Informatica Rocks - Informatica Project Explonation

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8/8/2014 Informatica Rocks: Informatica Project Explonation 1/5
Informatica Rocks
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Informatica Project Explonation
Project Explanation:
Im giving generic explanation of the project. Any project either banking or sales or insurance
can use this explanation.
First u have to start with
1) U have to first explain about objective of the project and what is client expectations
2) U have to start where ur involvement and responsibility of ur job and limitations of job. Add some
points from post Project Architecture reply like offshore and onsite model and team structure..etc.,
Main objective of this project is we are providing a system with all the information regarding Sales
/Transactions (sales if sales domain / transactions if bank domain or insurance domain) of entire
organizations all over the country US / UK (based on the client location US/UK/..). we will get
the daily transaction data from all branches at the end of the day. We have to validate the
transactions and implement the business logic based on the transactions type or transaction code.
We have to load all historical data into dwh and once finished historical data. We have to load Delta
Loads. Delta load means last 24 hrs transactions captured from the source system. In other words
u can call it as Change Data Capture (CDC). This Delta loads are scheduled daily basis. Pick
some points from What is Target Staging Area Post.. Source to Staging mappings, staging
to warehousing.. based on ur comfort level..Each transaction contains Transaction code..
based on the transaction code u can identify whether that transaction belongs to sales,
purchase / car insurance, health insurance, / deposit , loan, payment ( u have to change the
words based on the project..) etc., based on that code business logic will be change.. we
validate and calculate the measure and load to database.
One Mapping explanation: In Informatica mapping, we first lookup all the transaction codes
with code master table to identify the transaction type to implement the correct logic and
filter the unnecessary transactions.. because in an organization there are lot of transactions
will be there but u have to consider only required transactions for ur project.. the transaction
code exists in the code master table are only transactions u have to consider and
other transactions load into one table called Wrap table and invalid records( transaction code
missing, null, spaces) to error table. For each dimension table we are creating surrogate key
and load into dwh tables.
SCD2 Mapping: We are implementing SCD2 mapping for customer dimension or account
dimension to keep history of the accounts or customers. We are using SCD2 Date method.
Before telling this u should know it clearly abt thisSCD2 method...Careful abt
it...Responsibilities... pick from Project architecture Post and tell according ur comfortable
level.. We are responsible for only development and testing and scheduling we are using third
party tools..(Control M, AutoSys, Job Tracker, Tivoli or etc...) We simply give the
dependencies between each mapping and runtime. Based on that Information scheduling tool
team will schedule the mappings. We wont schedule in Informatica... thats it Finished
Please Let me know if u required more explanation regarding any point reply
Informatica Interview Questions
What are the differences between Connected and


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8/8/2014 Informatica Rocks: Informatica Project Explonation 2/5
Unconnected Lookup?
Connected lookup participates in dataflow and receives input directly from the
pipeline Unconnected lookup receives input values from the result of a LKP:
expression in another transformation
Connected lookup can use both dynamic and static cache
Unconnected Lookup cache can NOT be dynamic Connected lookup can
return more than one column value ( output port )
Unconnected Lookup can return only one column value i.e. output port
Connected lookup caches all lookup columns
Unconnected lookup caches only the lookup output ports in the lookup
conditions and the return port Supports user-defined default values (i.e. value
to return when lookup conditions Does not support user defined default values
are not satisfied)
What is the difference between Router and
Router transformation divides the incoming records into multiple groups
based on some condition. Such groups can be mutually inclusive
(Different groups may contain same record) Filter transformation restricts
or blocks the incoming record set based on one given condition. Router
transformation itself does not block any record. If a certain record does
not match any of the routing conditions, the record is routed to default
group Filter transformation does not have a default group. If one record
does not match filter condition, the record is blocked Router acts like
CASE.. WHEN statement in SQL (Or Switch ()... Case statement in C)
Filter acts like WHERE condition is SQL.
What can we do to improve the performance of
Informatica Aggregator Transformation?
Aggregator performance improves dramatically if records are sorted
before passing to the aggregator and "sorted input" option under
aggregator properties is checked. The record set should be sorted on
those columns that are used in Group By operation. It is often a good
idea to sort the record set in database level e.g. inside a source qualifier
transformation, unless there is a chance that already sorted records from
source qualifier can again become unsorted before reaching aggregator
What is the different lookup cache?
Lookups can be cached or un cached (No cache). Cached lookup can
be either static or dynamic.
A static cache is one which does not modify the cache once it is built and
it remains same during the session run. On the other hand,
A dynamic cache is refreshed during the session run by inserting or
updating the records in cache based on the incoming source data. A
lookup cache can also be divided as persistent or non-persistent based on
whether Informatica retains the cache even after session run is complete
or not respectively
How can we update a record in target table without using
Update strategy?
A target table can be updated without using 'Update Strategy'. For this, we need to define the
key in the target table in Informatica level and then we need to connect the key and the field
8/8/2014 Informatica Rocks: Informatica Project Explonation 3/5
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Posted by Obul Reddy Nimmakayala at 23:52
we want to update in the mapping Target. In the session level, we should set the target
property as "Update as Update" and check the "Update" check-box. Let's assume we have
a target table "Customer" with fields as "Customer ID", "Customer Name" and "Customer
Address". Suppose we want to update "Customer Address "without an Update Strategy.
Then we have to define "Customer ID" as primary key in Informatica level and we will have to
connect Customer ID and Customer Address fields in the mapping. If the session properties
are set correctly as described above, then the mapping will only update the customer
address field for all matching customer IDs
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1 comment:
Lakshmi 8 May 2014 13:50
You said to pick some points from What is Target Staging Area Post...
and pick from Project architecture Post and tell according ur comfortable level.. can
you please help where to get the post and what is the link for that
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