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Abomey, 1892 (solo game)

This scenario for the Belle Epoque rules depicts an episode of the French conquest of
Dahomey in 1892/1894, endin a hard campain fouht aainst !in "#han$in%s army for
supremacy in this part of &est 'frica (no)adays "enin*+
Troop characteristics summary chart
Doc. B T! "iri#g 1$D 2$D %$D &$D As. p.
Fons ,iflemen -lose 4 . - 4 (2* . 1 / 1/2/. "old
'ma$ons 0uards -lose 1 . 2 . 2 1 / 1/2/./4"old
3la4es -lose . . F/0 2 1 / / 1/2
5#ionnaires -lose 4 2 " 1 (.* 4 2 1 1/2/. 3tu6
,eular 7nfantry -lose . 2 " 1 (.* 4 2 1 1/2/.
5iht 7nfantry 5oose . 28 " 1 (.* 4 2 1 1/2
5iht -a4alry 5oose . 4 F 2 1 1 / 1/2 Dash
*: even when leaving rough terrain
Troop types
Fons riflemen9 couraeous and )ell trained soldiers, equipped )ith 6reech/loadin
&inchester and -hassepot rifles and supported 6y o6solete ,effye machine/uns and e4en a
fe) :rupp uns+
'ma$ons9 the famous fanatical 6odyuard of !in "#han$in+
3la4es9 locally raised troops, mustered 6y force in !in "#han$in%s army+
Forein 5eion9 French army%s elite continent equipped )ith 5e6el maa$ine rifles+
,eular infantry9 3enealese and 'lerian riflemen+
5iht infantry 6attalion9 elite colonial unit+
5iht ca4alry9 Chasseurs dAfrique and Spahis 4eteran troopers+
"re#ch or'er o( battle
2 leionary units (4 stands each*
1 liht infantry unit (4 stands*
1 reular infantry units (4 stands each*
1 liht ca4alry unit (. stands*
Thus, 9 6lue to!ens matchin the 9 French units are put in the acti4ation 6o)l+
B)ha#*i#+s (orce,
7n a separate 6o)l, mi; 2 purple to!ens, 8 red to!ens, and 2 yello) to!ens+
<layer may deploy the French force
any)here in the first three ro)s of sectors
on the south side of the ame
6oard/ta6letop (liht reen area, see map
a6o4e*+ 2;cept those three ro)s of sectors
and those around '6omey )hich are
considered as open rassland, e4ery other
he; must 6e disco4ered+
Above: the scenario played on a e!oir ""# he$
board% with &ed Bo$ and Airfi$ plastic figures'
24ery time a French unit is acti4ated, roll 1'1- 6efore/after its mo4ement for each he; $one
)ithin siht of that unit, and place terrain if needed as follo)s9
5eft 6an! (dar! reen area*9 ,iht 6an! (medium reen area*9
19 sa4anna (open* 1/2/.9 sa4anna (open*
2/./49 forest (co4er* 4/1/=9 forest (co4er*
1/=/>9 ?unle (co4er/rouh* >/89 ?unle (co4er/rouh*
8/99 marsh (rouh* 99 marsh (rouh*
1@9 4illae 1@9 4illae
2;cept sa4anna, e4ery !ind of terrain 6loc!s line of siht (e4en marshes and ri4ers*+
2;cept nati4e units and liht infantry, no unit may perform a tra4el march )hen lea4in rouh
terrain (marsh or ?unle*+
The ri4er is forda6le freely only at the ford indicated on the map+ Ather)ise, the ri4er is
impassa6le, e;cept if a ford is found 6y rollin 1/= on a d= )ith an ad?acent unit, or 4/1/= in
one of the first four ri4er he;es of the north side+ Anly one attempt per he; is allo)ed+ An the
other hand, the tri6utary is forda6le e4ery)here+ 7f forda6le, ri4er he;es are treated as
cover, for mo4ement purposes only+
7f fihtin from a he; ad?acent to a ri4er he;, French infantry units 6enefit from un6oats
support, and are treated as ' class units, instead of " class units+
"o#s uprisi#g
24ery time a forest or a 4illae sector is disco4ered, roll 1'/9
5eft 6an! (dar! reen area*9 ,iht 6an! (medium reen area*9
Bo enemy unit 1/2/. 1/2/./4
Ane enemy unit 4/1/= 1/=
7f an enemy unit is raised, pic! up a to!en in the "#han$in%s 6o)l, add it in the acti4ation
6o)l, mi; it )ith the French acti4ation to!ens, and place the correspondin unit in the
disco4ered area9
<urple to!en9 an 'ma$on 1 stands stron unit,
,ed to!en9 a Fons )arriors 4 stands stron unit,
Cello) to!en9 a . stands stron sla4es unit+
'll the Fons units are rated stu66orn+
"o#s acti.atio#
&hen a Fons to!en is pic!ed up from the acti4ation 6o)l, the correspondin unit is chosen
randomly if se4eral units matchin its color are elii6le+ Then roll 1d=9 if the o6tained score is
D to its num6er of stands, that unit is successfully acti4ated+ 7f successfully acti4ated, that unit
may perform one action, follo)in the priority order 6elo)9
1) 'ttac! the nearest outnum6ered French unit+ 7f se4eral French units are elii6le, the
tareted one is chosen randomly+
2) 7f no outnum6ered French unit )ithin reach, open fire on nearest French unit+
3) 7f there is no taret a4aila6le, the Fons unit performs a6solutely no action+
0ictory co#'itio#s
<layer )ins if he ta!es '6omey+ Eo)e4er, from the end of turn 8 till the end of the ame,
e;haustion and tropical diseases ta!e their toll on French forces, so roll 1d= for each French
unit at e4ery turn endF if the o6tained score is G than its "3, that unit loses 1 stand+
$se(ul optio#al rules
Tactical "onus9 )hen assaultin )ith o#e u#it solely, the player may attempt to ain a
tactical ad4antae (meanin surprise attac!, outflan!in maneu4er, etc+* 6y spendin t)o
e;tra -<s, in order to increase 6y 1 the unit%s num6er of com6at dice+ Thus for e;ample, a .
stands stron unit )ill fiht )ith 4 com6at dice+ Those e;tra -<s are not ta!en in account for
the unit%s acti4ation roll, and are lost e4en if that unit fails its acti4ation roll+
,ued Defense9 )hen successfully acti4ated, a unit that performs a6solutely no action may
recei4e instead a counter (or small t)is, for e;ample* indicatin a prepared defense+ 's lon
as that unit stays inacti4e (neither mo4ement nor fiht*, the counter is !ept in place and the
unit )ill 6enefit from one e;tra dice if assaulted+
1$234 56"656736 3A5D,

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