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Chemistry Lab

Determination of Iron Percentage by Redox Titration

Pre-Lab Discussion
Titration can be a useful method for analyzing redox reactions. An oxidation-reduction
redox! reaction is one "here electrons are transferred from a reducing agent to an
oxidizing agent. The math for a redox titration "or#s $ust li#e an acid-base titration.
Assuming a one-to-one stoichiometry% the number of moles of oxidizing agent "ill e&ual
the number of moles of reducing agent. That allo"s us to use the same titration e&uation%
'()( * '+)+
If the stoichiometric ratio is not one-to-one% "e need to ad$ust the e&uation $ust li#e "e
did for ,oly,rotic acids.
The ,ermanganate 'n-.
ion is often used in redox titrations because it is a strong
oxidizing agent and it has a bright ,ur,le color. If a solution containing ,ermanganate is
titrated into an analyte% the ,ur,le color "ill disa,,ear as the ,ermanganate oxidizes the
analyte and is reacted a"ay. /e #no" the reaction is com,lete "hen the ,ur,le color
,ersists in the solution. Thus% the ,ermanganate ion is a self-indicator0 that is% it acts as
its o"n indicator.
In this lab% "e "ill use ,otassium ,ermanganate to oxidize the iron II! ion to iron III!.
The reaction must occur in acidic solution to ,re1ent the unstable 2e
ion from oxidizing
"ith the air. Thus% "e "ill add sulfuric acid to the solution before titrating. Also% the
addition of ,hos,horic acid "ill ,re1ent the a,,earance of the yello" color of 2e
"hich "ould other"ise ma#e it difficult to see the ,ermanganate color. 5sing the result
of the titration% "e can determine the moles of 2e in the analyte% con1ert to grams% and
find the ,ercent 2e for the sam,le.
The ob$ecti1e of this lab is to find the ,ercent iron in an iron II! com,ound.
(. 'ass out roughly (.66 g of an iron II! com,ound and add it to an 7rlenmeyer flas#.
+. 5se a 1olumetric flas# to ma#e a 6.(66 ' solution of 8'n-..
4. Clean a buret and fill it "ith your 8'n-. solution.
.. Dissol1e the iron com,ound in 96 mL of ( ' :+;-..
9. Immediately titrate the 8'n-. into the solution. /hen a light yello" color de1elo,s
in the solution% add 4.6 mL of :4P-. and continue titrating.
Chemistry Lab
Determination of Iron Percentage by Redox Titration
<. Titrate until the ,ur,le color of the ,ermanganate solution ,ersists.
=. If time ,ermits% re,eat the ex,eriment and a1erage your results.
2irst calculate the number of moles of 8'n-. titrated "ith the e&uation
n * ')
"here ' is the 'olarity of the solution and ) is the 1olume in liters that "ere used. In
this reaction% the stoichiometric ratio is 9>(0 that is% 9 mol of 2e
react for e1ery ( mol of
. To get the moles of iron% "e need to multi,ly the abo1e result by fi1e. If "e then
multi,ly the moles by the atomic mass of iron% "e can find the mass of iron in that "as in
the sam,le>
m * n'
The ,ercent iron is then found by di1iding the mass of iron by the mass of the original
sam,le and multi,lying by (66. If you ran more than one trial% a1erage the ,ercentage
results. If you #no" the identity of the iron com,ound% com,ute the theoretical 1alue for
the ,ercent of iron and find your relati1e error.

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