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Stuadents must have ready-access to high speed

internet connection and required computer
hardware and software.
Previous distance education experience
Spanish 460 Professor Luis Verano
I am also taking a 4 level Spanish class a!out the famous novel "on #ui$ote %sometimes spelled "on #uixote&. I love this class. Our professor' (uis
)erano' has !een teaching this novel for thirty years and is still incredi!ly excited a!out it. *he class is in lecture format' with each of us reading the novel and
then attending lectures a!out the literary importance and cultural+historical context of each segment. ,e !ought the !ook in !oth Spanish and -nglish with the
hope that we would do the reading in Spanish' and use the -nglish translation to help with comprehension. I had the !est of intentions to !egin with. I had
planned to read the whole novel in Spanish' cover to cover. I have had to ad$ust that plan in the face of over / pages of 0enaissance-era Spanish' !ut love
to listen to our professor lecture in Spanish. I think that this !ook is a fascinating tri!ute to its literary moment and am in awe of its impact on culture since then
%the only !ook that has !een translated into more languages is the 1i!le&.
460 Don Quixote Instructor: Portugal (4) July 22 August 16
Careful reading of Don Quixote along with discussion of a!or critical to"ics and of its "lace and i"ortance in literary history# $rere%
for a!ors& three fro '$A( )16* )1+* )1,* )1-. "rere% for nona!ors& e%ui/alent 0ac1ground in literature#
The current Spanish curriculum is lacking vital courses that extend the understanding and appreciation
of the development of Spanish language and culture. Currently, just two courses above SP! "#" are
offered to students, SP! "#$% &irected 'eading and (riting and SP! "")% *exican +mmigrant
,xperience in the -nited States. The proposed course, SP! ").% Spanish /anguage, Culture, and
0istory Through &on 1uixote, attempts to fill the void by combining the skills learned in previous
courses in one synthesis course. Since this course is an upper2division course, a student entering this
class is expected to have completed the majority of their bacc2core re3uirements, allowing them to
knowledgeably participate in discussions about political, sociological, philosophical and psychological
+n its most basic form, &on 1uixote is a story about a man so obsessed with books about knights and
knight2errantry that he removes himself from normal society and decides to pursue the lifestyle of a
knight, securing a s3uire and setting out on three separate, major adventures. 4n the surface, following
this story line, one encounters many humerus tales the &on 1uixote and his faithful s3uire, Sancho
Pan5a. (hen carefully examined, &on 1uixote is filled with nuances like, references, allegory,
beautiful imagery, and language that demonstrate the cultural influences the author, *iguel de
Cervantes, used when creating this novel. 6irst written in Spanish, &on 3uixote is the second most
translated book in the world and it has influenced and shaped the modern novel from early picares3ue
to 7#
century post2modernism. 6urthermore, in a recent survey of #.. of the world8s best authors, &on
1uixote was chosen as the number one book of all time and received 9.: more votes than any other
book, proving that the book still holds great relevancy in todays literature ;Chrisafis<. Providing
students with an opportunity to study this book in its native language will be un3uestionably beneficial
to the students language development and critical thinking.
SP! ").% Spanish Culture, /anguage, and 0istory Through &on 1uixote is a =2credit, ,2campus
course taught in Spanish that features an in depth discussion of &on 1uixote and its role as a novel
examining major themes in relation to the Spanish >olden ge and current issues, derived through
critical reading and 3ualitative research. The students will be assigned weekly reading segments where
they will read and investigate the major themes present.The course will center around roundtable style
discussions where the students select the topics to be discussed based on the themes they have
identified within the chapter segments. The instructor will provide a general outline and discuss any
major themes not found in the student discussion. ?y structuring the course in this way, the student has
the opportunity to identify themes and research background information without much instructor
intervention, allowing the student to work independently and collaboratively. SP! "). will fit into the
Spanish department curriculum with a role similar to a capstone class, re3uiring the student to
synthesi5e information learned through their bacc2core, electives, and upper2division courses to be
successful in this course. +n consideration of the capstone position, SP! "). should be taken after a
minimum of #72credits of upper2division Spanish higher than SP! "#" have been completed by the
student. The minimum should be enforced to ensure the students enter the course with a high degree of
competency in Spanish language, culture, and history.
SP! "). will be offered as a part of the major core degree fulfillment in Spanish and would appeal to
students seeking a degree in Spanish from the school of foreign languages and literatures. SP! ").
would give these students, regardless of their familiarity with the book, an opportunity to explore the
deeper meanings and concepts Cervantes gave to the work. +nvestigating these ideas in Spanish will
likely be a new and challenging process for the students and will inspire them to think critically in a
foreign language. This course will help prepare the students meet their academic and professional needs
by creating a independent and collaborative learning environment similar to those outside of the
university. Students investigate and research the literature, come to their own conclusion and then
submit those ideas for peer2review.
Successful students in SP! "). will demonstrate their proficiency in a foreign language through their
ability to create and defend an argumentative thesis, critically research and review literature, and
participate in roundtable discussions.
rgumentation% The ability to create and defend a well supported argument based on ones
personal opinion of a political, sociological, philosophical, or psychological topic.
/iterature research and review% -nderstanding and applying the major themes from the work
and their relation to relevant studies and issues, past or present.
Communication% Proficiency in written communication through roundtable discussions centered
around a particular topic. Since roundtable discussions rely on group cooperation for success, effective
and direct communication skills are essential.
This course also adheres to the Spanish program learning outcomes:
#. +mprove skills to communicate interculturally in order to devise and exchange ideas clearly and
7. c3uire knowledge and critical appreciation of the diversity of human cultural and social
In conjunction with the resources outlined below, previous experience with distance education
is recommended.
Ready access to high speed internet and required computer hardware and software.
Oregon State University Library databases
Don quixote text
Works cited
Chrisafs, Angellique. Don Quixote is the world's best book says the world's top
authors. The Guardian. May 8, 2002. Web. Retrieved June 28, 2013.
metamorphesis, existenialism
Literary devices
10 Week Schedule
Week Topic Assignment
Week 1 Introduction to book including
background information related to
Spain, Cervantes, and role of literature.
The Multiple genres of the book.
Book 1, Chapters 1-
Reading Quiz 1
Week 2 Concept of honor, romance, virtue.
Reliability of the narration. Discussion
of Sancho and Narrator.
Book 1, Chapters
Week 3 Concept of enchantment and
imagination. Discussion of
Dulcinea and enchanted boat narrative.
Book 1, Chapters
Reading Quiz 2
Week 4 Concept of deception and disguises.
Discussion of the barber and priest. Book 1, Chapters
Week 5 Discussion of fake book II and
Cervantes issues with Avellaneda
Midterm Essay Due
Week 6 Concept of manipulation and planning.
Discussion of the Duke and Duchess. Book 2, Chapters 1-
Week 7 Concept of social class, nobility, and
roles in society. Discussion related to
all main characters.
Book 2, Chapters
Reading Quiz 3
Week 8 Concept of idealism and realism.
Discussion related to Don Quixote and
Book 2, Chapters
Week 9 Concept of colloquialism. Discussion of
Sancho and major characters.
Book2, Chapters 57-
Reading Quiz 4
Week 10 Concept of Quixotism and
Sanchism. Discussion of Don Quixote
and Sancho.
Final Essay Due
'# 4eek Plan
4eek ': ?ook #, Chapters #2 #"
+ntroduction to book, background information related to Spain, Cervates, and the book.
&iscussion of narration, the concept of honor, and romance, discussion of Sancho
&iscussion of the reliability of the narrator@narration, (eekly comprehension 3ui5
4eek :: ?ook #, Chapters #=27A
&iscussion of &1 fight with windmills in historical context, concept of bravery and
&iscussion of the importance of the inns, &iscussion of the first sally
&iscussion of the church pushing books as a corruption of the mind, (eekly
comprehension 3ui5 ;short essay<
4eek =: ?ook #, Chapters 7$2")
&iscussion of enchantment and imagination B enchanted boat narrative
&iscussion of &ulcinea and her role in the novel.
(eekly comprehension 3ui5 ;short essay<
4eek 4: ?ook #, Chapters ")297
&iscussion of deception and disguises
&iscussion of masks, the priest and the barber 2 trickery
(eekly comprehension 3ui5 ;short essay<
4eek : *idterm ,ssay
'eview major@minor themes, pick midterm topics
>roup discussions, nswer 3uestions related to midterm.
*idterm due
4eek (: ?ook 7, Chapters #2#)
&iscussion of fake book 7 author, Cervantes issues with vellaneda
&iscussion of manipulation@strategy B introduce role of &uke and &uchess.
(eekly comprehension 3ui5 ;short essay<
4eek C: ?ook 7, Chapters 7.2"$
&iscussion of idealism and realism related to &1 and Sancho
&iscussion of social class and nobility
(eekly comprehension 3ui5 ;short essay<
4eek D: ?ook 7, Chapters "C29A
&iscussion of what is D1uixotismE

(eekly comprehension 3ui5 ;short essay<

4eek 0: ?ook7, Chapters 9$2$=
&iscussion of popular sayings B used then and now.

(eekly comprehension 3ui5 ;short essay<

4eek '#: 6inal ,ssay
'eview major@minor themes, pick final topics.
>roup discussions, nswer 3uestions related to final
6inal due

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