A Lgor Design Check

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ALGOR Design Check Feature-limited version

ALGOR DesignCheck finite element analysis (FEA) software enables Alibre Design Professional
users to verify their single part designs with a first-pass analysis. This tool enables engineers to
virtually test the behavior of product designs, speed up time to market and make better, safer
products at a lower cost.

DesignCheck is available directly from the Alibre Design Professional menu as an add-on and
includes an easy-to-use interface for finite element modeling, results evaluation and presentation.
The DesignCheck interface features multiple view windows, a tree view of the model and
associated data and Windows-native data input screens with real-time data checking for
reasonable input.

ALGOR DesignCheck (Feature-limited) includes the following features for an unlimited period of

Analysis Capabilities

! Static stress with linear material models


! Direct CAD/CAE data exchange with Alibre Design for single parts


! Automatic 3-D solid hybrid meshing (bricks on the model surface and tetrahedra inside)
with a built-in aspect ratio check
! Intelligent, automatic, feature-based mesh refinement tools and point-and-click definition
of areas where a finer mesh is desired

Element Library

! 3-D brick element

Material Models

! Linear elastic isotropic

Loading and Constraints

! Surface forces
! Surface constraints

Solver Options

! Symmetric sparse
! Parallel processing for multiple processors

Results Evaluation

! Integrated environment for model visualization and results evaluation
! 3-D dynamic viewing options and rich colors provided by OpenGL-based displays
! Material and result rendering for model and analysis visualization
! Cross-sectional viewing options
! Dynamic clipping planes for slicing models
! Multiple methods for selecting elements in order to hide areas of the model
! Result contours of:
! von Mises stress
! Automatic display of units in the results legend
! Uses TrueType fonts for legend and annotations
! Dynamic controls for positioning the results legend, annotations and background images
! Pre-defined and user-defined color palettes for result contours
! Slider to dynamically control the scale and display of the displaced model
! Slider for controlling the display of elements based on a lower or upper result limit
! Point-and-click result inquiry options
! Inquire mode enables results from selected objects or load and constraint data to be
displayed and available for copy and paste operations to other applications
! Result text listing
! Support for exporting results to common Windows applications
! Capability to save all settings for a specific presentation and view that same display at
any time or use those settings with a different model

Results Presentation

! VRML utility to generate 3-D, web-based models
! Output result contours as BMP, JPG, TIF, PNG, PCX and TGA formats
! Built-in animation creation and display tools
! Report Wizard and environment for automatic generation and display of professional text
or HTML reports

User Interface

! Windows-native interface with tree views, multiple views and docking toolbars
! Right-click application, modification and deletion of surface forces, surface constraints
and FEA properties
! Shortcut keyboard and mouse controls for dynamic viewing options
! Built-in data checking for reasonable input
! Load and constraint set capabilities for managing different design scenarios
! Drag and drop of loads and constraints
! Material Library Manager includes a common material library and provides the capability
to import, create and manage customized libraries
! Right-click, context-sensitive help
! Support for standard and custom unit systems
! Data management utility for archiving models


! Stand-alone installation
! Built-in script and macro tools

Service and Education

! Integrated HTML Users' Guide with robust search and index capabilities
! Technical support and software updates
! Regular e-mail newsletter
! "Getting Started" demo to guide first-time users

ALGOR DesignCheck Time-limited version

ALGOR DesignCheck finite element analysis (FEA) software enables Alibre Design Professional
users to verify their designs with a first-pass analysis. This tool enables engineers to virtually test
the behavior of product designs, speed up time to market and make better, safer products at a
lower cost.

DesignCheck is available directly from the Alibre Design Professional menu as an add-on and
includes an easy-to-use interface for finite element modeling, results evaluation and presentation.
The DesignCheck interface features multiple view windows, a tree view of the model and
associated data and Windows-native data input screens with real-time data checking for
reasonable input.

ALGOR DesignCheck (Time-limited) includes the following features for a period of 90 days from
the time of installation:

Analysis Capabilities

! Static stress with linear material models
! Multiple-body contact and interaction
! Hertzian contact
! Thermal stress
! Sub-modeling
! Weight, center of gravity and mass moment of inertia


! Direct CAD/CAE data exchange with Alibre Design for single parts and assemblies
! Joint Creation Utility for automatically creating pin and ball joints based on either two
specified endpoints or a mid-point
! Provides direct access to AISC section property data for use with beam elements
! Capability to combine all element types available for a given analysis type in a single


! Automatic 3-D solid brick (eight- or 20-node), tetrahedral (four- or 10-node) or hybrid
meshing (bricks on the model surface and tetrahedra inside) with a built-in aspect ratio
! Intelligent, automatic, feature-based mesh refinement tools and point-and-click definition
of areas where a finer mesh is desired
! Automatic mesh matching between parts of an assembly
! One-step assembly meshing

Element Library

! 3-D truss element
! 3-D beam element
! 3-D brick element
! 3-D tetrahedral element
! Gap element
! Cable element

Material Models

! Linear elastic isotropic
! Linear elastic orthotropic
! Linear temperature-dependent isotropic
! Linear temperature-dependent orthotropic

Loading and Constraints

! Static friction
! Forces
! Surface forces
! Moments
! Temperatures
! Prescribed displacements
! Prescribed rotations
! Pressures
! Tractions
! Hydrostatic pressures
! Gravitational forces
! Centrifugal forces
! Global and off-axis constraints
! Variable-stiffness off-axis constraints

Solver Options

! Symmetric sparse
! Skyline
! Iterative
! Banded
! Parallel processing for multiple processors

Results Evaluation

! Integrated environment for model visualization and results evaluation
! 3-D dynamic viewing options and rich colors provided by OpenGL-based displays
! Material and result rendering for model and analysis visualization
! Cross-sectional viewing options
! Dynamic clipping planes for slicing models
! Multiple methods for selecting parts or elements in order to hide areas of the model
! Result contours of:
! Displacement
! Stress
! Strain
! Reaction force
! Capability to simultaneously view varying result types through multiple view windows
! Shear and bending moment diagrams for beam elements
! Text output of weight, volume, center of gravity, mass moment of inertia and products of
! Precision contouring for accuracy assessment
! Stress linearization utility for use with a linear static stress analysis on thin-walled
! Capability to combine the results of multiple linear static stress analyses
! Automatic display of units in the results legend
! Uses TrueType fonts for legend and annotations
! Dynamic controls for positioning the results legend, annotations and background images
! Pre-defined and user-defined color palettes for result contours
! Slider to dynamically control the scale and display of the displaced model
! Slider for controlling the display of elements based on a lower or upper result limit
! Mixed display capability to show results for specified parts and part color for other parts
! Point-and-click result inquiry options
! Inquire mode enables results from selected objects or load and constraint data to be
displayed and available for copy and paste operations to other applications
! Result text listing
! Support for exporting results to common Windows applications
! Capability to save all settings for a specific presentation and view that same display at
any time or use those settings with a different model

Results Presentation

! VRML utility to generate 3-D, web-based models
! Output result contours as BMP, JPG, TIF, PNG, PCX and TGA formats
! Built-in animation creation and display tools
! Report Wizard and environment for automatic generation and display of professional text
or HTML reports

User Interface

! Windows-native interface with tree views, multiple views and docking toolbars
! Right-click application, modification and deletion of loads, constraints and FEA properties
! Shortcut keyboard and mouse controls for dynamic viewing options
! Built-in data checking for reasonable input
! Load and constraint set capabilities for managing different design scenarios
! Drag and drop of loads and constraints
! Material Library Manager includes a common material library and provides the capability
to import, create and manage customized libraries
! Provides full search capabilities to find and apply standard section property data
! Right-click, context-sensitive help
! Support for standard and custom unit systems
! Data management utility for archiving models


! Stand-alone installation
! Built-in script and macro tools

Service and Education

! Integrated HTML Users' Guide with robust search and index capabilities
! Technical support and software updates
! Regular e-mail newsletter
! "Getting Started" demo to guide first-time users

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