Young Justice Legacy Missions

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1. Greece
Mission 1: Arrival
Stage i. Ruins
Stage ii. Dig Site
Stage iii. Greak Amphitheatre
Mission 2: A ostage !risis
Stage i. Museum
Stage ii. Arti"act Room
Mission #: $mergenc% $&it
Stage i. Museum !orri'or
2. Si(eria
Mission ): !ol' !hase
Stage i. Si(erian Ice *ath
Stage ii. Ice River
Stage iii. +ase !amp
Stage iv. Ice Gar'en
Mission ,: Deep +urie' in Ice
Stage i. Mountain -unnels
Stage ii. .aser Room
Mission /: Go 0ith -he 1lo2
Stage i. 1loo'ing -unnels
#. Santa *risca
Mission 3: 4ungle Ren'e5vous
Stage i. Santa *risca6s 4ungle
Stage ii. anging Statues o" Santa *risca
Stage iii. Amphitheatre Ruins
Mission 7: -he Go''ess Shrine
Stage i. Ata(e%6s -emple
Stage ii. Ancient $levator
Stage iii. -emple Drilling Site
Mission 8: *ursuit
Stage i. Santa *risca River
). Gotham !it%
Mission 19: ometo2n
Stage i. Gotham Dock 0arehouse
Stage ii. Gotham Docks
Mission 11: Min't2ist
Stage i. al%6s International !ircus
Stage ii. Min' Realm
Mission 12: It6s Sho2time:
Stage i. -he Ri''ler6s 1unhouse Ma5e
Stage ii. -he Ri''ler6s 0heel
,. +ial%a
Mission 1#: Glo(al Disaster
Stage i. +ial%ian Desert !an%on
Stage ii. $sagila6s Ro%al Gar'en
Mission 1): -ag -eam
Stage i. 0arrior6s *ath
Stage ii. -he Go''ess -ears
Stage iii. -he O""ering
Stage iv. -he ;ing6s !ham(er
Mission 1,: .egac%
Stage i. -iamat6s 0ell <I=
Stage ii. ;larion6s !ham(er
Stage iii. -iamat6s 0ell <II=
Stage iv. -iamat6s 0ell <III=
1. GR$$!$
Mission 1 Arrival
Batman sends a Squad to investigate a Squad to investigate Dr. Helena Sandsmark's disappearance
from an archaeological dig in Olympia, Greece. hen they reach the Dig Site, they find !heshire and
the "eague of Shado# are searching for something.
!heshire Diorama > 2
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
Sportsmaster Diorama > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. Ruins
$%imestamp &'
$$Olympia (e)ruary *+, ,+-*. //% %eam 0ear (ive
$!heshire Diorama
$$1fter second )attle #ith "eague of Shado#s nin2as, )ust up large cluster of pots then go up stairs and
#ill find it on altar.
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,*6
$$1fter )ig fight on temple grounds, 2ump on planks
Stage ii. Dig Site
$1lternate !ostume
$$1rtemis, 7entor Suit
$$$"ooks like Green 1rro#'s, hoodie
$$$$On stack of crates 5have to go )ack up ramp after cinematic of them 2umping do#n6
$Sportsmaster Diorama
$$Destroy pile of )oulders during long path 2ust )efore t#o arches in a ro#
$!heshire Diorama
$$8n area #ith ramps and trucks in pit, go up side ramp, )reak do#n )oulders, at the end, 2ump up
Stage iii. Greek Amphitheatre
$Boss (ight #ith !heshire
$!hallenge unlocked from defeating !heshire
Mission 2 A ostage !risis
1fter defeating !heshire and trying to get ahead of the "eague of Shado#s, the Squad heads to the
7useum of 9atural History, #here the artifacts from Dr. Sandsmark dig are )eing displayed.
:nfortunately, Sportsmaster and his Henchmen have taken over the museum.
Sportsmaster Diorama > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
Stage i. Museum
$%imestamp &;
$$1thens (e)ruary *+, ,<-=* //% %eam 0ear (ive
$Sportsmaster Diorama
$$1t start of level, after clearing henchmen, go up stairs, go right and follo# to the dead end
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,'6
$$3oom that splits off into t#o , go to left section
$1lternate !ostume
$$>id (lash, 7entor Suit
$$$3ed and Black
$$$$8mmediately do#n a flight of stairs, in a corner
Stage ii. Arti"act Room
$Boss (ight #ith Sportsmaster and henchmen 5regular and gunners6
$!hallenge unlocked after defeating Sportsmaster
Mission # $mergenc% $&it
Despite the efforts of 1lpha Squad, Sportsmaster manages to flee #ith a mysterious artifact from the
dig. %he Squad must help Green "antern to protect and evacuate the remaining tourists from the
collapsing 7useum.
Alternate !ostume 1?1 <Rocket=
Stage i. Museum !orri'or
$7entor 7ission &*
$$Green "antern
$1lternate !ostume
$$$ill see it in a corner atop a small pile of de)ris, #ill have to leave Green "antern's )u))le to get it
$$$$7entor Suit
$3o)in?Drake playa)le and )io
$!heshire and Sportsmaster )ios
$Sportsmaster Diorama $ Sportsmaster vs. 1rtemis
$!heshire Diorama $ !heshire vs. 9ight#ing
$Greece concept art 5@A6
2. SI+$RIA
Mission ) !ol' !hase
%he tracer 1rtemis placed on Sportsmaster guides the %eam to the froBen lands of Si)eria. 9ear)y,
villagers are )eing harassed )y 8ce Henchmen, #ho are using a strange device to turn villagers into ice
.e& .uthor Diorama > 2
;iller 1rost Diorama > 2
Icicle 4r. Diorama > 2
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
Stage i. Si(erian Ice *ath
$%imestamp &=
$$Cerhoyansk (e)ruary *+, *+-.A O7SS% %eam 0ear (ive
$Bio$Ship parked in )ackground of start area
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,;6
$$)reak do#n #all of ice at dead$end, 2ump up stack of )lue "e@!orp crates
$"e@ "uthor Diorama
$$1fter first encounter #ith )lack Driller Heavy Bots, look right for #all of ice. Break it do#n to reveal
small alcove.
$>iller (rost Diorama
$$8n the area that loops, )reak one of the ice constructs on the right side
Stage ii. Ice River
$8cicle 4unior Diorama
$$5looking at map $ .th )lock6 up on a container
Stage iii. +ase !amp
$"e@ "uthor Diorama
$$1rea &', in dead$end on right #ith villager, )reak fence in right corner, on crates
$>iller (rost Diorama
$$1rea &;, in the center, )reak fence on left side, 2ump up on containers and e@plore
Stage iv. Ice Gar'en
$Boss fight #ith >iller (rost and Spider Bots
$:nlock challenge for defeating her
MISSION , D$$* +@RI$D IN I!$
1fter a chilling encounter #ith >iller (rost, the tracer leads Super)oy and the Squad to a set of the 8ce
%unnels, #here they are searching for the ne@t fragment.
Icicle 4r. Diorama > 1
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. Mountain -unnels
$8cicle 4r. Diorama
$$1fter first time challenge, )reak #all of ice on left. On top of )lue crates.
$1lternate !ostume
$$7iss 7artian
$$$7entor Suit
$$$$1rea #ith first )arricade, )reak #all of ice
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,=6
$$"eft of area #ith last )arricade, )reak #all of ice
Stage ii. .aser Room
$Boss (ight 8cicle 4r. and Sportsmaster
MISSION / GO 0I- -$ 1.O0
Superman asks for 1lpha Squad's help in redirecting an icy avalanche )efore it destroys a near)y
Si)erian village.
.e& .uthor Diorama > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. 1loo'ing -unnels
$7entor 7ission &'
$"e@ "uthor Diorama
$$Start of level, on top a )lue crate
$1lternate !ostume
$$$!lassic Suit &*, original Super)oy costume from comics
$$$$%hird room, on top of a crate
$%empest playa)le and )io
$8cicle 4r. )io
$>iller (rost )io
$>iller (rost Diorama $ >iller (rost vs. 3ocket
$8cicle 4r. Diorama $ 8cicle 4r. vs. >id (lash
$"e@ "uthor Diorama $ "e@ "uthor #ith >ryptonite vs. Superman and Super)oy
$Si)eria concept art 5@A6
(inding enough evidence of "e@!orp's implication in Si)eria, the Squad, led )y 1qualad, goes to the
island of Santa Drisca to rendeBvous #ith 1quaman. But #hen the Squad arrives, 1quaman is no#here
to )e found.
+lack Manta Diorama > 2
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
+ane Diorama > 2
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. Santa *risca6s 4ungle
$%imestamp &.
$$Santa Drisca (e)raury *+, *=-;E /!% %eam 0ear (ive
$Bio$Ship drops off squad
$Bane Diorama
$1lternate !ostume
$$Beast Boy
$$$1fter opening date #ith dragon head, )reak do#n secret #all
$$$$hite Suit
$Black 7anta Diorama
$$Secret room )efore last room
Stage ii. anging Statues o" Santa *risca
$Bane Diorama
$$(irst dead end path
$$$4ump atop giant statue head on right
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,.6
$$Second dead end
$Black 7anta Diorama
$$%hird dead end, cross dra# )ridge on the left
Stage iii. Amphitheatre Ruins
$Boss (ight #ith Bane and Spider Bots
$$:nlocks ne# !hallenge
%he Squad is am)ushed )y Bane, )ut manage to defeat him. Batman informs the squad that 1quaman's
last communication came from the vicinity of 1ta)ey's Shrine.
+lack Manta Diorama > 1
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
+ane Diorama > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. Ata(e%6s -emple
$1lternate !ostume
$$$1fter spike room, go )ehind first statue
$$$$7entor Suit, the )lue and #hite 1quaman costume
$Bane Diorama
$$1fter clearing room of 7anta %roopers and Spider Bots, look for cluster of pottery )ehind = headed
statue )efore e@iting
$Black 7anta Diorama
$$Break do#n fake shru) #all
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,E6
$$1fter first flame room, go straight, false #all in upper right corner
Stage ii. Ancient $levator
Stage iii. -emple Drilling Site
$Boss (ight
$$Disa)ling 7anta (lyer
$$$"e@ "uthor 5ignore6, Heavy Bots, 7anta (lyer cannon
$Boss (ight
$$(reeing 1quaman
$$$Black 7anta 5ignore6, %roopers
1fter su)duing Black 7anta and rescuing 1quaman, the Squad pursues "uthor do#n a 2ungle river, )ut
"uthor escapes.
Alternate !ostume >1
Stage i. Santa *risca River
$7entor 7ission &;
$1lternate !ostume
$$$On start of third hovercraft, )ehind cluster of drums in top left corner
$$$$7entor Suit
$Batgirl as playa)le and )io
$Bane, Black 7anta, and "e@ "uthor )ios
$Bane Diorama $ Bane vs. Batman and 3o)in?%im Drake
$Black 7anta Diorama $ Black 7anta vs. 1quaman and 1qualad
$Santa Drisca concept art 5@A6
%he last message left )y Dr. Sandsmark leads the Squad to Gotham !ity, #here she is )eing transport
via the Docks. But as soon as they arrive, they're am)ushed )y 3iddler's goons.
*simon Diorama > 2
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
-he Ri''ler Diorama > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. Gotham Dock 0arehouse
$%imestamp &E
$$Gotham !ity (e)ruary *+, ',-', /S% %eam 0ear (ive
$3iddler Diorama
$$9ear start of level, on top of crates straight ahead
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,+6
$$1fter first group of 3iddler Goons, go right, atop cargo container
$1lternate !ostume
$$$1fter room #ith three turrets, go right instead of into room full of enemies.
$$$$7entor Suit
$Dsimon Diorama
$$"eft of sniper, 2ump three crates on vehicle roof
Stage ii. Gotham Docks
$Dsimon Diorama
$$4ump crates, 2ump atop truck, 2ump across the second truck
$Dhoto of Dr. Helena and !assie Sandsmark at end
(ollo#ing Dr. Sandsmark's trail, the Squad hunts for her at Haly's 8nternational !ircus, #here they
meet a deadly enemy they thought long gone.
Stage i. al%6s International !ircus
Stage ii. Min' Realm
$Boss (ight
$$$%ake out clones one )y one, then attack #hen head spits him out onto field
9ight#ing and the Squad rescue Dr. Sandsmark and decipher the location of the last fragment. But they
have to fight through %he 3iddler's (unhouse 7aBe to get to it.
Ri''ler Diorama > 1
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. -he Ri''ler6s 1unhouse Ma5e
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,<6
$$Cault to left
$$up stairs at end
$1lternate !ostume
$$$Cault to right, look )ehind drums at end
$$$$7entor Suit, looks like ne# Bat#oman's suit
$3iddler Diorama
$$Cault to south
$$$up stairs at end
$Blue, 0ello#, Blue, Green, 3ed opens final vault
Stage ii. -he Ri''ler6s 0heel
$Boss (ight
$$%he 3iddler
$$$Hit green panel #henever #heel stops
$Fatanna as playa)le and )io
$Dsimon and %he 3iddler )ios
$Dsimon Diorama $ Dsimon vs. 7iss 7artian
$%he 3iddler Diorama $ %he 3iddler vs. Batgirl
$Gotham !ity concept art 5@A6
Discovering 1quagirl is missing along #ith the remaining fragments, >id (lash and Fatanna trace
1quagirl's #herea)outs to Bialya. 1 squad led )y 1qualad forges ahead, intent on rescuing her and
stopping the "ight's evil plan.
-iamat Diorama > 2
+lock(uster Diorama > 1
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. +ial%ian Desert !an%on
$Bio$Ship drops off 1lpha Squad
$%imestamp &+
$$Bialya (e)ruary *<, ,A-*E :%!G' %eam 0ear (ive
$Block)uster Diorama
$$Break do#n second rock #all then third
$%iamat Diorama
$$hen path splits after room filled #ith soldiers and Heavy Bots, go up to one dead end. ill see
slanted column. alk up it to diorama.
$1lternate !ostume
$$$Split in path, go right )efore heading to last area, look among oil drums
$$$$9e# .' Suit &*
Stage ii. $sagila6s Ro%al Gar'en
$%iamat Diorama
$$(rom the first full )ody statue, go right. On top of column.
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5,A6
$$Go up the flight of stairs and look in the alcove guarded )y )lack Driller Heavy Bots.
1qualad calls for )ackup and 1lpha and Beta Squads puBBle their #ay through 7arduk's %emple to the
Sacred ell 3oom, #here >larion holds 1quagirl hostage.
-iamat Diorama > 1
+lock(uster Diorama > 1
;larion Diorama > 1
Re' Arro2 4ournal > 1
Stage i. 0arrior6s *ath
$3ed 1rro# 4ournal 5*,6
$$1fter going up )ig flight of stairs and doors open, go past the second set that opens, fight and )reak
do#n #ooden doors
Stage ii. -he Go''ess -ears
$Block)uster Diorama
$$1s Beta Squad, )reak #ooden doors in middle of level, right corner
Stage iii. -he O""ering
$%iamat Diorama
$$1fter three )lack Driller Heavy Bots, )reak #ooden #all on right
$>larion Diorama
$$8n middle of level, after descending flight of stairs, )reak #ooden door
Stage iv. -he ;ing6s !ham(er
$>larion Diorama
$$1fter Ba)ylon arriors near start of level, )reak #ooden doors
Beta Squad )attles the ancient alien dragon$#eapon %iamat, #hile 1lpha Squad makes a final stand
against >larion.
Alternate !ostume > 1
Stage i. -iamat6s 0ell <I=
$Boss (ight
$$$1ttack head #hen it drops do#n
Stage ii. ;larion6s !ham(er
$Boss (ight
$$>larion, %eekl, and Block)uster
$$$"ure Block)uster to center to get hit )y volley of chaos magic then attack him
$1lternate !ostume
$$$:pper right corner among )o@es
$$$$3ed 3o)in Suit
$%a)let of Destiny
$$>larion )lasts 1qualad and inadvertently destroys ta)let.
Stage iii. -iamat6s 0ell <II=
$Boss (ight
$$$1ttack arm #hen slams do#n
Stage iv. -iamat6s 0ell <III=
$Boss (ight
$$$fill yello# meters )y destroying t#o %iamat 7inions per character
$$$use Squad Boost #hen all yello# meters full then %iamat is vulnera)le temporarily
$Beast Boy as playa)le and )io
$>larion and %iamat )ios
$%iamat Diorama $ %iamat vs. 1quagirl and %empest
$Block)uster Diorama $ Beast Boy vs. Block)uster
$>larion Diorama $ Fatanna vs. >larion
$Bialya concept art 5@A6
!lear all #/ stages on ar' setting
$3ocket as playa)le and )io

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