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Standard Cash for Keys Agreement

This agreement is made this __________day of August, 2011 between Lawrence Leach (hereafter referred to as
Owner/Landlord and Occu!ants "andra #egron, $t Al (hereafter referred to as Occu!ant%
1 Occu!ant is currently residing at 1&2' "wan (t, )elican *ay, Te+as ,-020, a !ro!erty that is currently owned
by the Owner/Landlord%
2 Occu!ant agrees to .acate the !remises on or before _________ day of _____________, 2011%
/ Occu!ant agrees to lea.e the !ro!erty on the abo.e date free of all debris, trash, and !ersonal !ro!erty and in
0broom clean1 condition%
' Occu!ant agrees not to .andali2e the !ro!erty, or to remo.e, allow the, or damage in any way, the
fi+tures, a!!liances, air conditioning, co!!er, fencing or any other !art of the !ro!erty%
& Occu!ant agrees to remo.e any !ets or any 3ind of animals entirely from the !ro!erty by de!arture date%
- Owner/Landlord agrees to !ay Occu!ant the sum of 4 _________ u!on com!letion of the terms of this
agreement and ins!ection by Owner/Landlord or Owner/Landlord5s agent%
, Owner/Landlord agrees !ayment will be made immediately u!on satisfactory ins!ection, and that !ayment
will be made directly to Occu!ant in cash%
6 All !arties agree that this agreement is null and .oid if Occu!ant does not meet the terms of this agreement%
7 Occu!ant agrees that he/she hereby any !rotection allowed under all a!!licable Te+as "tate Laws, if
he/she does not fulfill the terms of this agreement% Occu!ant further agrees to be solely res!onsible for
Owner8s legal fees should any be re9uired to regain !ossession of this !ro!erty%
10 This Agreement shall not be modified in any way e+ce!t by in writing e+ecuted by all !arties hereto%
11 This Agreement shall not be binding unless and until all !arties ha.e signed this Agreement
:# ;:T#$"" ;<$=$O>, the undersigned ha.e e+ecuted this Agreement on the dates set forth below%
__________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Occu!ant "ignature ?ate Owner or Owner5s Agent "ignature ?ate
Occu!ant "ignature ?ate

Occu!ant forwarding address@ Owner/Landlord #ame and Address@
__________________________________________ Lawrence Leach
__________________________________________ 1-00 "heri (t
__________________________________________ A2le, Te+as ,-020
Standard Cash for Keys Satisfaction Addendum
This addendum to the "tandard (ash for Aeys Agreement is to certify that Occu!ant has met the agreed u!on terms in
The Agreement, and that Owner/Landlord has !aid Occu!ant the fully agreed amount of 4______________________
as of the date of the signatures below%
All !arties agree that the terms of this agreement ha.e been met fully and satisfactorily%
:# ;:T#$"" ;<$=$O>, the undersigned ha.e e+ecuted this Addendum to Agreement on the dates set forth below%
__________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Occu!ant "ignature ?ate Owner or Owner5s Agent "ignature ?ate
Occu!ant "ignature ?ate

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