Dr. Vanessa Wills, PHD - Curriculum Vitae

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Vanessa Christina Wills

St. Josephs University

Department of Philosophy
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA !"
United States of Ameri#a
vanessa$ills.#om % v$ills&s'u.edu
PhD in Philosophy, University of Pitts(ur)h, De#em(er *0
o Dissertation+ ,-ar. and -orality/0 Committee+ -i#hael 1hompson 2Chair3, John
-#Do$ell, Peter -a#hamer, 1ommie Shel(y
4ul(ri)ht S#holar, 5nstitut f6r Philosophie, 7um(oldt8Universit9t :u ;erlin, *008
Dissertation 4ello$, Department of Philosophy, University of <o#hester, *00!80
A.;. in Philosophy, Prin#eton University, June *00*
Current Position
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, St. Josephs University, Au)ust *0*8present
Areas of Specialization
-oral Philosophy0 So#ial Philosophy0 Politi#al Philosophy0 !th Century =erman
Philosophy 2espe#ially >arl -ar.30 Philosophy of <a#e
Areas of Competence
?pistemolo)y0 Applied ?thi#s0 =erman 5dealism
,@hat are you doin) around hereA+ 1rayvon -artin and the Bo)i# of ;la#C =uilt/
o ;ooC #hapter in eds., Janine Jones and =eor)e Dan#y, Pursuing Trayvon Martin:
Historical Contexts and Contemporary Manifestations of Racial Dynamics, Banham+
Be.in)ton ;ooCs, *0*.
<evie$ of 1eren#e 5r$inEs The Development of Ethics
o The Philosophical Forum, Folume G*, 5ssue ", 4all *0. 2Due to the )reat len)th of
5r$inEs three8volume history of ethi#s, the revie$ of his $orC $as a #olla(orative
effort. 5 revie$ed 5r$inEs entry on >arl -ar.Es moral philosophy.3
(updated August 6, 2!"#
Papers $nder %e&ie' (A&ailable upon re(uest#
,1he E@hite Privile)eE Con#ept in -ar.ism and in Criti#al <a#e 1heory/
,7uman <i)hts and the Stu((orn Pro(lem of -oral <elativism/
Selected )onors and A'ards
Saint JosephEs University
o 4a#ulty <esear#h =rant, Summer *0G
Deuts#he ACademis#her Austaus#hdienst 2=erman A#ademi# ?.#han)e Servi#e3
o Short8term =rant for <esear#h at 7um(oldt8Universit9t :u ;erlin, =ermany,
Summer *0*
J. @illiam 4ul(ri)ht U.S. Student Pro)ram
o =rant for <esear#h at 7um(oldt8Universit9t :u ;erlin, =ermany, *008
University of <o#hester
o Dissertation 4ello$ in the Department of Philosophy, *00!80
University of Pitts(ur)h
o Provost Development 4und Dissertation 4ello$ship, *00!80 2De#lined3
o Department of Philosophy Departmental 4ello$ship, *0068*00H
o Department of Philosophy Summer <esear#h =rant, Summer *005
>. Beroy 5rvis 4und
o Predo#toral 4ello$ship, *00*8*00"
,Classism or Class ?.ploitationA 1he Bimits of Ippression 1heory/
o Central -eetin) of the Ameri#an Philosophi#al Asso#iation, 4e(ruary *05
,1he E@hite Privile)eE Con#ept in -ar.ism and Criti#al <a#e 1heory/
o California <oundta(le on the Philosophy of <a#e, Septem(er *0G
o Central -eetin) of the Ameri#an Philosophi#al Asso#iation, 4e(ruary *0G
,@hatEs @ron) $ith <i)hts 1alCA/
o Paper )iven in asentia at the Central -eetin) of the Ameri#an Philosophi#al
Asso#iation, 4e(ruary *0"
,7uman Jature, 7uman <i)hts, and the Stru))le for 7uman Bi(eration/
o University of -emphis 5da ;. @ells Conferen#e, Jovem(er *0* 25nvited3
,?thi#s, ?ssen#e, and I('e#tivity in <adi#al 1hou)ht/
o <adi#al Philosophy Asso#iation Conferen#e, I#to(er *0*
,Demo#ra#y, Beadership, and <epresentation in ;la#C Politi#s/
o <o#C ?thi#s 5nstitute, Pennsylvania State University, 4e(ruary *0* 25nvited3
o Colle)ium of ;la#C @omen Philosophers Conferen#e F, April *0*
,4reedom and -orality in the 1hou)ht of >arl -ar./
o University of Je$ -e.i#o, Department of Philosophy, 4e(ruary *0* 25nvited3
o St. Josephs University, Department of Philosophy, 4e(ruary *0* 25nvited3
o 5ndiana University of Pennsylvania, Department of Philosophy, Jovem(er *0
,-ar.Es -oral Philosophy/
o 7um(oldt8Universit9t :u ;erlin, So#ial Philosophy <esear#h ColloKuium, -ay *0
,-ar.Es CritiKue of Jatural <i)ht/
o DorC University, 7istori#al -aterialism Conferen#e, -ay *00
,7e)el on AristotleEs De !nima/
o University of Pitts(ur)h, Department of Philosophy, Student84a#ulty ColloKuium
Series, -ar#h *00!
,4eminist Standpoint 1heory and -ar.s 1heory of the Proletarian Standpoint/
o University of Pitts(ur)h Department of Philosophy, Student84a#ulty ColloKuium
Series, -ar#h *00L
*eaching E+perience
At St. Josephs University
o 4reshman Seminar on <a#e and <a#ism
o Philosophy of <a#e 2@ritin) 5ntensive3
o Philosophy of 7uman Jature
o Philosophy of >arl -ar. 2@ritin) 5ntensive3
At the University of <o#hester
o -ar. and -orality 2upper8level seminar for advan#ed under)raduates3
At the University of Pitts(ur)h
o 1hesis Advisor 2one8on8one advisin) of an under)raduate resear#h pro'e#t3
Dire#ted Study on =eor) BuCM#s
o 5nstru#tor 2#lasses desi)ned and tau)ht independently3
5ntrodu#tion to So#ial Philosophy
1opi#s in So#ial Philosophy+ Philosophy of <a#e
Con#epts of 7uman Jature
5ntrodu#tion to ?thi#s+ Applied ?thi#s
5ntrodu#tion to ?thi#s+ ?thi#s and Class So#iety
5ntrodu#tion to Philosophi#al Pro(lems
o 1ea#hin) Assistant
Philosophy and Pu(li# 5ssues 2@ritin) 5ntensive3
5ntrodu#tion to Philosophi#al Pro(lems 2@ritin) 5ntensive3
7istory of An#ient Philosophy 2@ritin) 5ntensive3
5ntrodu#tion to ?thi#s 2@ritin) 5ntensive3
Con#epts of 7uman Jature 2@ritin) 5ntensive3
5ntrodu#tion to Philosophi#al Pro(lems
Politi#al Philosophy
Professional Acti&ities and ,emberships
<eferee 2<adi#al Philosophy <evie$3
Committee on the Status of ;la#Cs in Philosophy, Ameri#an Philosophi#al Asso#iation
-em(ership Administrator, So#iety of Doun) ;la#C Philosophers
Advisory Committee of the Afri#ana Studies Pro)ram, St. JosephEs University
Plannin) Committee of 1hea ;o$man So#iety Be#ture Series, St. JosephEs University
Chair, Panel Session on ,;elievin) at @ill,/ ?astern -eetin) of the Ameri#an
Philosophi#al Asso#iation, De#em(er *0*
4a#ulty #ommentator, University of Pennsylvania Philosophy =raduate Student
Conferen#e, Jovem(er *0*
-em(er, Colle)ium of ;la#C @omen Philosophers
-em(er, Ameri#an Philosophi#al Asso#iation
?n)lish 2native speaCer30 =erman 2e.#ellent30 Spanish 2)ood3
%eferences a&ailable upon re(uest.

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