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Saving lives, rebuilding families, restoring communities Spring 2009

Teens in Treatment Show Off Their Creative Talent

This spring, teens in treatment two invitation-only performances at
at Odyssey House have three the Studio Theatre on 42nd Street.
unique opportunities to engage Directing the artistic and instruction-
their creative abilities: the al elements of the Odyssey House
Odyssey House Theatre Project, Theatre Project is Tom Demenkoff,
a filmmaking workshop, and an education director for City Lights.
art project with collage artist The project is funded by a grant from
Chad Porter. the Elizabeth & Barets O. Benjamin
Charitable Foundation.
Odyssey House Theatre Project Visit
Fifteen adolescents in residential to learn more about the project.
treatment are participating in a three- Take 2! Girls take over the
month playwriting workshop — the Fifteen teens in residential treatment are partici-
pating in the Odyssey House Theatre Project. cameras
Odyssey House Theatre Project. The Adolescent girls at the Lafayette
teens are learning about all stages of Odyssey House is partnering with City Avenue Center are participating in a film
the playwriting process, from concept Lights Youth Theatre to run the program, workshop similar to the one held at the
development to stage production. which will culminate on June 8th with Continued on page 2

Run for Your Life 5K Fun Run/2 Mile Walk

September 26, 2009
Join us at Icahn Stadium as we celebrate National Recovery Month
with individuals in treatment, their families and friends, and
supporters of recovery services!

Online registration opens in August at

Green Team Works to Make Odyssey House Eco-Friendly

Inside this issue:
“Going green” has become more than ment is very much in line with our organization-
Graduates Prove It Is Possible
just a passing trend. Like many organiza- al mission and values. Furthermore, as a non- to Change Lives p. 2
tions, Odyssey House has begun taking profit agency, because of the cost savings, we’ll
A Journey into the
steps to become more environmentally- be able to do more with the resources we have.” Imagination p. 3
friendly. It’s obvious there are environ- An agency-wide committee – known as the
People Pulling Together
mental benefits, but there are often a Green Team – has been established to cut down Promotes Treatment
variety of social and economic benefits on waste, reduce energy use and undertake Success p. 4 & 5

as well, such as healthier homes and green building projects. A number of tasks National Writer Shines a
Light on Older Addicts p. 6
communities and lower energy and wa- have already begun and others are in the
ter costs. works, including:
 Installing energy-efficient lighting and light
“Going green is a natural fit for Odyssey sensors
House,” says Dr. Peter Provet. “The whole idea  Replacing old appliances and electronics
of creating and sustaining a healthier environ- with Energy Star-compliant ones
Continued on page 3
Page 2 Odyssey House news

Graduates Prove it is Possible to Change Lives

“Odyssey House taught me how to to become a clean and sober person. Be-
cope with tough situations in a positive cause I’ve been there, done that,” he said.
way, without resorting to drugs or alco- Mr. Blue entered the Resident Staff
hol. A few months into treatment, I de- Training Program offered by Vocational
cided to take advantage of everything Services and is now working at the
Odyssey House has to offer, and I did. I MABON facility on Ward’s Island.
set short-term goals and long-term goals, Odyssey House’s Resident Staff Training
and I exceeded my own expectations.” Program gives residents the opportunity to
While in treatment, Michael earned pursue careers in clinical counseling, main-
his GED and enrolled in Kingsborough tenance or food service. The Clinical Coun-
Community College. This spring, he will seling track is a six-month comprehensive
begin NYU’s Langone Medical Center internship program for residents whose
Surgical Technology Program. goal it is to become Credentialed Alco-
holism and Substance Abuse Counselors.
“It was a miracle”
Lafayette Avenue graduate Gabriella Gabriella says she arrived at Lafayette
Rizzo with her mother Susan. “lost, tired and addicted.” But it was here
An “opportunity for change” — that that “a miracle happened.” During her
was the theme at the adolescent year in treatment, Gabriella earned her
facilities’ recent graduation cere- GED and trained to be a veterinary tech-
mony. The two valedictorians, nician. Now that she has completed
Michael Velasquez from the Teen treatment, she is living with her mother
Leadership Center and Gabriella and working in a veterinary clinic.
Rizzo from the Lafayette Avenue Graduate returns to Odyssey House
Center, spoke about how they used When Freddie Blue entered treatment
their time at Odyssey House as a more than two years ago, he never
chance to change their lives. dreamed he would one day become a
substance abuse counselor. But while in
Taking advantage of opportunities treatment, he realized he had the chance
Michael admits that he did not want to change people’s lives. In addition to his
to enter treatment in October 2007, but own struggles with addiction, Mr. Blue Proud graduate Freddie Blue, now
a substance abuse counselor at the
by the time he finished a year later, he lost his mother to drug abuse. “I believe I Odyssey House MABON program,
was glad he did. can help save a person’s life and help him believes he can help save lives.

Teens Explore Their Artistic Side

Continued from page 1
Teen Leadership Center last fall. Sandra Ciccone, who is direct-
ing the project, says the girls are enthused about the project and
the filmmaking process as a whole.
Whereas the boys’ workshop was documentary-based and
resulted in six short films, the girls’ workshop will feature one
film. The girls collaborated on a script about what it is like to be
a new person in treatment. Though the script is fictional, it is
based on their real experiences. The completed film will be post-
ed on our YouTube channel, OdysseyHouseNY, along with the
films from the boys’ workshop. Chad Porter, center, and teens at work on one of the murals.

Collage art project Mr. Porter, who creates his collages on surfboards and skate-
Teens from the Leadership Center are working with artist boards, will be showing his latest collection at Gallery Bar in
Chad Porter to create a series of murals. The boys have been Manhattan on May 6th. The opening will include a screening of
working on collecting images from magazines, advertisements, “The Endless Summer” and a silent auction. Part of the proceeds
books and photographs. The murals will be displayed at the from the opening will benefit Odyssey House. For more infor-
Haven Art Gallery. mation about Mr. Porter, visit
Spring 2009 Page 3

A Journey into the Imagination

The Odyssey House Art Project is the predictable image making choices of
working on its fifth show of original the conscious mind”
art by people with substance abuse An interactive, kaleidoscopic installa-
and/or mental health problems. tion of a female model head by teen girls
The show will be a diverse collec- in the Lafayette Avenue program
tion of paintings, sculptures and The Odyssey House Art Project was
mixed media artwork depicting established for residents coping with
various figures and ideas from the mental illness, substance abuse and
artists’ imaginations. The exhibi- homelessness. Over the years, it has ex-
ElderCare clients hard at work on
tion will feature: panded to include all residents who are their project, Queen Fortuna’s
interested in art. The program gives resi- Wheel; each number corresponds
A series of images reflecting the 10 to a prediction deconstructed
dents new ways to express their feelings from fortune cookie texts.
most common dreams, including flying, and overcome the social isolation caused
falling and being chased 121st Street in Harlem. Further infor-
by their addictions.
An ElderCare project using decon- mation on the art show and the open-
The show will open to the public in
structed news headlines to “circumvent ing reception will be available at:
October at the Haven Art Gallery, 239 E.

Odyssey House and Kool-Aid Team Up to Build New Playground

Children in Family Re-entry will be getting a brand-new community. In addition to the playground itself, Kool-Aid is
playground through a community-led project spon- also sponsoring side projects such as a mural and a picnic
sored by Kool-Aid. The children will have area. The final result will be a beautiful new playspace in which
the opportunity to envision their dream families can spend time together.
playground on Design Day, May 1st. The Joan Jackson, program director of Family
designers will base the final blueprint on Re-entry, is thrilled about the project. “It is a
the children’s wishes as well as on input wonderful example of community groups com-
from their parents. ing together to create something that might oth-
erwise not be possible,” she said.
On June 18th, the playground will be as- The project is organized by KaBOOM!, a
sembled in one day by more than 150 volun- nonprofit organization that helps communities
teers from Odyssey House, Kool-Aid and the build local playspaces for children.

Incorporating Environmental Practices into Programs

Continued from page 1 Sustainable building design
 Using non-toxic cleaning supplies and buying them in bulk Next year, Odyssey House, in partnership with the NYS Of-
to reduce packaging fice of Mental Health, will open its first building that will receive
To ensure a lasting impact, the Human Resources depart- a certification from the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Envi-
ment will be incorporating a segment on environmentally- ronmental Design) rating system. The building, a 60-unit sup-
friendly practices into training for new employees and writing a portive housing unit located on Soundview Avenue in the Bronx,
green policy into the staff manual. It will hold more video con- is designed to use less energy and will be built with sustainable,
ferences to reduce travel whenever possible. environmentally-friendly materials. Among the features:
 Solar water heating using copper pipes on the roof
Teaching green living  Geothermal heating and air conditioning
The Green Team is also planning projects to encourage client  Rainwater harvesting on the roof for laundry and gardening
participation – a living wall at the Lafayette Avenue program; a It will be a “teaching” building in which all the environmen-
composting bin for the MABON, built by adolescents at the tally-friendly materials used will be identified and explained on
Teen Leadership Center; and a vegetable garden planted and plaques throughout the building so tenants and visitors will
maintained by MABON residents. A client-driven campaign is learn about the benefits of going green.
now in development in which current residents will educate in- Odyssey House will receive technical assistance and funding
coming residents on green practices with the hope that they will through the New York State Energy Research and Development
continue to be green after they leave Odyssey House. Authority’s Multifamily Energy Star Program to obtain the high-
est energy standards.
Page 4 Odyssey House news

People Pulling Together Pr

Working partnerships. Garret Jones (center), regional

manager Eastern Athletic Clubs, is very happy with
Odyssey House team members, maintenance supervisor
Doris Mason and associate Mickey Mason. “We judge each
person by the quality of the work they do today … Doris
and her team fit the bill.”

Parent partners. Helping teens and parents develop healthy family part

Power of Pa
“You can do it, but you can’t do it alone.”

This maxim is repeated several times a day in our resi-

dential and outpatient programs to remind program
participants, and ourselves, that we are stronger to-
gether and we all need partners to support, challenge,
Community partners. Maria De La Rosa, Deputy and guide us.
Director, Community Affairs Unit, Manhattan DA’s Office
(center, orange blouse) flanked by local business, govern- Together with our valued partners on the Odyssey
ment, public safety, and social service members of House and Foundation Boards of Trustees, led by
Harlem’s 125th St. Alliance, says co-founder Odyssey
Chairman George Rosenfeld, and Vice Chairmen Craig
House is the “perfect community partner.”
J. Montalbano and Richard C. O’Connor, we are fortu-
nate to enjoy the support of partners in government,
corporate and private foundations, employers and
community leaders, colleges and research institutions,
law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, as well
as volunteers and family members.

Why partners matter

Everyone who walks through the door of an Odyssey House
facility enters a world where respect, trust, and honesty are both
awarded to and expected of every resident, worker, and visitor.
It’s a world where people come to heal themselves, reunite with
Education partners. Teachers from New York City Board families, and forge new lives.
of Education work closely with clinical staff to get teens in
treatment get back on track with their schoolwork at the But while much is expected of each individual in treatment,
Odyssey House Leadership Center for boys and Lafayette none are expected to do it alone. Treatment is a partnership of
Avenue Center for girls.
Spring 2009 Page 5

romotes Treatment Success

Family partners. Mothers with young children form

strong bonds living together at the Odyssey House Family
Center of Excellence.

tnerships is a key goal of Odyssey House adolescent treatment services.


Foundation partners. Dr. Julio Urbina, director of health-

care programs for the Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels
Foundation (back row, left), helps support residents in the
Odyssey House ElderCare Program with specialized treat-
ment and outreach services that target recovery needs of
older addicts.

Become a Partner:
Join Friends of Odyssey House

Visit our website for information on special

individuals striving to overcome addiction, their peers, family events, volunteer opportunities and more!
members, counselors, private and public funders, and organiza-
tional supporters.
Throughout recovery, healthy partnerships are encouraged Or contact us at:
and nurtured. They are the difference between success and fail- Odyssey Foundation
ure, happiness and despair. 95 Pine Street
In this newsletter we give a special ‘thank you’ to all our New York, NY 10005
partners in recovery and share with you a snapshot of some of (212) 361-1600
our partners and the people they help support.
Page 6 Odyssey House news

National Writer Shines a Light on Older Addicts

New York Times Magazine social ills. “Addiction is our
writer Benoit Denizet-Lewis costliest and most pressing
came back to one of his public health problem,” he
sources recently to discuss says. “We talk about poverty,
his new book, America AIDS, crime and homelessness,
Anonymous: Eight Addicts in but we don’t talk about addic-
Search of a Life, with Odyssey tion as a facilitator and cause
House ElderCare clients. of those issues.”
America Anonymous is about Not talking about addic-
eight men and women tion and recovery, according to
struggling to recover from many of the treatment experts
addictions ranging from the writer consulted, is largely
drug and alcohol abuse to responsible for a lack of fund-
overeating and compulsive ing for addiction research com-
gambling. For nearly three pared to other public health
years, Denizet-Lewis im- Author Benoit Denizet-Lewis, right, with Jon Roberts,
problems like HIV/AIDS and
mersed himself in their lives deputy director, and former resident Janice Jefferies, cancer. Part of the reason for
whom he profiled for his book, America Anonymous.
as they battled their addic- this, they say, is the stigma at-
tions on the road to recovery. One her neighborhood in Harlem for a 24- tached to addiction. With America
of the profiles in the book is that of hour pass, encountering old friends and Anonymous, Mr. Denizet-Lewis hopes to
Janice, a grandmother in her fifties drug dealers. “Janice is kind of a grand- “shine a spotlight on our most misunder-
and a former ElderCare client. motherly rock star, and our stroll stood health problem and break through
through the area feels like her reunion the shame and denial that still shape our
The author followed Janice for more tour,” wrote Denizet-Lewis. cultural understanding of it—and ham-
than two years in her recovery as she Denizet-Lewis uses their stories as a per our ability to treat it.”
worked towards a GED and a full-time means of exploring the idea of addiction To follow the author’s book tour,
job. He shadowed her as she returned to as the underlying cause of many of our visit

Local Schoolchildren Offer Encouragement to Outpatient Clients

Clients at our Bronx Outpatient Program (BOP) received a obstacles. The students then made beaded bracelets as
special gift recently – encouragement bracelets from a symbols of peace and hope for our clients. Each bracelet
group of local elementary schoolchildren in the Bronx. came with a note and drawing reflecting the students’
Talya Moncrease’s first-grade class at P.S. 130 participated wishes for the recipients.
in a lesson on appreciating differences and overcoming
“Our clients were very touched by the gifts,” said
Maria Palmer, director of Aftercare and Outreach at
BOP. “They were especially appreciative of the notes
that wished them peace and love.” The clients hope
to visit the school soon to personally thank the stu-
dents for their kind wishes.
The project was organized by Children for
Children, an organization that encourages young
people to get involved in volunteering, which sup-
plied Ms. Moncrease with the curriculum and mate-
rials for the project.
Kelly Borchers, the School Programs Intern for
Children for Children, said she reached out to
Odyssey House because it is a community-based pro-
gram for people recovering from substance abuse.
“Since the children were learning about overcoming
Left to right – Talya Moncrease, Maria Palmer and Kareemah obstacles, Odyssey House seemed like a natural fit,”
Mohammed from Odyssey House Outpatient Services, and Kelly said Ms. Borchers.
Borchers from Children for Children, with the first-graders from P.S. 130.
Spring 2009 Page 7

Smoke-Free Policy Earns Odyssey House Recognition

As part of its new Tobacco-Free and 25% of participants had reported com-
Campaign, the Substance Abuse and plete cessation at six months.
Mental Health Services Administration The results of this program show that a
(SAMHSA) has selected Odyssey House to smoking cessation program offered in conjunc-
be one of the founding members in the tion with outpatient treatment can be success-
100 Pioneers for Smoking Cessation ful at reducing smoking in this population.
Virtual Leadership Academy. Intervention aims to prevent youth smoking
The Leadership Academy promotes smoke- Children enrolled in universal prekinder-
free environments and effective smoking cessa- garten at Odyssey House took part in a project
tion efforts in treatment facilities; support aimed at preventing them from smoking at
community-based efforts to reduce tobacco a later age. Smoking prevention at such
use; and establish partnerships between behav- a young age may seem unusual, but there is
ioral health and nicotine cessation organiza-
tions to increase available tobacco cessation MISSION
resources in communities.
In July 2008, Odyssey House implemented It is the mission of
a tobacco-free policy in an effort to reduce Odyssey House to:
rates of smoking among our residents and staff
members. As a Pioneer, Odyssey House will re-
ceive an honorarium of $1,000 designed to
Provide comprehen-
support our tobacco cessation efforts. In addi-
sive and innovative
tion, SAMHSA and the Smoking Cessation services to the broadest
Family Center preschooler works on a range of metro New
Leadership Center (SCLC) will provide techni- project inspired by Kim Gasselin’s book,
cal assistance and an array of available tobac- Smoking Stinks. York’s population who
co cessation resources. abuse drugs, abuse
evidence that preschoolers show signs of readi- alcohol, have mental
Smoking cessation program effective ness to try smoking, most likely because they
Researchers at Odyssey House recently
are already learning about smoking through
concluded a study examining the effectiveness
of an integrated smoking cessation program of-
their environment.
Adriane Armstrong, director of children’s Provide high quality,
fered to clients at our outpatient clinic. services, hopes the prevention program will holistic treatment im-
The program helps individuals reduce and have another effect: to create a dialogue be- pacting all major life
ultimately stop smoking by incorporating tween parents and their children about the spheres: psychological,
smoking cessation treatment and counseling dangers of smoking. Ms. Armstrong believes physical, social, family,
into existing substance abuse services. The the program will help the children support par- educational, and spiri-
study found that participants were successful ents who have recently quit smoking while pre- tual.
in reducing their smoking by more than half

Support personal re-

venting future smoking.

New York State Officials Visit Odyssey House Programs habilitation, renewal,
and family restoration.

Throughout its ac-

tivities, Odyssey House
undertakes to act as a
responsible employer
and member of the
community and to
manage the assets of
Department of Correctional Services Michele March, legislative aide to NYS Senate
the organization in a
Commissioner Brian Fischer joins repre- majority leader Malcolm A. Smith (second professional manner.
sentatives of criminal justice and treat- from right), and Odyssey House president Dr.
ment agencies at the new Odyssey House Peter Provet (right) with two residents.
Edgecombe Residential Treatment Facility.
Page 8 Odyssey House news

95 Pine Street
New York, NY 10005
Tel: 212-361-1600

Odyssey House Community-Based Services

Founded in 1967, Odyssey House is an Enhanced Therapeutic Commu-

nity (TC) providing innovative services and programs for a broad pop-
ulation of drug-troubled individuals and families, including:
 Mothers & children  Mentally ill chemical abusers (MICA)
 Pregnant women  Single adults
 Adolescents  Court mandated clients
 Elders (55 years and older)  Homeless adults
Odyssey House runs the largest and oldest parent and child residential/
outpatient TC program in the country and the only residen-
tial/outpatient TC program for senior citizens.

For more information about Odyssey House programs, call

212-987-5100 or visit us online at

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