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Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification

Rebus iS
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt
Technical Specification
Distribution: Reference
Author: uireann urphy
Applicability: Product: !enius
Release: "#
Customer: $%&I
Re'ision Date: (" Au)ust* +""+
Authorised by: ,$B Rebus
Copyri)ht Rebus iS +""+
All ri)hts reser'ed- .o part of this publication may be reproduced* stored in a retrie'al system* or
transmitted in any form or by any means* electronic* mechanical* photocopyin)* recordin) or other/ise*
/ithout the prior permission of Rebus iS-
. 0 T 1
0nly si)ned hard copies and electronic masters of documents /ill be controlled- Any other copy may not
be current-
Amendment and Re'ie/ 2istory
3ersion "4a +5 ay* +""+ 6 Initial draft
3ersion "4b 44 7une* +""+ 6 After R!R re'ie/
3ersion "4c +" 7une* +""+ 6 After re'ie/
3ersion "4 +4 7une* +""+ 6 Authorised 'ersion
3ersion "+a +5 7une* +""+ 6 Cleardo/n items balancin) to "
3ersion "+b +5 7une* +""+ 6 After ,$B re'ie/
3ersion "+ "+ 7uly* +""+ 6 Authorised
3ersion "(a "4 Au)ust* +""+ 6 Chan)es made durin) pro)rammin)
Rebus iS Pa)e 4 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Table of Contents
5.1 Database Definition 6
5.2 Customer Specific Menu (!D" 1#
5.$ or% &it' Bor(ereau )a*ment+ Receipt 1211
5., Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt Dri-er 1615
5.5 E(it Bor(ereau )a*+Rec .ea(er 1/16
5.6 or% &it' Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt !tems 2221
5./ C'ec% 0llocation Status 2/26
5.1 E(it Bor(ereau )+R !tem 2221
5.2 Delete Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt $2$1
5.1# Create )a*ment Re3uest $,$$
5.11 Submit )ost to 4E5!US $6$5
5.12 )ost Bor(ereau $1$/
5.1$ Create Bor(ereau Re-ersal ,/,6
5.1, !D Bor(ereau )a*ment )rocess ,2,1
5.15 Displa* Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt Detail 515#
5.16 Bor(ereau )a*+Rec. 0u(it Report 5251
5.1/ 0llocate Bor( )+R 6ournals 5,5$
5.11 0llocate 7ocal !tem. 555,
5.12 0llocate Bor( )+R re-ersal 6ournals 515/
5.2# Re-erse Bro%er Cas' allocation 5251
5.21 40B811 9 )rocess 0uto :rnl Run 9 0uto :ournal .ea(er 6#52
5.22 400)1# 9 0uto )a*ments :ob CT7 9 )a*ment Re3uest 6#52
5.2$ 400);; 9 0uto )a*ments :ob < l-l $ 9 )a*ment Re3uest 6152
5.2, 400)#6 9 Re-erse =aile( E;tracts 9 E;traction .ea(er 626#
5.25 Re-erse =aile( E;t Detail l-l $ 6$6#
5.26 Re-erse =aile( E;t Detail l-l $ ! 6$61
5.2/ 48C>$1 9 0(( 0ut'orisation Entr* 9 )a*ment Re3uest 6,62
5.21 0ut' Entr* Cust DocR3st 6,62
5.22 0ut' Entr* Cust DocR3st ! 6562
5.$# 4en )a*ment '(r bloc% 656$
Rebus iS Pa)e + of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.$1 48C>1$ 9 Cancel )a*ment 9 )a*ment Re3uest 666$
5.$2 48C>5, 9 Displa* 0ut' Entries 9 Claim 0ut' Entries 666$
5.$$ 48C>52 9 Displa* )a*ment 9 )a*ment Re3uest 666,
5.$, 48C>52! 9 Displa* )a*ment 9 )a*ment Re3uest 666,
5.$5 4en Cust Def '(r bloc% 6/65
5.$6 4en Cust Def '(r bloc% ! 6/65
6.1 Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipts 6266
6.2 Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt 'ea(er 6266
6.$ Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt items 6266
6., E(it Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt item 6266
6.5 Delete Bor(ereau )a*ment+Receipt 6266
6.6 Create )a*ment Re3uest /#6/
6./ Submit )ost to 4enius /#6/
6.1 )ost Bor(ereau /#6/
6.2 Create Bor(ereau Re-ersal /#6/
6.1# !D Bor(ereau )a*ment )rocess /161
6.11 )a*ment Re3uest Screens /161
6.12 0uto :ournals /161
6.1$ 0uto )a*ments /161
7 COSTING 7269
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Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
1 I!"#$%&!'#/B(&)*"#%$
$%&I re<uire a ne/ system for enterin) Bordereau payments/receipts to deal /ith Central RI
See ==Trps9#(=))n=!.S=C>S=&ID=Re<=94""94 Central RI processin)-5-doc for further details-
This re<uirement also includes modifications to chan)e the RI Bordereau e?tract criteria* re@'alue
accountin) and settlement currencies* and chan)e the RI Bordereau layouts- These re<uirements are
dealt /ith in the Technical Specifications ==Trps9#(=))n=!.S=C>S=&ID=Tec=94""94 Central RI
Bordereau iscellaneous TS "+a-doc ==Trps9#(=))n=!.S=C>S=&ID=Tec=94""94 Central RI
Bordereau iscellaneous TS "4d-doc and ==Trps9#(=))n=!.S=C>S=&ID=Tec=94""94 Central RI
reports only TS "4-doc ==Trps9#(=))n=!.S=C>S=&ID=Tec=94""94 Central RI reports only TS "4b-doc
Central RI processin) and Bordereau payments/receipts /ill re<uire comple? inter@company
Aournals- Burther details are )i'en in the documents:
==TRPS9#(=!!.=!.S=C>S=&ID=Tec=CC94""94 e?ample ;-doc- and
==Trps9#(=))n=!.S=C>S=&ID=Tec=CC94""94 Allocation e?amples-doc-
2 F%&!'#(+ D,-&"'.!'#
It is proposed that the Bordereau system is enhanced to populate a ne/ set of files that /ill store
central settlement details for local RI postin)s- This de'elopment is bein) desi)ned separately* see
section 4* CIntroduction/BacD)roundE for details of desi)n documents-
A ne/ FBordereau Payment/ReceiptG screen modelled on the e?istin) !erman FIncomin)
BordereauG screen* is re<uired* /hich /ill sho/ a list of pre'ious payment/receipt transactions- A
ne/ transaction is created usin) FB:HAddG- This prompts the user for a Bordereau reference* RI
payee* total settlement amount and other restriction parameters- A list is then displayed of postin)s
matchin) these criteria for the user to select- If the Bordereau reference is not entered* details may
be selected from more than one Bordereau run-
1ach item may be selected* or deselected- It /ill be possible to part pay most items- It /ill also be
possible to part pay an item* but marD it as fully paid* and /rite off the difference- Standard
indi'idual item /rite@off security /ill be used- .ote that it /ill not be possible to ha'e an Fend of
sessionG /rite off-
0nce the selected local company postin)s match the total settlement amount* a postin) process can
be run for the payment/receipt- This /ill )enerate ne/ postin)s linDin) the ori)inal local company
postin)s to a ne/ central company cash item 'ia 'arious local and central company control accounts-
ost of these /ill be automatically allocated a)ainst each other lea'in) inter@branch postin)s to be
reconciled manually-
In addition* a cash receipt or payment re<uest may be made for the settlement amount- If creatin) a
cash receipt* the banD account /ill need to be entered- If a payment is re<uired* the payment re<uest
can be created on the payment re<uest file- This /ill be authorised by the standard authorisation
process- Payment Re<uest authorisation /ill need to be chan)ed so that a special Central RI batch
Aob /ill be submitted to create the correct Aournals /hen the payment is authorised- Similarly* if the
payment is cancelled* a ne/ batch Aob /ill be re<uired to update the Central RI files-
Processin) /ill also be needed to allo/ the re'ersal of a payment/receipt run-
A ne/ auto@allocation routine /ill be needed to allocate the Aournals- In addition a separate auto@
allocation routine /ill be needed to correctly allocate Aournals after a Payment/Receipt re'ersal-
A ne/ Auto@payment e?tract le'el /ill be created* this /ill allo/ e?traction of details for auto@
payment runs* but /ill not create any postin)s to !enius accounts- &ID Bordereau Payments /ill
use this ne/ e?tract le'el* if auto@payment e?traction is re<uired-
Rebus iS Pa)e 9 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
3 S%//("0 #1 P"#.#-,$ D,2,+#./,!
Create screens to allo/ entry and update of Bordereau Payment/Receipt details-
De'elop a function to post Receipt Aournals into !enius-
De'elop a function to post Payment Aournals into !enius once the payment is authorised- This
function must also allo/ an unauthorised payment to be cancelled-
De'elop a function to re'erse a Payment or a Receipt-
De'elop t/o ne/ auto@allocation processes* to allocate the Aournals created by the postin) process*
and to correctly allocate Aournals after a Payment/Receipt re'ersal-
Amend Auto@7ournal process to allo/ 0ffsets to be created directly rather than by the Auto 7ournal
process itself-
Amend Auto@Payments functionality so that BanD e?tracts can be created for &ID Bordereau
Amend payment re<uest functionality to deal /ith the ne/ Payment Source type-
4 A--%/.!'#-/L'/'!(!'#-
&interthur /ill not post directly to Central RI policies-
A balancin) le'el of Company/Branch is assumed for all &I specific pro)rams-
Rebus iS Pa)e ; of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5 D,!('+,$ R,3%'",/,!- L'-!
541 D(!(5(-, D,1''!'#
5.1.1 !D Bor( . )a*+Rec .ea(er
A ne/ file is re<uired to store details for a particular Bordereau Payment/Receipt- The ne/ file should be
created in the Customer odel and /ill contain the follo/in) attributes:
Synon Database relationship Bield Bield
,no/n by &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- .BR #-"
Refers to .ame Jfor Account ToK Account to .ame Code CD1 5
2as Account To BroDer/Insurer Account To BroDer/Insurer STS 4 R1B &ID
Refers to .ame Jfor Central CompanyK Central Company .ame Code CD1 5
Refers to Currency J.e/K JBor Settlement
Settlement Currency CD1 (
2as Settlement Amount Settlement Amount .BR 4;-+
Refers to &ID Bordereau Control &ID Bordereau Reference .BR #-"
2as Auto 7ournal 2dr- Se<- Auto 7ournal- 2dr- Se<- .BR 8-"
Refers to Account aster Jfor CentralK Central Account aster
.BR #-"
Refers to .ame Jfor %ocal CompanyK %ocal Company .ame Code CD1 5
Refers to .ame Jfor %ocal BranchK %ocal Branch .ame Code CD1 5
Refers to BanD Account BanD Account CD1 :
2as RI aster Reference RI aster Reference .AR 4;
2as In/ards RisD aster Ref In/ards RisD aster Ref .AR 4;
2as In/ards Claim aster Ref In/ards Claim aster Ref .AR 4;
Refers to .ame Jfor inor ParticipantK inor Participant .ame Code CD1 5
2as 1ntered Date 1ntered Date DT1 8-"
2as Posted Date Posted Date DT1 8-"
2as Payment Surro)ate .umber Payment Surro)ate .umber .BR #-"
2as Payment Se<uence Payment Se<uence .BR (-"
2as Auto PaymentL Auto PaymentL STS 4 M/.
2as Bordereau P/R Status Bordereau P/R Status STS 4 I H Incomplete
RH Ready
SH Submitted
TH Processin)
1H Proc- 1rror
PH Posted
NHPayment Re<uest
Hanual Inter'ention
2as Re'ersibleL Re'ersibleL STS 4 .o H "/ Mes H 4
2as Re'ersed by Bord- P/R 2dr Se< Re'ersed by Bord- P/R 2dr Se< .BR #-"
2as Re'ersin) Bord P/R 2dr Se< Re'ersin) Bord P/R 2dr Se< .BR #-"
2as Created By Created By 3. 4"
2as 7ob 7ob 3. 4"
2as >ser >ser 3. 4"
2as 7ob .umber 7ob .umber .BR :-"
2as Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Bla) 4@; Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Bla) 4@; STS 4
2as Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Code 4@; Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Code 4@; CD1 5
2as Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Date 4@; Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Date 4@; DT1 8-"
2as Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Te?t 4@; Bord- P/R 2dr Spare Te?t 4@; T$T 4; New Logicals
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
Rebus iS Pa)e : of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
&ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- , 4 M
This /ill be used to display Bordereau Payment/Receipts in descendin) order on the O&orD /ith
Bordereau Payment/Receipt screenO-
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
Payment Surro)ate .umber , 4
Payment Se<uence , +
This /ill be used to retrie'e the Bordereau Payment/Receipt for a specific payment re<uest-
5.1.2 !D Bor(. )a*+Rec Detail
A ne/ file is re<uired to store indi'idual Bordereau Payment/Receipt details- The ne/ file should be
created in the Customer model and /ill contain the follo/in) attributes:
Synon Database relationship Bield Bield
0/ned by &ID Bord- Pay/Rec 2eader &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- .BR #-"
,no/n by &ID Bord Pay/Rec Dtl Se<- &ID Bord Pay/Rec Dtl Se<- .BR #-"
Refers to &ID RI Consolidation RI Consolidation Detail
.BR #-"
Refers to .ame Jfor %ocal CompanyK %ocal Company .ame Code CD1 5
Refers to .ame Jfor %ocal BranchK %ocal Branch .ame Code CD1 5
Refers to Account aster Jfor %ocalK %ocal Account master se<uence .BR #-"
Refers to Currency J.e/K for Accountin)
Accountin) Currency CD1 (
2as Sett Alloc Amount Sett- Alloc Amount .BR 4;-+
2as Auto 7ournal 2dr Se< Auto 7ournal- 2dr- Se<- .BR 8-"
2as Auto 7ournal Dtl Se<- Auto 7ournal Dtl- Se<- .BR 8-"
2as Sett &rite@0ff Amount Sett &rite@0ff Amount .BR 4;-+
2as Pay/Rec atch type Pay/Rec atch type STS 4 Bull JBile 'alue H 4K*
Bull /ith &/0 J+K*
Partial J(K
2as Re'ersal A/c Amount Re'ersal A/c amount .BR 4;-+
2as Allocation .umber Allocation number .BR 8-"
2as Bord- P/R Dtl Spare Code 4/; Bord- P/R Dtl Spare Code 4/; CD1 5
2as Bord- P/R Dtl Spare Bla) 4/; Bord- P/R Dtl Spare Bla) 4/; STS 4
2as Bord- P/R Dtl Spare Date 4/; Bord- P/R Dtl Spare Date 4/; DT1 8-" New Logicals
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
&ID Pay/Rec 2eader Se< , 4
Auto 7ournal 2dr Se<- , +
Auto 7ournal Dtl Se<- , (
%ocal Company .ame Code , 9
%ocal Branch .ame Code , ;
Accountin) Currency , :
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
&ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- , 4
Company .ame Code , +
Branch .ame Code , (
Accountin) Currency , 9
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Rebus iS Pa)e 8 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
RI Consolidation Detail
, 4
Auto 7ournal 2dr Se<- , +
Auto 7ournal Dtl Se<- , (
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
RI Consolidation Detail
, 4
&ID Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- , +
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
Allocation .umber , 4
5.1.$ 0uto :ournal Detail 7in%
A ne/ lo)ical is re<uired /ith the follo/in) Deys:
Bield ,ey Se<uence Descendin)
Allocation .umber , 4
5.1., =iel( c'an?es
All of these fields are to be chan)ed in the core model- Payment Source
A ne/ condition needs to be added to this field* to allo/ Payment Source to be set to Customer Defined-
Condition Bile 3alue Display 3alue .otes
Customer Defined 9 D
P'alid 'alues Add Customer
Defined to this
condition list
!enius AcOs or
Add Customer
Defined to this list
and chan)e the name
of the condition list
to C.on@
under/ritin)E Extract Level
This field is used on three files @ Payment Re<uest* BanD Acct/Pymt Type $@Ref* and &orD @ Automatic
A ne/ condition needs to be added to this field* to allo/ payments that ha'e already been created to be
Condition Bile 3alue Display 3alue .otes
Three ( (
Rebus iS Pa)e 5 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.1.5 !mpact 0nal*sis
The follo/in) pro)rams need to be re)enerated as they use the chan)ed condition list C.on@
under/ritin)E Pro)rams re<uirin) code chan)es for this* and other field and condition chan)es* are
specified separately* later in the document-
)ro?ram C'an?es Re3uire(
!,CN":C0 : && Printed Che<ues C0A :
!,CN;4 : %ist Che<ues : Che<ue Re)enerate
!,CN;; : %ist Payment Re<uests : Payment
!,CN": : &orD /ith Printed Che<ues : Che<ue Re)enerate
!AAP48 : &rite Payment Re<uest 1?t : Payment
!AAP"( : Auto Payments 7ob @ Pt 4 : Payment
5.1.6 S*stem )arameters
.e/ system parameters are re<uired on the !enius parameter file to store 'ariables as follo/s- An
automatically run pro)ram is re<uired Jfor &I onlyK to use the CRTPARD1B command to create
these parameters /hen the soft/are is deli'ered to an en'ironment and to set their initial 'alue
Parameter Description Type Sel/3al
%en Initial
C&IBPR70BD 7ob description for the OPost to !eniusO
Payment/Receipt batch 7ob
Code . 4" PACC0>.TS
C&II.T1RB Interbranch Special Account Code Code . 5 PACC0>.TS
C&IBRSPCD1 !lobal RI per Branch Speed Code Code M 5 PACC0>.TS
!!.A7R3A% Auto 7ournal Re'ersal Allocation
Code 4#(5:;#/
. 4 PACC0>.TS
Additional confi)uration for !!.A7R3A%

Parameter ID !!.A7R3A%
Nualifier 4/>sa)e 3A%_5_%0.!
N4 Nualifier 4 PPARA1T1R >se !Q>T9+* /ith action
code $N44
N4 Nualifier + !!.A7R.%RT >se !Q>T9+* /ith action
code $N4+ System Parameter Help ext
This parameter holds the default Aob description used /hen Bordereau payments/receipts are posted to
Rebus iS Pa)e # of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
This parameter holds the special account code used to identify Interbranch accounts for RI postin)s- This
entry is used* in conAunction /ith local company and branch* to identify the Interbranch accounts for
Central RI postin)s for each company and branch-
This parameter holds* for each company and branch* a speed code identifyin) the !lobal RI per Branch
account* used in Bordereau payment/receipt processin)-
This parameter holds* for a )i'en Auto 7ournal RunType* the Allocation ethod 0'erride /hich applies
durin) Re'ersals for that run@type-
If a Run@Type is not added to this parameter* then the Allocation ethod 0'erride F>se DefaultG /ill be
used- This /ill use the Allocation ethod defined on the Accountin) Definition-
542 C%-!#/," S.,&'1'& M,% 67ID8
5.2.1 @-er-ie&
A ne/ option needs addin) to the e?istin) &interthur customer specific root menu to )i'e access to
the Bordereau Payment/Receipt interface-
5.2.2 Screen 7a*out
SPECIFIC XGGNWID Customer Specific Menu 13/12/99 1631!9

Se"ect one of t#e fo""o$in%

1& '/I (or)ere*u Pro)uction Menu
2& 'un (ro+er St*tement E,tr*ct
3& M*int*in (ro+er St*tement 'e-enue Co)e .*/"e
0& 1N2( Menu
3& 'W2!!! E,tr*ct Menu
6& Incomin% (or)ere*u 4 Germ*n5
6& PDI Menu
7& Coinsur*nce Interf*ce 4 S$it8er"*n)
9& In$*r) P*5ments 4 S$it8er"*n)
1!& .*, '*tes M*inten*nce
11. Bordereau Payment/Receipt

Se"ection or comm*n)

F3:E,it F12:C*nce"
F13:Inform*tion 2ssist*nt F16:2S/0!! m*in menu
.e/ fields are indicated in bol( type-
5.2.$ )rocessin? Details
Menu @ption =unction
&ID Customer Specific C44 Bordereau Payment/ReceiptE !o to O&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/
ReceiptO* see section ;-( on pa)e 44
Rebus iS Pa)e 4" of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
543 7#") 9'!: B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/ R,&,'.!
5.$.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called from the &I specific menu- It /ill allo/ the user to
/orD /ith e?istin) Bordereau Payment/Receipts or to create ne/ ones- The Payment/Receipts /ill be
displayed in creation se<uence* /ith ne/est first-
5.$.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Bunction Type : DSPBI%
Bunction Bile : &I Bord Pay/Rec 2dr R Customer odel
Access Path : By Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se< Dsc
Commit control : M
Reclaim resources : M
Close Do/n Pro)ram : M
CopybacD essa)es : .
Confirm Prompt : .
5.$.$ Template
CC&IA85 : &/& Incomin) Bordereau : &ID Bordereau Batch 2drE may be used as a template for this
pro)ram- .ote that C&IA85 is not under commitment control* but the ne/ pro)ram is-
5.$., Screen 7a*out
5.!.4.1 "iel# Positions
CWI2,, Wor+ $it# (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt 16/!2/!2 16!130
.5pe options; press Enter&
2:E)it Items 0:De"ete 3:Disp"*5 6:Print 6:Cre*te P*5ment '<st 7:E)it =)r
9:Post 'eceipts 1!:Crt 'e-ers*" 12:Dsp >ourn*"s 10:Spoo" Fi"es Cm) ?ption
?p 2uto No& 'I (ro+er/ (or)ere*u 'ef Cc5 .ot*" Sts
9 999999999 99999999 999999999 999 9
99 ? 666666666 ???????? 666666666 ??? 9;999;999;999;999&994 ?
D*te 66/66/66 @ser ??????????
99 ? 666666666 ???????? 666666666 ??? 9;999;999;999;999&994 ?
D*te 66/66/66 @ser ??????????
99 ? 666666666 ???????? 666666666 ??? 9;999;999;999;999&994 ?
D*te 66/66/66 @ser ??????????
99 ? 666666666 ???????? 666666666 ??? 9;999;999;999;999&994 ?
D*te 66/66/66 @ser ??????????
99 ? 666666666 ???????? 666666666 ??? 9;999;999;999;999&994 ?
D*te 66/66/66 @ser ??????????
99 ? 666666666 ???????? 666666666 ??? 9;999;999;999;999&994 ?
D*te 66/66/66 @ser ??????????
99 ? 666666666 ???????? 666666666 ??? 9;999;999;999;999&994 ?
D*te 66/66/66 @ser ??????????

F3:E,it F3:'efres# F6:2)) F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5

Rebus iS Pa)e 44 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.!.4.2 Example wit$ %ata
CWI2,, Wor+ $it# (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt 16/!2/!2 16!130
.5pe options; press Enter&
2:E)it Items 0:De"ete 3:Disp"*5 6:Print 6:Cre*te P*5ment '<st 7:E)it =)r
9:Post 'eceipts 1!:Crt 'e-ers*" 12:Dsp >ourn*"s 10:Spoo" Fi"es Cm) ?ption
?p 2uto No& 'I (ro+er/ (or)ere*u 'ef Cc5 .ot*" Sts
9 999999999 99999999 999999999 999 9
99 N 1!!!6 ('?A!!!0 1!!91 C=F 12;766&!! P
D*te 3!/!0/!2 @ser GGNMBM
99 N 1!!!6 ('?A!!!3 1!!96 @SD 11;000&!! '
D*te !1/!0/!2 @ser GGNMBM
99 N 1!!!3 'EIN!!!0 1!!96 @SD 22;036&!! '
D*te !1/!3/!2 @ser GGNMBM
99 N 1!!!0 ('?A!!!0 C=F 33;760&!!4 '
D*te 16/!1/!2 @ser GGNMBM
99 C 1!!!3 ('?A!!!0 1!!99 C=F 12;766&!!4 D
D*te 3!/!9/!1 @ser GGNMBM
F3:E,it F3:'efres# F6:2)) F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5

5.$.5 Description of fiel(s
5.!.5.1 Screen Hea#er
=iel( )ositionin? or
restriction action
on subfile
)rompt a-ailable Aali(ation
Auto Payment Bla) C1<ualsE type restriction Mes @ Standard condition
'alue prompt /indo/
If populated* must be one of 'alid
Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se< Positioner .o Standard Synon number
RI BroDer/Reinsurer C1<ualsE type restriction Mes @ Standard select
6..A4( C!/Slt .ame @
If populated* use standard
'alidate O6/3al .ame @ .ameO
Bordereau reference C1<ualsE type restriction Mes @ Call CC&IC"+ :
Select Bordereau Refernce
: &ID Bordereau
Mes @ standard Synon .umber
field 'alidation
Settlement Currency C1<ualsE type restriction Mes @ Call !A!."( OS%T
Company Currency @
currency Jne/KO Retrie'e
the company from
If populated* use standard API*
66B4(+ CAPI@DB RT3@
6ACAD%"" @ Q Core !enius
InterfaceE as it is used in
P/R Status C1<ualsE type restriction Mes @ Standard condition
'alue prompt /indo/
If populated* must be one of 'alid
5.!.5.2 Su&'ile (ecor#
=iel( 5otes
Auto Payment Bla)
Details from &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr record
Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<
RI BroDer/Reinsurer
Bordereau reference
Settlement Currency
Settlement Amount
P/R Status
1ntry Date
>ser Created by >ser from &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr record
Rebus iS Pa)e 4+ of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.$.6 )rocessin? Details
5.!.6.1 Loa# o' su&'ile
If the Bordereau P/R status is Submitted or Processin) checD the Aob details on the Bordereau
Payment/Receipt 2dr record usin) utility pro)ram 66>T": OchecD Aob acti'e @ >tilitiesO- If the Aob is
not acti'e then set the status to 1H Processin) 1rror and update the record- Commit this chan)e-
5.!.6.2 Su&'ile options
In )eneral* after processin) a subfile option* re@retrie'e details from the rele'ant record to ensure the
fields displayed are correct-
O+H1dit itemsO: Call CBordereau Payment/Receipt Dri'erE Jsee section ;-9 pa)e 4;K to allo/ users
to edit items in a Bordereau P/R Run-
O9HDeleteO: Call CDelete Bordereau Payment/ReceiptE Jsee section ;-# on pa)e (4K to confirm
delete of record- 0n return from pro)ram* if record has been deleted* chan)e RI BroDer to
CPD1%1T1DE and protect subfile select field to pre'ent any other options bein) taDen a)ainst
the record-
O;HDisplayO: Call ODisplay Bordereau Payment/Receipt DetailO JSee section ;-4; pa)e 9#K to
display the header and item details of a Bordereau Payment/Receipt
O:HPrintO: Call OBordereau Pay/Rec- Audit ReportO Jsee section ;-4: pa)e ;" K to print an audit
report for the selected Bordereau Payment/Receipt-
O8HCreate Payment Re<uestO: Call CCreate Payment Re<uestE* Jsee section ;-4"* pa)e ((K-
O5H1dit 2eaderO: Call CBordereau Payment/Receipt Dri'erE Jsee section ;-9 pa)e 4;K to edit the
2eader information of the Bordereau Payment/Receipt-
O#HPost To !eniusO: Call OSubmit Post to !1.I>SO Jsee section ;-44 pa)e (;K to submit a Aob to
post the Bordereau Receipt into !1.I>S-
O4"HCreate Re'ersalO: Call OCreate Bordereau P/R Re'ersalO Jsee section ;-4( pa)e 9;K- 0n return
reload subfile if a re'ersal /as created-
C4+HDsp 7ournalsE: Call C!AAC"( : %ist 7rnl- 3chers for Run : Auto 7ournal 2eader %inDE
passin) in Auto 7ournal 2eader Se<uence- This option /ill only be allo/ed if the Auto 7ournal
2dr Se< is not Iero-
C49HSpool BilesE: 0nly allo/ this option if the Bordereau P/R status is CPHProcessedE or
C1H1rrorE- If the 7ob number is not "* call CC&IA(# : &/& Spool Biles Bor 3.AB : &ID
3.AB ControlE* other/ise output error messa)e C.o Aob associated /ith this Payment/ReceiptE-
OCmd 0ptO: Call CSfl Cmd 0pt Prc J.o 1?itK : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to allo/ the user to
call the !1.I>S 1n<uiry system- Set the I.CAS account fields from the account master on the
header record- Set the current command option to blanD and the ne?t command option from the
screen- Currency of Amounts should be set to the settlement currency* and .ame to the Account
To .ame from the Pay/Rec hdr record- If In/ards RisD aster Ref and In/ards Claim aster
Ref are populated these should be used to obtain the aster and Claim Deys to populate the
appropriate parameters- See the template pro)ram for similar processin)-
.ote: If B(H1?it is taDen from any of these called functions the user should be taDen bacD to the
initial menu screen- This /ill in'ol'e ha'in) an e?it code as a parameter on each of the called
options and settin) it to Oe?itO if B( is taDen- This should then be monitored for and if set e?it the
display file-
5.!.6.! "unction )eys
OB(H1?it S B4+HPre'iousO: Standard processin) to return to menu-
Rebus iS Pa)e 4( of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
OB;HRefreshO: Reload subfile from database-
OB:HAddO: Call CBordereau Payment/Receipt Dri'erE Jsee section ;-9 pa)e 4;K to add a ne/
Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr* passin) in a Iero &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- If the header is
added successfully* reload the subfile-
B44HBold/>nfold: Attach DDS user source 6Q>S4" F6/Bold/Truncate SB% DDS @ >tilitiesG to the
screenEs subfile control format J'ia B44 from F1dit Screen Bormat DetailsGK- Insert RP! user source
6Q>S44 F6/Bold/Truncate SB% RP! @ >tilitiesG in pro)ram initialisation* specifyin) the number of
subfile lines and initial subfile state as parameters- Initial subfile state should be CTruncatedE- See
template pro)ram for details-
OB4;H1n<uiryO: Call O!1DR4( : 1nter 1n<uiry System @1$ : Q Core !enius InterfacesO to allo/
the user to call the !1.I>S 1n<uiry system- Set the parameter Cmd 0pt Default Type to a ne/
condition of C.D- &ID &/& Bord P/R 2dr- This /ill need to be set up a)ainst the field OCmd 0pt
Default TypeO as a ne/ 'alue- An after pro)ram for &I only should then create a ne/ record on the
default command option file- >se the C% command !CRTDBTC0P to do this-
Rebus iS Pa)e 49 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
544 B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.! D"'2,"
5.,.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I dri'er function that /ill be called from C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE
Jsee section ;-( on pa)e 44K /hen option +* or option 5 are taDen a)ainst a record or B:HAdd is
pressed- If B:HAdd is pressed* this function /ill call C1dit Bordereau Pay/Rec 2eaderE Jsee section
;-9 pa)e 4;K in create mode* follo/ed by callin) C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE Jsee
section ;-: pa)e +4K to allo/ users to edit items in the ne/ly created Bordereau P/R Run- If option 5
is taDen* this function /ill call C1dit Bordereau Pay/Rec 2eaderE Jsee section ;-9 pa)e 4;K in edit
mode- If option + is taDen* this function /ill call C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE Jsee
section ;-: pa)e +4K to allo/ users to edit items in the selected Bordereau P/R Run-
5.,.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : &I Bord Pay/Rec 2dr R Customer odel
Access Path : Retrie'al
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input &ill be Iero in Create mode
Callin) mode Input Create header* 1dit header* 1dit Details-
1?it Code 0utput
5.,.$ )rocessin? Details
If the pro)ram has been called to edit the header or items Joption + or option 5 from C&orD /ith
Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptEK* use the passed Bordereau Payment/Receipt header Dey to retrie'e
the Central account- Call C!AA%"9 : Allocations %ocD P)m Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE
to locD account- Return to callin) pro)ram if locD fails-
If the pro)ram has been called to edit the header* call C1dit Bordereau Pay/Rec 2eaderE Jsee
section ;-9 pa)e 4;K in edit mode-
If the pro)ram has been called to create the header* call C1dit Bordereau Pay/Rec 2eaderE Jsee
section ;-9 pa)e 4;K in add mode- If the header is successfully created* call C&orD /ith
Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE Jsee section ;-: pa)e +4K-
If the pro)ram has been called to edit the items* call C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt
ItemsE Jsee section ;-: pa)e +4K-
&hen control is returned to this function from the called functions* process as follo/s-
If B4+ or B( /as pressed in any of the called functions* or there /as an error* RollbacD*
other/ise Commit-
Recalculate the total of items for this Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr by callin) the ne/
Total function CCalculate TotalsE* see section ;-:-;-+* on pa)e +( in en<uiry mode- If the
0'erall total calculated by this function is Iero* set the Bordereau P/R status to CReadyE*
Rebus iS Pa)e 4; of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
other/ise set to CIncompleteE - Send a completion messa)e CBordereau Payment/ Receipt
header S4 updatedE if any update occurred-
Call C!AA%"9 : Allocations %ocD P)m Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to unlocD the
Central Account- .ote that in add mode the account to unlocD should be passed bacD from
the 1dit 2eader pro)ram* as in add mode /e may not ha'e a header to retrie'e to )et the
correct account-
Return to callin) pro)ram-
545 E$'! B#"$,",(% P(0/R,& ;,($,"
5.5.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that is called from CBordereau Payment/Receipt Dri'erE Jsee section ;-9 on
pa)e 4;K either in add mode or edit mode- The user is able to enter/amend details for a Bordereau
Payment/Receipt 2dr-
5.5.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Bunction Type : PTRCD
Bunction Bile : &I Bord Pay/Rec 2dr R Customer odel
Access Path : Retrie'al
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Confirm Prompt : M
5.5.$ Template
CC&IA9A : Incomin) Bordereau 2eader : &ID Bordereau Batch 2drE may be used as a template
for this pro)ram-
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input &ill be Iero if called in Create mode
Central Account aster
Both &ill be used to unlocD account
1?it Code Both
Rebus iS Pa)e 4: of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.5., Screen 7a*out "iel# Positions
CWI2,, E)it (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt =e*)er 16/!2/!! 16!130
Comp*n5 & & & & & & ???????? ?????????????????????????
(r*nc# & & & & & & & ???????? ?????????????????????????

(or)ere*u reference & 999999999

2ccount .o& & & & & & 99999999 ????????????????????????? (r+/Insurer 9
Sett"ement currenc5 & 999 ????????????????????????????????????????
Sett"ement tot*" & & 999999999999999999999
(*n+ 2ccount & & & & 99999999 ?????????????????????????
Eoc*" Comp*n5 & & & & 99999999 ?????????????????????????
Eoc*" (r*nc# & & & & 99999999 ?????????????????????????
'I Po"ic5 & & & & & & 999999999999999 ????????????????????????????
In$*r)s 'is+ & & & & 999999999999999 ????????????????????????????
In$*r)s C"*im & & & & 9999999999999999 ?????????????????????????????
Minor P*rticip*nt & & 99999999 ?????????????????????????

F3:E,it F3:'efres# F12:Pre-ious Example wit$ %ata
CWI2,, E)it (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt =e*)er 16/!2/!! 16!130
Comp*n5 & & & & & & 'I Centr*" 'I Comp*n5
(r*nc# & & & & & & & 'I Centr*" 'I (r*nc#

(or)ere*u reference & 999999323

2ccount .o& & & & & & G@CC!!!3 (ro+er G@CC!!!3 (r+/Insurer (
Sett"ement currenc5 & @SD @S Do""*r
Sett"ement tot*" & & 999999999999 937;96649
(*n+ 2ccount & & & & @S(2NA @S (*n+
Eoc*" Comp*n5 & & & & 96 99999 Comp*n5 96
Eoc*" (r*nc# & & & & 96999999 (r*nc# 96
'I Po"ic5 & & & & & & 999999999999999
In$*r)s 'is+ & & & & 999999999999999
In$*r)s C"*im & & & & 9999999999999999
Minor P*rticip*nt & & 99999999

F3:E,it F3:'efres# F12:Pre-ious
5.5.5 Description of fiel(s
=iel( )rompt a-ailable Aali(ation 5otes
Company .ame code ./A ./A Default to 'alue from
Rebus iS Pa)e 48 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
=iel( )rompt a-ailable Aali(ation 5otes
Branch name code ./A ./A Default to 'alue from
Bordereau Reference Mes @ Select from
Bordereau Control usin)
CC&IC"+ : Select
Bordereau Refernce :
&ID Bordereau ControlE
If entered* must be on Bordereau
Cannot be chan)ed in 1dit mode-
If Bordereau Reference has been
entered* retrie'e the appropriate
Bordereau Control record- If
Bordereau /as restricted to any
of In/ards RisD* RI Policy*
In/ards Claim* Participant* then
default appropriate fields on this
screen and protect those fields-
Account To Mes @ Select as in C&IC"4
usin) BrD/Insurer fla) to
determine usa)e-
andatory Cannot be chan)ed in 1dit ode
Account To BrD/Insurer Mes @ Select from 'alid
andatory if not in 1dit mode Cannot be chan)ed in 1dit ode
Settlement Currency Mes @ Call !A!."( OS%T
Company Currency @
currency Jne/KO usin)
Central RI company
andatory- >se standard API*
66B4(+ CAPI@DB RT3@
6ACAD%"" @ Q Core !enius
InterfaceE as it is used in
C&IA9A- Settlement Currency
must not be a Soft currency
JCurrency type must not be SoftK
Cannot be chan)ed in 1dit mode
Settlement Amount ./A andatory
BanD Account Mes @ >se !AAD((*
CSelect BanD A/C for %inD
@ BanD Account %inDE as it
is used in !,,9(-
Cost@Centre should be set
to blanD-
ust be entered if settlement
amount is positi'e JreceiptK-
ust not be entered if settlement
amount is ne)ati'e
If entered* call C3alidate BanD
Account R Account asterE to
'alidate the banD account* usin)
Central Company and Branch-
An e?ternal may need to be
created for this RT30B7 in order
to create a stub in the customer
See Processin) details for cross
checDin) bet/een banD account
and settlement currency
%ocal Company Code Mes @ Set usa)e type to the
'alue on 6S!.>C.CD
and call 6..A9;- See
C&IC"4 for similar
andatory if %ocal Branch code
Cannot be chan)ed in 1dit mode
%ocal Branch code Mes @ Set usa)e type to the
'alue on 6S!.>.AB.
and call 6..A9;- See
C&IC"4 for similar
If entered local company must
also be entered
Cannot be chan)ed in 1dit mode
RI Policy See C&IC"4 for selection and 'alidation Cannot be chan)ed in 1dit mode
In/ards RisD
In/ards Claim
inor Participant
5.5.6 )rocessin? Details *nitialisation
If in 1dit mode* retrie'e the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2eader record- If the status is not
CIHIncompleteE or CRHReady to processE return to callin) pro)ram /ith error messa)e CThis
Bordereau Payment/Receipt cannot be edited- Status is S4E- +ross,c$ec-ing &an- an# settlement currency
If the banD currency Jretrie'e from the BanD Account recordK and settlement currency are not the
same* use the Central company for the company code* and call C66B4(+ CAPI@DB RT3@6ACAD%""
@ Q Core !enius InterfaceE for the BanD currency- Perform the follo/in) 'alidations:
Rebus iS Pa)e 45 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
If the Currency type is Soft* CCon'erted to Currency CodE must be the same as the settlement
currency* other/ise output the error messa)e C&hen BanD Ccy is Soft* Settlement Ccy must e<ual its
Associated CcyE
If the Currency type is not Soft* checD that the CAllo/ ulti@currency paymentsE fla) on the banD
account is CME and the CAllo/ Cross Accountin)E fla) on the banD account is not "- If this is not the
case output error messa)e !!.(94"* CBanD Account S4 is not setup for Cross Accountin)E
Similar processin) is done in the pro)ram C!A%C44 : %ed)er Input @ Cash : Accountin) Acti'ity
5.5.6.! Loc-ing
In amend mode Ji-e- a non@blanD Bordereau P/R 2dr se<K* the account /ill ha'e been locDed by the
dri'er pro)ram-
2o/e'er in create mode* e'ery time an Account To name is chan)ed* the locD for the pre'ious
Account To name Jif there is oneK must be remo'ed* by callin) C!AA%"9 : Allocations %ocD P)m
Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE for the account for the pre'ious Account To name- Then the
Account for the ne/ Account To name must be retrie'ed
* and the account locDed* by a)ain callin)
C!AA%"9 : Allocations %ocD P)m Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to locD the account- Return to
callin) pro)ram /ith error if account cannot be locDed- If the account is successfully locDed* update
a parameter /ith the account so that the dri'er pro)ram Dno/s /hat account to unlocD on e?it- .p#ates
In Amend mode* if the screen /as confirmed* update the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr record
/ith the fields on the screen- If the settlement total has been chan)ed* recalculate the total of
items for this Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr by callin) the ne/ Total function CCalculate
TotalsE* see section ;-:-;-+* on pa)e +( in en<uiry mode- If the 0'erall total calculated by this
function is Iero* set the Bordereau P/R status to CReadyE* other/ise set to CIncompleteE - Send a
completion messa)e CBordereau Payment/ Receipt header S4 updatedE to appear on that
pro)ramEs screen if any update occurred-
In create mode* on confirm the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr record needs to be created
instead of updated- There should be an e?ternal function created /hich /ill )enerate the latest
2eader se<uence number and create the Bordereau Pay/Rec hdr record- JSee Technical
specifications referred to in CIntroduction/BacD)roundE* section 4 on pa)e 9 K- Populate this
pro)ramEs parameters as follo/s
=iel( 5otes
Account To .ame Code
Brom screen
Account To BroDer/Insurer
Central Company .ame Code
Settlement Currency
Settlement Amount
&ID Bordereau Reference
Auto 7ournal- 2dr- Se<- Set to "
Central Account aster Se< As deri'ed in footnote 1rror: Reference source not found
%ocal Company .ame Code
Brom screen
%ocal Branch .ame Code
BanD Account
RI aster Reference
In/ards RisD aster Ref
In/ards Claim aster Ref
inor Participant .ame Code
>se the Account To name code as the special account code* and the Central RI company and branch* to
obtain the account from the Special Account %inD file* usin) C!ACC;+ : API@Rt' Special Account :
Special Account %inDE- Set Cost centre to blanD and balancin) le'el to branch-
Rebus iS Pa)e 4# of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
=iel( 5otes
1ntered Date Current Date
Posted Date 6ero
Payment Surro)ate .umber
Payment Se<uence
Auto PaymentL F.oG
Bordereau P/R Status FIncompleteG
Re'ersibleL FMesG
Re'ersed by Bord- P/R 2dr Se< 6ero
Created By Current Aob user
%ocDin) 7ob BlanD/6ero
%ocDin) >ser
%ocDin) 7ob .umber
The completion messa)e sent should be CBordereau Payment /Receipt header S4 createdE-
Commit file updates-
Set 1?it Code to CContinue J.o Re<uestKE Exit
If B( or B4+ /ere pressed on the screen* perform no updates* and set 1?it Code to C1?itE or
CPre'iousE respecti'ely-
Rebus iS Pa)e +" of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
546 7#") 9'!: B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.! I!,/-
5.6.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that is called from CBordereau Payment/Receipt Dri'erE Jsee section ;-9 on
pa)e 4;K* /hen a Payment/Receipt is bein) created or amended- The user is able to select* amend
and deselect the detail lines for a Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr-
5.6.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Bunction Type : DSPBI%
Bunction Bile : &ID RI Consolidated Dtl R Customer odel
Access Path : >se ne/ lo)ical created in section 1rror: Reference source not
foundiscellaneous Bordereau TS* see section 4
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Confirm Prompt : M
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord Pay/Rec hdr no- Input >se to retrie'e header details
1?it mode 0utput
5.6.$ Screen 7a*out
5.6.!.1 "iel# Positions
FPGM Wor+ $it# (or) P*5/'ec Items 21/!2/!2 103!!3
(or) P*5/'ec Se<& 999999999 2/c .o ???????? .ot*"& & 9999999999999&994
(or)ere*u 'ef& 999999999 Currenc5 ??? Se"ectG) 9999999999999&994
In) W/?Gs 9999999999999&994
?-er*"" 9999999999999&994
.5pe options H1:Se"ect; 2:'e-ise; 0:De4se"ect 3:Disp"*5; Cm) ?ptI; press Enter&
?p 2u)it No& '/I Contr*ct Eoc*" Eoc*" (or)ere*u Sett"ement
Comp*n5 (r*nc# 2mount
999999999 999999999999999 99999999 99999999 999999999
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
F3:E,it F3:'efres# F6:Se"ect 2EE F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5
F10:Dese"ect 2EE
Rebus iS Pa)e +4 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.6.!.2 Example wit$ #ata
FPGM Wor+ $it# (or) P*5/'ec Items 21/!2/!2 103!!3
(or) P*5/'ec Se<& 266 2/c .o G@CC!!!3 .ot*"& & 11!!!&!!
(or)ere*u 'ef& Currenc5 @SD Se"ectG) 9269&!!4
In) W/?Gs 9&!!
?-er*"" 163!&!!4
.5pe options H1:Se"ect; 2:'e-ise; 0:De4se"ect 3:Disp"*5; Cm) ?ptI; press Enter&
?p 2u)it No& '/I Contr*ct Eoc*" Eoc*" (or)ere*u Sett"ement
Comp*n5 (r*nc# 2mount
999999999 999999999999999 99999999 99999999 999999999
99 98121 900941 031 96 96 325 9,279.00-
29 93622 9!!901 !31 96 96 323 1!;636&!!4
99 91233 9!!901 !31 96 96 323 9;269&!!
99 00011 9!!901 !31 96 96 326 26;636&!!

F3:E,it F3:'efres# F6:Se"ect 2EE F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5
F10:Dese"ect 2EE
5.6., Description of fiel(s
This screen should use the header/footer STD Screen: + Cmd %ines- Su&'ile Hea#er
=iel( )ositionin? or
restriction action
on subfile
)rompt a-ailable Aali(ation
Bord Pay/Rec Se<
./A ./A
Retrie'e from Bord Pay/Rec
A/c To
Bordereau Ref
See section ;-:-;-+ for details on
calculatin) these fields-
Ind &/0Es
Audit .umber C1<ualsE type restriction .o Standard Synon number
RI Contract C1<ualsE type restriction See C&IC"4
Company C1<ualsE type restriction Mes @ Set usa)e type to the
'alue on 6S!.>C.CD
or 6S!.>.AB.
Jcompany or branch
respecti'elyK and call
6..A9;- See C&IC"4
for similar processin)
3alidate by callin) C!QB>"# :
6/3al .ame >sa)es ST>B : Q
Core !enius InterfacesE- See
C&IC"4 for similar processin)-
Branch C1<ualsE type restriction
Bordereau Reference C1<ualsE type restriction Mes @ Select from
Bordereau Control usin)
CC&IC"+ : Select
Bordereau Refernce :
&ID Bordereau ControlE
If entered* must be on &ID
Bordereau Control-
Rebus iS Pa)e ++ of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
__________________________________________________________________________________ Su&'ile (ecor#
=iel( Aali(ation
Audit .umber Brom Statistics Postin) for this RI consolidation record
RI Contract !et RI master Dey from the statistics RI record referred to by the first
statistics amount record that refers to this statistics postin)- !et
aster Reference from the aster file for this policy-
%ocal Company
Brom RI Consolidation record %ocal Branch
Bordereau Reference
Settlement Amount Read throu)h all P/R detail records for this item Je?cludin) the
current P/R runK- Accumulate the Sett@Alloc Amount from each
record and subtract it from the Settlement Amount on the RI
Consolidated Detail- This )i'es the amount /hich is a'ailable to be
inor Part SP Participant .ame Code from Statistics Postin)
RisD aster Ref from In/ards aster J>se aster Dey from Statistics
Claim !et claim Dey from statistics header associated /ith this statistics
postin)- !et Claim Ref from Claim aster record for this claim-
5.6.5 )rocessin? Details *nitialise
If Bordereau P/R status is not I H Incomplete* or RHReady to process* return to callin) pro)ram /ith
error messa)e CThis Bordereau Payment/Receipt cannot be edited- Status is S4E-
Call CCalculate TotalsE* see section ;-:-;-+* to calculate totals in update mode- If any records /ere
deselected output information messa)e CSome pre'iously selected items ha'e been deselected due to
manual inter'ention on these itemsE +alculate otals
An 1$C1$TB>. should be created to perform this CCalculate TotalsE function for a specified
Payment/Receipt header se<uence* so that it can be called from a number of pro)rams- The pro)ram
should be called in t/o modes* one /hich only performs the calculations* the other /hich also
updates the records if an item has been manually allocated-
Set Total e<ual to Settlement amount from Pay/Rec header multiplied by @4-
Read throu)h &ID Bord Pay/Rec detail file for records /ith this P/R number-
If /e are in update mode* then for each record* call CChecD Allocation StatusE see section ;-8* pa)e
+:* passin) in the Statistics Postin) Se<uence from the associated RI Consolidation record- If the
Canual AllocationLE fla) is CMesE* set CA'ailable for P/RE field on the &ID RI consolidation record
to .o and delete the &ID Bord Pay/Rec Detail record-
Bor both modes* unless the record has been deleted* add Sett Alloc Amount and Sett &/0ff amount
to SelectEd runnin) total* and Sett &/0ff Amount multiplied by @4 to &/0 runnin) total-
&hen all records ha'e been read* calculate 0'erall by addin) SelectEd and &/0 runnin) totals to
the Total-
5.6.5.! (ecor# Selection
This record selection should be created as an e?ternal function to /hich record details are passed*
and a Mes/.o parameter is returned indicatin) /hether the record should be included or not-
I)nore the record if:
The associated &ID Bordereau Control record has a Bordereau run status other than CcompleteE-
Rebus iS Pa)e +( of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
There is an associated Bord Pay/Rec record but for a different Pay/Rec hdr number Jread Bord
Pay/ Rec file by &ID RI Consolidation Se<K* and that Payment/Receipt has a Bordereau P/R
status other than PHPosted or 3HRe'ersed Jthis item may ha'e been partially allocated in that
It doesnEt match the criteria selected on the Bordereau Pay/Rec header record-
If 0,* checD if already allocated but not by this process by callin) CChecD Allocation StatusE Jsection
;-8* pa)e +:K passin) in the Statistics Postin) Se<uence- If the Canual AllocationLE fla) is CMesE*
update CA'ailable for P/RLE to .o on the RI Consolidated record and deselect- (ecor# Hig$lig$ting
Records /hich ha'e been selected Jha'e an associated Bord Pay/Rec detail record for the current
Pay/Rec headerK should be hi)hli)hted- +$ec- /rite 0'' Limits
Create a function that taDes an amount* a currency and company name and passes bacD if the amount
is /ithin &rite 0ff limits for the current user- The standard condition PBA may be passed in for the
currency if the amount is in base currency- This function should be created as a core function as it is
suitable for re@use outside of this modification-
Retrie'e the Indi'idual item /rite off limit for this user and local company from Account Def-
Security file usin) the RT30B7 CRt' Security Information @ Account Def- SecurityE-
Retrie'e the base currency by callin) C!A!.+; : API Account @ Comp Dta : Account Company
ControlE for the passed in company-
If the passed in currency is PBA* or it matches the retrie'ed base currency* /e donEt need to con'ert
the &/0ff limit to the passed in currency- 0ther/ise con'ert the &/0ff limit by callin) C!QC>"4 :
API Currency Con'ersion : Currency J.e/KE usin) PC>RR1.T rates- Call C!QC>4" : Round
Amount to Ccy Defn : Currency J.e/KE to round the con'erted &/0ff limit-
>se the utility* CAbsolute 3alue @ >tilitiesE to )et the absolute 'alue of the Amount parameter- Then
compare this /ith the &rite@0ff amount* and set the output parameter accordin)ly-
Similar processin) to this taDes place in C!AA%45 : BulD Allocations @ 1dit : Statistics Postin)E- Su&'ile 0ptions
.ote: 0ptions 4 and 9 should cause updates to happen after the confirm prompt- 0ption + should
taDe place prior to the confirm prompt as there is a separate confirm in the called screen- After the
updates taDe place for options 4 and 9* screen totals /ill need to be recalculated by callin) CCalculate
TotalsE* see section ;-:-;-+- 1nsure this happens once per confirm* rather than once per updated
C4HSelectE: If the Settlement Currency is e<ual to any of the currencies on the Statistics postin)
record* but the Settlement Amount on the RI Consolidated Detail record does not match the
Closed e<ui'alent Amount Je-) if settlement currency H 0ri)inal currency* then the closed
ori)inal amountK on the e<ui'alent Statistics postin) record* /e need to /rite off the e?chan)e
rate difference- Birst checD if the difference bet/een the t/o amounts is /ithin the &rite 0ff
limits- !et the 'alue of the JClosed A/c* 0ri)inal or Base Amount @ Settlement Currency
AmountK difference and use this to call the function CChecD &rite 0ff %imitsE* see section abo'e-
If the &rite 0ff limit is e?ceeded issue error messa)e O1rror: 1?chan)e rate difference e?ceeds
item /rite@off limit* please process item manuallyE- If item is 0,* create Pay/Rec detail record
as follo/s-
Bield 3alue
&ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- Current 2dr Se<
Rebus iS Pa)e +9 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Bield 3alue
&ID Bord Pay/Rec Dtl Se<- !et ne?t a'ailable number
&ID RI Consolidation Se< Brom the &ID RI Consolidation file
%ocal Company .ame Code
Branch .ame Code Brom the associated Stats Postin)
Account master se<uence Brom the &ID RI Consolidation file @
%ocal Account st Se<
Accountin) Currency Brom the &ID RI Consolidation file
Sett- Alloc Amount Settlement amount from screen
Auto 7ournal- 2dr- Se<- "
Auto 7ournal Dtl- Se<- "
Sett &rite@0ff Amount If any currency on ori)inal Stats
led)er item H settlement currency but
amounts differ* put difference in here-
JStats %ed)er Amount R Settlement
Pay/Rec atch type Bull or Bull /ith &rite 0ff if Sett
&rite@0ff is non Iero
Re'ersal A/c amount "
Allocation .umber "
If record is successfully selected* hi)hli)ht the record on screen-
C+H1ditE: Call ne/ pro)ram C1dit Bordereau P/R ItemE* see section ;-5* pa)e +5- If record has
been successfully edited* hi)hli)ht the record and recalculate screen totals by callin) CCalculate
TotalsE* see section ;-:-;-+-
O9HDe@SelectO: After confirm* delete current P/R record for this item- De@hi)hli)ht the record-
O;HDisplayO: This /ill /orD as for other !enius 1n<uiries- Bor each command option a subfile
display command option can be specified* this is the command option be e?ecuted if option O;O is
taDen a)ainst a subfile line on this screen- >se the Statistics postin) Dey on the RI consolidation
detail record to retrie'e the !!. Stats Postin) Se<* !!. Stats 2eader Se< and aster* section
and endorsement Deys for passin) to the en<uiry system- Set the I.CAS account fields from the
account master on the header record- The Statistics postin) Dey and Aournal number also need
to be passed to the en<uiry system* usin) data <ueues* see C!1P054 : C/%ist %d)r Post for
P/T : Statistics Postin)E for an e?ample of /here this is done- 0btain the claim Dey from the
Stats 2eader record if In/ards Claim aster Ref is populated- Call CSfl Cmd 0pt Prc J.o 1?itK
: Q Core !enius InterfacesE to allo/ the user to call the !1.I>S 1n<uiry system-- Set the
current command option to blanD and the ne?t command option from the screen-
OCmd 0ptO: Call CSfl Cmd 0pt Prc J.o 1?itK as abo'e- "unction -eys
OB(H1?it* B4+HPre'iousO: If B( or B4+ /ere pressed on the screen* perform no updates* and set
1?it Code to C1?itE or CPre'iousE respecti'ely-
OB;HRefreshO: Reload subfile from database-
CB8HSelect AllE: Bor e'ery appropriate &ID RI Consolidation record Juse the selection criteria
from section CRecord SelectionE*;-:-;-(K* /rite a Pay/Rec Detail record as described for option 4
in section CSubfile 0ptionsE*;-:-;-:- Reload subfile from database* then recalculate totals by
callin) CCalculate TotalsE* see section ;-:-;-+-
OB44HBold/>nfoldO: As for C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE* see ;-(-:-(on pa)e 4(-
Rebus iS Pa)e +; of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
CB49HDeselect AllE: Call function /hich deletes all Pay/Rec Detail records for this run no-
Reload subfile from database* then recalculate totals by callin) CCalculate TotalsE* see section
OB4;H1n<uiryO: Call !1DR4( : 1nter 1n<uiry System @1$ : Q Core !enius InterfacesO to
allo/ the user to call the !1.I>S 1n<uiry system- Set the parameter Cmd 0pt Default Type to
a ne/ condition of C.D- &ID &/& Bordereau P/R- This /ill need to be set up a)ainst the field
OCmd 0pt Default TypeO as a ne/ 'alue- An after pro)ram for &I only should then create a ne/
record on the default command option file- >se the C% command !CRTDBTC0P to do this-
0ther parameters should be set as for CCmd 0ptE in C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE*
see section ;-(-:-+ on pa)e4(- +on'irm prompt
Commit if screen is confirmed- Screen should be redisplayed after confirm-
547 C:,&) A++#&(!'# S!(!%-
5./.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill checD if RI Consolidation items ha'e been manually allocated-
The pro)ram may be called for a specific item or for all items for a specific Payment/Receipt-
5./.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Buncion Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : &ID RI Consolidation R Customer odel
Access Path : P.0.1
Commit control : .
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input .eeded if all items for a P/R run need to be
Statistics Postin)
Input .eeded if an indi'idual record needs to be
anual AllocationL 0utput Set to CMesE if last allocation /as manual*
other/ise set to C.oE
5./.$ )rocessin? Details
Set anual AllocationL to .o-
If Statistics Postin) Se<uence has been entered* )et the allocation number from each allocation on
this Statistics postin) Jallocation number populated on records on Statistics postin) amount for this
Statistics Postin) se<uenceK- Retrie'e the allocation session and checD the allocation source- If the
allocation source is not C0ther Jusually cust specKE or CAllocation Re'ersal* set anual AllocationL
Bla) to Mes and stop processin)- If there is no allocation number on the Statistics Postin) Amount
record or if the Allocation source is C0ther Jusually cust specKE or CAllocation Re'ersalE then checD
the ne?t Statistics postin) amount record-
If the Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se< has been entered* then read all Bord Pay/Rec detail records* and for
each looDup the associated RI Consolidation Detail record to retrie'e the Statistics postin) se<uence-
Rebus iS Pa)e +: of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Then process as outlined abo'e- As soon as a record is found /hich has been manually altered* e?it
the pro)ram /ith anual AllocationL set to CMesE-
Rebus iS Pa)e +8 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
54< E$'! B#"$,",(% P/R I!,/
5.1.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called from C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE
Jsee section ;-: on pa)e +4K /hen option + is taDen a)ainst a record- It allo/s part allocations to be
made a)ainst an item* or an item to be fully paid* /ith /rite@offs-
5.1.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Buncion Type : PTRCD
Bunction Bile : &ID Bord- Pay/Rec Detail R Customer odel
Access Path : RT3
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Confirm Prompt : M
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input
Bord- Pay Rec Dtl Se< Input ay be "
RI Consolidated Dtl Se< Input
Settlement Amount Input RCD conte?t from callin) pro)ram
5.1.$ Screen 7a*out
5.2.!.1 "iel# Positions
E)it (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt item

.5pe )et*i"s; press Enter&
'I Contr*ct ???????????????
Sett"ement Cc5 ????????????????

?pen 2mount 9;999;999;999;999&99
P*i) 2mount & 99999999999999999999

Fu"" P*5mentJ 9 C:Ces; N:No
Write4off 2mt 9;999;999;999;999&99

F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
Rebus iS Pa)e +5 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.2.!.2 Example wit$ %ata
CWI99C Wor+ $it# (or)ere*u Items 21/!2/!2 103!!3
(or) P*5/'ec Se<& 266 (ro+er G@CC!!!3 .ot*"& & 11!!!&!!C'
(or)ere*u 'ef& Currenc5 @SD Se"ectG) 9269&!!C'
In) W/?Gs 9&!!
?-er*"" 163!&!!C'
.5pe options H1:Se"ect; 2:'e-ise; 0:De4se"ectI; press Enter&
?p Se< '/I Contr*ct Eoc*" Eoc*" (or)ere*u Sett"ement
Comp*n5 (r*nc# 2mount
E)it (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt item

.5pe )et*i"s; press Enter&
'I Contr*ct & 9!!901 !31
Sett"ement Cc5 @S Do""*r

?pen 2mount 1!;636&!!
P*i) 2mount & 999999999991!;63!&!!

Fu"" P*5mentJ C C:Ces; N:No
Write4off 2mt 6&!!

F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
F10:Dese"ect 2EE
5.2.!.! %escription o' "iel#s
=iel( 5otes
RI Contract- Pass in from callin) pro)ram
Settlement Currency >se settlement currency passed in to retrie'e settlement currency
description from Currency J.e/K file* /ith Company code set to
Central RI Company name code-
0pen Amount Settlement Amount passed in from pre'ious screen
Paid Amount 1ntered by user R if user is editin) an e?istin) detail record*
populate /ith Sett@Alloc Amount from record-
Bull PaymentL M/. fla)* default from Account definition Jsee Initialisation
sectionK for ne/ record- Bor e?istin) record set to M if Sett@Alloc
Amount matches Settlement Amount* or if &rite@0ff Amount is
&rite 0ff Amt Calculated R see ain Process section-
5.1., )rocessin? Details *nitialisation
!et Bull PaymentL fla) for initial default from C!et all fields @ Account Def- BalanceE for the %ocal
Company- Set the Branch and Cost Centre parameters to blanD- Similar processin) is done in
C!AA%"4 : BulD Allocations : Statistics Postin)E prior to the call to C!AA%45 : BulD Allocations
@ 1dit : Statistics Postin)E- An e?ternal /ill need to be created for this RT30B7 so that it can be
used in the Customer model-
If the Settlement Currency is e<ual to any of the currencies on the Statistics postin) record but the
Settlement Amount on the RI Consolidated Detail record does not match the appropriate Closed
Amount on the Statistics postin) record* this P/R item cannot be edited- 0utput error messa)e
CCannot edit item* only full allocation allo/edE and e?it to callin) pro)ram-
Rebus iS Pa)e +# of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
__________________________________________________________________________________ 3ain Process.
If Paid Amount entered e<uals 0pen Amount* set Bull PaymentL fla) to M* and /rite off Amount to "-
If Paid Amount does not e<ual 0pen Amount* and Bull Payment is C.E* set /rite off Amount to "-
If Paid Amount does not e<ual 0pen Amount* and Bull Payment is CME* set /rite off Amount to 0pen
Amount @ Paid Amount* and &rite 0ff Currency to Settlement currency- ChecD the /rite@off amount
a)ainst the /rite@off limit by callin) the function CChecD &rite 0ff %imitsE* see section ;-:-;-; on
pa)e +9- If the limit is e?ceeded display an error messa)e-
5.2.4.! "unction )eys
1nter: After confirm* create or update the associated Pay/Rec Detail record-
Bield 3alue
&ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr Se<- Current 2dr Se<
&ID Bord Pay/Rec Dtl Se<- If passed in as a parameter* use* other/ise
)et ne?t a'ailable number
&ID RI Consolidation Se< Brom the &ID RI Consolidation file
Company .ame Code %ocal Company from the &ID RI
Consolidation file
Branch .ame Code Brom the associated Stats Postin)
Account master se<uence Brom the &ID RI Consolidation file @ %ocal
Account st Se<
Accountin) Currency Brom the &ID RI Consolidation file
Sett- Alloc Amount As entered on screen JPaid Amount fieldK
Auto 7ournal- 2dr- Se<- "
Auto 7ournal Dtl- Se<- "
Sett &rite@0ff Amount As calculated on screen
Pay/Rec atch type If Bull PaymentL Is M* and &rite@0ff is "*
then set to Bull
If full PaymentL Is M and &rite@0ff is not "*
set to Bull /ith &rite@0ff* other/ise set to
Re'ersal A/c Amount
Allocation number
Commit chan)es after update-
B(H1?it* B4+HPre'ious: >se standard processin) to return to callin) pro)ram-
Rebus iS Pa)e (" of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
549 D,+,!, B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.!
5.2.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called from C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE Jsee
section ;-( on pa)e 44K /hen option 9 is taDen a)ainst a record- The user is sho/n basic details of
the &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr record* if they press 1nter the header and all associated detail
record are deleted-
5.2.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Buncion Type : PTRCD
Bunction Bile : &ID Bord- Pay/Rec 2eader R Customer odel
Access Path : RT3
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Confirm Prompt : .
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input
2eader deletedL 0utput
5.2.$ Screen 7a*out
5.4.!.1 "iel# Positions
e!ete Bordereau Payment/Receipt

Press Enter to )e"ete recor); F3 or F12 to return $it#out )e"ete&
2ccount .o N*me & & & ????????
(or)ere*u reference & 999999999
Sett"ement currenc5 & ??? ???????????????
Sett"ement tot*" & & 6;666;666;666;666&66C'

F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious
Rebus iS Pa)e (4 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.4.!.2 Example wit$ %ata
GXXX9X Wor+ $it# (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt 16/!2/!! 16!130
.5pe options; press Enter&
2:E)it Items 3:Cre*te P*5ment '<st 0:De"ete 3:Disp"*5 6:Print 7:E)it =)r
9:Post 'eceipts 1!:Crt 'e-ers*" 12:Dsp >ourn*"s 10:Spoo" Fi"es
?p 2uto No& 'I (ro+er/ (or)ere*u 'ef Cc5 .ot*" Sts
9 999999999 99999999 99999999 999 9
90 N 1!!!3 ('?A!!!0 1!!91 C=F 12;766&!! '
e!ete Bordereau Payment/Receipt
33&!! P
Press Enter to )e"ete recor); F3 or F12 to return $it#out )e"ete&
2ccount .o N*me & & & ('?A!!!0 3!&!! P
(or)ere*u reference & 1!!91
Sett"ement currenc5 & C=F S$iss Fr*nc 99&!! P
Sett"ement tot*" & & 12;766&!!
!!&!! P
F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious
!!&!! P
F3:E,it F3:'efres# F6:2)) F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5

5.2., Description of =iel(s
All data fields come from the &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr record e?cept for the currency
description /hich must be retrie'ed-
5.2.5 )rocessin? Details *nitialisation
This option /ill only be allo/ed if the Bordereau P/R Status is one of Hanual Proc- 1rror* IH
Incomplete or RH Ready to process- If this is not the case* return to the callin) pro)ram /ith an
error messa)e- "unction )eys
1nter: Try to locD the account for the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr record bein) deleted /ith
a call to !AA%"9- If the locD attempt fails* re@display screen /ith the error messa)e sent by
!AA%"9- If locD attempt succeeds delete the associated &I Bord Pay/Rec Detail records
follo/ed by the &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr- Commit the chan)es* then release the locD by
callin) !AA%"9 a)ain- Send completion messa)e CBordereau Payment/Receipt S4 deletedE to
appear on C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE screen and return to callin) pro)ram- In
messa)e* substitution parameter S4 is the Bordereau Pay/Rec Se<-
B(H1?it* B4+HPre'ious: >se standard processin) to return to callin) pro)ram-
Rebus iS Pa)e (+ of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
541= C",(!, P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.1#.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called from C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ReceiptE /hen
option (HCreate Payment Re<uest is taDen a)ainst a Bordereau Payment/Receipt-
5.1#.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Buncion Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : &ID Bord- Pay/Rec Detail R Customer odel
Access Path : RT3
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Confirm Prompt : .
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input
5.1#.$ )rocessin? Details
5.15.!.1 *nitialisation
If the Settlement Amount is positi'e* output error messa)e CPayment Re<uest only allo/ed if
Settlement Total is ne)ati'eE and return to callin) pro)ram-
If Bordereau P/R Status is not RH Ready to process* output error messa)e and return to callin)
Try to locD the Bordereau Payment/Receipt Account To account /ith a call to C !AA%"9 :
Allocations %ocD P)m Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE If locD fails* then return to callin)
pro)ram /ith error messa)e* other/ise continue-
Call CChecD Allocation StatusE see section ;-8* pa)e +:* passin) in the Payment/Receipt 2dr
se<uence- If the Canual AllocationLE fla) is CMesE* update the Payment/Receipt 2dr Status to
Canual Inter'ention 1rrorE* Commit* unlocD account* and return to callin) pro)ram /ith error
messa)e- If items are suitable continue-
5.15.!.2 3ain processing
Call !,CN"+* C1nter Payment Re<uest @ Payment Re<uestE /ith the parameters set up as follo/s:
Parameter 3alue
Payment Surro)ate .umber "
Payment Se<uence "
Payment Reference Bord- Payment
Allocation .umber "
Rebus iS Pa)e (( of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Parameter 3alue
Account aster Se<uence Central Account aster Se<uence
aster .umber "
aster Se<uence "
1ndorsement .umber "
Payment Amount Settlement Amount
Payment Date 7ob date
Claim aster Code "
Claim Section Code "
Claim Trans 2dr Code "
Payee .ame Code Account To .ame code
Payee Description BlanD
Addressee .ame Code Account To .ame code
Callin) Pro)ram !AA%+; JThis is so that the payment re<uest /ill treat this
payment as an Accounts payment- &e /ill chan)e the payment
source for this payment re<uest after the callK
2eadin) BlocD 4 Deri'e as done /hen pro)ram is called from BulD Allocations
C!AA%+; : BulD Allocations @ Che<ue : Statistics Postin)E 2eadin) BlocD +
Accountin) Currency Settlement Currency
Amount JA/cK Settlement Amount
Settlement Currency Code Settlement Currency
Amount JSettlementK Settlement Amount
Auto@DefaultL .
0n return from pro)ram if the payment re<uest /as successfully created* update the Payment source
on the Payment Re<uest record to CCustomer DefinedE and update P/R 2eader record /ith Bordereau
P/R Status of CNE and ne/ payment surro)ate number and payment se<uence number- Commit
>nlocD Account by callin) !AA%"9-
If payment re<uest /as not created* rollbacD chan)es-
Pass bacD e?it code to callin) pro)ram so it Dno/s if payment re<uest /as successfully created-
Rebus iS Pa)e (9 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5411 S%5/'! P#-! !# GENIUS
5.11.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called from C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ReceiptE /hen
option #HPost to !1.I>S is taDen a)ainst a Bordereau Payment/Receipt* or it can be called from the
ne)ate process- The default Aob description is displayed and can be chan)ed- 0n confirm of the
screen* a batch Aob is submitted to )enerate Aournal transactions for the Bordereau receipt-
5.11.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Buncion Type : PTRCD
Bunction Bile &ID Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr R Customer odel
Access Path : RT3
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Confirm Prompt : M
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input
Bord Pay/Rec 2dr sts Both
5.11.$ Screen 7a*out
5.11.!.1 "iel# Positions
"u#mit Po$t to %&'()"

Press Enter to su/mit Ko/; F3 or F12 to return $it#out su/mit&
(or) P*5/'ec Num/er & 666666666
2ccount .o & & & & & ????????
>o/ Description & & & 9999999999

F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
Rebus iS Pa)e (; of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.11.!.2 Example wit$ %ata
GXXX9X Wor+ $it# (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt 16/!2/!! 16!130
.5pe options; press Enter&
2:E)it Items 3:Cre*te P*5ment '<st 0:De"ete 3:Disp"*5 6:Print 7:E)it =)r
9:Post 'eceipts 1!:Crt 'e-ers*" 10:Spoo" Fi"es
?p 2uto No& 'I (ro+er/ (or)ere*u 'ef Cc5 .ot*" Sts
9 999999999 99999999 99999999 999 9
99 N 1!!!3 ('?A!!!0 1!!91 C=F 12;766&!! '
D*te 3!/!7/!1 @ser GGNMBM
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&0;333&!! '
"u#mit Po$t to %&'()"
6;033&!! P
Press Enter to su/mit Ko/; F3 or F12 to return $it#out su/mit&
(or) P*5/'ec num/er & 1!!!6 6;73!&!! P
2ccount .o & & & & & ('?A!!!0
>o/ Description & & & 'EP?'.S 9;999&!! P

F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3;3!!&!! P
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &3;0!!&!! P
D*te 3!/!6/99 @ser GGNAX( &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

F3:E,it F3:'efres# F6:2)) F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5

5.11., Description of fiel(s
=iel( Usa?e Aali(ation 5otes
7ob Description andatory A Aob description
of the specified
name must e?ist
in the library list
@ use standard
utility !Q>T"+
C6/C2,0B7 @
>tilitiesE to checD
Initially* and
blanDed out*
default from
system parameter
5.11.5 )rocessin? Details *nitialisation
If Bordereau P/R Status is not RH Ready to process* output error messa)e and return to callin)
If the Settlement Amount is ne)ati'e output error messa)e Fust create payment re<uest* use
option (G and return to callin) pro)ram-
Call CChecD Allocation StatusE see section ;-8* pa)e +:* passin) in the Payment/Receipt 2dr
se<uence- If the Canual AllocationLE fla) is CMesE* update the Payment/Receipt 2dr Status to
Canual Inter'ention 1rrorE* Commit* return to callin) pro)ram /ith error messa)e- If items are
suitable continue-
Rebus iS Pa)e (: of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
__________________________________________________________________________________ "unction )eys
1nter: After confirm* submit Aob to call CPost BordereauE Jsee section ;-4+ on pa)e (8K* usin) Aob
description specified- To simplify the submission process* pass the Bordereau P/R 2dr Se< as
alphanumeric rather than numeric- This should return the run Aob details to update onto the
header record- The standard system completion messa)e CPC4++4 C7ob S(/S+/S4 submitted to
Aob <ueue S9 in library S;-Eshould appear on the C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE
screen Jcopy bacD messa)es from C% pro)ramK- If the submit is successful* update the
Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr record /ith a status of OSubmittedO and the Aob details /ith
those of the Aob submitted and commit* other/ise rollbacD- Then return to callin) pro)ram*- Bor
an e?ample of a C% pro)ram that submits a Aob and returns Aob details see pro)ram !2BBSD
OSubmit Batch Bunction Dr' @ Batch functionO-
B(H1?it* B4+HPre'ious: use standard processin) to return to callin) pro)ram-
5412 P#-! B#"$,",(%
5.12.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called in a Aob submitted from CSubmit Post to !1.I>SE Jsee
section ;-44 on pa)e (;K- It /ill also be called from Payment Re<uest /hen a Bordereau payment is
A C% dri'er pro)ram /ill call this batch postin) pro)ram usin) the SB70B command- It reads all
records on the &I Bord Payment/Receipt Detail file for a particular header and accumulates details
for balancin) le'el and creates appropriate Auto 7ournal Detail records- The Auto 7ournal Detail
records /ill then be used to post the transactions into !1.I>S usin) the )eneric OAuto 7ournal
CreationO facility- Create this as an 1$C1$TB>. type function based o'er the file &I Bord
Payment/Receipt 2drO-
5.12.2 )rocessin? Details
)arameter T*pe Description
Payment/Receipt 2dr
Input Alphanumeric 'ersion of Dey of record to be
submitted- "unction 0ptions
The commit control function option should be set to CasterE so that commitment control is started
in pro)ram initialisation- Close do/n and reclaim resources options should both be set to CMesE- *nitialisation
Try to locD the Bordereau Payment/Receipt Account /ith a call to C !AA%"9 : Allocations %ocD
P)m Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE in batch mode- If locD fails* update P/R header /ith status
C1E* commit* and end pro)ram /ith error messa)e* other/ise continue-
Call CChecD Allocation StatusE see section ;-8* pa)e +:* passin) in the Payment/Receipt 2dr
se<uence- If the Canual AllocationLE fla) is CMesE* update P/R header /ith status CE* unlocD
account and end pro)ram /ith error messa)e- If items are suitable continue-
>pdate the &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr record status to OProcessin)O* and Commit-
Rebus iS Pa)e (8 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.12.2.! (eversal process
%ooD up the Bordereau Payment/Receipt header record to see if the FRe'ersin) Bord P/R 2dr Se<G
field is populated- If so* this is a re'ersal-
If this is a re'ersal* perform the follo/in) steps* other/ise mo'e on to section ;-4+-+-9 CCreate Auto
7ournal 2eaderE-
%ooDup the 2eader number that this header is re'ersin)- If the Re'ersed by bord P/R hdr se< field
is not Iero* this part of the process has already been completed in an earlier run- o'e on to
section ;-4+-+-9 CCreate Auto 7ournal 2eader-
0ther/ise* update the re'ersibleL fla) to O.O and the Ore'ersed by Bord- P/R hdrO to the Bord- P/R
hdr se< parameter* on the re'ersed Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr- .e)ate all the allocations
from the 2eader to be re'ersed by callin) C!AB,4( : Auto 7rnl Alloc @ re'erse : Auto 7ournal
2eaderE passin) in the Auto 7ournal 2eader Se< from the re'ersed P/R 2dr record- This process
unlocDs the account* so relocD it by callin) !AA%"9 a)ain-
If there /ere any )roups of records for a )i'en company/branch/accountin) currency /hich /ere
allocated a)ainst each other Jbecause the accumulated settlement amount for the )roup /as "K*
these allocations also need to be re'ersed- Read the Bordereau P/R detail file restrictin) on the
re'ersed header se<* the Auto 7ournal 2eader se< from the re'ersed header and Auto 7ournal
Detail se< e<ual to "- Bor each )roup of company/branch/accountin) currency records retrie'e the
allocation number from the Bord P/R detail record- .e)ate the allocation by callin) !AA%+(*
CRe'erse Alloc @ CT% @ Allocation SessionE as is done in !AB,4(- This process unlocDs the
central account* so relocD it by callin) !AA%"9 a)ain-
Bind the Stats %ed)er se<uence created by the last Auto@7ournal detail record for the re'ersed run- &e
also need to clear the cash Aournalre'erse the allocation for this item- Do this by callin) CRe'erse BroDer
Cash allocationE see section ;-+"* pa)e ;8- This pro)ram /ill create a re'erse allocation* and /ill also
clear the cash-
Commit the re'ersal chan)es and mo'e on to section ;-4+-+-9- +reate 6uto 7ournal Hea#er
If the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr has a 'alue in the field OAuto 7ournal 2dr se<O this sta)e had
pre'iously been successful and should be bypassed- 0ther/ise create an Auto 7ournal header record
by callin) the )eneric function O!AB,"8* %oad/3al Auto 7ournal 2drO- Set the input parameters as
Bield .otes
Auto 7ournal Run type &IDB0RDPRR J.ote: must be 'alid 3alue Code for the 3alue !roup specified in
Auto 7rnl- Description OBordereau P/R $$$$$$$$O /here $$$$$$$$ is the Account To .ame code
or CBord P/R Re'ersal $$$$$$$$$E if this is a re'ersal run
0ffset Create %e'el Batch
0ff set account type Post To Account
Delete detail records M
%oad/Post option Combined
Auto AllocateL M
7ournal @ Audit TrailL M
7ournal@Separate Auth L .
Auto 7rn 3ch Date Dft ethod 4H Today
Default Accountin) Currency Settlement Currency from P/R 2dr file
Description As for Auto 7rnl- Description
Cash/7rnl- Type code for hdr B0RD
Auto 7rnl- Spare Amount 4/+ P6ero
Auto 7rnl Alloc P)m Code If this is not a re'ersal* set to the ne/ Allocation pro)ram CAllocate Bord P/R AournalsE* see section
;-48 on pa)e ;+- If this is a re'ersal* set this to the ne/ allocation pro)ram CAllocate Bord P/R
re'ersal AournalsE* see section ;-4# on pa)e ;:-
Auto 7rnl- Spare Code + PBlanD
Auto 7rnl or Auto Csh run 7ournal
Rebus iS Pa)e (5 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Bield .otes
Auto 7rnl- Spare Bla) + PBlanD
Auto 7rnl- Spare Date 4/+ PBlanD
If any errors occurred then do not )o on to create the detail records- >pdate the Payment/Receipt
header /ith status C1E* commit* and end pro)ram /ith error messa)e- +reate 6uto 7ournal %etails
Read throu)h the O&I Bord Payment/Receipt DetailO file for the )i'en se<uence number in Company/
Branch/Accountin) currency order- 0nly select those records /here the Auto 7ournal Dtl- Se< is
Iero- Accumulate the amounts in settlement currency-
0n chan)e of either company* branch or accountin) currency* checD the accumulated settlement
currency amount-
If the accumulated amount for a )roup of records is "* these records need to be allocated a)ainst
each other* and do not need Auto 7ournal Detail records created- See Allocatin) Iero@amount )roups
of records* section ;-4+-+-: on pa)e 9" for details of ho/ the records should be allocated- After the
records ha'e been allocated* update the Allocation number on the )roup of &I Bord Pay/Rec Detail
If the accumulated amount for a )roup of records is not "* update the Auto 7ournal Dtl- Se< on all of
the processed &I Bord Pay/Rec Detail records /ith the Detail se<uence of the first Auto 7ournal
detail record to be created for that set of Company/Branch/Accountin) recordsJSet to 4 initiallyK-
Create an Auto 7ournal Detail record by callin) the )eneric function O!AB,"5 @ %oad/3al Auto
7ournal DtlO- Set the input parameters as follo/s:
Bield .otes
Auto 7ournal 2dr- Se<- Brom Auto 7ournal 2eader created pre'iously
>ser %e'el BreaD PBlanD-
0ffset le'el PblanD
0ffset Account str- Se<- PBlanD
Post to A/C aster Se<uence Brom the Account on the &I Bord Payment/Receipt Detail rcd
Cash/Aournal type PBlanD J/ill default to that on Auto 7ournal 2eaderK
Transaction type code 7.%
Payee .ame Code PBlanD
Pre@Allocation Bla) code PblanD
0ri)inal currency code Accountin) currency from Pay/Rec Detail record
Accountin) currency code
!ross/RI Indicator C.D- RI
Transaction Date Today
Transaction Reference 4 P/R run number no-
Transaction Reference + PBlanD
Settlement Reference PBlanD
Transaction description Auto 7ournal for Bord P/R no ########
Closed Amount @ 0ri)inal Bor .on@Re'ersals @ Accumulated Settlement Amount P @4* con'erted to Accountin) currency
usin) current rates Jset ratin) table to PC>RR1.TK* usin) !QC>"4 : API Currency Con'ers
ST>B : Q Core !enius Interfaces and round usin) C!QC>4" : Round Amount to Ccy Defn :
Currency J.e/KE
Bor Re'ersals R Re'ersal A/c amount from P/R detail record Jthere /ill be only one detail record
per balancin) le'elK P@4
Closed Amount @ Accntin)
Allocation Status C.D->nallocated
Collection ethod PblanD
Settlement due date Today
Accountin) period PblanD
BroDer .ame Code Account To .ame code Brom Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr
0ffset Create %e'el Batch
0ffset Account type Post to account
Auto 7ournal Run Type &IDB0RDPR
1?it Code This /ill be set /ithin the load pro)ram if any errors ha'e occurred
All other fields should be either set to blanD or Iero-
Rebus iS Pa)e (# of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Then create another Auto 7rnl Detail record for the offset of this record into the interbranch account
for this company and branch- %ooDup the system parameter C&IDI.T1RB to obtain the special
account code and then call C!ACC;+* API R Rt' Special Account R Special Account %inDE passin) in
the current company and branch* and the special account code from C&IDI.T1RB- All fields /ill
be the same as the pre'ious record e?cept for the follo/in)
Bield .otes
Post to A/C aster Se<uence Brom Special Account linD usin) C&IDI.T1RB special account code and local company/branch
Transaction description CAccount To $$$$$$$$E /here $$$$$$$$ is the Account To .ame code
Closed Amount @ 0ri)inal Accountin) amount calculated for last record P@4
Closed Amount @ Accntin)
The accumulated amount in settlement currency needs to be posted to the Central RI interbranch
account for the local company and branch- >se the local company and branch to looDup
C&IBRSPCD1 to )et the speed code for that company and branch- >se the speed code to retrie'e
the account master- JA RT30B7 e?ists in the core model CRt' Account by Speed Code : Account
asterE @ a ne/ e?ternal /ill need to be created so that this can be used in the customer modelK
All fields /ill be the same as the pre'ious record e?cept for the follo/in)
Bield .otes
Post to A/C aster Se<uence Brom Speed code from C&IBRSPCD1-
0ri)inal currency code Accountin) currency for current )roup of Pay/Rec Detail records
Accountin) currency code Settlement currency from P/R header record
Closed Amount @ 0ri)inal Stored Accountin) amount
Closed Amount @ Accntin) Stored accumulated Sett Alloc Amt P @4 6llocating 8ero,amount groups o' recor#s
Create an allocation session- The allocation source should be set to C>serE- The allocation method
should be C0ther Jusually cust specKE The allocation should be re'ersible- Pass in the company*
account master and accountin) currency from the )roup of records /e are dealin) /ith-
Bor each Pay/Rec Detail record in the )roup* checD the Statistics postin) record- If the statistics
postin) record is Complete* Acti'e and either >nallocated or Partially Allocated* call CAllocate
%ocal ItemE* see section ;-45 on pa)e;(* passin) in the allocation number- The other parameters
should come from the &ID Bord Pay/Rec detail record-
Binally call !AA%;4 : finalise allocation ST>B : Q Core !enius Interfaces to finalise allocation-
If the Allocation 1rror fla) passed bacD from this process output an error messa)e and call
C!AA%+4 : Cancel Allocation : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to cancel the allocation- otal Settlement 6mount
&hen all the &ID Bord Pay/Rec detail records ha'e been processed* create an Auto 7ournal detail
record for the total Settlement amount to the Central RI broDers account JThis is the Central Account
on the Bordereau Pay/Rec 2dr recordK-
Bield .otes
Post to A/C aster Se<uence BroDers account on Central RI Company and Branch
0ri)inal currency code Settlement Currency
Accountin) currency code Settlement Currency
Settlement Reference PBlanD
Closed Amount @ 0ri)inal Total Settlement Amount
Closed Amount @ Accntin) Total Settlement Amount
Rebus iS Pa)e 9" of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
At the end of the load call C!AB,4" : %oad Binal Processin)ST>B : Q Core !enius InterfacesE-
Set %oad/Post 0ption to Combined- Pass in the 1rror code as output by the %oad Auto 7ournal
Details pro)ram-
If there /ere errors in the Auto 7ournal Detail processin)* or in any 6ero@)roup allocations* rollbacD-
An error audit report /ill be produced by the Auto 7ournal processin)-
If there ha'e been no errors set the Bordereau Auto 7rnl- 2dr field from the Auto 7ournal 2dr- Se<
created and C0IT the chan)es- Then call the pro)ram !AB,44 : Process Auto 7rnl RunST>B
: Q Core !enius Interfaces O-
This /ill create all the Aournal 'ouchers* produce an audit report and attempt to allocate the created
items- If this process returns an error* then rollbacD and e?it* other/ise continue-
The function CC&IA55 : Post Bordereau Batch : &ID Bordereau Batch 2drE* also uses similar
Auto@Aournal functionality- +reate +as$ an# 9an- item :not 'or reversals;
&hen all Auto 7ournals ha'e been processed* if this is not a re'ersal* /e need to create our cash item
in the Central BroDers account* and its offset in the Central BanD Account- Process as follo/s:@
J.ote some of this processin) is also done /hen a che<ue is created in the function C!AA%+; :
BulD Allocations @ Che<ue : Statistics Postin)E @ this can be used for referenceK
If the record bein) processed is a receipt* then the banD account /ill be on the P/R header record- If
the record bein) processed is a payment* then the banD account /ill on the Payment re<uest record-
A RT30B7 CRt' Account by Bal %'l @ BanD Account %inDE e?ists in the core model to retrie'e the
banD account details- Create an e?ternal function and correspondin) Customer model stub for this
RT30B7* and call this ne/ function /ith balancin) le'el set to branch* and passin) in the central
Company and Branch to retrie'e the banD account account master se< and the banD a/c linD
A standard CRT0B7 CQCRT Statistics Postin).& @ Statistics postin)E e?ists in the core model- This
CRT0B7 )enerates the Stats %ed)er se<uence and the Audit number prior to creatin) the Statistics
postin) record- An e?ternal should be built around this CRT0B7 so that it can be used from the
Customer model-
Create an Accountin) Acti'ity header R
Bield Default 3alue
7ournal .umber Call CRT3 .e?t Se<uence .umber @ Account ControlE /ith PAR:7ournal .umber
Input Type C(E R 7ournal 3oucher
Allocation Type BlanD
Company .ame Code Central RI Company
Branch .ame Code Central RI branch
Cost@Centre Code PblanD
BanD A/C %inD Se<uence As retrie'ed from BanD Account %inD
CashT7ournal Type Code 7R.
7ournal Description Cash/BanD for P/R no- ########
Transaction Date Today
ReceiptTPayment Type Code BlanD
Postin) %e'el JCashK BlanD
Batch Currency Code Settlement currency
Batch Total JBatch ccyK 6ero
.umber of Transactions 6ero
Batch Total JBanD ccyK 6ero
BanD Char)es JBanD ccyK 6ero
Profit Account JBanD ccyK 6ero
Re'ersin) 7ournal J7nlK 6ero
Re'ersin) Date 6ero
Accountin) Period Brom Account company control for Central Company
1ntered By >ser 7ob >ser
1ntered Date >se Rt' current date/time @ >tilities
1ntered Time >se Rt' current date/time @ >tilities
Rebus iS Pa)e 94 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Bield Default 3alue
%ast Chan)ed by 7ob >ser
%ast Chan)ed Date >se Rt' current date/time @ >tilities
%ast Chan)ed Time >se Rt' current date/time @ >tilities
7ournal Status Incomplete
.arrati'e !roup Code 6ero
1?tracted by !%L .o
Acc Acti'ity 2dr Bla) +/(/9/; BlanD
AA2 >ser Specific Bla) 4 BlanD
Acc Acti'ity 2dr Amt 4/+ 6ero
Acc Acti'ity 2dr T?t 4/+/(/9 BlanD
Create Statistics Postin) for the Central BanD item as follo/s
Bield Default 'alue
Stats %ed)er Se<uence Populated by create obAect R store-
!!. Stats Postin) Se< C0. P61R0
!!. Stats 2eader Se< C0. P61R0
Account aster Se<uence BanD Account aster se<
1ntry Complete L C.D Incomplete
Acti'e T Inacti'e fla) C.D Acti'e
7ournal Type C.D Cash
CashT7ournal Type Code C.D PB%A.,
Transaction Type Code C.D PB%A.,
aAor Participation Type C.D PB%A.,
Transaction 0ri)in Bla) C.D 0ther
aster .umber C0. PB%A.,
aster Se<uence C0. PB%A.,
1ndorsement .umber C0. PB%A.,
Section Se<uence C0. PB%A.,
Section Detail Se<uence C0. PB%A.,
Section Detail 1ndmt .o- C0. PB%A.,
Co'era)e Se<uence C0. PB%A.,
Co'era)e 1ndorsement .o- C0. PB%A.,
.ame Code JAssuredK PBlanD
Payee .ame Code PBlanD
Product Code PBlanD
Pre@Allocation Bla) Code C0. PB%A.,
Company .ame Code Central RI Company
0ri)inal Currency Code Settlement Currency
Accountin) Currency Code Settlement Currency
Payment Surro)ate .umber "
Payment Se<uence "
!ross/RI Indicator RI
1ntry Date Current date
Transaction Date Current Date
Transaction Reference 4 P/R no-
Transaction Reference + BlanD
Settlement Reference BlanD
Transaction Description BanD Item for $$$$$$$$
Audit .umber Populated by create obAect
Acc@Base Closed Rate Call C!A!.+; : API Account@Comp Dta ST>B : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to retrie'e the
base currency and 1?chan)e rate operand for the Central Company- If Settlement currency
e<uals base currency* set both Acc@Base Closed Rate and 0ri)@Base Closed Rate to 4* and the
Closed Amount @ Base to the Total Settlement amount- If Settlement currency does not e<ual
base currency* call C!QC>"4 : API Currency Con'ers ST>B : Q Core !enius InterfacesE for
PC>RR1.T rates to calculate the base amount and output the calculated cross rate- >se this to
populate the 0ri)@Base* and Acc@Base Closed Rates- The 0ri) @Base and Acc@Base Closed 0prd
should be set to the 1?chan)e rate operand- Call - C!QC>4" : Round Amount to Ccy Defn :
Currency J.e/KE to round the base amount-
Acc@Base Closed Rate 0prd
0ri)@Base Closed Rate
0ri)@Base Closed 0prd
Closed Amount @ Base
Closed Amount @ 0ri)inal Total Settlement Amount
Closed Amount @ Accntin) Total Settlement Amount
Tot Alloc Amt @ 0ri)inal C0. P61R0
Tot Alloc Amt @ Accntin) C0. P61R0
Tot Alloc Amt @ Base C0. P61R0
Sett $/Diff @ Accountin) C0. P61R0
Sett $/Diff @ Base C0. P61R0
&rite@0ff Settle Currency C0. PB%A.,
&rt 0ff Amt @ Settled C0. P61R0
&rt 0ff Amt @ 0ri)inal C0. P61R0
Rebus iS Pa)e 9+ of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Bield Default 'alue
&rt 0ff Amt @ Accountin) C0. P61R0
&rt 0ff Amt @ Base C0. P61R0
%ast Cash 1ntry Date C0. P61R0
%ast Allocation Date C0. P61R0
Cash/7ournal Audit number C0. P61R0
In'oice Date C0.P61R0
Created by Alloc .umber C0. P61R0
.arrati'e !roup Code C0.P61R0
DD Processin) Date C0. P61R0
DD Reference .umber C0. P61R0
0SBA% Processin) Complete C.D PBlanD
Statement Print C.D PB%A.,
BanD Reconcilliation C.D >nreconciled
Double 1ntry Item Se< C0. P61R0
Stats Summry Paid >pd Sts C.D 1?clude from Sts Summary
Re'enue A/C >pdate Status C.D 1?clude from Re'enue >pd
SP Bla) "4: >ser Specific C.D .e/
Accountin) Ccy Con' Item C.D .o Transfer
0SS Stats Postin) Type C.D PB%A.,
Create a Stats Postin) Amount record as follo/s-
Bield Default 3alue
Stats %ed)er Se<uence Brom Stats Postin)
Stats Postin) Amount Se< 4
Curr 0pen Amt R 0ri) Closed Amt R 0ri) JBrom Stats Postin)K
Curr open Amt R Accntin) Closed Amt R Accnt JBrom Stats Postin)K
Curr 0pen Amt R Base Closed Amt R Base JBroms Stats Postin)K
A%% 0T21R BI1%DS B%A., or 61R0
Create A/c acti'ity detail for the Central BanD item as follo/sU-
Bield 3alue
7ournal .umber Brom 2eader
Transaction .umber 4
Detail .umber Increment
Stats %ed)er Se<uence Brom stats Aust created
BanD Branch .umber BlanD
Che<ue .umber BlanD
Amount Brom stats Aust created JAccountin) AmountK-
AcDno/led)e L BlanD
Allocate L BlanD
BanD %ed)er Bla) BanD 1ntries
Audit .o- Alloc Stats %ed 6ero
Statement/Period .br 6ero
All Bla)s BlanD
Create Statistics postin) for the Cash item
All fields should be the same as for the banD item e?cept the follo/in)
Bield Default 'alue
Account aster Se<uence Central Account for broDer
Accountin) currency code Settlement Currency
Transaction Description Cash Item for P/R no ########
CashT7ournal Type Code 7R.
Transaction Type Code B0RD
Payment Surro)ate .umber Brom P/R hdr record
Payment Se<uence Brom P/R hdr record
Closed Amount @ Base Calculate from the Total Settlement Amount P @4 as for the banD item-
Closed Amount @ 0ri)inal Total Settlement Amount P@4
Closed Amount @ Accntin) Total Settlement Amount P@4
Double 1ntry Item Se< Stats Postin) Se< from BanD Item
Create Stats Postin) Amount record for the cash item as for the banD item-
Rebus iS Pa)e 9( of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Create A/c Acti'ity Detail record for the cash item* /ith all fields the same as for the banD item
e?cept the follo/in)
Bield 3alue
BanD %ed)er Bla) %ed)er 1ntry
If no errors ha'e occurred* checD if a cross@accountin) entry is needed for the banD postin)- If the
settlement currency does not e<ual the banD currency* and the Allo/ cross accountin)L Bla) is set to
C4E* call C!AT7"( : Auto Currency Transfer : Accountin) Acti'ity 2drE to create the cross
accountin) entry* passin) in the BanD item Stats %ed)er se<uence* and the banD currency- >pdate
the banD item Stats postin) /ith CAccountin) Ccy Con' ItemE set to Cross Ccy transfer-
Binally attempt to allocate the consolidated total item in the broDers account and the cash entry in
the broDers account-
Create an allocation session- The allocation source should be set to C>serE- The allocation method
should be C0ther Jusually cust specKE The allocation should be re'ersible- Pass in the company*
Central RI Account To account master se<uence and settlement currency-
Bor the Central Account entry looD up the Auto@7ournal linD file to find the last Auto 7ournal detail
posted for this run- Retrie'e the Stats %ed)er postin) for this item-- Call CAllocate %ocal ItemE* see
section ;-45 on pa)e ;(* passin) in the allocation number and the retrie'ed Stats %ed)er postin)
se<uence- Sett Amt R Alloc should be set to the Total settlement amount- atch type should be set
to Bull and the Sett@0ri) ?@rate and Sett &@0ff fields should be set to "-
Bor the cash entry* call CAllocate %ocal ItemE* see section ;-45 on pa)e ;(* passin) in the allocation
number and the Stats led)er se<uence of the cash item Aust )enerated-- Sett Amt R Alloc should be
set to the Total settlement amount P @4- atch type should be set to Bull and the Sett@0ri) ?@rate and
Sett &@0ff fields should be set to "-
Call !AA%;4 : finalise allocation ST>B : Q Core !enius Interfaces to finalise allocation- If the
Allocation 1rror fla) passed bacD from this process is 1rror* RollbacD and call C!AA%+4 : Cancel
Allocation : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to cancel the allocation-
>pdate the Auto 7ournal Detail record for the Central BroDer item /ith the allocation number- Error $an#ling
>se the standard !Q>T+" report for this purpose- This con'erts any error messa)es and prints them
on a )eneric report- Bor an e?ample on ho/ this is used please refer to CC&IC+8 : &ID Bord-
1?tract Control : &ID Bordereau ControlE- Briefly the method is:
Send error messa)es durin) processin)--
At the end of processin) call C!Q>T+" : s)Rpt:Action : Q Core !enius InterfacesE /ith
action code CST0R1E this copies the messa)es from this pro)rams messa)e <ueue* and prints
them on the report- If any other pro)rams are called in the processin)* they must Ccopy bacD
messa)esE in order to print the messa)es in this report-
Call function C!Q>T+" : s)Rpt:Action : Q Core !enius InterfacesE /ith action code
CPRI.TE /hen all error messa)es ha'e been sent-
.ote that the Auto@7ournal process sends its o/n error messa)es* also usin) this report- Bor this
reason* a ne/ messa)e <ueue needs to be set up so that non@Auto@Aournal messa)es can be reported
on separately- "inal processing
If no errors ha'e occurred update the &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr record /ith a status of Posted Jto
!1.I>SK and Commit and unlocD the account-
Rebus iS Pa)e 99 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5413 C",(!, B#"$,",(% P/R R,2,"-(+
5.1$.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called from C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE Jsee
section ;-( on pa)e 44K /hen option 4" is taDen a)ainst a record- The user is sho/n basic details of
the &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr record* if they press 1nter the Bordereau Pay/Rec Details /ill be
duplicated to a ne/ Payment/Receipt batch /ith the amounts re'ersed-
5.1$.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Buncion Type : PTRCD
Bunction Bile : &ID Bord- Pay/Rec 2eader R Customer odel
Access Path : RT3
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Confirm Prompt : .
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Bord- Pay/Rec 2dr se<- Input
1rror 0utput
5.1$.$ Screen 7a*out
5.1!.!.1 "iel# Positions
*reate Re+er$a!

Press Enter to cre*te re-ers*"; F3 or F12 to return&
2ccount .o & & & & & ????????
(or)ere*u reference & 999999999
Sett"ement currenc5 & ??? ???????????????
Sett"ement tot*" & & 6;666;666;666;666&66C'

F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious
5.1!.!.2 Example wit$ %ata
GXXX9X Wor+ $it# (or)ere*u P*5ment/'eceipt 16/!2/!! 16!130
.5pe options; press Enter&
2:E)it Items 3:Cre*te P*5ment '<st 0:De"ete 3:Disp"*5 6:Print 7:E)it =)r
9:Post 'eceipts 1!:Crt 'e-ers*" 10:Spoo" Fi"es
?p 2uto No& 'I (ro+er/ (or)ere*u 'ef Cc5 .ot*" Sts
9 999999999 99999999 99999999 999 9
1! N 1!!!3 ('?A!!!0 1!!91 C=F 12;766&!! '
D*te 3!/!7/!1 @ser GGNMBM
Rebus iS Pa)e 9; of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Cre*te 'e-ers*"
33&!! P
Press Enter to cre*te re-ers*"; F3 or F12 to return&
2ccount .o & & & & & ('?A!!!0 3!&!! P
(or)ere*u reference & 1!!91
Sett"ement currenc5 & C=F S$iss Fr*nc 99&!! P
Sett"ement tot*" & & 12;766&!!
!!&!! P
F3:E,it F12:Pre-ious
!!&!! '
F3:E,it F3:'efres# F6:2)) F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5

5.1$., Description of =iel(s
All data fields come from the &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr record e?cept the currency description that
/ill need to be retrie'ed-
5.1$.5 )rocessin? Details
5.1!.5.1 *nitialisation
Perform the follo/in) checDs on the Bordereau Payment/Receipt header to be re'ersed-
If the re'ersible fla) on the header is not Mes* output error messa)e and return to callin)
If the Bordereau P/R Status is not PH Processed* output error messa)e and return to callin)
If this is a Payment header Jpayment surro)ate non@IeroK then looDup the 1?tract %e'el on the
payment re<uest file for that payment surro)ate- If the 1?tract %e'el is (* output error messa)e
FAuto@Payment R must be re'ersed usin) Auto@Payment Re'erse processE and return to callin)
5.1!.5.2 "unction )eys
Try to locD the account for the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr record bein) deleted /ith a call to
C !AA%"9 : Allocations %ocD P)m Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE- If the locD attempt fails*
re@display screen /ith the error messa)e sent by !AA%"9-
create a ne/ &I Bord Payment/Receipt 2dr usin) details from the passed 2eaderV set the
re'ersibleL fla) to O.O and the status to RH Ready to process- Set the Re'ersin) Bord P/R
2dr se< to the passed 2eader se<- Set Aob details to blanD* and the created date to todays
date- Also set the Auto 7ournal 2eader se<uence to "-
Read throu)h the &ID Bord Pay/Rec Detail file for the passed header in Auto Aournal detail
se< order* sDippin) past all records /ith an Auto 7ournal Detail Se< of " Juse a positioner
parameter set to 4K* accumulatin) the Settlement Amount* and on chan)e of Auto 7ournal
detail se<* create a ne/ Detail record for the Accumulated Settlement amount P @4-
Retrie'e the Stats postin) Dey for this Auto@7ournal detail se<uence by callin) C!AAA"# :
Rt' Auto7ournal %inD ST>B : Q Core !enius InterfacesE- Retrie'e the Statistics postin)
record and use the Closed Accountin) amount from this record to populate the Re'ersal A/c
amount field- Set the Pay/Rec match type to Bull- 0ther fields Je) RI Consolidation Detail
Se<uenceK should come from the first record in the )roup for this Auto 7ournal detail
Rebus iS Pa)e 9: of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
se<uence- Auto 7ournal header and detail se<uence* allocation number and Payment
surro)ate se<uence number should be set to "-
Submit Post process Aob usin) default Aob description as described in CSubmit Post to
!1.I>SE* see section ;-44-;-+ on pa)e (8-
Call !AA%"9 to unlocD the account and commit chan)es-
This process should be e?ternalised* so that it can also be used by Re'erse Bailed 1?t Detail
l'l ( &I* see section ;-+# on pa)e :4-
B(H1?it* B4+HPre'ious: >nlocD account by callin) !AA%"9* rollbacD* then use standard processin)
to return to callin) pro)ram-
5414 7ID B#"$,",(% P(0/,! P"#&,--
5.1,.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function called from Authorise payments and from Cancel payments that /ill
process &ID Bordereau payments- If the payment is not a Bordereau payment* no processin) /ill
taDe place-
5.1,.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Buncion Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : &ID Bord Pay/Rec hdr R Customer odel
Access Path : P.0.1
Commit control : S
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
)arameter Usa?e Comment
Payment Surro)ate Input
Se<uence Input
Pro)ram ode Input Authorisation or Cancel
Payment processedL 0utput Set to CMesE if payment is processed Ji-e- this is a
&ID Bord Pay/Receipt paymentK* other/ise set to
1rror code 0utput
5.1,.$ )rocessin? Details
>se the payment Surro)ate and payment se<uence Deys to looDup the &ID Bord Pay/Rec header file-
If no record is found* this is not a &ID Bord Pay/Rec payment- Set payment processedL to .o and
e?it the pro)ram-
If Pro)ram ode is Authorised* submit Post Bordereau* usin) the default Aob description from the
parameter C&IBPR70BD as done from CSubmit Post to !1.I>SE* see section ;-44-;-+* pa)e (8* but
/ithout the Commit/RollbacD processin)- Set payment processed to CMesE-
Rebus iS Pa)e 98 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
If Pro)ram ode is Cancel* retrie'e the account from the Bord Pay/Rec 2dr record* call C
!AA%"9 : Allocations %ocD P)m Stub : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to locD the account- If the locD
fails* set 1rror code to yes- If locD is successful* delete all detail records for this P/R detail record*
follo/ed by the header- Set payment processed to Mes- Call !AA%"9 a)ain to release the locD-
Rebus iS Pa)e 95 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5415 D'-.+(0 B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.! D,!('+
5.15.1 @-er-ie&
This is a ne/ &I function that /ill be called from C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/ ReceiptE Jsee
section ;-( on pa)e 44K /hen option ; is taDen a)ainst a record- The user is sho/n the full header
and item details of a Bordereau Payment/Receipt-
5.15.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&IA??
Bunction Type : DSPBI%
Bunction Bile : &ID Bord Pay/Rec Detail R Customer odel
Access Path : RT3
Commit control : .
CloseDo/n Pro)ram : .
Reclaim resources : .
5.15.$ Screen 7a*out
5.15.!.1 "iel# Positions
FPGM Disp"*5 (or)ere*u P/' Items 21/!2/!2 103!!3
(or) P*5/'ec Se<& 999999999 2/c .o ???????? .ot*"& & 9999999999999&994
(or)ere*u 'ef& 999999999 Currenc5 ??? Se"ectG) 9999999999999&994
In) W/?Gs 9999999999999&994
?-er*"" 9999999999999&994
.5pe optionsH34Disp"*5 Cm) ?ptI; press Enter&
?p 2u)it No& '/I Contr*ct Eoc*" Eoc*" (or)ere*u Sett"ement
Comp*n5 (r*nc# 2mount
999999999 999999999999999 99999999 99999999 999999999
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
99 999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 999999999 9;999;999;999;999&994
Minor P*rt ???????? 'is+ ??????????????? C"*im ???????????????
F3:E,it F3:'efres# F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5
5.15.!.2 Example wit$ #ata
FPGM Disp"*5 (or)ere*u P/' Items 21/!2/!2 103!!3
(or) P*5/'ec Se<& 266 (ro+er G@CC!!!3 .ot*"& & 11!!!&!!
(or)er*u 'ef& Currenc5 @SD Se"ectG) 9269&!!4
In) W/?Gs 9&!!
?-er*"" 163!&!!
Rebus iS Pa)e 9# of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
.5pe options; press Enter&
Cm) ?pt
?p 2u)it No& '/I Contr*ct Eoc*" Eoc*" (or)ere*u Sett"ement
Comp*n5 (r*nc# 2mount
999999999 999999999999999 99999999 99999999 999999999
99 97121 9!!901 !31 96 96 323 9;269&!!4

F3:E,it F3:'efres# F11:Fo")/@nfo") F12:Pre-ious F13:En<uir5
5.15., Description of fiel(s
See details in C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE* section ;-:-9 on pa)e ++- The
Calculate Totals function should be called in Display mode-
5.15.5 )rocessin? Details Su&'ile 0ptions
OCmd 0ptOand C; HDisplayE: See details in C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE* section
;-:-;-:* pa)e +9- "unction -eys
OB(H1?it* B4+HPre'iousO: use standard processin) to return to callin) pro)ram-
OB;HRefreshO: Reload subfile from database-
OB44HBold/>nfoldO: See details in C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE* section ;-:-;-8*
pa)e +;-
OB4;H1n<uiryO: Call O1nter 1n<uiry System- @ Command 0ptionO to allo/ the user to call the
!1.I>S 1n<uiry system- Set the parameter Cmd 0pt Default Type to a ne/ condition of C.D-
&ID Dsp- Bord P/R Dtl- This /ill need to be set up a)ainst the field OCmd 0pt Default TypeO as a
ne/ 'alue- An after pro)ram for &I only should then create a ne/ record on the default
command option file- See details in C&orD /ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt ItemsE* section
;-:-;-:* pa)e +9 for details on populatin) other parameters-
5416 B#"$,",(% P(0/R,&4 A%$'! R,.#"!
5.16.1 @-er-ie&
A ne/ audit report is re<uired to list the payment/receipt items for a Bordereau Payment/Receipt- This
report must also sho/ the results of the allocation- The users can then use this report to manually allocate
any failed transactions-
Rebus iS Pa)e ;" of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.16.2 Report 7a*out "iel# positions
?????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? (?'DE'E2@ 2@DI. 'EP?'. @SE'ID DD/MM/CC ==MMSS P*%e FP2G

(or)ere*u No 999999999 2/c .o ???????? Currenc5 ??? ???????????????????? St*tus ??????????
2u)it No& '/I Contr*ct Eoc*" Co& Eoc*" (r*nc# Sett"ement 2mount 2""oc*tion Sts
999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ????????? 9;999;999;999;999&99 ???????????????
999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ????????? 9;999;999;999;999&99 ???????????????
999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ????????? 9;999;999;999;999&99 ???????????????
999999999 ??????????????? ???????? ????????? 9;999;999;999;999&99 ???????????????
?-er*"" 9;999;999;999;999&99
Rebus iS Pa)e ;4 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.16.$ Description of fiel(s
Bields are taDen from the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr and Detail records-
5.16., )rocessin? Details
Create a PRTBI% o'er the Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr file- Pass the C Bordereau
Payment/Receipt 2dr se<-O and RST on this 'alue-
Create a PRT0B7 o'er the CBordereau Pay/Rec DetailE file- Pass the Bordereau Payment/Receipt
2dr Se<uence to this PRT0B7 and RST on this 'alue- %ist the Bordereau P/R Details as sho/n on
the report layout- The allocation status must be deri'ed by retrie'in) the appropriate OAuto
7ournal DetailO record Jfrom the Dey on the Bordereau Pay/Rec Detail recordK* callin) C!AAA"# :
Rt' Auto7ournal %inD ST>B : Q Core !enius InterfacesE /ith this to )et the Statistics postin)
Dey* and looDin) up this record to )et the allocation status Jthis should only be done for a
Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2dr of status OProcessedOK- Insert this PRT0B7 into the PRTBI% after
detail line processin)-
5417 A++#&(!, B#"$ P/R >#%"(+-
5.1/.1 @-er-ie&
This is a &ID@specific allocation pro)ram to allocate the Aournals created by the Bordereau
Payment/Receipt run- It /ill be called by the auto@Aournal process* after the Aournals ha'e been
created* once for each statistics postin) created by the auto Aournal process-
5.1/.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&I%??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : Statistics postin)@ Core
Access Path : PRT3
Commit control : S
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
As for C&I%"4
5.1/.$ Template
C&I%"4 : Auto 7rnl Alloc @ In'oice : Statistics Postin) may be used as a template for this
5.1/., )rocessin? Details
>se the passed Statistics postin) number to retrie'e the Auto 7ournal Dey by callin) Crt'
linD/detail fields @ Auto 7ournal Detail %inDE- Also looD up the Statistics postin) and retrie'e the
Account aster* Company and Accountin) currency- %ooDup the Auto 7ournal 2eader record and
store the accountin) currency R this is the settlement currency-
Then use the Auto 7ournal 2eader/Detail se<uence to read throu)h the Pay/Rec Detail records for
that Auto 7ournal Se<uence- If there are no Pay/Rec Detail records* return a Record match error-
Rebus iS Pa)e ;+ of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Bor each Pay/Rec Detail record found* checD the Statistics postin) record- If the statistics postin)
record is not Complete* Acti'e and either >nallocated or Partially Allocated* return a Record
match error- 0ther/ise accumulate the CSett Alloc AmountE from the &ID Bord- Pay/Rec Detail
If the abo'e process returns a Record atch error* set the Allocation Status Bla) parameter to .o
atch other/ise set the Allocation Status Bla) to atch and process the allocation as follo/s:@
Create an allocation session- The allocation source should be set to C>serE- The allocation
method should be C0ther Jusually cust specKE The allocation should be re'ersible- Pass in the
company* account master and accountin) currency from the item /e are dealin) /ith-
Bor each Pay/Rec detail record for the Auto7ournal se<uence* call CAllocate %ocal ItemE* see
section ;-45 on pa)e;(* passin) in the allocation number- The other parameters should come
from the &ID Bord Pay/Rec detail record-
Bor the Stats %ed)er se<uence this pro)ram has been called for Jthe item created by the Auto
7ournalK*- call CAllocate %ocal ItemE* see section ;-45 on pa)e;(* passin) in the allocation
number- Sett Amt R Alloc should be set to the accumulated Settlement Allocation amount JP@
4Kfrom earlier- atch type should be set to Bull and the 0ri) to Sett rate and 0perand and Sett
&@0ff fields should be set to "-
541< A++#&(!, L#&(+ I!,/4
5.11.1 @-er-ie&
This is a &ID@specific pro)ram /hich calculates the amounts for each currency used in the
allocation process and allocates the records-
5.11.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&I%??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : Statistics postin)@ Core
Access Path : Pnone
Commit control : S
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
Sett Amt R Alloc I
Sett Amt R &@0ff I
Settlement Currency I
0ri)inal to
Settlement Rate
0ri)inal to
Settlement 0perand
Pay/Rec atch type I Bull /ith /rite@off/ Bull/Partial
Stats %ed)er
Allocation number I
1rror 0 Pass bacD error if any of the allocation updates fail
Some of this processin) is also in the RT30B7 CAllocate Item @ Partial @ Statistics Postin)E in the
core model-
5.11.$ )rocessin? Details
Rebus iS Pa)e ;( of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
%ooDup the Stats %ed)er postin) record to )et the Company .ame code* the currencies and Cur
0pen Amt fields- This Company /ill be used /hen performin) e?chan)e rate calculations-
Call C!A!.+; : API Account@Comp Dta ST>B : Q Core !enius InterfacesE to retrie'e the base
currency and 1?chan)e rate operand for the local Company-
If the match type is Bull* or Partial* but the /rite@off is not "* output error messa)e and donOt
perform allocation-
If match type is Bull /ith &rite@off but the /rite off is "* output error messa)e and donOt perform
Compare the settlement currency Jpassed inK /ith the ori)inal* base* accountin) currencies* in
If the settlement currency matches any of these currencies* and the match type is Bull* or Bull
/ith &/off* then the JSettlement Amount W &rite/0ffK must e<ual the e<ui'alent amount on the
latest Stats Postin) Amount record Jie* if settlement matches ori)inal currency* then Sett amount
W &/0ff amount must e<ual the Current 0pen Amount@0ri)inal-K
If any of these errors occur* an error messa)e should be produced- 0ther/ise process the
allocation as follo/s:
If the match type is Bull* process as follo/s:
If /rite@off amount is not@Iero* issue an error messa)e and e?it-
Call C >PD for BA Selection $ @ Statistics Postin)E for the Statistics Postin)* /ith
Select/Deselect set to selectin) and the &rite 0ff amounts set to "-
Call CBulD Allocations @ >pdate @ Statistics Postin) AmountE /ith the Cur 0pen Amt @
Settlmnt and the Alloc amount R Settlement set to the passed in Sett Amt@ Alloc* and the
other Alloc amounts set to the correspondin) Cur 0pen Amt fields on the Statistics Postin)
If the match type is Partial* process as follo/s:@
If the settlement currency is e<ual to the ori)inal* accountin) or base currency* set the Cur
0pen Amt @ Settlmnt to the correspondin) cur open amount other/ise calculate it from the Cur
0pen Amt @ 0ri)inal by callin) C!QC>"4 : API Currency Con'ers ST>B : Q Core !enius
InterfacesE /ith Ccy Con'ersion Action Cde set to CCon' amt@o'erride al/aysEand /ith the
0'erridin) cross rate set to 0ri)inal to Settlement rate parameter- Call C!QC>4" : Round
Amount to Ccy Defn : Currency J.e/KE to round the settlement amount-
Set the Alloc amount R Settlement to the Sett Amt Alloc amount-
If the settlement currency is the same as the ori)inal currency* set the Alloc amount R ori)inal
to the Settlement Allocated amount- 0ther/ise call C!QC>"4 : API Currency Con'ers ST>B
: Q Core !enius InterfacesE /ith Ccy Con'ersion Action Cde set to CCon' amt@o'erride
al/aysE* the 0'erridin) cross rate set to 0ri)inal to Settlement rate parameter and 0'erridin)
cross <ual- set to CTar)et to SourceE- Call C!QC>4" : Round Amount to Ccy Defn : Currency
J.e/KE to round the ori)inal amount-
Then if Accountin) currency e<uals 0ri)inal currency or Settlement currency* set Alloc
amount R accountin) to Alloc amount R 0ri)inal* or Settlement Allocated amount- 0ther/ise
calculate the Alloc amount @ accountin) from Alloc amount @ 0ri)inal usin) the current rates
of e?chan)e by callin) C!QC>"4 : API Currency Con'ers ST>B : Q Core !enius InterfacesE-
Set the o'erridin) rate fields to "* the rate table to PC>RR1.T and CCcy Con'ersion Action
CdeE to CCon' amt@no o'errideEK- Call C!QC>4" : Round Amount to Ccy Defn : Currency
J.e/KE to round the Accountin) amount-
If base currency e<uals ori)inal or accountin) or settlement currency* set Alloc amount @ Base
to the appropriate Alloc amount* other/ise calculate the Alloc amount @ base from Alloc
Rebus iS Pa)e ;9 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
amount @ accountin)* also usin) C!QC>"4 : API Currency Con'ers ST>B : Q Core !enius
InterfacesE and C!QC>4" : Round Amount to Ccy Defn : Currency J.e/KE-
Call C >PD for BA Selection $ @ Statistics Postin)E for the Statistics Postin)* /ith
Select/Deselect set to selectin) and the &rite 0ff amounts set to "-
Call CBulD Allocations @ >pdate @ Statistics Postin) AmountE usin) the calculated amounts-
If the match type is Bull /ith &rite@0ff* process as follo/s:@
Birst calculate the Cur open amt @settlement and allocated amounts as for Partial- Then
subtract the allocated amounts from the correspondin) open amounts to calculate the 0ri)inal*
accountin) and base &rite off amounts-
Call C >PD for BA Selection $ @ Statistics Postin)E for the Statistics Postin)* /ith
Select/Deselect set to selectin) and the &rite 0ff amounts set to the calculated &rite@0ff
amounts for 0ri)inal* Accountin) and Base* and to the Settlement &rite@0ff parameter for
Call CBulD Allocations @ >pdate @ Statistics Postin) AmountE usin) the calculated Alloc
Rebus iS Pa)e ;; of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5419 A++#&(!, B#"$ P/R ",2,"-(+ >#%"(+-
5.12.1 @-er-ie&
This is a &ID@specific allocation pro)ram to allocate the Aournals created by the Bordereau
Payment/Receipt run durin) a re'ersal of a prior run- It is called at the end of the Auto@Aournals
process for each Statistics postin) created by the Auto Aournal process-
5.12.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&I%??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : Statistics postin)@ Core
Access Path : PRT3
Commit control : S
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
As for C&I%"4
5.12.$ Template
C&I%"4 : Auto 7rnl Alloc @ In'oice : Statistics Postin) may be used as a template for this
5.12., )rocessin? Details
The purpose of the allocation pro)ram is to match the Statistics postin)s created by the Re'ersal
process /ith the Statistics postin)s created by the ori)inal process* /hich should be de@allocated
by this sta)e- The Auto@Aournal Detail linD file is used to retrie'e the ori)inal postin)s* to match
them a)ainst the ne/ postin)s-
>se the passed Statistics postin) number to retrie'e the Auto 7ournal Dey by callin) Crt'
linD/detail fields @ Auto 7ournal Detail %inDE- >se the Auto 7ournal Dey to find the Pay/Rec
header and detail record from the Pay/Rec detail file-
Bind the Pay/Rec header this Pay/Rec header is re'ersin)- >sin) the Auto 7ournal 2eader from
this record* and the Auto@Aournal detail number retrie'ed for the current record* looD up the Auto
7ournal Detail %inD file to find the Statistics postin) number of the record /e need to allocate
If this record is found* and is unallocated* and the accountin) amount is e<ual and opposite to the
accountin) amount of the passed Statistics postin)* /e ha'e a match-
Create an allocation session- The allocation source should be set to C>serE- The allocation
method should be C0ther Jusually cust specKE The allocation should be re'ersible- Pass in the
company* account master and accountin) currency from the item /e are dealin) /ith-
%ooDup the Auto 7ournal 2eader record and store the accountin) currency R this is the settlement
Bor the passed Statistics postin) number* call CAllocate %ocal ItemE* see section ;-45 on pa)e ;(*
passin) in the allocation number- Sett Amt R Alloc should be set to the amount on the P/R detail
record- atch type should be set to Bull and the 0ri) to Sett rate and Sett &@0ff fields should be
set to "-
Bor the matched Statistics postin) number* call CAllocate %ocal ItemE* see section ;-45 on pa)e
;(* as abo'e* but /ith the matched Statistics postin) number* and the Sett Amt R Alloc multiplied
by R4-
Rebus iS Pa)e ;: of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
542= R,2,"-, B"#)," C(-: (++#&(!'#
5.2#.1 @-er-ie&
This is a &ID@specific pro)ram to re'erse the allocation for the BroDer item* and clear the banD and
cash item for the BroDer item- It is called from CPost BordereauE* see CRe'ersal processE section
;-4+-+-(on pa)e (5-
5.2#.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : C&I%??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : Allocation session@ Core
Access Path : PRT3
Commit control : S
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
Allocation .umber I
Re'ersed Allocation
Re'erse Alloc 1?it
Reason Code >SR
JIf .oK
5.2#.$ Template
C!AA%+( : Re'erse Alloc @ CT% : Allocation SessionE may be used as a template for this
5.2#., )rocessin? Details
Retrie'e re'ersed allocation from the Allocation Session record for the passed Allocation number-
Also checD that the allocation has been successfully re'ersed- If it has* the cash and banD item
needs to be cleared-
Process as for !AA%+(* ho/e'erA a ne/ RT30B7 needs to be created frominstead of CPRC
Allocation Re'ersal @ Statistics Postin) AmountE* this RT30B7 needs to be amended to cope
/ith &ID Bordereau Cash/BanD items-
Chan)e RT30B7 as follo/s:
In the se<uence C---Con'ert Currency if re<uiredE* an assumption is made that the cash item
must be for a payment re<uest* and this payment re<uest is searched for the banD account code-
Bor our purposes this is not true* so instead of the RT30B7s CRt' Payment Re<uest @ Statistics
Postin)E and CRt' Payment Re<uest @ Payment Re<uestE* obtain the banD account instead by
retrie'in) the account master se<uence from this Statistics postin) record and callin) CRt'
BanD Acct %inD by A/c@ BanD Account %inDE- Then use the banD account as is done in CPRC
Allocation Re'ersal R Statistics Postin) AmountE
Rebus iS Pa)e ;8 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5421 GABK11 ? P"#&,-- A%!# @"+ R% ? A%!# @#%"(+ ;,($,"
5.21.1 @-er-ie&
This needs to be amended so that if an allocation pro)ram has been specified* that pro)ram /ill
be called re)ardless of /hether the item is for an indi'idual master record or not- In addition* it
needs to be chan)ed for 0ffset Create le'el of Batch* so that if the accumulated amount to be
offset is "* an offset /ill not be created-
5.21.2 )rocessin? Details
In the RT30B7 CProcess Auto 7rn Detail @ Auto 7ournal DetailE* in the section C%e'el BreaD
Processin)E* chan)e the Case statement creatin) offsets to only create an offset if 0ffset Create
%e'el is Batch A.D the Accountin) and base amounts accumulated for the offset are non@Iero-
Also add this chan)e to the 1?it user point-
In the RT30B7 CAuto Alloc for Auto7ournl R Statistics Postin)E* chan)e the C---record needs to be
allocatedE CAS1 statement to remo'e the conditions that aster number and master se<uence are
both entered- &here the Allocation pro)ram parameter is blanD* only call the standard allocation
pro)ram if the aster number and aster se<uence ha'e both been entered-
5422 GAAP1= ? A%!# P(0/,!- @#5 CTL ? P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.22.1 @-er-ie&
Auto payments are currently used to e?tract details of authorised payments to be paid
automatically from the payment re<uest file* create an appropriate e?tract file for these payments
to send to the rele'ant banD for processin)* and then create the Cash and BanD item in the !enius
led)ers- In our case* because of the Accountin) re<uirements of $%&I* the Cash and BanD items
are created for Bordereau Payments /hen the payment is authorised- 2o/e'er /e /ill still need
to create the e?tract file for sendin) to the banD-
This /ill be achie'ed by modifyin) Auto Payments so that it has a ne/ 1?tract %e'el* Three- If
Auto@Payments is called for 1?tract %e'el (* these payments /ill )et e?tracted and details sent to
the banD* ho/e'er led)er items /ill not )et created-
This pro)ram needs to be modified to call a ne/ pro)ram if the 1?tract %e'el is (-
5.22.2 )rocessin? Details
In the section C1?tract Payment Re<uests by %e'elE* add a ne/ condition- If 1?tract %e'el is (*
call ne/ process !AAP?? : Auto Payments 7ob @ l'l ( : Payment Re<uestC&IA+" : Build
BanD 1?tract BATC2 : 1?traction Detail* see ;-+9* pa)e ;#
In the section CCreate BanD 1?tractE* pass in the 1?tract 2dr Se< for le'el ( into !AAP44-
5423 GAAP11 ? A%!# P(0/,!- @#5 A P! 2 A P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.2$.1 @-er-ie&
This C% calls a customer specific pro)ram to create e?traction details to send to the banD- The
pro)ram is specified on the parameter !!.B.,$P!- The pro)ram is currently called /ith
the 1?traction 2eader Se<uence for 1?tract %e'el +- It also needs to be able to retrie'e 1?traction
2eader Se<uence for 1?tract %e'el (- Rather than chan)in) the parameters to this pro)ram* a
ne/ array pro)ram should be created to store the 1?traction 2eader Se<uence for 1?tract %e'el (-
The $%&I 'ersion of the !!.B.,$P! pro)ram /ill be chan)ed to looD up this ne/ array to
retrie'e the 1?tract %e'el ( 2eader Se<uence* for further processin)-
Rebus iS Pa)e ;5 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.2$.2 )rocessin? Details
Add a ne/ input parameter to this pro)ram for 1?tract 2dr Se< @ %e'el (-
Before the call to the passed pro)ram* call a ne/ Array pro)ram to store 1?tract 2dr Se< @ %e'el
(- JThe pro)ram should not be shut do/nK-
5424 C7IA2= ? B%'+$ B() EB!"(&! BATC; ? EB!"(&!'# D,!('+
5.2,.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram is called from !AAP44 : Auto Payments 7ob @ Pt + @ Payment Re<uest to build the
banD e?tract file- Currently it only builds details for 1?tract %e'el +* /e need it to also build
details for e?tract le'el (-
5.2,.2 )rocessin? Details
Before CProcess 1?traction DetailE* retrie'e the 1?tract %e'el ( 2eader Se<uence from the stored
Chan)e the Case statement on Process 1?traction Detail so that processin) taDes place if either
1?tract %e'el + 2eader se<uence Jpassed in as a parameterK or 1?tract %e'el ( 2eader se<uence
Jfrom arrayK is non@Iero-
Condition the call to CBuild BanD 1?tract JDtlsK @ 1?traction DetailE* on 1?tract %e'el + 2eader
se<uence bein) non@Iero- After this call* if 1?tract %e'el ( 2eader se<uence is non@Iero* call it
a)ain* passin) in the 1?tract :%e'el ( 2eader se<uence* and the /orD fields passed out from the
first call-
5425 GAAP14 ? 77 A%!#P(0/ EB!"(&! ;$"- ? EB!"(&!'# ;,($,"
5.25.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram allo/s the re@e?traction of BanD details from a )i'en 1?traction 2eader- 2o/e'er*
since an Auto@Payment run may ha'e been for both 1?tract %e'el + and 1?tract %e'el (* the
e?traction of banD details cannot be permitted as potentially any 1?traction 2eader may only be
part of the BanD e?traction* the other part bein) for a different 1?tract %e'el- This is because a
separate 1?traction 2eader is created for each 1?tract %e'el in an AutoPayments run* but only
one file is created for the banD-
5.25.2 )rocessin? Details
Comment out processin) for option 8- Instead issue a messa)e sayin) this option has been
temporarily remo'ed-
&here !AAP44 is called* populate the ne/ parameter added earlier-
5426 GAAPBB ? A%!# P(0/,!- @#5 A +2+ 3 ? P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.26.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram needs to create the banD e?tract details only* but does not need to create banD led)er
items- It is called from !AAP4" : Auto Payments 7ob CT% : Payment Re<uest* see section
;-++* pa)e ;5-
Rebus iS Pa)e ;# of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.26.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : !AAP??
As for !AAP"( Auto Payments 7ob @ Pt 4@ Payment Re<uest
5.26.$ Template
C!AAP"( : Auto Payments 7ob @ Pt 4 : Payment Re<uestE may be used as a template for this
5.26., )rocessin? Details
Create RT30B7 liDe Process Auto Payments @ &orD @ Automatic Payments- It should do the
0n chan)e of banD account* /rite total for last banD account* and create header for ne/ banD
account as done in Process Auto Payments
Processin) to create cash and banD items* and allocations is not re<uired-
>se the payment re<uest Dey to find the cash item already created for this payment by
searchin) throu)h the Statistics postin) file for an item /ith this payment re<uest number- If
the allocation status for the item is not Bully Allocated* this is the banD item so try for
another Statistics postin) record- If no Bully Allocated Statistics postin) record is found for
the payment re<uest* then the Cash/BanD item has not been created correctly- 0utput an
error messa)e and do not process this payment re<uest further-
If an item is found /hich is fully allocated* find the latest allocation number for this item
from the Statistics Postin) Amount file- Populate the 1?traction Reference field /ith the
allocation number-
>pdate payment re<uest Payment Status field to Processed-
Create e?traction detail record and /rite detail line to report as done in Process Auto
After all records processed* chan)e 1?traction 2eader and status* and print out totals for
final banD account-
5427 GAAP=6 ? R,2,"-, F('+,$ EB!"(&!- ? EB!"(&!'# ;,($,"
5.2/.1 @-er-ie&
The re'erse process needs to be different for 1?tract %e'el (- Bor our purposes* this means
callin) our ne/ Re'erse Payment/Receipt processin) R ho/e'er this is a customer defined
process- Therefore if the e?tract le'el is (* this pro)ram needs to call a pro)ram to re'erse those
allocations- An $%&I 'ersion of this pro)ram /ill call the appropriate Re'erse processin) for
Bordereau Payment/Receipts-
5.2/.2 )rocessin? Details
In Re'erse failed 1?t Detail @ 1?traction Detail RT30B7* if the 1?tract Transaction sts is
Bailed 3alidation* use the payment surro)ate Dey Jheld in 1?tract Amount 4 fieldK to checD
the e?tract le'el- If this is (* call ne/ pro)ram* other/ise process as normal-
Rebus iS Pa)e :" of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
542< R,2,"-, F('+,$ EB! D,!('+ +2+ 3
5.21.1 @-er-ie&
This is a core pro)ram* /hich is called by CRe'erse failed 1?t Detail @ 1?traction DetailE- Since
for 1?tract le'el ( auto@payments no cash and banD items /ere created* /e do not need to de@
allocate any items- 2o/e'er* /e need to set the e?traction detail record to cancelled-
5.21.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : !AAP??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : 1?traction Detail @ Core
Access Path : Pnone
Commit control : S
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
1?traction Detail
5.21.$ )rocessin? Details
Call CChan)e 1?traction Detail @ 1?traction DetailE settin) 1?tract Transaction Sts to Cancelled-
Commit the chan)es-
5429 R,2,"-, F('+,$ EB! D,!('+ +2+ 3 7I
5.22.1 @-er-ie&
This is a &I 'ersion of a core pro)ram* /hich is called by CRe'erse failed 1?t Detail @ 1?traction
DetailE- If the payment re<uest is a Bordereau Payment/Receipt* it creates a Re'ersal for that
Bordereau Payment/Receipt and calls the CSubmit Post to !1.I>SE* see section ;-44-;-+ on pa)e
(8 to post that re'ersal- In addition it updates the e?traction detail-
5.22.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : !AAP??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : 1?traction Detail @ Core
Access Path : Pnone
Commit control : S
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
1?traction Detail
5.22.$ )rocessin? Details
Retrie'e the payment re<uest surro)ate from the 1?traction Amount 4 field- >se this to search
the &ID P/R header records- If a P/R header is found for this payment re<uest* /hich has not
Rebus iS Pa)e :4 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
been re'ersed perform the same processin) as CCreate Bordereau P/R Re'ersalE* see section ;-4(*
pa)e 9; e?cludin) the screen handlin) functionality-
Call CChan)e 1?traction Detail @ 1?traction DetailE settin) 1?tract Transaction Sts to Cancelled-
Commit chan)es
543= GKCQ31 ? A$$ A%!:#"'-(!'# E!"0 ? P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.$#.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram calls different document re<uest points dependin) on the payment source- &e need
to add a ne/ condition for our ne/ payment source- This /ill call an empty function* indi'idual
customers /ill ha'e different 'ersions of this pro)ram* /ith customer@defined document re<uest
5.$#.2 )rocessin? Details
In the case statement C!enerate Documents for all Document Re<uest PointsE* add a condition* so
that if the Payment Source is Customer Defined* the pro)ram CAuth 1ntry Cust DocR<stE* see
section ;-(4* pa)e :+* is called-
5431 A%!: E!"0 C%-! D#&R3-!
5.$1.1 @-er-ie&
This is a core stub* /hich is called by C!,CN(4 : Add Authorisation 1ntry : Payment
Re<uestE- .o processin) taDes place-
5.$1.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : !,CN??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : Payment Re<uest @ Core
Access Path : Pnone
Commit control : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
As for !,CN(; I
5.$1.$ )rocessin? Details
.o processin)-
5432 A%!: E!"0 C%-! D#&R3-! 7I
5.$2.1 @-er-ie&
This is an $%&I 'ersion of the core pro)ram Auth 1ntry Cust DocR<stE* /hich is called by
C!,CN(4 : Add Authorisation 1ntry : Payment Re<uestE- Bor &I* the standard A/c document
re<uest pro)ram /ill be called-
5.$2.2 )rocessin? Details
Call C!,CN(; : !enerate A/C Docs A4; : Account asterE
Rebus iS Pa)e :+ of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5433 G, P(0/,! :$" 5+#&)
5.$$.1 @-er-ie&
This is a core pro)ram* /hich is called by a number of che<ue pro)rams* to build the correct
headin) blocD* dependin) on the payment source-
5.$$.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : !,CN??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : Payment Re<uest @ Core
Access Path : Pnone
Commit control : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
All fields on Payment
Re<uest RT3 Access path
Command line 85 char @ 4 0
Command line 85 char @ + 0
Command line 85 char @ ( 0
5.$$.$ )rocessin? Details
!et the payment source from the passed in payment re<uest- Dependin) on the payment source*
build the three Command line 85 char parameters as is currently done in !,CN4( : Cancel
Payment : Payment Re<uest- If the payment source is Customer Defined* call the ne/ function
C!en Cust Def hdr blocDE* see section ;-(5 on pa)e :;- After the call* set the parameter fields
CCommand line 85 char @ 4E* CCommand line 85 char @ +E* and CCommand line 85 char @ (E to
2eadin) blocD 4* + and (* respecti'ely-
5434 GKCQ13 ? C(&,+ P(0/,! ? P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.$,.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram builds a different headin) blocD for display* dependin) on the payment source- It
needs to be chan)ed to e?ternalise the build of the headin) blocD-
5.$,.2 )rocessin? Details
In the user point C%oad detail screen from DBB recordE* replace the three Case statements
buildin) the header dependin) on the 'alue of the payment source /ith a call to the ne/ function
C!en Payment hdr blocDE see section ;-(( on pa)e :(-
5435 GKCQ54 ? D'-.+(0 A%!: E!"',- ? C+('/ A%!: E!"',-
5.$5.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram builds a different headin) blocD for display* dependin) on the payment source- It
needs to be chan)ed to e?ternalise the build of the headin) blocD-
Rebus iS Pa)e :( of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
5.$5.2 )rocessin? Details
In the user point C>S1R: InitialiIe subfile controlE* replace the three Case statements buildin) the
header dependin) on the 'alue of the payment source /ith a call to the ne/ function C!en
Payment hdr blocDE see section ;-(( on pa)e :(-
5436 GKCQ52 ? D'-.+(0 P(0/,! ? P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.$6.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram builds a different headin) blocD for display* dependin) on the payment source- It
needs to be chan)ed to e?ternalise this process-
5.$6.2 )rocessin? Details
In the user point CInitialiIe detail screen Je?istin) recordKE* replace the three Case statements
buildin) the header dependin) on the 'alue of the payment source /ith a call to the ne/ function
C!en Payment hdr blocDE see section ;-(( on pa)e :(-
5437 GKCQ527I ? D'-.+(0 P(0/,! ? P(0/,! R,3%,-!
5.$/.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram builds a different headin) blocD for display* dependin) on the payment source- It
needs to be chan)ed to e?ternalise this process-
5.$/.2 )rocessin? Details
In the user point CInitialiIe detail screen Je?istin) recordKE* replace the three Case statements
buildin) the header dependin) on the 'alue of the payment source /ith a call to the ne/ function
C!en Payment hdr blocDE see section ;-(( on pa)e :(-
Rebus iS Pa)e :9 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
543< G, C%-! D,1 :$" 5+#&)
5.$1.1 @-er-ie&
This is a core stub* /hich is called by the ne/ pro)ram C!en Payment hdr blocDE* see section ;-((
on pa)e :( to build the headin) blocDs for the payment source Customer Defined- This core
'ersion of the pro)ram does nothin)-
5.$1.2 Definition
0bAect .ame : !,CN??
Bunction Type : 1$C1$TB>.
Bunction Bile : Payment Re<uest @ Core
Access Path : Pnone
Commit control : .
Reclaim resources : .
CopybacD essa)es : M
Close do/n pro)ram : .
Parameter >sa)e Comment
All fields on
Payment Re<uest
RT3 Access path
2eadin) BlocD 4 0
2eadin) BlocD + 0
2eadin) BlocD ( 0
5.$1.$ )rocessin? Details
.o processin)-
5439 G, C%-! D,1 :$" 5+#&) 7I
5.$2.1 @-er-ie&
This is an $%&I 'ersion of the core pro)ram C!en Cust Def hdr blocDE* /hich is called from a
number of che<ue pro)rams to build the header blocD for payment source Customer Defined- Bor
&I* the header blocDs /ill be built as for a payment source of Accountin)-
5.$2.2 )rocessin? Details
Copy the build of the headin) blocDs from C!,CN4( : Cancel Payment : Payment Re<uestE for
Payment Source H Accountin)- >se Input parameter fields instead of DT% fields- Set 2eadin)
BlocD ( to blanDs-
544= GAALBB ? R,2,"-, A++#& A A@ M#$, ? A++#&(!'# S,--'#
5.,#.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram needs to checD to see if the passed allocation number is part of an Auto 7ournal
Run- If this is the case the Allocation ethod 0'eride /ill be set dependent on the parameter
5.,#.2 )rocessin? Details
Set the Allocation ethod 0'erride parameter to F>se DefaultG-
Rebus iS Pa)e :; of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
Search the Auto 7ournal %inD file usin) the passed allocation number- If a record is found* looD
up the Auto 7ournal run type on the Auto 7ournal 2eader- If found use the 'alue on the
parameter* other/ise use F>se DefaultG-
Call >ser hooD* passin) in the Auto 7ournal 2eader number* the allocation number and the
Allocation ethod 0'erride-
5441 GAAL23 ? R,2,"-, A++#& A CTL ? A++#&(!'# S,--'#
5.,1.1 @-er-ie&
This pro)ram needs to finalise re'ersal allocations interacti'ely for Bordereau Payment/Receipt
re'ersals- A ne/ pro)ram /hich /ill define the Allocation ethod 0'erride /ill be called* and
the 'alue passed in /hen the Re'ersal Allocation is finalised-
5.,1.2 )rocessin? Details
Immediately before callin) C!AA%;4 : Binalise Allocation Sessn : Allocation SessionE call the
ne/ pro)ram C!AA%?? : Re'erse Alloc @ A7 ode : Allocation SessionE passin) in the
allocation number to be re'ersed- >se the Allocation thd 0'erride passed out to populate the
Allocation thd 0'erride parameter /hen callin) C!AA%;4 : Binalise Allocation Sessn :
Allocation SessionE-
5442 GAU;CC ? R,2,"-, A++#& A@ M#$, U;GNS ? A++#&(!'# S,--'#
5.,2.1 @-er-ie&
This is a user hooD called from C!AA%?? : Re'erse Alloc @ A7 ode : Allocation SessionE .o
processin) taDes place in the core 'ersion-
5.,2.2 )rocessin? Details
5443 GAU;CC7I ? R,2,"-, A++#& A@ M#$, U;7I ? A++#&(!'# S,--'#
5.,$.1 @-er-ie&
This is an $%&I 'ersion of a user hooD called from C!AA%?? : Re'erse Alloc @ A7 ode :
Allocation SessionE It checDs to see if the current allocation number has been used by the &I
Bord Pay/Rec post Jallocation for a )roup of " recordsK
5.,$.2 )rocessin? Details
Search the &ID Bord Pay/Rec Detail file usin) the passed allocation number- If a record is
found* set the Allocation thd 0'erride parameter to FBorce Interacti'eG* other/ise do nothin)-
Rebus iS Pa)e :: of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
6 P,," T,-! P+(
641 77 B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.!-
ChecD ne/ menu option correctly calls ne/ &orD &ith Bordereau Payment/Receipt screen-
ChecD screen displayed correctly-
ChecD each subfile option and function Dey /orDs as e?pected-
ChecD en<uiry access /orDs correctly-
ChecD Commit/RollbacD /orDs correctly for each option-
642 E$'! B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.! :,($,"
ChecD ne/ Bordereau Payment/Receipt 2eaders can be created-
ChecD 'alidation of fields on screen-
ChecD that correct fields are protected in edit mode
ChecD that control automatically mo'es on to && Bordereau Pay/Rec items in add mode-
ChecD that account locDin) is performed correctly-
ChecD that Bord Pay/Rec 2dr record is /ritten/updated correctly-
ChecD that status is updated correctly if amount chan)es-
643 77 B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.! '!,/-
ChecD account is locDed before pro)ressin)-
ChecD that inapplicable &ID Consolidation items are e?cluded- ChecD that items found to
be unapplicable Je) manual allocationK are updated on RI Consolidated Detail so that they
are not redisplayed- ChecD that item de@selection messa)e appears if appropriate- ChecD
that items relatin) to Bordereau /hich are not yet complete are not displayed-
ChecD only items matchin) selection criteria are displayed for selection-
ChecD calculation of totals and Settlement amount are correct-
ChecD that all function Deys and subfile options function as e?pected-
ChecD en<uiry access is /orDin) correctly-
ChecD that &ID Bord Pay/Rec detail records are /ritten/updated correctly-
644 E$'! B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.! '!,/
ChecD option not allo/ed for Fe?chan)e /rite@offG items
ChecD screen is displayed correctly
ChecD full Payment fla) set correctly
ChecD /rite@off amount calculated correctly
ChecD &ID Bord Pay/Rec detail record /ritten/updated correctly-
645 D,+,!, B#"$,",(% P(0/,!/R,&,'.!
ChecD account is locDed before pro)ressin)-
Rebus iS Pa)e :8 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
ChecD function is only allo/ed /here appropriate
ChecD delete /orDs correctly* and Bord Pay/Rec 2eader and Detail files are updated correctly-
646 C",(!, P(0/,! R,3%,-!
ChecD account is locDed before pro)ressin)-
ChecD function is only allo/ed /here appropriate
ChecD 1nter Payment Re<uest screen called correctly and details correctly updated to Bord
Pay/Rec 2dr record-
ChecD payment re<uest can be authorised in standard !enius payment re<uest screens and
appropriate Aob is submitted to process &ID Bord Pay/Rec details- JThis testin) has to be
carried out in conAunction /ith the other modifications for this re<uirement* as hi)hli)hted in
section 4* CIntroduction/BacD)roundE-K
647 S%5/'! P#-! !# G,'%-
ChecD function is only allo/ed /here appropriate-
ChecD correct Aob is submitted and &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr details )et updated accordin)ly-
ChecD failed Aobs are handled correctly
64< P#-! B#"$,",(%
ChecD account is locDed before pro)ressin)-
ChecD that no manually allocated items e?ist for this Bordereau P/R run-
ChecD that correct Aournals are created* and correct allocations performed dependin) on Post
type JRe'ersal/.on@re'ersalK- ChecD that )roups of records for same balancin)
le'el/accountin) currency are accumulated correctly* and allocated correctly-
Bor re'ersals ensure that pre'ious allocations are ne)ated correctly- ChecD that accountin)
amount for re'ersal record matches amount on record it is re'ersin)-
Bor non@re'ersals* ensure that banD and cash items are created correctly* /ith cross currency
checDin) /here appropriate-
ChecD that errors are reported on correctly
649 D'-.+(0 B#"$,",(% P/R '!,/-
ChecD screen is displayed as e?pected-
ChecD totals are correct-
ChecD en<uiry access /orDs correctly-
641= B#"$,",(% P(0/R,& A%$'! ",.#"!
ChecD report layout is correct-
ChecD allocation statuses are correct-
6411 C",(!, B#"$,",(% R,2,"-(+
ChecD account is locDed before pro)ressin)-
ChecD function is only allo/ed /here appropriate-
ChecD correct Aob is submitted and &ID Bord Pay/Rec 2dr details )et updated accordin)ly-
Rebus iS Pa)e :5 of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
6412 7ID B#"$,",(% P(0/,! P"#&,--
ChecD that &ID Bordereau Payment re<uests )et posted correctly /hen the payment re<uest
is authorised-
ChecD that &ID Bordereau Payment/Receipt records )et deleted correctly /hen the payment
re<uest is cancelled-
6413 P(0/,! R,3%,-! S&",,-
ChecD that screens sho/ correct headin) data for payment source CCustomer DefinedE /hile
in &ID en'ironment-
ChecD that headin)s do not )et set up for payment source CCustomer DefinedE /hile in !.S
ChecD that screens display normally for all other payment sources* re)ardless of
6414 A%!# @#%"(+-
ChecD that if the 0ffset Create %e'el is CBatchE that 0ffsets only )et created if the Aournal
doesnEt balance Jaccumulated offset total is not IeroK-
ChecD that allocation /ill taDe place /hether or not Aournal is for a specified master* if the
allocation pro)ram has been specified in the %oad 7ournal process-
6415 A%!# P(0/,!-
ChecD that if the 1?tract %e'el is (* the ne/ Auto@Payments e?tract process /orDs correctly-
ChecD that Re'ersin) Bailed e?tracts* /here the 1?tract %e'el is (* results in Re'ersin) the
Bordereau Payment/Receipt for &I- In other en'ironments* Re'ersin) failed e?tracts for
1?tract %e'el ( Aust causes the 1?traction detail record to be set to Cancelled-
Rebus iS Pa)e :# of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt Technical Specification
7 C#-!'*
C@5=!RM0T!@5 @= EST!M0TE
Central RI Bordereau Payment/Receipt
Re<uirements Specification
Technical Specification
==Trps9#(=))n=!.S=C>S=&ID=Re<=94""94 Central RI
Cost to Date9 B2$C1##
Estimate( Cost to Complete9 B1#C,12
Total Estimate( Cost9 B1#,C212
Estimate Basis9 Time&or%e(
The estimate can be broDen do/n* appro?imately* as follo/s: Desi)n +;XV Pro)rammin) ("XV
Testin) +;XV ana)ement 4"X* 0ther 4"X- It is 'alid for (" days only* from the last re'ision date-
Customer Authorisation:
Rebus iS Pa)e 8" of 8"
Ref-: /'ar/////apps/con'ersion/tmp/scratch_+/+9":+;:9#-doc

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