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Collection of OSHO

Collected by Sameer Pawar

Zen Stories of HYAKUJO
(Excerpts from Osho's book 'Hyakuo ! "he E#erest of Zen'$
'hen HYAKUJO first arri#e( at )hian*+si to pay his respects
to ,a "-u. ,a "-u in/uire(. 01rom 2here ha#e you come30
01rom the *reat c4ou( monastery at Yueh )hou.0 ans2ere(
0An( 2hat (o you hope to *ain by comin* here30 aske( ,a
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0i ha#e come seekin* the bu((ha+(harma50
"o this ,a "-u rep4ie(. 0instea( of 4ookin* to the treasure
house 2hich is your #ery o2n. you ha#e 4eft home an( *one
2an(erin* far a2ay5 'hat for3 6 ha#e abso4ute4y nothin*
here at a445 'hat is this bu((ha+(harma that you seek30
'hereupon HYAKUJO prostrate( himse4f an( aske(. 0p4ease
te44 me to 2hat you a44u(e( 2hen you spoke of a treasure
house of my #ery o2n50
,a "-u rep4ie(. 0"hat 2hich aske( the /uestion is your
treasure house5 6t contains abso4ute4y e#erythin* you nee(
an( 4acks nothin* at a445 6t is there for you to use
free4y. so 2hy this #ain search for somethin* outsi(e
7o sooner 2ere these 2or(s spoken than HYAKUJO recei#e( a
*reat i44umination an( reco*ni-e( his o2n no+min(5 8esi(e
himse4f 2ith oy. he bo2e( in (eep *ratitu(e5
HYAKUJO spent the next six years in atten(ance upon ,a "-u5
8ut as "ao+chih. his first teacher. 2as *ro2in* o4(. he
2ante( to return to 4ook after him5
8efore HYAKUJO 4eft ,a "-u. he 2ent to pay his fina4
tribute to him5 Seein* him comin*. ,a "-u raise( his horse
2hisk strai*ht up5 HYAKUJO aske(. 0Are you in the use of
it. or apart from the use30
,a "-u hun* the horse 2hisk on the corner of his chair5
After a minute or so. he aske( HYAKUJO. 0Hence for2ar(. ho2
(o you open those t2o 4ea#es of your mouth to 2ork for
At this. HYAKUJO took the horse 2hisk an( raise( it
strai*ht up5
,a "-u sai(. 0Are you in the use of it. or apart from it30
HYAKUJO hun* the horse 2hisk on the corner of the chair5
Just at that moment. a *reat roar. 4ike hun(re(s of
thun(erbo4ts fa44in*. raine( on HYAKUJO's hea(5 ,a "-u ha(
*i#en a shout 2hich. it is sai(. (eafene( HYAKUJO for three
On one occasion HYAKUJO sai(. 0if 2e are attache( to a
#ie2point that 2e are natura44y the bu((has an( that 2e are
in -en bu((hism because 2e are ori*ina44y pure an(
en4i*htene(. 2e are amon* non+bu((hists 2ho (eny
At another time a #inaya master name( YUA7 once came to
HYAKUJO an( aske(. 0(o you make efforts in your practice of
Collection of OSHO
Collected by Sameer Pawar
the "ao. master30
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0Yes. i (o5 'hen hun*ry. i eat: 2hen
tire(. i s4eep50
Yuan aske(. 0An( (oes e#erybo(y make the same efforts as
you (o. master30
HYAKUJO ans2ere(. 07ot in the same 2ay5 'hen they are
eatin*. they think of a hun(re( kin(s of necessities. an(
2hen they are *oin* to s4eep they pon(er o#er affairs of a
thousan( (ifferent kin(s5 "hat is ho2 they (iffer from me50
At this. the #inaya master 2as si4ence(5
On another occasion. the #enerab4e "ao Kuan* aske( HYAKUJO
. 0,aster. 2hat menta4 processes (o you emp4oy in pursuin*
the "ao30
HYAKUJO ans2ere(. 0i ha#e no menta4 processes that 2ou4( be
of use. an( no "ao to fo44o250
"ao kuan* aske(. 0if both those statements are true. 2hy is
it that e#ery (ay you con#ene *atherin*s (urin* 2hich you
ur*e others to 4earn ho2 to fo44o2 the "ao by means of
HYAKUJO sai(. 0"his o4( monk (oes not possess e#en a (ot of
*roun( in 2hich to stick an( a2450
0'hy. master. you are 4yin* to my face;0 exc4aime( "AO
KUA7<5 HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0ho2 can this o4( monk. bein*
2ithout ton*ue to ur*e peop4e. te44 a 4ie30
0i (o not un(erstan( the 2ay the #enerab4e -en master
ta4ks.0 sai( "AO KUA7<5
'hereupon HYAKUJO sai(. 0nor (oes this o4( monk un(erstan(
"he /uestion 2as aske( of HYAKUJO ! 0"here is a sutra 2hich
says that not to percei#e anythin* in terms of bein* or
non+bein* is true (e4i#erance5 'hat (oes that mean30
HYAKUJO respon(e(!
0'hen 2e attain to purity of min( that is somethin* 2hich
can be sai( to exist5 'hen this happens. our remainin* free
from any thou*ht of achie#ement is ca44e( not percei#in*
anythin* as existent5 >eachin* the state in 2hich no
thou*hts arise or persist. yet 2ithout bein* conscious of
their absence. is ca44e( not percei#in* anythin* as
0"he Suran*ama sutra says. perceptions emp4oye( as a base
for bui4(in* up possib4e concepts are the ori*in of a44
i*norance5 ?erception that there is nothin* to percei#e ++
that is nir#ana. a4so kno2n as (e4i#erance50
A /uestion 2as aske(. 02hat is the meanin* of the phrase
@nothin* to percei#e'30
HYAKUJO rep4ie(! 0bein* ab4e to beho4( men. 2omen an( a44
the #arious sorts of appearances 2hi4e remainin* as free
from 4o#e or hate as if they 2ere actua44y not seen at a44
++ that is 2hat is meant by @nothin* to percei#e5'0
"hen he 2as aske(! 0that 2hich occurs 2hen 2e are
confronte( by a44 sorts of shapes an( forms is ca44e(
perception5 )an 2e speak of perception takin* p4ace 2hen
nothin* confronts us30
Collection of OSHO
Collected by Sameer Pawar
0Yes.0 rep4ie( HYAKUJO 5
0'hen somethin* confronts us. it fo44o2s that 2e percei#e
it.0 continue( the /uestion. 0but ho2 can there be
perception 2hen 2e are confronte( by nothin* at a4430
HYAKUJO ans2ere( by sayin*! 02e are not ta4kin* of that
perception 2hich is in(epen(ent of there bein* an obect or
not5 Ho2 can that be30
0"he nature of perception bein* eterna4. 2e *o on
percei#in* 2hether obects are present or not5 "hereby 2e
come to un(erstan( that. 2hereas obects natura44y appear
an( (isappear. the nature of perception (oes neither of
those thin*s5 6t is the same 2ith a44 your other senses
too.0 conc4u(e( HYAKUJO 5
One (ay 2hen HYAKUJO 2as to *i#e his (ai4y (iscourses to
his (iscip4es. he be*an by sayin*. 0i am no -en a(ept5 6
ha#e not a sin*4e thin* to offer anyone. so i must not keep
you stan(in* here5 <o an( take a rest50
On another occasion. a *roup of (harma masters sou*ht an
inter#ie2 an( sai(! 02e ha#e some /uestions to ask5 Are you
prepare( to ans2er them. master30
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0Yes5 "he moon is ref4ecte( in that (eep
pon(: catch it if you 4ike50
"he *roup continue(. 0'hat is the 8u((ha rea44y 4ike30
0if that 2hich is facin* the 4impi( pon( is not the 8u((ha.
2hat is it30 sai( HYAKUJO 5
"he monks 2ere pu--4e( by this rep4y. an( after a short
2hi4e in/uire( a*ain! 0master. 2hat (harma (o you expoun(
in or(er to 4iberate others30
HYAKUJO respon(e(. 0"his poor monk has no (harma by 2hich
to 4iberate others50
"hey exc4aime(. 0A44 Zen masters are of the same stuff;0
At this. HYAKUJO aske( them. 0'hat (harmas (o you #irtuous
ones expoun( for 4iberatin* others30
"he monks rep4ie(. 0Oh. 2e expoun( the (iamon( sutra50
HYAKUJO aske(. 0Ho2 many times ha#e you expoun(e( it30
0,ore than t2enty times.0 they ans2ere(5
HYAKUJO continue(. 0by 2hom 2as it spoken30
"o this the monks ans2ere( in(i*nant4y! 0,aster. you must
be okin*; Of course you kno2 that it 2as spoken by the
8u((ha5 0HYAKUJO sai(! 02e44. that sutra states! @if
someone says the "atha*ata expoun(s the (harma. he thereby
s4an(ers the 8u((ha; Such a man 2i44 ne#er un(erstan( 2hat
i mean5'0
HYAKUJO continue(. 07o2. if you say that it 2as not
expoun(e( by the 8u((ha. you 2i44 thereby be4itt4e that
sutra5 'i44 you #irtuous ones p4ease 4et me see 2hat you
ha#e to say to that30
As they ma(e no rep4y. the master pause( a2hi4e before
askin* his next /uestion. 2hich 2as! 0the (iamon( sutra
says! @he 2ho seeks me throu*h out2ar( appearance. or seeks
me in soun(. trea(s the hetero(ox path an( cannot percei#e
the "atha*ata5'
0"e44 me. #irtuous one.0 sai( HYAKUJO. 02ho or 2hat is the
Collection of OSHO
Collected by Sameer Pawar
One monk rep4ie(. 0Sir. at this point i fin( myse4f utter4y
HYAKUJO sai(! 0ha#in* ne#er been i44umine(. ho2 can you say
that you are no2 (e4u(e(30
"hen the monk aske(. 0'i44 the #enerab4e Zen master expoun(
the (harma to us30
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0"hou*h you ha#e expoun(e( the (iamon(
sutra o#er t2enty times. you sti44 (o not kno2 the
Once. HYAKUJO 2as out in the fie4(s 2orkin* a4on*si(e his
(iscip4es5 Just as a certain monk 4ifte( up his hoe. the
soun( of the (inner (rum cou4( be hear(5
'ith this. the monk 4au*he( 4ou(4y. (roppe( his hoe an(
2ent to the temp4e5
0'on(erfu4;0 exc4aime( HYAKUJO5 0"his is the *ate to the
enterin* of the bo(hisatt#a Kannon50
HYAKUJO fo44o2e( after the monk. an( arri#in* at the
temp4e. aske( the monk. 02hat truth (i( you percei#e 2hen
you hear( the (inner (rum30
"he monk sai(. 0ust no2 i 2as terrib4y hun*ry. an( 2hen i
hear( the soun( of the (rum. i 2ent back an( ha( my mea450
On hearin* this. HYAKUJO himse4f 4au*he(5
On another occasion. 6SA7. hearin* the 2oo(en *on*
soun(in*. rubbe( his han(s an( *a#e a *reat 4au*h5
'hen HYAKUJO sa2 an( hear( this. he aske( 6SA7 the same
/uestion as he ha( aske( the other monk in a simi4ar
situation. an( recei#e( a simi4ar response5
At another time. a master of the Cinaya sect name( 1a ,in*
remarke(. 0You Zen masters (o a 4ot of tumb4in* about in
the emptiness of the #oi(50
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0On the contrary. #enerab4e sir. it is you
2ho tumb4e a 4ot in the emptiness of the #oi(50
"he Cinaya master aske(. 0Ho2 can that be30
0"he scriptures.0 continue( HYAKUJO. 0are ust 2or(s ++
mere ink an( paper ++ an( e#erythin* of that sort is ust
an empty (e#ice5
A44 those 2or(s an( phrases are base( on somethin* peop4e
once hear( ++ they are nothin* but emptiness5 You.
#enerab4e sir. c4in* to the mere 4etter of the (octrine. so
of course you tumb4e about in the #oi(50
0An( (o you Zen masters not tumb4e in the #oi(30 aske( the
Cinaya master5
HYAKUJO sai(. 0'e (o not50
"he Cinaya master respon(e( 0ho2 not30
At this. HYAKUJO sai(. 0a44 those 2ritin*s are the pro(ucts
of 2is(om. an( 2here 2is(om's mi*hty function operates. ho2
can there be tumb4in* about in the #oi(30
Once a "aoist. happenin* to pass by HYAKUJO's monastery.
aske(. 06s there anythin* in the 2or4( more mar#e4ous than
Collection of OSHO
Collected by Sameer Pawar
the forces of nature30
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0"here is50
0An( 2hat is that30 the "aoist in/uire(5
HYAKUJO sai(. 0"he po2er of comprehen(in* those natura4
"he #isitor aske(. 06s cosmic #ita4ity the "ao30
HYAKUJO respon(e(. 0)osmic #ita4ity is cosmic #ita4ity5 "he
"ao is the "ao50
"he "aoist sai(. 06f so. they must be t2o (ifferent
HYAKUJO sai(. 0"hat 2hich kno2s (oes not procee( from t2o
(ifferent persons50
"he exasperate( "aoist rep4ie(. 0'hat is 2ron* an( 2hat is
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0'ron* is the min( that atten(s to
externa4s: ri*ht is the min( that brin*s externa4s un(er
On one occasion. Yun Kuan* aske( HYAKUJO. 0,aster. (o you
kno2 2here you 2i44 be reborn30
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0'e ha#e not (ie( yet. so 2hat is the use
of (iscussin* our rebirths3 "hat 2hich kno2s birth is the
unborn5 'e cannot stray from birth to speak of the unborn5
"he patriarch once sai(. 0that 2hich un(er*oes birth is
rea44y unborn5'0
Yun kuan* aske(. 0Foes this app4y e#en to those 2ho ha#e
yet to percei#e their o2n nature30
HYAKUJO sai(. 0You're not ha#in* percei#e( your o2n nature
(oes not imp4y that you 4ack that nature5 'hy so3 8ecause
perception itse4f is that nature555
0"hat 2hich can pro(uce the myria( phenomena of the
uni#erse is ca44e( the (harma nature. other2ise kno2n as
the (harmakaya5
0"he patriarch. As#a*osha. (ec4are(!0in speakin* of
phenomena. 2e rea44y refer to the min(s of sentient bein*s.
for. 2hen menta4 processes occur. a44 sorts of phenomena
take birth in accor(ance 2ith them5 'hen menta4 processes
(o not occur. phenomena ha#e nothin* in 2hich to arise ++
there are not e#en names for them5'0

A monk aske(. 0Are 2or(s an( speech a4so min(30
HYAKUJO rep4ie(. 0'or(s an( speech are concurrent causes:
they are not min(50
"he monk continue(. 0'hat is this min( 2hich 4ies beyon(
2or(s an( speech30
0"here is no min( beyon( 2or(s an( speech.0 respon(e(
"he monk sai(. 0if there is no min( beyon( 2or(s an(
speech. 2hat is that min( in rea4ity30
HYAKUJO sai(. 0,in( is 2ithout form an( characteristics5 6t
is neither beyon( nor not beyon( 2or(s an( speech5 6t is
fore#er c4ear an( sti44. an( can perform its function
Collection of OSHO
Collected by Sameer Pawar
free4y an( 2ithout hin(rance5 "he patriarch sai(. @it is
on4y 2hen the min( is seen to be unrea4 that the (harma of
a44 min(s can be tru4y un(erstoo(5'0

On one occasion. 6SA7. <OHO A7F U7<A7. 2ere a44 stan(in*
to*ether in atten(ance on HYAKUJO5
HYAKUJO sai( to 6SA7. 0'ith your mouth an( 4ips c4ose(. ho2
2ou4( you say it30
6SA7 sai(. 06 2ou4( ask you to say it50
HYAKUJO sai(. 06 cou4( say it. but if i (i( so. i fear i
shou4( ha#e no successors50
HYAKUJO turne( to <OHO5 0'ith your mouth an( 4ips c4ose(.
ho2 2ou4( you say it30 he aske( his secon( (iscip4e5
<OHO sai(. 0Osho; You shou4( shut up;0
HYAKUJO sai(. 06n the (istant 4an( 2here no one stirs. i
sha44 sha(e my eyes 2ith my han( an( 2atch for you50
"hen HYAKUJO aske( U7<A7. 0'ith your mouth an( 4ips c4ose(.
ho2 2ou4( you say it30
U7<A7 sai(. 0Osho. (o you ha#e them or not30
HYAKUJO sai(. 0,y successors 2i44 be missin*50
(Excerpts from Osho's book 'Hyakuo ! "he E#erest of Zen'$

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