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Follow Your Bliss

Dawn Larzelier, Certified Holistic Life Coach

Posts Tagged eating
Rainbow Diet
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Eating a rainbow a day can have lasting health benefits for the physical and energetic bodies!
Everyone knows that to eat a variety of foods ensres optimal ntrition bt with the constant
changes in recommendations for a !balanced diet," many of s are left confsed and, frankly,
apathetic# $he easiest way % know of to get a tre, balanced daily intake of ntritios foods is to !eat
a rainbow"&no, not a bag of the rainbow'colored candies, bt a vibrant mi(tre of fresh, real and
wholesome foods# )ot only do yo ensre intake of minerals and vitamins in this way, bt did yo
know yo also are nrtring yor energy field when yo eat a rainbow*
$he wisdom in this lies in the fact that the rainbow is important to or vitality on so many levels#
+or one, the body,s energy system is reflected as sch in or chakra system# -ecase or energy
bodies contain the fll spectrm of light rays, or responses to color can tell s a lot abot what or
physical bodies need at any given moment in time# +or instance, when yo find yo are drawn to a
particlar color, yor energy field is in need of that particlar vibration and all it represents# .nd
/st the opposite for colors yo re/ect0 yor sbconscios is feeling overloaded by that particlar
vibration and is pshing it away# 1ay attention to the colors of the foods yo are instinctively drawn
to and yo may be srprised by what yor Higher 2elf is leading yo towards#
Here is a 3ick breakdown of the spectrm of food and the needs they meet4
Color Foods Vitamins & Nutrients Benefits
5ed 2trawberries, cherries, %ron, +atty acids 5ed vibrations increase
meat, nts, beets,
radishes, peppers,
tomatoes, chillies
energy levels and
vitality# Lack of red
foods are shown
throgh anemia, light'
headedness and lack of
6range 6ranges, melons,
pmpkin, peppers,
carrots, oats, brown
rice, sesame seeds,
shellfish, peaches,
7itamin ., calcim,
copper, selenim, zinc
6range foods help to
deto(ify the body and
release stress#
Constipation is a
physical symptom of
lack of orange foods,
bt so is any blockage
to one,s creativity
8artist,s and writer,s
block, for instance9 as
well as stiffness in
mscles and /oints#
:ellow -ananas, grapefrit,
lemons, corn and other
grains, s3ash, peppers,
eggs, oils, btter and
other healthy fats
7itamin ., 7itamin -
comple(, 7itamin D,
sodim, potassim,
selenim, idodine,
chromim, magnese
:ellow foods combat
irritability, tension, poor
memory, restlessness
digestive problems and
they help the immne
system, improve
depression and help
overcome feelings of
hopelessness or worry#
;reen Leafy greens, apples,
pears, avocados,
kiwifrit, limes,
cabbage, broccoli, kale,
most herbs, leeks,
.ll vitamins and
Lack of green vibration
creates depression,
feelings of being
trapped, breathing
difficlties and a lack of
self vale# <any leafy
greens are considered
bitters which helps the
liver deto(ify and keeps
the digestive system in
-le and 7iolet 1lms, bleberries,
black grapes, kelp and
all seaweed, asparags,
prple sproting
broccoli, eggplant, 2t#
=ohn,s >ort, prple
%odine, 7itamin E,
-le foods help the
voice, glands and
organs of the neck and
commnication skills#
7iolet vibrations effect
the workings of the
mind# ??7iolet serves
to create illsion, so be
aware that certain foods
act in a violet way# +or
instance, alcohol,
additives, sgar and
most ;<6 foods fall
into this category#
7iolet vibrations are
also sed in healing or
ceremonies 8peyote, for
instance9 and foods that
fall in this category
mst be sed with care
and respect, or they can
be very damaging to
one,s body#
?$able adapted from Crystal, Color and Chakra Healing by 2e and 2imon Lilly, @AAB#

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