: Lindsay Evans, 5440 Gene Sarazen Drive, Billings, Mf 59106, 406-702-9594.
Against: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc., 220 'h Bridge Street, Grand Ledge, MI 48837
This complaint is against Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc. (G.L.AD.), 220 'h Bridge Street,
Grand Ledge, MI 48837 and Dr. Nikki Kersey, Executive Director (and owner?) at 12838 Silver
Ridge Dr, Grand Ledge, MI. Nikki Kersey is also known as Nikki Kersey-Brown, Nicole Brown,
Nichole R. Brown. This complaint is being filed not only from my personal experience but also
because we know of at least two others who have had very similar experiences in 2013. We are
encouraging these other people to also file a fmmal complaint. I believe these multiple
experiences in a short period indicate that G.L.A.D. should be closed down, fraud and criminal
charges brought, and restitution to many people may be in order. This complaint is also being filed
with the State ofMontanaAttorney General's Office.
Much of the document provided here was found out after the fact and written docmnentation listed
in parenthesis and will be mailed to you with item number.
The complaint has three aspects:
I) poor health of the dog provided
II) inadequate training of the assistance dog
ill) apparent miss-representation to include the 501(c)3 non-profit status
I entered in a contract with Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc (G.L.A.D.) on February 15, 2013,
for an assistance dog for my daughter Ara Evans, signed Febnrary 18, 2013. The contmct called
for a fee of $12,500.00 largely raised through charitable donations, mainly in but also
throughout the United States. G.L.A.D. was to select, train and provide a healthy dog to meet our
needs and specifically for strong command of on and off leash obedience, public access, and for
my daughter: hacking, cuddling, and behavior interruption for self-stimulating behavior.
(Conhact Item 1) All of the $12,500 was paid by Jul15, 2013, money for training and visit to
Montana provided by July 15, 2013. (G.L.A.D. accouating Item 2)
The dog, named Cooper, was given over to me on September 2, 2013, at the end of a training
session at the G.L.A.D. facility. (Second Conhact Item 3)
I. Dog Cooper health record.
Note that most of the information below was obtained fiom documentation requested and received
in mid-September 2013 after we had taken the dog home to Montana.
The dog Cooper was obtained by G.L.A.D. from LeaderDogs for the Blind ofMichigan in October
2012. The dog was provided because he did not meet Leader Dogs for the Blind as an assistance
dog because of his medical condition of"Chronic Detmatitis" (Leader Dog Adoption Item 4 ).
Note: tltis would disqualify hlm for any dog assistance training program by a legitimate
organization. G.L.A.D. may have felt they could cure the dog but continuing Veterinary records
addressed below over the next several months indicate that this was not the case.
On February 5, 2013, while we were in discussions about a assistance dog and just 10 days before
I signed the contract for the dog Cooper they had him checked by a veterinarian. He was given a
prescription drug which is used for ear infections and demmtitis. (Miller Animal Clinic Item 5)
On April26, 2013, veterinarian gave the dog a checkup, results not provided, except the dog had
gone from 91 pounds to 61 pounds in less than 3 months. (Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic Item
On June 20, 2013, the G.L.A.D. veterinarian conducted a check up and gave the dog prescription
medicine for allergies. And conducted a Urine Specific Gravity test on June 21. (Lake Lansing
Road Animal Clinic Item 7 and 8)
On June 27, 2013 a vet prefmmed a full abdominal ultrasound (probably as a result ofhis June 20-
21 testing. (Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic Item 9) Text messages with me indicate that one
reason for the ultrasmmd was for a possible cyst on the Kidneys. (Text Item 10)
Text message of July 1, 2013 said everything fine on ultrasound. (Text Item 11)
Text messages ofJuly 7, 2013 said dog itchy and has allergy issues. (Text Item 12)
Cooper and G.L.A.D. hainer conducted a home visit with us in Montana Aug 1-4,2013. We text
G.L.A.D. on August 5, 2013, asking ifG.L.A.D. was going to have Cooper tested for allergies, he
was very itchy while in Montana (Text Item 13) G.L.A.D. answered yes, we will take care of
that! (Text Item 14) On Aug 12 did you talk to the vet about allergies. August 12, 2013 G. L.A. D.
was to meet with them tomorrow for consult (on allet-gies). (Text Item 14) On August 16
G.L.A.D. reported that they were refetnd to specialist (on allergies) (Text Item 15) On August
18 G.L.A.D. reported that they had an allergy test appoinhuent Tuesday (Aug 20). (Text item 16)
On August 20 G.L.A.D. reported that Cooper has an ear infection again. Also a bacterial infection
on antibiotics. Seasonal allergies make him itchy and gives him ear infections in the sununer.
Don't believe it is food allergy. No specific allergy testing was perfonned based upon the bills.
(Text Item 17). '
August 20, 2013 veterinary report/bill indicates they gave him four prescription medications for
skin allergies, fungal infestation and ear infection. (Lake Lansing Road Animal Clinic Item 18)
Note tllis was given 11 days before we we1e to get Jilin for linal trllhling at G.L.A.D. and to
take Cooper home. Appears that the timing is to mask Cooper's health problems durlng our
G.L.A.D. trlliiilltg and pickup.
We took Cooper home to Montana on September 2, 2013. (Second conhact Item 3)
After repeated asking about Coopers health records some were sent to Montana and ru1ived
September 13, 2013 (the above veterinruian bills).
September 14, 2013, we took the dog to our veterinruian because we noticed Cooper was due
vaccines in May 2013 which G.L.A.D. failed to give (in the records they provided) so we had him
vaccinated as np to date vaccines are required for a service dog in public. G.L.A.D. was
evidentially doing the public training without the required vaccines which is against the law in
most states and it seems to illustrate that Coo11er' s health was not huportant to them?
The contract called for G.L.A.D. to have Cooper checked by a veterinarian "prior to the inception
oftraining, and at the end of training" to include x-ray for hip and elbow dysphasia for health and
soundness for the purpose of assessing and predicting the dog's ability to withstand the rigors of
training, to perform service/assistance work and to maintain a health status appropriate to a
service career. (Contract Item 1) The veterinarian records provided to date do not include any
examine or the required X-rays. If the examine and X-rays were not preformed this is a major
violation of the contract and service dog acquisition procedures. We have ask for the
documentation on the results of the veterinarian check prior to start of training and after completion
of the training but as of this date G.L.A.D. has not provided them. (Email Item 19)
Since we brought Cooper home we have had many visits with veterinarians to have him checked
out and to try and get his health improved. He has many continuing chronic problems that existed
fiom before G.L.A.D. started training him for us as well as potentially heredity knee problems
which we are trying to now document. G.L.A.D. did pay $400.00 in a letter post marked
November 12, 2013, for allergy testing on Cooper by our veterinarian in Montana in November
2013. This same letter stated that they "cam10t provide any finiher assistance related to expenses
for Cooper." (Letter item 20) But they said on November 14, 2013, they wanted our veterinarian
to put Cooper's allergy treatment on a payment plan with G.L.A.D. and G.L.A.D. would start
raising money for his treatment. (Email Item 21) G.L.A.D. then followed up asking about the
allergy testing on December 1, 2013. So up to December 1, 2013, they were still showing
responsibility in spite of the lettei' of November 12, 2013.
IT. Dog training record.
Training can be subjecti:ve and is open to much "she said -he said" or "you are not doing it as
instructed." Therefore only the little that can be shongly documented is provided here.
G.L.A.D. was given the desired tasks for the service dog on Feb 5 and they are reflected in the
contract ofFebruary 15, 2013. (Contract Item 1)
TI1e trainer and dog Cooper did a home visit to us here in Montana August 1-4, 2013, near the
completion of Cooper's training (as we were scheduled by G.L.A.D. to pick him up in less than a
month). During this training the dog had a spike/pinch collar. (Photo Item 22 and Text Item 23) A
"highly trained dog" should not need/use a maximum control pinch collar especially when being
handle by the professional trainer near the end of his training. This is a strong indication of
htadequate basic trahih1g and certainly not service dog quality trahihlg.
G.L.A.D. conhacted baining program for us in Michigan was scheduled for four days August 31
through September 3, 2013. The first afternoon was cancelled which was to be working the dog
with the client on the specific tasks of cuddle, touch, and tracking. These were not resumed any
time during the tluee days as the last day was also cancelled because we were told we passed and
were done. The refusal to not do the specific task training they scheduled is another strong
indication that the dog was not trained properly and tltls fact was being bidden from us.
(Schedule Item 24) This is also documented in a text that they "taughf' the large dog to cuddle in a
chair only (Text Item 25) and provided instructions on how to change that to real world, which
they should have known and would have known had their specified training of September 1 been
G.L.A.D. on November 4, 2013, after we complained again about some ofhis training G.L.A.D.
stated "He knows the task and was reliable and you should have high expectations for that"
(Email item 26) Since he can't do the tasks they are perpetuating their fraud?
There are many more training issues but there is no written documentation other than stating
concerns and baining advice from G.L.A.D. on these issues. We can provide many more areas of
inadequate training by deposition and text/email exchanges with G.L.A.D. if desired.
ill. Miss-representation to include 501(3)c non-profit
The conbact states that G.L.A.D. is a program ofthe Child Wellness Fund 501(c)3, and the web
site says it is registered in Michigan. We could not find either of these non-profit organization
registered in Michigan. 1s this a non-profit fiaud? (Item 1 and 27)
Child Wellness Fund could be is associated with 501(c)3 Child Wellness Fair (also called
Center), Inc Registered in Ohio at PO Box 54478, Cincinnati, Ohio, ffiS Number 04-3169279.
Note G.L.A.D. was once listed at 1049 Stonyridge Ave, Troy, Ohio. So the contract and web site
may just be miss-leading? We know of people who have asked for the Tax non-profit ID but have
not received it.
G.L.A.D. web pages indicate alerting for seizures is an important training, but without Cooper and
the client being together to bain dming seizures this training is impossible to be done by G. L.A. D ..
(Web Page Item 28) Amiss-representation ofG.L.A.D. training.
As of this date G.L.A.D. continues to solicit donations direct to them using my daughter's case and
Cooper on theit Web Page. (Web page Item 28) This is miss-leading in an effort to get more
donations which we cannot back and at this point will not benefit us.
An audit of G.L.A.D. receipt of donations may be in order.
We have repeatedly been in contact with G.L.A.D. to try and understand and resolve some of the
health and training issues. (We have more than 100 pages ofT ext and Emails if wanted) Since we
did not get a qualified service dog health-wise and training fiom G.L.A.D. we asked to return the
sick and inadequate trained dog (with some herut ache as we love him) to G.L.A.D. for a refund on
December 6, 2013. (Email Item 19) But they said "everything that was done was done in good
faith and in erunest" and for us to contact their attomey in a responding email. (Email Item 19)
1f we obtain the additional documentation we will augment this complaint.
A copy ofthis complaint is also being provided to the Montrum Attorney Generals Office as much
of the fimds for the service dog crune from people in Montana and we live in Montana.
;11 r A & cu>e 1 7 8 8- we
Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc.
220 \12 Bridge Street
Grand Ledge, MI 48837
517-622-00 II
For use with a GLAD-selected andsupplie<l dog.
r -r e 'V\ j__
F ov ..-- f,,!) e 5
This contract is entered into on this _15_day of February _2013 _between Lindsay Evans, hereafter referred to as the
"client," and Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc, a Michigan non-profit corporation, hereafter referred to as "GLAD." The client
and GLAD will be referred to jointly as the "parties." The subject matter of this contract is the training of a dog to become a
service/assistance dog for the client.
The terms of this contract are those contained in this writing. No other or additional tenns, conditions or agreements will be
recognized as part of this contract unless stated in writing as an addendum at the end of the contract and dated and signed by the
client and 2 members of GLAD, one of whom must be a board member. Any changes to this contract after the date of the initial
signing must be in writing and signed by the parties; changes may incur additional cost.
GLAD is a non-profit organization having standing as a program initiative of the Child Wellness Fund, a 501(c) 3 non-profit
organization; as such, GLAD relies on various grants, public donations and fund raisers to help obtain or defray the costs of dog
acquisition and training. GLAD will, in good fuith, work with the client to raise the funds required for the costs of acquiring,
training and caring for a dog during training. Ultimately, however, financial responsibility for all matters included in the contract
is that of the client GLAD reserves the right to void this contract and take possession of the dog listed herein if the client fails
to adhere to the contract or is delinquent on payments or if GLAD has just cause to believe the dog is not being properly cared for
while in the possession of the client. Any disputes which require court action for their resolution will be handled through the court
system in Eaton County, Michigan.
Section A: The agreement
GLAD has used its best efforts to locate and acquire a dog to be trained to become a service/assistance dog for the client. The
dog is to be trained in GLAD's training program through the use of methods and training techniques deemed most appropriate to
development of the skills, cooperation, trust and well-defined roles necessary to a successful owner-handler/service-assistance
dog relationship. The client is to be an integral participant in that training.
The client asserts that he/she has or has access to the resources (financial, physical and emotional) to pursue and follow through
with training the dog to assist the client in dealing with activities of daily living, locomotion and other problems attendant to the
client's medicaVphysical condition(s). The client agrees to maintain a commitment to and to follow through on:
I) The GLAD training prognun;
2) In-home training; and
3) Any necessary public training process.
The client is further committed to maintaining the dog's training and support for the dog's service activities throughout the
lifetime of the client/dog team and to provide for the well-being of the dog through veterinary care, proper feeding, grooming,
exercise, etc.
Section B: The dog
The dog to be trained in GLAD's training prop;ram is tentatively cooper, a . black lab, born on S-3-1 I . (the "dog").
_____ is owned by_ GLAD. If the owner is an individual or entity other than the client, the owner's signature below
indicates that owner's agreement with and acquiescence to all the provisions of this contract.
GLADhas selected and supplied the dog being trained under this contract. GLAD shall remain the owner of the dog until the
training has been completed and the dog has achieved a passing score on the Public Asset Test as prescribed by Assistance Dogs
The client is willing and able to invest the time, energy and money contemplated by this Contract to the training of_ Cooper or
his replacement as a service/assistance dog.
The client (as well as the owner, if applicable) hereby acknowledges that GLAD will have exclusive possession, custody and
control of the dog during the training process. GLAD agrees to exercise due and reasonable care in the handling of the dog, in
keeping its facilities properly maintained and secured and in maintaining the health and wellbeing of the dog during its training.
The client (and owner if applicable) release and absolve GLAD from responsibility for loss of or damage to the dog resulting
from disease, theft, ftre, escape, injury, death or the training program, loss or damage arising from GLAD's sole negligence
excluded. GLAD also sends the service dog candidate home with the clients periodically. The client agrees to refund GLAD
any money invested in purchasing and training, boarding and vet bills, etc and the client accepts responsibility for loss of or
damage to the dog resulting from disease, theft, ftre, escape, injury, death or while in their care.
GLAD's selection and acceptance of_ Cooper_ for training as a service/assistance dog is not a guarantee of success in training
or of the suitability of_ Cooper __ to provide to the client the assistance fur which_ Cooper_ is to be trained.
Section C: Canine Health
Prior to the inception of training, and at the end of training prior to Cooper beinp; placed with the client Cooper will be evaluated
by a veterinarian of GLAD's choosing for health and soundness. As part of that evaluation, the dog's hips and elbows will be x-
rayed for hip and elbow dysplasia. Only if the dog receives a hip rating of mild, good or excellent Cooper will be accepted for
training for service dog work by GLAD. Elbows must also pass. !fit is the opinion of the veterinarian of GLAD's choosing that the
dog would not be able to perform as a working service dog, the client will relinquish to GLAD any claim to ownership of the
dog; GLAD may thereafter return the dog to its owner or give to the client the option of purchasing the dog as a pet. A new
contract for a replacement dog will be negotiated at that time, taking into consideration training and boarding fees already incurred.
While it is understood that the parties will place reliance on the opinions both of the veterinarian chosen by GLAD and of GLAD
personnel for purposes of assessing and predicting the dog's ability to withstand the rigors of training, to perform
setvicelassistance work and to maintain a health status appropriate to a setvice career of sufficient length to justifY training costs,
neither GLAD nor the veterinarian chosen by GLAD for assessment purposes makes any affirmation of fact, representation or
warranty, either express or implied, concerning the timetable for completion of training, the future suitability or abilities of
_Cooper for use as a setvicelassistance dog or _Cooper 's future health and wellbeing.
GLAD represents that the dog is up to date on all vaccines (including patvo, distemper and rabies). GLAD is authorized to undertake
treatment of any injUI)', illness or other condition of the dog should need for such treatment arise, including treatment by a veterinarian of
G L D ~ s choosing. In the event of an emergency condition deemed by GLAD's staff to require immediate treatment and an inability to
contact the client(and owner), GLAD shall have the discretion to obtain such care; the client (and owner) agree to pay for all veteriruuy
treatments received if it is deemed that the emergency is due to negligence on the clients part while the dog was staying in the clients home
during training. Aftel the dog is sent hoe pennanently, the client assumes all responsibility for any and all costs associated with raising,
boarding, vet bills or anything deemed necessmy for tl1e dog. The client agrees to absolve GLAD of all cost!!l responsibility fur anything
associated with the dog once the dog is in the clients hoe pennanently including any damages as the result ofbebavior, bite, etc. This is also
agreed to when Cooper is on a home visit should anythin,g happen while the do,g is in the clients care durin,g trainin,g and on a home visit
Section D: Training
GLAD agrees to assert its best efforts in the training of_ Cooper ____ as a setvice/assistance dog, including the
performance of the following tasks, as age penn its:
1. Strong command of on- and off-leash obedience with and without distractions
2. All public access test tasks without issue
3. Three(3) tasks liated below that will assist the individual for whom the dog is being trained.
Task a Tracking
Task b. Retrieve
Task c. cuddle
Task d. behavior interruption for self- stimulating behavior
Upon completion of training of the above tasks and __ cooper 's receipt of a passing score on the Public Access
Test as prescribed by Assistance Dogs International, possession of the dog will be transferred to the client.
a) The client understands that training a setvice/assistance dog is an ongoing process. For that reason, during
the training period the client will be required to attend training sessions at GLAD's training fucility and continue the training
when tl1e dog is in the client's possession. ln order for the dog to perform its tasks properly, GLAD will explain the training
process and instruct the client on the proper handling and commands being trained. It is the client's responsibility to
continue the training at home in the manner they were instructed.
b.) Training will consist of no Jess than four (4) months and up to twelve (12) months of in-board training at GLAD's
facility or with a GLAD certified trainer. The duration of in-board training will vary depending on speed of the dog's
assimilation of training and the needs of the client as well as the dogs age upon entry into the program. A training plan will
be developed at the start of the in-board training and reviewed with the client as GLAD sees fit. A training log will be kept
documenting each training session and the progress of the training. The training plan will be reviewed with the client as needed
and adjustments made accordingly. Training logs will be made available to the client during normal business hours.
c.) The client is responsible for attending training sessions at GLAD's training facility as determined by GLAD to best
meet the client's needs. Training sessions may be private, semi-private or group classes. The client may also be required to
do "real world" training at a location agreed upon by GLAD and the client Real world training consists of training the dog in
public locations.
d. )At the completion of training GLAD will give the Public Access test as defined by Assistance o ~ International.
Upon the dog's passing of the Public Access test, the client will receive an ID badge indicating that the dog and handler
have completed training and are a working team.
e.) All o ~ that have obtained certification through GLAD are welcome to attend regularly scheduled obedience
classes at GLAD's training facility WITH THE CLIENT for the life of the dog without cost. lfthe client has not kept up
on the dogs training as outlined in the exit contract and the dog needs additional training to be able to recertifY in the
future or to complete tasks, training may be provided by GLAD a reduced price/at then-prevailing rates depending on the
severity of the need of training.
Section E: Fees
The following is a list of anticipated services and fees. These fees have been agreed to by the client and GLAD at the time of
signing this contract as the fees for services reasonably anticipated to be necessary for completion of preliminary training of
_Cooper ____ . Any changes to these fees necessitated by changes in performance expectations, performance

assistance dog

estimated training time 6 months 12,500.00
parameters, slower or faster than expected progress, illness or other causes will be discussed by the parties m1d any
adjustment(s) will be listed as an addendum as agreed to by both the client and GLAD. GLAD specifically reserves the right to
adjust fees from the anticipated fees listed above should the course of training prove different than that initially expected.
By sigt]ing below, I agree to the terms of this contract as stated herein.
,t;.'w/Jf/2 L.nd'SOf FJ;t>,n:}
Signature of eli t orint
Stguature of owner
Signature of GLAD representative
Stgnature of witness
d-1"0"-1 3
12:22 PM
Accrual Basis
Balance Details for Lindsay Evans
All Transactions
Type Num Date Due Date Aging
- ------ --- -------- - ---------
Stmt Charge
Stmt Charge
Stmt Charge
14/ 02/1212013
6720 02/1212013
15751 02/20/2013
0076761' 02120/2013
7941v 02120/2013
261(V 02126/2013
670 ''../ 02126/2013
1961 0212612013
282!V 02128/2013
1002>' 02128/2013
4577o/ 03112/2013
1850.... 03114/2013
19067v' 03/29/2013
5988 v' 03129/2013
1496 v 03/29/2013
11071,.. 03/29/2013
3111 ..- 03/29/2013
4259...... 03/29/2013
6566..- 03129/2013
1250v" 03/29/2013
20425 03129/2013
1105v"' 03/29/2013
8026./ 03129/2013
5698 v 03/29/2013
2110 v 03/29/2013
3535 .,. 03/29/2013
4499 v' 03/29/2013
5535,.. 03/29/2013
4459 v 03/29/2013
16733.... 04/02/2013
8899 v 04/02/2013
1000 ,/ 04/0212013
6541... 04/0212013
14611./ 04/02/2013
6593 v' 04/09/2013
4319 .. V 04/09/2013
1927 v 04/17/2013
1001 .,. 04/17/2013
2976v" 04117/2013
2022 / 0411712013
1691 v 04/17/2013
1883 V' 04/17/2013
2028 v" 04/17/2013
2235 v" 04/23/2013
10128 ,/ 05/21/2013
94329 ./ 05/2112013
1379 v 05/21/2013
8644 ./ 05/21/2013
800 ,_,.. 05/2112013
7689 v' 05/2112013
2802 v 05/21/2013
4506 v 05/28/2013
12334 v' 05/30/2013
1037 v 06/22/2013
1181 v 07/15/2013
=.! + (' "" )
0 hf f"'t' e
Open Balance

-1.156.70 vjriP fMitvgi
600.oo -- \1 e.. r (
434.00 ll.
From: Lindsay Evans, 5440 Gene Sarazen Drive, Billings, MT 59106, 406-702-9594.
Against: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc., 220 &#189; Bridge Street, Grand
Ledge, MI 48837
This complaint is against Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc. (G.L.A.D.), 220 &#189;
Bridge Street, Grand Ledge, MI 48837 and Dr. Nikki Kersey, Executive Director
(and owner?) at 12838 Silver Ridge Dr, Grand Ledge, MI. Nikki Kersey is also
known as Nikki Kersey-Brown, Nicole Brown, Nichole R. Brown. This complaint is
being filed not only from my personal experience but also because we know of at
least two others who have had very similar experiences in 2013. We are
encouraging these other people to also file a formal complaint. I believe these
multiple experiences in a short period indicate that G.L.A.D. should be closed down,
fraud and criminal charges brought, and restitution to many people may be in
order. This complaint is also being filed with the State of Montana Attorney
General's Office.
Much of the document provided here was found out after the fact and written
documentation listed in parenthesis and will be mailed to you with item number.
The complaint has three aspects:
I) poor health of the dog provided
II) inadequate training of the assistance dog
III) apparent miss-representation to include the 501(c)3 non-profit status
I entered in a contract with Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc (G.L.A.D.) on
February 15, 2013, for an assistance dog for my daughter Ara Evans, signed
February 18, 2013. The contract called for a fee of $12,500.00 largely raised
through charitable donations, mainly in Montana, but also throughout the United
States. G.L.A.D. was to select, train and provide a healthy dog to meet our needs
and specifically for strong command of on and off leash obedience, public access, and
for my daughter: tracking, retrieving, cuddling, and behavior interruption for self-
stimulating behavior. (Contract Item 1) All of the $12,500 was paid by Jul15,
2013, money for training and visit to Montana provided by July 15, 2013. (G.L.A.D.
accounting Item 2)
The dog, named Cooper, was given over to me on September 2, 2013, at the end of a
training session at the G.L.A.D. facility. (Second Contract Item 3)
I. Dog Cooper health record.
Note that most of the information below was obtained from documentation
requested and received in mid-September 2013 after we had taken the dog home to
August 20, 2013 veterinary report/bill indicates they gave him four prescription
medications for skin allergies, fungal infestation and ear infection. (Lake Lansing
Road Animal Clinic Item 18) Note this was given 11 days before we were to get him
for final training at G.L.A.D. and to take Cooper home. Appears that the timing is
to mask Cooper's health problems during our G.L.A.D. training and pickup.
We took Cooper home to Montana on September 2, 2013. (Second contract Item 3)
After repeated asking about Coopers health records some were sent to Montana and
arrived September 13, 2013 (the above veterinarian bills).
September 14, 2013, we took the dog to our veterinarian because we noticed Cooper
was due vaccines in May 2013 which G.L.A.D. failed to give (in the records they
provided) so we had him vaccinated as up to date vaccines are required for a service
dog in public. G.L.A.D. was evidentiall doing the public training without the
required vaccines which is against the law in most states and it seems to illustrate
that Cooper's health was not important to them?
The contract called for G.L.A.D. to have Cooper checked by a veterinarian "prior to
the inception of training, and at the end of training" to include x-ray for hip and
elbow dysphasia for health and soundness for the purpose of assessing and
predicting the dog's ability to withstand the rigors of training, to perform
service/assistance work and to maintain a health status appropriate to a service
career. (Contract Item 1) The veterinarian records provided to date do not include
any examine or the required X-rays. If the examine and X-rays were not preformed
this is a major violation of the contract and service dog acquisition procedures. We
have ask for the documentation on the results of the veterinarian check prior to
start of training and after completion of the training but as of this date G .L.A. D.
has not provided them. (Email Item 19)
Since we brought Cooper home we have had many visits with veterinarians to have
him checked out and to try and get his health improved. He has many continuing
chronic problems that existed from before G.L.A.D. started training him for us as
well as potentially heredity knee problems which we are trying to now document.
G.L.A.D. did pay $400.00 in a letter post marked November 12, 2013, for allergy
testing on Cooper by our veterinarian in Montana in November 2013. This same
letter stated that they "cannot provide any further assistance related to expenses
for Cooper." (Letter item 20) But they said on November 14, 2013, they wanted our
veterinarian to put Cooper's allergy treatment on a payment plan with G.L.A.D.
and G.L.A.D. would start raising money for his treatment. (Email Item 21)
G.L.A.D. then followed up asking about the allergy testing on December 1, 2013
. So up to December 1, 2013, they were still showing responsibility in spite of the
letter of November 12, 2013.
The contract states that G.L.A.D. is a program of the Child Wellness Fund 501(c)3,
and the web site says it is registered in Michigan. We could not find either of these
non-profit organization registered in Michigan. Is this a non-profit fraud? (Item 1
and 27)
Child Wellness Fund could be is associated with 501(c)3 Child Wellness Fair (also
called Center), Inc Registered in Ohio at PO Box 54478, Cincinnati, Ohio, IRS
Number 04-3169279. Note G.L.A.D. was once listed at 1049 Stonyridge Ave, Troy,
Ohio. So the contract and web site may just be miss-leading? We know of people
who have asked for the Tax non-profit ID but have not received it.
G.L.A.D. web pages indicate alerting for seizures is an important training, but
without Cooper and the client being together to train during seizures this training
is impossible to be done by G.L.A.D .. (Web Page Item 28) A miss-representation of
G.L.A.D. training.
As of this date G.L.A.D. continues to solicit donations direct to them using my
daughter's case and Cooper on their Web Page. (Web page Item 28) This is miss-
leading in an effort to get more donations which we cannot track and at this point
will not benefit us.
An audit of G.L.A.D. receipt of donations may be in order.
We have repeatedly been in contact with G.L.A.D. to try and understand and
resolve some of the health and training issues. (!>Ne have more than 100 pages of
Text and Emails if wanted) Since we did not get a qualified service dog health-wise
and training from G.L.A.D. we asked to return the sick and inadequate trained dog
(with some heart ache as we love him) to G.L.A.D. for a refund on December 6,
2013. (Email Item 19) But they said "everything that was done was done in good
faith and in earnest" and for us to contact their attorney in a responding email.
(Email Item 19)
If we obtain the additional documentation we will augment this complaint.
A copy of this complaint is also being provided to the Montana Attorney Generals
Office as much of the funds for the service dog came from people in Montana and we
live in Montana.
Michigan Office Of Attorney General Consumer Complaint Form
Web Complaint Number: 2013-cp12111526502-A
Consumer Information
Your Last Name: Echols
Your Street Address: 5027 M3rine Dr
Your State: Ml
Your County: Wayne
Your Home Phone: 7344762909
Fax Number:
Primary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
Submitted: 12/11/2013 3:26:41 PM
First Name: Lisa
City: Canton
Zip Code: 48188
Your Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Company or Person? Company
Complainee Last Name: Complainee First Name:
Company Name: Great Lake Asstance Dogs
Street Address: 220 South Bridge St
State: Ml
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Primary Jurisdiction: None
Secondary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
City: Grand Ledge
Zip Code: 48837
E-mail Address:
Product Offered:
Company or Person? Person
Complainee Last Name: Nicole
Company Name:
Complainee First Name: Brown Kelsey
Street Address:
State: Ml
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Motor Vehicle Warranty Complaint Information
Vehicle M3ke, Model, and Year:
Vehicle VIN No.:
Complaint Information
Zip Code:
E-mail Address:
Incident Date\Time: 10/1/20131:00:00AM
Incident Location:
Approximate Monetary Value: 4800.00
Did you sign a contract? True
Where did you sign this contract? Tractor Supply Warehouse
Is a court action pending? False
Do you have an attorney representing you on this matter? False
Are you willing to testify in court regarding this complaint? True
Did you complain directly to the business? True
What was the response from the business? nothing
~ o complaint was given to the business directly, why?
Was this complaint filed with any other agencies? False
Complaint Detail/Inquiry Information
I am sumitting a complaint for we signed up through Great Lakes Assistant Dogs (GLAD) in order to receive a service dog for my 7
year old son Evan, after working several months with a dog named Gracie, we were informed she was sick and no longer available &
raising money and paying payments out of our household income along with driving to Lansing every week for training and a total
payment of $4800.00 we were informed from Nicole Brown Kelsey that GLAD could no longer meet Evans needs and were cutting us
from there program, and are now refusing to return our money, claiming they are 501C non profit and don't have too ...... Piease help
We are not he only family this organization has done this too there another family is currently dealing with the same issues but they
have payed in full and there dog is very ill. There complaint# is 2013-cp12071905563-APiease HELP US"""' Sincerely, Lisa Echols
734/4 76/2909
[False] Check if this referral is just to give us information and you do not need us to respond to you directly.
[False] Check if you want to send documentation. After you submit this form you will be provided with a postal mail address, and
facsimile number, to which you may send documents.
[False] Check if you want to sign up for the Consumer Protection Listserv.
[False] Check if you want to sign up for theAG Press Release Listserv.
[False] Check if you want to sign up for theAftorney General Opinions Listserv.
()1 certify that the information on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
()1 consent to releasing to the Mchigan Attorney General any information or document relative to the investigation of this complaint. By
checking this box, I also certify that I have had the opportunity to review the Mchigan Attorney General Privacy Policy before submitting
this complaint.
I am sumitting a complaint for we signed up through Great Lakes Assistant Dogs (GLAD) in
order to receive a service dog for my 7 year old son Evan, after working several months with a
dog named Gracie, we were informed she was sick and no longer available &amp; raising money
and paying payments out of our household income along with driving to Lansing every week for
training and a total payment of $4800.00 we were infotmed from Nicole Brown Kelsey that
GLAD could no longer meet Evans needs and were cutting us fiom there program, and are now
refusing to return our money, claiming they are 50 I C non profit and don't have too ...... Please
We are not he only family this organization has done this too there another family is currently
dealing with the same issues but they have payed in full and there dog is very ill. There
complaint# is 2013-cpl2071905563-A
Please HELP US!!!!!!!
Lisa Echols
Michigan Office Of Attorney General Consumer Complaint Form
Web Complaint Number: 2013-cp11202036184-A
Consumer Information
Your Last Name: Local
Your Street Address: Hood St
Your State: Ml
Your County:
Your Home Phone:
Fax Number:
Primary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
Submitted: 11/20/2013 8:36:04 PM
First Name: Citizen
City: Belleville
Zip Code: 48906
Your Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Company or Person? Company
Complainee Last Name: Complainee First Name:
Company Name: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs
Street Address: Bridge St Grand Ledge,M
State: Ml
County: Eaton
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Primary Jurisdiction: Licensed Business/Person
Secondary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
City: Grand Ledge
Zip Code: 48906
E-mail Address:
Product Offered: assistance dogs
Company or Person? Person
Complainee Last Name: Kersey
Company Name:
Complainee First Name: Nikki
Street Address: Bridge St Grand Ledge,M
State: Ml
County: Eaton
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Motor Vehicle Warranty Complaint Information
Vehicle Make, Model, and Year:
Vehicle VIN No.:
Complaint Information
City: Grand Ledge
Zip Code: 48906
E-mail Address:
Incident Date\ lime: 11/20/20131:00:00AM
Incident Location: United States
Approximate Monetary Value:
Did you sign a contract? False
Where did you sign this contract?
Is a court action pending? False
Do you have an attorney representing you on this maHer? False
Are you willing to testify in court regarding this complaint? False
Did you complain directly to the business? True
What was the response from the business?
W no complaint was given to the business directly, why? Grand Ledge Dog Training
Was this complaint filed with any other agencies? False
Complaint Detail/Inquiry Information
This non profit is being ran out of a building that is being shared with three other businesses. The president of the non profit uses the
money from the non profit to fund her separate businesses. she recieves rent money from dog groomers for rent and keeps it for
herself. She pays for her other bussinesses websites with GLAD money. Her last business filed bankruptcy and she changed the
name from premier k9 to grand ledge dog training. she doesnt pay taxes on any monies that premier or grand ledge dog training
makes. Grand ledge dog training has their own website also that is being funded by glad. She also is the president of the board of
director and uses the non profits lawyer for personal needs. she has access to cash boxes around town that are not kept up with
deposits. They also do not disclose medicalrecords to new customers. They have three dogs right now that have been certified that
have medical issues that were not disclosed. This non profit needs to be checked out.
[True] Check if this referral is just to give us information and you do not need us to respond to you directly.
[False] Check if you want to send documentation. Mer you submit this form you will be provided with a postal mail address, and
facsimile number, to which you may send documents.
[False] Check if you want to sign up for the Consumer Protection Listserv.
[False] Check if you want to sign up for the AG Press Release Listserv.
[False] Check if you want to sign up for the Attorney General Opinions Listserv.
(}1 certify that the information on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
(}1 consent to releasing to the Mchigan Attorney General any information or document relative to the investigation of this complaint. By
checking this box, I also certify that I have had the opportunity to review the Mchigan Attorney General Privacy Policy before submitting
this complaint.
Anonymous Complaint 1
This non profit is being ran out of a building that is being shared with three other
businesses. The president of the non profit tises the money from the non profit to
fund her separate businesses. she recieves rent money from dog groomers for rent
and keeps it for herself. She pays for her other bussinesses websites with GLAD
money. Her last business filed bankruptcy and she changed the name from premier
k9 to grand ledge dog training. she doesnt pay taxes on any monies that premier or
grand ledge dog training makes. Grand ledge dog training has their own website
also that is being funded by glad. She also is the president of the board of director
and uses the non profits lawyer for personal needs. she has access to cash boxes
around town that are not kept up with deposits. They also do not disclose
medicalrecords to new customers. They have three dogs right now that have been
certified that have medical issues that were not disclosed. This non profit needs to
be checked out.
Michigan Office Of Attorney General Consumer Complaint Form
Web Complaint Number: 2013-cp11241946761-A
Consumer Information
Your Last Name: Citizen
Your Street Address: Main St
Your State: Ml
Your County: Eaton
Your Home Phone:
Fax Number:
Primary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
Submitted: 11/24/2013 7:46:26 PM
First Name: Concerned
City: Grand Ledge
Zip Code: 48906
Your Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Company or Person? Company
Complainee Last Name: Complainee First Name:
Company Name: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs
Street Address: Bridge St Grand Ledge,tvi
State: Ml
County: Eaton
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Primary Jurisdiction: Licensed Business/Person
Secondary Company Or Person Your Complaint Is About
City: Grand Ledge
Zip Code: 48906
E-mail Address:
Product Offered: dog training
Company or Person? Person
Complainee Last Name: Kersey
Company Name:
Complainee First Name: Nikki
Street Address: Bridge St Grand Ledge,M
State: Ml
County: Eaton
Fax Number:
Web Site Address:
Motor Vehicle Warranty Complaint Information
Vehicle Make, Model, and Year:
Vehicle VIN No.:
Complaint Information
City: Grand Ledge
Zip Code: 48906
E-mail Address:
Incident Date\Time: 11/24/20131:00:00AM
Incident Location: United States
Approximate Monetary Value:
Did you sign a contract?
Where did you sign this contract?
Is a court action pending?
Do you have an attorney representing you on this matter?
Are you willing to testify in court regarding this complaint?
Did you complain directly to the business?
What was the response from the business? none
~ o complaint was given to the business directly, why? Grand Ledge Dog Training
Was this complaint filed with any other agencies? True
Complaint Detail/Inquiry Information
This non profit runs their business in a building and the president uses the money from the non profit to run her private businesses that
also occupy the same building. GlAD and Grand ledge dog training and premier all use the same building and phone number. The
president also receives monies from a dog groomer that pays her directly lor rent. The president of the non profit uses all the non profit
resources to lund her private dog training. The organization has placed three dogs this year that were donated from leader of the blind
to clients that have medical issues that were not disclosed. The president uses the name of GlAD so that she can use the facilities at
TSC store on grand river in lansing to have her classes lor her private business lor free. The Jarvis family was turned away from the
organization because of their background. They also placed a sick dog with a montana family know it was sick. The president has
used the lawyer lor GLAD lor her own benefit. Several families have called to have their monies returned but because she is the
president is ahead of the board she wont do anything. Complaints have been made to Assistance Dogs International that issues them
certification and they said they were understaffed and would not do anything. please look into this organization.
[True] Check if this referral is just to give us information and you do not need us to respond to you directly.
[False] Check if you want to send documentation. Mer you submit this form you will be provided with a postal mail address, and
facsimile number, to which you may send documents.
[False] Check if you want to sign up lor the Consumer Protection Listserv.
[False] Check if you want to sign up lor the AG Press Release Listserv.
[False] Check if you want to sign up lor the Marney General Opinions Listserv.
(")I certify that the information on this form is.true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
(*)I consent to releasing to the lvichigan Attorney General any information or document relative to the investigation of this complaint. By
checking this box, I also certify that I have had the opportunity to review the lvichigan Attorney General Privacy Policy before submitting
this complaint.
Anonymous Complaint 2
This non profit runs their business in a building and the president uses the money
from the non profit to run her private businesses that also occupy the same
building. GlAD and Grand ledge dog training and premier all use the same
building and phone number. The president also receives monies from a dog groomer
that pays her directly for rent. The president of the non profit uses all the non
profit resources to fund her private dog training. The organization has placed three
dogs this year that were donated from leader of the blind to clients that have
medical issues that were not disclosed. The president uses the name of GlAD so
that she can use the facilities at TSC store on grand river in lansing to have her
classes for her private business for free. The Jarvis family was turned away from
the organization because of their background. They also placed a sick dog with a
montana family know it was sick. The president has used the lawyer for GLAD for
her own benefit. Several families have called to have their monies returned but
because she is the president is ahead of the board she wont do anything.
Complaints have been made to Assistance Dogs International that issues them
certification and they said they were understaffed and would not do anything.
please look into this organization.
law Office of Bradley A. Vauter
The Place for Good Counsel 'M
February 7, 2014
Joseph J. Kylman, Auditor
Charitable Trust Section
State of Michigan
Department of Attorney General
PO Box 30214
Lansing MI 48909
Dear Mr. Kylman:
1805 Drexel Rd. Lansing, MI 48915
Phone/Fax: 517 853-8015
Dept of the
Attorney General
FEB 0 7 2014
Charitable Trust Section
Re: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs
T 49127
I write on behalf of Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, in response to your letter. Thank
you for the extension of time. If need be, Great Lakes Assistance Dogs (GLAD)
and myself should be able to provide additional materials, if requested, and we
would also be happy to meet with you and others at the AG's office if that would
be useful.
You will also note we have a question regarding the possible assistance, if any, of
the AG's office in regards to enforcement of the contract with the Evan's family in
Wyoming. We think under the contract and circumstances, the dog should be
Addressing your numbered questions or statements in the letter of January gth, we
respond as follows:
1) We have removed and statements on our website that GLAD itself is a 501
(c) (3) organization and will comb other documents (our main "documents"
are on the website, but a few other older printed pieces exist, and they will
be recycled if their wording is inappropriate). Meanwhile we will pursue
our own individual application for recognition of exemption by the IRS.
2) GLAD does not receive financial support from CWF, nor do we make any
payments to them for services. When we first were forming or starting, the
executive director ofCWF, Jamey Ponte, suggested to Nikki Kersey that
GLAD might be a good project to fit within the other sort of projects that
CWF helped mentor or incubate. The initial discussions about the "fit"
between CWF and the GLAD "embryo" were fairly simple; CWF supported
agencies that helped children in the Midwest-particularly children with
medical needs--and GLAD planned to provide trained service dogs for
children and even adults with special needs. Several of the volnnteers with
GLAD have been long involved with special needs students or service or
rescue dogs. However, there are several program initiatives under CWF, and
in recent years, they have turned some of their energies outside the Midwest,
primarily for projects and initiatives in Africa.
3) We do not believe any formal written agreements or charters exist between
GLAD and CWF. However, in May of2012, the executive director ofCWF
wrote a note to Pay Pal explaining the connection between the programs
briefly, with an eye towards making it possible for GLAD to have a Pay Pal
account for donations. (Attached as exhibit A) In addition, during the start
up phase of GLAD, GLAD's bank account was, I understand, technically set
up via Chase Bank under the CWF group-however Chase gave GLAD a
"call name" or something of that sort, so that if checks were made out to
GLAD instead ofCWF-GLAD, the checks could still be deposited.
4) Complaints about GLAD should be directed to GLAD. Like you, we will
copy CWF with this response. Realistically, GLAD is a sort of stand-alone
operation, a Michigan non-profit corporation. Further, given the changes in
both GLAD's programming and capacities, and the more recent direction
and reach of CWF to Africa and beyond, and the lack of day-to-day
knowledge of GLAD programs and operations by CWF, it is unlikely that
CWF could respond very well, without reaching GLAD anyway.
5) This may be a misunderstanding on GLAD's part-an earlier contract
employee/bookkeeper (Maureen Whetter) had been contracted in 2013 to
help with bookkeeping and filings including the solicitation license-
however she quit later on but Nikki Kersey, the GLAD executive director,
wasn't aware that hadn't been finished before she left. In addition GLAD
mistakenly assumed that its affiliation with CWF covered it as. To rectify
this, GLAD will work at removing any materials that claim otherwise and is
working with a new accountant and an attorney (we haven't had guidance
from an attorney before, save for the drawing up of the Service Assistance
Dog Training Contract) who will assist us with this process.
6) See attached Exhibit B, as the response to the complaint of Lindsay Evans,
of Billings Montana.
7) See attached Exhibit C, as the response regarding the other named
8) With respect to at least one of the "anonymous" complaints, we have reason
to believe it may be or one of his friends. While
not wanting to engage in an ad hominem argument, it may be worthwhile for
you to know that he was a former volunteer/worker at GLAD, who has been
trying to get sexually or romantically involved with Dr. Nikki Kersey (see
attached PPO request, order and materials-another PPO is being requested
soon now- stalking this time, against him). Nonetheless, in answer to this,
GLAD rents the back part of the space Grand Ledge Chamber of
Commerce. At one time before the divorce of the executive director of
GLAD, she had along with a spouse, an involvement in Premier K9, and
later she thought about launching Grand Ledge Dog Training- but that
never got off the ground. No business of Grand Ledge Dog Training was
done at GLAD. Premier K9 once when it was in business, housed some
shelter or service dogs or pups, but there was never any co-mingling or
payments of any kind between them, so far as we know. GLAD has its own
account at Chase.
Sincerely yours,
~ ~ c : ~ ~
Bradley A. Vaut , J.D.


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Great Lakes Assistance Dogs T 49127
Exhibit B
Mrs. Evans makes many allegations and complaints which are basically unfounded
and untrue, or which misapprehend the nature of GLAD and the service dog. Under
our agreement, we have tried in almost every way to help-and we have indeed
asked her to return the animal since we are beginning to think the dog was harmed
in some way and/or the family has turned a service animal into a mere pet, or
turned it over to others, neither of which we can control for.
More specifically, and trying to break down our response in pieces, GLAD responds
as follows:
1. In tenns of this complaint, please note that the Montana Attorney General's office
indicated to us that the matter was closed from their perspective. Mrs. Evan's
continued complaints and postings on social media, are, in our opinion, ahnost
libelous or slanderous. She may be disappointed now, or claim to be, but that
flies in the face of the many earlier postings and emails she sent-this is what
makes us wonder now if something happened to the service dog "Cooper" that
she is unwilling to tell us about. We also don't believe she has any standing to
purport to speak for others or their experiences.
2. The many costs involved in bringing a dog to service dog status are discussed
with client families beforehand and during the process. The contract speaks for
itself but a range of$10,000 to $15,000 is often invested in the process before it is
over. One thing important to note however, is that the visit by the GLAD trainer
to Montana was paid for by GLAD not out of the 12,500 specifically raised by the
Evans. This was an additional expense that GLAD paid for out of general funds
to help the Evans family since they were so far away and we wanted to make sure
that the dog was thoroughly trained for the family. $12,500 is the same amount
everyone raises for a service dog and we do not routinely provide dogs to out of
state clients. We do not figure in costs for traveling to another state and training
for four days. So, the Evan's family actually paid less for the service dog than
other families, in effect, so that we could pay for the out of state training.
3. Cooper was not "given over" to the Evans family at a GLAD training
facility. We ended the test at a park in Kalamazoo and had lunch at a nearby
Subway to celebrate. Lindsay Evans was asked by three trainers if she wanted to
meet the next day as planned and she stated there was no need since he did so
well and they would rather have an extra day to drive back to Montana so they
could stop at a few places on the way home.
4. Ms. Evans is mistaken that Cooper's health conditions, as known at the time
would have disqualified him as a service dog. Various service dog agencies make
their own dete1minations and even Chronic Dermatitis is very treatable-
otherwise our vet would have recommended that he be removed from service.
5. Cooper had a diagnosis of Chronic Dermatitis from Leader dogs but this was not a
diagnosis made by our vet. Dr. Jones felt he would be fine as a service dog. Mrs.
Evans indicated that she had to take Cooper to the vet because he was so itchy he
was bleeding and they had to keep a protective collar on him. However, if you
notice on the bottom of the vet invoice, the skin assessment was "normal".
6. Before the contract was signed, as well as after, I had many conversations via
phone and email with Lindsay Evans about our commitment to get Cooper settled
with a couect diagnosis and treatment because of his ear infections and occasional
itching. (see Denise's written statement about his level of itching when she sent
him to us as it was not an issue). I also assured her that if there was a need for a
specific treatment such as allergy shots that was suggested by a vet, GLAD would
be happy to help do a yearly fundraiser to cover the cost of the shots for the life of
the dog as long as the vet felt it would not impact his ability to perform his service
duties (see letter from Denise about her vet and his treatment suggestions).
7. Cooper was very over weight and over fed while at the initial foster raisers home
which was found and approved by Maureen Whetter, a former GLAD volunteer
and contract worker. It was necessary to put him on a diet to get the weight off of
him immediately. He was removed from the foster home and placed with a
GLAD trainer and his diet began. The vet indicated that he needed to be around
65 pounds to be a healthy weight (notice the 90lb weight he was at in the vet
report with Lindsay Evans). His food intake was decreased and he got to his goal
weight in about 4 months. It is not a problem to have a dog lose 6-8 pounds per
month over the course of 4 months. Mrs. Evans has no medical documentation
that this was a problem. Cooper was under the care of our vet during his weight
loss program.
8. All of Cooper's necessary vet records were given to the Evans family (see date
Ginger sent out the packet). None of the records were held back or "hidden". All
of our medical records on the dogs are available for the client to see at any
time. Mrs. Evans asked for the rabies certificate and claimed we did not give it to
her when she in fact had gotten it in her packet, she just did not know what to
look for (see rabies certificate from Leader dogs provided by Mrs. Evans)
9. As noted earlier, the Ultra Sound and Specific Gravity tests were precautionary in
case of a kidney issue and were run due to the fact that Cooper was drinking a
large amount of water (see Denise's letter addressing behavior pattern and
why). All tests were negative. No medical reason for the excessive drinking. It
was a behavior issue that stopped once Cooper was given free access to unlimited
water at all times.
10. The trainer who housed Cooper for several weeks and then accompanied him on
the plane and in the hotel as well as during all training outings in Michigan and
Montana reported no problems with itching (see Gingers statement).
11. The discussion of the need for allergy testing was done with our vet. It was
ordered that he receive a blood test because of ear infections to check allergies as
UNSUCCESSFUL. Cooper stopped itching while being treated at Gingers
house. The vet suggested it was likely a seasonal thing and not necessarily
something that warranted shots but we could follow up if needed. Mrs. Evans
was VERY eager to get the dog home and into service as her daughter was
experiencing more health concerns. Therefore, it was decided that since the vet
suggested a "wait and see" type of plan, we would get him to the Evans when he
passed his test and help them pay for the testing or treatments in Montana, as
much as we could afford. At the time he went home with them he was NOT
itching. He was sent with ear medications to finish the last few days of his
treatment. They knew all of this up front and agreed to the plan. A bacterial
infection and an ear infection are the same thing. The dog did not have TWO
infections as indicated in her text.
12. There was no attempt to "mask" the ear infection. The Evans were aware of the
issue and were sent home with the medications and had no concerns what so
ever. In fact, they were elated with Cooper for two months plus before GLAD
heard anything about any issues. When we did hear about issues in November
(see Lindsay's email about putting Cooper on Benadry I without taking him to the
13. After Lindsay brought to our attention that we had missed an annual booster shot
for Cooper in May, I called the vets office to confirm because they send us emails
when the dogs are due for shots, etc. The receptionist apologized indicating that it
must have been an oversight on their part. We paid Caring Hands vet for his shot
and apologized about the oversight. It is important to note that Mrs. Evans is
wrong indicating that being late for an annual booster is against the law in any
state. In fact, rabies is the only shot that one must give their pet byLAW. Also,
research shows that the United States over vaccinates which is why there is no
LAW that states that you have to have an annual booster or other vaccinations
exactly 12 months from the date of the previous booster. It was NOT a rabies
shot, after all. Also, in practice, being a few months late with other boosters
would not require, per most vets, a complete restart vaccine schedules.
14. Cooper was checked for hip dysplasia while at leader dogs and found to have
excellent hips. So good in fact that they were considering using him as a breeding
stock dog (see Denise's letter and leader dogs hip results). Therefore it was not
necessary tore x-ray hips less than one year after he had them done at Leader
dogs with no issues. Cooper was in constant contact and had assessments
accordingly with our vet who knew that Cooper was going to be going to
Montana to start his service work. He had no issues or structural
concerns. Therefore, this is NOT a violation of the contract. They did NOT ask
for a copy of the hip x-rays and we don't routinely give them as there is no reason
unless the dog has structural issues at which point we send the CD of the radio
graphs to the vet so they can be read. X-rays are not read by individuals so we
send them to the treating vet if requested. No vet nor the Evans family ever
requested copies of the x-rays or they would have been sent to their vet. The only
concern they had was the allergies which was not even substantiated by a vet.
15. It was not until Mrs. Evans began slandering GLAD on Facebook that she
discussed him having any structural or health issues besides the itching. To date,
she has NEVER complied with our request to send copies of medical documents
substantiating her medical and behavioral complaints. In fact, she did not submit
any evidence to support any medical issues in her claim to the Attorney general's
office in Montana and we don't think she has provided this to the Michigan's AG
office either. Why has no evidence about what the diagnosis is for any medical
issues been substantiated? In fact, when GLAD's executive director called Caring
Hands vet in Montana where they had talked with us openly about Cooper getting
his booster shot, I was told that there was a credit on the account and that the
Evans family never sought treatment. I was further told by the vet who owns the
practice that Mrs. Evans called the vet and instructed her not to give GLAD any
information about Cooper without a subpoena. Why would she not let us have
access to the diagnosis and treatment or the cost or even what tests were done and
the results? In fact, Caring Hands told me directly that the Evans fan1ily did not
follow up with treatment and in fact moved to another vet. Further, the vet told
me directly that she could not give me any details but she would say that Cooper
came in with Mrs. Evans as "a very good dog and left with her as a very good
dog". We would ask the Michigan AG to contact the vet there with a subpoena, if
you do not believe our brief accounting of the conversations.
16. Regarding his "many chronic health problems" and "heredity knee
problems". Where is the documentation? What is the diagnosis? What are the
problems? Could they have been from injury that he sustained with the Evans
family during the 2 and a half months they were posting publically about how
great he was doing and how much he was helping their daughter in the hospital?
Could it be that they are hiding the fact that it was an injury and trying to get their
money back because he can no longer work due to the injury sustained while in
their care? Cooper had NO record of any knee issues while with us or Leader
Dogs. He showed NO gait issues that would suggest auy knee problems
developed only after he left us aud went to serve as a service dog in Montana.
While training aud being groomed to serve as a service dog, the dogs passing
through the GLAD program typically see many training professionals AND a
good number of dog lovers, who while not always holding professional degrees,
have lots of experiences with dogs-this array of individuals didn't fmd the
supposed problems now being mentioned by Ms. Evans.
17. GLAD actually paid $524.70, not 400, toward his allergy testing. We did not
have to do this contractually but we did because we care about the health of the
dogs in our program and are committed to helping our families throughout the life
of the dog.
18. The letter dated November 12, 2013 indicating that we could not provide any
further assistance related to expenses for Cooper was sent because GLAD quite
literally did not have funds beyond the $524.70 sent (see back statement of
balance as of 11-12-13) and we do not guarantee to cover all post placement costs
for families or individuals who receive service dogs. GLAD's executive director
personally sent au email two days later after talking with our trainers aud boarders
about how to help this family get funds. One suggestion made was to reach
Caring Hands and see if they had auy donors that would help with service dog vet
bills-both GLAD tried to reach them audit was highly suggested that the Evans
family reach them too. GLAD also suggested the family try to get a second
opinion because the amount quoted seemed high. The Montana family refused to
go to any other vet "because she wanted to stay with this vet " or something to
that effect and so they were supposedly stuck on using Caring Hands. So GLAD
sent the $524.70 mentioned and later GLAD was told by the Caring Hands
receptionist that there was a credit on the account but that she couldn't tell me
what was done or how much of a credit without a subpoena because Mrs. Evans
told them not to speak with anyone from GLAD without one. GLAD feels that
since it paid the fee it should have been privy to the results, and should also be
refunded any remaining credit.
19. Addressed in Montana complaint (see ADI statement that equipment used should
fit the needs of the client)
20. During numerous texts and emails between Ginger and Lindsay, Lindsay insisted
that Cooper be taught a cuddle command against our suggestion that Ara was too
small and fragile. Lindsay insisted that the command was needed and it would be
fine. So, using professional judgment we decided to train Cooper to "cuddle"
while the child was sitting in a chair aud then generalize it to the real world
setting when Ara got bigger as needed. She indicated this was fine and a good
idea. Why not voice this concern during training or note it in the exit contract
before signing or refuse to take him without further training? In addition, we
instructed the dog, and the family on how to get Cooper to "touch" which was a
FIFTH command. We are only contracted to do three commands but we added
the other two for no charge because it was needed for ARA and we were
exercising best practice in training . The touch command was shown as extending
your hand near ARA when she was on the floor (not in a chair as this is a different
command than touch). The dog would touch his nose to the handlers hand and lay
down right beside Ara providing the comfort and pressure that cuddle command
uses but not laying over her because she is too small and fragile. The Evans were
thrilled and we practiced the cuddle, tracking, touch and other commands during
the entire three days. If we did not train on the tasks as she alleges, we would not
have needed three days to work with their family. The dog wouldn't have passed
the test including the test on the tasks, and they would not have been happy after
the test. As such, we simply cannot agree with her statement regarding this being
"hidden" from them or the dog not being well trained. That allegation is
completely untrue. Instructions were given on how to train in real world
settings-this is common or standard practice for GLAD animals because we
instruct all of our clients on how to keep up with the training in the real world
setting with the family (which is slightly different than training with the trainer).
This is good practice which almost all service dog agencies employ.
21. Cooper can, or could, do all of his trained tasks as evidenced by his video at
training and the emails and posts Lindsay made for two months. She was told to
have high expectations because that is part of the training process we taught her
while she was here training. The dog must respect the handler and the handler
must have high expectations for the dog or the dog will get lazy. Many think of
this as common dog training knowledge that every service dog training place tells
their clients Until this recent complaint and change of tune by Ms. Evans, GLAD
had not previously received any complaints regarding training issues except what
was shown in the video tape--which showed Lindsay looking like she was
purposely trying to make Cooper look bad. I say this in part after checking with
the trainers who knew and worked with both Cooper and Lindsay. The trainers
all watched the videos she sent.
22. GLAD is a Michigan non-profit corporation that files annually. We should be
"findable" on the State of Michigan's corporate registry or listings. As mentioned
earlier in the main body of the letter responding to the AG's complaint, we are
also an affiliated association under CWF in Ohio--but we will be seeking our
own individual recognition by the IRS as an exempt organization.
23. We are unable to respond fully to the concerns about various registrations and
such that the Evan's family has made in regards to Ohio addresses except to say
that GLAD has never been in Troy, Ohio nor do we have any idea what "GLAD"
she is talking about. Our loose connection to Ohio probably stems from our early
history and being a "program initiative" of Child Wellness Fund. GLAD has
never been listed on the CWF website, to our knowledge, because we have never
received any funds from them and GLAD never asked them to put us on their
24. The GLAD webpage indicates that alerting to the fact that a seizure is happening
is important. But GLAD makes and made NO statement that we train dogs to
"pre alert" to seizures. In fact, every client is told repeatedly that we DO NOT
believe that dogs can be taught to pre- alert to someone's seizures. That is why
pre alerting to a seizure is not listed as a task for Cooper. We have never and will
never train or claim to train dogs to pre alert to seizures because we do not think
this is possible. We have repeatedly, as a group, publically stated that we do not
believe it is possible to train pre alerts. The Evans were made aware of that
REPEATEDLY and pre alerting was never a task they asked for. Instead, what
we offer is task that is an ALERT to a seizure happening. For that task the dog is
taught to watch for seizure activity such as falling down, shaking, jerking, etc and
then go to get help from the nearest adult. GLAD never told Lindsay Evans we
would train for that task and she never asked for us to train for it. She did not
write it in on the contract (see contract tasks) and it is urrfair or disingenuous for
her to assert that now.
25. GLAD is happy to send all books if needed to show that we have not received one
donation to Cooper since the closing of the account when the balance was paid off
well before Sept 1, 2013. In fact I do not believe we have received ANY
donations for anyone on our website. We continued to leave the solicitation for
funds up in an attempt to show that we are still willing to help in any way we can
to get them funding to pay for the vet care as soon as we received documentation
as to what that vet care was. We are mindful of donations and put donations
toward certain clients if the donations are so specified.
26. Perhaps most disturbing is the allegation near the end of Ms. Evan's letter-yet it
is one we think can be proven false. GLAD also has pages and pages of texts and
emails indicating the opposite of what Mrs. Evans states here. They did receive a
quality trained and healthy service dog from GLAD and GLAD fulfilled the
contract-and even tried to do more. In addition, Mrs. Evans never asked to
return Cooper. In fact she stated in an email enclosed that she did not want to
return the dog and did not want all their money back. They asked that $12,500
be returned to them directly on several occasions. In fact, there have been many
posts, emails and calls by myself and Ginger Helm us as well as Denise (the puppy
raiser who donated Cooper ) indicting that we all wanted Cooper back and that we
would give them another dog, send a trainer to them to help so they didn't have to
give up Cooper, or bring Cooper back to our vet to get him treated. (See enclosed
email in which Lindsay states that she is giving the dog to the humane society and
refuses to give him to us because we will "keep him and then never give us
another dog". Attempts by Denise were made to pay Lindsay for her time and
expenses as well as airfare to get Cooper back to Denise as we had a contract with
Denise (see signed contract) to return Cooper if he ever washed out of the
We have this same contract with all of om donated puppies.
27. The donor of service dogs typically gets first rights of refusal and the dog always
comes back to GLAD if the dog can no longer perform its duties. Lindsay refused
to send Cooper to Denise or to GLAD. And this despite offering numerous times
to send him back through the "puppies in flight free" airline program that ships
service puppies or dogs for free. In fact, Lindsay reported that "professionals who
were equipped to deal with his extensive medical and behavioral issues were
keeping Cooper for them" after she said she was sending him to the humane
society in her local town. She then stated to Denise that her friends had him
because she was tired of dealing with his itching.
28. Nikki and/or others at GLAD did tell the Evans that everything was done in good
faith-later it seems the Evans family had a different tone which their requests to
have $12,500 or so sent directly to them was rebuffed. Before that, GLAD
remembers the Evans once saying "we do not want our money back or to give
Cooper back we just want help". GLAD indicated it would help them through
this and resolve the issues by working together with them as a team as we do with
all of om families (see my email). Eventually though, GLAD had to simply say
that the Evans family would need to contact Michael Betz, our attorney at that
time, and gave her the contact information-simply because Lindsay Evans had
threatened to take further action if GLAD did not refund the money directly to
their family. But of course it was not their family that incurred most of the many
expense with raising and training and grooming and boarding the service dog that
made its way to their home.
29. We would like to have a subpoena issued to Caring Hands vet and whatever vet
they went to after Caring Hands so we can actually see what the evidence is that
he was treated, diagnosis, etc. Will the Michigan Attorney General obtain a
subpoena if this matter is to be further investigated?
30. In sum, GLAD believes the Evans greatly misapprehends the situation and
arrangements, and indeed, feels they might be hindering the work of our non-
profit work through false and 1nisleading statements. And given their claims that
Cooper is not an adequate service dog, we would like the AG's assistance in
demanding the return of the dog Cooper so it could be retrained and placed with
another special needs client or returning it to the individual which donated
Cooper-whichever is most prudent. In partial support of this, we note that if the
Evans family has been unwilling or unable to treat Cooper per the vet request
(with prescription allergy food, which we see no proof of, and if they have let him
get to 90lbs, which is overweight as indicated by our vet) then they are violating
the contract and are required to return him at GLAD's request. Generally, service
dogs and often even adopted dogs from humane societies are not free to be
released to third parties without that may be happening or
happened here.
Great Lakes Assistance Dogs T 49127
Exhibit C
1. Lisa Jarvis/Nichols is a former client who was let go from the program after
months of nonpayment, lying to a GLAD trainer in an attempt to get the potential
dog they were being assigned into their home before they had paid, failing to pass
the home inspection, breaking the contract by purchasing 2 St. Bernard puppies
during the training part of the program and not attending trainings as discussed for
weeks with no connnunication to GLAD. They were offered another dog during
the program before being removed because the dog we intended to place with
them started to have recurrent ear infections. We offered them Faith, a yellow
lab. The dog they were originally assigned is still NOT in service and is in fact in
a foster home while we continue to treat the dog still months later.
2. Lisa was made aware of Gracie's health issues and told that she would not be in
service for many months if at all. This is when they were assigned Faith, the
yellow lab. They apparently lost their house and were talking about being
"homeless". All of this information was stated on Facebook and not
communicated to GLAD. Obviously not a good stable situation for a dog. So,
Maureen Whetter and Kevin Cousineau drove to the house of Lisa when GLAD
had reason to believe that Lisa had fibbed to the GLAD trainer (Katie Donahue)
and told Katie that GLAD officials said they could have Gracie come to stay at
their house.
3. When Maureen drove to the house, she reported that she took audio and pictures
documenting the condition of the house and yard. Lisa Jarvis/Nichols did
fundraise a portion of the money for a GLAD service dog. All clients are told tl1at
they may not end up with the dog originally assigned in our contract so Gracie
was never "their dog".
4. The money they raised for the dog was used for the several months of training, vet
bills, supplies, GLAD monthly for overhead, food, equipment, gas for home
visits, office help, etc. They were in violation of the contract in many areas
several times, mainly their default on payment. They went months without
raising funds and paying on their account. They were sent several invoices that
training would be stopped if they did not make a payment. They did
not. Volunteers then saw on Facebook that the Jarvis's bonght two St. Bernard
5. We do not allow any puppies or new dogs to come into the homes of new service
dogs as was made aware to them. We told them that we would be happy to train a
dog of their choosing since they did not want Faith for some reason, but that we
would have to pick the dog out to make sure it met our standards for training and
that we would have to discuss a proper breed. It is distracting to the service dog
and training suffers if puppies are in the home with service dogs.
6. After no payments and no communication to GLAD about the financial and living
situation posted on Facebook, and then fmding pictures of the purchased puppies
on Face book, we issued a letter stating that we could not meet their needs and
would be closing their account.

cvv--lJ 0

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Public Access Test is to ensure that dogs who have public access
are stable, well-behaved, and unobtrusive to the public. It is to ensure that the client has control over
the dog and the team is not a public hazard. This test is NOT intended as a substitute for the
skill/task test that should be given by the program. It is to be used in addition to those skill/task tests.
It is expected that the test will be adhered to as closely as possible. If modifications are necessary,
they should be noted in the space provided at the end of the test.
DISMISSAL: Any dog that displays any aggressive behavior (growling, biting, raising hackles,
showing teeth, etc.) will be eliminated from the test. Any dog that eliminates in a building or shows
uncontrollable behavior will be eliminated from the test.
BOTTOM LINE: The bottom line of this test is that the dog demonstrates that he/she is safe to be in
public and that the person demonstrates that he/she has control of the dog at all times.
TESTING EQUIPMENT: All testing shall be done with equipment appropriate to the needs and
abilities of the team. All dogs shall be on-lead at all times except in the vehicle at which time it is
This test is to take place in a public setting such as a mall where there are a lot of people and natural
distractions. The individual will handle the dog and can use any reasonable/humane equipment
necessary to ensure his/her control over the dog.
The evaluator will explain the test thoroughly before the actual testing, during which he/she will
follow discreetly to observe when not directly interacting with the individual on a test related matter.
The only things an evaluator needs are a clip board, an assistant, another dog, a plate with food,
and access to a shopping cart.
COMMANDS: Commands may be given to the dog In either hand signals or verbal signals or both.
1. CONTROLLED UNLOAD OUT OF VEHICLE: After a suitable place has been found, the
individual will unload the dog and any necessary equipment (wheelchair, walker, crutches,
etc.) out of the vehicle. The dog must wait until released before coming out of the vehicle.
Once outside, it must wait quietly unless otherwise instructed by the Individual. The dog may
not run around, be off lead, or ignore commands given by the individual. Once the team is
out of the vehicle and settled, the assistant should walk past with another dog. they should
walk within six (6) feet of the team. The Assistance Dog must remain calm and under control,
not pulling or trying to get to the other dog.
The emphasis on this is that the Assistance Dog remain unobtrusive and is unloaded in the
safest manner possible for everyone.
2. APPROACHING THE BUILDING: After unloading, the team must maneuver through the
parking lot to approach the building. The dog must stay in a relative heel position and may
not forge ahead or lag behind. The dog must not display a fear of cars or traffic noises and
must display a relaxed attitude. When the individual stops for any reason, the dog must stop
3. CONTROLLED ENTRY THROUGH A DOORWAY: Once at the doors ofthe building, the
individual may enter however he/she chooses to negotiate the entry safely. Upon entering
the building; however, the dog may not wander off or solicit attention from the public. The
dog should wait quietly until the team is fully inside then should calmly walk beside the
individual. The dog must not pull or strain against the lead or try to push its way past the
individual but must wait patiently while entry is completed.
4. HEELING THROUGH THE BUILDING: Once inside the building, the individual and the dog
must walk through the area in a controlled manner. The dog should always be within
touching distance where applicable or no greater than a foot away from the individual. The
dog should not solicit public attention or strain against the lead (except in cases where the
dog may be pulling the individual's wheelchair). The dog must readily adjust to speed
changes, turn corners promptly, and travel through a crowded area without interacting with
the public. In tight quarters, the dog must be able to get out of the way of obstacles and not
destroy merchandise by knocking it over or by playing with it.
5. SIX FOOT RECALL ON LEAD: A large, open area should be found for the six foot recall.
Once found, the individual will perform a six foot recall with the dog remaining on lead. The
individual will sit the dog, leave it, travel six feet, then turn and call the dog to him/her. The
dog should respond promptly and not stop to solicit attention from the public or ignore the
command. The dog should come close enough to the individual to be readily touched. For
Guide Dogs, they must actually touch the person to indicate location. The recall should be
smooth and deliberate without the dog trudging to the individual or taking any detours along
the way.
6. SITS ON COMMAND: The team will be asked to demonstrate the Individual's ability to have
the dog sit three different times. The dog must respond promptly each time with no more
than two commands. There should not be any extraordinary gestures on the part of the
people approaching the dog. Normal, reasonable behavior on the part of the people is
The first sit will be next to a plate of food placed upon the ground. The dog must not attempt
to eat or sniff the food. The individual may correct the dog verbally or physically away from
the food, but then the dog must maintain a sit while ignoring the food. The dog should not be
taunted or teased with the food. This situation should be made as realistic as possible.
The second sit will be executed, and the assistant with a shopping cart will approach within
three feet of the dog and continue on past. The dog should maintain the sit and not show any
fear of the shopping cart. If the dog starts to move, the individual may correct the dog to
maintain the sit.
The last sit will be a sit with a stay as a person walks up behind the team, talks to the person
and then pets the dog. The dog must hold position. The dog may not break the stay to solicit
attention. The individual may repeat the stay command along with reasonable physical
7. DOWNS ON COMMAND: The down exercises will be performed in the same sequence as
the sits with the same basic stipulations. The first down will be at a table where food will be
dropped on the floor. The dog should not break the down to go for the food or sniff at the
food. The individual may give verbal and physical corrections to maintain the down. There
should not be any extraordinary gestures on the part of the people approaching the dog.
Normal, reasonable behavior from the people is expected.
The second down will be executed, and then an adult and child should approach the dog.
The dog should maintain the down and not solicit attention. If the child pets the dog, the dog
must behave appropriately and not break the stay. The individual may give verbal and
physical corrections if the dog begins to break the stay.
8. NOISE DISTRACTION: The team will be heeling along and the tester will drop a clipboard to
the ground behind the team. The dog may acknowledge the noise, but may not in any way
show aggression or fear. A normal startle reaction Is fine-the dog may jump and or turn-but
the dog should quickly recover and continue along on the heel. The dog should not become
aggressive, begin shaking, etc.
9. RESTAURANT: The team and tester should enter a restaurant and be seated at a table. The
dog should go under tihe table or, if size prevents that, stay close by the individual. The dog
must sit or lie down and may move a bit for comfort during the meal, but should not be up
and down a lot or need a lot of correction or reminding. This would be a logical place to do
the food drop during a down. (See #7)
10. OFF LEAD: Sometime during the test, where appropriate, the person will be instructed to
drop the leash while moving so it is apparent to the dog. The individual must show the ability
to maintain control of the dog and get the leash back in its appropriate position. this exercise
will vary greatly depending on the person's disabilities. The main concern is that the dog be
aware that the leash is dropped and that the person Is able to maintain control of the dog
and get the leash back into proper position.
11. CONTROLLED UNIT: The team will leave the building in a similar manner to entering, with
safety and control being of prime importance. The team will proceed across the parking lot
and back to the vehicle. The dog must be in appropriate heel position and not display any
fear of vehicle or traffic sounds.
12. CONTROLLED LOAD into VEHICLE: The individual will load the dog into the vehicle, with
either entering first. The dog must not wander around the parking Jot but must wait patiently
for instructions. Emphasis is on safety and control.
Scoring Factors of the Public Access Certification Test
A= Always
M= Most of the time (more than half of time)
S= Some of the time (half or less of the time)
N= Never
1 . CONTROLLED UNLOAD OUT OF VEHICLE Dog did not try to leave vehicle until given
reljlaSe command .
. ,/
::::_ _NO The dog waited in the vehicle until released.*
1/AEs NO The dog waited outside the vehicle under controL
--,- -
_YES _NO The dog remained under control while another dog was walked past.
2. THE BUILDING Relative heel position, not straining or forging.
v_ry._M _S _N The dog stayed in relative heel position.
\!/ YES* NO The dog was calm around traffic.*
\_/ A _M S _N The dog stopped when the individual came to a halt.
\/ _NO The dog waited quietly at the door until commanded to enter.*
' /
jLYES* _NO The dog waited on the inside until able to return to heel position.*
'-!_A,_M _s _N The dog was within the prescribed distance ofthe individual.
_s _N The dog ignored the public, remaining focused on the individual.
':_A _M _S _N The dog readily adjusted to speed changes.
/A_ M _S _N The dog readily turned corners-did not have to be tugged or jerked to
chan)JB direction.
0_M S _N The dog readily maneuvered through tight quarters.
v YES* _NO The dog responded readily to the recall command-did not stray away, seek
attentjon from others, or trudge slowly.*
JLY9* _NO The dog remained under control and focused on the individual.*
,/)'ES* _NO The dog came within the prescribed distance of the individual.*
i /YES* _NO The dog came directly to the individual.*
6. Sl:rsoN COMMAND
.Y_IJ_M _s _N The dog responded promptly to the command to sit.
\/ Y7S* _NO The dog remained under control around food-not trying to get food and not
neeliling repeated corrections.*
V YES* _NO The dog remained composed whiie the shopping cart passed-did not shy
away, show signs of fear, etc. shopping cart should be pushed normally and reasonable, not

v YES* _NO The dog maintained a sit-stay while being petted by a stranger.*
S _N The dog responded promptly to the command to down.
VES* _NO The dog remained under control around the food-not trying to get food and
not nee9ing repeated corrections.*
_NO The dog remained in control while the child approached-child should not
taunt dog or be overly dramatic.
8. NOISE DISTRACTIONS If the dog jumps, turns, or shows a quick startle type reaction, that
is The dog should not show fear, aggression, or continue to be affected by the noise.
'J YES* _NO The dog remained composed during the noise distraction.*
\/YES* _NO The dog is unobtrusive and out of the way of patrons and employees as
myeh as possible.
_' _YES* _NO The dog maintained proper behavior, ignoring food and being quiet.*
\./ YES* _NO When told to drop the leash, the team maintained control and the individual
got the leash back in position.
11. DOG TAKEN BY ANOTHER PERSON To show that the dog can be handled by another
person without aggression or excessive stress or whining, someone else will take the dog's
leash and passively hold the dog (not giving any commands) while the dog's partner moves
20' f'!Way .
. . /
_NO Another person can take the dog's leash and the dog's partner can move
away without aggression or undue stress on the part of the dog.
12. EXIT
'\f_j_M _s _N The dog stayed in relative heel position .
_NO The dog was calm around traffic.
\/A _M _S _N The dog stopped when the individual came to a halt.
V Y_-_NO The dog waited until commanded to enter the vehicle.
\/YES _NO The dog readily entered the vehicle upon command.
_ A _,M _S _N When the dog did well, the person praised the dog.
_A_M _S _N The dog is relaxed, confident, and friendly.
M _S _N The person kept the dog under control.
The team must score all 'Always' or' Most of the time' responses on the A-M-S-N parts of the test.
The team must score at least 80% "yes" answers on the "yes" "no" portion of the test
All questions marked by an asterisk must be answered by a "YES" response.
Were there any unique situations that made any portion of this test not applicable?
-.. /
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Assistance Dogs are not machme;:..
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Your skills are key.
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To receive and Assistance Dog from GLAD you must meet thesu responsibilities.
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Service Dog for Ara
Service Dog for Ara
Service Dog for Ara
266 likes 51 talking about thrs
Our daughter Ara has been diagnosed with Ccrnplex Partial
Seizures, Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder. Please help
us reach our goal of getting a Service Dog for Ara.
Post Photo I Vidoo
Write something ..

Servooe Dog for Ara
Decembe1 10 near Billrngs, MT
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to give an update. Due to Cooper's
continuing chronic health problems (which have existed long
before we got him) and his training issues Cooper is unable to do
his job and help Ara. This has been very hard on our family and
especially Ara. We are working closely with our vet and other
professionals but at this time his program is not helping us.
Lrke CO<Tlll'1',nl 5I ,
J prop!.. like this.
Jill Hitch man-Osborn I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the
diSappointment Thinking of you all and good tude.
Decemllef 10 at 12?0pm vra mobile Lll<
Damron Is the trainer who placed Cooper with you
helping you with another dog for Ara?
December 10 at 12.30pm LM
Kate Hoses
December 10 at !2:37pm vra mobile Like
Christi Westerdale I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope this
situation can be made right, and that Ara gets the service animal
that she deserves to have.
December 10 at 12:3qpm via mobile Lite
Jar ie Rotflel So sorry for Ara
. maybe they will replace the dog but repladng her feelings for
COOper is another matter.
December 10 at !2:41pm via mobrle L e
Service Dog for Ara no they are not
December 10 at !2:45pm l.ll e
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Kevin posted a photo.
December 14 at 9: Ham
Kn,.;n.a Mclnb>s
[ 'lilbOnS
I j ust thooght of this, what about a petition on change.o ...
December 12 at 1:36pm
Liq Jarvis Echols
So when we received an email from Great Lakes Assistan ...
December 11 at 10: 16pm;, s..nn l"''iiker Mitdt II
Great Lakes Assistance Dogs keep saying they have offered ...
December 11 at !0:37am
Hello Ara ... This is Samson, who i have puppy here ...
July 21 at tl:qaam
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12/ 18/2013
Service Dog for Ara
'Teresa Dar .,. are they doing anything? I am asking because this
tore my heart. We just got our daughter a service dog a few months
ago. I just can't imagine them not doing everything to help you,
especially since the health issues precede you having the dog.
December 10 at !2:48pm l ii-
Servic::e Dog f or Ara at this point they are not helping us. It has
been heartbreaking to say the least.
December 10, 17
Teresa Dam 1 can only imagine. rm so sorry.
DecembP.r 10 12:50. n
Usa .arvis E" Service Dog Form, please contact me!!!l!l
Cooper was sick when we were tralnging with Graces, and GLAD
dropped Evan from the program stating they could not meet his
needs, but yet keeping our $4800.00, and they nor there laywer will
return our calls ..
December 10 rt 1:4tpm
Service Dog for ra Usa that is terrible. I sent you a message
December 10 at 2:00f>'Tl
Teresa rr Usa: your amount is less than the small claims
court max allowable amount (ched< in your state) but It usually
caps at $5,000. I would file a small claims with the court to get your
money. Unless you signed something saying if you were dropped
from the program or the program you forfeit your money (If you
did you don't have a case). If you your case Is a simple win.
You paid for a 'serviCe or thing' and didn't receive it. They owe you
your money. I wouldn't contact them at all, they will get notified of
the and court date. Take all your correspondences with them,
paperwork (including any contracts), e-mails, texts, bank records,
card/canceled checkS, you can print anything off of their
Facebook that will prove your case. Take it all with you and
show the court (the burden wiD be on you to prove you paid, they
dropped you and you din't receive anything) they will have to pnove
they gave you your money back or a dog, or how you forfeited your
money. When they can't they will be IDid to repay you. It won't oost
you anything but a filing fee (usually about $50) and some time. It is
way cheeper then involving lawyers on your side. Good Luck!
December 10 at 2 18pm e
Julie Hiller So sad to hear this after all the effort you went into
getting Cooper and trusti ng this outfrt. Sure hope that they will
respond to your requests or something can be done to help you and
Ara out
December 10 at 4 17pm
Debbie Sonr ,..,.. ,. Hr ...-...Il l hope someone will hold Great
Lakes Assistance Dogs accountable, it is unbeiveable that
someone would take advatange of disabled children.
December 10 at 5:07pm 2
Nichole llr.,., " As a matter of fact the organization has offered
to do whatever they can to support the family including replacing
the dog If necessary. GLAD stands behind its clients and dogs and
has gone to great lengths with this family And others to do what we
can to help support them. We will continue to do so and look forward
to working with the family to support Ara.
December 10 at 702pm 'e
Oebbtt Sonnal11dMer td>ell Not sure who Nicole Brown
is ,but I would like to know the name of the dog you claim they
would replace Cooper with? Since no such offer had ever been made.
December 10 at 7:48pm Vla mobrle LJ.e
Maureen Whetter This situation absolutely disgusts me but,
sadly enough I have to say that I am NOT surprised. l wish you
and your family nothing but the very best! Head up and keep
December 10 at 7:50pm vra mobile I.Jk.o
Lisa Jarvis Echo GLAD has done nothing but steal from
families who trusted them, we as parents or children with speaclal
needs trusted this group or people to help us parents help our
children,$12,500 Is alot of money from families and to be mislead
abd deceived is very sad and disheartening!!!!!
December 10 at 8:41pm vra mobrle L. e 2
Service Dog lor Ara GLAD has done none of those things
Nrchole Broo '" there have been no solutions offered by GLAD.
December 10 at 8:53pm 3
Nikki Kersey Answer my email Lindsay Instead of spending your
time on social
Media which unfortunately only tells one very skewed side of the
story. I am publically saying to everyone posting and the Evans
family that we will and have always stood behind our clogs and we
will make sure m has the clog she needs! I have been given no vet
documentaHon no vet contact and no request for another dog. Only a
list of the things he Is allergiC to alter paying half if his allergy testing
and putting out a publiC plea asking for more donations for your
family. What is it that we are not doing? You demanded I refund you
the money you paid for cooper or you were taking things publiC. We
will work with your family and cooper to investigate the Issues in a
professional manner and then come up with a solution. Btw you
https://www orAra
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Service Dog for Ara
knew about coopers dermatitis diagnosis as well as we did. Irs not
Somethlbg we hid. I have always given you all of the vet InformatiOn.
Why continue to say there have been no solutions offered by GLAD?
I have emalled you several things to discuss and heard nothing but
more negatively on this page. Lers get together and wlrk this out for
ARas sake
December 10 at 10: 12pm via mobile L e
Debbie .,..., .... 1 "" My hope is that the attorney
general's In these two states will be able to get help and
resolutiOn for all the famiUes Involved. Any one who would like to join
the complaint should contact the Evans family.
Decem!> 11 ' 1 9 'l1 v1 '1101lfle L e
Lisa Jarvis YES!!!! Please feel free to contact me the
more we know the better
December 11 at !0:47am vta mobile uk
Service Dog for Ar;a We have filed a complaint against Great
Lakes Assistance Dogs with the Attorney Generals office In both
Michigan and Montana.
December 1 't 11 .,6.1m
Jelf Gil'M)C!r lei H everyone, I took palt In a portJon
of Coopers training as well as traveled to to Ara's home to help
the transition of Cooper into her family. Ara's family spent the
weekend in Michigan when we turned Cooper <Nei to them and the
family was Vf!IY Impressed with Cooper and his ability to help. And
judging from their early post of when Cooper was horne he was
working very well. Quote from their post''We have not been to
theiapies in two weeks due to cold we all had. Today we went (Molly
stayed horne ~ h Abuela) and Ara and Cooper rocked In PT Ara
went up/down stairs with Cooper's help, did balance work on a long
beam with Coopet's help and was very focused on all her tasks. In
OT she was talkative and again focused on what she needed to do,
when she got upset Cooper helped ease her out of It At speech
Cooper napped a little while Ara did her work. All her theiapists
conmented on how much of a change they are seeing In her since
getting Cooper and of course they love Cooper. "I came to be a
trainer with GLAD because we went to Nikki for a service dog of our
own for our daughter with Autism. Nikki was the answer to our
prayers and helped us achieve something others could not. We have
had our service dog now going on three years and she is wonderful.
Owning and maintaining a service dog does take some work after the
dog graduates. Any dog needs continued work In training, they are a
lot like us, evf!fyone has heard the saying "If you don't use your
education you11 forget It" a dog is no different Families have to stay
active with the dog the handler also has to stay consistent ~ h his or
her commands to maintain a dog's ol>edience. I offeied the famtly
my cell and home phone numbers and told them they could contact
me anytime if they ran into any Issues. I have not received one
phone call from the family with any questions or conceins. This
whole episode saddens me deeply as I felt we had made a great
friendship with the family as we had a lot in common as we both
have special needs daughters.
GLAD dogs does not in any stretch of the imagination deseiVe all the
negativity by everyone on this page, they went above and beyond for
this family only to have lies posted against them. I never In a milliOn
years would have guessed something like would come from this
family but the facts are there they have done what they have done
and, theie will dearly be no winner either way no matter what
happens. I question who have we become when we cannot talk to
one another and sort out issues without going to public social media
and starting a knock out party against someone or an organization.
Dectmber !! at 12 28pm
Usa Jarvis-Ed o1s Who have we become you ask " "
Tia.a 1-'efmu In our case we have nade SEVERAL attempts and
are ignored, so that I san awesone question please let us know who
to contact
December!! at !2:42pm via mobile Like
lisa .Jarvk-Echols Not to mention as you can see previous
volunteers that have commented are saying tihey are not surprised
by GLAD actiOns .... WOW
December ll at 1 :46pm via mobile L
Lisa .Jarvis-Echol.s Guess maybe ~ time to go a ~ biggei
then social media then maybe our families will get a response .....
December ll at12:47pm VIa mobile Like 1
Nichole Brown I have continued to give you a response ... but
ehre it is again .... send me the documentaiton from the vet bill
that GLAO paid showing the health concerns and we wil l address
them with our vet and if Cooper is not able to continue as a service
dog, GLAD will be happy to offer another dog. I just want to be clear
that I have suggested seveial options and opened lines of
oommunicat10n and have not even gotten a response regarding the
vet issues. I had to just contact caring hands myself and ask for
them to tax me the vet records. I cannot do anything without proper
documentation. Its unfortunate that in your email to me lindsay you
reported that you did not want anothei dog, l>ut just the money
back. Once I look over the vet repolt I will again post heie so that
people can see both sides of the story and then make an accurate
decision about whether or not GLAD has done something wrong. In
fact, we have done NOTHING but follow the contract that the Evan's
family signed.
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December 11 1S8 "
I '
Usa And if we were going according to our
contract Evan would have a service dog and he does notlllll but
Glad or should I say Nikki has of the money that was provided
for Evan to have one, all we asked for was a refund of the money
and GLAD nir there lawyer Mike Betz has return our cal!slll!l!l Im
sorry I forget but If anyone remembers the new statiOn reporter that
did the story on Venture oould you please post the info, I think some
if these famiUes would love to speak with him, including myself and
Ara's morn, raising a family alone is chalenging enough but as a
parent c:A a disabled child its even more so, Glad should be ashamed
of there self!!!!!
December 11 ar 2: !Spm "a mobile Edrted
Debbie Sonn.rmoko ,. ...hell Does anyone associated with
GlAD know who Nicole Brown is? She talks like she's Is actually
Nikki Kersey
December 11 at 2:231>01 voa moble
Servia. Dog or Ara In a letter sent to us from GlAD post
marl<ed Nov 12th it says 'We regret to inform you that we cannol
provide any further assistance related to expenses for Coopef' This
was in response to Copper's allergy testing and treatment. There are
many disagreenoents on facts with Nikki Kersey (who Is also Nichole
Brown) statements on Ara Facebook page. Rather than provide lots
of documentatiOn here that contradicts what they are saylng on Ara's
page we will let the Attorney General offices sort it out and we will
update all with the legal status as it happens.
December 11 at 3:25pm Edited LJe
lisa Jarvis-fcl>t\1 I got an email stating that GlAD could no
longer meet Evans Needs ..... and from then on have been
ignored .......
December 11 t 3. ,3pm
"'aureen ''w!t r !like to call Kaooa .... kam.a Is like a
U junkyard dog, no matter what, it will always come and bite you In
the ass. Sounds like there ought to be a sore ass or two tonight ...
December 11 at 11:21pm via mobole l.Ji'e
Maureen Wh,. On GlADS part ... Not you families. Stay
united and fight!
December 11 at 11 :22pm vra mobile Lokt
Usa Jarvis-Echols trs so sad even when you contact them to
make it right, we get Ignored yet they go on with the joys of there
lives with money they have taken from families of children with
disabilities ..... k truly saddens me to say I know and at one time
supported .. .
Decembe 16 ' 8:43pm voa mobole
Service Dog for A I agree with you L -. .JaMS-Echols
17 hours ago Uk
Write a comment ...
Sefvice Dog for Ara
December IS
We saw Santa today even though Cooper can not work Ara
had mini stuffed Cooper with her.



Bringing Home the Browns
2 friends also hke thos.
taden's Aubsm Heroes
Grace Baptist Chunch
Baptist Church
Rylan Waller's SIDrf
Po.Jssiere d'Anges
Senlice Dog for Ara
Decembe1 12 near Bilhngs, MT
See AU
Ara had to have blood drawn today She also had two seizures
as well today. We went to Grammy's work and visited her and got
some popcorn, which cheered Ara up.
LJke o
s. "
7 p like this.
Page 4 of7
Service Dog for Ara
Ulce COmment
Usa laMSE r ' and '"" like this.
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11 peo,. like this.
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- Servu:e Dog few Ara
, :.. November 28 via mobile
Happy Thanksgiving
4 people like this.
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Service Dog for Ara
November 14 near Bdhngs, MT
Update: Ara is doing great she is back to her normal self, her
back is a little tender but not to bad. Cooper did great at the
hospital and really helped Ara. All the doctors and nurses just
loved him. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
We can not tell you how much we appreciate every one of you.
Uke CorrmenL
Service Dog few Ara
November 14 Edited
Pictures from today
Uke Cooment Share 8
Wrtte a comment.
Service 000 for Ara
December 10 near Bilhngs. r.rr
Thank you everyone for your support. We have filed a complaint
against Great Lakes Assistance Dogs with the Attorney Generals
office in both Michigan and Montana.
Ltke cora m .r"'"e
7 pc like this.
u W01 fins You have to be YeiY careful where you get
your dog from. There are only 5 places in the US That train for
neurological disorders and Autism.
Dt<cember 10 at 8: !Spm l
8arba101 Sclnnamaker glad to hear you filed on them. Praying
this something done. They need to be shut down. Keeping you all
In prayers xoxo
Of!Cdllber Hat 4. 11pm vra moblle J _
Wnte a comment..
Senlioe Dog few Ara
November 20 near Billings, ~ T
Hello Everyone so we got our family pictures done and took a
very special one of Ara and Cooper. If you made a donation I
would love to send you a Thank You card and picture. I have a
list of who made donations but not address (Cooper's program
was supposed to have sent out Thank yous but it was not done
from what I have heard) So if you made a donation just send me
a Message on here with your address and I will get one out to
Uke 0: n ll:Jf.
6 po ople like this.
Serv1c.e Dog few Ara Ok thank you
November 20 at 4: 24pm Via mobrle .r
J!i1 Sar ta R...-. Gurdon Seeing Ara's smiling face on FB is all the
_. thanks I need. God bless you!
. '
November 20 at !0:01pm"'" mobrle
Wrtte a comment ...
Service 000 few Ara
November I 'I vra mobile
Procedure went well and we are on our way home. Cooper did
great. I will post pies later today
Ur<e uxrmertt Share
Service Dog few Ara
November 11
I heard from the nurse today and Ara will be put totally under for
the spinal tap. Daddy, Cooper and I get to stay with her until she
is completely under then we will have to leave while they dt:llift{3)
Page 5 of7
Service Dog for Ara
Doctors appointment went well. Dr. said that Ara does show
some clinical signs for Mitochondrial Disease. Ara will need to
have a Spinal Tap and a brain scan to look at the chemistry of
her brain. She will need to be put under for both. She had to
have blood drawn today again it has been a long day. We also
are doing a physiological work up as part of the clinic. Oh she
also has a gene that can cause blood pressure issues so that is
something they will keep an eye on.
Lke Commem Sha1e
I .I
service Dog for Ara
November 1
We had a fun Halloween here at some pies. Ara was Doc
McStuffins and Little sister was Minni Mouse (4 photos)
Like Comnent Share
5ervoe Dog for Ara
October 10
At lowes last night. Cooper has on his Bold Lead Mobility Harness
with attached cape
Like Comment Sha1e 27 orAra
procedure and came back when they start waking her up. Daddy
is taking all day off work. Abuela and Papa are going to watch
uke 1..00111lef1t Share 9
Servia! Dog for Ara
November 8 VIa mobtle
Ara's Spinal Tap will be on Thursday. We were hoping to
schedule both the tap and brain scan on the same day but it
doesn't look like that is going to happen.
Uke eonvnent Share
. I
Servia! Dog for r ~
November 5 near Bilnngs, MT
Tomorrow we go to the Metabolic specialist I have got all my
questions printed out and Ara's health binder ready to go.
Uke Comnem Share
Service Dog for Ara shared a hnk.
Octobel 28
Ara's Adventures in Aubsm, sensory
Processing Disorder n d Eptlepsy: Sorry we
have been so quiet
Sony we have been so Qulet. ... lots has been go1ng
on With our family. Chck to read all about it.
Like COnvnent Share
service Dov for Ara
Ara had an amazing day at therapy. She blew them all away with
how much she is talking and also with how much calmer and
confident she is. We also worked on his "nudge command" he did
really good
Funny story from this weekend. We were in church service and
Ara loves the music. Well she starts doing the "hotdog dance"
from Mickey Mouse Club House. It was so adorable and had
people all around us smiling.
Uke eoovnent Share l l
Chat (3)
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Service Dog for Ara
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Facebool: 2013 EngliSh (US)
Chat (3) 12/18/2013

Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc.
220% South Bridge Street
Grand Ledge, Ml 48837
517-622-001 1
Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc certifies that _ _:{:_,., "'lJ'l.'(L') =------ , a E;U-'\U L (the "dog")
owned by LlWDSA\J r:v AN S
A !
lJ-1(1<' \'--\/(1 li\. ':::> (the "handler").
(the "owner') has been trained to perform as a service/assistance dog for
Said dog has been trained fallowing the guidelines set forth by International Association of Assistance Dog Partners and
Assistance Dogs InternationaL These guidelines have been included in this packet along with a copy of the Public Access
Test. Minimum Standards for Assistance Dog Partners, Standards and Ethics Regarding Clients, Minimum Standard for
Assistance Dogs in Public, Assistance Dog In Public Training Standards and identification badge for the dog's service
vest as well as a wallet card for the handler.
Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc will conduct follow-up contact via phone or email monthly for six (6) months following
completion of training and passing the AD! Public Access Test and twice yearly thereafter. During the follow-up contact,
the owner/handler is required to bring any issues regarding the dog's performance to the attention of Great Lakes
Assistance Dogs, Inc. During this time, two (2) in person meetings will be scheduled to evaluate the performance of the
dog, handler and the team. The meeting shall be held at a public location agreed upon by the client and trainer.
Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc will conduct a recertification test every two (2) years. Should the team fail to pass the
recertification test, additional training will be required and incur additional charges. At such time, a contract will be drawn
up showing a training plan and estimated cost Costs will be varied depending on the training.
The owner/handler bears the responsibility to read and follow all of the standards listed above and provided by Great
Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc. The client/handler is also responsible to inform Great Lakes assistance Dogs, Inc of any
training or behavior issues that may arise. Efforts will be made to assist with the situation via phone, email or group
classes. If private training is required, an additional charge of $75.00 per session will be incurred. If home visits or public
outings are requested, or required to best resolve the issue, the owner/handler will be responsible for reasonable
expenses incurred by the trainer.
Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc reserves therightto remove any. service dog from possession if
there is just cause to show the dog is being abused,neglec;ted or mistreated. The ownerlhandler agrees to notify Great
Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc if the dog shows ANY signs of aggression, including but not limited to, growling while working,
snapping or biting, resource guarding (guarding food, vehicles or toys). This situation would require evaluation of the
dog's ability to continue as a service/assistance dog.
The owner/handler agrees to keep Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, lnc,cadvised'oflhe owner/handler's residence; mailing
address;telephOnenumber(s);l7'mailaddress.andcafly'changesinme'ownerlhandler's.use otthedog as well as of any
changesinthe ownEWihandlet'sassistance.needs'
er, iinCneignature Dale
5 YlffJ (O\J C;ztv"Ziy !)nvE
) -a I I
,.-,. J I
-J -,. I
'I t_ /(3
Owner/Hand! r Print
This contrac-t is entered into on this day of 20 _ bet\veen

referred to as the "client," and Great Lakes Assistance Dogs, Inc, a Michigan non-pro tit corporation, hereafter referred to as
"GLAD." The client and GLAD will be referred to jointly as the 'parties." The subject matter ofthis contract is the training of a
dog to become a dog for the client.
The tenns of this contract are those contained in this writing. No other or additional terms} conditions or agreements will be
recognized ru; part of this contract unless stared in writing ru; an addendum at the end of tlle contract and dated and signed by the
client and 2 members of GLAD, one of whom must be a board member. Any changes 1D this contract after the date of the initial
signing must be in \Hiting and signed by the changes may incur additional cost.
GLAD is a non-protir organization standing as a program initiative of the Child Wellness Fund, a 50l(c) 3 non-profit
organization: as such, GLAD relics on various grants, public donations and fund misers to help obtain or defray the costs of dog
acquisition and training. GLAD will, in good faith, work with the client to raise the funds required for the costs of acquiring,
training and caring for a dog during training. Ultimately, however, fi,napciliJ responsiqiliiyfor all matters included in the contract
is that qfl;!]edienlc GLAD reserves the right to void this contract or the exit contract once the training is complete and take
possession of the doRlisted herein it'tl:reelient'fuils to adhere to the contract or is delinquent on payment' or if GLAD hasjusi
cause to believe the dog is not being properly,cared for while in the possession of the client Any disputes which nxJttlre'courtaction
lbr'lheirresolution will be h:md) ed ibroughiliecouft,systemcin' Eaton {lounty,Mi(;!Jigan'"'
Section A: The agreement
GLAD has used its best efforts to locate and acquire a dog to be trained to become a service/assistance dog for the client. The
dog is to be trained in GLAD's training program through the use ofmetbods and training techniques deemed most appropriate to
development of the skills, cooperation, trust and well-<lefined roles necessary to a successfitl owner-handler/service-assistance
dog relationship. The client is to be an integral participant in that training.
The client asserts that he/she. has Dr has access to the physical and emotional)to pursue and follow through
with training the dogto assist c.lient in dealing with activitiesofdaily living, locomotion and other problems attendant to the
client's medica.i/physical condition(s),, The client ag((:<'Sto maintain a commitment io and to follow through on:
1) The GLAD training pro),'falll;
2:) !nhome tlllining; and
3) Any necessary public training process.
The client is fUrther committed to training and-supportforthe . .dog's service activities throughout the
lifetime of the client/dog team and to provide for tlle well-being of the dog through veterinary care, proper feeding, grooming,
exercise, etc. as laid out in GLAD's exit contract,
Section B: The dog
The dog to be trained in GLAD's training program is ..lf\\t'v{-: _(.. \--i\(tJ' t Z.I> ..\:) , born on ::S \\ (the '"dog'
The dog is owned by GLAD. The client agrees herein to take full responsibility for the care and safety of the dog as well as any
issues encountered with the public and the dog. GLAD is absolved of any responsibility for the behavior of or medical
emergencies occurring while in the client's possession. For example, ifthe dog is injured while in the care of the client, tl1e
ciicnt agrees to be fully responsible for all vet costs associated with the injury. lflhe injury results in the death of the dog, the
client agrees ro pay for the services rendered thus far. However, tl1e client MUST make diligent effort to contact the executive
director or head trainer PRIOR to seeking medical care if possible. Client agrees to alert GLAD staff within 12 hours of any
needed medical care.
GLAD has selected and supplied the dog being trained under this contract. GLAD shall remain the owne!' of the dog until the
training has been completed and the dog has achieved a passing score on the Public Asset Test as prescribed by Assistance Dogs
international and the client has signed an exit contract
The client hereby acknowledges that GLAD will have exclusive possession, custody and control ofthe dog during the training
process .. GLAD agrees to exercise due and reasonable care- in rl1e handling of the dog, in keeping its faciE ties properly
maintained and secured and in maintaining the health and wellbeing of the dog during its training. The client releases and
absolves GLAD !Tom responsibility for loss of or damage to the dog resulting from disease, theft, fire, escape, injury, death or
the training program, loss or damage arising from sole negligence excluded.
selection and acceptance of (' for training as a service/a'isistance dog is not a guarantee of success in training
or of the suitability of l'.- ,. e ',r to provide to the client the assistance for which ( (o[X'( is to be trained.
Section C: Canine Health
Prior to the inception of training, , __.( l'\/>f;'_( will be evaluated by a veterinarian of GLAD's choosing for health and
soundness. As part of that evaluation, the dog's hips and elbows will be x-rayed for hip and elbow dysplasia. Only if the dog
receives a hip rating of mild, good or excellent will ;'. , .. ( be accepted for training for service dog work by GLAD,
Elbows must also pass. If it is the opinion of the veterinarian ofGLAD'schoosingthattbe dog would not be able to perform as a
working service dog, the client will relinquish to GLAD any claim to ownership of the dog; GLAD may thereafter retum the
clog to its owner or give to the client the option of purchasing the dog as a pet. A new contract for a replacement dog will be
negotiated at that time, taking into consideration training and boarding tees already incurred.
While iris understood that the parties will place reliance on the opinions both of the veterinarian chosen by GLAD and of GLAD
personnel for purposes of assessing and predicting the ability to withstand the rigors oftraining, to pertOnn
service/assistance work and to maintain a health status appropriate to a service career of sufficient length to justify training costs,
neither GLAD nor the veterinarian chosen by GLAD for assessment purposes nu;kes anyaft1m1ation ofii!ct, representation or
warranty, or implied, concerning the timetable for.oompletion ofl!1lining, future suitability or abilities of
for use as :a service/assistmJce dog or<" ," \""' / ,, future health and wellbeing.
GLAD represents that the dog is up to date on all vaccines (including bordetella, Parvo, distemper and rabies). GLAD is authorized to
undertake treaunent of any injmy, illness or other condition of the dog should need for such treatment arise, including treatment by a
veterinarian of GLAD's choosing.
Section D: Training
The dient is willing and able to the time, energy and money contempJated by this Contract to the training of
______ as a service/assistance dog.
GLAD agrees to assert its hest efforts in the l!1lining of _____ as a service/assistance dog, including the performance of the
fOllowing rasks) as age pennits:
I. Strong command of on- and oft: leash obedience with and witl1out distractions
2. All public access rest1asks without issue
3. Tiuc-e (3) 1asks listed below tl1at will assist the individual for whom the dog is being trained.
Task a.
( '\_ ( \.(_: -, (\ (, r;/
(. 1 A AC\\f' _________________ cclr,_ _ttii-/.t'7
Task b,
.. ..
Task c.
Upon completion of training of the above tasks and
prescribed by Assistance Dogs International, possession oftl1c dog will be transferred to the client.
a.} TIJ<}client ll!Jderstands;thattraini&g.a servi,ce/assistance dogisll.ln:mgoing:process. For that reason, during
d1e training period tile client will be required to attend training sessions at GLAD's training facility and .(lf\til!U(3thel!1linjng
When'tln'o dog isin thl\\client's poss%5ib(l; In order for the dog to perform its tasks properly, GLAD will explain the training
process and instruct the client on the proper handling and commands being trained. It is the cJient's responsillility to
)'Ontinuethetraiilingat home in the manner.they were .instructed; Client will be provided with a client training manual.
b.) Training will consist of no less than four ( 4) monrl1s and up to twelve ( 12) months of in-board training at GLAD's
lacility. The duration of in-board !mining will vary depending on speed of the dog's assimilation of training and the needs
of the client. A training plan will be developed at the start of the in-board training and reviewed with the client. A training
log will be kept documenting each training session and the progress of tl>e training. The training plan will be reviewed with the
staff and when appropriate, tl1e client, adjustments made accordingly. Training logs will be made available to the client
during normal business hours.
c.) The client is responsible for attending training sessions at GLAD's training facility as determined by GLAD to best
meet the client's needs. Training sessions may be private, semi-private or group cLasses. The client may also be required to
do "real world" training at a location agreed upon by GLAD and ti1e client. Real world !:mining consists of training the dog in
public locations.
d.)Attl1e completion of training GLAD wiU give the Public Acress test as defined by Assistance Dogs InternationaL
Upon the dog's pa"ing of the Public Access test, tl1e client will receive an lD badge indicating that the dog and handler
have completed training and are a working team and will be issued a team number.
e.) All dogs that have obtained certification tluuugh GLAD are welcome to attend regularly scheduled obedience
classes at GLAD's training facility for the life of the dog (without east/at a reduced price/at then-prevailing rates) as
determined by GLAD at the time of graduation.
Section E: Fees
The following is a list of anticipated services and fees. These fees have been agreed to by the client and GLAD at the time of
signing this contract as the tees for services reasonably anticipated to be necessary for completion of preliminary training of
C co ")<:?.( Any changes to these tees necessitated by changes in performance expectations, performance parameters,
lower or luster than expected progress, illness or other causes witl be discussed by the parties and any adjustment(s)
will be listed as an addendum as agreed to by botll the client and GLAD. GLAD speciflcally reserves the right to adjust fees
lrom the anticipated tees listed below should the course of training prove difterentthan that initially expected.
Training with Puppy Raiser
Training with Level I trainer
-I-raining with Levell trainer
Food, supplies, vet visits routine and emergency
Certification testing
Private training sessions
Class training sessions
Specitlc task tmining
Overhead costs, grooming, travel expenses for trainers
,V,L,<J h./{j
Other expenses on a case by case basis
By signing below, l agree to the tenns of this contract as stated herein.
Signature of GLAD representative mint date
mint date
Signature of witness
Patient History Report
Patient: Client: Evans, Lindsay (9680)
Phone: (406) 702-9594
Address: P 0 Box 30793
Billings, MT 59107
Cooper (27479)
2 Yrs. 6 Mos.
Breed: Retriever, Labrador
Sex: Neutered Male
.8# (499688) by EK
/----------.... -[--r _,-\:- ,/& c.t'-
l i i /26/2013j C LN Called 0 concerning allergy test - P has mild ailergies to most fungus, bermuda
grass, red mulberry -FINAL i i/26/2013
Called 0 concerning allergy test- P has mild allergies to most fungus, bermuda grass, red mulberry trees;
severe allergies to mites. Also food allergies to flaxseed, rice, yeast, wilk, wheat, beef and venison,
recommend trying on a hydrolysed hypoallergenic food first and see how well P does. food trials rrake 2-3
months. if still really itching from the environmental allergies, recommend starting allergen shots ti:i desensitize
P. \
i 5 2014
Alternate Allergens
I -----------
! ___ _
and fax ALL pages to IDEXX at l-855-627-6574.
B:Sllling, C:Med note, CB:Can back, CK:Checkin, CM:Commun\cations, D:Diagnosis, OH:Decllned to his10ry, E:Examlnatlon, ES:Estimates,
!:Departing instr. L:La.b result, M:!mage cases, P:Pres.cription, PA:PVL Accepted, PB:prob!ems, PP:PVL Performed, PA:PVL Recommended,
R:Correspondence, T:lmages, TC:Tentative medl note, V:VItal signs
Caring Hands Veterinary Hospital Page i of i 3
12:29 PM G.L.A.D.
Customer QuickReport
January 1 through December 11,2013
Type Date Num Memo Account Clc Split Amount
Lindsay Evans
Invoice 02/12/2013 14 Cooper 11000 Accounts R.. 4-7200 . Progr.. 12,500.00
Payment 0211212013 6720 Bobby & She"' 12000 Undeposite" 11000 Accou. 50.00
Payment 02!20/2013 1575 John Silva 12000 Undeposite ... 11000. Accou .. 20 00
Payment 02/20/2013 007676 Tonys Post F . 12000 Undeposile. 11000 Accou .. 100.00
Payment 0212012013 7941 Cal & Anita S .. 12000 Undepo-site .. 11000 Accou . ., 250.00
Payment 0212612013 2610 Ross Butcher 12000 Undeposlte ... 11000 Accou .. 100.00
Payment 0212612013 670 Michael & Lin .. 12000 Undeposite .. 11000 Accou. 200.00
Payment 02126/2013 1961 Mike & BonnL 12000 Undeposite ... 11000 Accou. 25.00
Payment 02128i2013 2821 First Christia .. c 12000. Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 200 00
Payment 02/28/2013 1002 fundraising o .. 12000 Undeposite __ '1'1000. Accou .. 673.00
Payment 03/12/2013 4577 wayne & Lind .. 12000. Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 100.00
Payment 03/1412013 1650 Wayne Miller 12000. Undepos\te 11000 Accou" 50.00
Payment 0312912013 19067 Nina Tomasz. 12000 Undeposite ... 11000 Accou_ 100.00
Payment 03/29/2013 5988 Armin Meyer 12000 Undeposite"' 11000 Accou .. 100.00
Payment 03/2912013 1496 Kent SJelbach "12000. Undeposite ... 11000 Accou. 25.00
Payment 03/29/2013- 11071 Lisa Koch 12000. Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 100 00
Paymeni 03/29/2013 3111 John Schanb .. 12000- Undeposite ... 11000 - Accou .. 100.00
Payment 03/29/2013 4259 Robert Krausz 12000 Uncteposite ... 11000 Accou 20.00
Payment 03/2912013 6566 Melville JacL 12000 Undeposite ... 11000. Accou ... 20.00
Payment 03129/2013 1250 T,L Brown 12000. Undeposite. 11000 Accou .. 20.00
Payment 0312912013 20425 Michael McCL. 12000 Undeposite. 11000. Accou .. 20.00
Payment 03129/2013 1105 Jeff Bolstad 12000 Undeposlte .. 11000 Accou .. 20.00
Payment 03/2912013 8026 Frank Burns 12000. Undeposite .. 11000. Accou. 20.00
Payment 0312912013 5698 Ralph Wolff 12000 Undeposite .. 11000. Accou ... 100.00
Payment 03/29/2013 2110 T&C Lindskog 12000 Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 25.00
Payment 0312912013 3535 Donna Wagner 12000 Undeposite .. 11000 - Accou. 100.00
Payment 03/2912013 4499 John Couch 12000 Undeposite. 11000 Accou .. 100.00
Payment 0312912013 5535 Oennls Brown 12000. Undeposite ... 11000 Accou .. 25.00
Payment 03/29/2013 4459 David Alder 12000. Undeposite .. 11000 Accou ... 15.00
Payment 04/02/2013 16733 H Leader 12000 Undeposile ... 11000 Accou ... 25.00
Payment 04102/2013 8899 Harry Garberg 12000 Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 100.00
Payment 04/02/2013 1000 Robert Eneks .. 12000 Undeposite">. 11000 Accou .. 200.00
Payment 04102/2013 6541 Kenneth Me .. 12000 Undeposite">. 11000 Accou ... 25.00
Payment 0410212013 14611 Fabricators U ... 12000 Undeposite. 11000 Accou .. 1.000.00
Payment 04109/2013 6593 Larry Lofthouse 12000. Undeposlte . 11000
Accou ___
Payment 04109/2013 4319 .. Patrick and D ... 12000 Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 1.000 00
Payment 04!17/2013 1927 David Torrence 12000 Undeposite ... 11000 Accou .. 25.00
Payment 04/17!2013 1001 mitcheHion!in .. 12000. Undeposite.,. 11000 Accou ... 2,212.42
Payment 04/17/2013 2976 Florence Stone 12000. Undeposite .. , 11000 Accou .. 100.00
Payment 04/17/2013 2022 Minden Prop .. 12000. Undeposlte, .. 1"1000 Accou .. 40.00
Payment 04/1712013 1691 Dale HoHman 12000. Undeposite ... 11000 Accou .. 40.00
Payment 0411712013 1863 Waters Edge .. 12000. Undeposite .. 11000. Accou .. 25.00
Payment 04/17!2013 2028 Ted Reimche 12000. Undeposite ... 11000 Accou .. 43.00
Payment 04/23(2013 2235 #42313 12000 Undeposite ... '1000. Accou .. 500.00
Payment 05/21/2013 10128 Central Baptl.. 12000. Undeposite ... 11000 Accou ... 670.00
Payment 05/21/2013 94329 Empire 011 C. 12000 Undeposite ... 11000 Accou .. 500.00
Payment 0512112013 1379 Rlchard KlnsL 12000 Undeposlte .. 11000 Accou .. 50.00
Payment 05/21/2013 8844 Michael Dolan 12000 Undeposite ... 11000 Accou .. 20.00
Payment 0512112013 800 Lois Ford 12000 Undeposite._. 11000 Accou ... 10.00
Payment 05/2112013 7689 Dan Kavanau .. 12000. Undeposite ... 11000 Accou ... 100.00
Payment 0512112013 2802 Clara Chandler 12000. Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 50.00
Payment 05128/2013 4506 Anonymous , . 12000 Undeposite .. 11000 , Accou. 145.28
Payment 05/30/20'13 12334 Charles & Je .. 12000 Undeposite ... 11000 Accou .. 50.00
Payment 06/22/2013 1037 Anonymous 12000. Undeposite .. 11000 Accou .. 2,000.00
Payment 0711512013 1181 Maggie Welby 12000. Undeposlte .. 11000 Accou .. 2.000 00
Stmt Charge 07/1512013 11000 Accounts R. 60900. Busin ... 600.00
StrrU Charge 0711512013 11000 Accounts R.,. 65100 Other- 124.70
Stmt Charge 08/13/2013 harness 11000 Accounts R. 60900. Busin ... 43400
12:32 PM G.L.A.D.
12/11/13 Balance Details for Lindsay Evans
Accrual Basis All Transactions
Type Nom Date Date Aging Amount Open Balance
Invoice 14 0211212013 02/12/2013 12.500.00
Payment 6720 0211212013 .so.oo
Payment 1575 02/2.0120"13 -20.00
Payment 007676 0212012013 100.00
Payment 7941 0212012013 -250.00
Payment 26i0 0212612013 100.00
Payrneni 670 02(2612013 -200.00
Payment 1961 0212612013 -25.00
Paymenl 2821 0212812013 -200.00
Payment 1002 0212812013 -673.00
Payment 4577 0311212013 - i 00.00
Payment 1650 03114/2013 50.00
Payment 19067 03/2912013 -100.00
Payment 5988 03/2912013 -100.00
Payment 1496 0312912013 -25.00
Payrnent i1071 03129/2013 -I 00.00
Payment 3111 0312912013 -100.00
Payment 4259 03!29/2013 20.00
Payment 6566 03/29!2013 2000
Payment 1250 03/29/2013 20.00
Payment 20425 03/291'2013
Payment 1105 0312912013 -20.00
Payment 8026 0312912013 20.00
PaymenT 5698 0312912013 -'\ 00.00
Payment 2110 03/29/2013 25.00
Payment 3535 0312912013 -100.00
Payment 4499 0312912013 -100.00
Payment 5535 03/29/2013 25 00
Payment 4459 03/29!2013 -15.00
Payment 16733 04/02/2013 -25.00
Payment 8899 04/0212013 -100.00
Payment 1000 04/02/2013 200.00
Payment 6541 04/02/2013 25.00
Payment 14611 04/02/2013 1 ,000.00
Payment 6593 04/0912013 50.00
Payment 4319 .. 04/0912013 1 ,000.00
Payment 1927 0411712013 +25.00
r \,J; ;: i
Payment 1001 04/17/2013 -2.212.42
Payment 2976 04/1712013 100.00
Payment 2022 0411712013 -40.00
Payment 1691 0411712013 -40.00
Payment 1863 0411712013 25.00
Payment 2028 04/1712013 43.00
Payment 2235 0412312013 500.00
Payment 10128 0512112013 -670.00
Payment 94329 05/21/2013 500.00
Payment 1379 05/2112013 50.00
Payment 8844 05/21/2013 2000
Payment 800 05/21/2013 10.00
Payment 7689 0512112013 100.00
Payment 2802 05/2112013 50.00
Payment 4506 0512812013 145.28
Payment 12334 0513012013 50.00
Payment 1037 0612212013 2.000.00
Payment 1181 07/1512013 -2.00000 -1,158.70
Stmt Charge 0711512013 0811312013 120 60000 500.00
StmtCharge 07115/2013 0811312013 120 124.70 12470
Stmt Charge 0811312013 08/13/2013 120 434.00 434.00
Total 0.00 0.00
Page 1
... -''
she is back to her n o r m ~
Sa;.(,,; Ci>.i>S Se2.n.;; srn V>G f-:(i' {J' FE--'S a-=i t '-!:
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llughcsNc! Webmail
HughesNet Webmail
Training schedule
From :Jeff helm us <>
Subject :Training schedule
To :
Hi Lindsay!
Page 1 oC 1
Tue, Aug 27, 2013 10:33 AM
.:""1 attachment
We are looking forward to having you all here! Look over the schedule and let me
know if we need to change anything. We have allowed for additional training time in
the evening if needed.
Thanks I
Cooper Training schedule.doc
''' 53 KB
. I '
http:/ /mai !.hughes. net!b/printmcssagc?id'"64 70& l 12/18/2013
Ara/Cooper training schedule:
Friday: Welcome to Michigan!
Settle in and relax from your long drive
10:30-12:00- Ginger's house located at 6683 Messer Road Freeport, 49325
Practice team obedience, basic commands, go over exact training commands, play interaction
12:00- Break for lunch
1:00-3:00- Working Cooper/Ara on tasks cuddle, touch, tracking. Reviewing Public Access test
11:00- Family public outing at Belding labor Day Celebration- We will observe the team,
address any questions, and work on anything necessary.
10:00- Public Access Test! Wal-Mart, Hastings (Please Don't be nervous! We are confident you
as a team will be successful!)
12:00- Lunch (continue with the public access test throughout lunch)
1:00- Any additional training or necessary work.
Open for additional training
*Note that the schedule is flexible and additional training time is allowed for in
afternoon/evening if needed.
**Cooper will be placed in your care while here for all training and testing
HughesNet Webmail Page J of2
HughesNet Webmail
Re: Training schedule
From :Lindsay <>
Subject : Re: Training schedule
To :Ginger Helm us <>
Tue, Aug 27, 2013 06:53 PM
The John ball zoo looks great from their website. Have you been? So excited we
leave early Thursday
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 27, 2013, at 11:58 AM, Ginger Helm us wrote:
We can go to either binder park zoo or John ball zoo. Which ever one
looks the most interesting to you! We can just switch to doing that instead
of the bending Labor Day celebration. Nikki will plan on bringing her son
Gavin and I will also have our daughter and our grandson!:)
Sent from my iPhone
Everything looks great :) we would love to take the girls to the
zoo (our zoo here has mostly native wildlife)
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 27, 2013, at 8:33AM, Jeff helmus
'JSl.' ..'SL'.LJh!;clCS"Ukl'SL..' ;c;;"" Wrote:
Hi Lindsay!
llltp:! !mail .hughes .net/h/prin tmessage?i d=648R& 1 12/l ~ 1 2 1 3
JlughesNet Webmail
We are looking forward to having you all here I
Look over the schedule and let me know if we need
to change anything. We have allowed for additional
training time in the evening if needed.
<Cooper Training schedule. doc>
http:/ /mai l.h ughes. net/h/pri n !message ''id=64 88& I
12/J 8/2013
HughcsNd Wcbmail Page 1 of2
HughesNet Webmail
Re: Training schedule
From :Jeff helm us <>
Subject : Re: Training schedule
To :Lindsay <>
Wed, Aug 28, 2013 08:46 AM
Yes we have been to the John Ball Zoo many times and it certainly is our favorite
Zoo!:) I'm thankful you picked that one! It will be a fun day. We will be praying for a
safe journey here! Please text me when you pass through the different states!
From: "Lindsay" <>
To: "Ginger Helm us" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6:53:30 PM
Subject: Re: Training schedule
The John ball zoo looks great from their website. Have you been? So excited we
leave early Thursday
Sent from my !Phone
On Aug 27, 2013
at 11:58 AM, Ginger Helm us wrote:
We can go to either binder park zoo or John ball zoo. Which ever one
looks the most interesting to you! We can just switch to doing that instead
of the bending Labor Day celebration. Nikki will plan on bringing her son
Gavin and I will also have our daughter and our grandson!:)
Sent from my iPhone
http :/!mai J .hughes .nct/h/ pri ntmessage ?i d=65 3 4& 1
IlughcsNct Wcbmail
On Aug 27, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Lindsay wrote:
Evetything looks great:) we would love to take the girls to the
zoo (our zoo here has mostly native wildlife)
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 27
2013, at 8:33AM, Jeff helmus
Hi Lindsay!
We are looking forward to having you all heret
Look over the schedule and let me know if we need
to change anything. We have allowed for additional
training time in the evening if needed.
<Cooper Training schedule. doc>
http:/ / '
id=65 34& I
Pnge 2 of2
llu,;hesNct Webmail
HughesNet Webmail
Cooper Rabies record
From :Jeff helm us <>
Subject : Cooper Rabies record
To :Lindsay <>
Cc :Nikki Kersey <>
Hi Lindsayt
Page 1 of I
Tue, Sep 03, 2013 08:20AM
Here is Cooper's rabies record. I will forward the rest of his vet records soon as
well. Have a safe trip home! It was a pleasure to work with all of you!
cooper rabies 001.jpg
343 KB
http:! /mai l.h 7 6 I & l 12il 8/2013
Hughc:sNd \\iebmail
HughesNet Webmail
Fwd: Cooper Vet record
from :Jeff helm us <>
Subject :Fwd: Cooper Vet record
To: Lindsay <>
From: "Nikki Kersey" <>
To: "ginger helmus" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 6:00:26 PM
Subject: Fw:
Page 1 of 1
Tue, Sep 10, 2013 03:45 PM
From: info@lansingvetcliniccom <info@lansingvetcliniccom >;
To: <>;
Sent: Tue, Aug 20, 2013 7:56:09 PM
158 KB
iV11Ju?U :'ft: "7Lf7q]
Uiftc. Ltu t S."l ~ LC
http:! /mnil .hughes.ncVh/printmessage?id= 7008& I 12/18/2013
llughcsNet Webmail
HughesNet Webmail
From :Lindsay Evans <>
Subject :Cooper
To: Dr Nikki Kersey <>,
Page I or 1
Tue, Sep 24, 2013 06:18PM
Just wanted to give an update. We put Cooper on antihistamines, but they make him
sleepy so we are just giving half a pill at night to see how it works now. I also still
need his rabies tag or something from your vet that has the rabies tag number. I can
not get a new tag or county tag until I have this info.
Cooper sleeps with Ara every night (I give a "bed" command) he has a blanket he lays
on. We have noticed that Ara sleeps better and does not wake up as often. Ara loves
giving him lots of hugs and is even giving him commands. When she wakes up she
goes right to the food dish and gets is food and tells him to "sit" "stay" then puts the
food in and tells him "eat".
As far as training goes we are working on a few new commands. His "cuddle" is too
much for someone Ara's size and it is not reliable enough. So we will be working on a
visit command that basically is him resting his head in her lap or on her somewhere.
Another command we are working on and he is doing really well is "nudge" this is
hopefully going to help with behavior interruption ect. He is doing much better with
dropped food, it helps to have little kids running around with food and such ... lol Lots
of reinforcement opportunities.
He is not real thrilled with the mobility harness but he is getting use to it.
Ara has an appointment with a Metabolic Specialist, Physiologist and Nutritionist in
November. We will also be starting her Autism Waiver services in a month or so. She
will be getting 20-25hrs of one on one with a autism teacher probably doing ABA.
Hope everything is going well at GLAD :)
Lindsay Evans
http:/ 793 7 & l 12!] 8/2013
HughcsNcl Wcbmail
HughesNet Webmall
From :Jeff helm us <>
Subject :Cooper
To :Lindsay <>
Cc :Nikki Kersey <premierk9tc@yahoo.corn>
Hi Lindsay!
Page I of 1
Wed, Oct 02, 2013 11:43 AM
I love all the updates on Cooper! You all are doing an awesome job together as a
team!:) I am so proud of all of you! So, did you receive Cooper's vet record on the
Rabies in the packet I sent you? The rabies # was listed in there. If not here is the
serial #12561 given by Veterinarian David Smith (Michigan License 5915). Let me
know if I need to send a copy of this to you.
http :1 / ?id=83 8 6& 1
HughcsNd Wcbmail
HughesNet Webmail
Re: Cooper
from :Lindsay Evans <>
Subject : Re: Cooper
To :Jeff helm us <>
Page I of2
Thu, Oct 03, 2013 06:17PM
Ok I will look through them again and see if I can find it, our vet said we needed the
actual tag number not the serial number. Our vet is working on getting all his records
from your vet so they can see what tests have been done so we dont do any
unneeded tests. He is still really itchy :( and the antihistamines have not helped so
far. We are switching over his diet to Well ness Simple which is a limited ingredient
food with no grains, fruit ect. just very basic. We will be doing a slow transition over.
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 9:43AM, Jeff helmus
Hi Lindsay!
I love all the updates on Cooper! You all are doing an awesome job together as a
team!:) I am so proud of all of you! So, did you receive Cooper's vet record on the
Rabies in the packet I sent you? The rabies # was listed in there. If not here is the
serial #12561 given by Veterinarian David Smith (Michigan License 5915). Let me
know if I need to send a copy of this to you.
lindsay Evans
http:/ /mail'
id=84 7 5& I 12/18/20 !3
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12!18/20 l3
HugbcsNel Wcbmail
HughesNet Webmail
Re: Cooper Rabies record
From :Nikki Kersey <>
Subject: Re: Cooper Rabies record
To :Jeff helm us <>
Cc :
Reply To :Nikki Kersey <>
Page 1 of l
Tue, Oct 08, 2013 10:56 AM
The number circled on the bottom is the one you need to give to the vet Thats how
the leader dog program issues their rabies certificates ...
Dr. Nikki Kersey
From: Jeff helmus <>
To: Lindsay <>
Cc: Nikki Kersey <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 9:28AM
Subject: Cooper Rabies record
Hello Lindsay!
This is the only thing we have on file for Cooper's Rabies record. I believe I have
already sent this to you, please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help
you with this.
Ginger!24&1 1211 8120 I 3
Breed Labrador Retriever
Birthday 05i03/2011
Occult Heartworm Check
Castrated or Spayed
Heartworm preventive given
F.2J y-es D No
tC- t L\- ( L ..
Frontline Applied 05/'L::.:-2:::.-'.:::2:;.0.:.:12::._ ______ _
Duling Phase One or Two Training
x As a Graduate ~ e t u r n Leader
nding that we cannot provide information other than that provided on this sheet. We
of a rejected Leader dog.
or under the supervision of David Smith DVi\1, Staff Veterinarian For Leader Dogs for
2. Paralnfluenza, Canine Parvovln.Js, Bordetella, Leptospira Canicola - Grippotyphoas ~
Expiratfon Date: 05/29/2015
Michigan License 5915
HughesNcl Webmail
HughesNet Webmail
From: Lindsay <>
Subject: Re: cooper
To :Nikki Kersey <>
Cc: lmevans21@gmaiLcom, ginger helmus
Page l of 1
Wed, Oct 30, 2013 07:15PM
From what I understand the test covers the initial food allergy and environmental
allergy testing plus the serum that's the two separate charges you see under the
allergy testings. Feel free to call them and talk to them it's under my name and his
name so they should be able to find his account. From what I understand all vets use
different agencies and labs to do testings
Sent from my iPhone
I had Ginger call another vet that we have used for allergies in the past
They charge 250 for the blood test which is 100 more than our local vet,
but not near the 850 you were quoted. I will have ginger call and talk with
them directly so they know that we are talking about a blood test for
allergies and then the serum for the next 6 months after diagnosis. Ill let
you know what they say
Dr. Nikki Kersey
htlp://mail .hughes. net!h!printmessage?id= l 0072&1 12/18/2013
HughcsNct Wcbmail
HughesNet Webmail
Cooper and allergies
From :Nikki Kersey <>
Subject: Cooper and allergies
To :, lmevans 21
<>, ginger helmus
Reply To :Nikki Kersey <>
Hi there-
Page l of I
Wed, Oct 30, 2013 03:46PM
we received a quote from your vet for 850.00 for allergy testing. Our vet charges 150
so Im not sure why your vet is so much more expensive unless it includes the serum
as well. I am going to check with one more office and then we will get back to you
about sending some money. let me know if you have any other informaiton about
why tis so much more
Hope all is well
Dr. Nikki Kersey
http:/hnai l 0005& 1
I lughesNd Webmail
Page 1 nf:2
H ughesNet Webmail
From :Lindsay Evans <>
Subject : Re: cooper
To: Lindsay <>
Cc: Nikki Kersey <>, ginger
helmus <>
Fri, Nov 01, 2013 05:28 PfVl
Did Ginger get a hold of the vet? The prednisone has helped some but not completely
we just finished the 7 day period and are now going to every other day. We are
continually having to tend to his ears due to soars and of course giving him his ear
drops for the ear infection.
On the good side Molly, Ara and Cooper had fun during Halloween. Even with some of
the animatronics nothing bothered Cooper and Ara loved it all. Molly was not so sure,
but she liked getting candy. Cooper is doing good with the new tasks we are doing,
Due to my shoulder injury and his itching we have slowed down training.
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 5:15PM, Lindsay wrote:
From what I understand the test covers the initial food allergy and environmental
allergy testing plus the serum that's the two separate charges you see under the
allergy testings. Feel free to call them and talk to them it's under my name and his
name so they should be able to find his account. From what I understand all vets
use different agencies and labs to do testings
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 30, 2013, at 2.:47 PM, Nikki Kersey wrote;
I had Ginger call another vet that we have used for allergies in the past.
They charge 250 for the blood test which is 100 more than our local vet,
but not near the 850 you were quoted. I will have ginger call and talk
with them directly so they know that we are talking about a blood test
for allergies and then the serum for the next 6 months after diagnosis.
Ill let you know what they say
Dr. Nikki Kersey
http:/ imai!hiprintmessage?id= 1 0 166&1
lhrghcsNct Webmail
Lindsay Evans
http:/ /'?id= 1 0 IG6&J
I J ughcsNct Wcbmail
HughesNet Webmail
Cooper Training
From : Lindsay Evans <>
Subject :Cooper Training
To: Dr Nikki Kersey <>,,
Page l or I
Sun, Nov 03, 2013 03:53 PM
So with all the health issues going on, I have kept forgetting to ask you questions
about training.
As I have said before his "Cuddle" was to over the top and unreliable to use for Ara so
I would like to teach him just to rest his head on her lap or legs depending on the
situation. Any suggestions/videos on how to do this would be great.
We also are doing a "Nudge Command" (for behavior interruption, to change her
focus ect) He is doing it pretty well on me but I am having some difficulty getting him
to do it on Ara with me giving the command. He is way to focused on the treat I may
or may not have to really focus on doing it We are working on "easy" for the treats
because he has chomped at treats, Ara will no longer give him treats due to the
Mobility Training- His mobility training is coming along great. The last area we are
working on is with him going down stairs with her. He tends to rush and pull her
down. Her PT has been a big help in his mobility training. Since I can focus on just
him and she is focusing on Ara.
I must express how frustrated I am with everything at this point. With his health
issues and his training being less than reliable in the three tasks contracted. Also his
food single mindedness, we are still working on him leaving food alone and then him
chomping/nipping and he will about run you down for a treat I just dont know what
to do.
Lindsay Evans
l 0224& I
HughcsNcl Wcbmail
HughesNet Web mail
Cooper's Medical Issues
From :Lindsay Evans <>
Subject :Cooper's Medical Issues
To: Dr Nikki Kersey <>,,
Page I of2
Tue, Nov 05, 2013 10:38 PM
I believe that G.L.A.D should pay for all Cooper's allergy testing, medications and
future expenses due to his health condition, or refund us the money we raised to
cover his life time care.
According to his paper work from Leader Dogs that you mailed to me, he was washed
out from that program due to "Chronic Dermatitis". So from the beginning this was a
known issue.
According to the vet records your vet forward to Caring Hands Veterinary Hospital
there was no mention of any allergy testing have been run, that you charged us for. I
also did not receive any test results in the packet you mailed to us.
At one point in his training Cooper was thought to have a kidney/bladder issue. I
discussed with you options if Cooper needed medications for the rest of his life and
you told me you had options to help us pay for that and for it not to be a burden on
our family.
Our family and many supports worked hard to raise the $12,500 for Cooper. I should
not have to go back to them and ask for more money due to a health issue you knew
he had from the very beginning.
Lindsay Evans

I 0445& l 12/18/2013
HughcsNet Webmail
From: Lindsay Evans <>
To: Dr Nikki Kersey <>; ""
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 10:38 PM
Subject: Cooper's Medical Issues
Pagl:'" .2 of 1
I believe that G.L.A.D should pay for all Cooper's allergy testing, medications and
future expenses due to his health condition, or refund us the money we raised to
cover his life time care.
According to his paper work from Leader Dogs that you mailed to me, he was washed
out from that program due to "Chronic Dermatitis". So from the beginning this was a
known issue.
According to the vet records your vet forward to Caring Hands Veterinary Hospital
there was no mention of any allergy testing have been run, that you charged us for. I
also did not receive any test results in the packet you mailed to us.
At one point in his training Cooper was thought to have a kidney/bladder issue. I
discussed with you options if Cooper needed medications for the rest of his life and
you told me you had options to help us pay for that and for it not to be a burden on
our family.
Our family and many supports worked hard to raise the $12,500 for Cooper. I should
not have to go back to them and ask for more money due to a health issue you knew
he had from the very beginning.
Lindsay Evans l 04 73& I !2!1 8/2013
HughcsNct Wcbrnail
HughesNet Webmail
Re: Cooper's Medical Issues
From: Nikki Kersey <>
Subject: Re: Cooper's Medical Issues
To: Lindsay Evans <imevans21@gmaiLcom>,
ginger helmus <>
Reply To :Nikki Kersey <>
Pagel of2
Wed, Nov 06, 2.013 11:57 AM
! would love to help with Cooper's vet expenses and tell you that we have a ton of
money to spend on that so money is no object, but I cant. I understand that you are
comfortable with the vet you've had for years, but understand that we took cooper be
his chronic dermatitis was not an issue and when it became and issue I spoke with
you about everything the vet told me about. When the vet suggested that we change
food, he slopped itching. The vet suggested we keep him on that food and then the
itching was only a minor issue as you could tell when you got him, his ears. etc were
not red and injured and there was no need to have a collar on him or anything of that
nature. We had no idea this was going to be a problem or we would not have sent
him to you, I sincerely hope you understand that A blood test here is what we would
have done, which from our vet would be 150 and then serum from then on would run
about 100 a year. That is why I told you we could cover up to 400. Part of the
contract suggests !hat the client will assume the financial responsibility of vet care for
the life of the dog. I understand your frustration. We need to meet in the middle
somewhere on this. If we had money to cover it, we would. The 12,500 is used to
take care of everything that Cooper had for the year we had him .... training, supplies,
boarding, vet care, traveling for trainers, traveling to you in Montana, treats, heart
worm and flea preventative, etc. We account for every penny so that our clients can
get the best price possible. Please see if your vet would be willing to give Cooper a
discount be he is a service dog. Also, please check other places and see what they
charge for the same service as your vet is much higher for the same procedures.
GLAD placed Cooper with you in good faith knowing what we knew about Cooper,
following our vets advice and making you aware of what his issues were in case they
became an issue over the next 10 years he will be working with you.
I will also have a blurb and a pic of Ara and Cooper put up on our website, fb page
and in our November newsletter asking people to raise the funds needed. We want to
help you with this issue as much as we are financially able.
Let me know your thoughts ...
Dr. Nikki Kersey
hlip:/ /mai !.hughes. ncUh/prinlmcssagc?icf= 1 04 73& 1 12il 8/2013
llughcsNet Webmail
HughesNet Webmail
Re: Cooper's Medical Issues
From :Lindsay Evans <>
Subject : Re: Cooper's Medical Issues
To :Nikki Kersey <>,,
Page J of2
Sat, Nov 09, 2013 05:31 PM
;;> 2 attachments
This week has been a trying for us here, we just learned that Ara may have
Mitochondrial Disease and she will need a spinal tap and another brain scan to see her
brain chemistry. Her spinal tap is actually scheduled for Thursday.
We did not switch his food right away we went through a whole 501b bag and 201bs of
a second bag of the same food you all had him on. His itching was getting bad so on
the vets recommendation we went to Wellness Simple (same brand and quality
ingredients just simpler and easier to digest). It is totally grain free were the one he
was on was not. The itching did not change we had hoped it would help.
On our last G.L.A.D. statement we have a charge for allergy testing, do you have
these results? If it is the allergy testing that is the same our vet does then we would
not need it done again .. I would think. I know our vet wanted to test both food and
environmental allergies. I have attached a copy of the statement.
As far as his itching not being a problem, obviously it was a problem or Leader Dogs
would not have washed him out especially since they put a lot of money into him at
stage 3/4 of training. It was also enough for us to notice when he came for our visit
and for me to request testing then. He was at the vet with in two weeks of us being
home with him for his itching and to recheck his ears (since it was not done before he
left G. LAD).
Our vet is one of the most affordable in town. If we were to take him to another vet we
would have to pay for yet another exam fee ect. They go above and beyond what
most vets in our area do.
I will also be emailing just a few quick videos of Cooper's "cuddle and touch" in one of
the videos you can see he actually bites my phone case because he thinks it is treats.
I had no treats on me at the time.
We-are not asking for all our money back,'we are not -asking to return him, we just
want to fix this medical condition so he can do his job and be comfortable. It is hard to
work a dog when they are constantly itching and has soars on his ears/neck from it.
We have had to miss appointments and avoided going out in public due to it as welL
h tlp://mai J _hughes. netih/printmessage')id= I 063 9& J
llughesNet Webmail
HughesNet Webmaii
vet bill
From :Nikki Kersey <>
Subject: vet bill
To:, lmevans 21
<>, ginger helm us
Reply To: Nikki Kersey <>
Page 1 of I
Thu, Nov 14, 2013 12:42 PM
Ok so the vet bill with regrd to allergies you saw was for ear cytology (indicating ear
infection) and shampoo Episoothe, along with momentumax ear drops nad
ketoconazole and prednizone. He wanted to treat this way before doing actual allergy
test be he said his itching could be due to his ears bothering him nad dogs dont have
other behaviors besides itching and rolling etc when ears are in pain. We treated him
this way and he never had a problem again.
Dr. Nikki Kersey I 0873& 1 12118i20U
HughcsNel Wcbmail
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photo 2.JPG
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HugbesNel Webmail Page I or 5
Hugheslllet Webmail
Re: Complaint
From :Dr Nikki Kersey <> Wed, Dec 11, 2013 02:23 PM
Subject : Re: Complaint
To :Lindsay Evans <>
Cc: mike betz <>, ginger
helmus <>
Ok that is your legal right. I just got off the phone with the attny generals office. We
will be rebutting your complaint when we are in receipt if your letter. Again, i do not
understand why you would not be open to solving training issues with cooper or
Having us consider another dog but again that is your choice. I am deeply saddened
by the way you have handled things and your unwillingness to work with us unless we
refund your money.
We wish you and your family luck and valued the time we spent watching cooper help
Ara at the zoo and when he passed his test with flying colors. We also cherish seeing
the tears of joy you had and the thankfulness you expressed to us during your time
As always we are open to discussing helping with medical issues, training and other
dog candidates if you chose to be reasonable in the future.
Dr Nikki Kersey
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 11, 2013, at 2:16PM, Lindsay Evans wrote:
We will continue to take this up with the Attorney Generals in both
Michigan and f\1ontana.
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Dr Nikki Kersey
c;s;J;:c;c,l"J.suJ.f.l':t,g:un) wrote:
None of your suggestions will work for us. You have unfortunately
misinterpreted some things and left a few things out here. I need a copy
of all vet documentation proving all of your claims about his expensive
btl p:/imai L

12548& I
i' (
12/18/20 lJ
1-lughcsNct Wcbmail
and extensive health issues so that our vet can see them. If warranted
we will discuss getting you another dog and will work with you to make
an agreeable plan fir both of us. IF our vet says he needs to be retired,
he will be offered back to his puppy raiser per our agreement. Do not
make assumptions that you know about our dealings with other families
and dogs. Also do not make assumptions that we would keep cooper
and leave you with no service dog. Our organization prides itself on
working with families as we have done well with other families who have
agreed to work with us in a mutually respectful way.
Pleas forward all medical documentation immediately and I will forward
to our vet for review
Dr Nikki Kersey
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 11, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Lindsay Evans ..
.L ........ .
To Nikki Kersey,
This is provided in response to your email below of
December 1Oth. You offer no suggestions in your email
except "I was going to suggest sending" Cooper back.
The suggestion we have is 1) that Cooper be retired in
Montana through a licensed regional humane society we
choose where a forever home will be found that can take
care of his extensive and expensive medical needs; 2) the
$12,500 donated for Cooper goes into an escrow account set
up by us to reimburse all the donors ifthey desire; and 3)
you are to provide a list of the donors so we can contact
them directly as well as broadcast the existence of the
escrow account through social media.
This is our suggestion because If we return Cooper to you,
you will then claim you don't have a dog for us and by
contract you get to keep all expenses so all the donors are
out $12.500, as may have been done with other clients, and
we are out a service dog. We will solve our assistance dog
needs another way.
We realize the $12,500 donor escrow won't work if you have
gotten more money than you have claimed for Cooper as the
escrow will get requests for more funds than the $12,500.
This can be fixed by you putting all ofthe money received for
Cooper into the escrow account.
http:/imail. hughes. neti!J!printmessagc?id= l 2548& 1
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HughesNd Webmail
We will continue work the Attorney Generals complaints in
the mean time.
Lindsay Evans
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 1:15PM, Dr Nikki Kersey
Health and behavioral issues? Your daughter is suffering!
Knee and hip problems? Several other complaints?
I know only of the dermatitis issue which was being
handled by our vet and seemed to be fine and resolved or
I wouldn't have placed him with your family. What
happened to how wonderful you said everything was going
on fb n the pies of him in the hospital? I shared all of his
vet records so if I was trying to hide something why would
I provide you with that info? We are not open to refunding
the money you fundraised for a variety of reasons. That is
all you demanded in your email and hence my response.
Glad will ALWAYS work with ANY family that follows their
end of the contract and also provides a healthy and stable
home for our dogs. So I'm open to making this right. I was
going to suggest sending him back via our puppies in flight
for more training and vet exam. I also need copies of what
your vet is concerned about
Finally venture is the only case that I know of that has an
issue in terms of Health concerns. For the record, we gave
that family full disclosure of his vet records and had our
vet check him just like we did with cooper. When issues
came up we helped with the cost of the pre existing
conditions surgery just as we did with cooper. We sought
funds to be donated to cover the care he needed and
asked the family if they wanted a replacement dog. They
have always been understanding and open with us as we
have been with them. I would appreciate more open
communication with your family as well. That is the only
wAy we will be able to get this issue solved and get Ara
what she needs.
Dr Nikki Kersey
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 10, 2013, at 12:15 PM, Lindsay Evans
12548& l
Pnge 3 of 5
I JughesNet Wehmail
.. Dear Nikki Kersey,
Your email of December 6, 2013, indicated no
possibility of working together and for us to
have our lawyer talk to yours. We took the only
action open to us and since we know of several
other similar complaints, we are letting others
know (not harassment) of the Michigan
Attorney General option (a legal right). There
was no "we will discuss a replacement" or
"there are options" in your December 6, 2013,
email to me. If you have concrete suggestions
for a resolution we and/or the Attorney General
will clearly listen. We have provided over 25
items of written documentation from or by
G.L.A.D. on the issues to the Attorney General
and have dozens more if they want more
information (not slander when we have your
written words or copies of documents you
provided to us).
However, if you wish to solve the issue at
hand: Do it now. My daughter is suffering and
this is my primary concern as Cooper is being
taken care of by people and professionals
around us who are helping with his health and
behavioral issues.
Lindsay Evans
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Dr Nikki
Kersey wrote:
I am aware of your complaint with the
attorney generals office and your contact
with some of our previous clients asking
them to be part of your complaint. I'm not
sure what your point to all of this is? We will
discuss a replacement and I suggested you
contact our attny. I'm not sure what more
we can do for you? I will not have our
organization slandered or our clients
harassed. We will be happy to discuss how to
solve the issue at hand if you are so inclined.
We work very hard to make sure out clients
are happy and our dogs are well trained.
There are options we can explore but you
would need to be open to discussions rather
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HughcsNet Wcbmail
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than slandering.
Let me know how you'd like to proceed.
http:flmail.hug,hes. J 2548& I
,f 1

conv neo/ Jauncb'!reason=ignore&rs= I #mail
Subject: Great Lakes Assistance Dogs Invoices
From: Sherri Powers (
To: premierk9tc@yahoo .com;
Date: Monday, January 20, 2014 9:46AM
Attached are all of the invoices I've sent your way and you've paid
for Great Lakes Assistance Dogs. I'm going to send you a separate
email with all of the invoices I've sent you and you've paid for the
Grand Ledge Dog Training Service.
You'll see that there is no overlap between the two companies, and you
always provided me with separate checks for payment.
Sherri Powers
112112014 10:54 AM

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