Dowsing Resources and Techniques Instructions

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Dowsing Resources & Techniques - Dowsing Instructions


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Put your elbow on the table. If you are right handed, use your right hand to
dowse with the pendulum: There is a little flat bead on the black string of the
pendulum. Shorten it to about 2 to 3 inches from the pendulum, as this is where
you will hold the string. Hold it with thumb, index, and middle fingers, or what
feels comfortable for you. The shorter the string, the faster the pendulum moves.
Say: "Clear me. Shield me. I invite the Holy Spirit, and my High Self Committee
of Guides & Angels, to talk to be present and to talk to me through my

Put your elbow on the table, and sit comfortably. Swing the pendulum away from
your body, and back again, (forward & back) while doing that say this: "This is
my Yes. People nod their heads yes, and this is my Yes.

Next, swing the pendulum gently, from left to right side, and say this: "This is my
No. People shake their heads No, and this is my No.

Start by swinging the pendulum in a clock-wise circle, and say the following:

This is my Clearing Signal. My pendulum goes in a circle when my High Self
Committee is clearing something, like a block, program, or negative energy
away." Your High Self Committee, your angels and guides will talk to you
through the pendulum. In this way, They can help you more, and give you
accurate universal information. This is a tool that you will have for life. If you are
not sure, if a vitamin is good for you for example, hold the vitamins in your non-
dominant hand, and dowse over it. Ask: "Is this good for me?" They will tell you
Yes, or No. When you ask a question, give the pendulum a twist, in a circle,
clockwise, and that will get it started.
Programming Your Subconscious To Use A Pendulum
With this method, you will get free information from your High Self Committee,
your own Guides and Angels. You can also use numbered charts, so that you
can ask percentage type questions. Like this:

"What percentage of good will this new job give me, if I take it?" Then, swing
your pendulum in a circle to get it started. They will search around for the right
percentage on the numbered chart. For example, if the pendulum swings to 7,
that means 70% benefit. Then, you ask if 70% (for example) is right. They will
say, Yes or No.

You can also ask days of the week using the numbers on the chart:
1 - Monday
2 - Tuesday
3 - Wednesday
4 - Thursday
5 - Friday
6 - Saturday
7 - Sunday

Ask what page the word is on that your High Self Committee wants to tell you.
They will say, for example, page 58. Then you go to page 58 in the dictionary,
and ask, if it is the Right or Left column on page 58. Give the pendulum, a
circular twist, and it will go Yes, or No. They will say, for example, that it is the
left column on page 58. Then put your pendulum in No mode (left to right
side)......Then, with your free hand, you go down the list with your index finger,
until you get a Yes, on your pendulum. So, as you go down the list, you want to
start with the pendulum swinging - No. When you hit the right word, it will go
Yes. Ask if this is the right word to confirm.

Clear and Shield. Ask if you have discarnates (Souls that have died, and left
their bodies). If you get a Yes, say: "Clear, and remove. Take them to their
proper place, there is no Sin. God loves them." If the discarnate is still present,
you have a nasty one. Say this then: "Shackle, throw them into the Holy Spirit,
clear, and remove. Take them to their proper place, there is no Sin, God loves
them." No discarnate, can resist the shackle method. It is very important to stay
clear of discarnates (entities, or Souls). Check to make sure that you are clear
each day.

Use a numbered chart, and ask how accurate you are. Say: "How accurate am
I?" It should say 100%. If it does not, ask them to clear and shield you again. Do
this until you get a 100% answer.
It might take some time to learn the pendulum, so practice a little each day. The
Masters say that all High Souls have used a pendulum before. This is not
surprising as pendulums have been around for thousands of years, and some
where even found in Egyptian tombs, from over 6,000 years ago. The Pendulum
is a wonderful tool, and will help you through out your life. It is free, easy to use,
and you can test your accuracy. Anyone can use it. All you have to do is
practice and it will surely bring results. The best pendulum on the Net, the
'Super Isis' model, - was redesigned by my own Masters. You can purchase it

Blessings & Love,
The Masters & Whitneay
NewSpirit Services
Dowsing Resources & Techniques - Holding Dowsing Tools

Holding a Y-rod: arms along the body bent at 90 degrees in elbows, palms up
holding the rod in a "dynamic balance".

Holding a pendulum: the string or chain of the pendulum held between the
thumb and the index finger (some use their middle finger as well).

Holding an L-rod (Spanish Rod): arms along the body bent at 90 degrees, palms
facing each other in a "pistol grip", rods parallel in horizontal plane.

These positions, of course, are just a samples of those most commonly used.
You can change it to fit your preferences.
Dowsing Resources & Techniques - Dowsing Water Depth
Water Dowsers use many methods used to determine specific information such
as the depth of a water vein. I have been water dowsing professionally for about
20 years and I use several methods to determine depth, quality and flow rate.
I use a chart with the pendulum. Hold the pendulum over the chart, such as Walt
Woods chart in "Letter to Robin. Swing the pendulum over the "0". Ask the
question: How many water veins at this location?, How many feet will the driller
have to drill to reach the maximum water flow rate available at this site?, How
far down to the first major water vein?, How far down to the 2nd water vein?
What is the maximum safe drilling depth at this location?, What is the minimum
flow rate that is recoverable to the surface at this site?, What is the maximum
flow rate that is recoverable to the surface at this site?, What is the quality of
the water on a scale of 0 to 10 or 0 to 100?, What is the probability that the
driller, (Name) will drill into the water vein and get a minimum of 5 gpm?, (Some
drillers have a high incidence of wandering drill bits. Some wander off as much
as 30 feet from where they start on the surface).
Divining rods - L-Rods
Hold the L-rods so they are at an angle to one another and your hands are one
over the other. Ask the question and start counting. When the rods line up , that
is your answer.
Divining rods - Y-Rod
Hold the Y-rod in the ready position over the well site Ask the question Start
counting. When the rod points down to the well, that is your answer. Hope this
Sharron Hope President of the Gold Country Dowsers, Butte County Chapter of
The American Society of Dowsers

You may like to try the following method that was shown to me by a Dowser who
is no longer with us, that does not require the use of a pendulum. On one of
your dowsing rods, make ten marks about 1/4 inch wide and one inch apart.
You now have a Scale, on one of your rods, of ten units.

Having located a water source, to find its depth, hold one rod about 5 degrees
below the horizontal and mentally instruct it to swing to the left for "No and to the
right for "Yes". Ask if the depth of whatever you have found is between (a) 1000
and 10,000 feet / metres deep or (b) between 100 and 1000 feet / metres deep
or (c) between 0 and 100 feet / metres deep.

Unless you are looking for something over 10,000 xxx deep, you will get a "Yes"
to either (a), (b), or (c). Let us say you get a "Yes" for (b) = 100 - 1000 feet. Grip
the rod with the 10 unit scale on it firmly. Allow the other rod to swing freely.
Hold both rods at an angle of no more than 5 degrees below the horizontal, with
the "free" rod about 1/2 inch above the "firm" rod and ask for the free rod to
show the depth in 100s of feet of the top of the source you have found (or
whatever units measurement you are using)

The free rod should swing over the fixed rod and stop somewhere. You can then
read off the measurement. (say it has stopped between the second and third
marks - this represents a depth of between 200 and 300 feet (or other units).
Now, mentally change your scale to 10s of feet and carry out the same
procedure. Say the free rod stops between the eighth and ninth marks which
now represent 80 and 90 feet, you now have a reading of 280 to 290 feet.

Finally, mentally change your scale to 0 to 10 feet and this time your free rod
stops over the second mark which will give you a reading of 282 feet. This
method takes about 5 minutes to explain but, with practice, about 30 seconds to
do it accurately. One thing that is rather interesting. I have found that, when
higher numbers are involved, the "free" rod tends to swing to and fro as if
gathering momentum for its next "move" up the "fixed" dowsing rod, and when
you think of it, the tip of the "free" rod is actually moving uphill.

This Scale Method has many uses where numbers are involved. For example, it
can can be used to determine the date of, say, an artifact, very quickly, by
asking for single numbers each time but be careful which time scale you use. I
would suggest that you did not use AD or BC but instead used BP (before
present) and don't forget that a date_ may_ possibly contain more than four
figures. You never know. So keep asking until you are sure you have it all, then
ask if you have, just to make sure.

Another method, using only a pendulum, is to ask the following questions having
found the source, and using the same depth as found in the method above : Is
the top of this source more than 10000 feet (whatever units) down ? "No" is it
more than 1000 feet down ? "No" Is it more than 100 feet down ? - "Yes" Is it
between 100 and 500 feet down - "Yes" Is it between 100 and 250 feet down -
"No" Is it between 250 and 350 feet down - "Yes" Is it between 250 and 300 feet
down - "Yes" Is it between 250 and 275 feet down - " No" and so on until you get
the same figure (282 feet) It will be obvious to you that the pendulum method
takes longer, but it depends on which tool you prefer to use or are more
comfortable with.

The "bishop's" method of determining the water depth goes something like this:
from a starting mark, (could use the well location) ask for an indication of the
depth to be the distance from the starting point to the indication as you walk out
from the starting point in a straight line.
Love, Harv
NOTE: This is based on a dowsing principle that cosmic rays when hit the
underground water are deflected at an angle of about 45 degrees (in sand or
soil) and simple trigonometry of right angle triangle.

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