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Institute of Law
Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila, !!", Metro Manila
First Semester, AY &!'(&!)
Atty* Myra S* Man+ente
&-!!()-!! p*m*
For .uly ), &!'-
/ & 01/ I2 pics( for t3ose w3o 3a4e not complie, yet*
&/ Rea, t3e case of [In re: Atty. Marcial Edillon, AM 1928, August 3, 1978] a+ain an, 5e rea,y to i,entify
t3e four 0'/ issues raise, an, t3e correspon,in+ answers of t3e court6
7/ MEM8RI9E t3e Lawyer:s 8at36
'/ Rea, t3e followin+ cases an, laws;rules*
II* T3e Lawyer an, Society-
A* %anon - Respect for law an, le+al processes
* Rule *!
[Rodolo Es!inosa and Ma"i#o $lindo %s. Atty. &ulieta '#a(a, A.). *o. 9+81, 'cto,er
12, 2+11]
2* Rule *!&
[Marili Ron-uillo, et., al. %s. Atty. .o#o,ono )e/ar, A.). *'. 0288, &une 10, 2++0]
[1eld 2te##eri3 %s. Atty. 4eonuel Mas, A.). *o. 8+1+, &une 10, 2++9]
7* Rule *!7
[Mr. and Mrs. 5enustiano 2a,urnido %s. Atty. 6lorante Madro(o, A.). *o. 7797,
2e!te#,er 20, 2++1]
w3at is- 5arratry6 maintenance6 am5ulance c3asin+
'* Rule *!'
Section &7, Rule 7" of t3e RR%
<* %anon &- Efficient an, con4enient le+al ser4ices
(relate to Rule '*!7 = Rule '*!' of t3e %>R
* Rule &*!
&* Rule &*!&
7* Rule &*!7
[8edro 4insangan %s. Atty. *ico#edes 9olentino, A.). *o. 0072, 2e!te#,er +7, 2++9]
'* Rule &*!'
w3at is- of counsel
%* %anon 7 - True, 3onest, fair, ,i+nifie,, an, o5?ecti4e information on le+al ser4ices
* Rule 7*!
[Mauricio :le! %s. 4egal )linic, Inc., ;M *o. <<3, &une 17, 1993] ( proper ; permissi5le
&* Rule 7*!&
[Adriano =acanay %s. ;a3er and Mc3en/ie, Ad#. )ase *o. 2131, May 1+, 198<]
7* Rule 7*!7
Sec ', Article VI, Sec 7 Art VII, Sec &, Article I@ of t3e A"B >3ilippine %onstitution
'* Rule 7*!'
Sec &B, Rule 7" of t3e RR%
2* %anon '- >articipation in t3e impro4ement an, reforms in t3e le+al system
E* %anon )- >articipation in le+al e,ucation pro+ram
* <ar Matter No* ")!, Au+ust &&, &!!!
F* %anon C- Applica5ility of t3e %o,e to +o4ernment lawyers
* Rule C*!
[Edil,erto )uenca %s. )ourt o A!!eals,$.R. *o. 1+987+, =ece#,er 1, 199< ]
&* Rule C*!&
[Atty. &ulito 5itriolo, et., al. %s. Atty. 6elina =asig, A.). *o. 7987, A!ril 1, 2++3]
7* Rule C*!7
[Atty. 8olicario )atalan %s. Atty. &oselito 2il%osa, A.). *o. 730+, &uly 27,2+12]
Sec B 05/, RA CB7
Sec 7 0,/, RA 7!A
DRea,- pp* &(C! of %omments on %o,e of >rofessional Responsi5ility an, %o,e of .u,icial
%on,uct 5y Ru5en A+palo 0Manila- Re1 <ooEstore, Inc*, &!!'/F
III* T3e Lawyer an, t3e Le+al >rofession
A* %anon B- Up3ol,in+ t3e ,i+nity an, inte+rity of t3e profession6 Inte+rate, <ar of t3e >3ilippines
>2 "
* Rule B*!
[ In t>e #atter o t>e dis-ualiication o ,ar e"a#inee .aron Meling in t>e 2++2 ,ar
and or disci!linary action as #e#,er o t>e s>ari?a ,ar, ;.M. *o. 11<7, &une 8,
2++7 ]
&* Rule B*!&
7* Rule B*!7
[2!ouses A#ador and Rosita 9e@ada %s. Atty. Anoniutti 8ala(a, A.). *'. 7737, August
23, 2++7]
<- %anon "- %ourtesy, fairness, can,or towar,s professional collea+ues
* Rule "*!
&* Rule "*!&
[Rosalie =allong $alicinao %s. Atty. 5irgil )astro, A.). *'. 0390, 'cto,er 2<, 2++<]
%- %anon A- >re4entin+ unaut3oriGe, practice of law*
* Rule A*!
&* Rule A*!&
[&u%y )ioconAReer et., al. %s.&udge Antonio 4u,ao, A.M. ')A I8I *o. +9A321+AR9&,
&une 2+, 2+12 ]
[8lus ;uilders, Inc. and Edgardo $arcia %s. Atty. Anastaci Re%illa, &r., A.). *'. 7+<0,
2e!te#,er 13, 2++0]
DRea,- pp* C(AB of %omments on %o,e of >rofessional Responsi5ility an, %o,e of .u,icial
%on,uct 5y Ru5en A+palo 0Manila- Re1 <ooEstore, Inc*, &!!'/F

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