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(Book Report by Sela Whatley)

Your Body
Who are you
The First Time
Oral, Vaginal, Anal
Birth control
This chapter goes over all the cracks and
crevasses of your body.
Vaginas are for girls
Peniss are for boys

My penis is small
will girls still want to
sleep with me?
Depends on the girl, just
get comfortable with
your body and rock what
you got.
Sexual orientation- describes who you are sexually attracted
Transgender people are trapped in the wrong sex body!
Drag kings and queens are straight 87% of the time.
Asexual- Have no sexual attraction to anyone
Bisexual- Attracted to both genders
Q: My dad was straight but
now he is gay.. Wutt?
A: He may be bisexual and that is
Where? Privately
When? Whenever your feeling it
Why? Because (valid reason)
How? However you want.
There are many ways to masturbate including vibrators,
fingers, dildos, etc.
Orgasm- Better than a sneeze. Release of tension literally
(If you ejaculate anything like gold coins or html code seek
medical attention immediately)
Q: Do I
masturbate too
Decide the time is right to give it up, invalid
reasons are: all my friends lost it, it will
complete my life, I want attention.
Know the risks.
Dont be a sack racer!
Will it hurt? It might
Communication is key

Q: I am a girl, will I
orgasm the first time?
Probs not.
Good preparation for sex.
Kissing, groping, touching, rubbing all count
as foreplay.
Along with fingering, hand jobs, anal play,
stimulating erogenous points, and getting
Basically anything that your partner does to
you that turns you on.

If I want to make it to
third base on a first
date does it help to
bring a baseball bat?
Vaginal sex- many positions, be gentle boys,
Lesbian vaginal sex- uses sex toys, manual
sex or scissors (no protection for scissoring
so be extra sure your partner is safe)
Anal- Riskiest way to have sex, dont put
anything anywhere else after.
Oral sex- eating out, and blow jobs.
Be careful and no teeth

Why anal sex?
There is an erogenous
zone that feels really
Safe sex is no sex.
Practice safe sex with-
CONDOMS- make sure they fit and dont slip off.
Herpes, AIDS/HIV, HPV, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Scabies,
Chlamydia, Thrichomonasis, Pubic Lice. Wear a condom.
Get tested every six months.

Contraception- Male condom, Female condom,
Diaphragm, Spermicide, The ring, Pill, Patch, Depo-
Provera, Hormonal IUD, Copper IUD. Pick one.
Non-recommended birth control- Rhythm
method, and withdrawal.
Pregnant? Adoption, Abortion, Raising the baby.
Q: Can we use plastic
wrap instead of a
Fetishes vary from high heels to noses.
Sexual fantasies can be played out during sex.
BDSM is the definition of kinky, bring out the
leather. (stands for bondage and discipline ,
dominance and submission.)(can include pain)
Still wear condoms.
Porn is healthy as long as you dont over use it.

Q: What is watersports?
It is peeing on your partner
before or after sex.
Talking about sex can help avoid major issues with
Talk and keep talking
Talk to your partner, friends, and even parents.
Getting info from your doctor or parent is highly
Get comfortable with the sex talk

My parents are rude and
my grandparents are cool,
should I have a baby to
make my parents cool?

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