ST - Luke's: Chronicle

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A Few Words from the Word

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though
many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one
bodyJews or Greeks, slaves or freeand we were all made to drink of one Spirit.
Indeed, the
body does not consist of one member but of many. 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14 (NRSV)

Greetings Disciples of Jesus Christ at Saint Lukes:

It is hard to believe we are halfway through the summer and school is starting back in a week or so. While that
may mean a little sadness for some, it also means we are entering into a new season of GREAT church activities
and opportunities here at Saint Lukes!
Here are a few upcoming events I think we should be excited about (so much so that we might even invite guests
to join us in attending them!)
1. August 6 (Wednesday), 6-7:30 PM: JR-SR High (6-12
grade) Student / Parent / Leader Cook-out
and Preview Night. All students enter ing the 6
through the 12
grade as well as their parents or guard-
ians met on Wednesday, August 6
to kickoff our Fall 2014 season in Student Ministries. They enjoyed
good food, great fellowship and a preview of the awesome schedule of events for September through De-
cember. I think you will LOVE what we are going to do this fall! If you would like more information
please contact Karen Vollmar, or 345-9911.
2. August 20 September 24 (6 Wednesdays), 6-7 PM: Worship Team Bible Study. Both the 8 AM and
10:30 AM Worship Teams (musicians, singers, tech, ushers, liturgists, and Holy Communion Stewards)
are asked to join Jeff Allen and I in reading and discussing the short (6 brief chapters), but excellent book,
I Am a Church Member (Discussing the Attitude that Makes the Difference) by Thom Rainer .
Thom is the President and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources, a pastor, and a well-regarded author and
speaker. This book has received accolades from Christian faith leaders such as Matt Chandler, Dave Ram-
sey, Andy Stanley, and Rick Warren. The end of this article includes an excerpt from the book.
3. August 23 (Satur day), 12-2 PM: Saint Lukes Church-wide Swim Party at the Edwar dsville YMCA.
We will have a potluck meal and be collecting school supplies for the Christian Activity Center (from
Aug. 1 Aug. 23; a list of school supplies needed is available in the church office.)
4. August 26 & September 23 (Tuesdays), 6-8 PM: Tailgate Tuesday at DROST PARK. Drost Park of-
fers built-in activities such as a playground for kids, fishing for the whole family, a pavilion for fellowship
and grilling, and greater access to neighbors. Taking our Be Our Guest outreach focus to another level,
we will be gathering at the park to grill and enjoy good company while also extending Christian hospitali-
ty to guests (those we invite and those we see at the park). The church will provide the burgers and hot
dogs that night, but we ask members to bring a side dish.
5. September 6 (Satur day), 5-7 PM: Puppet Night of Praise! A great night of worship for the whole family
with the puppets leading us! A Sundaes on Saturday Ice Cream Social in the Fellowship Hall will follow
the praise and worship celebration in the sanctuary.

A monthly chronicle to your home bringing you the news from St. Lukes United Methodist Church

Vol. 10 6325 West Main Street, Maryville, IL 62062 August 20 14 No. 3
Coming in December !!!Volunteers
needed now!!! Saint Luke's hopes to
reach out to neighbors - especially
ones with children - this Christmas by
hosting our first-ever Christmas VBS.
The dates and times are Mon, Dec 29 -
Wed, Dec 31, from 9:30-11:30 AM.
Registration for this Christmas VBS
will begin in November. Volunteers
are needed now though so we can con-
tinue planning and ensure we have
enough workers for the VBS. Please
sign up today online at or at the Guest Cen-
ter or by calling Sarah Stone at

Churchwide Swim Party St.
Lukes is having a churchwide swim
party and potluck picnic lunch on
Saturday, August 23 from Noon
until 2 pm at the Edwardsville
YMCA, 7348 Goshen Road. Bring
a dish or dessert to share, a school
item for the Christian Activity Cen-
ter in East St. Louis and of course a
guest! Lets make a big splash for
the Lord!

Bible Study A senior high gir ls Bible
study will begin on Thursday, Sept. 11
at 6:30 pm for 6 weeks. Our book is
What Happens When Teens Pray by
Stormie Omartian. The cutoff date for
sign up is Sunday, Aug. 31. Contact
Beckie Fike or Karen Vollmar to reg-

Adult Mission Trip Trivia Night,
Mission Around the World:
Trivia Night Friday, October 10th,
doors open at 6:00 pm and trivia starts
at 7:00 pm. We also need silent auc-
tion items. Please have then at church
by Sunday, Oct. 5th. Tables are $100
each with 8-10 persons per table.
Please call the church office to reserve
your table. (618-345-9911)

Unity Sunday - We will be having a
Unity Sunday service on August
31st at 10:30 AM followed by a pot-
luck dinner. Hope to see you all

Handbell r inger s ar e needed at St.
Lukes! Our Divine Appeals Hand-
bell Choir will hold their first prac-
tice for the new season on Wednes-
day evening, August 20th at 6:15 in
the chapel. We need musicians who
are willing to practice weekly and
play in worship the 3rd Sunday of
each month! If interested, please
call John Fagala at 618-972-3571.

6.September 7 October 26 (8 Sundays), The Crowd Goes Wild! Sermon
Series in the 8 & 10:30 AM Wor ship Ser vices. We kick off the Fall
2014 season with an exciting, scripture-based, thoughtful, and practical ser-
mon series that will explore the act of worshipping God. September and
October mark the playoff season for Major League Baseball (MLB) and the
beginning of the National Football League (NFL) season. There is no lack
of passion and devotion when it comes to our area baseball and football
fans support of their favorite teams. How is that passion and devotion like
what we are to express on Sunday in the worship of God? How is it differ-
ent? We will explore and be challenged and, with Gods help, grow in our
worship understanding and expression and sharing (outside the church
building) in this series come and bring a guest!
7.August and September, Volunteer Recr uitment for the Unfrozen
Christmas VBS. On December 29-31 (Monday-Wednesday), from 9:30-
11:30 AM, we will host a Winter Vacation Bible School. We hope to reach
out to our community (those families and children who do not know Jesus
Christ and/or do not have a church home) and our church members too
with a message that reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. Sign-ups
for children will begin in November. However, we need volunteers to sign
up now so we can be sur e to have enough wor ker s both befor e and
during the VBS (meaning, even if you cant be present during the VBS,
you can help us out from now until then).
FOR EACH OF THESE EVENTS, more information is available and
necessary sign-ups are found by a. Calling the church office (345-9911), b.
Going online (our stlukes.or g) and c. Looking at the Guest Center in the
A few other notes: You may have noticed (or will notice) that the few
pews and seats on the right side of the sanctuary (where the organ and piano
are located) have been moved to the left side of the sanctuary. This is to pro-
vide our Puppet Ministry Team, Bell Choir Ministry Team, Brass Quartet /
Quintet, and others a permanent space for use on the Sundays they serve and
assist in leading worship. Doing this is helpful for these reasons too: It allows
us to maintain the same number of seats for the congregation at all times,
provides for more room on the altar, improves the collaboration between our
musicians (pianist and organist with the bells or brass quartet / quintet, etc as
they are next to one another), and affords easier access to the emergency exit
door. Its a win/win solution and we hope any inconvenience it may cause
some people will be outweighed by the greater good it affords everyone.
And one last note that excerpt from the I Am a Church Member book. Im
hoping our other Bible Study groups, Women of the Word and the Wednes-
day night Mens Study will consider using the book for their studies begin-
ning in October (after we use it for the Worship Team). In fact, I think it
would be wonderful if the whole church would use the book in various small
groups as we move into October and beyond. Why? Because for any of the
great ministry teams and activities we have planned in August and Septem-
ber and beyond to be fruitful, we must have each and every member of our
church functioning and growing as Biblical church members. Here is the ex-
cerpt from the book that explains that concept (and how Ill close):

Every Week at
St. Lukes

7:15 AM Prayer Time
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship
6:00 PM Hands Held High

5:30 PM Low-Impact

8:30 AM Low-Impact
10:00 AM Staff Meeting

9:30 AM W.O.W. Bible
6:00 PM Youth Group XP3
6:15 PM Handbells (20,27)
7:00 PM Praise Team
Study & Rehearsal
7:00 PM Mens Bible Study
(6 , 20)
7:30 PM Prayer & Share

5:30 PM Low-Impact

8:30 AM Low-Impact

Church Membership Is Functioning Membership

Do you know how to remain a member of a country club? Pay your dues. Do
that and people will be available to serve you. Do you know how to remain a
biblical member of a church? Give abundantly and serve without hesitation.
Note the italicized word: biblical. Sure, you can remain on the rolls of many
churches and never show up or give. You can remain an active member in
other churches by being a CEO Christian: Christmas and Easter Only. You can
even be a revered member in a number of churches by giving a nice sum to the
church each year, even though you never lift a finger in service or ministry. But
please understand. That type of membership is not biblical membership. That
approach to membership is man-made, man-centered, and man-maintained. It is
totally contrary to what the Bible teaches. It has no place in our churches.

Biblical church membership gives without qualification. Biblical membership
views the tithes and offerings as joyous giving. There are no strings attached.
Biblical church membership serves and ministers as a natural way of doing
things. Biblical church membership is functioning membership. Again, lets re-
turn to 1 Corinthians 12 to grasp this concept more fully. When Paul was using
the metaphor of the body to speak of the church, he did so for two primary rea-
sons. First, the body is a unified whole. Likewise, the church is to be unified in
its mission, purposes, ministries, and activities. Second, the body is not only
unified, it is made up of many parts. Think about the parts noted in 1 Corinthi-
ans 12: 12 26: The foot. The hand. The ear. The eye. The nose (at least indi-
rectly by referring to the sense of smell).

Rainer, Thom S. (2013-04-04). I Am a Church Member: Discover-
ing the Attitude that Makes the Difference (pp. 14-16). B&H Pub-
lishing Group. Kindle Edition.

If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all
rejoice together with it.
Now you are the body of Christ and individually mem-
bers of it.
-1 Corinthians 12: 26-27 (NRSV)

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Will

Christian Education

XP3 The July dinner and movie night for our XP3 students was a gr eat time of food and
fellowship so we are meeting again on Tuesday, August 12th for burgers, dogs, mac & cheese
and dessert at the Vollmars. The sequel to the movie we saw is out so invite a guest and lets
hang out together. Email me by Aug. 10th to let me know you are coming at karen- . If you didnt see the Mark just ask and you can borrow it before we
view The MarkRedemption.
WOW Ladies Bible Study will celebr ate August September bir thdays on Wednesday,
Sept. 3 at 9:30 am. We will also begin a new Bible study on Sept. 10 and we encourage and
want all women young or older to join us! Please know that you are always welcome to join us
in the chapel every Wednesday morning at 9:30 am!

Childrens Church Volunteers and those who ar e thinking about joining this team ar e
needed at a training session on Tuesday, September 16th at 6:45 until 8:00 pm. Children are
very important to God and to us at St. Lukes so please make this a priority.

Monday Thursday
9:00 AM 4:00 PM
Closed Friday
Cribs for Christ
3 Bobbie Richardson & Maria Matthews
10 Fran Karanovich & Nancy Gulledge
17 Shari Russell & Brooke Selden
24 Laura Campbell & Terri Green
31 Jenn Oberkfell & Drew Fitzgerald
Joy Jumpers
3 Beckie Fike & Karen Whitchurch
10 Debra Heaton & Tom Fitzgerald
17 Sarah Stone & Mason Groshan
24 Meghan Dittman & Erin Tillman
31 Charmaine & Madison Recklein
Preschool Praisers
3 Mary Harris & Dylan Hall
10 Denny Vollmar & Jessie Reynolds
17 Jeremy & Monica Pffeffer
24 Madelyn Reay & Anna Hunsche
31 Karen Vollmar & Derek Selden
Kings Kids
3 Wes Harris & Erin Tillman
10 Mark Cook & Mackenzie Ellis
17 Bekey & Gavin Zawada
24 Matt Dittman & Lois McLain
31 Parker & Breanna Robertson

Childrens Message:
3 Terri Green
10 Bekey Zawada
17 Puppets
24 Denny Vollmar
31 Karen Vollmar

8:00 AM 10:30 AM
3 Roxanne Patrylak Dannette McKellar
10 Charles Dye Shellie Lee
17 Roxanne Patrylak Mary Harris
24 Charles Dye John Ashbrook
31 Unity Service John Ashbrook

3 Terri Green & Stan Clark
10 Jeremy Pfeffer & Terri Green
17 Wes Harris & Barb Anderson
24 Marc Mayhew & Mike Munneke
31 Marlene Fagala & Jan Ashbrook

If you cant serve it is your responsibility to get a sub for that day
and call the office (345-9911) by Wednesday morning with the up-

10:30 AM
3 Kathy Hall
10 Marlene Fagala
17 Robin Fisher
24 Angie Malawy
31 Terri Green

10:30 AM
3 Lauryn Lee & Maggie Fitzgerald
10 Garrett Lee & Gavin Zawada
17 Ellie Harris & Kaidynn Green
24 Pearl Tillman & Lauryn Lee
31 Maggie Fitzgerald & Brady ONeill

8:00 AM
3 George Cowgill, Don Sexton
10 George Cowgill, Don Sexton
17 George Cowgill, Don Sexton
24 George Cowgill, Don Sexton
31 Unity Service
10:30 AM
3 Chris Kusnerick, Kayla & Andrew Lorentzen
10 Mark Cook, Matt & Meghan Dittman
17 Todd Bell, Cindy and Larry Clark
24 Stan Clark, Chris & Lynne Kusnerick
31 Marcia Evans, Terri Green, Keith Oberkfell

8:00 AM
3 Denise Foutch & Michael Mark
10 Hal & LaDonna Mc Gehee
17 Charles Dye & John Eads
24 Ann & Terry Hale
31 Unity Service
10:30 AM
3 Sue Gonterman & Kim Morris
10 Carl Mahaney & Karen Whitchurch
17 Bekey & Jamie Zawada
24 Abby Green & Tiffani Tillman
31 Jeremy & Monica Pfeffer

Tech Team:
8:00 AM 10:30 AM
3 Terri Green & Jeff Allen Steve Green & Monica Pfeffer
10 Keith Anderson & Jeff Allen Steve Green & Bekey Zawada
17 Terri & Steve Green Steve Green & Monica Pfeffer
24 Denny Vollmar & Jeff Allen Steve Green & Bekey Zawada
31 Unity Service Steve Green & Sarah Stone

August Servants: Please note! If you are unable to fulfill any of the responsibilities, please call to switch with
someone on another week and then call the church office (345-9911) by Wednesday morning so we can update.
August Special Events
3 4:00 PM Christian Education Meeting
3 5:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting
6 6:00 PM XP3 Family Cookout
10 5:00 PM Administrative Council Meeting
12 6:00 PM XP3 Dinner & Movie Night
15 8:30 AM Lifeline Screening
23 12:00 PM Churchwide Swim Party & Potluck

26 6:00 PM Tailgate Tuesday
30 10:00 AM H2Outreach at Drost Park
31 10:30 AM Unity Church Service
31 12:00 PM Potluck Dinner

6 Kent & Bobbie Richardson
7 Glen & Beth Weeks
13 Danette & Andy McKellar
14 Hal & LaDonna McGehee
24 Rod & Angie Malawy

August Celebrations
1 Dawn Peters
Alex Mahaney
4 Carol Beck
5 Dee Flaugher
Brad Gonterman
Keith Anderson
6 Chelsea Bell
10 Jenny Dyson
Jessie Dyson
Kristi Selden
11 John Grant
14 Keaton Wright
Brian Smith

15 Casey Eaton
16 Sydnee Bossetto
17 Michaela Robertson
19 Wyatt Harris
20 Marlene Fagala
22 Kim Morris
23 Lawrence Oberkfell
24 Angela Mayhew
25 Jill Kircher
28 Jack Rees
31 Kent Richardson
Gerry Zobrist

Staff Email Addresses
Will Campbell
Jeff Allen
Patty Lanz
Karen Vollmar
St. Lukes
St. Lukes United Methodist Church
6325 West Main Street
Maryville, IL 62062
(618) 345-9911

Who We Are At St. Lukes
Mission: We exist to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ.

1. Support: the Saint Lukes mission.
2. Enhance: clarity in communications
3. Improve: consistency & excellence in ministry practices.

Finance Report:
"How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me? I
will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the
Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of
all His people." Psalm 116:12-14
Giving to Budget: $185,815.46
Expenses: $191,411.58
Facts & Figures

8:00 AM

10:30 AM

July 6 48 81 129 64 5,393.00
July 13 36 97 133 56 6,079.24
July 20 30 94 124 49 4,247.00
July 27 47 95 142 54 4,393.00

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