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Last update 1/11/2009 Next update 1/1/2010

Cover letter

Ramy Mohammad Fahmy Abu-Alhasan

1 Khalid bin Elwaleed st. Amr Bin Elaas 1st zone,
Awal feysal, Giza, Egypt. 12351
Mobile: +20118444284 – Tel: +20237349647

1 November 2009

Dear Sir:

The interesting in academic Studying lets me eager for posi-

tion as Teacher of geology, physics, science or math in any academic
center, schools... in Arabic or language. Any sciences positions seem to
fit very well with my education, achievement and career.

I recently graduated from Ain Shams University in June 2008 with

B.Sc in Geophysics, the graduation grade is very good and about military
conscription was postponed which they match your company require-

My ambition to be very successful and effective teacher and I don’t

worry from this promise due to my first successfully experiment as a re-
searcher. The achieved paper strongly confirm me on my continuous to
solve or develop a challenge situations have final solution by scientific
method. May be I'm not brilliant but sedulous. I can image my future with
your company.

I’m looking forward to discussing the position with you in more

detail. I will wait any response if you agree that my qualifications seem to
be a match for a position on any contact like
or give me a chance to evaluate me. If so, I hope to schedule an interview
at a mutually convenient time after you review my enclosed resume.
Thank you for your consideration.

Ramy Mohammad Fahmy

Last update 1/11/2009 Next update 1/1/2010

Curriculum Vitae

Ramy Mohammad Fahmy Abu-Alhasan

1 Khalid bin Elwaleed st. Amr Bin Elaas 1st zone,
Awal feysal, Giza, 12351, Egypt.

Tel: +20237349647 – Mobile: +20118444284

Confident, articulate and professional speaking abilities.
Enjoy working as a team member as well as independently. Proven
leadership and organizational abilities. Works efficiently under
pressure. Proven adaptability to differing cultural and social envi-
ronments. Up-to-date with changes in technology and the business
implications/ application of new technologies.

Teacher of geology, physics, science or math in any academic cen-
ter, schools... in Arabic or language or any related field.

 Preliminary master in geophysics Cairo University in June 2009.
 B.Sc in geophysics from Ain Shams University in June 2008.
With graduation grade Very Good.
 General secondary education certificate (scientific stream) from
(United Arab Emirates)

Related skills to the university life: High communication and interper-

sonal skills. Well developed academic teaching and lectures presentation

Scientifically achievement
Presented new paper

"Determination of faults throws without any con-

tours, strikes or any elevation points"
Last update 1/11/2009 Next update 1/1/2010

In 3rd year 2006/07, in structure geology, I found a new mathe-

matical method to find the faults throws without any contours, strikes or
any elevation points and it single work.
In summer 2007 the paper checked by a professors.
In 4th year winter 2008, I presented the paper in the 5th Interna-
tional Conference of Applied Geophysics, organized by Egyptian Society
of Applied Petrophysics (ESAP) in the National Research Centre, Cairo,
Egypt on 24-26 February 2008.

Related skills: Self-starter and successfully planning. Continuous

to solve or develop challenge situations have final solution by scientific
method. Excellent skills in writing and formatting. Expanding the special
cases and solving it.
Statement grade of academic years
Percentage Grade
60 70 80 90
1st st
semester 1 year 62.16 Pass
2nd st
semester 1 year 64.33 Pass
1st nd
semester 2 year 73.33 Good
2nd nd
semester 2 year 80.66 Very Good
1st rd
semester 3 year 79.84 Very Good
2nd rd
semester 3 year 87.69 Excellent
1st th
semester 4 year 80.46 Very Good
2nd th
semester 4 year 87.69 Excellent
The graduation grade is Very Good

Graduation Project:
1st semester: an article about "Seismic Reservoir Characterization".
2nd semester: practical project 2D Seismic Interpretation and flatting.
* Graduation Project grade is excellent 96% *

Related skills: Self academic improvement. Ability to grasp new

scientific ideas and integrate them into desired results. Proficient in using
technology to enhance data information utilizing and management. Well
developed time management.

 I achieved nine certificates and awards of scientific excellence and
Good behavior over twelve years of elementary, primary and sec-
ondary stages. (Three certificates as First in the class and six cer-
tificates as second).
Last update 1/11/2009 Next update 1/1/2010

Related experiences:
Resala Charity
 Charity teacher in free tutoring courses
Free tutoring courses for student with different levels (general and lan-
guage) in Mathematics, Science, and Geology. To help them to success in
their life and exams, also free to them to help their families and to equal
opportunity with other pupils.

 Charity teacher in Literacy

Free tutoring courses for different people’s levels in Arabic, Mathematics
and Science. I’d like this activity because it attracted a lot of dropouts
from education and have obtained certificates of literacy and some of
them register in schools and complete the education as other.

Language certificates

 Advanced English Certificates of the American University in Cairo

 Completed "local Toefl" test from Ain shams University.
 Pending achieve "amid east International Toefl".

IT Skills
 Vey good knowledge in Pcs assembly & troubleshooting software
 International Computer Driving Licence certificate (ICDL)

Social activity
Owner’s union manager of Alslam tower and founder its organization
Related skills: Excellent common sense, judgment, and decision-
making abilities. Dynamic, result-oriented problem solver. Excellent in-
terpersonal and analytical skills. Skilled in negations and people man-
agement and persuasive speaker. Remain calm in stressful situations.
Strong and high senses in “H S S E” responsibilities.

Sporting: Running and walking – swimming – water sports – football

Hobbies: fishing – drawing.
(All certificate copy available upon request.)

Last update 1/11/2009 Next update 1/1/2010

Official letter for paper

"Determination of faults throws without any contours, strikes or any ele-

vation points"


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