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Enlace Institute Peer Training Program

The Institute assists social, economic and environmental justice organizations that serve
low-wage communities to develop effective mutually accountable teams who continually
improve the work of the organizations for their constituencies.
The Peer Trainer Program is funded in part by the Ford Foundation.
Attendance at the workshop is free for all participants.
Workshops for 2011:
Basic: For organizers, leaders and staff of groups serving low-income communities
Short term planning: To plan a single event, action, program or team work plan for a
period of up to 3 months. This unique planning tool analyzes in advance how to achieve all the
major and secondary goals of the activity and includes a component to ensure that the plan is
Dates: Mexico City: June 18-19; Portland Oregon: August 3-4;
New York City: September 13-14.
Team analysis and evaluation. This is comprehensive process that sheds light on areas a
team needs to address without assigning blame to individuals. It is grounded in measuring the
depth of the organizations base while at the same time analyzing the quality of the groups
operations, internal coordination, strategy, and the effectiveness of its work.
Dates: New York City: October 18-19; Portland Oregon: November 15-16;
Mexico City: December 9-10.
Advanced: For top leadership of organizations serving low-income communities. Previous
participation in the Peer Training Program is not required. Peer trainers who have completed
certification in the 2009-2010 program are also eligible to attend.
Crisis Management Planning. This is a collaborative brainstorming process that is useful
specifically for top leadership teams when the group is confronting a crisis with the potential to
destabilize the whole organization, or is facing an unanticipated barrier to its strategy. This
framework organizes thinking from four perspectives that must be considered to ensure the
survival and/or continuing viability of any group or organization.
Dates: New York: October 21-22; Los Angeles: November 18-19;
Mexico City: December 13-14.
For more information about applying for the program, please contact
Daniel in the L.A. office at 213-284-3802 or email
The Enlace Institute is a resource for organizations ready to grow and adapt to the rapidly
changing social, economic, and political situation in local, national, and international
communities. These collaborative brainstorming processes are useful for virtually all work
groups in base-building organizations.
A Project of Communities United for People
PO Box 33167
Portland, OR 97292
Ph: (503) 295-6466

828 W. Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Ph: 213- 284-3802

Executive Director:
Peter Cervantes-Gautschi
Deputy Director:
Mary Mendez
Daniel Carrillo
Katy Riker
Board of Directors:
Centro de Apoyo a
Trabajadoras de la
Maquila de la Laguna
Day Labor Program of La
Raza Centro Legal
Koreatown Immigrant
Workers Alliance
SEIU Local 1877
Servicio, Desarrollo y Paz
Sindicato Independiente
de Trabajadores y
Trabajadoreas de la
Industria Maquila
Tenants and Workers
The Workplace Project
Union Labor Donated

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