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Tauheed Wa Sunnat – www.tauheed-sunnat.

The Way Of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat - The way of the Salafus Saliheen

In the Name of Allah: The Gracious, The Merciful

Why I am Not an Ahmadi: My Journey from Kufr to Islam

By Ahsen Malik

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1) What is Ahmadiyyat?
1.2) The Hybrid Cult
1.3) Am I a Religious Fanatic?
1.4) Disclaimer
1.5) A Note
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1) Chapter Introduction
2.2) Important Sets
2.3) Important Books
2.4) Important Publications and Letters
2.5) Important Websites
Chapter 3: Sneaky Tricks of Ahmadi Missionaries
3.1) Chapter Introduction
3.2) Indulgence into the Holy Quran
3.3) Inconsistent Use of Ahadith
Chapter 4: An Analysis of “Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad”
4.1) Chapter Introduction
4.2) The True Messiah OR One of Several False Messiahs?
4.3) Did Mirza Sahib “Break the Cross”?
4.4) Did Mirza Sahib “Kill the Swine”?
4.5) What Signs did Mirza Sahib fulfill?
4.6) Conclusions on the The Signs
4.7) Divine Revelation OR Plagiarism?
4.8) More Divine Revelation OR Plagiarism?
4.9) Some Interesting Facts from the Life of Mirza Sahib
Chapter 5: Refutation of the Fundamental Qadiani and Lahori Doctrines
5.1) Chapter Introduction
5.2) Is Jesus Really in India?
5.3) What Happened to the Son of Mary?

Chapter 6: Refutation of the Fundamental Qadiani Doctrines

6.1) Chapter Introduction
6.2) Who is the Last Prophet?
6.3) Qadiani Corrupt Interpretation of “Seal of the Prophets”
Chapter 7: An Analysis of “Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad”

Chapter 8: An Analysis of “Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad”

8.1) Chapter Introduction
8.2) A Man of God OR “A Man of Fraud”?
8.3) Strike 1
8.4) Strike 2
8.5) Who won the Mubahala when both sides actually agreed to it?
8.6) Khilafat Ahmadiyya: A Seat to ...
Chapter 9: Exposing the Ahmadiyya Fraud Against Islam
9.1) Chapter Introduction
9.2) Exposing Qadiani Fraudulent Interpretations of the Holy Quran
9.2.1 - Does the Quran foretell the coming of Mirza Sahib?
9.2.2 - Does the Quran imply that More Prophets can come?
9.3) Exposing Qadiani Fraudulent Interpretations of Ahadith
9.3.1 - The Fraud of the “73 Sects”
9.3.2 - The Fraud of “Prophets and Mosques”
9.3.3 - There’s Something about Eclipses
9.4) Exposing Lies in Ahmadi Literature
9.4.1 - Welcome to Ahmadiyyat, The True Islam OR “Welcome to Qadianism, A Fraud Against Islam”?
9.4.2 - What did Imam Bukhari believe?
9.4.3 - Was the “Promised Messiah” supposed to come in the 14th Century?
9.4.4 - What 2 Maladies?
9.4.5 - Qadiani Arrogance towards Muslims
9.5) Exposing Qadiani Blasphemy against the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him)
9.5.1 - Contradictions in Qadiani Beliefs
9.5.2 - What is the True Ahmadi Meaning of the Kalima?
Chapter 10: Conclusions

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1) What is Ahmadiyyat?

The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam(Jamaat) was founded by “Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad” (Mirza Sahib)
in 1889 who was born in either 1835 or 1839 and died in 1908. He claimed the title “The Promised Messiah and
Imam Mahdi” and simply put was one of the many messiahs of the 19th Century claiming to be the 2nd coming
of Jesus Christ. In his 1902 book Kashti Nuh(Noah’s Ark) he explained the logic behind his claim.

“In the third part of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya(a book that he wrote in the 1880’s), God had named me Mary and as
apparent from it, I was nurtured into the qualities of Mary for a couple of years. When a period of two years
lapsed then, as stated on page 496 of the 4th volume of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, the soul of Jesus was infused in
me as it was infused in Mary and, in an allegoric sense, I was stated to be pregnant. Thereafter, after many
months not exceeding a period of ten months after this revelation, I was, through a revelation recorded at the
end of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya on page 556, named Jesus and hence I came to be the Son of Mary.”
(Kashti Nuh; Roohani Khazain, Volume 19, Page 50; Three In One, Page 109)

Mirza Sahib also claimed that Jesus went to India after the incident of the Cross and lived there until the age of
120 and that the tomb of a man named Yuz Asaf in India is actually the tomb of Jesus Christ. His followers
call themselves “Ahmadis” or “Ahmadi Muslims.” They claim that “Ahmadiyyat”(a.k.a. “Qadianism”) is the
“True Islam.” However in 1974, Rabita Alame Islami(Muslim World League), which represents all religious
scholars from every Muslim country of the world passed a unanimous resolution declaring them to be Non-
Muslim, Kuffar(Disbelievers), and outside the fold of Islam. They are also known as “Qadianis.”

Since the death of Mirza Sahib, the Qadiani leadership has been under the rule of 5 “Khalifas”(“Caliphs”).

1) Maulana Al-Hajj Nooruddin(1841 - 1914), a.k.a. “Hazrat Al-Hajj Hakim Nooruddin”, “Khalifatul Masih
Awal”(“1st Caliph to the Messiah”)
2) Mirza Mahmud(1889 - 1965), a.k.a. “Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad”, “Khalifatul Masih
Sani”(“2nd Caliph to the Messiah”)
3) Mirza Nasir(1909 - 1982), a.k.a. “Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad”, “Khalifatul Masih Al-Salis”(“3rd Caliph to the
4) Mirza Tahir(1928 - 2003), a.k.a. “Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad”, “Khalifatul Masih Rabi”(“4th Caliph to the
5) Mirza Masroor(1950 - ????), a.k.a. “Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad”, “Khalifatul Masih Al-Khamas”(“5th
Caliph to the Messiah”)

Leader Years as Leader Significance

Mirza Sahib (1889 - 1908) Founder of the Jamaat
Maulana Al-Hajj Nooruddin (1908 - 1914) Best Friend of Mirza Sahib
Mirza Mahmud (1914 - 1965) Eldest Son from Mirza Sahib’s 2nd wife
Mirza Nasir (1965 - 1982) Eldest Son of Mirza Mahmud
Mirza Tahir (1982 - 2003) Another Son of Mirza Mahmud
Mirza Masroor (2003 - ????) A Great-Grandson of Mirza Sahib
Table 1: Relationships and Significance of Ahmadi Leaders

1.2) The Hybrid Cult

A good(but not perfect) analogy is the following:

Qadianis ARE TO Muslims AS Jehovah’s Witnesses/Mormons ARE TO Christians.

In fact, the Qadiani Cult is sort of a Hybrid between 2 groups that have been labeled as cults by many

However, a very small fraction of Mirza Sahib’s followers belong to the Ahmadiyya Anjumaan Isha’at-e-Islam
Lahore known as “Lahoris.” They also claim to be “Ahmadis.” They accept Maulana Al-Hajj Nooruddin as
the “Khalifa” to Mirza Sahib, but they reject the Qadiani interpretation of “Khilafat.” Maulana Muhammad
Ali and a small group of people broke away and left Qadian in 1914 and went to Lahore when Mirza Mahmud
was selected by an overwhelming majority of the Ahmadis. From what I have read and heard, this group
does not follow the general cult like tendencies. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to name the Lahoris as
a cult.

The table below describes the “Hybrid characteristics” of Qadianis.

Characteristic Mormons Witnesses Qadianis
Follow Mirza Ghulam
Follow Joseph Smith who Do not follow a claimant to
Claimant to Prophethood Ahmad who claimed to be
claimed to be prophet prophethood
Belief on the 2nd coming of Do not believe that Jesus Believe that “Jesus has Believe that “Jesus has
Christ has returned yet returned”- secretly that is returned” in spirit in the
body of Mirza
Claim new scripture with Claim new scripture with
New Scripture divine authority: Book of No new scripture divine authority: Roohani
Mormon Khazain, Tadhkirah
Have made significant re-
Have made significant re-
Have not made any interpretations of existing
interpretations of existing
significant re- passages of Quran and
Existing Scripture passages of the Bible
interpretations of existing Ahadith which are
which are rejected by
scripture rejected by mainstream
mainstream Christians
Claim to have discovered Claim to have discovered
the truth behind “The the truth behind “The
The Lost Tribes of Israel No theory on this matter
Lost Tribes” - the Jews Lost Tribes” - the Jews
came to America went to Afghanistan
Have been persecuted for Have been persecuted for Have been persecuted for
Religious Persecution
their beliefs their beliefs their beliefs
Table 2: A Comparision of 3 Cults

1.3) Am I a Religious Fanatic?

Due to my strong opposition to Ahmadiyyat, I have been accused of being a religious fanatic,
“fundamentalist,” etc. You get the picture. One funny threat I recently got from an Ahmadi is the following:

“You will be listed as a person interested in espousing hate in America. The authorities know exactly what to
do about you.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not a “fanatic” nor a “fundamentalist.”

I was born into an Ahmadi family. Just last year, I was paying “Chanda”(financial donations) and served the
Jamaat as the “Youngest Nazim” at the 2003 USA Jalsa Salana(Annual Convention). However, over the last
year, I have been doing a lot of reading and research on Islam and Ahmadiyyat searching for the truth. By the
Grace of AllahSWT, I am grateful that I have been guided from Kufr to Islam.

I feel it to be my duty to inform and educate others about the true nature of the Ahmadiyya Fraud in the
name of Islam.

“After the last several years of my study I have reached this conclusion that Jamaat Ahmadiyya is definitely
not Islam, neither is it a sect within Islam. Rather it is a new religion, which has been grafted in the body of
Islam like a parasite.”
- Shaikh Raheel Ahmad, Former Ahmadi from Germany who left the Jamaat in 2003

Would you call Raymond Franz who is a former member of Jehovah’s Witnesses and author of Crisis of
Conscience a “fundamentalist”?

This is a struggle of Right vs. Wrong. This is about justice and freedom from oppression. This is about Truth
vs. Falsehood.
The Qadiani Cult has led many astray by lies and deception and continues to do so today. I am simply using
Mirza Sahib’s favorite tool which he claimed “Jihad of the Pen” to prove Mirza Sahib and his family wrong.
It is nothing personal against the ordinary members of the Jamaat.

This booklet has been prepared to educate Muslims, Ahmadis, and interested people of other faiths by
providing an Unbiased and Fair Analysis using the Holy Quran, Gospel, Authentic Ahadith, Ahmadi
Literature, Neutral Literature, and the Events of History to prove the Falsehood of Ahmadiyyat. More
Muslims need to be educated and aware of the doctrines of Qadianism such as the ridiculous belief that 1000
prophets may appear after Muhammad(peace be upon him). Hopefully, by reading this booklet more
Ahmadis will be guided from Kufr to Islam.

“You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of
the people all of the time.”
- Abraham Lincoln (Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave, Page 87, by William Schnell)

I would like to thank Missionary Mirza Afzal of Vancouver, Canada and Missionary Azhar Haneef of
Philadelphia, USA who are 2 of the Top Ahmadi Missionaries for the time they took out of their busy
schedules to have a face to face debate with me. I would also like to thank all the Ahmadis, Muslims, and
Christians whose cooperation and correspondence have been of great help.

1.4) Disclaimer

I am not affiliated nor partnered with any person, book, organization, website, etc. that I use to support my
arguments. Reader agrees not to file any lawsuits against me for any damage that this booklet might cause.
The website references and hyperlinks were accurate as of 12/25/2004. No guarantees can be made about
their validity in the future. Please feel free to reproduce this booklet in hard copy as well as add a link of this
website to your website.

1.5) A Note

In order to stay as neutral as possible I will use both terms, “Ahmadi” and “Qadiani” interchangeably when
addressing members and/or beliefs of the Jamaat. All analysis of Ahmadi literature in this book is referring
to Qadiani literature with the exception of the books of Mirza Sahib whose analysis is applicable to both sects
of Ahmadis: Qadianis and Lahoris. Also, the word “Jamaat” as used in this booklet will refer specifically to
the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam or Jamaat Ahmadiyya. There are also other “Jamaats” in the world
today. Qadianis might complain that they find term “Qadiani” offensive and a sign of disrespect. I do not
think it is offensive at all since the founder of the movement was from the town of Qadian, is buried in Qadian,
and even referred to himself as a “Qadiani.” Secondly, they fail to realize that many Muslims find the term
“Ahmadi” offensive as Ahmad is the second name of our beloved prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).
Imagine if someone called you a “Muhammadan.” Would you not find this term offensive?


Ahsen Malik

Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents

This chapter introduces to the reader some of the important books and publications to understand the rest of
this booklet, as well as some of the websites where many of them can be downloaded and/or purchased from.

2.2) Important Sets

Roohani Khazain - a 23 volume compilation of Mirza Sahib’s 80+ books in order by date of publication. Volume
1 starts with his books in the 1880’s. Volume 23 ends with his books in the early 1900’s.

Majmooa Ishtharat - a 3 volume collection of advertisements and proclamations by Mirza Sahib.

Malfoozat - a 10 volume composition of notes and sayings recorded by his companions based on his speeches,
lectures, and conversations.

Anwarul Uloom - a 12 volume compilation of Mirza Mahmud’s essays and books.

Tafseer-e-Kabeer - a 10 volume commentary on the Holy Quran attributed to Mirza Mahmud.

Tarikh-i-Ahmadiyyat - a 20(+/-) volume history on Ahmadiyyat written from the perspective of the Ahmadis.

The Essence of Islam - a 2(soon to be 4) volume Partial English Translation of Mirza Sahib’s books. Extracts
from several books of Mirza Sahib are compiled together.

Seerat-ul-Mahdi - a detailed 3 volume biography on Mirza Sahib written by his own son Mirza Bashir, a.k.a.
“Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad.”

2.3) Important Books

Recognizing the Messiah - just recently published in September 2004, it is a 423 page book written by Nuzhat
Haneef who was an Ahmadi until November 2003. It is a good reference for someone who is really interested
in a detailed analysis of the claims of Mirza Sahib.

Two In One - Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah’s arguments against the claims of Mirza Sahib in response to Mirza
Tahir’s 1988 Mubahala Challenge.

Three In One - Naeem Osman Memon’s 1994 response to Two In One.

Finality of Prophethood - Syed Abul Ala Maududi’s 1962 thesis on the true meaning of “Seal of the Prophets” as
well as signs of the 2nd coming of the Jesus(peace be upon him).

Masih Hindustan Mein(Jesus in India) - Mirza Sahib’s 1899 thesis on why he believes that Jesus went to India.

Jesus’ Tomb in India - Dr. Paul C. Pappas’s 1991 book evaluating the claim that whether the tomb of Yuz Asaf is
of Jesus or Not?
Prophecy Continuous: Aspects of Ahmadi Religious Thought and its Medieval Origins - a recent unbiased and fair
analysis on the claims of Ahmadiyyat written by Yohannan Friedman.

Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and New Religions in America - a book introducing the history of many false prophets
and messiahs of the 19th century.

Ahmadiyya Movement - British Jewish Connections - a history of the 100 years of Ahmadiyyat evaluating the
Jamaat from a political standpoint.

Dawat-ul-Amir(Invitation to Ahmadiyyat) - originally published in 1926 by Mirza Mahmud, it is an excellent

book that explains in detail all of the fundamental and core doctrinal beliefs of Ahmadiyyat.

Welcome to Ahmadiyyat, The True Islam - a 21st century introduction to Ahmadiyyat which covers all of the basics
including the doctrinal beliefs, a brief history, the system of Khilafat, the system of Chanda, etc.

Kalimat-ul-Fasl - a book that explains how the meaning of the Kalima changed after the arrival of Mirza Sahib.

Ahmad The Guided One - a recent English biography of Mirza Sahib by Iain Adamson.

A Man of God - English biography of Mirza Tahir by Iain Adamson.

Tadhkirah - a compilation of dreams and revelations of Mirza Sahib.

Tarikh-i-Mahmudiyyat Kay Chand Ahem Magir Posheeda Auraq-Hissa Awal(Few Hidden But Important Pages of
History of Mahmudiyyat-Part One) - a book that exposes the dark and corrupt side of Mirza Mahmud. It
includes 28 Sworn Testimonies alleging that Mirza Mahmud committed actions including adultery, sodomy
and also embezzled money. It is referred to as Tahrik-i-Mahmudiat for short; compiled by Mazhar Ud Din

Shahr-e-Sodom(City of Sodomy) - written by Shafiq Mirza, it is another book accusing Mirza Mahmud of moral
corruption. Some of the stories from this book are known to have been exaggerated.

Islam Usul ki Philosophy(The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam) - a book of Mirza Sahib that has been translated
into 50+ languages. Kind of odd since the majority of Mirza Sahib’s 80+ books to this day remain
untranslated and are only available to those that can read and understand Urdu, Arabic, and Persian(the 3
languages that his books are written in).

2.4) Important Letters and Publications

An Open Invitation to Mubahala - the June 10, 1988 Challenge of Mubahala given by Mirza Tahir to all
opponents of Ahmadiyyat.

Reply to Mirza Tahir’s Challenge of Mubahala - Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi’s 1st letter to Mirza Tahir
in response to An Open Invitation to Mubahala.

A Final Redjoiner to Mirza Tahir - Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi’s 2nd letter to Mirza Tahir in response
to the letter written to him by Jamaat Press Secretary Rasheed Chaudhry.

The Bane of Qadianiat - Al Hafiz B.A. Masri, a former Ahmadi describes his experiences in the Jamaat in his
youth during the 1930’s.
Can Ahmadis Answer - a pamphlet claiming that Mirza Sahib contradicted himself in his writings. The author,
Illias Suttar offers a cash reward to anyone who will prove him wrong in the Court of Law.

2.5) Important Websites

Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam <> - the official homepage of the Jamaat.

Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam <> - the official homepage of the movement
founded by SyedAbdul Hafeez Shah in 1991 as a response to An Open Invitation to Mubahala. It is currently
headed by Dr. Syed Rashid Ali who is the Official Spokesman.

Idara Dawat-o-Irshad <> - a Non-Profit Organization headquartered in Washington,

DC serving the cause of Finality of Prophethood.

Ahmedi.Org <> - a forum which discusses the important issues of Ahmadiyyat:

from a doctrinal as well as organizational standpoint. It is an excellent forum to discuss and share thoughts
anonymously for anyone who has recently left or is considering leaving the Jamaat.

Can You Answer? <> - Illias Suttar’s website comparing and analyzing
different religions.

Chapter 3: Sneaky Tricks of Ahmadi Missionaries

3.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents

Based on my experiences with them I would like to expose their sneaky tricks.

3.2) Indulgence into the Holy Quran

When they cannot answer a legitimate question, they will try to confuse you by fraudulently indulging into
the Holy Quran even though the prophecy of the 2nd coming of the Jesus(peace be upon him) is from the Bible
and Ahadith. Throughout this booklet, I will give examples of this.

3.3) Inconsistent Use of Ahadith

“On the whole the scholars of the Ahmadiyya Community make free and rather indiscriminate use of hadith in
their works and lectures. They reject Traditions which stand against the Ahmadiyya dogma, irrespective of the
grade of authenticity recognized by the scholars of hadith. On the other hand, Traditions which can be
interpreted favourably to the Ahmadiyya dogma, are accepted even if they are universally regarded to be
(Hadith in Ahmadiyya Theology, by Munir Ahmed)

This is so true. On one hand they make claims on unauthentic weak Ahadith and on the other hand when you
try to use strong hadith to prove a point that they cannot answer they will sometimes change the subject and
bring up irrelevant Ahadith and try to get you to explain it to them. I am not kidding. Mirza Afzal brought up
the following hadith and wanted me to explain it to him, attempting to make me look incompetent when I was
unable to give him a “satisfactory answer.”
“Moses(peace be upon him) was a very shy person and used to cover his body completely because of his
extensive shyness. One of the people of Israel annoyed him by saying, ’He covers his body in this way
only because of some defect in his skin, either leprosy or scrotal hernia, or he has some other defect.’
Allah wished to clear Moses(peace be upon him) of what they said about him, so one day while he was in
seclusion, he took off his clothes and put them on a stone and started taking a bath. When he finished the
bath, ... the stone took his clothes and fled; Moses(peace be upon him) picked up his stick and ran after
the stone saying, ’O Stone, Give me my garment!’ Till he reached a group of Bani Israel who saw him
naked then, and found him the best of what Allah had created, and Allah cleared him of what they had
accused him of. The stone stopped there and Moses(peace be upon him) took and put his garment on and
started hitting the stone with his stick. By Allah, the stone still has some traces of the hitting.”
(Sahih Bukhari #3404, Sahih Bukhari #278 with a slightly different narration)

How this hadith is relevant to the subject of the “Truth of Ahmadiyyat,” I am not exactly sure. Maybe you
could figure that one out...

Chapter 4: An Analysis of “Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad”

4.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents

This chapter analyzes the claim of Mirza Sahib in determining whether he is the “Son of Mary” that is referred
to in the Ahadith or Not?

4.2) The True Messiah OR One of Several False Messiahs?

One case the Jamaat makes that you might be thinking about is that the Jews did not accept Jesus(peace be
upon him) as the Messiah and similarly the Muslims of the time don’t accept Mirza Sahib as the Messiah.

This argument is completely invalid because every false messiah of the 19th century could use this type of

Then they will say to look at what Mirza Sahib has accomplished and look what the other false messiahs have
accomplished and see the difference.

No, Mirza Sahib has not really accomplished much at all. All he has done is created a “new religious
movement.” There have been many “new religious movements” since the 19th century such as Mormons,
Jehovah’s Witnesses, Bahais, 7th Day Adventists, Hare Krishnas, Nation of Islam, etc. many of whom still exist
just like the one Mirza Sahib created.

Jesus(peace be upon him) specifically warned us:

“Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ’I am the Christ,’ and
will deceive many...”
- The Holy Bible, (Matthew 24:4-5), New International Version

Not only do Ahmadis fraudulently indulge into the Holy Quran and Ahadith, they also fraudulently indulge
into the Bible.

Let us take a look at a passage that comes a little bit later in the same chapter(24) of Matthew and the Ahmadi
Figure 1: Scanned Extracts from Pages 7 - 8 of Q4 2000 Al Nahl Magazine

Let us take a look right above the passage that they are quoting to get the true meaning.

“For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even
the elect - if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. So if anyone tells you, ’There he is,
out in the desert,’ do not go out; or, ’Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.”
- The Holy Bible, (Matthew 24:24-26), New International Version

That last statement is very important.

do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it
do not believe it

And then comes the verse that the Ahmadis quote in support of Mirza Sahib:

“For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will the coming of the Son of
- The Holy Bible, (Matthew 24:27), New International Version
Ladies and gentlemen, it does not a rocket scientist to figure out the true meaning of the above passage. The
true meaning of the above passage that the Ahmadis have blatantly distorted(which I am sure most Christians
would also agree to) is that when he returns, his return is going to be so obvious to everyone. According to the
above passage, the fact that we are even having this debate proves Mirza Sahib to be false.

Muhammad(peace be upon him) also warned us:

“In My Ummah there shall be born 30 Grand Liars, each of who will claim to be prophet, But I am the
Last Prophet; there is No Prophet after Me.”
(Abu Dawood Volume 2, Page 228; Tirmidhi Volume 2, Page 45)

I think above the above quotations need no further explanation. However, if you are still need more
convincing, let us take a look at the signs.

4.3) Did Mirza Sahib “Break the Cross”?

“The Hour will not be established until the Son of Mary(Jesus, peace be upon him) descends amongst you
and will judge mankind justly by the Law of the Quran(as a just ruler); he will break the cross...”
(Sahih Bukhari #2476)

While it is true that Mirza Sahib during the early part of his career when he merely claimed to be
Mujaddid(Reformer) did “defend Islam from the Cross”(to a limited extent), in the end he did not “Break the
Cross.” There is huge difference between defending and breaking. One implies defense, the other offense.

“He will defeat the Christian faith with strong reasoning and powerful arguments. The destruction of the
cross, therefore, stands for the ideological rout of Christianity.”
(Welcome to Ahmadiyyat, The True Islam, Page 277)

After his (in)famous 1893 debate with Abdullah Atham(a Christian) recorded in his book Jang-i-Muqaddas(The
Sacred Battle), some of his own followers became Christians.
(Anwar-ul-Islam; Roohani Khazain, Volume 9, Page 28)

For example, Yusuf Khan was his follower but later claimed “I do not like Mirza Sahib’s teachings.”
(An Account of Exoneration, Pages 197-198; Kitab-ul-Bariyya; Roohani Khazain, Volume 13)

Instead of “Breaking the Cross”, Hindus and Muslims “United with the Cross” against him in the attempted
murder case of Dr. Clark.
(Ahmad The Guided One, Page 181) or (Tadhkirah, Page 42)

“This prophesy was interpreted to mean that all Christians shall convert to Islam and Christianity as a separate
religion shall cease to exist.”
(Who is the Promised Messiah, The Institute for Islamic Education and Information, Brochure 30)

From 1891 to 1911 in his own district of Gordaspur, while he was supposed to be “Breaking the Cross”,
Christianity grew from 2,400 to 23,000!!!

In Pakistan, today there are at least an estimated 1 million or so Christians. In India, the number is at least 20
million. These numbers have gradually increased throughout the 20th century.

I brought up this point in my debate with Mirza Afzal. Checkmated, he fraudulently indulged into the Holy
Quran. He tried to somehow show from a verse of the Holy Quran that Christianity and the belief of Trinity
will always be around until the Day of Judgment. I sent him multiple emails asking him for the reference of
this verse so it could show it to you. It has been over three months now and as of 12/25/2004, he has been
very uncooperative and refused to respond. Obviously, he himself knows that he is running a fraud against
Islam. Since he is a very good speaker and public debater watch out for him; he is very active in setting up
debates, interfaith symposiums, and even had his own radio show. If you ever attend one of them or meet
him, make sure to expose the fraud.

4.4) Did Mirza Sahib “Kill the Swine”?

“By Him(Allah) in Whose Hands my soul is, surely the Son of Mary will shortly descend amongst you
people and will judge mankind justly by the Law of the Quran(as a just ruler) and will break the cross
and kill the swine... ” (Sahih Bukhari #3448)

“The word ’swine’ is not to be taken in the literal sense. It connotates the cultural filth of the Western World
which turns men into beastly beings. The word swine stands for the so called sexual anarchy sweeping across
America and Europe. It stands for the disgusting debauchery which claim even innocent children as its
(Welcome to Ahmadiyyat, The True Islam, Page 278)

Their own interpretation of swine proves the falsehood of their movement. For example, around the time of
the death of Mirza Sahib, if you read the history of America it was a very conservative country compared to
today. There were no porn magazines and sex outside of marriage was considered haraam(forbidden). Yet,
study the society history and look what gradually happened(generation by generation) after he died! The
exact opposite happened.

4.5) What signs did Mirza Sahib fulfill? Click for Table of Contents

One trick Mirza Afzal tried to pull was giving the example of the following verses of the Holy Quran:

“They say: ’Why is not a Sign sent down to him from his Lord?’ Say: ’Allah hath certainly power to
send down a Sign:’ But most of them understand not.”
- The Holy Quran, (6:37)

“But (now) when the Truth has come to them from Ourselves, They say, ’Why are not (Signs) sent to
him, like those that were sent to Moses?’ Do they not then reject (The Signs) which were formerly sent to
Moses? They say: ’Two kinds of sorcery, each assisting the other?’ And they say: ’For us we reject all
(such things)!’ ”
- The Holy Quran, (28:48)

The Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) specifically told us about the signs that we should look for. How can
we accept someone who not only has not accomplished any of the signs, but since his arrival the trend has
gone the other way?! On one hand they try to claim that the signs have been fulfilled using metaphorical
analogies, and on the other hand when you prove them wrong they deceptively indulge into the Holy Quran!

Another thing Ahmadis will say is that it is going to take 300 years according to Mirza Sahib. So we are
supposed to believe Mirza Sahib, yet completely reject the sayings of the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him)?
Subhanallah! What logic!
Let’s take a look at some other important signs:

“By Him(Allah) in Whose Hands my soul is, surely the Son of Mary will shortly descend amongst you
people and will judge mankind justly by the Law of the Quran(as a just ruler) and will break the cross
and kill the swine and abolish the Jizyah. Then there will be an abundance of money and nobody will
accept charitable gifts.” (Sahih Bukhari #2222)

“The Hour will not come until the Son of Mary descends as a just judge and just ruler. He would break
the cross, slaughter the swine, withdraw Jizyah and until the riches will flow so much so that none would
accept them (because of properity).” (Sunan Ibn-i-Majah #4078)

In 1950, the World Population was around 2.5 Billion. Today this number is around 6.5 Billion. Most of this
increase is in the developing countries in the world.

1) Today, around 3 Billion (500 Million more than the total world population in 1950) people live on less than
$2 a day.

2) Approximately 790 million people in the developing world are still chronically undernourished, almost two-
thirds of whom reside in Asia and the Pacific.

3) An analysis of long-term trends shows the distance between the richest and poorest countries was about:
• 11 to 1 in 1913
• 72 to 1 in 1992

4) The top fifth of the world’s people in the richest countries enjoy 82% of the expanding export trade and 68%
of foreign direct investment -- the bottom fifth, barely more than 1%.

(Reference: <>)

Look at the statistics and learn that once again the trend went in the opposite direction.

“He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish Jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam.”
(Sunan Abu Dawood #4310)

Even Mirza Mahmud agreed with the above.

“In short he was the Promised Prophet of every nation and was appointed to collect all mankind under the
banner of one faith.” (Ahmadiyyat or the True Islam, Page 11)

Once again, the exact opposite happened. Instead of uniting everyone under the banner of Islam, many new
religious movements of all types formed around Mirza Sahib’s time. Read Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and
New Religions in America by Phillip Jenkins and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

4.6) Conclusions on the Signs

In conclusion, Mirza Sahib did not “Break the Cross”, but rather “the Cross got bigger.”
He did not “Kill the Swine”, instead “the Swine increased.”
Instead of uniting everyone under Islam, many new religious movements formed.
He did not generate wealth(except for his own family), rather poverty and hunger increased.

Everything that was supposed to happen, the exact opposite happened!

In light of this, how can any reasonable person accept Mirza Sahib to be the 2nd coming of Jesus(peace be
upon him)?

4.7) Divine Revelation OR Plagiarism?

The Jamaat claims that Mirza Sahib was a recipient of Divine Revelation.

To examine this claim, we take a closer look at one of the fundamental teachings that was allegedly “revealed”
to Mirza Sahib explained in Nuzhat Haneef’s book Recognizing the Messiah.

Figure 2: Extract from Page 341 of Recognizing the Messiah

Figure 3: Extract from Page 349 of Recognizing the Messiah

I think the above extracts need no further explanation.

4.8) More Divine Revelation OR Plagiarism?

Mirza Sahib’s “revelations” are published in the book Tadhkirah.

“When it is said to them: Believe as other people have believed, they say: Shall we believe as the foolish have
believed? Beware! It is surely they that are foolish but they do not know... Say: O ye disbelievers, I worship
not that which you worship.” (Tadhkirah, Page 54)

The interesting thing to note in regards to the above “revelations” was that our beloved Prophet
Muhammad(peace be upon him) also received these same revelations around 1400 years ago.

“When it is said to them: ’Believe as other people have believed,’ they say: ’Shall we believe as the fools
have believed?’ Verily, it is surely they that are the fools but they do not know.”
- The Holy Quran, (2:13)

“Say: O ye disbelievers, I worship not that which you worship.”

- The Holy Quran, (109:1,2)

Funny how that works, isn’t it?!

“We have bestowed upon thee abundance of every kind of good. So observe Prayer to thy Lord and offer Him
sacrifice. Surely, it is thine enemy whose line will be cut off. If anyone from among the pagans should seek
asylum with thee, grant him asylum. It is the same for them, whether you warn them or warn them not, they
will not believe.” (Tadhkirah, Page 343)

“Surely, We have bestowed upon thee abundance of good. So pray to thy Lord and offer sacrifice.
Surely, it is thy enemy who will be cut off.”
- The Holy Quran, (108)

Mirza Sahib even had the audacity to plagiarize an entire Surah(Al Kawthar) of the Quran and claim it as his
own revelation!!!!
“If anyone from among the pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him.”
- The Holy Quran, (9:6)

The above verse was revealed to the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) when the Muslims were at war with
the Pagans. It being revealed to Mirza Sahib makes absolutely no sense at all.

“It is the same for them, whether you warn them or warn them not, they will not believe.”
- The Holy Quran, (2:6)

Unfortunately, this is the state of many Ahmadis today.

In Prophecy Continuous: Aspects of Ahmadi Religious Thought and Its Medieval Background, Yohanan Friedmann

“Numerous passages that Ghulam Ahmad claimed to have received by way of revelation are identical, in part
or full, with verses from the Quran. Sometimes the Quranic verse appears in the revelation in its original
form. Other passages consist of Quranic verses mixed with non-Quranic material... Sometimes a revelation is
slightly different from a Quranic verse.” (Friedmann 136)

4.9) Some Interesting Facts from the Life of Mirza Sahib

Did you know that “Imam Mahdi”... ????

1) Avoided leading the congregational prayer. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Volume 3, Page 111)

2) Was reluctant to pay Zakat. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Volume 3, Page 119)

3) Couldn’t even differentiate the left shoe from the right shoe!
(Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Volume 1, Page 67)

4) Promised 50 volumes of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya to Muslims that had invested in him and only delivered 5,
while publishing around 80 books in between the 21 year period in which he published the 4th volume of
Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya(1884) and the 5th volume of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya(1905). He gave the excuse that since
there is only a “dot difference” between 50 and 5, with 5 the promise of 50 was fulfilled.
(Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Volume 5; Roohani Khazain, Volume 21, Page 9)

Chapter 5: Refutation of the Fundamental Qadiani and Lahori Doctrines

5.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents

The beliefs addressed in this chapter are common beliefs of all persons claiming to be “Ahmadis.”

5.2) Is Jesus really in India?

On <>, the Jamaat states in regards to Jesus in India, “Ninteenth

century’s greatest thesis...”

Simply put, no it is not. Mirza Sahib is not the first person to come up with this theory of Jesus in India.
This theory has been around centuries. In fact, his book is simply a thesis and nothing more. If you read it,
you will see that to prove his claim he quotes many references from many books that have been around for
centuries. Are these the signs of a true prophet? Do true prophets write “Research Papers”?

He is also not the first person to challenge the ascension as pointed out in 4.7. For example in the 18th century,
Herman Reimarus believed that the body was removed by the disciples who then proclaimed the resurrection.

Nicholas Notovitch wrote The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ in 1894(before Mirza Sahib wrote his book in 1899)
which is one of the many books supporting this theory.

I recently conducted a survey among some Ahmadis who are very sincere in their faith(some of who accuse
me of going astray), asking them the following question:

“According to Ahmadiyyat, did Jesus go to India only after the incident of the cross or did he go before and
after the incident of the cross?” Below are some of the responses I received.

Person Answer
A Qaid “As far as I remember he went after he escaped.”
A Distant Relative of Mine who has held “As far as I remember, he went after his escape from cross. Pretty
Jamaat Posts sure.”
A Rebellious Ahmadi who believes in
“I am also not sure if he had traveled to Kashmir before the incident
Mirza Sahib, but openly criticizes the
of Cross.”
Jamaat Organizational Structure
A Friend of my Grandfather “Jesus went to India after the incident of crucifixion.”
An Ahmadi who used to challenge “The Promised Messiah himself questioned the idea that Jesus may
Muslims to debate(on Ahmadiyyat) have also gone to India before the crucifixion. Whether he did or
while he was in college didn’t does not matter.”
An Ahmadi Woman who is active in
“He traveled to India after he escaped the cross, not before it.”
serving the Jamaat
“You should be soliciting the ’According to Ahmadiyyat’ view from a
An “Islah-o-Irshad” (Tabligh) representative of the Jamaat, e.g. a missonary or books of the Jamaat.
For what it’s worth, my recollection of reading the literature is after.”
“Jesus went to Kashmir after the incident of Cross and died there. He
A “Staunch Ahmadi” may have gone before Cross incident too but as it seems not that
important for the historians of the time. This is not very clear.”
Table 3: Survey among Ahmadis

The problem is that many of the people that subscribe to the Jesus in India theory who have written books
about it such as Nicholas Notovitch, Elizabeth Claire Prophet who wrote The Lost Years of Jesus(1984), Maury
Lee who wrote Jesus of India(2000), and others present their case that he went before the event of the
cross(ages 13 - 29), not after!

Holger Kersten, author of Jesus Lived in India(1986) agrees with Ahmadis that the tomb of Yuz Asaf is of Jesus
but believes he went before and after.

“There is a certain obscurity over the period from his childhood to the time he was raised as a Prophet. We do
not know much of this period of his life.” (The True Story of Jesus, Page 18)
Well, the above authors completely disagree! You Ahmadis are so sure that he spent 80+ years in India;
something that has absolutely no basis in the Bible, Quran, or any reliable Ahadith, yet you cannot tell us
where he was from ages 13 - 29!

Anwer Mahmood Khan Sahib is a very well respected Ahmadi. So well respected, he convinced Amir
Sahib(the Late M.M. Ahmad Sahib) to cancel our Ijtema(Camp) a few years ago so he could have a better
turnout at his Messiah 2000 Conference.

Recently, he wrote an article in The Muslim Sunrise called Christian Theology and Modern Scholarship. To support
his thesis, he presents a quote from Dr. Paul Pappas’s 1991 book Jesus’ Tomb in India.

“Dr. Paul C. Pappas... reviewed Hadhrat Ahmad’s book Jesus in India and agreed with a number of arguments
presented therein. Commenting on the Sign...”
(The Muslim Sunrise, Issues 1-2, 2004, Pages 39-40)

He quotes Dr. Pappas again on Pages 74-75 and 80 of the same issue to support his arguments.

What was Khan thinking???!!! What Khan conveniently forgot to tell you(or deceptively tried to fool you) is
that the same author who is a Professor of History, concluded that the Ahmadi theory had serious flaws in
the same book.

“Not only the works used by Ahmadis, but also their scholarship is questionable. They seem to have selected
passages and to have presented them inaccurately and out of context in order to prove that Jesus went to
Kashmir.” (Pappas 97)

“The Ahmadi contention that Jesus was present with Thomas in India as Yuz Asaf is not in anyway supported
by The Acts of Thomas. Therefore, the Ahmadi thesis can rest only on eastern legends recorded in oriental
works, which for the most part are not reliable, not only because they were written long after the facts, but
also because their stories of Yuz Asaf are different and in contradiction.” (Pappas 100)

This shows how many Ahmadis blindly put their faith in their leadership without ever reading the whole

5.3) What happened to the Son of Mary? Click for Table of Contents

Christian Belief Quranic Response

Pork is Legal Rejected
Death on Cross Rejected
Trinity Rejected
Son of God Rejected
Ascension Confirmed
Table 4: Christian Beliefs tested against the Holy Quran

“Nay, Allah raised him(Jesus, peace be upon him) up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise”
- The Holy Quran, (4:158)

“And remember We took your Covenant and We raised you(The towering height of) Mount (Sinai)...”
- The Holy Quran, (2:63)
“And he raised his parents high on the throne(of dignity)...”
- The Holy Quran, (12:100)

The Quran flat out rejects many of the fundamental Christian doctrines, but in regards to the ascension, not
only does it not reject it, the language used by the Quran confirms it. The word “raised” can have multiple
interpretations. But it is very clear that the word “raised” in this context of Jesus(peace be upon him) means
“raised to heaven” because this was the belief of the Christians and if it was truly false, then it would have
been rejected like the other mistaken beliefs of the Christians.

“Oh Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee(of the falsehoods) of those who
blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith...”
- The Holy Quran, (3:55), Yusuf Ali Translation

“O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing thee of those
who disbelieve and am setting those who follow thee above those who disbelieve...”
- The Holy Quran, (3:55), Marmaduke Pickthall Translation

“Jesus, I will take you unto Myself, and I will elevate you to Me, and clear you of those who scoff and will
place those who follow you above those who scoff...”
- The Holy Quran, (3:55), Thomas Cleary Translation

“Oh Jesus, I shall cause thee to die and exalt thee in My presence and clear thee of those who disbelieve
and make those who follow thee above those who disbelieve...”
- The Holy Quran, (3:54), Muhammad Ali(Lahori Ahmadi) Translation

“Oh Jesus, I will cause thee to die a natural death and will raise thee to Myself and will clear thee of the
charges of those who disbelieve, and will exalt those who follow thee above those who disbelieve...”
- The Holy Quran, (3:56), Malik Ghulam Farid(Qadiani Ahmadi) Translation

Tawaffa - to die.
Mutawaffika - I will cause you to die.

“Not one single instance from the Holy Quran, or the sayings of the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) can
provide an argument that this expression can be used in a sense other than to cause anyone to die by taking
away his soul.”
(Dictionary of the Holy Quran, Pages 615 - 616, by Abdul Mannan Omar)

There are two ways to interpret the above verse. Which one is correct, I am not 100% sure but am definitely
leaning towards the the 2nd.

1) The word “die” does not literally mean to die a natural death as the Ahmadi translation suggests. The word
“die” is metaphoric and referring to the way Jesus(peace be upon him) was going to “die” or have his “soul
taken away (from the earth)” which was going to be by being “raised” as indicated in the same verse; that is he
would have an unusual “death” or “departure from the Earth” compared to all other human beings. Yusuf Ali
and others have translated its meaning and not translated it literally. But that does not mean that it is to be
interpreted the way Ahmadis do.

2) The word “die” actually does mean to die a natural death; when he returns that is. The Quran does not say
when he is going to die nor does it say that he has died. It is just affirming that Jesus(peace be upon him) like
all other human beings will die.
“He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die.”
(Sunan Abu Dawood #4310)

Furthermore, if you very carefully look at the three clauses separated by the two “and” statements which are
specially related because in each of them Jesus(peace be upon him) is the object and AllahSWT is the subject and
they refer to specific one-time events; one being the death, one being the raising, and one being the clearing of
the charges, one can see how they are put in reverse order chronologically. The next clause is not related
because in it Jesus(peace be upon him) is not the object and it is not referring to a specific event, but instead is a
general statement for all times to come. So AllahSWT 1st cleared Jesus(peace be upon him) of the charges
against him, then (2nd) He raised him(to heaven), and then (3rd) He will cause him to die. Otherwise it does not
make any sense, for Jesus(peace be upon him) to die first, and then be acquitted. That would mean he died a
guilty man. In this case, Yusuf Ali and others have made a slight mistake.

But then comes the question about the following verse:

“Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, ’Worship Allah, my
Lord and your Lord’; And I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst
take me up, Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a Witness to all things.”
- The Holy Quran, (5:117), Yusuf Ali Translation

“I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me - ’Worship Allah, my Lord and your
Lord.’ And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me
to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them, and Thou art Witness over all things.”
- The Holy Quan, (5:118), Ahmadi Translation

In this case “Tawaffaita” does not imply a literal and natural death, but rather a metaphoric death. This is very
clearly understood if one looks at Who is talking. In (3:55), the speaker is specifically God. In (5:117), the
speaker is Jesus(peace be upon him).

“I” refers to AllahSWT and “Thee” refers to Jesus(peace be upon him) in (3:55)
“I” refers to Jesus(peace be upon him) and “Thou” refers to AllahSWT in (5:117)

This difference is huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If one looks at the Gospel they will see very clearly that many of the Words of Jesus(peace be upon him) are
not meant to be taken literally, but rather in a metaphoric sense.

For example:

The phrase “The Father” and “My Father” are used heavily throughout all of the Gospel accounts.

Now is Jesus(peace be upon him) referring to himself being God’s only son in the Trinity relationship as the
Christians have misinterpreted? No, not at all. The word “Father” is used in a metaphoric sense.

“Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery...”
- The Holy Bible, (Luke 16:18), New International Version

Does a man who leaves his wife for another woman literally commit adultery? No, not at all. It’s just another
metaphor for something that is very wrong to do.
Therefore, in this case, the word “die” is referring to the way Jesus(peace be upon him) was going to “depart
from the earth,” that is, “be taken up” or be raised to heaven. Putting this verse together with all of the
evidence that supports the ascension to heaven, I believe the above interpretation is perfectly reasonable.

Therefore, it is my belief that Jesus Christ(peace be upon him) was indeed raised to heaven. Therefore, the
Messiah to return is none other than the Son of Mary. In this case, there is no metaphor as the Ahmadis
claim. Ahmadis have literally interpreted was to be metaphorically interpreted and metaphorically
interpreted what was to be literally interpreted.

Now why didn’t the companions bring this example up when the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) passed
away? This is because he never specifically told them that Jesus(peace be upon him) was raised to heaven. He
never gave any commentary on the verses. All he told them were the verses that was revealed to him, along
with the sayings of the 2nd coming. The actual interpretation and conclusion(“connecting the dots”) was to be
done by Muslim scholars after his death and might not have been known to his companions. Therefore, this
argument that since his companions did not raise this objection is defeated.

“He will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus...”
(Sahih Muslim #2137, Kitab-al-Fitan)

His method of arrival is also something that is subject to great ridicule by Ahmadis. Even though I got C’s in
Physics, I do know something.

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

- Newton

What goes up, must come down.

Chapter 6: Refutation of the Fundamental Qadiani Doctrines

6.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents

The beliefs addressed in this chapter are specific to the Qadiani sect(which is the overwhelming majority) of
Ahmadis. The Lahoris claim that they agree with the Muslim Ummah that Muhammad(peace be upon him) is
Last in Line of the Prophets.

6.2) Who is the last prophet?

Muhammad(peace be upon him)

“I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am the effacer and infidelity shall be erased through me; I am the
assembler. People shall be assembled on Doomsday after my time. And I am the last after whom there
will be no prophet.”
(Sahih Bukhari #3532; Sahih Muslim #2354, Kitab Al-Fadail)

Ahmadi Missionaries might try to point you to verses of the Holy Quran saying that all prophets were rejected
and somehow show that this is a sign of Mirza Sahib’s truthfulness.

3 points to respond to this:

1) This is why Muhammad(peace be upon him) specifically told us multiple times in Ahadith “There is no
prophet after me” to avoid all confusion. The Muslim Ummah has rejected every claimant to prophethood
after Muhammad(peace be upon him) starting with Musalima during the Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr. Why
should there be any exception made for Mirza Sahib?

2) Every false prophet of the 19th century could use this argument so it is completely invalid.
Many men(and even some women such as Joanna Southcott) have claimed to be prophet in the 19th century.
Out of all the centuries he could have come in, he had to come in the one century which was overloaded with
false prophets.

3) 2 other religious groups that still exist today and follow a claimant to prophethood from the 19th century are
the The Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints(Mormons) who believe in the prophet Joseph Smith and The
Bahais who believe in the prophet Mirza Husayn Ali, a.k.a. Bahaullah.

Therefore, the following argument that the Jamaat makes in trying to prove Mirza Sahib’s truthfulness is
completely invalid:

“Thus, according to the Holy Quran an impostor of divine revelation never succeeds.”
(The Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Page 31)

Ahmadis might try to give the example of a couple of fulfilled prophecies.

Sure, Mirza Sahib did have some prophecies that ended up coming true.
However, Joseph Smith also made prophecies that came true.

To give you some background on him:

“In 1823 a young man named Joseph Smith had an encounter with an angel who led him to a cache of golden
plates purporting to be the history of the lost tribes of Israel.”
(No Man Knows My History, Back Cover)

In 1832 he stated, “Verily, thus saith the Lord, concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass... which will
eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls... the Southern States shall be divided against the
Northern States.” (No Man Knows My History, Page 124)

Almost 30 years later this prophecy was fulfilled when the Civil War broke out.

Then there was a prophecy in 1841 regarding the death of one of his enemies.
“Rumor got about that he had predicted that the hated Boggs would meet a violent death within a year...”
Boggs was shot to death in 1842. (No Man Knows My History, Page 323)

Coincidently, just like Mirza Sahib he also predicted his own death.
“Joseph feared an assassin would cut his days short before he saw the age of forty. On April 14, 1844, when he
met with the apostles in one of their last meetings before they left on a campaign tour, he rushed through
instructions...” (No Man Knows My History, Page 382)

On June 27, 1844 he was murdered. He did not live to celebrate his 39th birthday.

Similarly, Joseph Smith also had “Revelations.”

(No Man Knows My History, Pages 57, 166, 263)

6.3) Qadiani Corrupt Interpretation of “Seal of the Prophets”

One way the Jamaat will try to advance their claim of Mirza Sahib being a prophet after Muhammad(peace be
upon him) is that the rest of the Muslim World is awaiting Jesus(peace be upon him). When he returns, that
would mean that a prophet has appeared after Muhammad(peace be upon him).

“But the Descent of Isa(Jesus), on whom be peace, will definitely violate it(“Seal of the Prophets”) ... Isa, on
whom be peace, cannot come without breaking the Seal.”
(Ek Ghalati ka Izala; Roohani Khazain, Volume 18, Pages 207-209; The Memorandum, Pages 85-86)

However, the general Muslim World for a long time has interpreted “Seal of the Prophets” to mean “Last in
Line of the Prophets.”

Noah ---- Moses ---- Jesus ---- Muhmmad(Seal or Last in Line)

Muhammad(peace be upon him) is “Last in Line.” Therefore, when Jesus(peace be upon him) returns, he is
not violating “Seal of the Prophets.”

“When a seal is stamped on a paper the paper is attested as authentic. Thus a prophethood not bearing the
seal and attestation of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, is not valid.”
(Al Hakam, 17 October 1902; Ahmadiyyat The Renaissance of Islam, Page 50)

Hence, the “Seal” is the “Stamp.” Every prophet after him has to have Muhammad’s(peace be upon him)

This interpretation clearly implies that Mirza Sahib is not the only one, but there can be more prophets after
him. The door to prophethood is open.

In Anwar-i-Khilafat, Mirza Mahmud states:

“As for me, I say that not only one prophet may appear but thousands.”
(Anwar-i-Khilafat; Anwarul Uloom, Volume 3, Page 124)

“If a man sharpened swords close by my neck threateningly asking me to say that no prophet will appear after
Muhammad(peace be upon him) I would say to him, you are a liar, it is right, there must be prophets after
him.” (Anwar-i-Khilafat; Anwarul Uloom, Volume 3, Page 127)

Ironically, this actually came true when some of his own followers claimed to be prophet.

“During the life time of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Mirza Mahmud, many Qadianis laid claim to
’Messiahship’, ’Prophethood’ and ’Risalat’. There are over 30 such claimants. One amongst them was
Khawaja Muhammad Ismail. He studied in Qadian in 1916, did his graduation from Islamia College, Lahore,
and worked in a private firm. In 1933, he finally settled in Qadian and was a devotee and bodyguard of Mirza
Mahmud. He wrote some booklets Asmani Badshahat, Ithad-ul-Almin etc and finally claimed to be the Mahdi,
Messiah and the Prophet of the age. He was expelled from Qadian and finally settled down at 8 Bodwood,
London S.W.II. He threw up numerous challenges of Mobahila to Mirza Bashir Ahmad and Mirza Mahmud,
condemned Qadiani papacy and launched a crusade against Rabwah. He put out some prophecies,
revelationary utterances, predicting a humiliating death for Mirza Mahmud, alleged to be a ’Wicked fellow’ a
’Pharoah’ and an ’Impostor.’ He boasted a lot when Mirza Mahmud died in 1965, and on the pattern set by
Mirza Qadiani, he published tracts to prove the veracity of his claims. He used all weapons of Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad’s arsenal to silence Rabwah. It caused a lot of embarrassment to Qadiani elders but they had
to pocket the insult.”
(Ahmadiyya Movement - British Jewish Connections, Chapter 19)

Hilarious, isn’t it????!!!!

This Ahmadi interpretation just does not fit well at all with the following Ahadith:

“There is no prophet between me(Muhammad, peace be upon him) and him(Jesus, peace be upon
him).” (Sunan Abu Dawood #4310)

Huthaifa Ghifari narrates that the descent of Jesus(peace be upon him) is one of the ten signs of the Last
Hour. (Sahih Muslim #2901, Kitab-al-Fitan)

Not the “Latter Days” which is what the Ahmadis claim!

His return is a sign of the nearness of the Day of Judgment. Therefore, technically speaking, there is only 1
prophet that arrives at a chronological date after Muhammad(peace be upon him). Only 1! No more, and no

The Ahmadis say, “He meant no new law-bearing prophets can come afterwards.”

Then you refer to the following hadith:

“The Israelites were ruled and guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet
succeeded him. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be caliphs who will increase in
number.” (Sahih Bukhari #3455)

Not every Israelite prophet brought law.

Moses(peace be upon him) brought law(Torah). David(peace be upon him) brought a book(Psalms), but did
not bring law. There were many other Israelite prophets such as Aaron(peace be upon him), who did not
bring a law nor a book.

Therefore, it is clear cut that he was referring to all types of prophets, not just law-bearing prophets.
Therefore, this no new law-bearing prophets argument is also defeated.

And in case they try to pull the following alleged saying of Ayeshara:

“Certainly say he is Seal of the Prophets. But do not say that there is no prophet after him.”
(Takmala Majma-ul Bahar)

One way to look at it is to simply compare books.

Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim vs. Takmala Majma-ul Bahar

Who are you going to believe?

I’m going to have to agree with Mirza Sahib on this one.

“Of the other books that are accepted by us the Sahih of Bokhari ranks as the first. All its ahadeeth which are
not opposed to the Holy Quran in our view are authoritative. Next comes the Sahih of Muslim.” (The
Essence of Islam, Volume II, Page 104)
But for simplicities sake, even if we do assume that the saying is 100% authentic, there’s another thing. Who’s
word do you go with?
The person that is a prophet, or the person that is not a prophet?

The Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said, “There is no prophet after me.”
The person that was not a prophet, Ayeshara said, “Do not say that there is no prophet after him.”

Simply put, ladies and gentlemen we have what’s called a clear cut contradiction. It’s just not possible for both
of these statements to be true. People do make mistakes. Isn’t it possible that she could have just made a
simple honest mistake at the time? I am going to believe the person that is a prophet.

Another stunt an Ahmadi might pull is the following alleged saying:

“Had he(Ibrahim) lived, he certainly would have become a true prophet.”

(Sunan Ibn-i-Majah)

Ibrahim was a son of the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) who died in infancy. This event took place after
the verse of “Seal of the Prophets” was revealed.

To respond to this simply quote the following:

“In his Sunan, Ibn Majah mainly included those ahadith that did not find a place in the other five Sihah works.
Ibn Majah adopted this method with an intention to improve the usefulness of his book. With this purpose in
mind, he did not pay attention to the accuracy of the texts nor reliability of the narrators. As a result of this,
there are many ahadith from weak reporters in this text...While there are 1000 da’if (’weak’) ahadith in this
(Scholars of Hadith, Pages 156-157, by Syed Bashir Ali)

Chapter 7: An Analysis of “Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad”

7.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents


Chapter 8: An Analysis of “Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad”

8.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents

This chapter is devoted to analyzing whether Mirza Tahir was a true and pious Islamic Khalifa or Not?

Mubahala - a prayer duel in which two parties take conflicting oaths inviting God’s curse upon the

8.2) A Man of God OR “A Man of Fraud”?

During the Khilafat of Mirza Tahir, the Jamaat supposedly achieved phenomenal gains.
1989: Approximately 10,000,000 Ahmadis in the world.
2004: Approximately 200,000,000 Ahmadis in the world.

In 1989, the number of Ahmadis was around 5% of what it was in 2004.

In conclusion, in 15 years the Jamaat has grown by 1,900 Percent!!!

This seems very very unrealistic. To answer the above question, we will use an analogy to baseball and try to
answer the following question: Did Mirza Tahir “Strike Out”?

8.3) Strike 1 - An Open Invitation to Mubahalaa

By issuing An Open Invitation to Mubahala (Dated June 10, 1988), Mirza Tahir incited Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah
to officially start the “Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.” This movement has proven to be a pain for the

“My dear Mr. Mirza Tahir Ahmad! When we could not convince you in any way to sit together for
Mubahila, we decided to create an awareness campaign by the name of Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement(started
in 1991). The purpose was to put Muslims in every corner of the earth on their guard against the pious fraud
of Ahmadiyya Movement in the name of Islam and to show Qadianis the real face of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
Today by the Grace of AllahSWT Anti-Ahmadiyya literature is available in more than 13 languages. I am sure,
Mirza Tahir, you are fully aware of the impact of our work. No wonder you remembered me with names like
BAD ZAAT (wicked), KHABEES, and MANHOOS in your Jalsa Salana address of 1994. No doubt I am
proving very very Manhoos for your Movement.”
- Dr. Syed Rashid Ali in his 1997 letter

“They(Hypocrites) will not fight you (even) together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls.
Strong is their fighting (spirit) amongst themselves: thou wouldst think they were united, but their hearts
are divided: that is because they are a people devoid of wisdom.”
- The Holy Quran, (59:14), Yusuf Ali Translation

In addition to Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah and Al Hafiz B.A. Masri, Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi also
accepted the challenge.

“If you are serious in your ’Mubahala’ challenge with this dervish, then get going in the name of Allah. Come
outside your house like a man, into the ground of ’Mubahala’ and move forward. Announce the time, date
and place for holding the ’Mubahala’; then bring along your wife, children and family members in the ground
at the appointed time.”
- Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi in Reply to Mirza Tahir’s Challenge of Mubahala (Dated September 1,

“They(Hypocrites) will not fight you in a body except in fortified towns or from behind walls. Their
fighting among themselves is severe. Thou thinkest them to be united, but their hearts are divided. That
is because they are a people who have no sense.”
- The Holy Quran, (59:15), Ahmadi Translation

“Mirza Tahir Qadiani played a trick on his Jama’at recently. He produced for them a stunt which he named
’Mubahala’... Since my rejoinder had bound down Mirza Tahir for a response and knowing it would be no
easy matter, I allowed him a comfortably long period of four months, i.e. till January 1, 1989. Despite my let-
up, he failed to meet the date because he stood in a quagmire. Confused, non-pulsed and check-mated he had
no ground to move backward or forward and no room to wheel about... At last, the Qadiani Secretary
managed to muster himself up to write out some sort of reply. Actually, this was a work of hardly five minutes
for the Qadiani secretary, but Allah, the Exalted wanted to expose Qadiani infamy and effrontery and
therefore a five minute work took more then four months... In my humble opinion, Mirza Tahir will not
dare take up this renewed call-out of mine. Rather, he would not have the grace to respond even... Because you
are a run-away from Pakistan, therefore as a fugitive, I do see your point in hesitating to return. All right, I
make a change. Go ahead and announce a date, place and time in London itself. This humble faqir will, Insha
Allah, present himself over there along with his associates. But in case you are afraid to go to London and
don’t want to step outside your Caliphate parameter, I concede further; All right, let us meet in your
’London Islamabad’ precincts.”
- Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianvi in A Final Redjoiner to Mirza Tahir (Dated January 10, 1989)

Unfortunately, Mirza Tahir chickened out on his own Mubahala challenge!

One pathetic excuse an Ahmadi gave me is that they did not accept “our conditions” (the Jamaat’s conditions)
for Mubahala. He showed me towards the back of the Challenge and bragged how Mirza Tahir’s signature
was there on the “FIRST PARTY” Section and asked me to produce one opponent of Ahmadiyyat or
“SECOND PARTY” who signed this Challenge. I feel sorry for this Ahmadi who has been tricked into what Al
Hafiz B.A. Masri referred to as a “cheap con game.”

Mubahala is done on the disputed facts. If both sides agree on something, then what’s the point of
Mubahala? Why would any reasonable person accept a Mubahala when many of the allegations are known to
be false by both sides? It doesn’t make any sense.

An Open Invitation to Mubahala was completely worthless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why, you ask???

Mirza Tahir was very clever in his wording of the Mubahala. He broke it up into to 2 Parts: A & B. Part A
quotes Mirza Sahib’s 1906 book Haqeeqatul Wahi(The Nature of Revelation) inviting anyone who does not accept
Mirza Sahib’s claims to Mubahala. Part B is a laundry list of false allegations made against the Jamaat.

The most important “false allegation” or “disputed fact”

“That Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a liar in his claims to Messiahship, Mahdihood, and Prophethood.”

was left out of Part B of the Mubahala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instead of including the above statement in a simple clear cut language, Mirza Tahir “beat around the bush”
and worded it very cleverly.

“That having studied the history of all the false claimants, he willfully proclaimed himself to be a prophet
whereas God had never commissioned him for anything.”
(An Open Invitation to Mubahala, Page 3)

Let us remember those dreaded test questions from Grade School: True/False Questions.

A statement is False if any one part of the statement is False.

A statement is True if and only if the whole statement is True.

The above statement from An Open Invitation to Mubahala is false, regardless of whether Mirza Sahib is a true
prophet or not. Any person who does not accept Mirza Sahib’s claim still believes that that statement is a false
statement. It is simply impossible to study the history of all the false claimants.

Sadly, Mirza Tahir did not even himself believe that his grandfather was a true prophet.

Fortunately, the Holy Quran repeatedly warns us about people like Mirza Tahir.

“When the Hypocrites come to thee and say, ’We bear witness that thou art the Messenger of Allah.’
Yea, Allah knoweth that thou art indeed His Messenger, and Allah beareth witness that the Hypocrites
are indeed deceitful.”
- The Holy Quran, (63:1)

8.4) Strike 2 - Falsely Claiming Victory to Mubahala Click for Table of Contents

“Come, let us gather together - our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and
yourselves: then let us earnestly pray and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.”
- The Holy Quran, (3:61), Yusuf Ali Translation

Imagine you and your friend are both football fans. You like Team A, and your friend does not. All
throughout the regular season your friend bashes Team A, uses abusive language against their players, etc.
Nevertheless, Team A makes the playoffs. You offer you friend to make a bet for X number of dollars that
Team A will win the Super Bowl and if any other team wins, then he wins the bet. Your friend ignores your
request. The playoffs continue and even though your Team A keeps on winning, your friend still abuses your
Team A while ignoring your request to participate in your proposed bet. As time goes on, Team A is now in
the Super Bowl. You now tell your friend that due to his actions, he is now included in this bet whether he
chooses to be or not. Then, when Team A wins the Super Bowl you demand payment from your friend for X
number of dollars due to him “losing the bet.” Does this make any sense?

“Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women and our people and your
people; then let us pray fervently and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie.”
- The Holy Quran, (3:62), Ahmadi Translation

Mubahala is a Two Way Street. Both Parties have to Accept.

Simply put, Zia-ul Haq did not accept.

“The Mubahla challenge was sent to him(Zia), but he kept silent about it.”
(The Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Page 140)

How could Zia’s death be the result of a Mubahala which he never accepted?

Another question you really need to ask yourself very carefully is whether there is any truth in the following

“... this pir from Gujjo(Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah), despite his numerous allegations against the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community has not the courage to accept the fourth Caliph, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad’s
straightforward Mubahala invitation.” (Three In One, Page 190)
Would any Qadiani care to define the word “straightforward?”
Would any Ahmadi care to explain in words how Mirza Tahir’s challenge was “straightforward?”

One Ahmadi mentioned to me, “Mubahala is not a joke.” I agree with him completely!

What do you think the following letter to Mirza Tahir by Iqbal Ahmed implies?

Attn: Mirza Tahir Ahmed Qadiani

Amir Jamaat Ahmadiyya & Self appointed 4th Khalifa
16-18 Gressenhall Road
London SW18 5QL

Mr. Mirza Tahir

Sub: News Item in Nida International about ;the death of Iqbal Ahmed The Cartoonist of Anti
Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.

I have taken a very serious note of a news item that appeared in one of your Jamat’s
publication about my death. The said magazine states:

“A few years ago Dr. Iqbal translated the book called 'Two in One' written by Syed Abdul
Hafeez Shah of Thatta Pakistan, from English into Arabic (The Translation from Urdu to
English has been done by one of his colleagues, Dr. Syed Rashid Ali). This book uses very
filthy and impertinent language about the founder of Ahmadiyya Community, Hazrat Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian ... Dr. Iqbal Muhammad also added several cartoons and
displayed his pride by autographing them with ‘Iqbal” on every cartoon ... Almighty Allah
showed a powerful sign on that day by causing Dr. Iqbal to die a despicable death ….
(Al Nida International March 1998)

In your desparate attempt to somehow show to your public that you have won the challenge of
Mubahila 1998, you have intentionally and deliberately misinformed the public through your said
newspaper. I am the cartoonist Iqbal Ahmed who had made all those cartoons in Two in One and
in all other publications of Anti Ahmadiyya Movement. You have published in the news item that
the caricaturist, that is me, is dead and that this death has come to me as a providential
punishment for publishing Mirza’s Cartoons.

For your information let me point out to you that by the Grace of Allah till this date I am very
much alive and well and till the day I will live, Inshallah I will continue with my mission of
portraying Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani, the Liar’s life in my caricatures.
“Those who accepted this Mubahla challenge among the opponents of the Ahmadiyya Movement and
declared it in their public statements, suffered dire consequences. Some died untimely death and others
suffered punishment and disgrace of various kinds. The Mubahla was for a period of one year and we cannot
relate all the incidents which occurred as a result, but will only give the example of General Zia-ul-Haq,
former President of Pakistan.”
(The Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Page 140)

That is an absolute lie! 3 examples were given in this booklet of people who accepted the challenge, and then
it was Mirza Tahir who backed out! Who are these people that “declared it in their public statements” who
“suffered dire consequences”? In fact, the only example the Jamaat can cite is the example of someone who
did not even accept the Challenge!

The truth actually lies somewhere close to the following statement:

“The Qadiani leadership boasts that they have been challenging Muslims to Mubahala for years and that
no Muslim has dared to come forth and accept their challenge! Since they have verbally extended the
challenge of Mubahala to all Muslims and Islamic countries, they are quick to claim any death or calamity
befalling a Muslim to be the result of their Mubahala and an indication of divine judgment in their favor!...
The Qadiani leadership would like everyone to believe they are eager to participate in a Mubahala, when in
reality they have been avoiding every challenge made to them for decades. Their pretentious and cunning
strategy of challenging everyone and everything to Mubahala, while refusing to actually participate in such a
venue is a testimony to their utter disregard of Quranic instructions: they are cunning in their attempt to avoid
Quranic Mubahala to spare their dynasty from the curse of Allah(SWT)”
- Idara Dawat-o-Irshad

“They(Hypocrites) have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct(men) from the
Path of Allah: truly evil are their deeds.”
- The Holy Quran, (63:2)

Come to your own unbiased conclusion on who has turned Mubahala into a joke?

8.5) Who won the Mubahala when Both Sides Actually Agreed to it?

For 11 years, Mirza Tahir ran away from Mubahala. Constantly people challenged him, but he ignored it.

However, it is a fact that in 1999 a Mubahala was officially accepted by two parties:

Mirza Tahir, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam


Illias Suttar, the “Karachi ka Jaahil” and “Lalloo Panjoo”

“In Karachi a JAAHIL (illiterate) has dared to do Mubahila...I am the Head of all the Jamaats worldwide and
this is not my job that any Tom, Dick and Harry who challenges for Mubahila,...I HAVE ACCEPTED THIS
- Mirza Tahir in 1999 U.K. Jalsa Salana speech
Further details including the videotape of the above quote, a scanned image of the English agreement signed
by 3 witnesses from both sides can be viewed on

I only wish that the arrogant and cocky Mirza Tahir was alive today so I could ask him for his definition of a
“Tom, Dick, and Harry” versus a legitimate candidate for Mubahala.

If someone that has probably read many of Mirza Sahib’s books(probably multiple times if he was able to pick
out such a specific technicality in the Main Article of Can Ahmadis Answer) and does not believe in Mirza
Sahib’s claims is just a “Tom, Dick, and Harry”, then what is the profile of a legitimate candidate for

Dr. Syed Rashid Ali stated:

After so many years of challenging and counter challenging of Mubahila by the opponents of Ahmadiyyat
and two attempts at Hoax-sitting-at-home-Mubahila in 1988 and 1998 by Mirza Tahir, first time in the
history of Ahmadiyyat Khalifa has authorised someone to accept face (to) face Mubahila on his behalf
and sign it in front of witnesses.

Do some investigative research to find out who won this Mubahala.

Who was cursed?

Who was proven to be the liar?

A good place to start is by investigating whether Mirza Tahir suffered an attack of paralysis less than 30 days
after accepting the Mubahala. Otherwise, what happened to Mirza Tahir when he was giving a Jumuah
sermon in Norway in August of 1999 and “all of a sudden got sick”? How coincidental was it that he “all of a
sudden got sick” right after accepting a Mubahala challenge!

However, to be fair you have to read the Jamaat’s side of the story regarding this Mubahala.

Oh wait a minute. There’s just one problem I forgot to tell you about.

Good luck finding much!!!!

Illias Suttar gave the following analysis:

As per Mubahala agreement, the Ahmedis/Qadianis were supposed to announce the Mubahala agreement in
magazine in London. On 20th August, 1999 the news of Mubahala was FIRST TIME printed in Al-Fazl London.
On the same day i.e. 20th August, 1999 Mirza Tahir’s tongue failed to deliver the Friday sermon. Nobody could
understand what he was speaking. He was rushed from the prayer hall of Norway to the hospital of London.


8.6) Khilafat Ahmadiyya: A Seat to ... ?

Keeping in mind that the Mubahala with Illias became operative in 1999 compare the Jamaat’s cumulative
numbers and conversion statistics in 1999 versus 2004.
Figure 7: Scanned Image of Page 314 of Welcome to Ahmadiyyat, The True Islam

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out Strike 3.

Sure, I guess you can say that the Ahmadi Khalifa is “divinely guided.”

But to where????

I hope that you do not want to end up in the same place.

“Verily Allah has cursed the Unbelievers and prepared for them a Blazing Fire - to dwell therein forever:
no protector will they find, nor helper. The Day that their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire,
they will say: ’Woe to us! would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!’ And they would
say: ’Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the (right) path.’ ”
- The Holy Quran, (33:64-67)

As the old saying goes, “Liar Liar, Pants on Fire.”

Chapter 9: Exposing the Ahmadiyya Fraud Against Islam

9.1) Chapter Introduction Click for Table of Contents

This chapter further emphasizes the theme that Ahmadiyyat is a Fraud against Islam, and has nothing to do
with Islam.

9.2) Exposing Qadiani Fraudulent Interpretations of the Holy Quran

9.2.1 - Does the Quran foretell the coming of Mirza Sahib?

“As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them: and He
is Exalted in Might, Wise.”
- The Holy Quran, (62:3), Yusuf Ali Translation

“Others of them: refers to other persons or peoples who may be ignorant other than those among whom the
Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) came as a messenger... for his Arab people and his non-Arab
contemporaries as well as those who live in other ages, and have no personal contact with him or his
- Yusuf Ali Commentary

“And among others from among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise.”
- The Holy Quran, (62:4), Ahmadi Translation

“The reference in the verse and in a well-known saying of the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) is to the
Second Advent of the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) in the person of the Promised Messiah in the Latter
- Ahmadi Commentary (Volume 5 of 5, Page 2627; Short Commentary Page 1136)

I don’t know what you are thinking but that seems to be a pretty huge claim to make; to say that the verse was
referring to Mirza Sahib.

Let’s examine the saying that they are referring to:

When the verse was revealed, Abu Hurairah stated, “Who are they, O Allah’s Messenger?” The Holy
Prophet(peace be upon him) did not reply till he repeated the question thrice. At that time Salman Al-
Farisi(a Persian) was sitting with them. The Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) put his hand on Salman,
saying, “If faith were at (the place of) Ath-Thuraiyya (the highest star), even then (some men or man)
from these people(i.e. Salman’s folk) would have taken it.”
(Sahih Bukhari #4897)

Let’s think of the Persian empire at the time. It was not under Islamic rule. After the death of the Holy
Prophet(peace be upon him) it would fall under Islamic rule and the people would become Muslims. This
verse could have been meant for them. It also could have been meant for any Persian Saint that would reform
the faith.

It’s a big claim to say that he was referring specifically to Mirza Sahib, just because Mirza Sahib was also of
Persian descent.

Now, if this verse was truly revealed for Mirza Sahib, let’s examine something else. Remember, that Mirza
Sahib is also according to Ahmadi belief the “Son of Mary” that the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) refers to
in Ahadith.
Do you see any connection between this hadith and the Ahadith regarding the “Son of Mary”?
I don’t know about you, but I simply do not see any connection whatsoever between this hadith and the
Ahadith referring to the “Son of Mary.”
If this verse was really revealed for the “Son of Mary”, then why didn’t Muhamamad(peace be upon him) say
Why did he forget to mention that the “Son of Mary” would be of Persian descent?

9.2.2 - Does the Quran imply that More Prophets can come?

“All who obey Allah and the Messenger are in the Company of those on whom is the Grace of Allah - Of
the Prophets(who teach), the Sincere(lovers of Truth), the Witnesses(who testify), and the Righteous(who
do good): Ah! what a beautiful Fellowship.”
- The Holy Quran, (4:69), Yusuf Ali Translation

“And whose obeys Allah and this Messenger of His shall be among those on whom Allah has bestowed
His blessings, namely, the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous. And excellent
companions are these.”
- The Holy Quran, (4:70), Ahmadi Translation

From these verses it is clear that there are 4 spiritual ranks that one(meaning for all times) can achieve. These
are 4 groups of people on who AllahSWT has bestowed his Grace and Blessings, and if you follow the
Messenger, you will be rewarded like these people are. It does not imply that there will necessarily be more or
no more prophets(or any type of rank for that matter) in the future. It just says if you obey the Messenger,
then you will be in the company of those that are rewarded with Grace and Blessings, and that company
includes the Prophets(Noah, Jonah, Moses, etc., peace be upon them).

What’s really sad is how the Ahmadi Translation tries to take advantage of a very minor difference in words to
make another blatantly false claim.

“And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers they are the Sincere(Lovers of Truth) and the
Witnesses(who testify), in the eyes of their Lord: they shall have their Reward and their Light. But those
who reject Allah and deny Our Signs - they are the Companions of the Hell-Fire.”
- The Holy Quran, (57:19), Yusuf Ali Translation
“And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and they are the truthful and the Witnesses in the
sight of their lord, they will have their reward and their light. But as for those who disbelieve and reject
Our Signs, these are the inmates of Hell.”
- The Holy Quran, (57:20), Ahmadi Translation

“When read together these two verses purport to mean that whereas the followers of other Prophets could
only rise to the rank of the Truthful and the Martyrs, and no higher, the followers of the Holy Prophet(peace
be upon him) can achieve even higher ranks; they can rise to the rank of Prophet also.”
- Ahmadi Commentary (Volume 2 of 5, Page 537; Short Commentary Pages 203-204)
Figure 8: Scanned Image of Page 537 of 5 Volume Qadiani Quran Translation/Commentary

That is absolutely false!

In fact, the exact opposite is true.

Followers of Prophet Moses(peace be upon him) did attain the rank of Prophet.

“The Israelites were ruled and guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet
succeeded him. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be caliphs who will increase in
number.” (Sahih Bukhari #3455)

9.3) Exposing Qadiani Fraudulent Interpretations of Ahadith

9.3.1 - The Fraud of the “73 Sects” Click for Table of Contents

Abdullah bin Amar relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “... Verily the Israelites were
divided into 72 sections but my people will be divided into 73 sections, all of them will be in the fire except
one.” The companions asked, “Who are they O Messenger of Allah,” Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“They are those who will be like me and my companions.” <

The Jamaat further states, “Having said that we have to understand that there ought to be a way to separate
one Jamaat from 72. Thus there should be some method by which two sets of sections among Muslim Ummah
will be formed and in one set there will be only one Jamaat (to which Holy Prophet, peace be upon him,
referred to as resembling him and his companions) while the other set will contain 72 sects which will
resemble Jews. To go any further we have to establish here three things. Firstly that there were at one time 73
sections of Muslims. Secondly they formed two sets on containing one Jamaat and the other one containing
72 sects. Thirdly the set containing one Jamaat consisted of the followers of a claimant of Messiahship ...
Although they all had fatwas declaring one another to be kafirs, when it came to the question of Ahmadi
Muslims they were all united so that there remains no doubt as to the identity of 72 and one making a total
of 73.”

Due to a minor technicality, the above analysis is completely worthless.

Simply put, when Ahmadis were declared Non-Muslims, it was not 72 against 1, although it might seem that
way to most people. It was actually 72 against 2 because there is also the Lahori Ahmadi sect(who were also
declared Non-Muslims). If you asked a bunch of Sunnis which one of the “72 sects” they belonged to, many of
them would probably would have no idea or tell you that they do not associate with any “sect.” However, if
you asked a bunch of Ahmadis if they were Lahori or Qadiani, they would most definitely be able to tell you.
Therefore, Lahoris(Ahmadiyya Anjumaan Isha’at-e-Islam Lahore) and Qadianis(Ahmadiyya Movement in
Islam) do not count as 1 sect, but 2. So technically, there were 74 sects not 73. At the time, there were 72 sects
of “Non-Ahmadi Muslims” and 2 sects of “Ahmadi Muslims.” You cannot count the 2 sects of “Ahmadi
Muslims”(because they are followers of the “Promised Messiah”) as 1, otherwise by that logic you have to
count the 72 sects of “Non-Ahmadi Muslims”(people that do not follow the “Promised Messiah”) all as 1 sect,
and in that case there are only 2 sects. Therefore, this prophecy was not literally fulfilled as they claim it was.

A really funny response I got from an Ahmadi trying to refute my argument is “You take everything too
literally.” It is kind of ironic because the fact is that it says on their website “Literal Fulfillment of Prophecy.”
How else is a reasonable person supposed to interpret this?

Actually, I do not take this hadith literally at all. You just might be one of those poor innocent brainwashed
Ahmadis who just listens and agrees with everything the Jamaat tells you. In that case, I’m pretty sure that
when this prophecy was claimed that you did not check the Jamaat’s references. Why would you? You’re a
loyal servant and slave to Ahmadiyyat. Why would you even think about questioning the lies that the Jamaat
has been feeding you?
Well, let’s find out why.

The Jamaat states, “Other than Tirmidhi, Ibne Maja [3] gives three independent narrations of the same
hadith.” <>

Let’s take a closer look at these “three independent narrations of the same hadith.”

Abu Huraira reported that Allah’s Messenger(peace be upon him) said, “The Jews were divided into 71
sections and my umma will be divided into 73 sections.”
(Sunan Ibn-i-Majah #3991)

Auf b. Malik reported that Allah’s Messenger(peace be upon him) said, “The Jews were divided into 71
parts but only one part will be in the Paradise and 70 parts will be in the Fire; the Christians were
divided into 72 parts (out of which) 71 parts will (enter) in Fire and only one part(will be admitted) in the
Heaven. By Him whose Hand Muhammad’s life (lies), my umma will certainly be divided into 73
section. Only one section will be (admitted) in the Heaven and 72 sections will be in the Fire.” He was
asked, “Allah’s Messenger, who of them are in the Heaven.” He said, “Al - Jamaa” (Equivalent to “They
are those who will be like me and my Companions”) (Sunan Ibn-i-Majah #3992)

Anas B. Malik reported that Allah’s Messenger(peace be upon him) said, “Verily the Israelites were
divided in 71 sections and my umma will certainly be divided into 72 sections. All of them will be in the
fire with the exclusion of one and that is Al-Jamaa.”
(Sunan Ibn-i-Majah #3993)

There are certain Ahadith in which the narrations vary slightly, but it is pretty obvious that each narration
points to the same incident, so even though the narrations might vary slightly, it is “the same hadith.” There
are other Ahadith which show up multiple times and whereas all of the narrations may not be from the same
incident, they are “the same hadith” because their message is identical. It is very clear that #3991 and #3992
do not point to the same incident nor is their message identical, therefore you cannot call them “the same
hadith.” #3991 simply states that the Jews and Muslims will be divided whereas #3992 includes Christians
and goes into the details of who out of each group will enter paradise.

Two other things are of important note.

1) In each of the three Ahadith of Sunan Ibn-i-Majah he refers to the Jews being divided into 71 sects, not
72(which was the actual number of tribes that the Jews were divided into according to the Jamaat.)

2) In #3991 and #3992, the Muslims will be divided into 73 sects, whereas in #3993, the Muslims will be
divided in 72 sects.

So why did the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) give different numbers?
Or did some of the narrators misquote him?
We will never really know.

Anyway you look at it; the specific number: 71, 72, or 73 cannot be taken literally.

I believe what the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) meant when he said this was that the 71 or 72 sections
that would “be in the fire” was referring to all of the Muslim sects who think that they are the only ones that
are correct, who fight amongst other Muslim sects for minor and pity reasons, calling other Muslims “Kaffir,”
etc. Whereas that 72rd or 73rd “section” is actually metaphor for those Muslims who do not associate with one
sect or another, but rather remain simple Muslims: “Al-Jamaa” or “They are those who will be like me and
my companions.” The companions of the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) did not associate with any “sect”
and neither should you. Whether you choose to follow the Sunni or Shi’te ideology, you should not associate
or think that one sect is better than another: just be a simple Muslim.

9.3.2 - The Fraud of “Prophets and Mosques”

“I am the last of the prophets and my mosque is the last of the mosques.” In Invitation to Ahmadiyyat, Mirza
Mahmud argues that it would be unreasonable to believe that the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) literally
meant that his mosque in Medina was the last of all mosques meaning there should be no more mosques built
after his death. Therefore, he could not have literally meant that he was the last of the prophets. This would
imply that in any of the other multiple Ahadith in which the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) claims to be the
last prophet, he did not literally mean it. This seems far-fetched.

The correct interpretation of this hadith is done by Dr. Ahmad Shafaat in The Last of the Prophets and also in
Imam Abdul Hamid Siddiqi’s commentary of Sahih Muslim.

Let us view the hadith from the beginning:

Abu Huraira used to say that one prayer performed in the Allah’s Messengers Mosque (in Medina) is
more blessed than a thousand prayers performed in other mosques except Masjid Al-Haram(Sacred
Mosque in Makkah). Allah’s Messenger is the last of the prophets and his mosque is the last of the
mosques... “I am the last of the prophets and my mosque is the last of the mosques.” (Sahih Muslim
#1394R2, Kitab-ul-Hajj)

Therefore, the correct way to interpret the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him) is, “I am the last of the prophets
and my mosque is the last of the mosques(built by prophets).”

Dr. Shafaat further states, “The tradition has in view three mosques: the Sacred Mosque in Makkah (connected
with Abraham), the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem (connected with the Israelite figures), the Prophet’s Mosque
in Medina. The third of these mosques is the last because the Prophet is the last prophet. Ahmadis, followers of
one of the claimants of prophethood, say that just as ’the last mosque’ does not mean that there were no
mosques built after the mosque of Medina, similarly ’the last prophet’ does not mean that there will be no
prophet after Muhammad. But then what does the word ’last’ mean? It is said that the word means something
like ’most excellent’. But this meaning will not apply to ’the last mosque’ because the Prophet’s mosque in
Medina is not the most excellent, the sacred mosque in Makkah is.”

“Do not set out on a journey except for three mosques i.e. Masjid Al-Haram(in Makkah), Masjid Ar-
Rasul(in Medina) and Masjid Al-Aqsa(in Jerusalem).” (Sahih Bukhari #1189)

By “last of the mosques” he meant last of the three special mosques that were built by prophets.

“One prayer in my mosque is better than one thousand prayers in any other mosque except Masjid Al-
Haram.” (Sahih Bukhari #1190)

9.3.3 - There’s Something About Eclipses

One of the prophecies the Jamaat claims was fulfilled has something to do with eclipses.
You can read about The Advent of the Promised Mahdi and the lunar and solar eclipses on
Then, following the usual good practice that a rational unbiased person seeking the truth does, read the
opposing side of the story The Fraud of Eclipses on

9.4) Exposing Lies in Ahmadi Literature Click for Table of Contents

9.4.1 - Welcome to Ahmadiyyat, The True Islam OR “Welcome to Qadianism, A Fraud Against Islam”?

“Non-Ahmadi Muslim’s Concept of the Advent of the Messiah....The first objective will be the destruction of
the cross. Not figuratively, but literally!... There will not remain a single cross to be seen...extermination of
swine of every variety - domestic as well as wild!”
(Welcome to Ahmadiyyat, The True Islam, Page 276)

Syed Abul Ala Maududi was a staunch opponent of Ahmadiyyat. In his 1962 book Finality of Prophethood, he
explains the general Muslim belief. If one of the staunchest opponents of Ahmadiyyat in Pakistan did not
believe the above, then who does???

The implication of "breaking the Cross" and "killing of the swine" is that Christianity will become defunct as a
religion. The whole edifice of the Christian religion is based on the belief that God crucified His only son (i.e.
Hadrat Isa (PBUH) on the Cross and caused him to suffer this 'accursed' death so that he might thus expiate for
the sins of man. Among the followers of God's Prophets, the Christians are unique in having rejected the entire
Shariah of God and retaining this belief only.

The swine has been declared unlawful by all the Prophets, but the Christians have gone as far as to make it
lawful. Hence when Jesus(PBUH) will proclaim on his appearance, "I am not the son of God; I did not die on
the Cross, nor did I expiate for the sins of anyone," the whole basis of Christian belief will be demolished.
Similarly, the second distinctive charactertistic of Christianity will vanish when Jesus(PBUH) will say: "I never
declared the swine lawful for my followers nor did I proclaim them free from the restraints of Divine Law."

(Finality of Prophethood, Page 49) or (Finality of Prophethood, Footnote 5)

Muslims do not take “Breaking the Cross” and “Killing the Swine” literally as the Jamaat would like its
gullible and brainwashed Ahmadis to believe.

Naeem Osman Memon even references Maududi’s book in his 1989 book Ahmadiyyat or Qadianism! Islam or
Apostasy? and in his 1994 book Three In One.

I brought this point up in my debate with Mirza Afzal. I asked him to provide credible references to back the
Jamaat’s claim about the alleged “Muslim belief.” I sent him multiple emails asking him to back it up and it
has been over a three months now. As of 12/25/2004, he has refused to respond and not been able to produce
one credible reference to support the Jamaat’s claim.

9.4.2 - What did Imam Bukhari believe?

“I have mentioned in earlier books that Imam Bukhari... held exactly this belief that Jesus, on whom be peace,
has, in fact, died.”
(An Account of Exoneration, Page 19; Kitab-ul-Bariyya; Roohani Khazain, Volume 13)
Would any Ahmadi care to prove this? If this really was Imam Bukhari’s belief(whose book Sahih Bukhari
Sunni Muslim scholars for ages have considered to be #2 or #3 to the Holy Quran) why did these Sunni
Muslim scholars not hold this same belief? Why did they go against the belief of Imam Bukhari?

9.4.3 - Was the “Promised Messiah” supposed to come in the 14th Century?

“It is mentioned in the True Traditions that the Promised Messiah will appear at the beginning of a century
and will be a renewer for the fourteenth century.”
(Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Volume 5; Roohani Khazain, Volume 21, Page 359)

That is absolutely false! There is no hadith in any Sihah Sittah Book(Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu
Dawood, Jami At-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn-i-Majah, Sunan An-Nasai) nor in any of the other accepted books of
Ahadith(such as Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Al-Muwatta, Sunan Ad-Darimee) that mentions anything about the
“Promised Messiah” coming in the 14th century.

Instead of being able to provide a solid hadith to back their claim, the Jamaat provides a laundry list of
Ahadith trying to appear “smart and scholarly” knowing that their most of their brainwashed followers(who
do not have a good understanding of Islam) will fall for anything. (The Muslim Sunrise, Issues 3-4, 2000, Pages

In fact, Jesus(peace be upon him) specifically left the timing of his return as a mystery:

“The Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
- The Holy Bible, (Matthew 24:44, Luke 12:40), New International Version

9.4.4 - What Two Maladies?

“It was foretold that the Promised One would suffer from two maladies, one in the upper part of his body, and
the other in the lower...” (Ahmadiyyat or the True Islam, Page 13)

Yeah Right!!!! By who???? Would any Ahmadi care to provide an authentic hadith supporting this? At the
very least, would any Ahmadi care to even provide some sort of credible reference to prove this?

9.4.5 - Qadiani Arrogance towards Muslims

Qadianis are very arrogant in their beliefs towards Muslims. As pointed out above in 9.3.1, their belief is that
they are the one true Muslim sect, and that the entire Muslim Ummah is headed for the Hell-Fire.
Figure 9: Image from Qadiani Official Homepage

However, this is actually a typical characteristic of cults.

“Most cults bind their converts by the lie that they alone have the truth and, therefore, they are the only true
people of God... Once the cultist buys the lie that ’we’ alone are right and all others are wrong, spiritual pride
and arrogance set in quickly.”
(The AntiChrist Rising, Page 53, by Ed Hindson)

As implied above, some of them are also very arrogant in thinking that their cult is invincible.

One Qadiani boasted to me in an email:

Trust me, if the whole world were to unite against Ahmadiyyat, God would humiliate the
whole world.
“We would like to remind the leaders of enemies of the Ahmadiyya Community that they should study and
reflect upon the history of the Founder of Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the latter history of the Movement. Any
opponent who exceeded all and set out to destroy the Ahmadiyya Movement or its Founder, utterly failed
in his designs. He was simply swept away by history, forgotten and disgraced.” (The Promised Messiah and
Mahdi, Page 141)

The bolded statements are false. 4 examples to prove otherwise.

1) Syed Abul Ala Maududi(1903 - 1979) was a staunch opponent of Ahmadiyyat who had been campaigning
for Qadianis to be declared Non-Muslim possibly as early as 1938. Eventually, Ahmadis were declared Non-
Muslims in 1974 during his lifetime and all of his effort paid off. Imagine how happy he must have felt when
that decision was passed down! The party that he founded(Jamaat-e-Islami) was an integral force behind that

In 1953, when he was sentenced to death by the martial law authorities on the charge of
writing a seditious pamphlet on the Qadyani problem, he resolutely turned down the opportunity to
file a petition for mercy. He cheerfully expressed his preference for death to seeking clemency from those
who wanted, altogether unjustly, to hang him for upholding the right. With unshakeable faith that life and
death lie solely in the hands of Allah, he told his son as well as his colleagues: "If the time of my death
has come, no one can keep me from it; and if it has not come, they cannot send me to the gallows even if
they hang themselves upside down in trying to do so." His family also declined to make any appeal for
mercy. His firmness astonished the government which was forced, under strong public pressure both
from within and without, to commute the death sentence to life imprisonment and then to cancel it.

Maulana Maududi has written over 120 books and pamphlets and made over a 1000 speeches and
press statements of which about 700 are available on record...

The influence of Maulana Maududi is not confined to those associated with the Jamaat-e-
Islami. His influence transcends the boundaries of parties and organisations. Maududi is very much like a
father-figure for Muslims all over the world. As a scholar and writer, he is the most widely read Muslim
writer of our time. His books have been translated into most of the major languages of the world
(Arabic, English, Turkish, Persian, Hindi, French, German, Swahili, Tamil, Bengali, etc.) and are
now increasingly becoming available in many more of the Asian, African and European languages.

(Reference: <>)

While Maulana Maududi is remembered and respected by Muslims all around the world, Mirza Mahmud,
Mirza Nasir, and Mirza Tahir are remembered by Muslims either as Kuffar or Nobodys. Who did God really

2) Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah(1912 - 2003) was the founder of the “Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam” which
has no doubt done great harm to the Jamaat.

“It was during one of his travels, in 1988, that a copy of the challenge of Mubahila by Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the
leader of Qadaini community, was given to him. What infuriated him most was the way Mirza Tahir
addressed the entire Muslim Ummah as Kafir and Liars. He decided to take up the challenge. Since then he has
been spearheading the Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam...

By the Grace of Allah, Anti Ahmadiyya Movement has achieved remarkable and its literature is being
distributed in various parts of the Globe in several languages, thanks to our team of volanteers.
AlHamdollilah, we are free from any obligations to any Governmental and non-Governmental links and have
managed the show without any financial assistance.”
(Reference: <>)

A 76 year old man responded to the Mubahala Challenge of the 60 year old Mirza Tahir and offered to come to
London. Unfortunately, as we all know Mirza Tahir chickened out. He then wrote a book called Two In One in
the early 1990’s. Naeem Osman Memon wrote Three In One as a response in 1994 calling Syed Abdul Hafeez
Shah an “Enemy, Disbeliever, and Liar.” Shortly afterwards, Naeem Osman Memon died. It appears that he
did not even reach the age of 50. Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah lived to the old age of 91(outliving Mirza Tahir by a
couple of months). I wonder who was disgraced. Don’t you?

I do not think Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah was a failure at all. He succeeded in starting an awareness movement
that will continue to haunt the Jamaat and guide more Ahmadis to Islam(as it did with me) until the Jamaat

3) Illias Suttar participated in a Mubahala contest with Mirza Tahir. Hopefully, the winner of this contest is
very clear to you.

“Mirza Tahir Ahmed also did not announce the acceptance of Mubahala from his drawing room but in the
presence of 18500 witnesses in Jalsa watched on T.V. By The Grace Of ALLAH the announcement is preserved
in audio, video and CD, and will remain a proof at the disposal of generation after generation.”

Yes, the Jamaat technically still exists today. However, the efforts of the above people have no doubt
contributed significantly to the eventual fall of Qadianism. When the structure actually collapses, I don’t
know. That is up to AllahSWT.

9.5) Exposing Qadiani Blasphemy against the Holy Prophet(peace be upon him)

9.5.1 - Contradictions in Qadiani Beliefs Click for Table of Contents

They seem to contradict their own interpretation of “Seal of the Prophets.”

One one hand they refer to the Muhammad(peace be upon him) being the greatest of all the prophets implying
that sub-ordinate prophets who will have his “Stamp” can come after him.
Yet in their Commentary of Surah Al-Jumuah they refer to him as having “Two Advents.”
Figure 10: Scanned Image of Page 2627 of 5 Volume Qadiani Quran Translation/Commentary

Could an Ahmadi please show me one hadith in which Muhammad(peace be upon him) said he was going to
have a “Second Advent”?

Where does this conclusion arise from?

Did he ever state that the “Son of Mary” would actually be a “Second Advent” of himself?
Doesn’t him having a “Second Advent” imply that Mirza Sahib is equal in rank to Muhammad(peace be upon

“Whoever tells a lie against me intentionally then let him occupy his seat in Hell-Fire.”
(Sahih Bukhari #107 - 110)

9.5.2 - What is the true Ahmadi meaning of the Kalima?

“But, after the mission of the Promised Messiah, one more messenger has entered into the meaning of
’Muhammad Rasulullah.’ Therefore, on account of the incarnation of the Promised Messiah, the Kalimah ’La Ilaha
Ellallah, Muhammad Rasulullah’ does not become abolished; it rather shines more brightly. In short, the same
Kalimah is effective even now for embracing Islam, with the only difference that the incarnation of the
Promised Messiah (Mirza Sahib) has added one more messenger to the meaning of ’Muhammad
Rasulullah’ ”
(Kalimat-ul-Fasl, Page 158)
Figure 11: Scanned Image of Page 158 from Qadiani Discontinued Book Kalimat-ul-Fasl

The author, Mirza Bashir, a.k.a. “Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad” was Mirza Sahib’s 2nd son from his 2nd wife and
the younger brother of Mirza Mahmud.

One excuse an Ahmadi might give you was that he was not the Khalifa so he does not speak for the Jamaat.
Yes, but he was not an ordinary “Joe Shmoe” of the Jamaat either. This was “Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad
razillah anho.”

On <>, the Jamaat states that he was a “lifetime

advisor” to Mirza Mahmud.

Therefore, the Jamaat must have agreed with his belief, otherwise they should not have given him such a
praise and respected status. And if they did not, did they ever issue an official statement or publication
correcting the belief?

Who wants to be part of a movement that respects and honors someone who has misinterpreted the meaning
of the Kalima, something we as Muslims hold so dear and fundamental?

One Ahmadi trying to defend the book accused me of “not understanding the essence” of the message?

What essence? This is pretty binary. The charge is that when Ahmadis recite the Kalima, they include Mirza
Sahib in the meaning of their Kalima.

Either they do, or they do not. If they do, then my point is made. If they do not include him in the meaning of
their Kalima then they are going against the teachings of “Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad razillah anho” the
lifetime advisor of the “2nd Khalifa.”

Chapter 10: Conclusions

"And there are some people who say: ’We believe in Allah and the Last Day,’ and they are not
- The Holy Quran, (2:8)

Ahmadis claim to be Muslims. It is unanimously agreed that they are not Muslims.

“When it is said to them: ’Believe as other people have believed,’ they say: ’Shall we believe as the fools
have believed?’ Verily, it is surely they that are the fools but they do not know.”
- The Holy Quran, (2:13)

When you try to have a discussion with Qadianis pleading with them to believe in the Finality of
Prophethood, that Muhammad(peace be upon him) is Last in Line of the Prophets, as Muslims believe and
have believed for centuries, they will most likely accuse of you being a “fool” for this belief that Jesus(peace be
upon him) was raised bodily to heaven.

“So you believe that Jesus is alive in heaven? Ha ha ha!”

- An Ahmadi

This has been the belief of the majority of Muslim scholars for many centuries and is also the belief of all
Christians(which currently account for the largest religion in the world with over a billion followers).
On the other hand, the Ahmadis are the ones that are actually the “fools” clinging on to this ridiculously
absurd belief that Jesus went to India for 87 years after the incident of the Cross: a belief that has absolutely no
scriptural basis, but is rather based on contradictory eastern legends and false traditions. But of course they
are brainwashed by a cult, so they do not know.

“Verily Allah has cursed the Unbelievers and prepared for them a Blazing Fire - to dwell therein forever:
no protector will they find, nor helper.”
- The Holy Quran, (33:64-65)

Since Ahmadis were officially declared “Unbelievers” or Non-Muslims by a unanimous resolution of Muslim
scholars passed in Mecca in 1974, this is the sad but unfortunate and harsh reality. The events of the past 30
years leave no doubt.

“The Day that their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire, they will say: ’Woe to us! would that we
had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!’ ”
- The Holy Quran, (33:66)

When the Ahmadis are thrown into Hell, they will wish that they had obeyed the Messenger.
Instead, Qadianis have flat out rejected the explicit instructions of 2 Messengers of AllahSWT.

“Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ’I am the Christ,’ and
will deceive many... For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and
miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. So if anyone
tells you, ’There he is, out in the desert,’ do not go out; or, ’Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe
it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will the coming of the Son of
- The Holy Bible, (Matthew 24:4-5, Matthew 24:24-27), New International Version

“In My Ummah there shall be born 30 Grand Liars, each of who will claim to be prophet, But I am the
Last Prophet; there is No Prophet after Me.”
(Abu Dawood Volume 2, Page 228; Tirmidhi Volume 2, Page 45)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was not the first person from among the Muslims to claim to be prophet. And guess
what? He probably won’t be the last. Simply put, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was one of those 30 Grand Liars.

“And they would say: ’Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the
(right) path.’ ”
- The Holy Quran, (33:67)

Ahmadis will give the excuse that they obeyed their Khalifas, Mirzas, and Missionaries who they thought were
righteous and pious people. But this will not save them from the Hell-Fire.

“ ’Our Lord! Give them Double Penalty and curse them with a very great Curse!’ ”
- The Holy Quran, (33:68)

Instead, the Qadianis will ask for their leaders who misled them to be doubly punished.

We hope that this presentation might open up the hearts and minds of all misguided Ahmadis out of the
Qadiani Cult and into Islam.
Allahumma arenal Haqqa haqqun war zuqnaa ittiba'a; wa arenal baatelaa batelun war zuqnaa ijtinaaba -

O Allah! Show us the truth as truth and give us the pleasure/courage (hidayah) to follow it; and show us falsehood as
falsehood and the hidayah to stay away from it.


Tauheed Wa Sunnat –

The Way Of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat - The way of the Salafus Saliheen

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