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Cut and Fill in earthmoving is the process of constructing a railway, road or canal whereby the amount of

material from cuts roughly matches the amount of fill needed to make nearbyembankments, so
minimizing the amount of construction labor. This technique is widely practiced in mining applications.
1 Cut
2 Fill
3 History
4 Softwa
5 See
6 Refere
[edit]ut section
ut slopes are rarely created greater than a slope of two to one !horizontal to vertical dimensions".
sections of roadway or rail are characterized by the roadway being lower in elevation than the
surrounding terrain. $rom an operational standpoint there are unique environmental effects associated
with cut sections of roadway. $or e%ample, air pollutants can concentrate in the &'valleys'& created by the
cut section. onversely noise pollution is mitigated by cut sections since an effective blockage of line of
sight sound propagation is created by the depressed roadway design
[edit]$ill section
$ill sections manifest as elevated sections of a roadway or trackbed. )nvironmental effects of fill sections
are typically favorable with respect to air pollution dispersal, but in the matter of sound propagation,
e%posure of nearby residents is generally increased, since sound walls and other forms of sound path
blockage are less effective in this geometry.
There are a variety of reasons for creating fills, among them reduction of grade along a route or elevation
of the route above water, swampy ground, or areas where snow drifts frequently collect. $ills can also be
used to cover tree stumps, rocks, or unstable soil, in which case material with a higher bearing capacity is
placed on top of the obstacle in order to carry the weight of the roadway or railway and reduce differential
This practice was first performed on new dwellings for returned soldiers in ,reland at the end of -orld -ar
,,. ,t was developed by ,rish railway engineer .achlan /. 0oland, who saw the benefits of introducing
railway practices to residential construction. 1reviously, the practice of cut2and2fill was widely utilized to
construct tracks along rolling terrain across the 0ritish ,sles.
3oftware such as 4uantm can be used to trial millions of likely routes, all the time calculating the balance
of cut and fill.
EARTH : Earthwork Quantity Software
Cut & Fill Volume Calculation by Station
For grading and excavation contractors who need cut and fill volume quantity information, Pizers EART! is
an earthwor" #rogram that #rovides a solution for traditional cross section #ro$ect wor"% &nli"e other more
so#histicated earthwor" #rograms, Pizers EART is easy to learn and sim#le to use ' #erfect for the
construction #rofessional wanting to s#end more time in the field than (ehind a com#uter%
)n#ut your cross*section data for (oth existing and #ro#osed
ground levels and EART calculates the volume of earth to (e
removed and added% EART #lots cross*sections and #rofiles
and calculates station and total quantities using either the
Average End Area +ethod, or a modified Prismatic +ethod%
EART is used to calculate cut and fill quantities for roadways,
runways, (orrow #its, trench excavations, #ar"ing lots, retaining
walls, marinas, land develo#ments, etc% EART is the most
afforda(le excavation software for the construction industry%
,ince its first release in -./0, EART has (een used (y hundreds
of engineers at (oth com#anies and government agencies%
EART is es#ecially well suited for road construction #ro$ects%

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