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Company Profile: Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company

Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (Metrobank) was incorporated on September 5, 19! in t"e
#"ilippines$ %t ac&uired its uni'ersal bankin( license in )u(ust 19*1$
Metrobank is a uni'ersal bank pro'idin( a +ull ran(e o+ bankin( ser'ices to lar(e local and multinational
corporations, middle market, "i(" net wort" indi'iduals and retail se(ments$ T"e Bank owns substantial
e&uities in a roster o+ allied and non,allied undertakin(s suc" as li+e and non,li+e insurance, banc
assurance, consumer bankin(, in'estment mana(ement, credit cards, leasin(, real estate de'elopment
and car manu+acturin( and distribution$ Some o+ its subsidiaries and a++iliates are t"e +ollowin(-
#"ilippines Sa'in( Bank, .irst Metro %n'estment Corporation, Metrobank Card Corporation, /ri0 Metro
1easin( and .inance Corporation, #"ilippines )2) 1i+e and Toyota Motors #"ilippines Corporation$
)t t"e end o+ !33*, Metrobank is t"e "i("est capitali4ed bank in t"e #"ilippines$ %t "as consolidated
resources o+ o'er #5# 67 Billion and net income attributable to common s"are"olders was recorded at
#"p 7$7 Billion
Today, Metrobank remains one o+ t"e reco(ni4ed and trusted brand in t"e #"ilippines, wit" a consolidated
network o+ o'er 633 domestic branc"es and 85 +orei(n branc"es, subsidiaries, and representati'e o++ices9
5* remittance tie,ups, and more t"an a t"ousand correspondent banks, wit" an international presence
spannin( !1 countries$ %t "as a consolidated network o+ o'er 1,333 )TMs t"rou("out t"e #"ilippines$
Metrobank is ranked +irst amon( #"ilippine companies in t"e cate(ory o+ :.inancial ;eputation< by
readers o+ T"e =all Street >ournal )sia, based on its latest )sia !339 report$
Metrobank Career Opportunities
#lease send your resume wit" t"e ?ob code as t"e sub?ect line to-
@mail- ?acky$arriolaAmetrobank$com$p"
)ddress- )ttention- 5;MB C Strate(ic Sourcin( Department
.loor Main Buildin(, Metrobank #la4a
Sen Bil #uyat )'enue Makati City

E .or ot"er ?ob openin(s, please re+er to "ttp-FFwww$metrobank$com$p"Fcareers$asp
1. Trust Account Officer (>ob Code- TBB C T)/)
Mana(es trust accounts o+ businesses and company retirement and bene+it plans o+ its employees$
@nsures t"at trust clients are pro'ided wit" customer satis+action t"rou(" better return,on,in'estment
a(ainst benc"mark (port+olio mana(ement), li&uidity ser'icin( and &uality customer ser'ice (account
mana(ement and transactional concerns)
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( salesFmarketin(, networkin(, presentation, account mana(ement
ne(otiation and market & risk analysis skills (ained +rom a reputable bank$
#re+erably wit" e0perience (ained in treasury marketin(, trust marketin(, in'estment "ouse, mutual
+unds andFor similar +ields$
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
#re+erred lan(ua(e- C"inese
)pplicant must be willin( to work in Makati City Cebu City, %loilo or Da'ao City
Candidate must be an Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial Ser'ices
or e&ui'alent
2. Trust Portfolio Officer " #n$estment Mana!ement %epartment (>ob Code- TBB, T#/)
De'elops and implements in'estment strate(ies +or local an& forei!n fi'e& income or equity
securities to meet pro+it bud(et t"rou(" ma0imi4in( pro+itability, e0cess return,on,in'estment a(ainst
benc"mark as well as mana(in( risk, market and li&uidity o+ Common Trust .unds, Hnit %n'estment
Trust .unds, traditional trusts and ot"er assi(ned port+olios$ Sources, monitors and trades local and
+orei(n +i0ed income or e&uity in'estments +or trust bankin( clients$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must already passed at least C.) 1e'el 1
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( tradin(, port+olio mana(ement, ne(otiation, market & risk analysis
and customer "andlin( skills (ained +rom a reputable bank$
#re+erably wit" e0perience (ained in treasury marketin(, trust marketin(, in'estment "ouse,
mutual +unds andFor similar +ields$
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
#re+erred lan(ua(e- C"inese
)pplicant must be willin( to work in Makati City
Candidate must be an Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial
Ser'ices or e&ui'alent
(. Market an& )iqui&ity Officer * Risk Mana!ement +roup (>ob Code- ;MB,M1/)
%denti+ies, analy4es, measures and mana(es market and li&uidity risks arisin( +orm balance s"eet
port+olios, and tradin( and structurin( business o+ Metrobank Broup to pro'ide support in t"e
selection and implementation o+ in'estment strate(ies$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( back(round in port+olio credit risk mana(ement, port+olio credit risk
analysis, measurement, reportin( and communication, market analysis and in'estment
mana(ement (ained in a reputable bank or +inancial ser'ices institution
=it" e0perience in assessin(, monitorin( and reportin( market, interest rate and li&uidity risks +or
Treasury and balance s"eet port+olios$
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
Candidate must be willin( to work in Makati City
Candidate must be an Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial
Ser'ices or e&ui'alent
,. -ea& Portfolio Market Risk %epartment " Risk Mana!ement +roup
(>ob Code- ;MB,M;D)
;esponsible +or t"e o'erall identi+ication, analysis, measurement and mana(ement o+ port+olio
market, interest rate, and li&uidity risks arisin( +rom tradin(, structurin( and ot"er businesses o+
Treasury (roups wit"in t"e Metrobank Broup$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( back(round in port+olio credit risk mana(ement, port+olio credit risk
analysis, measurement, reportin( and communication (ained in a reputable bank or +inancial
ser'ices institution
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
Candidate must be willin( to work in Makati City
Candidate must be a .enior Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial
Ser'ices or e&ui'alent
/. Trust Marketin! Officer (>ob Code- TBB, TM/)
Markets di++erent trust products and ser'ices to corporate and "i(" net wort" indi'idual clients$
Benerate own leads as well as work closely wit" Metrobank branc"esI network in solicitin( re+errals
on retirement +unds, pre,need and corporate trust and a(ency accounts to ac"ie'e 'olume and
re'enue bud(ets$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( salesFmarketin(, networkin(, presentation, account mana(ement
ne(otiation and market & risk analysis skills (ained +rom a reputable bank$
#re+erably wit" e0perience (ained in treasury marketin(, trust marketin(, in'estment "ouse,
mutual +unds andFor similar +ields$
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
#re+erred lan(ua(e- C"inese
)pplicant must be willin( to work in Makati City Cebu City, %loilo or Da'ao City
Candidate must be an Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial
Ser'ices or e&ui'alent

0. Treasury Tra&er (>ob Code- TB,T;T)
#ro'ides :market makin(< in t"e assi(ned products or currencies i$e$ local or +orei(n +i0ed income
securities or +orei(n e0c"an(e$ @0ecutes t"e tradin( plans and pricin( strate(ies, in consultation
wit" super'isor, in a timely and co'ert manner wit" t"e ob?ecti'e o+ attainin( t"e re'enue and
'olume ob?ecti'es o+ t"e Bank$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
#re+erably candidate s"ould already passed at least C.) 1e'el 1
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( tradin( and position,takin(, pricin(, ne(otiation, market & risk
analysis and customer "andlin( skills (ained +rom a reputable bank$
#re+erably wit" e0perience (ained in treasury marketin(, trust marketin(, in'estment "ouse,
mutual +unds andFor similar +ields$
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
)pplicant must be willin( to work in Makati City
Candidate must be an Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial
Ser'ices or e&ui'alent
1. Treasury .ales Tra&er (>ob Code- TB,T;S)
5andles day,to,day re&uirements o+ clients +or all +orei(n e0c"an(e or +i0ed income and domestic
or +orei(n products$ @nsures 'olume and income (rowt" o+ e0istin( client base$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must already passed t"e S@C .i0ed %ncome Securities Sales Certi+icate
#re+erably candidate s"ould already passed at least C.) 1e'el 1
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( salesFmarketin(, tradin(, pricin(, ne(otiation, market & risk
analysis and customer "andlin( skills (ained +rom a reputable bank$
#re+erably wit" e0perience (ained in treasury marketin(, trust marketin(, in'estment "ouse,
mutual +unds andFor similar +ields$
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
#re+erred lan(ua(e- C"inese
)pplicant must be willin( to work in Makati City Cebu City or %a$ao City
Candidate must be an Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial
Ser'ices or e&ui'alent
2. %eputy -ea& Commercial Account %i$ision * Corporate Bankin! +roup
(>ob Code- CBB, C)D)
To(et"er wit" t"e Di'ision 5ead, directs t"e Di'ision towards t"e de'elopment and maintenance o+
mutually bene+icial business relations"ips wit" entrepreneurial clients belon(in( to t"e Top 1,333
Corporations by pro'idin( w"olesale bankin( ser'ices includin( but not limited to corporate +inance,
in'estment bankin(, cas" mana(ement, trade ser'ices, and structured +inance$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 5 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must not be o'er 75 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( bank lendin(, account mana(ement and credit back(round (ained
+rom a reputable bank
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
Candidate must be willin( to work in Makati City
Candidate must be a Mana!er to A3P speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial Ser'ices or e&ui'alent
4. Relations5ip Mana!er for Corporate Bankin! +roup (>ob Code- CBB,;M)
Markets t"e bank products and mana(es t"e corporate port+olios o+ clients belon(in( to t"e top 1,333
corporations$ Communicates re(ularly wit" prospecti'e and e0istin( clients +or purposes o+ identi+yin(
needs and identi+yin( compatible bank products i$e$ loan +acilities, trade ser'ices, in'estments,
structured +inance, cas" mana(ement ser'ices, etc$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( bank lendin(, account mana(ement and credit back(round (ained
+rom a reputable bank
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
#re+erred lan(ua(e(s)- C"inese$
)pplicant must be willin( to work in Makati City,
Candidate must be a Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial Ser'ices
or e&ui'alent
16. Relations5ip Mana!er for Corporate Bankin! 7apan %esk (>ob Code- CBB,>)#)
Markets t"e bank products and mana(es t"e corporate port+olios o+ >apanese corporate clients$
Communicates re(ularly wit" prospecti'e and e0istin( clients +or purposes o+ identi+yin( needs and
identi+yin( compatible bank products i$e$ loan +acilities, trade ser'ices, in'estments, structured
+inance, cas" mana(ement ser'ices, etc$
Candidate must possess at least a Bac"elorGsFColle(e De(ree wit" at least 8 year(s) o+ workin(
e0perience in related discipline
Candidate must not be o'er 73 years old
Candidate must "a'e a stron( bank lendin(, account mana(ement and credit back(round
(ained +rom a reputable bank
Candidate must "a'e sound strate(ic t"inkin( ability, and pro'en leaders"ip and mana(ement
#re+erred lan(ua(e(s)- C"inese$
)pplicant must be willin( to work in Makati City,
Candidate must be a Assistant Mana!er to Mana!er speciali4in( in Bankin(F .inancial
Ser'ices or e&ui'alent

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