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by the Duke of Wellington

To Earl Bathurst.
WATERLOO June 19, 1815[1]
My Lord,
Bonaparte, having coected the !"t, #nd, $rd, %th, and &th corp" o' the (rench
ar)y, and the I)peria *+ard", and neary a the cavary, on the Sa),re, and
,et-een that river and the Me+"e, ,et-een the !.th and !%th o' the )onth,
advanced on the !/th and attac0ed the Pr+""ian po"t" at Th+in and Lo,,e", on the
Sa),re, at dayight in the )orning1
I did not hear o' the"e event" ti in the evening o' the !/th2 and I i))ediatey
ordered the troop" to prepare to )arch, and a'ter-ard" to )arch to their e't, a"
"oon a" I had inteigence 'ro) other 3+arter" to prove that the ene)y4" )ove)ent
+pon Chareroi -a" the rea attac01
The ene)y drove the Pr+""ian po"t" 'ro) the Sa),re on that day2 and *enera
5iethen, -ho co))anded the corp" -hich had ,een at Chareroi, retired +pon
(e+r+"2 and Mar"ha Prince B6cher concentrated the Pr+""ian ar)y +pon
So),re''e, hoding the viage" in 'ront o' hi" po"ition o' St1 A)and and Ligny1
The ene)y contin+ed hi" )arch aong the road 'ro) Chareroi to-ard" Br+""e"2
and on the "a)e evening, the !/th, attac0ed a ,rigade o' the ar)y o' the
7etherand", +nder the Prince de Wei)ar, po"ted at (ra"ne, and 'orced it ,ac0 to
the 'ar)ho+"e, on the "a)e road, caed Le" 8+atre Bra"1
The Prince o' Orange i))ediatey rein'orced thi" ,rigade -ith another o' the "a)e
divi"ion, +nder *enera Perponcher, and, in the )orning eary, regained part o' the
gro+nd -hich had ,een o"t, "o a" to have the co))and o' the co))+nication
eading 'ro) 7ivee" and Br+""e" -ith Mar"ha B6cher4" po"ition1
In the )eanti)e I had directed the -hoe ar)y to )arch +pon Le" 8+atre Bra"2 and
the /th Divi"ion, +nder Lie+tenant9*enera Sir Tho)a" Picton, arrived at a,o+t ha'9
pa"t t-o in the day, 'oo-ed ,y the corp" o' troop" +nder the D+0e o' Br+n"-ic0,
and a'ter-ard" ,y the contingent o' 7a""a+1
At thi" ti)e the ene)y co))enced an attac0 +pon Prince B6cher -ith hi" -hoe
'orce, e:cepting the !"t and #nd Corp", and a corp" o' cavary +nder *enera
;eer)ann, -ith -hich he attac0ed o+r po"t at Le" 8+atre Bra"1
The Pr+""ian ar)y )aintained their po"ition -ith their +"+a gaantry and
per"everance again"t a great di"parity o' n+),er", a" the %th Corp" o' their ar)y,
+nder *enera B6o-, had not <oined2 and I -a" attac0ed )y"e', and the troop", the
cavary in partic+ar, -hich had a ong di"tance to )arch, had not arrived1
We )aintained o+r po"ition a"o, and co)petey de'eated and rep+"ed a the
ene)y4" atte)pt" to get po""e""ion o' it1 The ene)y repeatedy attac0ed +" -ith a
arge ,ody o' in'antry and cavary, "+pported ,y a n+)ero+" and po-er'+ artiery1
He )ade "evera charge" -ith the cavary +pon o+r in'antry, ,+t a -ere rep+"ed in
the "teadie"t )anner1
In thi" a''air Hi" Roya Highne"" the Prince o' Orange, the D+0e o' Br+n"-ic0, and
Lie+tenant9*enera Sir Tho)a" Picton, and Ma<or9*enera" Sir =a)e" ;e)pt and
Sir Deni" Pac0, -ho -ere engaged 'ro) the co))ence)ent o' the ene)y4" attac0,
highy di"ting+i"hed the)"eve", a" -e a" Lie+tenant9*enera Chare" Baron
Aten, Ma<or9*enera Sir C1 Ha0ett, Lie+tenant9*enera Coo0e, and Ma<or9*enera"
Maitand and Byng, a" they "+cce""ivey arrived1 The troop" o' the /th Divi"ion, and
tho"e o' the Br+n"-ic0 corp", -ere ong and "everey engaged, and cond+cted
the)"eve" -ith the +t)o"t gaantry1 I )+"t partic+ary )ention the #>th, %#nd,
?@th, and @#nd Regi)ent", and the ,attaion o' Hanoverian"1
O+r o"" -a" great, a" yo+r ord"hip -i perceive ,y the enco"ed ret+rn, and I have
partic+ary to regret Hi" Serene Highne"" the D+0e o' Br+n"-ic0, -ho 'e 'ighting
gaanty at the head o' hi" troop"1
Atho+gh Mar"ha B6cher had )aintained hi" po"ition at So),re''e, he "ti 'o+nd
hi)"e' )+ch -ea0ened ,y the "everity o' the conte"t in -hich he had ,een
engaged, and, a" the %th Corp" had not arrived, he deter)ined to 'a ,ac0, and to
concentrate hi" ar)y +pon Wavre2 and he )arched in the night, a'ter the action -a"
Thi" )ove)ent o' the Mar"ha rendered nece""ary a corre"ponding one +pon )y
part2 and I retired 'ro) the 'ar) o' 8+atre Bra" +pon *enappe, and thence +pon
Wateroo the ne:t )orning, the !?th, at ten o4coc01
The ene)y )ade no e''ort to p+r"+e Mar"ha B6cher1 On the contrary, a patro
-hich I "ent to So),re''e in the )orning 'o+nd a 3+iet, and the ene)y4" vedette"
'e ,ac0 a" the patro advanced1 7either did he atte)pt to )oe"t o+r )arch to the
rear, atho+gh )ade in the )idde o' the day, e:cepting ,y 'oo-ing, -ith a arge
,ody o' cavary ,ro+ght 'ro) hi" right, the cavary +nder the Ear o' A:,ridge1
Thi" gave Lord A:,ridge an opport+nity o' charging the) -ith the !"t Li'e *+ard",
+pon their dbouch 'ro) the viage o' *enappe, +pon -hich occa"ion hi" ord"hip
ha" decared hi)"e' to ,e -e "ati"'ied -ith that regi)ent1
The po"ition -hich I too0 +p in 'ront o' Wateroo cro""ed the highroad" 'ro)
Chareroi and 7ivee", and had it" right thro-n ,ac0 to a ravine near Mer0e Braine,
-hich -a" occ+pied, and it" e't e:tended to a height a,ove the ha)et Ter a Haye,
-hich -a" i0e-i"e occ+pied1 In 'ront o' the right center, and near the 7ivee" road,
-e occ+pied the ho+"e and garden" o' Ho+go+)ont, -hich covered the ret+rn o'
that 'an02 and in 'ront o' the e't center -e occ+pied the 'ar) o' La Haye Sainte1 By
o+r e't -e co))+nicated -ith Mar"ha Prince B6cher at Wavre, thro+gh Ohain2
and the Mar"ha had pro)i"ed )e that, in ca"e -e "ho+d ,e attac0ed, he -o+d
"+pport )e -ith one or )ore corp", a" )ight ,e nece""ary1
The ene)y coected hi" ar)y, -ith the e:ception o' the $rd Corp", -hich had ,een
"ent to o,"erve Mar"ha B6cher, on a range o' height" in o+r 'ront, in the co+r"e o'
the night o' the !?th and ye"terday )orning, and at a,o+t ten o4coc0 he
co))enced a '+rio+" attac0 +pon o+r po"t at Ho+go+)ont1 I had occ+pied that po"t
-ith a detach)ent 'ro) *enera Byng4" ,rigade o' *+ard", -hich -a" in po"ition in
it" rear2 and it -a" 'or "o)e ti)e +nder the co))and o' Lie+tenant9Coone
Macdone, and a'ter-ard" o' Coone Ho)e2 and I a) happy to add that it -a"
)aintained thro+gho+t the day -ith the +t)o"t gaantry ,y the"e ,rave troop",
not-ith"tanding the repeated e''ort" o' arge ,odie" o' the ene)y to o,tain
po""e""ion o' it1
Thi" attac0 +pon the right o' o+r center -a" acco)panied ,y a very heavy
cannonade +pon o+r -hoe ine, -hich -a" de"tined to "+pport the repeated attac0"
o' cavary and in'antry, occa"ionay )i:ed, ,+t "o)eti)e" "eparate, -hich -ere
)ade +pon it1 In one o' the"e the ene)y carried the 'ar)ho+"e o' La Haye Sainte,
a" the detach)ent o' the ight ,attaion o' the *er)an Legion, -hich occ+pied it,
had e:pended a it" a))+nition2 and the ene)y occ+pied the ony co))+nication
there -a" -ith the)1
The ene)y repeatedy charged o+r in'antry -ith hi" cavary, ,+t the"e attac0" -ere
+ni'or)y +n"+cce""'+2 and they a''orded opport+nitie" to o+r cavary to charge, in
one o' -hich Lord E1 So)er"et4" ,rigade, con"i"ting o' the Li'e *+ard", the Roya
Hor"e *+ard", and !"t Dragoon *+ard", highy di"ting+i"hed the)"eve", a" did
that o' Ma<or9*enera Sir Wiia) Pon"on,y, having ta0en )any pri"oner" and an
The"e attac0" -ere repeated ti a,o+t "even in the evening, -hen the ene)y )ade
a de"perate e''ort -ith cavary and in'antry, "+pported ,y the 'ire o' artiery, to 'orce
o+r e't center, near the 'ar) o' La Haye Sainte, -hich a'ter a "evere conte"t -a"
de'eated2 and, having o,"erved that the troop" retired 'ro) thi" attac0 in great
con'+"ion, and that the )arch o' *enera B6o-4" corp", ,y (ri"cher)ont +pon
Panchenoi" and La Bee Aiance, had ,eg+n to ta0e e''ect, and a" I co+d perceive
the 'ire o' hi" cannon, and a" Mar"ha Prince B6cher had <oined in per"on -ith a
corp" o' hi" ar)y to the e't o' o+r ine ,y Ohain, I deter)ined to attac0 the ene)y,
and i))ediatey advanced the -hoe ine o' in'antry, "+pported ,y the cavary and
artiery1 The attac0 "+cceeded in every pointB the ene)y -a" 'orced 'ro) hi"
po"ition" on the height", and 'ed in the +t)o"t con'+"ion, eaving ,ehind hi), a" 'ar
a" I co+d <+dge, !/. piece" o' cannon, -ith their a))+nition, -hich 'e into o+r
I contin+ed the p+r"+it ti ong a'ter dar0, and then di"contin+ed it ony on acco+nt o'
the 'atig+e o' o+r troop", -ho had ,een engaged d+ring t-eve ho+r", and ,eca+"e
I 'o+nd )y"e' on the "a)e road -ith Mar"ha B6cher, -ho a""+red )e o' hi"
intention to 'oo- the ene)y thro+gho+t the night1 He ha" "ent )e -ord thi"
)orning that he had ta0en &. piece" o' cannon ,eonging to the I)peria *+ard,
and "evera carriage", ,aggage, etc1, ,eonging to Bonaparte in *enappe1
I propo"e to )ove thi" )orning +pon 7ivee", and not to di"contin+e )y operation"1
Co+r ord"hip -i o,"erve that "+ch a de"perate action co+d not ,e 'o+ght, and
"+ch advantage" co+d not ,e gained, -itho+t great o""2 and I a) "orry to add that
o+r" ha" ,een i))en"e1 In Lie+tenant9*enera Sir Tho)a" Picton Hi" Ma<e"ty ha"
"+"tained the o"" o' an o''icer -ho ha" 're3+enty di"ting+i"hed hi)"e' in hi"
"ervice, and he 'e gorio+"y eading hi" divi"ion to a charge -ith ,ayonet", ,y
-hich one o' the )o"t "erio+" attac0" )ade ,y the ene)y on o+r po"ition -a"
rep+"ed1 The Ear o' A:,ridge, a'ter having "+cce""'+y got thro+gh thi" ard+o+"
day, received a -o+nd ,y a)o"t the a"t "hot 'ired, -hich -i, I a) a'raid, deprive
Hi" Ma<e"ty 'or "o)e ti)e o' hi" "ervice"1
Hi" Roya Highne"" the Prince o' Orange di"ting+i"hed hi)"e' ,y hi" gaantry and
cond+ct, ti he received a -o+nd 'ro) a )+"0et9,a thro+gh the "ho+der, -hich
o,iged hi) to 3+it the 'ied1
It give" )e the greate"t "ati"'action to a""+re yo+r ord"hip that the ar)y never
+pon any occa"ion cond+cted it"e' ,etter1 The divi"ion o' *+ard", +nder
Lie+tenant9*enera Coo0e, -ho i" "everey -o+nded, Ma<or9*enera Maitand, and
Ma<or9*enera Byng, "et an e:a)pe -hich -a" 'oo-ed ,y a, and there i" no
o''icer nor de"cription o' troop" that did not ,ehave -e1
I )+"t, ho-ever, partic+ary )ention 'or Hi" Roya Highne""4" appro,ation
Lie+tenant9*enera Sir H1 Cinton, Ma<or9*enera Ada), Lie+tenant9*enera
Chare" Baron Aten D"everey -o+ndedE, Ma<or9*enera Sir Coin Ha0ett D"everey
-o+ndedE, Coone O)pteda, Coone Mitche Dco))anding a ,rigade o' the %th
Divi"ionE, Ma<or9*enera" Sir =a)e" ;e)pt and Sir D1 Pac0, Ma<or9*enera
La),ert, Ma<or9*enera Lord E1 So)er"et, Ma<or9*enera Sir W1 Pon"on,y, Ma<or9
*enera Sir C1 *rant, and Ma<or9*enera Sir H1 Fivian, Ma<or9*enera Sir O1
Fandee+r, and Ma<or9*enera Co+nt Dorn,erg1
I a) a"o partic+ary inde,ted to *enera Lord Hi 'or hi" a""i"tance and cond+ct
+pon thi", a" +pon a 'or)er occa"ion"1
The artiery and engineer depart)ent" -ere cond+cted )+ch to )y "ati"'action ,y
Coone Sir *eorge Wood and Coone S)yth2 and I had every rea"on to ,e
"ati"'ied -ith the cond+ct o' the Ad<+tant9*enera, Ma<or9*enera Barne", -ho -a"
-o+nded, and o' the 8+arter)a"ter9*enera, Coone De Lancey, -ho -a" 0ied ,y
a cannon9"hot in the )idde o' the action1 Thi" o''icer i" a "erio+" o"" to Hi"
Ma<e"ty4" "ervice, and to )e at thi" )o)ent1
I -a" i0e-i"e )+ch inde,ted to the a""i"tance o' Lie+tenant9Coone Lord (itGRoy
So)er"et, -ho -a" "everey -o+nded, and o' the o''icer" co)po"ing )y per"ona
"ta'', -ho have "+''ered "everey in thi" action1 Lie+tenant9Coone the Hon1 Sir
Ae:ander *ordon, -ho ha" died o' hi" -o+nd", -a" a )o"t pro)i"ing o''icer, and
i" a "erio+" o"" to Hi" Ma<e"ty4" "ervice1
*enera ;r+"e, o' the 7a""a+ "ervice, i0e-i"e cond+cted hi)"e' )+ch to )y
"ati"'action, a" did *enera Tripp, co))anding the heavy ,rigade o' cavary, and
*enera Fanhope, co))anding a ,rigade o' in'antry, in the "ervice o' the ;ing o'
the 7etherand"1
*enera PoGGo di Borgo, *enera Baron Fincent, *enera M6''ing, and *enera
Aava, -ere in the 'ied d+ring the action, and rendered )e every a""i"tance in their
po-er1 Baron Fincent i" -o+nded, ,+t I hope not "everey, and *enera PoGGo di
Borgo received a cont+"ion1
I "ho+d not do <+"tice to )y o-n 'eeing", or to Mar"ha B6cher and the Pr+""ian
Ar)y, i' I did not attri,+te the "+cce""'+ re"+t o' thi" ard+o+" day to the cordia and
ti)ey a""i"tance I received 'ro) the)1 The operation o' *enera B6o- +pon the
ene)y4" 'an0 -a" a )o"t deci"ive one2 and even i' I had not 'o+nd )y"e' in a
"it+ation to )a0e the attac0 -hich prod+ced the 'ina re"+t, it -o+d have 'orced the
ene)y to retire i' hi" attac0" "ho+d have 'aied, and -o+d have prevented hi) 'ro)
ta0ing advantage o' the) i' they "ho+d +n'ort+natey have "+cceeded1
Since -riting the a,ove, I have received a report that Ma<or9*enera Sir Wiia)
Pon"on,y i" 0ied, and, in anno+ncing thi" inteigence to yo+r ord"hip, I have to
add the e:pre""ion o' )y grie' 'or the 'ate o' an o''icer -ho had aready rendered
very ,riiant and i)portant "ervice", and -a" an orna)ent to hi" pro'e""ion1
I "end -ith thi" di"patch three eage", ta0en ,y the troop" in thi" action, -hich Ma<or
Percy -i have the honor o' aying at the 'eet o' Hi" Roya Highne""1 I ,eg eave to
reco))end hi) to yo+r ord"hip4" protection1

I have the honor to ,e, etc1,

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