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Barack Obama Presidential Election of 2008

A leader has to embrace all over his/her nation. In presents Democratic Societies, all
leaders or candidates of leader strictly take care of this point. Barack Hussein Obama have
showed to entire world most excellent, smooth, and well-prepared campaign in 2008 US
Presidential Elections. It was not just an election campaign, it was a great marketing
In 2008 Elections, 2007-2009 Economic Crisis was one of the serious problem in
USA. All candidates was preparing plans about how we can solve these problems and making
propaganda in these ways. Barack Hussein Obama have educated himself to solve economics
issues and direct public opinion in that way Obama has inside knowledge of Wall Street, so he
received help from Warren Buffett and Paul Volcker. After securing his nominee of
Democratic Party, he travelled to Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, the West Bank,

Germany, France, and Britain. During the course of this trip he met with assorted international
leaders. Barack Obama and John McCain came together to make an interview in August
2008, Saddleback Civil Forum. Obama has taken positions on many national, political,
economic and social issues. Along with economic arrangements, he mentioned withdrawing
American troops from Iraq, increasing energy independence, decreasing the influence
of lobbyists, and promoting universal health care as top national priorities. Also, the campaign
avoided using public campaign funds, so raising all of its money privately from individual
As we said at the beginning, a leader has to embrace all nation without any
differentiation and to do this he/she should use all kind of technological tools to make
propaganda. Text messaging has had a major impact on the political world. American
campaigns find that text messaging is a much easier, cheaper way of getting to the voters than
the door-to-door approach.
Text messaging system was the first step of Obamas usage of
technology. He aimed in this action that I should reached everybody who has cell phone.
Obama's campaign encouraged supporters to sign up for a text messaging system that would
alert them the moment he announced his choice about vice presidency. Sanford Dickert says
that the integration of technology into the process of field organizing is the success of the
Obama campaign. The most beneficial side of using internet is that they can easily have
influenced the young population of USA. Because Obama have not ignored the young
peoples issues, he gained extra supports from them. Many social websites and forums
(Facebook, MySpace and in present Twitter) were used in this campaign for lots of purposes.
Obama can build strong relationships with his voters, he has found occasion to hear what
people want from a president, so this resulted in forming healthier and concrete bonds among
them. Moreover, people have created some sites such as to discuss
their political opinions, signing petition for campaign, and organizing. His web campaign
used consumer marketing to target individuals with customized information to their predicted
interests. The data that have collected from voter by surveys or volunteers have enable to send
e-mail, and text messages about plans, campaigns, and developments accordingly ideology,
religion, and social position of people. The campaign has used online call tool to reach
people. Also, Obama campaign created a website that is portal that all people can ask
questions about Barack Obama. The poorly usage of McCain of internet and technology has
led to come to the forefront of Obamas techniques.
His campaign is gripping for its extensive use of a logo. The logo which was designed
by a design firm named Sender LLC consisting of a circle, with the center suggesting a sun
rising over fields in the colors of the American flag. The logo was representing again term of
hope and by using American flag it has emerged feel of patriotism and it took its o shape
from Obamas o. Obama's campaign used the slogan "Change we can believe in" and
the chant "Yes We Can". The latter slogan was inspired from the United Farm Workers and
its founder Csar Chvez.
Shepard Fairey had no idea about the fact that what is going to happen to him while he
made his stylized stencil portrait of Obama in solid red, white (actually beige) and (pastel and
dark) blue. He downloaded an Obamas photograph from Google Search Engine and created
his Obama poster, but this poster became very popular when 2008 election season. Its first
press that is 300 piece were sold immediately in streets. With the lower titles of Hope,
Change, and Progress posters have placed all over the country. Even if some copyright
troubles have occurred with Mannie Garcia, Fairey did not abstain to prepare of this format
for occupy movement and in other part of the world some other versions were made such as
The signature campaign typeface was Gotham, typically using capital letters with
occasional use of the script Snell Roundhand. According to John Berry "It's funny to see it
used in a political campaign because on the one hand it's almost too ordinary yet that's the
point. It has the sense of trustworthiness because you've seen it everywhere. While Obama is
using such a warm typeface, John McCain dramatically was used Optima that is used on
Vietnam Veterans Memorial. After Obama won the presidency, Gotham could find various
way for itself to be used many government projects.
TV advertisements was the one of the major parts of campaign budget. These
advertisements were broadcasted in 18 state even in traditionally republican states such as
Alaska, North Carolina etc. As a put in the memory, Obamas advertisements are striking,
they are barely attacking all default points of John McCain. He already said that If we're
going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are
completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily. Unlike
ABCs 6.3 million viewer, the Obama campaign's 30-minute infomercial "American Stories,
American Solutions" that was simulcast on NBC, CBS, FOX, Univision, MSNBC, BET, and
TV One had 30.1 million viewers. Also, Obama campaign bought a channel on Dish Network
to screen Obama advertisements 24/7.
During the campaign events, U2's "City of Blinding Lights" was often played in
anticipation of Obama's speeches. Bruce Springsteen's The Rising was played also heavily in
rallies and Ben Harper's "Better Way was played relatively more less through the campaign.
Apart from these songs, Obama personally requested from Joss Stone to compose a song for
campaign because her opposed position for racism. To make support, many other songs in
vary types were composed for campaign.
The Jews that are living in USA have prepared Israel for Obama campaign with the
intention of refuting the smears made against Obama concerning Israel and the Jewish
community. They have made videos to support Obama, and uploaded them on YouTube, in
blogs they have fought against smears. Their support succeed and Obama won %77 of Jewish
Barack Hussein Obama have used almost all kind of technological tools and benefited
many innovations to embrace and reach even to one single person. He did this not knocking
his voters door not persuading them in obsolete ways. He accomplished the campaign by
targeting from Jewish to Caucasian, from 19-old-year teenager to 80-old-year elder, from gay
to straight, but the key point in this accomplishment is efficient usage of media tools and
technology. Like he said that I think were going to win, but if we dont Ill be at peace.
Weve run as good a campaign as you could run, and if it isnt there, it isnt there."

1- "In politics, blogs and text messages are the new American way". International Herald
Tribune. 29 March 2009. Retrieved 29 March 2012.

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