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Complainant, | CONSENT ORDER
v. | AND
Candidate for Mayor, |
East Brunswick Township, Middlesex County, |
| OAL Docket No.:
and | ELE 02031-2009N
and | C-G 1204 05 01-G2004
NANCY J . PINKIN, | C-9 1204 04 01-G2004
Candidates for Municipal Office, | C-9 1204 06 01-G2004
East Brunswick Township, Middlesex County, |
and |
Campaign Treasurer, |
Respondents |

The Election Law Enforcement Commission (hereafter, the Commission) having brought
a Complaint on October 29, 2008, against William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, and Nancy J .
Pinkin, (hereafter, the Respondent Candidates), and Lawrence B. Sachs, (hereafter, the
Respondent Treasurer), for non-filing of contribution and expenditure information, non-filing of
a 20-day postelection report, and non-filing of a postelection quarterly report or any other report
as a final report for the 2004 general election, as required by the New J ersey Campaign
Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act, N.J .S.A. 19:44A-1, et seq. (hereafter, the
Campaign Reporting Act);

And this matter presently pending before the Office of Administrative Law, pursuant to a
request for an administrative hearing received from the Respondent Candidates and the
Respondent Treasurer, and the Uniform Rules of Administrative Procedure providing for
settlement of contested cases, pursuant to N.J .A.C. 1:1-19(c)2 and (d);

And the Complaint issued by the Commission and described above being incorporated by
reference in this Consent Order and Final Decision;

And the Respondent Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer representing that by
entering their consent to this Consent Order and Final Decision, they neither admit nor deny that
the violations alleged in the Complaint constitute violations of the Campaign Reporting Act;
ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 2

And the Respondent Candidates and Respondent Treasurer being represented in this
matter by Lawrence B. Sachs, Esq., consenting to the form and substance of this Consent Order
and Final Decision;

And the Commission adopting the Proposed Findings of Fact and Proposed Conclusions
of Law as to Respondent Candidates and Respondent Treasurer, as set forth in the Complaint,
and as modified below, as the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in its Final Decision in
this matter;

And the Commission finding on Count One of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 2,152 days late, a Report of Contributions and Expenditures (Form R-1) for
the 20-day postelection reporting period relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting
contributor information for two contributions, totaling $1,500.00, which was required to have
been reported on November 22, 2004;

And the Commission finding on Count One of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 23, 2014, 3,439 days late, an amended Form R-1 for the 20-day postelection reporting
period relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting contributor information for four
contributions, totaling $3,000.00, which was required to have been reported on November 22,

And the Commission finding on Count Two of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer reported on the 20-day postelection report filed with
the Commission on October 14, 2010, 2,152 days late, the lump sum contribution amount of
$350.00, which was required to have been reported on November 22, 2004;

And the Commission finding on Count Three of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer reported on the 20-day postelection report filed with
the Commission on October 14, 2010, 2,152 days late, expenditure information for 128
expenditures, totaling $10,450.00, which was required to have been reported on November 22,

And the Commission finding on Count Three of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, a Form R-1 for the 2005 first quarterly reporting period relevant to the 2004
general election, reporting expenditure information for seven expenditures, totaling $525.00,
which was required to have been reported on November 22, 2004, on a Form R-1 for the 20-day
postelection reporting period, and was 2,152 days late;

And the Commission finding on Count Three of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 3

October 14, 2010, a Form R-1 for the 2005 fourth quarterly reporting period relevant to the 2004
general election, reporting expenditure information for one expenditure, in the amount of
$110.00, which was required to have been reported on November 22, 2004, on a Form R-1 for
the 20-day postelection reporting period, and was 2,152 days late;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 23, 2014, 3,295 days late, an amended Form R-1 for the 2005 first quarterly reporting
period relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting contributor information for two
contributions, totaling $2,500.00, which was required to have been reported on April 15, 2005;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, a Form R-1 for the 2004 fourth quarterly reporting period relevant to the 2004
general election, reporting the lump sum contribution amount of $250.00, which was required to
have been reported on April 15, 2005, on a Form R-1 for the 2005 first quarterly reporting
period, and was 2,008 days late;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer reported on the 2005 first quarterly report filed with
the Commission on October 14, 2010, 2,008 days late, expenditure information for one
expenditure, in the amount of $30.00, which was required to have been reported on April 15,

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer reported on the 2005 fourth quarterly report filed with
the Commission on October 14, 2010, expenditure information for one expenditure, in the
amount of $110.00, which was required to have been reported on April 15, 2005, on a Form R-1
for the 2005 first quarterly reporting period, and was 2,008 days late;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer reported on the amended 2005 first quarterly report
filed with the Commission on April 23, 2014, 3,295 days late, expenditure information for three
expenditures, totaling $230.92, which was required to have been reported on April 15, 2005;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,917 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2005 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 15, 2005;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,823 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2005 third quarterly reporting period
ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 4

relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on October 17, 2005;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,731 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2005 fourth quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J anuary 17, 2006;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,641 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2006 first quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on April 17, 2006;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,550 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2006 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 17, 2006;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,459 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2006 third quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on October 16, 2006;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,367 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2006 fourth quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J anuary 16, 2007;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,277 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2007 first quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on April 16, 2007;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,186 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2007 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 16, 2007;
ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 5

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,095 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2007 third quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on October 15, 2007;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 1,003 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2007 fourth quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J anuary 15, 2008;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 912 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2008 first quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on April 15, 2008;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 821 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2008 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 15, 2008;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 729 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2008 third quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on October 15, 2008;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 637 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2008 fourth quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J anuary 15, 2009;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 547 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2009 first quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on April 15, 2009;

ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 6

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 456 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2009 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 15, 2009;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 364 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2009 third quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on October 15, 2009;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 272 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2009 fourth quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J anuary 15, 2010;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 182 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2010 first quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on April 15, 2010;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
October 14, 2010, 91 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2010 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 15, 2010;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, an amended Form R-1 for the 2010 second quarterly reporting period relevant to
the 2004 general election, reporting expenditure information for one expenditure, in the amount
of $24.00, which was required to have been reported on October 15, 2010, on a Form R-1 for the
2010 third quarterly reporting period, and was 1,272 days late;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 1,272 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2010 third quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting expenditure information for one expenditure, in
the amount of $3.00, which was required to have been reported on October 15, 2010;

ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 7

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 1,177 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2010 fourth quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J anuary 18, 2011;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 1,090 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2011 first quarterly reporting period relevant
to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on April 15, 2011;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 999 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2011 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 15, 2011;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 905 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2011 third quarterly reporting period relevant
to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on October 17, 2011;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 813 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2011 fourth quarterly reporting period relevant
to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on J anuary 17, 2012;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 723 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2012 first quarterly reporting period relevant to
the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on April 16, 2012;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 632 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2012 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 16, 2012;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 8

April 9, 2014, 541 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2012 third quarterly reporting period relevant
to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on October 15, 2012;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 449 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2012 fourth quarterly reporting period relevant
to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on J anuary 15, 2013;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 359 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2013 first quarterly reporting period relevant to
the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on April 15, 2013;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 268 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2013 second quarterly reporting period
relevant to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which
report was required to have been filed on J uly 15, 2013;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 176 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2013 third quarterly reporting period relevant
to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on October 15, 2013;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, 84 days late, a Form R-1 for the 2013 fourth quarterly reporting period relevant
to the 2004 general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was
required to have been filed on J anuary 15, 2014;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on
April 9, 2014, a Form R-1 for the 2014 first quarterly reporting period relevant to the 2004
general election, reporting no financial activity during that quarter, which report was required to
have been filed on April 15, 2014;

And the Commission finding on Count Four of the Complaint that the Respondent
Candidates and Respondent Treasurer certified as correct and filed with the Commission on J une
27, 2014, a Form R-1 for the 2014 second quarterly reporting period certified as the final
ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 9

election fund report for the 2004 general election and reporting expenditure information for three
expenditures, totaling $9,934.51, which report was required to have been filed on J uly 15, 2014;

And the Commission having considered other penalty factors pursuant to N.J .A.C. 19:25-
17.3A, N.J .A.C. 19:25-17.3B, and N.J .A.C. 19:25-17.3C;

The Commission therefore, pursuant to N.J .S.A. 19:44A-22 and N.J .A.C. 19:25-17.1 et
seq., jointly REPRIMANDS the Respondent Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer and
imposes a joint penalty upon the Respondent Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer in the
amount of ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1,600.00), and the Commission
having received payment of $1,275.00 on J une 27, 2014, prior to Final Decision action, hereby
reduces the joint penalty of $1,600.00 to ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY
FIVE DOLLARS ($1,275.00) pursuant to N.J .A.C. 19:25-17.3C(e);

The Respondent Candidates and the Respondent Treasurer hereby enter into this Consent
Order, which if authorized and executed by the Election Law Enforcement Commission, will be
the Final Decision in this case, pursuant to N.J .A.C. 1:1-19.1(d).

ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 10

William P. Neary, Candidate
Donald Klemp, Candidate
Nancy J . Pinkin, Candidate
Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer

On behalf of Respondent Candidates William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, and Nancy J .
Pinkin, and Respondent Treasurer Lawrence B. Sachs, the undersigned hereby consents to the
form and substance of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and penalty set forth in this
Consent Order, and therefore to entry of this Consent Order as the Final Decision in ELEC v.
William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer, C-G 1204
05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004. However, should the
Commission decline to adopt and execute this Consent Order, the Respondent Candidates and
Respondent Treasurer retain their right to a hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedure
Act, N.J .S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq., and the penalty payment in the amount of $1,275.00 will be

DATED:_______________________ BY___________________________________
Lawrence B. Sachs, Esq.
On behalf of:
William P. Neary
Donald Klemp
Nancy J . Pinkin
Lawrence B. Sachs

ELEC v. William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer
OAL Docket No. ELE 02031-2009N
ELEC Docket Nos. C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004
Page 11


The Commission having received the penalty payment of $1,275.00, in ELEC v.
William P. Neary, Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer, C-G 1204
05 01 G2004, C-9 1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004, as set forth in this Consent Order,
the undersigned hereby consents to the submission of this Consent Order to the Commission,
pursuant to N.J .A.C. 1:1-19.1(c)2, for the Commission's Final Decision consideration. In the
event that the Commission does not adopt and execute this Consent Order as its Final Decision, I
hereby acknowledge that the Respondent Candidates and Respondent Treasurer retain their right
to a hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J .S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq., and the
penalty payment in the amount of $1,275.00 will be refunded.


DATED:_________________________ BY:_____________________________________
Gail L. Shanker, Esq.
Associate Legal Director


The New J ersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, by a vote of _3-0_______, at
its meeting of _J uly 15_______________, 2014, consented to and adopted pursuant to N.J .A.C.
1:1-19.1(c)2 and 1:1-19.1(d), the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and total $1,600.00 joint
penalty set forth in this Consent Order as its Final Decision in ELEC v. William P. Neary,
Donald Klemp, Nancy J . Pinkin, and Lawrence B. Sachs, Treasurer, C-G 1204 05 01 G2004, C-9
1204 04 01 G2004, C-9 1204 06 01 G2004, and acknowledges receipt of payment of the reduced
joint penalty amount of $1,275.00. No further payment is required.


Date of Mailing: J uly 30, 2014 BY: s/
Ronald DeFilippis

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