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Nubia Herrera
English 1010 8:00am
Prof, Celestino
Final Argument Essay

Same-Sex Marriage Can Affect Our Society

If Same sex marriage gets approve the society would be affected in many different
ways. Same-sex marriage consists of two people of the same sex, for instance a woman
marrying a woman and a man marrying to a man. Historically marriage consist of a man
and woman but now the society is changing dramatically about marrying someone of the
same sex, these couples are fighting for their right to marry the one they love and to be
treated equal as any other common couple. But in straight talk what would be the benefits
and the consequences of allowing these people to marry legally what would be the real
danger of same-sex marriage, would the concept of family values be affected if gay
marriage were allowed? On the other hand most religions say that all men are created
equal but also that man was made for a woman and woman was made for man. However,
letting gay couple adopt a child can lead the society to a totally new age. Another
problem would be health problems; among gay community sexual transmitted disease are
increasing rapidly.
The struggle for rights and equality, same- sex couples who have been legally
married; often face a lot of conflicts by trying to proclaim their rights. Because, even
though in some states same-sex marriage has been approved, it is not legally recognized
in the federal level in the U.S. Same-sex couples are excluded from more than 1,100
rights (Ghavami, Nejin). And benefits such as social security, parenting adoption and
immigration rights, therefore achieving marriage equality have importance consequences
for the gay community. But how can a gay couple claim the same rights and equality as a
normal couple if is NOT a real marriage, real marriage consists of a man and woman,
man and woman procreate, raise and gives a moral education to a child. A female and
male at home is the normal role model for children, something that a gay couple would
never be able to perform, so how can a same-sex couple claims the same rights and
equality as a normal couple if they are complete two different things, perhaps marriage is
a constitutional right (Ghavami, Nejin). Therefore, we all have the right to marry to
anybody we like to. But the constitution can authorize an action that would harm the
community. In the other hand religion states that every human being has the right to be
happy which consists on the right to marry any body we like to. But it also says the man
was made for woman and woman for man. So legalizing same-sex marriage is not only
violating the appearance of the society but it also violates the natural law. Therefore,
same-sex couples should NOT enjoy the same rights as a normal couple, nor equality,
when they are two entirely different things.
The right to adopt a child is another battle the same-sex partners are fighting; in
the US some states have approved adoption like California, Oregon, New Mexico, Iowa,
Minnesota. While other ones are challenged in court such as Arizona, Nevada, Kansas
Mississippi and Alabama (Oppenheimer, David B). But why would the states that still
pending should approve such of unmoral and unethical act. It can lead the adoptive
children to a physical danger and mental disorder. One of the most common physical
dangerous these children can experience is sexual abuse, gay partners are more likely to
molest a child and dont have a very well moderate manners (Oppenheimer, David B).
They often change partners and they dont care about providing a healthy education and
the well being to a child because they are promoting complete the opposite. Moreover,
gay parents can cause a big mental disorder to a child by confusing him/her about what
gender they belong. Mostly like the child wont know how to be straight, because all they
have been around is homosexual partners. So how can these parents teach a child how
to be straight? They cant because the children havent been related to a straight
relationship. The outcomes of these children later in their lives can be very disturbing
because they grew up in a homosexual environment besides they will be the only ones
suffering the consequences. The positive aspects of allowing gay couples to adopt is that
they will be providing a home and love to an orphan child but what will be the price for
this services? To have a confusing and perturbing lifetime, its much better to keep
these kids where they are right now, than given them up to an appropriate home. There
are also reasons why two men and two women cant have children so why they should
have the right to adopt. Furthermore is a child right is to live with a mother and father no
two of one or the other, and is also even better to live with a single parent than two of one
If same-sex marriage get approves by the federal law in the US. Family value is
another thing that would be affected. Gay marriages will not only going to harm this
country but the entire world, it will destroy families, and the society will complete change
to a new age, because is blatant that a man and a man cant procreate and there is no way
gay couples will continue to carry on the human tendency, moreover gay marriage will
open the door to many kind of crazy behaviors affecting and ruining the family values. In
the other hand straight marriage will be less meaningful and less common due to a bad
influence of homosexuals marriages. Same-sex marriage would end up destroying real
marriage it would quickly destroy the traditional happy family, the next younger
generation will became totally confused about what a true marriage is, they would lose
understanding of family commitment and the feeling of bonding and most important the
sexual behavior they will develop, this new generation will have no idea what marriage
real is because it wont not longer exist.
If same-sex marriage will be the first step of this new age, what will be the second
and third step? Sisters will end up marrying sisters and brothers will end up marrying
brothers or one of each, therefore same-sex marriage will affect the family values in a big
part. Eventually religion will be lost because gay marriage is NOT supported by any
religion. As a result the ethics, respect, and civility will be extinguished between the
families because there will no longer be a good moral, but disrespect and unmoral acts
around the community. Family values are very important to the society because they are
the basic instructions for life they develop and build a persons security and structure, it
would help a person make decision through he/she life it would also help a person
identify a mistakes and will keep him/her a way from bad decisions. The person would
become a better citizen if the family values are applied and well developed. Family
values are bout loving, respecting and trusting the family members as well as the others.
Its an element in a persons life. However, all this important points will be destroyed if
the federal law approves same-sex marriage. Family values cant be built in such of
wrong thing like gay marriage; its like trying to construct a house with out the right
What marriage is: it is form by two persons from DIFFERERNT gender man and
woman, they form a conventional union between husband and wife designed to procreate
children, and they provide stability, love, and values to a children. Marriage is biological
and morally right thing to do towards the society its a union engaged to keep producing
the human race (Oppenheimer, David B). In contrast with same-sex marriage is a union
of two persons from the same sex, which can be call husband and husband or wife and
wife, they can NOT procreate and most likely they wont be able to provide a stable
home to an adoptive children due to a change of partners very often. Its not a moral thing
to do towards the society and they also cant keep producing the human race. Marriage is
about responsibility with the family in which giving a child a good education and a well
perspective of life. Its about loving and caring for your partner not about disrespect and
intolerance behavior towards your own partner.
A Same-sex marriage is more likely to a break up than a traditional marriage, a
recently study show that gay persons who are currently married are agree to an open
relationship, for instance any of the two can be an unfaithful any time they would like to
with their partners knowledge (Juozapavicius, Justim). It also shows the gay marriages
tend to divorce more often than heterosexual couples, male couples break up at twice the
rate of a normal couple and lesbian couples break up at a rate that is even 77% more than
the gay male couples. And almost 88% of opposite sex remain together (Juozapavicius,
Justim). Now giving freedom to your partner to have a sexual act with any body they
want its not marriage this is why same-sex couples tend to divorce more than a opposite
sex couples, they lose respect between each other and cant maintain an adequate healthy
environment around their own lives. Again Real marriage is about loving, respecting and
caring for your partner to provide a well being for a child, not going out and try to find
some one to be unfaithful or to agree to have different partners while being marriage,
there is not way a child can be educate in this kind of environment he/she wont even have
a stable and security home to live.
In the other hand, Homosexual people also face a big health problem in their
sexual life. Gay people are more likely to come out positive on sexual transmitted disease
such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and aids (Bourne, Adam). Due to lack of using protection
or being well informed of the risk of unprotected sex. Some reasons why gay men people
are more common to have STD is because their are knowing for practicing anal sex,
which is 18 times bigger likely than during vaginal intercourse (Bourne, Adam). This
means that every time they have unprotected anal sex they are at risk to obtain any kind
of STD and passed on and on. People in general can also obtain STD if having
unprotected sex, but it is more likely in gay people especially in gay men. Homosexual
person should be more responsible of their own acts and use protection while an act of
sex, in order to prevent the spread out of STD. So as any other person.
Same sex marriage has being approved in some states, such as Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New York and Maryland. While other 38 states have
banned same-sex marriage, some by constitutional amendment some by law and the
majority by both (Ghavami, Nejin). If these states keep legalizing gay marriage the
damage in our society will be affected. The society will give a dramatically change is
going to affect the family aspects, the traditional happy life that most marriage couples
have. Consequently if the government keeps allowing gay couples to adopt a child the
gay community will eventually be extended due to parenting a child. The child would be
influence by the homosexual partners, in which he/she will grow up in an unhealthy
environment and perturbing life. The child also more likely would grow up as a
homosexual person, because that is the life she/he has being growing up to. The values of
the families will be affected drastically in the entire world. Also Religions, respects, ethic
and love will be losing. In general people should take care of civility not try to ruined or
even worse come up with crazy behaviors that will influence the younger generation.
Gay people should respect their gender and respect the rest of the community. There is a
reason why every religion states that man was made for woman and woman for man.

Works cited
Bourne, Adam, et al. "What Constitutes The Best Sex Life For Gay And Bisexual
Men? Implications For HIV Prevention." BMC Public Health 13.1 (2013): 1-22.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Aug. 2014.
Ghavami, Negin, and Kerri L. Johnson. "Comparing Sexual And Ethnic Minority
Perspectives On Same-Sex Marriage." Journal Of Social Issues 67.2 (2011): 394-
412. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 July 2014.
Juozapavicius, Justim. "Okla. Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down; Ruling
on Hold." Examiner-Enterprise. 15 Jan. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web.
02 Aug. 2014.
Nemeth, Mary, and others. "The Family." Maclean's. 20 Jun. 1994:
30+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 02 Aug. 2014.
Oppenheimer, David B., Alvaro Oliveira, and Aaron Blumenthal. "Religiosity And

Same-Sex Marriage In The United States And Europe." Berkeley Journal Of

International Law 32.1 (2014): 195-238. Business Source Premier. Web. 23

July 2014.

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