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Canadian Experience in the Collection of Transmission

and Distribution Component Unavailability Data

Roy Billinton, Fellow, IEEE
Chairman, Canadian Electricity Association
Consultative Committee on Outage Statistics
Abstract-- Equipment and system performance data are
usually collected for two basic reasons. The first, and
possibly the most obvious reason, is to assess past
performance. The second reason is to provide the required
information to estimate future performance. Consistent
collection of data is essential as it forms the input to
relevant reliability models, techniques and equations.
Consistent data are required to continuously monitor the
performance of an electric power system and to measure
its ability to provide reliable service to its customers. Many
utilities have established comprehensive procedures for
assessin the performance of their systems. !n Canada,
these procedures have been formulated throuh the
Canadian Electricity "ssociation #CE"$.
The CE" is an orani%ation for exchanin information
on technical, mar&etin and manaement problems of
mutual interest to its members. !n '()*, CE" adopted a
proposal to create a facility for centrali%ed collection,
processin and reportin of reliability and outae statistics
for electric eneration, transmission and distribution
equipment. The outae statistics made available throuh
this collection and analysis process provide the requisite
data to evaluate the reliability of eneration, transmission
and distribution systems. This paper briefly illustrates the
philosophies adopted by Canadian utilities in the collection
of component and system outae data. !t also presents a
summary of the transmission and distribution component
unavailability data in the CE" database.
Index Term- Transmission and distribution facilities,
failure rates, unavailability
ANADIAN electric utilities have al!ays "een concerned
!ith the need to #rovide a high level o$ continuity and
%uality o$ su##ly to their customers. This concern mani$ests
itsel$ in the #lanning, design and the o#eration o$ their systems
and the &udicial selection o$ a##ro#riate e%ui#ment. This can
"e achieved "y %uantitatively assessing the relia"ility o$ the
#o!er system. Any attem#t to o"tain %uantitative relia"ility
indices invaria"ly leads to an e'amination o$ data availa"ility
and re%uirements to su##ort such studies. In conce#tual terms,
data can "e collected $or one or "oth o$ t!o reasons(
assessment o$ #ast #er$ormance and)or #rediction o$ $uture
system #er$ormance.
In order to #er$orm #redictive studies, it is essential to
trans$orm #ast e%ui#ment e'#erience into re%uired $uture
system #redictions. Consistent collection o$ data is essential
as it $orms the in#ut to relevant relia"ility models, techni%ues
and e%uations. Consistent data are re%uired to continuously
monitor the #er$ormance o$ an electric #o!er system and to
measure its a"ility to #rovide relia"le service to its customers.
These re%uirements e'ist in "oth regulated and un*regulated
utility environments. E%ui#ment and system "enchmar+ing
cannot "e #er$ormed in the a"sence o$ consistent data
collected under com#rehensive and agreed de$initions and
,any utilities have esta"lished com#rehensive #rocedures
$or assessing the #er$ormance o$ their systems. In Canada,
these #rocedures have "een $ormulated through the Canadian
Electricity Association -CEA.. The CEA is an organi/ation $or
e'changing in$ormation on technical, mar+eting and
management #ro"lems o$ mutual interest to its mem"ers. In
0123, CEA ado#ted a #ro#osal to create a $acility $or
centrali/ed collection, #rocessing and re#orting o$ relia"ility
and outage statistics $or electrical generation, transmission and
distri"ution e%ui#ment. The outage statistics made availa"le
through this collection and analysis #rocess #rovide the
re%uisite data to evaluate the relia"ility o$ generation,
transmission and distri"ution systems. This #a#er "rie$ly
illustrates the #hiloso#hies ado#ted "y Canadian utilities in the
collection o$ generation, transmission and distri"ution
e%ui#ment data. The CEA has also develo#ed a series o$
#rotocols $or monitoring the #ast #er$ormance o$ the "ul+
electricity system and the overall system. This #a#er "rie$ly
descri"es these re#orting #rocedures. The #rimary $ocus o$ the
#a#er is, ho!ever, on the transmission and distri"ution
segments o$ the E%ui#ment Relia"ility In$ormation System
All the ma&or electric #o!er utilities in Canada #artici#ate in
a single data collection and analysis system called the
E%ui#ment Relia"ility In$ormation System -ERIS.. CEA
started collecting data on generation e%ui#ment in 0122 and on
transmission outages in 0129 and since then has #u"lished a
num"er o$ re#orts in "oth areas. The third stage, dealing !ith
distri"ution e%ui#ment, !as com#leted in 011:. There has,
ho!ever, "een relatively little #rogress on collecting
com#onent outage data. The "asic com#onents in ERIS are
illustrated in 8ig. 0.
E%ui#ment Status
Re#orting System
E%ui#ment Outage
Re#orting System
Outage Re#orting
8ig. 0. E%ui#ment Relia"ility In$ormation System Com#onents
A. Generation Equipment Reporting System
The o"&ective o$ this re#orting system is the identi$ication o$
the states o$ a generating unit over the 92<= hours o$ a year.
This re#orting #rocedure #rovides a continuous record o$ the
o#erating and outage history o$ each generating unit. A
detailed descri#tion o$ the #rocedures used can "e $ound in a
CEA Re#ort >0?. The data"ase contains over 93= generating
units and over 2=== com#onents. 8uel ty#e, si/e,
manu$acturer, age and design in$ormation are availa"le $or all
hydraulic, thermal, com"ustion tur"ine, diesel and nuclear
units. Every change in state o$ the unit is monitored and thus a
!ealth o$ statistics can "e #roduced. Some o$ the ma&or
statistics #u"lished are(
8ailure Rate
,aintenance Outage 8actor
5lanned Outage 8actor
Num"er o$ Outages -8orced, De*ratings, etc.
8orced Outage Rate and tili/ation 8orced Outage
Inca#a"ility 8actor
Derating Ad&usted 8orced Outage Rate
Derating Ad&usted tili/ation 8orced Outage 5ro"a"ility
The to# causes o$ outages are also identi$ied together !ith
the to# ten #er$ormers in each unit category. The Generation
Equipment Status Report >0? containing a !ide range o$
generating unit statistics, in addition to the a"ove in$ormation,
is #u"lished annually.
B. Transmission Equipment Reporting System
This system >@? deals !ith nine ma&or com#onents o$
transmission e%ui#ment( lines, ca"les, circuit "rea+ers,
trans$ormers, shunt reactor "an+s, shunt ca#acitor "an+s,
series ca#acitor "an+s, synchronous and static com#ensators.
The data"ase contains design in$ormation $or all com#onents
as !ell as details on all $orced outages that occurred $or each
#artici#ating utility. The $ollo!ing statistics are availa"le $or
each com#onent and $or each voltage classi$ication(
Num"er o$ Outages
Total Outage Time
,ean Duration
The a"ove statistics are also availa"le $or each su"*
com#onent -such as "uses, surge arresters, !indings,
conductors, etc. o$ the ma&or com#onent, as !ell as $or
#rimary causes, $ailure modes, interru#ting mediums,
su##orting structures and tan+ arrangements. The annual
Forced Outage er!ormance o! Transmission Equipment
Report >@? contains detailed in$ormation. Some o$ the
availa"le data are descri"ed in more detail later in this #a#er.
". #istri$ution Equipment Reporting System
This system deals !ith seven ma&or com#onents o$
distri"ution e%ui#ment( lines, ca"les, #o!er and distri"ution
trans$ormers, s!itching devices, regulators and ca#acitors.
The data"ase !ill contain design in$ormation $or all
com#onents together !ith details on all $orced outages. This
data !ill "e collected $or each #artici#ating utility. The
$ollo!ing statistics !ill "e determined $or each com#onent
and $or each voltage classi$ication(
Num"er o$ Outages
Total Outage Time
,ean Duration
The a"ove statistics can "e com#iled $or some @A su"*
com#onents o$ the ma&or com#onent as !ell as "y #rimary
cause, $ailure mode, interru#ting medium, su##orting structure
and tan+ arrangement. The #rotocols and so$t!are $or this
system have "een develo#ed "ut there a##ears to "e relatively
little interest in Canadian distri"ution utilities to collect
detailed com#onent outage data at this time.
In addition to the e%ui#ment relia"ility in$ormation system,
CEA has also initiated an Electric 5o!er System Relia"ility
Assessment -E5SRA. #rocedure that is designed to #rovide
data on the #ast #er$ormance o$ the system. At the #resent
time, this #rocedure contains systems $or com#iling
in$ormation on "ul+ system distur"ances, "ul+ system delivery
#oint #er$ormance and customer service continuity statistics.
The "asic structure o$ E5SRA is sho!n in 8ig. @.
Signi$icant 5o!er
Interru#tions on
Delivery 5oint
5er$ormance on
8ig. @. Electric 5o!er System Relia"ility Assessment Com#onents
The Bul+ Electricity System -BES. #arameters #rovide
valua"le data $or the relia"ility assessment o$ com#osite
generation and transmission systems. The service continuity
statistics collected at the distri"ution system level #rovide
overall system indices at the customer load #oint. The
$ollo!ing is a "rie$ descri#tion o$ the salient $eatures o$ the
E5SRA com#onents.
A. Ser%ice "ontinuity
This system >:? deals !ith customer interru#tions, their
duration and their causes and #rovides in$ormation on ho!
!ell over 00 million Canadian and 02 million international
customers are "eing served and ho! ma&or areas o$ the system
have #er$ormed. The #er$ormance indicators SAIDI, SAI8I,
CAIDI and the Inde' o$ Relia"ility $or Canada and $or
individual utilities are #u"lished. Also included are the ma&or
causes o$ interru#tion to the system and to the customers. In
0119, momentary interru#tions !ere added to the system and
the length o$ distri"ution circuits !as s#lit into overhead and
underground #ortions. The in$ormation derived $rom this
system is an e'cellent "enchmar+ing tool that can "e used to
determine the %uality and #er$ormance o$ utility service $rom
the customerCs #ers#ective.
The annual re#ort dealing !ith these systems is the Service
Continuity Re#ort on Distri"ution System 5er$ormance in
Electrical tilities >:?.
B. BES #eli%ery oint and Signi!icant ower Interruption
The o"&ective o$ the Delivery 5oint System is to determine
the #er$ormance o$ the inter$ace "et!een the Bul+ Electricity
System -BES. and the Distri"ution net!or+. Data is collected
on momentary and sustained interru#tions that occur on each
delivery #oint. These interru#tions are also categori/ed into
system versus customer load ty#es. The #er$ormance
indicators SAI8I, SAIDI, SARI and D5I are #u"lished "y
voltage class and $or single as !ell as multi*circuit delivery
#oints >A?.
The Signi$icant 5o!er Interru#tion #ortion o$ the system
loo+s at the ma&or interru#tions that occur on the system. The
data"ase contains the severity and $re%uency o$ such
interru#tions. Again distinction is made "et!een BES
distur"ances and local interru#tions. The si/e o$ the utility is
included in the analysis. The analysis $or "oth Delivery 5oint
and Signi$icant 5o!er interru#tions is contained in the annual
re#ort titled Bul+ Electricity System D Delivery 5oint and
Signi$icant 5o!er Interru#tions >A? and covers a $ive*year
interval as !ell as the one*year re#orting #eriod.
A. #e!initions
Transmission Equipment& All e%ui#ment !ith an o#erating
voltage o$ <= +E and a"ove and includes those elements
associated !ith transmission systems such as synchronous and
static com#ensators and also shunt reactors and ca#acitors on
the tertiaries o$ trans$ormers o$ <= +E and a"ove.
'a(or "omponent& A unit o$ Transmission E%ui#ment,
including all the associated au'iliaries that ma+e it a
$unctional entity !ithin a #o!er system.
Su$component& The constituent com#onents o$ a ,a&or
Com#onent and includes those e'ternal elements !hich are
associated !ith it.
A Terminal& A transmission line end or ca"le end !hich is
e%ui##ed !ith #rimary #rotection.
A )nit o! Transmission Equipment& A three*#hase installation
!hether this installation is made u# o$ one three*#hase
element or three single*#hase elements.
rimary "ause& The reason to !hich one can attri"ute the
outage or mal$unction o$ a ,a&or Com#onent.
"omponent Forced Outage& The automatic or emergency
removal o$ a ,a&or Com#onent directly caused "y de$ective
e%ui#ment, adverse !eather, adverse environment, system
condition, human element or $oreign inter$erence. Recording
is not done $or the case o$ healthy ,a&or Com#onents !hich
are removed $rom service as a result o$ cascading system
events or as a result o$ the outage -or mal$unction. o$ some
other ,a&or Com#onent and recording is not done $or manual
removal o$ a com#onent $rom service !here that removal may
"e delayed more than thirty minutes to allo! load trans$er or
other o#erations.
"ommon 'ode Outage& An event !here more than one
com#onent $orced outage results $rom a single #rimary cause
and !here the outages are not conse%uences o$ each other.
Failure 'ode& A descri#tion o$ the ty#e o$ $ault -or
mal$unction. !hich the system sustains as a result o$ a
Com#onent 8orced Outage.
Sustained Forced Outage& A transmission line related $orced
outage the duration o$ !hich is one minute or more. It does,
there$ore, not include automatic reclosure events.
Transient Forced Outage& A transmission line $orced outage
the duration o$ !hich is less than one minute and is, there$ore,
recorded as /ero. It covers only automatic reclosure events.
Replacement Time& The ela#sed time re%uired to re#lace the
,a&or Com#onents $rom stoc+ or other location in the
Forced )na%aila$le Time& The ela#sed time re%uired to restore
the ,a&or Com#onent to service or to re#air it in the case
!here it has "een re#laced. All events have a 8orced
navaila"le Time o$ minimum one minute !ith the e'ce#tion
o$ Automatic Reclosures on Transmission 6ines !hich are
re#orted as F/eroG $orced unavaila"le time.
B. In%entory
Ta"le 0 #rovides a summary o$ the inventory at Decem"er
:0, @==0 "y voltage classi$ication "ased on data su##lied "y
the contri"utors.
Ta"le 0. Inventory o$ transmission E%ui#ment as o$ Decem"er :0, @==0

Transmission lines Trans$ormer
Brea+ers 6ength -+m. Terminals
# to 0=1 +E 00,39< A2< <@0 *
00= D 0A1 +E A3,0A2 @,03< @,022 :,<11
03= D 011 +E @,@2= 0<3 0A< A@A
@== D @11 +E :9,9:: 0,02< 0,@@3 @,=@A
:== D :11 +E 1,001 @29 :2A 92<
3== D 311 +E 0=,=1= 0:: @@9 :=<
<== D 211 +E 0=,2<3 0<: 3A< <<=
Ca"les Com#ensators
6ength -+m. Terminals Synchronous Static..
# to 0=1 +E 0< 2 :0 0A
00= D 0A1 +E A:= 090 * 0
03= D 011 +E * * * *
@== D @11 +E 0A0 :@ * *
:== D :11 +E 0@ @= * *
3== D 311 +E 0:2 A * *
Shunt Reactor
Shunt Ca#acitor
Series Ca#acitor
# to 0=1 +E 2= :39 0
00= D 0A1 +E 0= @0< *
03= D 011 +E 0 0 *
@== D @11 +E @2 3= *
:== D :11 +E :A @@ A
3== D 311 +E 00A * 02
<== D 211 +E A99 3 09
The $ollo!ing a""reviations are used in the ta"le headings
in Ta"les @ D 02.
EC D Eoltage classi$ication in +E
H7 D Hilometer years in +m.a
C7 D Com#onent years
T7 D Terminal years -a.
NO D Num"er o$ outages
TT D Total time in hours
8H D 8re%uency in 0== +m.a
8O D 8re%uency in occurrences)year
,D D ,ean duration in hours
D navaila"ility in I
a* Transmission +ine er!ormance
The transmission line #er$ormance statistics are given on a
#er 0== +ilometer*year "asis $or line*related outages and on a
#er terminal*year "asis $or terminal*related outages. Ta"les @,
: and A summari/e the more detailed listings in >@? $or line*
related and terminal*related $orced outages.
Ta"le @. Summary o$ Transmission 6ine Statistics $or 6ine*Related Sustained
8orced Outages
# to 0=1 31,A2@ 0,202 @=,0A9 @.9920 00.2 =.:9<
00= * 0A1 @@9,<A< @,390 9=,3@0 0.0@99 :0.@ =.A=@
03= * 011 00,:3< 2A A,12A =.<30< <2.@ =.3==
@== * @11 011,3== 9=1 0<,909 =.A=33 @=.9 =.=1<
:== * :11 A<,<31 91 3,3A2 =.01=2 <@.: =.0:<
3== * 311 30,3A3 001 920 =.@:=1 2.: =.=01
<== * 211 3:,391 0@= 01,=<@ =.@@:1 039.1 =.A=<
Ta"le :. Summary o$ Transmission 6ine Statistics $or 6ine*Related Transient
8orced Outages
# to 0=1 31,A2@ 0,<33 @.29@9
00= * 0A1 @@9,<A< @,A19 0.=1@3
03= * 011 00,:3< A@ =.:<19
@== * @11 011,3== 0,009 =.3<=A
:== * :11 A<,<31 AA =.=1A:
3== * 311 30,3A3 30: =.113@
<== * 211 3:,391 2: =.0:<@
Ta"le A. Summary o$ Transmission 6ine Statistics $or Terminal*Related
8orced Outages
# to 0=1 @,1=A.= 3A@ @=,@10 =.09<< :2.A =.=9=
00= D 0A1 0=,2<A.= 0,:<= <,=93 =.0@<: A.3 =.==<
03= D 011 9@1.= 02 @3@ =.=@=3 0A.9 =.==:
@== D @11 <,=0<.3 19= 03,22< =.0<@1 0<.0 =.=:=
:== D :11 0,:9:.= <: 9=1 =.=A3< 0@.9 =.==2
3== D 311 2A:.3 0AA 0,<@1 =.01:2 00.: =.=@3
<== D 211 9=2.= 0AA @,::< =.029A 0<.@ =.=::
$* Trans!ormer Ban, er!ormance
Trans$ormer Ban+ #er$ormance statistics are sho!n "y
voltage classi$ication and three*#hase rating. The voltage
classi$ication re$ers to the system o#erating voltage at the
high*voltage*side o$ the trans$ormer. The three*#hase rating is
the ,EA rating !ith all cooling e%ui#ment in o#eration.
Ta"les 3, < and 2 summari/e the more detailed listings in >@?.
Ta"le 3. Summary o$ Trans$ormer Ban+ Statistics "y Eoltage Classi$ication
$or 8orced Outages Involving Integral Su"com#onents
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
# to 0=1 :,=:9.3 02@ 2A,9:= =.=3<< A:3.0
00= * 0A1 1,00A.3 339 0A=,:@3 =.=<0@ @30.3
03= * 011 <0@.= 10 A1,=== =.0A92 3:9.3
@== * @11 <,=AA.3 :0A 9=,913 =.=301 @32.<
:== * :11 0,<<1.3 0:A @@,<29 =.=9=: 0<1.@
3== * 311 0,=9A.= :@ 0=,=A9 =.=@13 :0A.=
<== * 211 @,:<A.= 2@ 09,09: =.=:=3 @3@.3
Ta"le <. Summary o$ Trans$ormer Ban+ Statistics "y Eoltage Classi$ication
$or 8orced Outages Involving Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
# to 0=1 :,=:9.3 @=1 @1,=:< =.=<99 0:9.1
00= * 0A1 1,00A.3 1@: 00:,A19 =.0=0: 0@:.=
03= * 011 <0@.= 2< A:,9@A =.0@A@ 32<.<
@== * @11 <,=AA.3 A9= @<,:=9 =.=21A 3A.9
:== * :11 0,<<1.3 21 0:,:<= =.=A2: 0<1.0
3== * 311 0,=9A.= :9 0,@:@ =.=:30 :@.A
<== * 211 @,:<A.= 21 3,@03 =.=::A <<.=
Ta"le 2. Summary o$ Trans$ormer Ban+ Statistics "y Eoltage Classi$ication
$or 8orced Outages Involving Integral Su"com#onents and Terminal
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
# to 0=1 :,=:9.3 :90 0=:,9<< =.0@3A @2@.<0
00= * 0A1 1,00A.3 0A90 @3:,9@: =.0<@3 020.:1
03= * 011 <0@.= 0<2 1@,9@A =.@2@1 333.9:
@== * @11 <,=AA.3 21A 0=2,@=: =.0:0A 0:3.=@
:== * :11 0,<<1.3 @0: :<,=:9 =.0@2< 0<1.01
3== * 311 0,=9A.= 2= 00,@9= =.=<A< 0<0.0A
<== * 211 @,:<A.= 030 @:,:19 =.=<:1 03A.13
c* "ircuit Brea,er er!ormance
Circuit Brea+ers are grou#ed "y interru#ting medium !ithin
each voltage classi$ication. A summary o$ the listings in >@? is
given in Ta"les 9, 1 and 0=.
Ta"le 9. Summary o$ Circuit Brea+er Statistics "y Eoltage Classi$ication
$or 8orced Outages Involving Integral Su"com#onents
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
00= * 0A1 09,@:=.3 90A 01:,9=@ =.=AA2 @:9.0
03= * 011 @,=29.3 31 0=,<AA =.=@9A 09=.A
@== * @11 0=,99:.3 33@ 00:,393 =.=3=2 @=3.9
:== * :11 A,03A.3 :@2 :2,120 =.=292 00<.0
3== * 311 0,2AA.= 12 03,:91 =.=33< 039.2
<== * 211 :,02A.3 :00 9<,<@2 =.=19= @29.3
Ta"le 1. Summary o$ Circuit Brea+er Statistics "y Eoltage Classi$ication
$or 8orced Outages Involving Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
00= * 0A1 09,@:=.3 9A@ 2:,11@ =.=A<@ 92.1
03= * 011 @,=29.3 @2 00,1@3 =.=0:= AA0.2
@== * @11 0=,99:.3 2<2 A3,:91 =.=2=3 31.@
:== * :11 A,03A.3 099 00,<33 =.=A3: <@.=
3== * 311 0,2AA.= 0<@ <,2== =.=1@1 A0.A
<== * 211 :,02A.3 @A= :9,0=< =.=23< 039.9
Ta"le 0=. Summary o$ Circuit Brea+er Statistics "y Eoltage Classi$ication
$or 8orced Outages Involving Integral Su"com#onents and
Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
00= * 0A1 09,@:=.3 0<3< @<2,21A =.=1=9 0<0.2
03= * 011 @,=29.3 9< @@,3<1 =.=A0A @<@.A
@== * @11 0=,99:.3 0:01 039,12A =.0@0@ 0@=.A
:== * :11 A,03A.3 303 A1,<@< =.0@A= 1<.A
3== * 311 0,2AA.= @31 @@,=91 =.0A93 93.:
<== * 211 :,02A.3 330 0@A,2:: =.02:< @@<.A
d* "a$le er!ormance
Ta"les 00 and 0@ sho! a summary o$ ca"le #er$ormance "y
voltage classi$ication. ,ore details are given in >@?.
Ta"le 00. Summary o$ Ca"le Statistics $or Ca"le*Related 8orced Outages "y
Eoltage Classi$ication
EC H7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
# to 0=1 1<.= 1 A< 1.:23= 3.0 =.3A<
00= * 0A1 @3AA.= :1 2,=@= 0.3::= 09=.= :.03=
03= * 011 3=.= = = =.==== =.= =.===
@== * @11 9=A.= 0= 0,921 0.@A:9 092.1 @.<<9
:== * :11 <=.= 9 @23 0:.:::: :A.A 3.@:<
3== * 311 200.= 2 :1 =.19A3 3.3 =.=<@
Ta"le 0@. Summary o$ Ca"le Statistics $or Terminal*Related 8orced Outages
"y Eoltage Classi$ication
EC H7 NO TT 8re%uency -5er a. ,D
# to 0=1 0@2.= A : =.=:03 =.2 =.===
00= * 0A1 1@1.= AA 0,=@= =.=A2A @:.@ =.=0:
03= * 011 0@.= = = =.==== =.= =.===
@== * @11 013.3 @0 0@2 =.0=2A <.= =.==2
:== * :11 0==.= < 01@ =.=<== :@.0 =.=@@
3== * 311 @9.= 1 @: =.:@0A @.< =.=0=
e* Sync-ronous "ompensator er!ormance
Ta"le 0: sho!s the Synchronous Com#ensator #er$ormance
statistics. Additional details are given in >@?.
Ta"le 0:. Summary o$ Synchronous Com#ensator Statistics "y Eoltage Classi*
$ication $or All Integral Su"com#onents and Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency
-5er a.
All Integral Su"com#onents
# to 0=1 +E
03:.3 2A @1,919 =.A9@0 A=A
All Terminal E%ui#ment
# to 0=1 +E
03:.3 @2 0,3:= =.0231 3<.2
!* Static "ompensator er!ormance
Ta"le 0A sho!s the Static Com#ensator #er$ormance
statistics "y voltage classi$ication. Additional details are given
in >@?.
Ta"le 0A. Summary o$ Static Com#ensator Statistics "y Eoltage Classi$ication
$or All Integral Su"com#onents and Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency
-5er a.
All Integral Su"com#onents
# to 0=1 +E
00= D 0A1 +E
All Terminal E%ui#ment
# to 0=1 +E
00= D 0A1 +E
g* S-unt Reactor Ban, er!ormance
Ta"le 03 sho!s the Shunt Reactor Ban+ 5er$ormance
Statistics "y voltage classi$ication. Additional details are given
in >@?.
Ta"le 03. Summary o$ Shunt Reactor Ban+ Statistics "y Eoltage Classi*
$ication $or All Integral Su"com#onents and Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency
-5er a.
All Integral Su"com#onents
# to 0=1 +E :9A.= :0 A2,A:< =.=9=2 03:=.@
00= D 0A1 +E 3@.3 = = =.==== =.=
03= D 011 +E 3.= = = =.==== =.=
@== D @11 +E 03@.3 : 011 =.=012 <<.@
:== D :11 +E 02=.= 01 0,2<A =.0009 1@.1
3== D 311 +E 300.= 0: 1=1 =.=@3A <1.1
<== D 211 +E @=@3.= 0=: 2=,:3@ =.=3=1 <9:.=
All Terminal E%ui#ment
# to 0=1 +E :9A.= @< <,A1A =.=<22 @A1.9
00= D 0A1 +E 3@.3 = = =.==== =.=
03= D 011 +E 3.= = = =.==== =.=
@== D @11 +E 03@.3 1 0A9 =.=31= 0<.A
:== D :11 +E 02=.= 3 9< =.=@1A 02.@
3== D 311 +E 300.= @@ 0,@2: =.=A:0 32.1
<== D 211 +E @=@3.= A: :,:A1 =.=@0@ 22.1
-* S-unt "apacitor Ban, er!ormance
Ta"le 0< sho!s the Shunt Ca#acitor Ban+ #er$ormance
statistics "y voltage classi$ication. Additional details are given
in >@?.
i* Series "apacitor Ban, er!ormance
Ta"le 02 sho!s the Series Ca#acitor Ban+ #er$ormance
statistics "y voltage classi$ication. Additional details are given
in >@?.
The annual CEA re#ort on F8orced Outage 5er$ormance o$
Transmission E%ui#mentG contains considera"le detailed
in$ormation on the #er$ormance o$ the ,a&or Com#onents and
their Su"com#onents in addition to the data sho!n in Ta"les @
D 02.
Ta"le 0<. Summary o$ Shunt Ca#acitor Ban+ Statistics "y Eoltage Classi*
$ication $or All Integral Su"com#onents and Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency
-5er a.
All Integral Su"com#onents
# to 0=1 +E 0229.= 0:A 90,@39 =.=23A <=<.A
00= D 0A1 +E 9::.= @@2 @@,0<< =.@2@3 12.<
03= D 011 +E 0=.= = = =.==== =.=
@== D @11 +E @A:.3 13 A,190 =.:1=0 3@.A
:== D :11 +E 00=.= @ 0= =.=09@ A.9
<== D 211 +E @3.= 0 @01 =.=A== @01.0
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency
-5er a.
All Terminal E%ui#ment
# to 0=1 +E 0229.= :99 023,012 =.@09@ A30.3
00= D 0A1 +E 9::.= A=@ 3<,2A9 =.A9@< 0A0.@
03= D 011 +E 0=.= = = =.==== =.=
@== D @11 +E @A:.3 0@2 1,2<< =.3@0< 2<.1
:== D :11 +E 00=.= 0@ 0@9 =.0=10 0=.2
<== D 211 +E @3.= = = =.==== =.=
Ta"le 02. Summary o$ Series Ca#acitor Ban+ Statistics "y Eoltage Classi*
$ication $or All Integral Su"com#onents and Terminal E%ui#ment
EC C7 NO TT 8re%uency
-5er a.
All Integral Su"com#onents
# to 0=1 +E 0.3 = = =.==== =.=
00= D 0A1 +E <.= = = =.==== =.=
:== D :11 +E @@.= A :A: =.0909 93.1
3== D 311 +E 3<.= := 0,==1 =.3:32 ::.<
<== D 211 +E 1=.= @0 9=2 =.@::: :9.A
All Terminal E%ui#ment
# to 0=1 +E 0.3 @ = 0.:::: =.0
00= D 0A1 +E <.= = = =.==== =.=
:== D :11 +E @@.= @: 220 0.=A33 ::.3
3== D 311 +E 3<.= 2= @,<<0 0.@3== :9.=
<== D 211 +E 1=.= :1 3,A2= =.A::: 0A=.@
Ta"le @ #rovides a summary o$ the "asic statistics $or line*
related sustained $orced outages. The Re#ort >@? e'tends these
data "y attri"uting the outage events to Su"com#onents and
5rimary Causes $or each su##orting structure. The $ollo!ing
lists the classi$ications used in the case o$ @== D @11 +E
transmission lines.
Su##orting Structure 5rimary Cause Su"com#onents
Bood, Single 5ole Adverse Environment Structure
Bood, Dou"le 5ole System Condition Joints and Dead*ends
Steel, Sel$*Su##orting Kuman Element Conductor
Steel, ;uyed 8oreign Inter$erence Insulation System
Aluminum, Sel$*
De$ective E%ui#ment ;round Bire
Aluminum, ;uyed Adverse Beather Kard!are
Other n+no!n Other
As noted, Su"com#onent and 5rimary Cause data are given
$or each Su##orting Structure. Similar data are #rovided to
e'tend the line related transient $orced outage data in Ta"le :
and the terminal related $orced outage data in Ta"le A.
A similar a##roach is used to e'tend the data #resented in
Ta"les 3 D 02 $or other ,a&or Com#onents. The detailed
in$ormation is #resented in >@?.
The annual re#orts #roduced $or the ERIS and E5SRA
#rotocols all have Fcom#osite versionsG availa"le in addition
to Futility versionsG. The com#osite versions >0 * A? are
availa"le to all interested #arties. The utility versions contain
s#eci$ic individual utility statistics and are there$ore not
availa"le to non*#artici#ants o$ the systems. S#ecial studies
and re%uests using the in$ormation in these data"ases have
"een conducted $or the #artici#ating utilities and other "odies.
The ERIS and E5SRA methodology develo#ed $or
collecting data using a common set o$ de$initions are no!
acce#ted as Canadian electric #o!er industry standards. These
systems !ere develo#ed as a &oint e$$ort "et!een the CEA, the
Consultative Committee on Outage Statistics -CCOS. and
industry e'#erts. Both ERIS and E5SRA are national systems
that have the strong su##ort o$ CanadaCs electric #o!er
>0? Canadian Electricity Association FGeneration Equipment Status Annual
Report . /00/G.
>@? Canadian Electricity Association FForced Outage er!ormance o!
Transmission Equipment . 12234/001G.
>:? Canadian Electricity Association F/00/ Annual Ser%ice "ontinuity
Report On #istri$ution System er!ormance In Electric )tilities
5"anadian and International*G.
>A? Canadian Electricity Association FBul, Electricity System #eli%ery
oint Interruptions and Signi!icant ower Interruptions . 12264/00/7.
In!ormation on t-ese programs can $e o$tained !rom&
5eter ;elineau, 5.Eng.
Senior Advisor
Benchmar+ing and RLD
Canadian Electricity Association
003, rue ,etcal$e, "ureau 00@=
,ontreal, 4ue"ec, K:B @E<
Tel( -30A. 9<<*3:23
8a'( -30A. 9<<*099=

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