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At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the proper use of ESD tools and Hand Tools;
2. recognize the proper use of ESD tools and Hand tools;
3. demonstrate the proper use of ESD tools and Hand Tools.
B. Sub-topic: ESD TOOLS !A"D TOOLS
C. R#$#%#nc#&:
K to 12 asic Education !urriculum. Technolog" and #i$elihood education.
#earning %odule. !omputer Hard&are Ser$icing. pp. 19-21
D. Mat#%ia'&:
1. ESD Tools
2. Hand Tools
3. #aptop
'. (o&er(oint presentation
). (ro*ector
+. (ointer
,. paper and mar-er
A. P%#pa%ato%( Acti)iti#&
1. Daily Routine
!hec-ing of /ttendance
!ollecting of /ssignment
2. Review
0hat are the different categories of hard&are tools1
.i$e example tools that is using in computer repair1
3. Motivation
The class &ill 2e di$ided into ) groups. Each group &ill 2e gi$en a mar-er and a
paper &here the" &ill &rite their ans&er. The teacher &ill sho& pictures and the students
&ill guess &hat &ord &ill 2e formed from those pictures. 3nl" one 415 of the group
mem2er &ill raise the paper to sho& their ans&er. The group &ho &ill get the highest
score &ill 2e declared as the &inner.
B. L#&&on P%op#%
1. Discussion
P%op#% U&# o$ Too'&
6s a handheld de$ice that aids in accomplishing a tas-
a!dwa!e Tools
Electro7Static Discharge 4ESD5 tools
Hand tools
!leaning tools
Diagnostic tools
P%op#% u&# o$ ESD Too'&
ESD "#le$t!o %tati$ Dis$ha!&e' this is easil" generated 2" friction of carpets8 tile floor8
clothing8 hair8 fa2ric and etc. the friction mo$ing air alone &ill charge suspended particles
and cause the 2uildup of static electrical charges on people and o2*ects in the
/nti &rist strap
9sed to pre$ent ESD damage to computer e:uipment
/nti static mat
9sed to stand on or place hard&are on to pre$ent static electricit" from 2uilding up.
P%op#% u&# o$ !an, Too'&
and tool is a de$ice for performing &or- on a material or a ph"sical s"stem using onl"
hands. The hand tools can 2e manuall" used emplo"ing force8 or electricall" po&ered
using electrical current
;lat head scre&dri$er
9sed to loosen or tighten slotted scre&s
(hilips head scre&dri$er
9sed to loosen or tighten cross7 head scre&s
Torx scre&dri$er
9sed to loosen or tighten scre&s that ha$e a star7li-e depression on the top8 a
feature that is mainl" found on laptop.
Hex dri$er
Sometimes called a nut dri$er8 is used to tighten nuts in the same &a" that a
scre&dri$er tightens scre&s.
<eedle7nose plier
9sed to hold small parts.
0ire cutter
9sed to strip and cut &ires.
9sed to manipulate small parts.
(art retrie$er
9sed to retrie$e parts from location that are too small for "our hand to fit.
9sed to light up areas that "ou cannot see &ell.
2. /pplication
The teacher &ill call student to identif" and demonstrate the uses of ESD tools and
Hand Tools.
3. .eneralization
Tool is a handheld de$ice that aids in accomplishing a tas-. There are four
categories of hard&are tools &hich is the Electro7Static Discharge 4ESD5 tools8 Hand
tools8 !leaning tools and the Diagnostic tools. /nti &rist strap and /nti static mat are
2elong to the ESD Tools &hile the Hand tools are ;lat head scre&dri$er8 (hillips head
scre&dri$er8 Torx scre&dri$er8 Hex dri$er8 <eedle7nose plier8 0ire cutter8 T&eezers8 (art
retrie$er and ;lashlight.
6DE<T6;6!/T63<= 6dentif" the appropriate tool to use for each of the follo&ing.
>>>>>>>>>> 1. E:ualize the electrical charge 2et&een "ou and the e:uipment.
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Tighten?loosen scre&
>>>>>>>>>> 3. Tighten?loosen 2old &ith a hexagonal head
>>>>>>>>>> '. @etrie$e parts that ma" 2e hard to reach
>>>>>>>>>> ).Tighten?loosen a slotted scre&.
-#( to Co%%#ction:
1. /ntistatic 0rist Strap
2. (hillips Head Scre&dri$er
3. Hex Dri$er
'. (art @etrie$er
). ;lat Head Scre&dri$er
Di!e$tion: Answe! the followin& (uestions. )!ite you! answe! on one "
*2' sheet of pape!.
1. 0hat are the !leaning Tools and its uses1
2. 0hat are the Diagnostic Tools and its uses1
K to 12 asic Education !urriculum. Technolog" and #i$elihood education.
#earning %odule. !omputer Hard&are Ser$icing. pp. 19-21
3ther computer hard&are ser$icing 2oo-s.

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