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Practice 1
1 My mother goes to the market every Sunday morning.
2 There are many types of fsh and fresh vegetables at the market.
3 My mother loves to buy fsh from Pak Mats stall beause the fsh there are fresh.
! There are many people at the market.
" The pries for very items sold are reasonable and mostly are heap.
Practice 1(activity)
1. My mother goes to the ########## every Sunday morning.
2. There are many ######### of fsh and fresh vegetables at the market.
3. My mother loves to buy fsh from Pak Mats stall beause the fsh there are
!. There are many ######### at the market.
". The prie for very items sold there is ############# and mostly are heap.
Practice 2
1 Mr. $ai is a baker and he has a bakery in to%n.
2 &e bakes bread and buns to sell in his shop.
3 &e opens his shop daily and sells fresh bread and buns.
! &is shop is very popular and many ustomers ome here as soon as it is opened.
" They like to buy the deliious %arm bread and buns in the shop.
Practice 2 (activity)
1 Mr $ai is a ######### and he has a bakery in to%n.
2 &e bakes ######### and buns to sell in his shop.
3 &e opens his shop daily and sells ########## bread and buns.
! &is shop is very ##########and many ustomers ome here as soon as it is
" They like to buy the ########## %arm bread and buns in the shop.

1. This a rereational park.
2. There are many people at the park.
3. T%o girls are %alking around the park %hile talking.
!. There is a girl hasing a butter'y %hile a man is thro%ing something for his
dog to ath.
". ( group of hildren is eating in the middle of the park.
Practice 3 (activity)
1. This a ############## park.
2. There are many people at the ############.
3. T%o girls are %alking ########## the park %hile talking.
!. There is a girl ############ a butter'y %hile a man is thro%ing something for
his dog to ath.
". ( group of hildren is eating in the ######### of the park.
Practice 4
1. Puan )ae*ah and her hildren are in their living room.
2. They are preparing for the oming &ari +aya.
3. Puan )ae*ah is mopping the 'oor %ith the help of his son.
!. &er daughters are busy putting up the ne% urtains.
". They %orks together happily.
Practice 4 (activity)
1. Puan )ae*ah and her ########### are in their living room.
2. They are############### for the oming &ari +aya.
3. Puan )ae*ah is ############ the 'oor %ith the help of his son.
!. &er daughters are busy ############ up the ne% urtains.
". They %orks together ##############.
Practice 5
1 $ast %eekend the pupils of , Merah %ent on a feld trip %ith their teahers.
2 They visited the museum in the morning.
3 They spent some time %alking around the museum looking at the e-hibits.
! They learned many things about the history of Malaysia.
" They en.oyed themselves on the trip.
Practice 5 (activity )
1 $ast %eekend the pupils of , Merah ####### on a feld trip %ith their teahers.
2 They ###########the museum in the morning.
3 They spent some time %alking around the museum looking at the #############.
! They learned many things about the ############ of Malaysia.
" They en.oyed themselves on the ##########.
Practice 6
The /ueen bee lays the eggs in the hive. The larvae hath from the eggs. The
%orker bees feed the larvae %ith honey and pollen.
(fter si- days0 the larvae are big and fat. They slo%ly hange into pupae. The
%orker bees seal up the ell %ith %a- so that nothing %ill disturb the pupae.
The larvae slo%ly hange into bees %hih break out of the shell. The adult bee
then 'y a%ay from the hive to build their o%n hive.
Practice 6 (activity)
The /ueen bee ########### the eggs in the hive. The larvae ######### from the
eggs. The %orker bees feed the larvae %ith########## and pollen.
(fter si- days0 the larvae are big and fat. They ######### hange into pupae.
The %orker bees seal up the ell %ith %a- so that nothing %ill ######## the pupae.
The ######## slo%ly hange into bees %hih break out of the shell. The adult
bee then 'y a%ay from the ####### to build their o%n hive.
(hmad is handiapped. &e annot %alk and has to move about on a
%heelhair. &e moves about by turning the %heels of his %heelhair %ith his strong
arms. (lthough he is handiapped0 he has a dream to sueed in sports. &e dreams
that he %ill %in a medal in the Paralympis one day.
1very evening0 (hmads parents bring him to the stadium. &e praties hard
on the traks. &e has a oah to help him.
2e-t year0 (hmad hopes to take part in the 133 m rae in the Paralympis. &e
hopes to %in and make his parents proud of him.
Practice (activity)
(hmad is ##############. &e annot %alk and has to move about on a
%heelhair. &e moves about by turning the %heels of his ##############%ith his strong
arms. ############## he is handiapped0 he has a dream to sueed in sports. &e
dreams that he %ill %in a medal in the Paralympis one day.
1very evening0 (hmads parents bring him to the ################. &e pratises
hard on the traks. &e has a oah to help him.
2e-t year0 (hmad hopes to ############### in the 133 m rae in the
Paralympis. &e hopes to %in and make his parents proud of him.
Practice !
Today is 4hildrens 5ay. The pupils are very e-ited. Most of them ome to
shool early to get ready for the day.
The pupils prepare all sorts of food for their lass party. They also deorate their
lassrooms %ith balloons and ribbons. 1very lass is niely deorated.
5uring assembly0 the headmaster gives a speeh. (fter that0 they have their
lass party. 1veryone is very happy today.
Practice ! (activity)
Today is 4hildrens 5ay. The ######### are very e-ited. Most of them ome to
shool early to get ready for the day.
The pupils ##############all sorts of food for their lass party. They also
################their lassrooms %ith balloons and ribbons. 1very lass is niely
5uring ##########0 the headmaster gives a ##############. (fter that0 they have
their lass party. 1veryone is very happy today
Practice "
(rnie is Monas at. She is a fat and la*y at. She sleeps most of the time.
6ne night0 a thief entered the house through an open %indo%. &e did not see
(rnie lying .ust under the %indo% sleeping. (s he ame in0 he aidentally stepped on
(rnies tail.
(rnie ho%led loudly in pain. She %oke everyone up %ith her loud ho%l. The thief
%as so sared that he ran o7. $a*y (rnie had prevented a robbery. 1veryone in the
house praised her.
Practice " (activity)
(rnie is Monas at. She is a fat and ######## at. She sleeps most of the time.
6ne night0 a thief ######### the house through an open %indo%. &e did not see
(rnie lying .ust########## the %indo% sleeping. (s he ame in0 he ###############
stepped on (rnies tail.
(rnie ######### loudly in pain. She %oke everyone up %ith her loud ho%l. The
thief %as so sared that he ran o7. $a*y (rnie had prevented a ##########. 1veryone in
the house praised her.
Practice 10
Pak 8ulop lives in the kampung. &e has a monkey alled Mike. Mike is a very
intelligent monkey. &e likes to eat bananas and he sleeps in a tree house at night. 9n
the morning0
Mike pluks oonuts for Pak 8ulop. &e limbs up the trees and pluks the
oonuts. Then he thro%s the oonuts onto the ground. Pak 8ulop piks up the
oonuts and puts them into a big basket.
Pak 8ulop and Mike %ork hard every day. Pak 8ulop sells the oonuts that Mike
pluks. Pak 8ulop is very happy %ith his intelligent monkey.
Practice 10 (activity)
Pak 8ulop ########### in the kampung. &e has a monkey alled Mike. Mike is a
very ################### monkey. &e likes to eat bananas and he sleeps in a tree
house at night. 9n the morning0
Mike pluks oonuts for Pak 8ulop. &e ##################### the trees and
pluks the oonuts. Then he thro%s the oonuts onto the ground. Pak 8ulop piks up
the oonuts and puts them into a big ################.
Pak 8ulop and Mike %ork hard every day. Pak 8ulop ############# the oonuts
that Mike pluks. Pak 8ulop is very happy %ith his intelligent monkey.
Practice 11
9 %ould hoose a Mink umbrella beause it is the heapest. 9 only need to pay
+M1" for it. There are many olourful designs to hoose from so 9 am sure 9 %ill fnd
one in blue0 my favourite olour. The umbrella is foldable and fts easily into my bag. 9t
is also very light. This is very onvenient. (lthough this umbrella is heap0 it is made
of high /uality nylon so it %ill last me a long time.
Practice 11 (activity)
9 %ould hoose a Mink umbrella beause it is the ##############. 9 only need to
pay +M1" for it. There are many ############# designs to hoose from so 9 am sure 9
%ill fnd one in blue0 my favourite olour. The umbrella is ############## and fts easily
into my bag. 9t is also very light. This is very ################. (lthough this umbrella is
heap0 it is made of high ############### nylon so it %ill last me a long time.
Practice 12
9 %ould hoose Sunny &air shampoo beause 9 %ash my hair every day. So 9
need a mild shampoo. 6n top of that0 this shampoo is made in Malaysia and it is /uite
heap. 9 think %e should al%ays support Malaysian:made produts. 4ompared to the
other brands of shampoo 9 fnd that this is value for money. (lso0 it makes my hair feel
soft and silky.
Practice 12 (activity)
9 %ould hoose Sunny &air shampoo beause 9 ######## my hair every day. So 9
need a mild shampoo. 6n top of that0 this shampoo is ######### in Malaysia and it is
############ heap. 9 think %e should al%ays support Malaysian:made produts.
############## to the other brands of shampoo 9 fnd that this is value for money.
#########0 it makes my hair feel soft and silky.
Practice 13
#e$%i&' a& ($) *(+a&,
;ita is on her %ay to the shop. She sees an old %oman standing at the side of
the road. She is arrying a basket of food and vegetables.
;ita leads the old %oman to a pedestrian rossing. She helps her to ross the
road. The old %oman is grateful for her help.
Practice 13 (activity)
#e$%i&' a& ($) *(+a&,
;ita is on her ######### to the shop. She sees an old %oman ############ at the
side of the road. She is ########### a basket of food and vegetables.
;ita ########## the old %oman to a pedestrian rossing. She ############ her to
ross the road. The old %oman is grateful for her help.
Practice 14
9 %ould hoose Pantai 5ugong beause 9 %ant to see dugongs in their natural
environment. 9t is not every day that %e get to see dugongs. <esides that0 %e an .et:
ski and eat lots of seafood. The entrane fee only osts +M=.33 per person. <esides0 it
is very onvenient to get there using publi transport.
Practice 14 (activity)
9 %ould hoose Pantai 5ugong beause 9 %ant to ######### dugongs in their
natural ###################. 9t is not every day that %e get to see dugongs. <esides
#########0 %e an .et:ski and eat lots of seafood. The ########### fee only osts +M=.33
per person. <esides0 it is very onvenient to get there using publi ##############.
Practice 15
9 %ould hoose Steps to 1-ellene beause it has the most number of pages
among the three revision books. This means that 9 %ill get more pratie. This book
also deals %ith all the /uestions that 9 %ill have to ans%er in the >PS+ e-amination so
it %ill give me a good idea of %hat the atual paper is like. The prie is /uite
reasonable for the number of praties that are found in the book.
Practice 15 (activity)
9 %ould hoose Steps to 1-ellene beause it has the most number of pages
########## the three revision books. This means that 9 ####### get more pratie. This
book also deals %ith all the ############ that 9 %ill have to ans%er in the >PS+
############## so it %ill give me a good idea of %hat the atual paper is like. The
########### is /uite reasonable for the number of praties that are found in the book.
Practice 16
9 %ould hoose the <1ST study table beause it omes %ith a shelf %here 9 an
keep all my revision and referene books. Therefore0 9 an keep the table neat and
tidy. The si*e is also .ust right for my room. My table is blue in olour beause that is
my favourite olour. The prie is also a7ordable ompared to the other t%o tables.
Practice 16 (activity)
9 %ould hoose the <1ST study table beause it ######### %ith a shelf %here 9
an keep all my revision and referene books. ###########0 9 an keep the table neat
and tidy. The ######### is also .ust right for my room. My table is blue in ##########
beause that is my favourite olour. The prie is also ############# ompared to the
other t%o tables.
Practice 1
9 %ould hoose fresh orange .uie beause 9 like the taste of freshly s/uee*ed
orange. (lthough it is /uite e-pensive0 9 prefer this rather than the orange s/uash. 9t
also saves me the trouble of having to s/uee*e the orange myself. )urthermore0 9 an
keep it in the refrigerator for up to three days in ase 9 annot fnish drinking it at
Practice 1 (activity)
9 %ould hoose fresh orange .uie beause 9 like the ######### of freshly
s/uee*ed orange. ########### it is /uite e-pensive0 9 prefer this ########## than the
orange s/uash. 9t also saves me the trouble of having to s/uee*e the orange myself.
############0 9 an keep it in the ############### for up to three days in ase 9 annot
fnish drinking it at one.
Practice 1!
9 %ould hoose T:shirt 4 beause it is very heap. My mother only needs to pay
+M" for it. There are three olours to hoose from ? blue0 yello% and green. 9t is made
of 133@ otton so it is omfortable to %ear in our %arm limate. 9t %ill be good
enough for me to %ear %hen 9 play sports or even %hen 9 go out. (t suh a heap
prie0 my mother an even buy me t%o of these.
Practice 1! (activity)
9 %ould hoose T:shirt 4 beause it is very #########. My mother only needs to
pay +M" for it. There are three olours to hoose from ? blue0 ########## and green. 9t
is made of 133@ otton so it is ############ to %ear in our %arm limate. 9t %ill be
good enough for me to ########## %hen 9 play sports or even %hen 9 go out. (t suh a
heap prie0 my mother an even ########### me t%o of these.
Practice 1"
9 %ould hoose the food %armer beause it is a7ordable. 9t is made of plasti so
it %ill not break easily even if 9 drop it. There is more than enough spae in the food
%armer for my mother to pak fried rie or noodles. 9t is almost the same as the food
'ask but is muh heaper so 9 think this is more %orth it.
Practice 1" (activity)
9 %ould hoose the food %armer beause it is ############. 9t is ########### of
plasti so it %ill not break easily even if 9 drop it. There is more than enough #########
in the food %armer for my mother to pak fried rie or noodles. 9t is ############# the
same as the food 'ask but is muh heaper so 9 think this is more ########### it.
Practice 20
9 %ould hoose 6ne Misty 5ay beause 9 %ant to fnd out more about the story
behind the treasure. 9t is a hildrens adventure storybook and 9 like reading books like
this. <esides this0 6ne Misty 5ay is /uite heap. 9 have other books %ritten by (nn
$ee. 9n fat0 she is one of my favourite authors.
Practice 20 (activity)
9 %ould hoose 6ne Misty 5ay beause 9 ########## to fnd out more about the
story behind the treasure. 9t is a hildrens adventure ########### and 9 like reading
books like this. ########### this0 6ne Misty 5ay is /uite ##########. 9 have other books
%ritten by (nn $ee. 9n fat0 she is one of my ############# authors.
Practice 21 (-t t.e circ/0)
2asir is at the irus. &e likes to %ath the lo%ns and .ugglers. &e doesnt like
the lions performane. They sare him %ith their loud roars. The arobats are also
very good0 s%inging high up in the air.
)or the last performane0 a big0 round metal age is brought out. T%o men %ith
motoryles %ithout bumping into one another. 2asir laps his hands until they turn
Practice 21 (-t t.e circ/0)
1. 2asir ? irus.
2. &e ? likes ? %ath ? lo%ns ? .ugglers.
3. They ? sare ? loud ? roars.
!. arobats ? also ? good0 s%inging ? high up ? air.
Practice 22 ( - )ay at t.e 1eac.)
$ast %eekend0 my family and 9 %ent to the beah. My mother paked a lot of
food and drinks.
There %ere many people at the beah %hen %e arrived. There %ere people
lying on the sand sunning themselves0 others playing beah games0 s%imming and
building sandastles.
Ae hose a spot under a shady tree. (fter unpaking0 %e hanged into our
s%imsuits and %ent for a s%im. Then %e had lunh. (fter lunh %e played volleyball.
Ahen evening ame0 %e paked and %ent home happily.
Practice 22 ( -ctivity )
$ast %eekend0 my family and 9 ######### to the beah. My mother paked a lot
of food and drinks.
There %ere many people at the beah %hen %e ############. There %ere people
lying on the sand ########## themselves0 others playing beah games0 s%imming and
building sandastles.
Ae ########### a spot under a shady tree. (fter unpaking0 %e hanged into our
s%imsuits and %ent for a s%im. Then %e had lunh. (fter lunh %e played volleyball.
Ahen evening ame0 %e paked and %ent home ############.
Practice 23 ( #(* t( +a2e a c/% (3 c(c(a )ri&2)
)irst0 boil some hot %ater. Ahile %aiting0 put a up0 sauer0 ooa po%der0
sugar0 ream and milk on the table. Then0 take the up and put on the top of sauer.
Put t%o tablespoon of ooa po%der into the up. Ahen the %ater has boiled0 pour the
hot %ater into the up. Stir the mi-ture until the ooa po%der dissolves ompletely.
The last step is to add sugar0 or milk or ream into the drink. Stir again. Bour up of
ooa drink is no% ready for drinking.
Practice 23 ( activity)
)irst0 ######### some hot %ater. Ahile %aiting0 put a up0 sauer0 ooa po%der0
sugar0 ream and milk on the table. Then0 ########## the up and put on the top of
sauer. Put t%o tablespoon of ooa po%der into the up. Ahen the %ater has boiled0
pour the hot %ater into the up. ########### the mi-ture until the ooa po%der
dissolves ompletely. The last step is to ########### sugar0 or milk or ream into the
drink. ########## again. Bour up of ooa drink is no% ready for drinking.
Practice 24
1 Pak Mat works as a fisherman.
2 He owns a motorboat.
3 He uses a net to catch fish.
4 He usually catches fish in the evening.
5. Pak Mat is a very hardworking man
Practice 24 (activity)
1. Pak Mat ? %orks ? fsherman.
2. He owns motorboat.
3. He uses net catch fish.
4. He catches fish evening.
. Pak Mat hardworking man.
Practice 25
1 Ma!"s father gives him four goldfishes.
2 He kee#s them in an a$uarium.
3 %hey are very beautiful to look at.
4 Ma! invited his friends to see the goldfishes.
5. %hey en&oyed themselves watching the fishes swim
Practice 25
'. Ma!"s father gives four goldfishes.
2. He kee#s ( them a$uarium.
3. %hey beautiful look at.
4. Ma! invited friends to see goldfishes.
. %hey en&oyed themselves( watching fishes swim.
Practice 26
1 )mir was walking home from the library.
2 He saw many #eo#le standing at the roadside.
3 )n accident had &ust ha##ened.
4 *t was between a lorry and a motorcycle.
5 %he motorcyclist was badly in&ured.
Practice 26 (activity)
'. )mir was walking_________ from the library.
2. He saw many #eo#le standing at the __________.
3. )n _________ had &ust ha##ened.
4. *t was __________ a lorry and a motorcycle.
. %he motorcyclist was badly ___________.
Practice 2
1 +ast weekend, -amil and his family went for a #icnic.
2 His mother #re#ared a lot of delicious food.
3 %hey chose a s#ot under a tree.
4 %here were no other #eo#le at the #ark.
5 However, they en&oyed the #icnic very much.
Practice 2 (activity)
a. +ast __________, -amil and his family went for a #icnic.
b. His mother _________ a lot of delicious food.
c. %hey _________ a s#ot under a tree.
d. %here were no other #eo#le at the ________.
e. ________, they en&oyed the #icnic very much.
Practice 2!
* would choose the .raser"s Hill holiday #ackage because my friends and * have never been to
.raser"s Hill. .urthermore, we want to s#end our holiday in a cooler #lace during this hot
season. )#art from that, the #rice is $uite affordable. /e will en&oy the activities #rovided
because we love nature very much.
Practice 2! (activity)
* would choose the .raser"s Hill holiday #ackage because my friends and * have _________
been to .raser"s Hill. __________, we want to s#end our holiday in a cooler #lace _______
this hot season. _________ from that, the #rice is $uite affordable. /e will en&oy the
activities _________ because we love nature very much.
Practice 2"
* would choose 0uality 1aincoat because the raincoat is ankle(length so my legs will not get
wet. )lthough the #rice is $uite e!#ensive, * would not mind buying it. %he raincoat also
comes with a bag and it will be easy to carry around. * will not have to #ut a wet raincoat in
my schoolbag.
Practice 2" (activity)
* would choose 0uality 1aincoat because the raincoat is ankle(length ____ my legs will not
get wet. ________ the #rice is $uite e!#ensive, * would not mind buying it. %he _______
also comes with a bag and it will be ______ to carry around. * will not have to _____ a wet
raincoat in my schoolbag.
Practice 30
* would choose 2aniel %wenemi as my #en #al because we share many hobbies. +ike 2aniel, *
en&oy #laying football and fishing too. %herefore, we can share some skills and #ast
e!#eriences together. 2aniel comes from 3outh )frica and * would like to know more about
the country.
Practice 30 (activity)
* would choose 2aniel %wenemi as my #en #al because we _______ many hobbies. +ike 2aniel,
* _______ #laying football and fishing too. ________, we can share some skills and #ast
e!#eriences __________. 2aniel comes from 3outh )frica and * would like to know more
about the __________.
Practice 31
4ncik Husin"s house burned
nothing sad friends hel#
friends villagers together
hel#ed build house
ha##y grateful new house
beautiful thanked kindness
4ncik Husin"s house was burned in a fire. He and his family had nothing left and
nowhere to live. He was very sad. His friends #romised to hel# him. 4ncik Husin"s friends and
other villagers came together and hel#ed him to build a new house. 4ncik Husin was very
ha##y and grateful to them. %he new house is beautiful. 4ncik Husin thanked them for their
Practice 31 (activity)
4ncik Husin"s house was burned in a _______. He and his family had nothing left and
_______ to live. He was very sad. His friends ________to hel# him. 4ncik Husin"s friends
and other villagers came together and _________ him to build a new house. 4ncik Husin was
very ha##y and grateful to them. %he new house is ________. 4ncik Husin thanked them for
their _________.
Practice 32
1. Shari*an %orks as a reporter for TC3.
2. &e has traveled to many plaes to over ne%s of events happening
3. &is .ob is very dangerous.
!. Sometimes0 he takes photographs of the events.
". &e has %on many a%ards for his ne%s report.
Practice 32 (activity)
,. Shari*an %orks as a ######## for TC3.
D. &e has ########### to many plaes to over ne%s of events happening
E. &is .ob is very #############.
=. Sometimes0 he takes ########### of the events.
". &e has ######## many a%ards for his ne%s report.
Practice 33
Practice 33 (activity) 4 5e-arra&'e t.e *(r)0 t( 3(r+ c(rrect 0e&te&ce0,
1. postman The letters and brings makes us our happy. us
2. is only &is %ork us to our bring letters.
3. has to go The house postman from house to the deliver letters the parels. and
!. postman a The %ork of indeed is hard. very
Practice 34
Practice 34 (activity)
1. 9 ? live ? small house.
2. it ? made ? brik ? tiles.
3. There ? t%o: rooms ? my house.
!. kithen ? bathroom: very small.
". (t ? bak ? house ? there ? t%o ? mango trees
Practice 35 ( - tri% t( Ma$acca)
$ast %eek0 during the holidays0 (hmad and his friends visited Malaa0 a
historial state in Malaysia. They %ent by bus.
)irst0 they visited Saint Pauls &ill and Saint Fohns )ort. They %ere surprised to
fnd most of the buildings there %ere painted in red. They also visited the Portuguese
S/uare0 %hih %as loated by the seaside. The senery %as very beautiful. They took
many photographs here.
They %ent home %ith t%o unforgettable e-perienes. )irst0 the bullok art ride
they had and seond0 the trisha% ride around to%n.
Practice 35 ( - tri% t( Ma$acca) -ctivity
$ast %eek0 during the holidays0 (hmad and his friends ######## Malaa0 a
historial state in Malaysia. They %ent ###### bus.
)irst0 they visited Saint Pauls &ill and Saint Fohns )ort. They %ere ######## to
fnd most of the buildings there %ere painted in red. They also visited the Portuguese
S/uare0 %hih %as loated by the ###########. The senery %as very beautiful. They
took many photographs here.
They %ent home %ith t%o ############## e-perienes. )irst0 the bullok art ride
they had and seond0 the trisha% ride around to%n.
Practice 36
9 %as %alking home alone %hen 9 heard a shout. 9t ame from the diretion of
nearby drain. ( young boy %as holding a frightened kitten and %as trying to limb up
from the drain.
>nfortunately0 he ould not as the drain %as /uite deep and he had only one
free hand. 9 /uikly put my things do%n so that 9 ould help him.
Soon0 both him and the kitten %ere out of the drain. &e thanked me for oming
to his aid. 9 ontinued my .ourney home.
Practice 36 (activity)
9 %as %alking home ########## %hen 9 heard a shout. 9t ame from the diretion
of ########### drain. ( young boy %as holding a frightened kitten and %as trying to
limb up from the drain.
###############0 he ould not as the drain %as /uite deep and he had only one
free hand. 9 /uikly put my things do%n so that 9 ould help him.
##########0 both him and the kitten %ere out of the drain. &e thanked me for
oming to his aid. 9 ontinued my ############## home.
Practice 3
Practice 3 (activity)
6ne morning0 9 %ent to the *oo %ith my unle. 9 ######### many kinds of animals
in the *oo. 6f all the animals 9 like the monkeys the #########. They %ere very ative.
They %ere running and .umping about in their ages.
9 did not like to see the tigers or lions very muh. They ########## very la*y.
They %ere .ust lying on the 'oor.
The other animals that 9 liked to %ath %ere the elephants and the gira7es. The
elephants %ere ############ in si*e. The gira7es had very long legs and neks. 9 also
en.oyed %athing the beautiful birds.
My unle and 9 ########## about three hours at the *oo. Then0 %e returned
home. 9 %ould like to visit the *oo again.
Practice 3!
1. Maria likes to play netball
2. She is playing netball %ith her friends.
3. They are on the netball ourt in their shool.
!. They are %earing T:shirts0 traksuit bottoms and sports shoes
". (fter playing netball0 they %ill have their lunh at the restaurant near their
Practice 3! (activity)
1. Maria likes to ####### netball
2. She is playing netball ###### her friends.
3. They are on the netball ######## in their shool.
!. They are ########## T:shirts0 traksuit bottoms and sports shoes
". (fter playing netball0 they %ill have their lunh at the ########### near their
Practice 3"
T( +a2e a c/% (3 tea
9t is easy to make a up of tea. )irst0 boil some %ater. 2e-t0 get a sahet of tea.
( sahet of tea is a small tea bag %hih is neatly paket %ith a string for you to
handle. 1ah sahet is .ust enough to make a up of tea.
Put the sahet of tea into a up and pour in some hot %ater. $eave the tea bag
in the hot %ater for a fe% minutes.
Then0 remove the sahet by the string and dispose it. 2e-t0 use a teaspoon to
stir the tea.
9f you prefer it s%eet0 add in some sugar. 6r0 if you like tea %ith milk0 add in
some milk.
Practice 3" (activity)
T( +a2e a c/% (3 tea
9t is easy to make a up of tea. )irst0 boil some %ater. 2e-t0 get a ######### of
tea. 1ah sahet is .ust enough to make a up of tea.
######## the sahet of tea into a up and pour in some hot %ater. ######## the
tea bag in the hot %ater for a fe% minutes.
Then0 remove the sahet by the string and ######### it. 2e-t0 use a teaspoon to
stir the tea.
9f you prefer it s%eet0 add ##### some sugar. 6r0 if you like tea %ith milk0 add in
some milk.
Practice 40
T.e %r(ce00 (3 +a2i&' %a%er 6(*er0
This is ho% to make a paper 'o%er. )irst0 get a upboard. >se a ompass to
dra% a irle %ith a diameter of seven entimeters. 4olour the irle pink.
2e-t0 to make the petals0 get di7erent oloured papers: preferably pink0 red and
orange. )old the paper in halfas sho%n in the piture. 4ut out the petal shapes. 4ut
out the oloured papers to re/uired si*e.
Then0 stik one layer of petals around the edges of the pink irle. Slo%ly0 build
up the petals of three olours around the edges of the irle.
)inally0 %ith a upboard0 dra% a irle %ith a diameter of seven entimeters.
4olour it green. Then0 get some thread or otton %ool. 4ut it into small piees and
glue them on the irle. ;lue the otton %ool0 overing the entre of the 'o%er.
The paper 'o%er is ready.
Practice 40 (activity)
T.e %r(ce00 (3 +a2i&' %a%er 6(*er0
This is ho% to make a paper 'o%er. )irst0 get a upboard. ######### a ompass
to dra% a irle %ith a diameter of seven entimeters. 4olour the irle pink.
2e-t0 to make the petals0 get di7erent oloured papers: preferably pink0 red and
orange. ####### the paper in half as sho%n in the piture. 4ut ######## the petal
shapes. 4ut out the oloured papers to re/uired si*e.
Then0 ########### one layer of petals around the edges of the pink irle. Slo%ly0
build up the petals of three olours around the edges of the irle.
)inally0 %ith a upboard0 dra% a irle %ith a diameter of seven entimeters.
4olour it green. Then0 get some thread or otton %ool. 4ut it into small piees and
glue them on the irle. ########## the otton %ool0 overing the entre of the 'o%er.
The paper 'o%er is ready.
Practice 41
Nati(&a$ Day
2ational 5ay is held on 31
of (ugust every year. 6n this day0 a 2ational 5ay parade
%ill be held. The king and /ueen and all the ministers %ill attend the oasion to
%itness the parade. They %ill stand on a speially: designed stage and %ave at the
ontingents that marh past. (t night0 a display of fre%orks %ill also be held at Tasik
Perdana. Many people usually gather there to %itness the spetaular display.
Practice 41
Nati(&a$ Day
2ational 5ay is ###### on 31
of (ugust every year. 6n this day0 a 2ational 5ay
############# %ill be held. The king and /ueen and all the ministers %ill attend the
oasion to ########## the parade. They %ill stand on a speially: designed stage and
%ave at the ontingents that ########### past. (t night0 a display of fre%orks %ill also
be held at Tasik Perdana. Many people usually gather there to %itness the
Practice 42
- 7re
Helen"s mother was cooking in the kitchen. 3he wanted to roast a chicken for Helen"s
birthday #arty later in the evening. )t 3 o"clock, her mother found out that she had
forgotten to buy some ingredients to bake a cake, so she went out sho##ing.
3he reminded Helen to check the chicken which was roasting in the oven while she was
out. However, Helen did not hear her as she was busy talking to her friend on the tele#hone.
3uddenly, Helen smelled something burning. %he kitchen was on fire. Helen could not
do anything. 3he became scared an ran out of the house. +uckily, the fire brigade arrived an
#ut out the fire.
Practice 42 (activity)
- 7re
Helen"s mother was cooking in the __________. 3he wanted to roast a chicken for
Helen"s birthday #arty later in the evening. )t 3 o"clock, her mother found out that she had
____________ to buy some ingredients to bake a cake, so she went out sho##ing.
3he __________ Helen to check the chicken which was roasting in the oven while she
was out. However, Helen did not hear her as she was busy talking to her friend on the
__________, Helen smelled something burning. %he kitchen was on fire. Helen could
not do anything. 3he became scared and ran out of the house. +uckily, the fire brigade
arrived and #ut ______ the fire.
Practice 43 (S.(%%i&')
Mother and 9 go to a nearby mini market. Ae %ant to buy some ingredients to
make a ake. Ae pik up a bo- of 'our0 a paket of sugar0 a blok of butter and some
eggs. The /ueue is very long at the payment ounter. Ae %ait for ten minutes before
it is our turn to pay. Then0 %e go home to bake the ake.
Practice 43 (S.(%%i&') (activity)
Mother and 9 go to a ######## mini market. Ae %ant to buy some ingredients to
####### a ake. Ae pik #### a bo- of 'our0 a paket of sugar0 a blok of butter and
some eggs. The ######## is very long at the payment ounter. Ae %ait for ten minutes
before it is our turn to ######. Then0 %e go home to ######### the ake.
Practice 44 ( - %(%/$ar 1(y)
Muthu is a ten ? year old boy. &e is short and small in si*e. &e goes to Sekolah
+endah Pasir Puteh. &e is a very popular boy in shool. &e partiipates atively in
sports as %ell as other e-tra urriular ativities. &e usually represents the shool in
the trak events.
Muthu is also a good student. >sually0 he %ould be plaed among the top fve
students of his year. Ahat makes Muthu a popular boy is that he is very friendly and
helpful. &e %ould al%ays try his best to give assistane %hen re/uested.
Practice 44 ( - %(%/$ar 1(y) --ctivity
Muthu is a ten ? year old boy. &e is short and small in si*e. &e goes to Sekolah
+endah Pasir Puteh. &e is a very popular boy in shool. &e ########### atively in
sports as %ell as other e-tra urriular ###########. &e usually ############## the
shool in the trak events.
Muthu is also a good student. >sually0 he %ould be plaed ########### the top
fve students of his year. Ahat makes Muthu a popular boy is that he is very friendly
and helpful. &e %ould al%ays try his best to give ############ %hen re/uested.
Practice 45
9 %ould hoose to go to 2alini +estaurant beause my family an 9 like 9ndian food.
)urthermore0 %e live near the restaurant. 9t %ill be onvenient for us to eat there. The
prie is also heaper. Moreover0 %e %ill get a free dessert at the end of the meal. My
family also en.oys %athing 9ndian danes.
Practice 45 (activity)
9 %ould hoose to go to 2alini +estaurant beause my family and 9 ###### 9ndian food.
#################0 %e live near the restaurant. 9t %ill be ############ for us to eat there.
The prie is also #############. ##########0 %e %ill get a free dessert at the end of the
meal. My family also en.oys %athing 9ndian danes.

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