July 14 Prayer Letter

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Our Summertime wanderings

The month of Ramadan has just ended where Muslims all around the world, including
those in the country we have served God for 30 years, observed the required fast, that is
toabstain from food and drin! for the "urification of the soul # in order to develo"
and strengthen their "owers of self$control, so that %a Muslim& can 'guard against evil(
%from www.muslim.org/islam/ramadan.htm &
)n * +eter *,--$-3 the .ible s"ea!s of the "urification we
believers obtain, not from abstaining from food or from
any human efforts, but from obedience to the Truth of the
Gos"el through the "rom"ting of the /oly 0"irit1
Since you have purified your souls in obeying the
truth through the Spirit having been born again, not of
corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides
+lease "ray not only for efforts among Muslims, but the dire, s"iritual need of all
unreached "eo"le grou"s# totaling an estimated 2.91 billion people who have little
or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ1 +art of 3arryl(s ministry at the
"resent is challenging youth and young adults in high schools and universities to
become engaged in that tas!1 This summer he was the !eynote s"ea!er for 4TM(s 5outh
3ay where 360 high school students and their youth leaders and "astors were
challenged to greater "artici"ation in missions1 +ray for 3arryl as he is on the road a lot
in his role as Mid$7tlantic Regional Re"resentative for 4ew Tribes Mission1 7lso "ray
as he mentors - 8iberty 9niversity students who are "resently trac!ing on missions$
related degree "rograms so that they continue to maintain their vision for cross$cultural
ministry with the least reached2 of this generation1
:yla returned from 7sia$+acific in May after a month of teaching seminars and classes
on literacy develo"ment among tribal "eo"le grou"s1 /er travels included some island$
ho""ing from 0ulawesi, ;ava, and stretching as far as .orneo %:alimantan&1 Than!s for
"raying for her safety and command of her teaching materials during that time1 0he will
follow u" with hel"ing other 4TM teams wor!ing in various tribes on our
ne<t tri" to 7sia$+acific which is#=drum roll> scheduled for 4ovember$
?ebruary1 3uring that time 3arryl will be hel"ing at a Taliabo$based
leadershi" develo"ment conference focused on +aul(s letter to the Romans1 /e ho"es to
also develo" some materials on this u"coming tri" to 7sia that will be hel"ful to the
tribal church leaders in carrying out "ractical ministry with the believers that they
Prayer and Praise:
Re"orts from Taliabu are that the believers are encouraged and doing well@ Than!s,
+ray for our financial needs for this ne<t tri" to 7sia$+acific1 Ae are ho"ing to use
frequent flyer miles to diminish the costs to you, our mission "artners1 )f able, our
e<"enses will be less than BC,000 for this tri"1 %mostly inter$island commercial and
mission aviation costs, su""ly and shi""ing costs to the tribe, etc1&
+ray for good health, es"ecially for 3arryl, so that we don(t have a re"eat of medical
issues li!e last year1
+ray for Dalia Nama, a Taliabo believer, who along with his wife finished the C year
"rogram at the national missionary training institute and is now bac! in Taliabu to
determine future ministry to our churches and outreach areas1
+ray for :yla as she continues to advise remotely 7sia$+acific teams on their literacy
develo"ment materials1 +resently she is hel"ing teams wor!ing with the Wana,
Semandang, and Kora tribal "eo"le grou"s1
7s Dhristians are hounded, o""ressed, "ersecuted, maligned, and even !illed in every
corner of the globe, including ours"ray that we the church of the 8iving God will not
grow weary in well doing$$$ for the glory of /is name "roclaimed among the ethnos
%"eo"le grou"s& of the world1
Than! you for your faithfulness in "artnering with us through intercessory "rayer and
giving1 Ahatever efforts, however meager, we have made to follow God(s will, it is
because you have encouraged and# stirred us u"21 %/eb1 *0,-C,-6&
Darryl and Kyla Palmer
)f you would li!e to "artner with us in this ministry, or hel" on our travel e<"enses for
this "articular tri" to 7sia$+acific, you may do it online via,
Er you may send it to,
New Tribes Mission
1000 E. First St.
Sanford, FL 3!!1
Acct. # 706700
Whats Been Going Onin Pictures

Kyla teaches in Sulawesi during her trip to Asia-Pacifc. She visited daughter Kari
& a!ily while there

"arryl was the spea#er at a youth !issions rally in PA attended $y %&0 high
school teens and their youth leaders and pastors.
'reat ti!e in the (ord and un-flled ga!es with a !issions & cross-cultural

(A)*+,- -A great opportunity or your a!ily or church or
youth group. (ayu!i is nestled in the hills o PA near
(illia!sport. .ot a ca!p per se/ !ore li#e a short ter!
!issions e0perience 1$ut without the e0pense o long distance
2ights. 'reat 3i$le teaching/ good ood 4including ethnic oods
o the world-5 and hands-on !issions si!ulations. 6ontact
"arryl or details or a!ily/ church/ or youth-specifc wee#ends and wee#s
during the all/ or su!!er 708&.

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