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NISoN, UNIte ANd the GMB
unions have now named tuesday
14 october as the next date for
national coordinated strikes over pay in
local government.
This follows the success of 10 July strike
and will see over a million people strike
Four days later, there is the TUC Britain
Needs a Pay Rise demonstration in London.
Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison, has
called for the biggest demo this country has
ever seen on 18 October.
NHS workers in Unison and Unite are
also being balloted for strikes in October. In
Unison the ballot runs from 28 August -
18 September and in Unite its from
26 August 26 September. The GMB ballot is
expected to follow a similar timetable.
If they vote Yes for strikes, over the
insulting one percent pay offer, that would see
over 400,000 more workers join strikes this
Firefghters are set to strike over a further
eight days in their battle with the government
over attacks on their pensions. They are
striking from Saturday 9 August until
Saturday 16 August between 12pm 2pm and
22:59 23:59. The FBU will need to continue
to escalate into the autumn and join future
coordinated strikes to beat the attacks.
Having joined the 10 July strike, teachers
will decide their next step when they return
from the school holidays.
Civil service workers in the PCS are
committed to further national strikes too.
In every area trade unionists and
campaigners need to lay the groundwork over
the summer to make sure that they hit the
ground running.
There needs to be an argument inside every
union for more national coordinated strikes. If
the unions follow up on the momentum from
the 10 July strike, it can be a very diffcult
autumn for a divided Tory government.
But in 2011, when 2.5 million workers
struck together some unions pulled back from
strikesit broke that potential.
Mobilising meetings need to be set up in
every area to ensure well supported pickets
and united demonstrations.
We also need to back the local disputes.
The Doncaster Care UK strikers are currently
out for a further two weeks in a battle over
pay. Send messages of support to: admin@ Find out more at: http://
And at One Housing Group, strikes in
defence of sacked convenor Bryan Kennedy
For 18 October we need to do every
thing we can to ensure its the massive
demonstration it promises to be.
Labour has shown its weakness in
standing up to Tory austerity and is
committed to Tory spending plans if they
get in 2015. The attacks will keep coming.
That means we have to do all we can to push,
if necessary, for escalating strikes into the
autumn and winter.
The removal of hated education minister
Michael Gove and Lady Warsis resignation
over Camerons policy on Israels brutal
assault in Gaza show the Tories are divided.
And they dont get everything their way
either. Cameron wanted to drive through a
flthy attack on the unions in the shape of the
Carr Reviewbut the job was too much for
even for the appointed QC to stomach!
The chance is there for a serious autumn
of resistance. We need to organise to take it!
Over a million to strike on 14 October...
Demonstrate for Gaza
The Israeli assault on Gaza has killed
1,865 Palestinians, many of the victims are
children. Many unions have already spoken
out against the attack. Here is a link to the
statement by the FBU
We should be pushing to get banners and
delegations from our workplaces onto national
and local protests called by the Stop the War
Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and
other organisations. Go to http://www.stopwar. and http://www.palestinecampaign.
org/ for details of events. A national
demonstration has been called for 12 noon
this Saturday 9 August assembling at the
BBC in London.
We can also raise money at work for Medical
Aid for Palestine to
help deal with the humanitarian crisis.

Organising to win conference
Speakers include: Billy Hayes CWU, John
McDonnell MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Jane Aitchison
PCS, Ian Lawrence NAPO, Ian Hodson BFAWU,
Peter Pinkney RMT, Mandy Brown Lewisham
College UCU.
Saturday 15 November, Bloomsbury
Baptist Church, central London.
Victory to the FBU! Photo: Guy Smallman

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