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Western Power Safe Work Method Statement

Task details
Description Replace Overhead Consumer Service Core at SWER Line Transformer
DM 10720885 Approved by Manager, Work Practices
Review team SWMS Development Approval date February 2012
Qualifications/Licences required Valid Western Power Authorisations for the Task/ Network Authority Card (Correct level of authorisation)
Permits required
Which Safety LifeSavers are required for this task?

Potential hazards associated with the task
Category Hazard Category Hazard Category Hazard
1. Working at heights
Lifting equipment, scissors / EWP
Stairs / platforms
Working at height
Working above others
Multiple work requiring EWPs
5. Pressure
Competitive pressures
Compressed gases / air
High pressure steam
2. Working with electricity
Static electricity / induction
Substations / switch rooms
Underground cables
Contact with electrical equipment
Electrical cables
High voltage equipment
Overhead cables
Non-compliant earths (tagged/tested)
6. Human factors
Unclear work direction
Stress / Anxiety / Frustration
Lack of knowledge
Poor communications
Negative attitudes
3. Radiation
Ultraviolet light, i.e. sun
7. Using mobile plant
Traffic / pedestrian interaction / collision
Uneven terrain
Unlicensed / untrained operators
Vehicle instability
Vehicle access
10. Workplace
Confined space / void space
Falling objects
General access
Illumination / lighting
Noise, i.e exposure / nuisance
Poor ventilation
Restricted visibility
Restricted work area
Slip and trip hazards
Unauthorised personnel
Unlabelled controls
Wet / slippery
Wind / storm activity
Fog / mist / smoke
Working in isolation
Dust / particulates
8. Manual handling
Awkward / unbalanced load
High / low reach
High force / heavy loads
Over exertion / fatigue
Poor design / layout / surface
Repetitive movements
11. Chemical
Chemicals / reagents
Fumes / vapour / mist (e.g. SF6)
Flammable gases
Handling flammable materials
Hazardous chemical exposure
Solid chemical
Splashes / burns
Spills to ground or work area
4. Mechanical
Abrasive blasting / grinding
Auto-start equipment
Equipment failure
Hand and power tool
Impact and crushing areas
Pinch / cutting points
Residual / stored energy
Uncontrolled movement
Unguarded moving parts
Welding or cutting
Crimping / connecting
9. Environment
Air contamination
Soil contamination
Storm water contamination
Waste (effluent / hazardous)
Solid waste
12. Thermal
Cold ambient temperature
Heat ambient temperature
Hot materials / fluids
Hot surfaces
UV exposure
Western Power Safe Work Method Statement Replace Overhead Consumer Service Core at SWER Line Transformer page 1 of 4
Western Power Safe Work Method Statement Replace Overhead Consumer Service Core at SWER Line Transformer page 2 of 4

required to perform the job, in the correct
for each job step
required to eliminate or minimise the risk of injury
Plan and prepare
Plan trip
Accreditation, training and competency
Pre-start checks on vehicles, plant and
Valid inspection certificates and tags
for plant and equipment (e.g. ladders
and hot sticks, EWP)
Check for weather (fire) alerts
Consumer / land owner notification
Prepare switching program (if required)
Communicate with NOCC confirm
network conditions, switching program
and OK to start
Confirm protection set to one shot
Advise Main Roads and local Council
(if traffic management required)
Engage GPA accredited traffic
management company (if required)

Lack of skills, knowledge, competency:
Travelling to site fatigue, injury
Vehicular traffic / pedestrian / animals:
Adverse weather conditions: injury, harm
Vehicle accident / breakdown or stranded
at a remote location: heat stress, harm
Working / driving in high fire risk areas
Faulty equipment: shock, burns, injury
Unsecured material / equipment: injury
Failure to notify affected consumers: public
risk reliance on supply for health, safety
and medical reasons
Abnormal network configuration or auto
reclose operation: shock, burns


Confirm work teams have all the required PPE
Confirm all staff have the skills, training and competency to
do their job and network authority card
Ensure that drivers have a valid licence for the vehicle they
are driving.
Complete pre-start checks on vehicles, plant and equipment
Plan the trip to avoid long periods of driving without a break,
where possible, share the driving
Adjust driving to suit weather conditions and terrain
Notify formal leader / office of daily plan
Carry emergency beacon or satellite phone if travelling out
of mobile phone / radio range
Secure all equipment, tools and materials in the back of
Confirm work program with NOCC
Ensure tools and equipment are tested and suitable for the
Confirm that an accredited traffic management company
has been engaged (if required)


Electrical System
Safety Rules
(ESSR) sections:
3.2; 4; 5.7; 7

Work Practice
Manual (WPM)
sections: 2.16; 2.21;
3; 5.10; 11.2; 11.13

SWMS: House
Services and

Main Roads Traffic
Management for
Works on Roads
Code of Practice
Implement a traffic management plan
(if required)
Control unauthorised access to the
Control vehicle movements around the

Vehicle and equipment movement; impact,
Unprotected workplace: public risk of injury
Unauthorised access: injury


Maintain control of workplace access at all times
Confirm traffic management procedures and plans are at
the workplace and implemented (if applicable)
Demarcate the workplace with lights, signs and barriers to
prevent unauthorised access


WPM sections: 2.21

Main Roads Traffic
Management for
Works on Roads
Code of Practice
Workplace set up
Correct location / apparatus
Advise landowner / consumers
Conduct a Workplace Risk
Assessment Plan (WRAP) include all
Appoint a safety observer
Site conditions / fire alerts
Emergency procedures in place
Staff fit for duty
Staff trained, skilled and competent

Inspect electrical apparatus (poles,

Failure to wear correct PPE: shock, burns,
PPE failure: shock, burns, injury
Unfit for work: shock, burns, injury
Lack of skills or knowledge: shock, burns,
Failure to observe the MAD: shock, burns,
Slip, trip, fall, obstacles: injury
Manual handling / using tools: sprain, injury
Contact with live electrical apparatus:
shock, burns, injury


Ensure correct PPE is worn by all at the workplace
Communicate with land owner / consumer to determine safe
entry requirements, e.g. dogs, animals, (if required)
Use up to date maps and drawings (if required)
Conduct a WRAP include all staff
Comply with the fatigue management policy
Comply with the drug and alcohol policy
Apply body fit principles
Appoint a competent safety observer trained in EWP
emergency procedures
Have an emergency plan in place and is understood by all
Confirm network configuration and protection (auto reclose)


ESSR sections: 3.2;
4; 5.7; 6; 11

WPM sections: 2; 3;
5.10; 6.1; 6.2

SWMS: House
Services and

Western Power Safe Work Method Statement Replace Overhead Consumer Service Core at SWER Line Transformer page 3 of 4
required to perform the job, in the correct
for each job step
required to eliminate or minimise the risk of injury
wires, hardware, etc). Include adjacent
Set up / check vehicles and equipment
Vehicles earthed
Inspect / confirm EDD
Clean and inspect equipment

Electrical apparatus failure: shock, burns,
Vehicle movement / roll over: impact, injury
Damaged or faulty plant, tools and
Induced voltages: shock, burns
Fires: injury
Weather conditions rain, sun, wind,
No clear access / egress plan: injury
Insects, vermin, reptiles, animals: injury,

is set to one shot
Inspect work site for condition and hazards-include bays,
structures and apparatus on either side of workplace
Support pole (if required)
Inspect / check tools and equipment to be used
Use stabilisers, pads, wheel chocks (if required)
Confirm EWP / vehicles are earthed
Apply correct manual handling techniques
Monitor weather conditions
Ensure fire fighting equipment, and people competent to
use it are at the workplace while work is carried out
Confirm safe workplace access and egress
Drink sufficient fluids to stay hydrated
Continually review potential hazards and control methods
Carry out the job
Replace overhead consumer service
core at SWER transformer
Confirm correct apparatus
Identify incoming supply side of SWER
Isolate consumer in accordance with
SCT form
Check / test for alternate supply
sources e.g. solar PV panels, gen sets
Isolate HV supply to SWER
transformer as per switching program
(remove live line tap or DOF)
Label and tag as required
Record actions on switching

Disconnect and remove old LV
service core
Treat as live
Remove old LV services core from TX
Remove old LV service core from MCB
Remove old LV service core from
customer pole (if applicable)
Position meter

Failure to wear correct PPE: shock, burns,
PPE failure: shock, burns, injury
Poor concentration: shock, burns, injury
Failure to isolate and earth or working on
incorrect apparatus: shock, burns
Failure to test: shock, burns
Working near / contact with live electrical
apparatus; shock, burns
Induced voltages: shock, burns
Apparatus / equipment / tool failure: injury
Incorrect use of tools and equipment: injury
Failure to use approved and tested tools
and equipment: shock, burns, injury
Manual handling: strain, sprain, injury
Uneven /slippery surfaces: strain, sprain,
Obstacles, slip, trip hazards: injury
Insects, vermin, reptiles, animals: injury,
Failure to mark / correctly connect neutral
Fires: injury
Possible exposure to asbestos and dust:


Ensure correct PPE is worn by all at the workplace
All staff know what has to be done and how to do it
Ensure safety observer is active
Maintain safe working clearances appropriate
Treat all non-earthed conductors and apparatus as live
Check the condition of pole, crossarm and electrical
apparatus before working on them
Support pole (if required)
Do not climb consumer poles, EWP access only
Identify connections at MCB when disconnecting
Identify and tag neutral. Off last and reconnected first
Confirm EWP / vehicles are earthed (if required)
Use working earths to avoid induced voltages (if required)
Use correct manual handling techniques, use mechanical
means where possible
Trained and competent staff operate tools and equipment
Inspect and wear fall arrest harness
Attach lanyard to anchor point
Keep area below work zone clear
Use tools and equipment approved for the task
Avoid distractions
All staff, tools and equipment are removed from the


ESSR sections: 3.9;
4; 11

WPM sections: 2.2;
2.3; 2.6; 2.7; 2.10;
3; 8.5; 8.6

SWMS: House
Services and

Service Connection
Test Form
Western Power Safe Work Method Statement Replace Overhead Consumer Service Core at SWER Line Transformer page 4 of 4
required to perform the job, in the correct
for each job step
required to eliminate or minimise the risk of injury
Install new service core
Attach to POA and connect to MCB
Attach to consumer pole (if applicable)
Attach and connect at TX
Re-energise transformer
Ensure all work is complete and tools
Ensure all men and equipment are
clear of transformer
Re-energise TX via live line tap or DOF
Record on switching program
Vehicle movement / rollover: impact, injury
Working at heights: fall, injury
Objects / equipment falling: injury

electrical apparatus and staff aware the job is finished
Check clearance height of new service for compliance
Inspect, test and confirm connections and supply
Have witness confirm connections and tests
Complete required documentation
Ensure fire fighting equipment, and people competent to
use it are at the workplace while work is carried out
Continually review potential hazards and control methods

Complete the job
Test and re-connect consumer to
Western Power network:
Inspect work for completion and
All tools and equipment removed from
electrical apparatus
Re-connect consumer in accordance
with SCT form
Witness tests
Clean, inspect and stow tools and
Reinstate site (if required)
Conduct debrief and sign off WRAP

Failure to wear correct PPE: shock, burns,
Failure to maintain safe clearance: shock,
Failure to inspect and test work for
compliance: shock, burns, injury
Damaged / faulty apparatus: shock, burns,
Vehicle and equipment movement: injury
Uneven / slippery surfaces / obstacles: slip,
Incorrect manual handling techniques:
sprain, injury
Plant / tools / equipment failure: injury
Unsecured loads: injury
Missed hazards and improvements


Ensure correct PPE is worn by all at the workplace
Maintain safe working clearances
Ensure safety observer is active until workplace is vacated
Inspect and test work for completion and compliance
All staff, tools and equipment are removed from the
electrical apparatus and are aware the job is finished
Inspect / reinstate workplace. Remove all material / waste
Ensure correct disposal of waste material
Use correct manual handling techniques, use mechanical
means where practicable
Use correct load restraining devices (if applicable)
Sign off the WRAP and discuss any issues with the team
All staff involved in debrief. Document suggestions


ESSR sections: 3.2;
5.7; 6; 11

WPM sections: 2; 3;
6.1; 6.2; 6.8; 6.9;

SWMS: House
Services and

Relinquish traffic management (if

Vehicle and equipment movement; impact,
Unprotected workplace: public risk of injury
Unauthorised access: injury


Maintain traffic management until all personnel and
equipment have left site
Remove all signs and barriers to restore traffic flow


WPM section: 2.21
Contact NOCC applicable when all
work is complete.
Restore network condition to normal
Confirm switching program complete

Network left in abnormal state
Lack of communication


Confirmation / report to NOCC
Confirm network is restored to normal
Ensure all documentation is signed off and submitted


ESSR section 4

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