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Professional Summary:
3 years of experience in Java Technologies
Excellent Java development skills using J2EE, J2SE, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC,
Sockets, JFC/Swing, Java Beans, pplets!
"aving #ands on experience in #andling $se Cases, Functional Speci%ication,
&nowledge 'rans%ers and Business nal(sis!
Extensive )*+ect )riented Development ))P/))D experience!
,ood working knowledge on pplication development and maintenance li%e c(cle
Professional Experience:
Currently woring as a !oftware Engineer in xxx Technologies, "angalore from July
&oring as a !oftware Engineer in xxx Sof!are Pv "#' "angalore from (ay
#$$) to June #$$9
Scholasic Profile:
$.E from *niversity of (a+ras in #$$) with an aggregate of ,#-%
%& San#ar# from .igher secon+ary e+ucation /oar+ in #$$0 with an aggregate of
san#ar# from !econ+ary e+ucation "oar+ in #$$$ with an aggregate of ,1-
2 achieve+ sun certification on Java platform%
Certifie+ as a Scrum )aser from !crum 3lliance

Technical Experise:
4perating !ystem : &in+ows 5T #$$$6#$$06XP' 7inux
Primary !ills : J!P' .i/ernate an+ EJ"
7anguages : C' Java an+ Perl
!cripting 7anguages : Java!cript' Java !ervlets' J(!' J!P
&e/ !ervers : &e/ logic' 2"( &e/ sphere
Experience Summary:
Presently 2 am associate+ with **** Technologies +n#ia as a !oftware programmer
since July #$$9 to Till 8ate%
Pro,ec -%:
Client : 9eal Estate Company%
Environment : !oftware Programmer
9ole : !oftware 8eveloper
8uration : 8ec #$$9 to till +ate%
-e #ave developed a S(stem to .eal Estate Compan(! /n t#is s(stem )%%ice admin, .eal Estate
*rokers and customers are t#e main roles! /n t#is s(stem customers will re0uest %or a propert(
in a speci%ic location and Brokers will add new properties in to t#e s(stem %rom t#eir locations!
)%%ice admin will assign/sc#edule a *roker to t#e customer!
.oles / .esponsi0iliies:
2 ac#ieved working experience o% writing Data*ase stored procedures and triggers
2 understood t#e .eal Estate Domain knowledge!
1opy a0ove pro,ec explanaion forma for oher pro,ecs you have.

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