8826 Spiritual Messages Must Profess Jesus Christ As Redeemer of The World ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Spiritual messages must profess
Jesus Christ as redeemer of the world ....
Beliee !e that " will #ot let $ou lie i# error if o#l$ $ou are
willi#g to a%%ept the pure truth. &his is of utmost importa#%e'
espe%iall$ at this time' (e%ause almost #o)o#e thi#*s %orre%tl$
a#$more' (e%ause eer$thi#g dierts from the truth #o matter
what people are tea%hi#g.
+#d ee# if $ou %a# o#l$ impart !$ spiritual *#owledge to a
few .... it will shi#e li*e a light i# a dar* #ight' a#d people who
are addressed ($ !e dire%tl$ or through messe#gers will feel
happ$ i# its radia#%e. +#d thus few people lie i# this pure truth
a#d the$ will also (eliee $ou. &he$ will *#ow that it %ould o#l$
hae (ee# re%eied through the wor*i#g of the spirit' that a
dire%t %o##e%tio# e,ists from !e to $ou a#d that the$ %a# full$
e#dorse the results.
But contacts also exist to the spiritual world which you
should regard with caution .... &he huma# (ei#g-s resole to
i#estigate super#atural thi#gs %a# easil$ put people at ris* of
re%eii#g i#formatio# from this super#atural world whi%h will #o
lo#ger e#a(le them to ma*e a disti#%tio# (etwee# truth a#d
And time and again I say to you: if you are not educated
by My spirit, which will guide you into truth, then dont
believe every spirit who speaks to you
" i#di%ated to $ou i# the Boo* of Boo*s that " will reeal !$self to
$ou .... " told $ou that $ou all hae to (e edu%ated ($ God' Who
will the# guara#tee $ou the purest truth.
But where is it written that I will choose different paths in
order to convey the pure truth to you! /e# if " let $ou ta*e
the path ia spiritual (ei#gs who are mea#t to %o#i#%e $ou of
the immortalit$ of $our soul' the$' too' will time a#d agai# refer
$ou to the wor*i#g of !$ spirit i# the huma# (ei#g a#d first tr$
to motiate $ou i#to esta(lishi#g a heartfelt (o#d with !e' so
that $our God a#d Father 0imself will (e a(le to tea%h $ou ....
+#d 0e will guide $ou i#to truth .... +s to whether this will
su(se1ue#tl$ happe# dire%tl$ or through 0is messe#gers of light
does #ot affe%t the *#owledge whi%h " impart to $ou !$self.
+#d there is alwa$s a da#ger if i#stru%tio#s from the world of the
(e$o#d are gie# to $ou whi%h are impossi(le for $ou to %o#firm'
for this world is still goer#ed ($ !$ adersar$ who tries to
spread error to the same e,te#t' whereer it is possi(le for
him .... And you cannot apply any other guideline but the
attitude demonstrated by this spirit towards "esus #hrist
$ou can give credence to those who profess %im as
&edeemer of the world, in 'hom I embodied Myself,
in which case you are being addressed by one of My
appointed servants from the kingdom of the beyond whom
I will then send to you if you are still unaware of the
(working of My spirit within the human being But he will
u#de#ia(l$ i#form $ou of it' so that $ou %a# e#ter i#to %o#ta%t
with !e with a# awa*e#ed spirit i# order to (e further i#stru%ted
($ !e.
"f su%h a %ir%le has therefore %ome together with the si#%ere
desire for truth' the# people will also (e taught ($ guides from
the (e$o#d' $et first of all the$ will (e prese#ted with Jesus
Christ-s a%t of Salatio#' 0e 0imself will (e des%ri(ed as 2God of
eter#it$- a#d the# $ou will also re%og#ise this spirit as a (earer of
truth a#d %ompl$ with its i#stru%tio# to %o#s%iousl$ esta(lish
%o#ta%t with !e.
I would definitely not place an aversion against these
(spiritual guides into the heart of those of you who
want to be My )wn if they worked in accordance with
My will too, if they did not spread error
&here is su%h i#te#se %ou#ter a%tiit$ appare#t' (ut it will o#l$
eer affe%t those who do not har(our the stro#g desire for truth
i# them' who are %o#te#t with a %ommu#i%atio# from the
spiritual world (ut who do #ot thi#* of the O#e Who
a%%omplished the salatio# sa%rifi%e o# $our (ehalf a#d the$
therefore %a# also (e misled. "f o#l$ all of $ou would (eliee i#
0im' i# 0is %ru%ifi,io# a#d !$ huma# ma#ifestatio# i# 0im' the#
$our thi#*i#g would (e e#lighte#ed a#d #othi#g wro#g would (e
a(le to %ome to $ou from the (e$o#d. But' i#stead' people
%o#te#t themseles with wro#g reports whi%h are of #o alue to
'hat I ask of people consists of *ust a few words: +ove for
Me and for their neighbour For the# the$ will awa*e# their
spirit to life' the# the$ will si#%erel$ u#ite with !e' a#d the# " will
also (e a(le to guide them i#to more profou#d *#owledge ....
i#to the *#owledge of their origi# a#d apostas$ from !e' i#to the
*#owledge of !$ pla# of retur#.
+#d the# the realisatio# the$ had lost due to their si# of apostas$
will (e reealed to them .... ,hey will discover the great error
which is prevalent in the world and its correction which,
however, can only be received if I Am able to express
Myself through the spirit
0e#%e $ou should first strie to awa*e# the life of the spirit' a#d
it will guide $ou i#to truth .... riers of lii#g water will flow out
of $our (ell$ .... $ou will all (e taught ($ God a#d all the
promises will fulfil themseles' whi%h will remai#
i#%omprehe#si(le to $ou as lo#g as $ou are spirituall$ still
u#awa*e#ed ....
3u(lished ($ frie#ds of #ew reelatio#s of God 4 "#formatio#'
dow#load of all tra#slated reelatio#s' theme)(oo*lets at5


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