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com Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on

Purchase Decision
This section will provide all information regarding the thesis background, purpose,
research questions, limitations of survey and theories !t presents the introduction of
consumer behavior, online shopping, consumer behavior towards online shopping and
online shopping of electronic goods in Pakistan
1.1 Background of Study:
1.1.1 Consu!r B!"a#$or
"onsumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organi#ations and the
processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products, services, e$periences, or
ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and
%ith the reference of above cite& "onsumer behavior of every individual is different
from other depending on buying choices which is influenced by buying habits and
choices that are turn tampered by psychological and social drivers that affect purchase
decision process
%e're not aware of changing our minds even when we do change our minds And
most people, after they change their minds, reconstruct their past opinion ( they
believe they always thought that
As quoted above, consumer behavior about decision making is difficult to define and
is a system of short cuts and rule of thumb which is unpredictable The short cuts in
decision making vary from person to person and focusing on the past e$perience of
consumers& we can predict the future trends by bringing profitable products and
services into the market !n this modern world, the popularity of interactive media
like the %orld %ide %eb is increasing day by day with rapid pace %ith reference to
marketing it is continuously reali#ed that the main two factors observed due to %%%
) Most of the companies are doing their business online and make their website as
showroom of their product and services
1 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
* +ast increment of consumer segments due to increase needs and demand including
online shopping as well
1.1.% E&Co!rc! ' on($n! s"o))$ng
!nternet makes life simple and innovative People are doing business online and trade
has become more easy and fast due to this !nternet provides new ways to promote
business %ebsite becomes the essence of online business as to show their services
and products !nternet gathers all competitors and consumers in one place !t brings
new lane to promote, advertise products and services in market
Total global ,-commerce sale in *.)) have grown to ,uro /0. billion 12SD 0/)
billion3 and recorded an increase of *. 4 with an estimation of increase in the
coming years and to cross the ) trillion ,uro mark in *.)5 Asia pacific region is
leading in terms of growth as compared to mature markets like 2S, 26, 7apan and
,uropean countries Asia Pacific recorded )5. 4 growth specially "hina in *.)) The
online retailing is becoming an integral part of an economy and country and
worldwide increasingly seeing trust and confidence in purchasing online
,-commerce is benefiting from several positive trends, including the continued
rollout of broadband, increasing user comfort shopping online and the decline of
certain brick-and-mortar retailers 8nline consumers are always seeking new
products, new attractiveness and the most important thing being price compatibility
with their budget The internet is the best way to save time and money through
purchasing online within their range of budget at home or in anywhere 8nline
consumers don't have limits to online shopping They also use internet for
comparison of prices of goods and services, news, visit social networks and search
information and so on The recession has so much impact on online consumer
behavior 8nline shopping behavior depends on variables, internet knowledge and
e$perience and last factor is shopping incentives These are key determinants to
influence the behavior of online consumers 8nline seekers are the main sources of
online shoppers always want to seek information within few clicks and reach to the
most relevant information according to their requirements such as competitive brands,
best price offers, product specification and consumer word
2 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
1.1.* On($n! S"o))$ng $n Pak$stan
Pakistan is considered to be world's *nd slowest adopter in online shopping trends
over internet !n Pakistan, online shoppers look into computer hardware *94 and
clothing ):4 and rest are saying that they are not willing to or plan to make online
purchasing in the ne$t si$ months 5:4 !n Pakistan, social media does not play an
active part to influence online consumers The other important factor is that the most
of the people in this region have negative e$perience in online shopping 1;ielson,
8nline shopping trend star valentine days, new years and in birthday occasion is now
in the mature s the people of Pakistan do information and credit Therefore, in order to
avoid this risk and hesitate to send money online before physical inspection
"onsumer behavior in electronics environment is critical as compared to physical
world and crucial understanding can be e$amined if the factors that affect the
purchase decisions are ignored and unambiguous 8nline consumers fear the
opportunity to physically e$amine the product which is specifically regarded as
influential factor in purchase decision Therefore, consumer behavioral pattern in
online shopping can be fundamentally different from traditional environment
1.* Curr!nt S$tuat$on:
There are more than 5. Million users of internet in Pakistan 1Tribune *.)53 After the
revolution in computer and mobile industry people spend lot of time on social
networking Social media becomes very popular among youth of Pakistan ;ow a
day's social media has great impacts on customer purchase decision "ompanies
spend lot of money on social media advertisement to attract the customer Marketers
provide best service qualities to the customer People communicate with each other at
any time from any place with the help of internet
3 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
1.+ D!f$n$t$on of ,!y-ords:
Custo!r Att$tud!:
!t refers to the knowledge of customer regarding the product "ustomer got the
information regarding the quality of product Many channels are used for
advertisement There are mainly three channels which are print, electronic and social
media The customer awareness is very important to purchase something
On($n! S"o))$ng:
!t refers to purchase online from different web sites and payment is also made from
online bank account !t is for the continence of consumers but there are some
questions about trust, quality and security
Custo!r Sat$sfact$on:
!t refers to that how much the customer is satisfied with your product or services !t
creates the high sales growth for company which ultimate increases their profits
1.. Pur)os! of study:
This pro<ect investigates the role of demographic characteristics in consumer attitude
towards online shopping
Ind!)!nd!nt /ar$a0(!:
"ustomer Trust, Service =uality, "ustomer Satisfaction
D!)!nd!nt /ar$a0(!:
8nline shopping
1.1 Pro0(! Stat!!nt:
The phenomena investigated in this study, the demographic characteristics tin
consumer attitude The main problem which this study aims to investigate the
decision of consumer's towards online shopping in conte$t of Pakistan
4 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
1.2 O03!ct$#!:
!n the era of technology online shopping grows very rapidly Study the role of
demographic characteristics in consumer attitude towards online shopping
To study perception of consumers towards online shopping
To e$amine the customer service, satisfaction and relationship aspects of
online durable goods shopping
To find out the preferences of the consumer regarding the attributes of online
shopping website
To study the marketing strategies of online shopping
To know the demographic profile of the customers and its impact if any on the
online buying
1.4 R!s!arc" 5u!st$ons:
!n the previous section, the issues of online shopping were demonstrated As the
whole process of online purchase is through the !nternet, in the virtual environment,
there are many uncertain factors that are difficult for online consumers to control,
such as online security, privacy protection, and after-sales service Some people
believe that these problems could directly influence their attitude in adopting online
shopping Many people believe that it is too complicated to process online shopping
and that it is impossible to physically check the quality of the merchandise Moreover,
fraud has also become a serious issue that has beset e-consumers Thus, the research
questions of this study are shown as follows>
i %hat is the level of consumers' attitude towards online shopping?
ii %hat are the factors that could influence consumers' attitude to adopting
online shopping in "hina?
1.6 Hy)ot"!s$s:
Nu(( Hy)ot"!s$s:
There is no significant relationship in consumer attitude towards online
shopping between male and females
There is no significant relationship in consumer attitude towards online
shopping between income levels
5 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
A(t!rnat$#! Hy)ot"!s$s:
There is significant relationship in consumer attitude towards online shopping
between male and females
There is significant relationship in consumer attitude towards online shopping
between income levels
1.17 R!s!arc" 8!t"odo(ogy:
The research is conducted in non contrived environment The users of +ace book,
Twitter and blogs were taken !n this research well developed, structured and verified
questionnaire were given to collect the data from the students of different universities
@ikert scale is used in this questionnaire Aandom sample of )./ students were
chosen for this study and requested to fill close ended questionnaire
The primary and secondary data was collected for this research Primary data was
collected with the help of questionnaire by distributing among the students of
different universities which are located in @ahore The questionnaire was distributed
among two organi#ations which are Directorate of Special ,ducation and Pun<ab
Broup of "olleges
Secondary data was collected by different means !nternet was the big source of this
data Primary data was collected and then it e$ported it into Statistical Software for
Social Sciences 1SPSS, version *.3 for data analysis and to know the reliability of
data Different statistical analyses were applied to get reliable results of this research
6 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
Several researchers have carried out studies in their effort to e$amine the factors
influencing consumers attitude and perception to make e-commerce purchases
through online shopping Attitudes toward online shopping are defined as a
consumer's positive or negative feelings related to accomplishing the purchasing
behavior on the internet 1"hiu et al, *..9& Schlosser, *..53 Cuying trends and
internet adoption indications have been seen as the overall electronic commerce value
in Malaysia rising from 2SD): million in )00: to 2SD:E5 million in )000 1Mohd
Suki et al, *../3 !n order to investigate consumers attitudes, we need to know what
characteristics of consumers typically online shopping is and what their attitude in
online shopping is !n simple terms, this means that there is no point having an
e$cellent product online if the types of consumers who would buy it are unlikely to be
8n top of that, Cellman 1)0003 investigated various predictors for whether an
individual will purchase online These authors concluded that demographic variables
such as income, education and age have a modest impact on the decision of whether
to buy online whereas the most important determinant of online shopping was
previous behavior such as earlier online purchases This is consistent with +orrester
Aesearch which proved that demographic factors do not have such a high influence
on technology as the consumers attitudes do 1Modahl, *...3
According the study which was done by Master "ard %orldwide !nsights 1*..:3, the
product and services most frequently bought online among AsiaFPacific online
shopper are books and art 1G)43, home appliances and electronic products 15043,
"DsFDHDsF2"Ds 15:43 and ladies clothingFaccessories 15:43 8pportunistic buying
as a whole does not seem to be a ma<or factor for many online shoppers> G)4 bought
on impulse <ust a couple of times, while 5G4 hardly ever bought on impulse Similar
to the types of products frequently purchased online, items most likely to result in
opportunistic buying were ladies clothing and accessories, home appliances and
electronic products and "DsFDHDsFH"Ds !n addition, consumers previous
7 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
e$periences with online purchases or lack thereof can be a significant influence of
levels of risk perception by consumers and their purchasing decisions 1Dillon, *..G3
;egative e$periences increase levels of risk perception with online purchasing and
hamper not only a business likelihood of retaining customers but can make it more
difficult for other online businesses to gain initial customers 1Coyer, *..93
According to @eggatt 1*.).3, a quarter of 2S adults have increased the amount of
time they spend online shopping 1*G43 and reading product reviews 1*943, found
Iarris !nteractiveJs online survey Kounger adults, aged ):-5G, have increased their
time spent doing both of these activities more than older adults, leading to speculation
that this trend will continue Americans are spending more time researching purchases
and shopping online, according to Iarris Poll findings, and many are feeling the
social consequences of life in front of a monitor
!t has been reported that consumers have a low perception and trust of online
merchants, making them unwilling to make purchases online The results of a survey
of 0E.. online consumers showed that three out of five respondents did not trust web
merchants 1Celanger, Iiller, L Smith, *..*3 Apart from that, customer service affects
purchase decisions through vendor knowledge, responsiveness and reliability 1Caker,
@evy, and Brewal, )00*& Befen, *..*3 !nternet purchases of tangible goods present
unique challenges when compared with traditional Mbrick and mortar retail store
purchases "onsumers do not have the opportunity to physically inspect goods
purchased over the internet prior to purchasing them 17arvenpaa and Todd, )00/-0E3
!nstead, internet purchasers must rely on mediated representations of the goods being
purchased, are normally dependent on third parties for delivery of purchased goods
and may question the convenience of product returns "ustomer service variables of
vendor knowledge, responsiveness 1delivery time and return convenience3 and
reliability are e$amined in this study
@astly, the concept of risk is important for understanding how internet consumers
make choices 1Iasan and Aahim *..G3 Shopping environments on the internet may
be uncertain for the ma<ority of online shoppers especially if they are novices The
risk may then be defined as the sub<ectively-determined e$pectation of loss by an
online purchaser in contemplating a particular online purchase Amongst the
8 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
identified perceived risk are financial, product performance, social, psychological and
timeF convenience loss +inancial risk stems from paying more for a product than
being necessary or not getting enough value for the money spent 1Aoehl and
+esenmaier )00*3 "onsumers must be satisfied with their e-commerce shopping
e$perience before acquiring more goods and services online A great deal of studies
has been done to identify the antecedents of consumer satisfaction towards online
shopping 17un, Kang and 6im, *..G& Callantine, *..9& "appelli, Buglielmetti, Mattia,
Merli and Aen#i, *.))3 !t is found that consumers' attitudes and beliefs regarding
convenience and security concerns have significant effects on their intention to
purchase online 1@imayen et al, *...3 Shanker et al 1*..53 had also
contended that service provided during and following the purchase is essential to e-
consumers' repeat purchases !n addition, "hristian and +rance 1*..93 had identified
three categories of determinants that could affect consumer satisfaction towards
online shopping They are technology factors, including security, usability and site
design, and privacy& shopping factors, including convenience, trust and
trustworthiness, and delivery& and product factors, including merchandising, product
value and product customi#ation
"hristy and Matthew 1*..93 illustrated security as the website's ability in protecting
consumer personal information collected from its electronic transactions from the
unauthori#ed use of disclosure "onsumers concern about the security, liability and
privacy of the online website 1Befen, *...3 Casically, security concerns in electronic
commerce can be divided into concerns about user authentication and concerns about
data and transaction security 1Aatnasingham,
)00:& Aowley, )00/3 According to the prior research 1,lliot L +owell, *...&
S#ymanski L Iise, *...3, as perception of security risk decreases, satisfaction with
the information service of online stores is e$pected to increase !n other words, strong
security attribute does increase the degree of customer satisfaction !n the study
conducted by "hristian and +rance 1*..93, they identified three categories of factors
as keys to influence e-satisfaction in which including technology, shopping, and
individual product factors Security was identified under technological factors The
9 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
study from "hristian and +rance 1*..93 reconfirmed the positive relationship between
security and e-satisfaction
10 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
*.1 R!s!arc" D!s$gn:
There is need of research design and some methods to collect the data for analysis !t
contains all the steps which a researcher will commence to conduct their research A
research design is a work plan details how this pro<ect is completed There are two
ways to conduct a research which are
i "ontrived environment
ii ;on-"ontrived ,nvironment
"ontrived environment refers the research is conducted in controlled environment !t
means that artificially circumstances created to get the results This method is used to
know the cause and effect of something ;on-contrived research means that the
research is conducted in natural circumstances This research is done through non-
contrived environment
!t is a cross sectional study in nature !t means that data is gathered once during the
complete research This research is designed to know the impacts of social media
advertisement on purchase decision as well as new tools for the companies to attract
the customer The research was conducted by using questionnaire as research tool
There are two types of data collection
i =ualitative method
ii =uantitative method
=ualitative data includes the data which does not contain numbers and quantitative
method contains numerical data This method shows the numbers This research
includes the hybrid of both qualitative and quantitative that contains the figures,
values and findings to know the impact of social media advertisement on purchase
decision of consumer The data which is entered in SPSS it is quantitative which
provides the quantitative results The questionnaires were distributed among target
population by visiting the above mentioned universities
11 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
*.% Study Ar!a:
Study area identifies that area where this research is conducted The area from where
target population is belonged This study investigates impact of consumer attitude
towards online shopping in Pakistan This study is conducted on Pakistani people
The data was collected from the persons of different private and public sector offices
which are located in @ahore
*.* Targ!t Po)u(at$on:
!n this study the students of @ahore were included the private and public sector
offices which we taken are& Pun<ab group of "olleges and Directorate of special
education, respondents are well aware about online shopping They spent lot of time
on internet for fun or for other purposes There are *.Million of users of internet in
Pakistan in which half of population belongs to age group of ):-*9years
*.+ Sa)($ng T!c"n$=u!:
The sample si#e is considered to be the users who use social media who are
respondents of above mentioned organi#ations present in @ahore city Aandom sample
of respondents are chosen for the research and requested to fill close ended
questionnaires "onvenient sampling was used for this study The sampling technique
contains self-selection of students on random basis
*.. Sa)(! S$>!:
There are )9. persons were taken randomly The sample si#e was enough to conduct
this research This sample si#e enables the researcher to get valid statistical results
after entering into SPSS This sample si#e is taken because of shortage of resources
and time barriers This sample si#e is taken after the permission of supervisor
*.1 R!s!arc" Instru!nt:
The data is collected by means of well developed, structured and reliable
questionnaire This questionnaire does not include bias questions it shows the
reliability of the questionnaire All of the questionnaires are distributed among the
students The questionnaire contains close ended questions The Statistical Package
12 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
for Social Sciences 1SPSS3 is used for analysis and evaluation The questionnaire was
based on likert scale which is ranging from 1)NStrongly Disagree to 9NStrongly
Agree3 The questionnaire was developed on three independent variables and one
dependent variable Students were asked about the impact of social media
advertisement on perception or thinking of consumer =uestionnaire is reliable tool to
collect data This tool is cheap and time saving for research
The questionnaire was classified into two sections The )st section of questionnaire
contains the demographic which includes gender, qualification, age and others The
*nd section of questionnaire contains the research questions This questionnaire
contains 5. questions The questions were very easy to understand and free from any
=uestionnaire was distributed among small group of target population to know the
errors and understandability of questions after that it was distributed among target
population =uestionnaire was also checked by the supervisor
*.2 Data Co((!ct$on T!c"n$=u!s:
This technique refers to that how the required data is collected There are two ways to
collect data>
i Primary data
ii Secondary data
Primary data contains all the data which is gathered by researcher himself there are
different techniques to collect primary data which are observations, interviews,
questionnaire etc
Secondary source refers to that which is already available and researcher takes help
from that source to complete their research Secondary data techniques include books,
<ournals, articles, maga#ines, annual reports and the big source which is internet 8n
internet everything is available which a person can get easily access This research
includes primary and secondary data Statistical Software for Social Sciences 1SPSS,
version *.3 was used for analysis to evaluate the research results The students were
asked about their use of social media which social site they mostly prefer to know the
impacts of social media advertisement on purchase decision Personnel information
13 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
which includes demographics 1gender, age etc3 is collected for only research purpose
it remains confidential
*.4 Data Ana(ys$s T!c"n$=u!s:
Different statistical tests were applied to get reliable results There are many statistical
analysis tools which are chi-square, t-test, correlations, and frequency distribution,
cross tabs, A;8HA L other
14 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
Data collected from respondents was checked to know the errors and missing values
Then it was e$ported into SPSS for analysis to get reliable statistical tests
SPSS is very useful tool to analy#e the data There are several analyses which are
provided by this software on <ust of one click after entering data There are many
statistical analysis tools which are chi-square, t-test, correlations, and frequency
distribution, cross tabs, A;8HA, "ronbach's Alpha and other The software allowed
e$amining the reliability and accuracy of variables These analysis tools provide the
researcher to test the reliability of data
+.1 ?r!=u!nc$!s:
Table G)1given in appendi$3, shows the total questionnaire and missing values also
The table shows that there are total )9. respondents and there is no missing value
This table shows the mean, median, mode and standard deviation Mean, median and
mode tells about the measures of the central tendency Standard deviation is measure
of dispersion !n this table mode of gender, qualification and age is ) !t means that
most of target people are males Mostly respondents were master qualified and the
people of that research were in the age of *G-*0 years Mean shows the average of all
values and standard deviation shows the dispersion of values from their mean
Table G*1given in appendi$3, shows that +requency table firstly shows the number of
respondents on the basis of their gender, )st row shows the male respondents and *nd
row shows the female respondents There are )9. respondents among them the
frequency of male are 0.1/.43 and the frequency of female respondent is /.1G.43
The result of this table shows that there are large numbers of male respondents as
compared to female The above mentioned graph shows gender on $-a$is and
frequency on y-a$is This graph shows that the male side is greater than female side
Table G51given in appendi$3, display the qualification of respondents The frequency
of masters respondents is :0190543, the frequency of M Phil respondents is
5*1*)543, the frequency of PhD students is ).1/E43 and remaining frequency is
15 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
related to other The graph shows qualification on $-a$is and frequency on y-a$is
This bar chart shows that the side of bachelors is more than other Ience this results
shows that social media is popular among youth The result of this test shows that
there are more bachelors respondents as compared to others
Table GG1given in appendi$3, showed that the frequency of respondents who are )0-
*5years is G51*:E43, the respondents who are *G-*0years are /91G5543, and
students which are more than 5Gyears are G* 1*:43 The results show that
respondents who are students of bachelors fall in the age of *G-*0 years !t means that
social sites are popular among the youth The above mentioned graph shows age on $-
a$is and frequency on y-a$is
!t also tells that there are )G:100)43 respondents who use online shopping only *
1043 students who does not use online shopping There are large numbers of
respondants who know about the online shopping 8nline shopping is very popular
among youth This research is conducted among the <ob holders they are well aware
about social sites Students prefer to use social media when they have spare time
The frequency is more than /. who does not purchase from online because the study
is conducted among the students& many of them are dependent on the money of their
parents !t may be problem of service quality and may be problem of customer
satisfaction !n our country people mostly want to check the product in front of them
before buying and it is easy for customer to understand the quality of product
The frequency of strongly disagree respondents is ))1).G43, )51)*543 are disagree,
*E1*9943 respondents are neutral, 5:159:43 respondents are agree and the
frequency of respondents who are strongly agree is )E1)/43 Mean is 559 which
show that mostly respondents are agreed There are 59:4 respondents who purchase
products after getting information from social sites People prefer social sites to get
information which helps them in their buying decision Many respondents e$plore the
products to know the quality or price of product
+.% Cross ta0u(at$on:
!t tells that above mentioned table shows that there are )..4 valid values There is no
missing value The validity of data from sample is )9.1)..43 !t shows the
16 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
association of gender with the qualification The table indicated that there are 9* male
from bachelors, *) from Masters, * from MSFMphill, and G related to other 1PID
etc3 The frequency of female student is )G from bachelors, E from Masters and /
from MSFMphill The mentioned graph represents the blue color for bachelors, green
for Masters, cream color for MSFMphill and purple for others Male respondents have
great tendency as compared to females
!t also e$plains the association of gender with the buying behavior of consumer
There is significant association in gender and purchase decision The table shows that
there are *: male respondents who buy from social media Male respondents have
great tendency towards buying from social media as compared to female
+.* ANO/A:
!f A;8HA is greater than .9 it means there is no significant difference between
variables !f it is less than or equal to .9 which means there is significant difference
between the variables This Table G):1given in appendi$3, shows that A;8HA is ...
which means it is highly significant
17 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
C"a)t!r .
?$nd$ngs@ Conc(us$ons@ Suary A
..1 ?$nd$ngs:
The findings of this study show the interesting results regarding the impacts of social
media on purchase decision of consumer There are total )9. respondents of this
study This study reported that the frequency is )G:100)43 who use the online
shopping for different purposes !t shows the rapid growth in online shopping !t is
very significance for marketers to attract the customer Mostly persons spent their
spare time to use different social sites
There are thousands of websites which are available on internet Twitter, blogs, and
many other sites which provides many quality services to attract the user of social
sites to enhance their development of business Many businesses advertise their
products or services on different social sites The aim of marketers to aware or attract
the customer
The findings of this study also showed the buying trend of customer through social
sites The frequency of strongly disagree respondents is ))1).G43, )51)*543 are
disagree, *E1*9943 respondents are neutral, 5:159:43 respondents are agree and the
frequency of respondents who are strongly agree is )E1)/43 There were E5
respondents who do not engaged in online buying There are certain different reasons
for this problem The frequency of online buyer is 5: !t means that in Pakistan the
trend of online buying is low People do not purchase from social sites because of
certain reasons
There are three popular ways to aware the customer which includes print, electronic
and 5rd source is social media This study investigates the impact of social media is
greater or not on the purchase decision of consumer as compared to other channels of
advertisement The frequency of students who are strongly disagree and disagree is
)*1))543, *E1*9943 are neutral, 5E15G043 students are agree and ):1)E43 are
strongly agree This table shows the popularity of social media Mean is 559 which
18 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
show that mostly respondents are agreed Mostly people agreed upon that they prefer
social media on other tools of media Print and electronic media also effects the
purchase decision of customer but social media grows very rapidly which enhance the
role of social media
8nline shopping saves time of customer in buying process Kou can access
information at any time and from any place with the help of internet The frequency
of respondents who are strongly disagree is E1//43, )*1))543 are disagree,
*51*)E43 respondents are neutral, GG1G)943 are agree and *.1):043 are strongly
agree Mean is 599 which show that mostly respondents are agreed The results
showed that people are agreed upon that with the help of online shopping they save
their time They can get access any information by connecting with social media
"ompanies have their own sites that sites contain all the information which is
important for the customer These websites also contains the pictures and videos of
products which attract the customer
A;8HA is also important tool !f A;8HA is greater than .9 it means there is no
significant difference between variables !f it is less than or equal to .9 which means
there is significant difference between the variables The table shows that A;8HA is
.... which means it is highly significant
..% Conc(us$on:
The basic aim of this research was to investigate the consumer attitude towards online
shopping The findings of this research showed that people are more attracted towards
online shopping Discounted deals have greater impact on purchase decision of
customer There is positive relationship among the dependent and independent
variables "ustomer awareness leads to purchase decision Service quality and
customer satisfaction also lead toward buying decision of people
The research questions of this study to know the impact of social media on customer,
to know the trend of people towards online buying, to investigate the popular social
site and to find whether social sites save the time in buying process of customer The
findings showed that people use social sites to get information regarding the product
19 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
This research revealed that people are also influenced by the comments of different
people regarding the product or service People shared their e$perience regarding the
product quality on social media which is very helpful for new customer People
attracted towards that product which provide the satisfaction to the customer
..* R!co!ndat$ons:
The findings of this study showed that people have good trends towards online
purchase The tendency of online buying is low in Pakistan due to certain reasons
The companies should focus on how to enhance the trust of people on online buying
"ompanies should enhance the reliability of information to increase the trust to
influence the buying decision of the customer
The study showed that mostly users of online shopping are youngsters who are in
between the age of *5-*/years Marketers should pay high attention to attract that
group of people because it is harder to get attention of youngsters Marketers should
make those commercials which have positive effect on them
The data was tested and result showed that it is best for development of businesses to
advertise their product or services on social media People spent lot of their spare
time on social sites Marketers should take serious steps to enhance the perception of
brand in the minds of customer Markers cannot read the minds of people on
computers but they influence the purchase decision of people if they formulated and
applied the best strategies
Different schemes and incentives are best strategies to attract the customer Marketers
would send free sample to that user who likes to purchase online These samples are
very important tool to enhance the sales or development of the product !f customer
really likes the product then he buys it again and again This technique is useful for
that company where small cost is associated with this type of promotion This
promotional scheme is useful for company it creates the value of brand in the mind of
customer in the long run
There are many other schemes and promotions which are available to enhance the
value of brand in the minds of customer Pri#es are most powerful tool to attract the
20 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
customer !t creates the attachment of people with brands Marketers not only want to
aware the customer but also made the attachment of people with the brand
..+ D$scuss$on:
This diagram includes several steps which are involved in customer attitude towards
online shopping +irst and most important in consumer attitude is to recogni#e the
problem The problems may be trust on online shopping about the quality and time
delivery of product or may be the lost of money 8nline shoppers must convinence
the customers about it 8nline shoppers may open booth on different markets for the
facilitation and trust of customers
... Suary:
The main aim of online shopping is saving the time of people and to reduce the
searching cost The results of this research showed that it provides the reliable
information to the people People would access any information which is available on
internet from anywhere in the world !n few past years online shopping grows very
rapidly in Pakistan People spent their spare time on internet in search of good deals
The advertisement influences the purchase decision of customer The findings of this
research showed that people got information regarding the products to satisfy their
needs People also follow the brands on web sites which is very beneficial for the
marketers to enhance the development of the business
The findings revealed that the purchase decision of people is influenced by shopping
online People also agree that internet save their time People get lot of information
and other related data which includes pictures and videos of the product only by one
click on pages of brands
The research showed that there is positive relation between the dependent and
independent variables "ustomer awareness, service quality and customer satisfaction
are independent variable Purchase decision through online shopping is related to
dependent variable The results of this research showed the reliability of data, which
means data is reliable which is collected by the researcher from primary sources
21 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
Primary source include the reliable technique which is questionnaire Primary data
was collected by questionnaire
The basic purpose of this research is to investigate consumer attitude towards online
shopping The results of this study showed that there is great impact of consumer
attitude towards online shopping
22 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
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Ta0(! +.1:
Gender Age Qualification
N Valid 150 150 150
25 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
Missing 0 0 0
Mean 1.40 2.09 1.73
Median 1.00 2.00 1.00
Mode 1 2 1
Std. e!iation .492 .929 1.04"
Ta0(! +.%:
#re$uenc% &ercent
Valid Male 90 )0.0 )0.0 )0.0
#e(ale )0 40.0 40.0 100.0
*otal 150 100.0 100.0
Ta0(! +.*:
#re$uenc% &ercent
Valid 19 + 23 ,ears 43 2".7 2".7 2".7
24 + 29 ,eras )5 43.3 43.3 72.0
26 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
30 + 33 ,ears 27 1".0 1".0 90.0
A-o!e 34 ,ears 15 10.0 10.0 100.0
*otal 150 100.0 100.0
Ta0(! +.+:
#re$uenc% &ercent
Valid Masters "9 59.3 59.3 59.3
M+&.ill 32 21.3 21.3 "0.7
&.. 10 ).7 ).7 "7.3
27 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
&rofessional 19 12.7 12.7 100.0
*otal 150 100.0 100.0
T. T!st:
Ta0(! +..:
Group Statistics
Gender N Mean
Std. /rror
Male 90 3.7059 .5"41" .0)15"
#e(ale )0 3.)""9 .53074 .0)"52
28 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
Ta0(! +.1:
Independent Samples Test

2e!ene3s *est for
/$ualit% of
Variances t+test for /$ualit% of Means
# Sig. t df
Sig. 42+
956 'onfidence
7nter!al of t.e
2o0er 811er
4.019 .047 .1"1 14" ."5) .01704 .09391 +.1)"55 .202)2
.1"5 134.590 ."54 .01704 .09212 +.1)51) .19923
Ta0(! +.2:
Group Statistics
Sector N Mean
Std. /rror
&u-lic 74 3.75") .50104 .05"25
&ri!ate 7) 3.)412 .)1275 .07029
Ta0(! +.4:
Independent Samples Test

2e!ene3s *est
for /$ualit% of
Variances t+test for /$ualit% of Means
# Sig. t df
Sig. 42+
956 'onfidence
7nter!al of t.e
2o0er 811er
r Attitude
9.143 .003 1.2"2 14" .202 .11733 .09153 +.0)354 .
29 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
es not
1.2"5 143.735 .201 .11733 .0912" +.0)310 .
Ta0(! +.6:
'onsu(er Attitude *o0ards online s.o11ing
N Mean Std.
Std. /rror 956 'onfidence 7nter!al
for Mean
19 + 23 ,ears 43 3.4574 .)1059 .09311 3.2)95 3.)453 2.)0 4.20
24 + 29 ,eras )5 3."73" .49513 .0)141 3.7512 3.99)5 3.07 4.53
30 + 33 ,ears 27 3.792) .553"" .10)59 3.5735 4.0117 2.93 4.40
A-o!e 34
15 3.4))7 .3903) .10079 3.2505 3.)"2" 3.20 4.00
*otal 150 3.)991 .5)1)5 .045") 3.)0"5 3.7"97 2.)0 4.53
Ta0(! +.17:
'onsu(er Attitude *o0ards online s.o11ing
Su( of S$uares df Mean S$uare # Sig.
:et0een Grou1s 5.544 3 1."4" ).50" .000
; Grou1s 41.45" 14) .2"4
*otal 47.002 149
Ta0(! +.11:
'onsu(er Attitude *o0ards online s.o11ing
N Mean Std.
Std. /rror 956 'onfidence 7nter!al
for Mean
Mini(u( Ma9i(u(
Masters "9 3.753) .55)1" .05"95 3.)3)4 3."707 2.)0 4.53
M+&.ill 32 3.")4) .573") .10144 3.)577 4.0715 2.93 4.47
&.. 10 3.0))7 .14055 .04444 2.9))1 3.1)72 2.93 3.20
30 Final Project Impacts of Social Media Advertisement on
Purchase Decision
&rofessional 19 3.49"2 .4401" .10099 3.2")1 3.7104 3.00 4.00
*otal 150 3.)991 .5)1)5 .045") 3.)0"5 3.7"97 2.)0 4.53
Ta0(! +.1%:
'onsu(er Attitude *o0ards online s.o11ing
Su( of S$uares df Mean S$uare # Sig.
:et0een Grou1s 5.90) 3 1.9)9 ).995 .000
; Grou1s 41.09) 14) .2"1
*otal 47.002 149

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