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Equipment Modeling Course Guide

2. Basic Equipment
Manipulation Exercises
2.1 Setting Up
1. Enter the equipment modeling environment.
2. Make sure that there are at least two active views on the screen: one
isometric and one north orientation.

Key in view =3 to activate view 3 or select view 3 from the Window
Open/close command under the View Pulldown menu.
3. Define the active point at 0,0,0 and window-center to these coordinates
using applicable steps from the first set of exercises.

2.2 Creating Equipment Using Primitives
Objective: Learn the basic steps involved in placing Primitive geometric
shapes used to build equipment items.
1. Select START.

2. Select the cylinder icon.
3. Key in CYL-1 for equipment number and accept the form.
4. Key in the following data:

For Imperial Units For mixed units
A =10 A =3045
B =6 B =1828
Note: If no units are placed for an English units project the software will
default to feet.

Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises

5. Make sure that primary is Up, secondary is East.
6. Accept.

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Equipment Modeling Course Guide

7. Specify the following information:

For Imperial Units For mixed units
Move the placement tee to Move the placement tee to
Easting=16 Easting =4876
Northing =0 Northing =0
Elev =0 Elev =0
Set the Active Point with the above coordinate information.
8. Select START.

9. Select concentric cone. If the New Equipment Entity form does not
appear, be sure to select START.
10. Key in CONE-1 for equipment number.
11. Select CONSTRUCTION_STATUS "New," and accept the form.
12. Select EQUIPMENT_DIVISION "Other," and accept the form.
13. Accept.
Note: All information on the Equipment Entity Form is optional except
for the equipment_no. Equipment must have a unique Equipment

Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises


14. Key in the following data:

For Imperial Units... For Mixed Units...
A =12 A =3657
B =9 B =2743
C =4 C =1219
15. Make sure that primary is Up, and secondary is East.

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Equipment Modeling Course Guide


Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises

17. Specify the following information:

For Imperial units For mixed units

Move the placement tee to Move the placement tee to
Easting=28 Easting =8534
Northing =0 Northing =0
Elev =0 Elev =0
18. window-center to these coordinates.

Note: This can be done in any MicroStation view. It is a tool to keep
the orientation tee plainly visible, so that the user has feedback for refresh
19. Select START.

20. Select the rectangular solid.
21. Key in BOX-1 for equipment number.
22. Accept the form.
23. Key in the following data:

For Imperial units For mixed units

A =5 A =1524
B =1 B =304
C =8 C =2438
24. Make sure that primary is Up and secondary is North.
25. Accept.

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Equipment Modeling Course Guide


Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises

26. Specify the following information:

For Imperial units For mixed units

Move the placement tee to Move the placement tee to
Easting=0 Easting=0
Northing =18 Northing =5486
Elev =4 Elev =1219
27. window-center to these coordinates.
28. Select START.

29. Select the transition element icon (third row, fourth column).
30. Key in TRAN-1 for equipment number.
31. Accept the form.
32. Key in the following data:

For Imperial units For mixed units

A =5 A =1524
B =4 B =1219
C =4 C=1219
D =3 D =914
33. Make sure that primary is Down and secondary is South.
34. Select PLACE BY END 2. When you do not specify a place endpoint the
system places by end 1 as a default.
35. Accept.

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Equipment Modeling Course Guide


Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises

2.3 Identifying and Manipulating
1. Select COPY from the Equipment Palette.

2. Key in CYL-1 to identify the cylinder.
3. Press the tentative button on the mouse <T>to identify the cylinder for
copying. Once the cylinder highlights, accept the choice with a data
button <D>.
4. Select ACCEPT to define the reference point.

Note: The orientation tee will remain on TRAN-1 during this step, but
the offset will be calculated properly with respect to CYL-1.
5. Key in CYL-2 for the new equipment number.
6. Select DELTA PDS XYZ.

Note: The orientation tee will remain on TRAN-1 during this step, but
the offset will be calculated properly with respect to CYL-2.
7. Key in the following data:

For Imperial units For mixed units

Delta E: 0 Delta E: 0
Delta N: -10:6 Delta N: -3200
Delta Elev: 0 Delta Elev: 0

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Equipment Modeling Course Guide


8. Key in CYL-3 for new equipment number.

Note: The orientation tee will remain on TRAN-1 during this step, but
the offset will be calculated properly with respect to CYL-2.
10. Key in the following data:

For Imperial units For mixed units

Delta E: 0 Delta E: 0
Delta N: -10:6 Delta N: -3200
Delta Elev: 7 Delta Elev: 2133

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises


11. Select MOVE from the Equipment Palette.

12. Tentative snap to CYL-3, and use a <D>to accept the highlighted
13. Use a <D>to accept if the MicroStation command window displays
14. Select DELTA PDS XYZ.

15. Key in the following data:

For Imperial units For mixed units

Delta E: 0 Delta E: 0
Delta N: 0 Delta N: 0
Delta Elev: -2 Delta Elev: -609
16. Use ABS PDS XYZ or repeat steps 14 and 15 as necessary to bring
Equipment Modeling Course Guide

CYL-3 to the same elevation as CYL-1 and CYL-2 .

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

17. Reset to identify a new piece of equipment.
18. Key in BOX-1 to identify the rectangular solid.
19. Use a <D>to accept.
20. Select ACCEPT to define the current point as the reference point.
21. From the Precision Point palette, select MOVE ALONG SEC.

22. Key in the following data:

For Imperial units For mixed units

10 3048

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises


Note: The box moves with respect to the current secondary axis on the
orientation tee.

24. Use a tentative snap (T) to identify CYL-1.
25. Use a <D>to accept.
26. Accept the form.
27. Repeat steps 23 to 26 on equipment CYL-3, CONE-1 and BOX-1.

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

Equipment Modeling Course Guide


Basic Equipment Manipulation Exercises

1. Select DELETE from the Equipment Palette.

2. Place a tentative point on CYL-3's datum point.
3. Accept CYL-3 for deletion.
4. Delete all equipment placed except CYL-1. Delete TRAN-1 last.

Your view should now resemble the following graphic.

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